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Friday, November 2, 2018

魔鬼人 - mó guìrén - Devil People

One thing leads to another.

Nu ar fi asta definiția scurtă a consecințialismului, un curent filozofic contemporan foarte important?

Vroiam să postez ceva și din idee în idee am ajuns iar la această sintagmă pe care am însă de data aceasta am făcut-o imediat titlu al unei postări de blog. Am mai tradus cu ajutorul lui Google Translate de câteva ori 4 hanzi (caractere chinezești). Le-am pus acum din nou înșirate în GT întâmplător în altă combinație și mi-a ieșit o surpriză. Am mai aflat de un hanzi. Și se potrivește atât de bine cu ce vroiam să spun.

(Subiectul lingvistic pare vast, o discuție separată, nu vreau să intru în detalii. Plănuiesc să intru în contact cu cineva de origine chineză ca să discut puțin ca să mă lămuresc definitiv).

魔 mó - magic

高 gāo - expensive,

贵 guì - high, noble

鬼 guì - ghost

人 rén - people

Deci imediat după ce am terminat și consumat câteva bucățele din prăjitura cu unt de cocos am căzut buștean. Am dormit două ore, între 8 seara și 10 seara și m-am trezit fără chef dar trebuie să termin ce am început. Mă simt ceva mai bine.

Nu e nici un secret că în ultimele zile pancreatita mea s-a acutizat. Am aflat și cauza. În ultimele săptămâni am petrecut mult timp în zona bucătăriei. Am început să spăl vase manual (nu mai spăl niciodată la mașină după ce am aflat cum funcționează, apa murdară urcă într-o gaură din capac și grăsime murdară care acumulează acolo), pizza aproape în fiecare zi, alte feluri. Lângă bucătărie este cămăruța boilerului. Ușa este mai mult de formă fiindcă are un grilaj, ceva ca niște aripioare de respirat pentru rechini. Acolo când m-am mutat am găsit praf din acela pentru cutia de pisici, folosit excesiv. Sub mașina de spălat dar și în cuva boilerului. O parte a intrat sub boiler. Urmele de jeg de pe mașina de spălat veche, mai ales în interior sub panourile metalice puțeau extraordinar, mi-am cumpărat o perie specială, am răsturnat mașina pe o parte și am spălat-o de mai multe ori. Boilerul mai curgea pe la țeava de apă rece. O picătură pe minut. Cândva, peste un an, l-am ridicat prin înclinare stânga dreapta și introducere niște șipci de lemn și am reușit să bag un prosop dedesubt pe care-l scoteam negru de rugină. Era și o țeava de canalizare în mijlocul cuvei cred, dar sunt sigur pentru că nu am văzut-o. Am simțit-o cu o riglă de lemn. După ce am scos cât am putut cu prosopul (recunosc, putoarea insuportabilă mă făcea să mă grăbesc, și eram amețit de un fum care venea de afară) am băgat niște spumă din aceea la cutie de spray de la un magazin de bricolaj. Am auzit la un moment dat cum spumă a făcut un sunet ca și cum ar fi pătruns undeva. Dacă există țeava de canalizare care normal nu mai avea apă în partea în formă de S, mirosul de canalizare venea pe acolo. După toată faza s-a liniștit mirosul dar nu a trecut niciodată complet dar era greu să-mi dau seama fiindcă era acoperit de alte mirosuri. Probabil ar fi trebuit să aștept câteva zile, să ridici din nou boilerul și să scot spuma acea întărită după care să pun alta curată. După ce vara asta dar mai ales în ultima lună a încetat fumul care venea pe undeva în apartament, nu mai vreau să intru și în discuția asta și am curățat mucegaiul de pe un perete din spatele etajerei de la televizor și de pe marginile geamurilor din aluminiu, am început să simt iar mirosul de la boiler. Mult mai puțin, poate o zecime sau o sutime din ce a fost înainte.

Acum 2 zile parcă am fost în parc, era rece, soare, dar m-am întors din drum fiindcă tot aerul mirosea a fum iute de lemne locale (niște esențe de pin uriaș, cu lemn foarte tare, care arde cu un miros iute, care domină pădurile din Oregon și alte zone din SUA). Probabil "de la un cămin care abia a fost pornit și nu a avut coșul timp să se încălzească".

Ieri când mi-am dat seama am făcut curățenie generală. Dat cu aspiratorul, spălat lenjerie și toate rufele acumulate în câteva zile, am pus un ventilator lângă boiler. Totul în casă, rufele în contact cu apa, aveau un miros foarte subtil de canalizare. Am găsit iar rugină lângă țeava aceea, deși nu mai curgea. Am strâns puțin țeava, o zecime de tură cu o cheie (garnitura de nailon în timp cedează). Am mai curățat multă rugină împuțită de canalizare mai jos într-o gură de vizitare unde se acumulase fiindcă a curs de-a lungul firului electric. Azi dimineață adică a doua zi după ce am terminat curățenia m-am trezit fără nici o durere în spate sau abdominală. Nici o durere în timpul înghițitului. Orice urmă de pancreatită mi-a trecut într-o noapte.

Dar a mai fost un motiv. Acum câteva zile când mă durea rău am poftit cookies (un fel de fursecuri americane). 10 minute (timp folosit, timp în cuptor, total 20), două ouă, o lingură de grăsime sau unt, un pic de zahăr (ca pentru diabetici) un pic de bicarbonat și un pic de smântână ca să aibă cu ce să reacționeze bicarbonatul (partea acidă). Dar nu am avut smântână și am făcut fără. Bicarbonatul nu a reacționat cu nimic. Cookie-urile avea gust de bicarbonat încât pișcau de limbă dar acele cookies mi-am făcut să îmi treacă durerile aproape complet. După care am trebăluit iar în zona cu putoarea din bucătărie, mi-am mai făcut odată cookies din alea, între timp mi-am dat seama, combinația bicarbonat - ulei de cocos care se eliberează în timp, la fel ca medicamentele care se degajă în timp, fiind prinse în făina din aluat.

Am mai uscat o mașină de rufe rămasă de ieri, am mai scris pe aici și m-am dus în parc. Era cald ca vara, 20 de grade. Umiditate 98%. Mă simțeam ca în vacanță la mare. Bine că am făcut curățenie generală. Am mers vreo milă și am observat niște tipe care acționau ciudat. O tipă cu tricou fără mâneci verde deschis cu o fustă mini de un roz pastelat, care arătat ca și cum ar fi fost o balerină dar cam la sfârșit de carieră, plimba un câine pe o alee din fața mea.

Mergea doi pași, se întorcea, se oprea, se rotea, iar mergea, iar se oprea, iar se rotea după cum se mișca câinele. Mă uitam curios și a ridicat mâna spre mine. M-am uitat în spate, nu am văzut nimic. Am mai făcut câțiva pași și o mașină care a ieșit de la sala uriașa cu mai multe terenuri de tenis înăuntru a claxonat, Am întors capul și o tipă la volan făcea cu mâna tot în direcția mea. Altă tipă cea din mașină a început să vorbească (țipe) cu ea, de la distanță de 100 de metri, eu fiind exact între ele.

Am mers mai departe. Soare. Respiram aerul curat și umed și cald ca vara. Am ajuns în zona cu copaci iar la vreo milă, când vroiam să mă întorc am simțit miros de fum. Fum de gunoi, mi-am zis eu. M-am întors, fumul apărea și dispărea. Nu era așa de rău ca acum două zile. M-am întâlnit cu călugărița, (mantis religiosa, mantidae, așa îi spun eu deși ea e din specia șerpilienilor). O tipă cu aspect de unguroaică înaltă cât mine dar la o treime din greutate, eu acum având cam 125 de kg. Are niște picioare de 2 sau 3 inci grosime in zona coapsei, de altfel, sănătoasă. Dacă ar bate vântul ar trebui să se țină de ceva. O văd acolo în fiecare zi, îmbrăcată tot așa în pantaloni scurți cu un tricou pastelat. Și ea a ridicat o mână la ceafă și apoi la față.

Când am venit acasă (e o milă distanță, așa putea să merg pe jos până în parc dar e mult fum și zgomot pe stradă) am evitat din nou accidentul de la intersecția foarte periculoasă de la alea care vine pe lângă parc (Nyberg, pronunțat naiba) și dă în strada principală, tot Nyberg, care se schimbă în 65 chiar acolo. Pe partea cealaltă este semafor pentru cei care vin din parcarea de la magazine. De fiecare dată când se face verde, după 5 secunde apare o mașină de undeva din parcare și vine spre mine care sunt gata să o iau la stânga, tot pe verde. Venind înainte, are prioritate, dar nu-i vezi fiindcă nu sunt acolo când intri în intersecție. Deci a apărut o mașină gri vopsită mat (într-un atelier de mâna doua), cel mai greu de observat, și a pornit spre mine pe verde exact când o făceam la stânga. Am oprit și l-am lăsat să treacă. Un tip care semăna cu Tolontan, pe trecerea de pietoni dar bănuiesc mult mai scund, mi-a atras atenția înainte de a veni acea mașină. Însă am văzut mașina fiindcă am trecut de 300 de ori prin acea intersecție și știu lecția (eu veneam pe săgeata înainte stânga de sus, el a venit din parcare și a intrat pe verde pe săgeata înainte stânga de jos când eu eram la jumătatea intersecție).

Deci am venit acasă și în urma vrăjilor din parc am uitat de pancreatită și am mâncat înghețată. La vreo oră gata m-a luat iar la fel ca înainte. Cu frisoane de data asta. Repede, în grabă, mi-am făcut iar cookies, dar acum aveam smântână. Deci nu mai aveau gust de bicarbonat. Particulele de fum încărcate cu ceva (gunoi cred) încet încet se curăță din plămâni și se elimină în esofag. Gura, gingiile mă ustură. Esofagul îmi dă o durere ascuțită.

Atunci mi-am dat seama că asta ar fi rețetă bună pentru pancreatită acută. Fursecuri, de fapt mai mult biscuiți, cu un ou-două, puțin bicarbonat, o lingură-două de ulei de cocos dar fără agent acid (smântână, iaurt, zeamă de lămâie). Bicarbonatul în mare parte rămâne intact și împreună cu uleiul de cocos se eliberează lent pe măsura digestiei și ajută cu inflamația. Alimentație variată, fibre, fructe, vitamina D.

Generațiile noi, chiar și preoții născuți în perioada comunismului au auzit poate vag de vrăjitori/oare. Că au fost cândva. Că au fost persecutate (ți) de inchiziție. Părea ireal. Însă vă spun eu. Există și sunt bine-mersi. Formează diferite curente religioase. În unele țări s-a păstrat în paralel cu catolicismul timp de o mie de ani. Însă ce religie, ce spiritualitate e aceea care se manifestă prin arderea de murdării (lucruri necurate) afectând un spațiu vast doar pentru o singură persoană care trece pe acolo? Și întrebarea de bază. Pe câți au aranjat în felul acesta?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Remote and Local Exorcism

A Theory about Everything

To help falling asleep at 2 Angela started the radio on Coast to Coast AM. It helps her forget other things. People with friendly voices talking weird things at night. But they are a ray of sanity in the hell we're living. Calm voices talking about whatever. I was laying in bed listening since 2 AM. A pastor talking about the elites. But first thing i heard was about some weird stuff he just heard about a study saying that people who swear are more intelligent than others. Then i'be been thinking.

Only people who ever been transplanted into another culture know the differences. Even swearing is cultural. In the US, as he said, is threatening cause most of the times precedes other unwanted actions. In other cultures as mine is also about venting frustrations but is more rarely followed by other actions like punishment or even violence. Is venting only and often has a bit of humor in it. They even had a saying there and then. "Dogs who bark don't bite". LOL i believe it's universal.

My mind then flew of course at what the pope said the about crafty snakes. Being crafty involves intelligence. People with higher IQ swear more as the pastor just said. Could it had been related with what the pope said. Probably. Cause in the end the guy at the radio of course threw some Trump in there too trying to blend everything he said into one coherent sermon but the main ingredient, logic, seemed to elude him in the most essential parts.

On the radio, everything is related with everything that just happened. Cause all it maters in media is whatever it can be said about the very present that may bring hopes for the future.

I don't think Trump brought in the higher economics. But what that really means. It means everybody who own stocks got richer by 30% in the last year. Including retirement funds, but also foreign funds.

I once got so frustrated with the obvious intrusive anti-social actions of a corporation, can't remember which, i started to try to track ownership of that corporation. So i found out that the corporation was owned by a bunch of funds that is each owned by again corporations who again are owned by funds owned by corporations... until i saw that first corporation is actually on a list of corporations owning parts of a fund that was owning that corporation. In other words, they own selves. All corporations are owned by funds which in the end are owned by themselves. There is no end to it. Can't possibly find anybody responsible of anything. Can't remember exactly how the mechanism it's called but in the end it's all about tax evasion and evading all social responsibility. So who really are the elites?

Back then i even built a Google sheet based on NASDQ list. For those who don't know what NASDAQ is. It's a list of 100 companies (for simplifying things, there are actually several slightly versions of NASDQ) that among others are traded continuously on the market. NYSE, name it. From that list they extract a weighted average, a simple one wouldn't work cause the dollar price of each stock was different at the beginning and changed even more in time. That weighted average gives the NASDQ index. Through continuous ownership changes of different stock of different companies each times a stock is being sold at different prices we have an ever changing dollar value of the corporation and NASDAQ index.

What does it mean when those indexes (NASDAQ, Dow Jones, etc.) get higher 30 percent in one year? One positive thing i see here is private pensions funds getting higher that is they will yield at the same percentage, higher returns. However. The percentage of people who put their money in a retirement fund is small. Judging only buy the amount of US budget allocated for Social Security of 1.39 trillions in 2017 which translates to 1800 a month for a retiree on SS. At least by a simple division of that number to the number of retirees and unemployed, (could not find reliable data to separate as budget).

I was thinking about writing a paragraph here about how small is the other social segment who could also benefit from higher dividends and of course about the benefit of growth through reinvestment. But since i failed to discover who they are are or better said i discovered they actually own themselves in a closed circle of cross ownership it seems irrelevant or better said that social segment does not exist.

The heavy, negative aspect though is, out of no reason at all all corporations with all fixed assets basically unchanged, production level unchanged, demand and price of goods unchanged, sellings unchanged out of nothing got more expensive respect to the dollar and that can't mean other than long term inflation. In the end there is no long term winner of sudden higher market indexes. It's only society loosing buying power through inflation.

But what i wrote above is only a tiny fraction of what went to my mind at that hour. My own problems.

At this point i really wished i could record my own thoughts. If i had a such device i wouldn't have to push myself, out of frustration, at 5 AM to type all this stuff. And this phrase i just wrote actually made it easier for me.


We all don't know what exactly is conscience but we know, from studies and direct intuition that is very slow. The conscious side of the brain is slower in speed to even earliest computers. It is measured in bits per seconds.

"A new way to analyze human reaction times shows that the brain processes data no faster than 60 bits per second."

I think we peak usage of brain capacity when we learn. A student listening to a teacher in a classroom probably processes most information humans can. But even though it is extraordinary small and slow.

However, on the other hand, studies tell us the "whole" brain capacity that includes the conscious part is still at least one order of magnitude higher that fastest supercomputers.

That can only mean one thing. The conscious mind is nothing but a minor part of our brain. Its processing speed is lower than some of our senses. It is only witnessing, though partially and intermittently what is happening with the rest of it. It is probably just another sense. That of being or existing and connecting with our memories and giving us the illusion we are in charge of our decisions.

However that part of brain that is actually making sense of everything is probably connected to the rest through much faster connections. That can only mean it's a burden to our brain as far as resources.

We all know brain working at peak capacity can take up to 30% of human body resources, including oxygen and nutrients. So in a way it's a luxury to sit and think consciously of random things. As some would say, idle thinking (which is actually sanctioned in certain cultures). In reality we integrate in a collective and have precise specialized tasks we do repetitively that is saving us lots of brain resources. In time brain learns anything it needs to do that task and becomes more and more efficient. Though "idle", not heavily motivated and not under stress thinking is a type of meditation that can bring about some of the best solutions or decisions.

Let's not forget here that using those resources also create heat in the brain. How much heat. Brain during normal or better said average functioning can take let's say 50 Watts or the same as an old incandescent bulb. But at what power it can peak? That probably depends of brain's capacity of eliminating heat and this among other things suggests bald people have a higher peak capacity. (Maybe that's why in some cultures people shave their head, like the samurai did in the past, to get them an advantage in brain power (usage) during fights). Observing this simple heat consumption and eliminating phenomenon i believe we can safely conclude that a person with bigger skull surface can peak at higher brain activity and eliminate more heat than a more normal or average built one one and also can "super-cruise" at idle, thus allowing more processes, some uncontrolled consciously, to exist.

There are cultures that inflict skull deformation to their children (because at same volume a sphere has the least surface, in our model for heat elimination), others who shave them when young and the rest of their lives. Most troubling, some whole ethnic groups even mutate into having an elongated skull. Needless to say. For some of the biggest surface even brain waves might be different than those of normal people.

Collective work means we give up any decision power regarding personally distributed tasks except for minor arrangements. We at jobs are totally dependent of the work environment, bosses and colleagues. We learn and have to rely more and more on others for surviving. As for the task itself we cannot bring any improvement though many of us have constantly ideas of how it can be done better or improving the functionality of the products of our work. That can also bring lots of frustration. That is when you begin to question the social usefulness of your work. Work becomes suffering and that's why salary sometimes is called compensation.

Conscious thinking which takes so many brain resources because the need to bring upfront or in the immediate memory informations necessary for making a decision, or bringing to self things to consider which actually gives you the sense of existing, is by design slowed to a minimum and it can at times be intermittent when it stops altogether for even seconds, and it is also shuts down during sleep, fainting and hypnosis. In other words, it has several distinct ways of functioning.

I once asked a guy from an ambulance what is actually fainting. What happens physiologically. And he said in one word. Resetting. When under too much stress, simply resetting neurotransmitter levels. You faint, the conscious side of you shuts down and everything resets. When you wake up you are at least calm though a bit frightened. That is i imagine it is, i never did actually faint though many times i thought i was close and also been several times under general anesthesia.

Last night while i was thinking or better said meditating i needed badly to search the web for one thing. Testimonials of those who experienced being hypnotized. I just did it. Most sites say hypnosis is close to sleep and brings about relaxation after. I think it is not. My hypothesis i'm just testing says you should be actually brought while not resisting or with your own accept in a state so uncomfortable it tricks the brain into thinking its own temperature is about to raise so much you actually would faint, and it decides it is safer to shut down its conscious part simply to cool down. However not completely (Obviously some parts or brain activities can never be shut down).

Since humans are social beings which through evolution learned to rely on others while in a personal crisis, or in the moment when they become less conscious brain actually instinctively accepts suggestions bypassing its own decision-making functionality. Automatically assuming those suggestions are friendly or necessary for individual survival within the group.

One first consequence of accepting the above theory is that hypnosis is actually a form, though controlled and declared ethic, of bullying. Another is bullying is instinctive and a primitive form of correcting members of society. That is through bullying one becomes suggestionable and ideas that are not of his own or he is resisting learning are attemptedly placed directly into his subconscious mind.

I'm not going to go now into saying shamanism is a form of bullying and hypnosis cause it seems pretty obvious. Sometimes the shaman himself through some ritual (that is used for mnemonic purposes) places himself in a state of self induced and controlled hypnosis though with a different purpose, that of reducing his own consciousness to a minimum just to relocate some of his brain power though again controlled through a precise ritual in a state where he can bring others in a state hypnosis and suggestibility.

From here there is one more step to media (note the chilling, unsettling relationship of the word media with medium) induced suggestibility and that is also so obviously happening all the time around us.


It's been almost 24 hours since i started to write this blog post. Got awakened after 4 hours of sleep. Thinking on another theory. All social beings, starting with ants and ending with humans have to have some mechanism that holds the group in place. A psycho-physiological mechanism of course that is probably made up primarily of gesture and language. We also saw in the last century and all the time around us that for humans is not ideas or any other superior or cognitive functionality of our brains that mostly brought us together. So i figure there's got to be another, more low level functionality that's doing the trick, besides the mere fact we don't have where else to go and have to live in a society.

We know from animal behavior that usually after confrontations between the most fit adults one emerges as leader. Once established as such all the others submit unconditionally. There's got to be some hard-wiring in their brains and physiology that makes it possible. The deep motivation of this evolutionary step is probably at some species there are advantages living in groups of certain sizes and obeying one leader. If not for saving resources of the brains other than leader's by not being used at peak capacity all the time.

Though human society is quite old and after written language has been discovered and used for millennia i think we can assume humans tend to free themselves from this type of society or unconditional, instinctive submission towards a leader. Some would assume oral and written language was the reason we started to be aware of ourselves or gain our conscious mind. One thing is sure. There would be no conscience without language cause we cannot see observe ourselves without describing it to ourselves in concepts, that is language.

However, if through evolution at some distant point we gained basic or root social behavior patterns embedded at the lowest level in our brains, that will always kick in in certain situations prevailing over our consciousness, we may call that it the urge to submit or be submitted.

If there are enough members of a society willing to give in to those basic behavioral pattern, a submission type of social relationships will prevail.

There is a guy in the history of psychology who have studied just this. Mesmer. From lack of better knowledge, he theorized that "a natural energetic transference that occurred between all animated and inanimate objects that he called animal magnetism, sometimes later referred to as mesmerism." Because of his enunciations and personal experiences i may have come to think today that this animal magnetism is actually a form of communication of an archaic evolutionary type, most likely of the seismic type

What if this so called animal magnetism is also used, besides gestures, attitudes and unfortunately basic language for establishing and maintaining submission withing a group.

We also know from sites of the ever expanding internet, from people who are talking motivated by the reason of extending their network of knowledge that there is a similar concept in what we call extreme oriental martial arts, which are based on millennial observations, reflections and practices some may call philosophy or religion. It is called at least in Japanese shin shin shin gan.

However i believe establishing submission, even only partially or temporarily may be achieved today with language accompanied by gestures and other more shamanic like manifestations like psychedelic or any of the branches of the mainstream music we may classify as hypnotic. Repetitive phrases, all spectrum sound, from the lowest frequency (base) to the highest like cymbals, repetitive melodies are all capable of inducing some type of submission. If not to remind here only of the fandom or even the so called "groupie" phenomena. Because of giving in to boredom we all turn our radios in the car and causally listen to music and we are all touched by it.

But what if lets say through accumulating knowledge over the millennia there are groups among us that may be either more evolved, like physiologically or genetically or smarter, as culture or both that may have genetic traits or abilities capable of submitting more starting within their own society then applying to others.

With greater competition among their own society, when they come in contact with others and spread around world they may give into thinking that are superior and have the duty of submitting everybody else or the whole world.

I wrote about and don't have time to search right now. Populations living at high altitudes have adapted to live on less oxygen concentration in the air and in their blood. Once they descend, for any reason, individually or as a migration, they will find themselves in an environment richer in oxygen. Suddenly they will become smarter and more powerful and seen and searched for by the others as leaders. Or as gods.

We all know from depictions of Indian deities that some or most are painted in blue. From today's science we have the oxymeters that measure the level of the oxygen by the color of the blood. By inserting a finger inside it is measured how red is the blood. Blood with more oxygen is redder. Which many agree that is perceived as a lack of blue. The other way around, the blood with less oxygen in it appears bluer.

Could those gods from Indian mythology be no others than populations living in the heights of Himalaya in countries like today's Nepal. Could it be about the popular concept enunciating people of noble descend are said to be of "blue blood".

If so they probably started to believe about themselves being magical. They might have started to learn the effects or the influence they have on other people and build a system of beliefs about selves including mnemonics about best strategies to submit masses of other's populations. Could this had been the Maya system mentioned i will mention bellow.

There is a population within today's Nepal who call themselves Magars and also say are related to the Magyars or Hungarians of Europe, Magyar being the name Hungarians call themselves. Even the name Magyar may suggest magic but there is a sequence of Chinese characters of syllables that pronounces close to the name Magyar and that can be translated as Magic Noble People and a variant of it that can be translated similarly as Magic High[land] People. 魔高人, 魔贵人.

Here is a song provided for listening to the pronunciation of the name of Hungary in their language, or Magyarorszag. Note the combination with the word orszag from which szag means land. Could it be because of the fusion with the early hunic population which may had been of Sumerian origin. Original Hungarian or Magyar writing is based on a variant of runic alphabet which may also be descendant of cuneiform which originates in Sumer, Mesopotamia with one of the earliest settlements in Ur.

There is a number of Hungarians scholars today that say Hungarian is of Sumerian origin. Others who say it is related to Asian languages such as Japanese. In reality i think it's a mixture of both, with late Slavic additions followed by the migration of southern Slavs or Serbs while being pushed north of Danube by the expansion of Ottomans. Pretty much as the names shows.

No need to remind here that Buddha himself originated if not within the Magar population of Nepal, then pretty close to it. In this map of Nepal's populations Magars are shown in light purple right in the middle.

In this map of Nepal from Google maps it is shown the place where Buddha was born to princess Maya Devi.

Needless to say. The capital of today's Hungary, Budapest  [ˈbudɒpɛʃt], was not called Budapest until the end of the 19th century which in Europe was known as the century of the lights. Before that it was simply called Buda. One of the deities worshiped to this day in Nepal is the nagas. Nagy, meaning great in Hungarian or better said Magyar, is a common last name in this country and as adjective means great. Was this an early example of reverse psychology type of illuminism for the end of that century.

We all know about Tesla and his inventions and how they changed civilization as we know it. But before coming to America, Tesla went to school in Graz, Austria and worked in Budapest and Paris just before the erection of the Eiffel Tower. I have identified a Hungarian writer and actor who lived in the same time with him who looks just like him. More than that i put together a list of matches between known public persons and actors, mostly Hungarians who lived ever since. [Please note that by the (sometimes hostile) actions of Google the html version of the list generated with Google sheets is not showing always pictures as intended but sometimes or randomly zoomed].

Very few are aware that even officially a large number of American actors, public persons, entrepreneurs, scientists, probably the most important people who lived in the US scientists are Hungarians.

Don't know exactly what all these means. If they came in Europe as mercenaries (Magars were known in history as excellent ones) hired to guard caravans on the silk road and got stuck there by the actions of a sultan who cut the silk road and probably combining with the remains of the Huns. As fierce mercenaries they started then a series of raids in Europe finally settling after about one hundred years of raids in the places where Huns once lived and becoming catholic. Given the genetic superiority and having access to the rich gold deposits of Transylvania and also enslaving the local earlier indo-european population for their needs they might have started a race to conquer the whole world using their submissive powers. Creation of freemasonry and other secret societies, Renaissance, Reform, Discovering of America, other activities that revolutionized Europe might be also their doings. Being small in numbers they always worked in secrecy infiltrating and using other nations for their doings. A large migration from South (Serbs) and another one from West (Germans) provided with completing their genes with European ones which explains the look of at least their actors, over an established culture of conquerors. But the decisive step was probably the scientific and technological secrets discovered around around Bosnian pyramids which then was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Bosnian pyramids are a few miles away from Sarajevo or the place where WWI started in 1914, several years only after the erection of Eiffel Tower and Tesla's Tower in Long Island and followed by Bolshevik Revolution. But i think at that time something went wrong for them maybe there was a conflict within the Austro- Hungarian Empire that delayed their efforts to master the whole world starting with that period. Probably underground anonymous opposition prevents or delaying it from openly happening today.

There is more proof in Romania about migrations [thus strengthening the possibility] of populations from far East on the silk trade, probably earlier than Magars. In central eastern Romania (Bacău, Roman) there is a population who call themselves Changu. Also catholicized, they resisted attempts to be Magyarized and in the end very few speak their ancient language.