Showing posts sorted by date for query Pyramids. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Pyramids. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14

12:30 AM In 1907 Nikola Tesla wrote this: "The primary substance [AEther], thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter".

Electrons were first discovered in 1897 or ten years earlier and were thought to be particles thus matter but the charge to mass ratio than mass was first calculated in 1909.

According to AEther whirls theory, electrons are autonomous independent whirls (though they can merge in greater whirls) like lobes around centers. 

Protons were discovered ten years later, in 1917.

Tesla always claimed he was in contact with aliens. That, i believe.

I think this is the only way he could have known, years before the discovery of protons or Bohr's model or lobe model or string theory or AEther whirls theory.

Or maybe, since he mentions things like Ākāśa or Prana, he had access to more complete Sanskrit texts other than hRdaya sUtra.

Most likely coming from a previous human civilization that existed and was wiped by the last ice age (with the surviving part, Egypt). More scientific then technological, which used pyramids as stargates and sources of power. Maybe that was their own doom and could have been the reason they suppressed Tesla's ideas. Our planet goes through ice age cycles.

Tesla wanted to harness the unlimited energy of the AEther using oscillating circuits. But i think he might have confused the source of energy with Earth's electric field gradient. Tapping into that on planetary scale would have meant depletion of ionosphere.

8:10 After all that happened during the weekend, this morning i had this question on my mind. How many cars were sold by the Japanese in the US throughout history. Started with some searches but soon became frustrated because you can't find the numbers ready.

Toyota in the 50s was making 300 cars in one year. Then suddenly the started to overpass the cars sold in the US. To give you a general idea, in 2023 half of the cars sold in the US were imported from Japan. If we were to add to this the Japanese cars produced in the 24 US factories, those who come from Korea and Mexico, where do we get at?

The good news, is the trend is going big times downwards. Don't know if it's growing consumer conscience, enhanced durability of the cars or lowering of the US credit rating. COVID, name it.

In 2023, they were only around 3 million cars sold in the US of which half were imported directly from Japan, and from the other half, some made under Japanese brands in Mexico and then the Korean ones.

But those numbers, if added to Tesla, GM and other US manufacturers don't add up in the chart below.Some say those 24 Japanese factories in the US brought jobs. That maybe true but if you look closely in the group pictures with employees will see Asians or hikikomori barely disguised into Mexicans.

How many do you think they gross to throughout history? I would estimate, way beyond 100 millions in all these 60 years that have completely reshaped America. Trouble is they started to make the law in the US.

Everywhere i go all i see is their hikikomori trained in ninjutus and for whites beautiful and AI fed supersmart Hungarian actors and actresses. In Oregon trying to emulated an inexistant German and Mexican population.

So yeah, instead of looking into securing Greenland, Americans should look at the racoons in their own backyard.

Before it's too late as one beautiful Eagles song says.

Monday, December 23, 2024

December 23

6:05 AM Patru actori.

6:19 नविद्य

2:00 PM Eu am criticat CCR de multe ori ca fiind una din cele mai corupte instituții din România, pentru numeroasele decizii de neconstituționalitate pe care le-a dat în favoarea infractorilor. Adică au adus sute de modificări legilor ca să scape pe unii și pe alții. Cât de multe, se poate vedea pe site-ul lor.

Din aceste statistici ale Curții  Constituționale. A modificat sau neavizat sau trimis înapoi Parlament 269 de legi înainte de promulgare (a priori), atunci când a fost sesizată și 584 după, la solicitările instanțelor ca urmare a cererii avocaților infractorilor. Odată o lege modificată, toți inculpații beneficiază de acea modificare, după, dar mulți și retroactiv.

După cum vedeți, numărul deciziilor posteriori este dublu față de cel a priori, ceea ce nu s-ar întâmpla dacă CCR ar citi și aviza toate legile înainte de promulgare, chiar dacă nu a fost sesizată, fiindcă o lege, procesul legislativ sunt de notorietate publică.

Nu știu de Georgescu și nu mi se pare ok după ce am citit zilele astea. Dar CCR i-a făcut o mare nedreptate lui Lasconi și tuturor celor care au mers la vot și României în general anulând complet alegerile, ceea ce nu era de competența CCR. Conform articolului 82 din Constituție CCR are doar atribuția de a valida alegerile.

Puteau să rezolve panica creată de apariția neverosimilă (ceea ce mie îmi ridică semne de întrebare asupra numărătorii voturilor, și aici CCR avea competență să intervină) a lui Georgescu ca și câștigător în turul II la fel ca în cazul lui Șoșoaca și în turul II intra următorul pe lista cu procentaje să candideze cu Lasconi.

Astfel ne-am ales cu cel de-al 11-lea guvern Iohannis și al II-lea Ciolacu, practic menținându-se continuitatea politicii previzibil catastrofală de timp de 34 de ani în România.

Acest act de nedreptate va plana ca un precedent și ca un ton de mare nelegalitate deasupra României.

3:07 My theory "of everything" is not complete because i left outside the open strings.

According to the idea of generating strings by electric charges moving at relativistic speeds, i would assume an open string would be generated by the motion of a charged particle within an electric field like that of an electron between the electrodes in a vacuum tube.

Einstein theory do apply however the trajectory will not be bent due to the maintaining the particle within the electric field thus creating... antigravity? (Maybe opening unsatisfied vortexes?)

At none relativistic speed a moving charged virtual particle would be an electric field line.

3:25 Also doing some searches was intrigued by this shape that looks like a lotus petal or cross section of some corridors within world pyramids however i am not prepared mentally to deal with it right now (i have brought into my main memory everything related strings).

The same for this one.

4:50 What?

4:51 Apropo. Citisem undeva zilele astea despre semne ale insuficienței cardiace. Un semn mai științific ar fi urcarea la altitudine. La 2000 de metri de exemplu, aerul este rarefiat cam la 80% față de nivelul mării. Dacă urcând spre Brașov de exemplu începeți să vă simțiți inconfortabil, întoarceți-vă înapoi și mergeți la medic.

Este nevoie de o circulație mai mare, deci inima să pompeze mai mult pentru a scoate oxigen din plămânii ne-obișnuiți cu aerul rarefiat (capacitate pulmonară mică de șes). Un organism sănătos poate să compenseze imediat prin accelerarea bătăilor inimii (mărirea pulsului) dar în caz de insuficiență cardiacă apare decompensarea cu simptome specifice lipsei de oxigen.

6:40 I think Buddhists interpreted the great text at macro level.

11:30 I am trying to make some sense of of this equation taking into account this enunciation. I don't want to go to forums. Lately (talking about some years now) they give some useful answers only after i find it on my own, but they mix in there all sort of sarcasm and keep comming with solutions even after i said i found it myself. Anyways, it's a free world (in the Western Hemisphere).

So yes, where is the electron's own magnetism fitting in the formula for magnetic field above since i only see the current (linear component of electron's motion in a conductor) in the equation and some constants.

11:34 Hodgson. Everyone on this planet knows the lyrics of this song. "Everyone's a millionaire" and that is about Texas of course. To prove it you can do a search on that phrase and will see google comes up with his song.

You went in there i don't know, at the beginning of the century, in about the same time people like Tesla and Einstein were trying to build a future for us all, bought a piece of land, drilled a few holes and "voila", you were suddenly rich. And that is of course due to Otto.

So yes, when they heard what Tesla said about giving free energy to anyone it would look normal to me if they sabotaged him. Do you remember JR Ewing? People like him had no morality, all they cared about was themselves.

And i know some of the tools they use involve hiring voodoo witches and things like that. Bending the other way around. Things you might not even notice. Until he got mad and could not finish this work.

Einstein was smarter, he stopped before they got to him but who knows exactly. (now wondering what is the pulsation on my neck and how it got there).

In a way is like playing slot machines. You have to know when to stop.

Then Schrodinger and Heisenberg put a seal to it all. But when it becomes an insult to everyone? When trying to understand things like i wrote at 11:30 above.

12:02 AM (24) I think i might have an idea where those bubbles in the insulin reservoir come from.

Every time i use the pen i feel a smell similar to formaldehyde. Then i feel it coming out of my lungs. I believe they use it as a preservative, since you have 28 day to use the pen after you take it out of the fridge. And that preservative is responsible for the bubbles as well.

Nevermind that. It's phenol and m-cresol.

Could it be the one in vials which are like 5 doses each could contain less preservatives?

Friday, December 6, 2024

December 6th

12:10 I really had doubts as those hills in Bosnia were pyramids. But then, why the galleries? It seems nothing has been done since 2016. Bosnia is a small country and probably doesn't have the means to study them. The drawings must be not very precise. It looks like there is a structure of interest in the middle, drawn with  yellow. Don't know if it's oriented north-south.

12:12 How about the iron ball? Iron is magnetic. Don't know how far from the pyramids was found; as for the purpose, i have no clue.

Most massive in Europe? Are they more? There are things in our past that we have no clue about.

6:30 AM Da eu cu cine am votat? Românii au de mult o viață socială dublă. Una este familia, prietenii, glumele, berea, revelionul, vacanța la mare. Cealaltă e politica și administrația, serioasă (cu care nu se poate glumi) și în care aproape totul este țeapă. Cât de serioasă? Atât de serioasă că dacă se enervează nu ne mai dau președinte (numărat, nenumărat), guvern, etc.. Atunci să vă văd.
7:07 Lege_o_n-are vechi, noi și cei pe vine. Asta se referă la cum a obținut SRI acele informații, nu?

After posting last image the robot upstairs started to gallop. So we all know who it represents.

Apropo, catargul de pe tricoul tipului din dreapta seamănă prea mult cu fața crucea dublă 走 a Ungariei.

7:50 Am avut un vis... Se făcea că mă urmăreau un tip și o tipă printr-o pădure de țepe timp de aproape 2 săptămâni... Și m-am întâlnit cu Vlad Țepeș Cristi Danileț care i-a luat la încins cu niște figuri de karate.

10:35 Eu aș vota cu Maia Sandu, cu figura ei poznașă, dacă ar promite că face rapoarte din alea pe buget și în România. Păcat că nu e domnitoare, dacă ar fi aleasă ca și Cuza... Dar ar putea să-și dea demisia dacă e aleasă și să vină în România. Sau să lucreze două job-uri, tot ar face mai mult decât au făcut ai noștri, adică rapoartele pe buget...

Wait a minute, căutând  prin poze mi-am amintit că mi s-a părut că văd o tipă care semăna cu ea ieri la farmacia Walmart de pe strada Dartmouth, Tigard pe când m-am dus să-mi iau insulina. Era mai în spate și părea nouă, eu frecventez de un timp farmacia aceea, în faza de instruire la locul de muncă (training).

Dar nu zâmbea, chiar mi-a aruncat o ocheadă înghețată, da, e posibil și la ea, eu o știam din poze numai zâmbind poznaș.

Da, am verificat, nu am greșit asemănarea.

11:05 N-ai cu cine...

12:30 Wait a minute. Dacă aia e tardivă, atunci cum se face că CCR întâi a validat primul tur și apoi le-a anulat? (S-a pronunțat de două ori în aceeași cauză, NON BIS IN IDEM).

Thursday, December 5, 2024

December 5

7:00 AM Da? Și cum scrii Georgescu în chineză? Apăsați pe iconița în formă de difuzor (din dreapta) să aflați pronunția! Hă hă hă hă...

Precizare. Tiktok nu a existat înainte de a fi disponibil în afara Chinei. Versiunea chinezească Douyin a rămas separată până în ziua de azi iar Tiktok a fost creat în 2017 de la zero. Nici un cont din Douyin nu a fost transferat pe Tiktok pentru că Tiktok nu este disponibil în China.

Vedeți? Eu nu am nevoie de un buget de 4 miliarde pe an ca SRI ca să aflu adevărul în 5 minute.

7:40 Nu eu nu sunt nici pentru Georgescu nici pentru Lasconi. Nu i-am auzit să spună că vor face o dare de seamă a cheltuielilor bugetare pe ministere la sfârșitul fiecărui an, înainte de a promulga legile bugetelor pe anul următor (de Stat, Asigurări Sociale, Plafoane, etc.).

Un mic exemplu, aici. Dar și acestea sunt date în fișiere zip și excel (care se descarcă automat dacă faci clic), deci greu de urmărit de persoanele obișnuite, însă există, cine vrea, poate să le deschidă.

Am spus că voi face efortul de a mă deplasa la secția de votare dacă un candidat va promite acest lucru.

Ok nu pot să o fac pentru că nu am nici buletin nici pașaport românesc.

8:03 Omul ăsta ori are un tupeu infinit ori e alian.

Famiglia. Cea mai mare mârlănie a lui Băsescu după flotă, altele, în complicitate cu UE a fost Schengen.

România, conform Tratatului de Aderare semnat de mâna lui dreaptă în 2005 și ratificat de Parlament, a intrat în Schengen din 2007 când a început călătoria cu buletinul, dar Băsescu, alții ca el au tăcut mâlc și în schimb s-a luat de mână cu Monica Macovei (inițiale duble) care ne-a băgat pe gât MaCoV-ul (o imixtiune în problemele interne, o încălcare a suveranității), în relație cu menținerea de către Ungaria a controalelor la frontiere.

Băsescu trebuia de mult arestat pentru trădare, flotă, alte infracțiuni de notorietate. Însă Iohannis a menținut aceeași tăcere în legătură cu Schengen. În schimb Ciolacu s-a dus la Budapesta să semneze un acord cu putinistul Orban, pentru amânarea ridicării controalelor la frontieră cu încă 6 luni, cu 2 zile înainte de primul tur al alegerilor.

Acum mă credeți când vă spun că toți sunt pe același blat?

Toată chestia e că vor să vă atragă să mergeți la vot ca dați legitimitate oricărui din ei.

9:50 Către Tiktok sau utilizatori? Aștia mă forțează să iau partea lui Georgescu, eu pur și simplu mă enervez când văd cum ei mint. Georgescu, prin ce spune, este ineligibil.

Însă unele chestii din ce spune el, ca de exemplu faza cu alienii, sunt adevărate. I-am văzut și eu pe unele site-uri. Îi vedeți cu toții zilnic la televizor. Sunt politicienii noștri și ai lor actori, inclusiv Georgescu.

SRI, CSAT ar fi încălcat un număr de legi românești și internaționale privind secretul bancar căutând și aflând  aceste nume, fără un mandat de la o instituție juridică justificat de o anchetă penală în curs. Dacă era o anchetă penală în curs, nu puteau să publice probele. Anchetă penală, pentru ce? De când este infracțiune să fii influencer pe bani?

Că au postat în ziua alegerilor. Asta da, nu că au primit bani. Și ce ar fi trebuit, să șteargă și postările mai vechi în ziua alegerilor? Toate articolele din media principală promovând un candidat sau altul sunt accesibile online și în ziua alegerilor.

Consiliul Europei prezidat de Orban a publicat pe X în ziua alegerilor Acordul de la Budapesta semnat de Ciolacu care acord ne dădea în sfârșit Schengen.

Astfel totul seamănă cu încălcarea gravă a legilor românești, internaționale, a legii electorale, pentru promovarea celuilalt candidat, deci și a legii electorale. Un linșaj mediatic. Iohannis se face de kkt până la capăt, pentru el nu mai contează.

Chestia e că ei au vrut să iasă Georgescu. Când au văzut că nu îl vor românii pe Ciolacu, după faza cu Acordul de la Budapesta. Nu l-a votat nimeni pe Georgescu, el a fost numărat din voturi. Motivul e că este un bun antagonist pentru Lasconi. Ne și dă o sperietură bună.

De fapt ne-au băgat pe toți în dileme. Dacă iese Georgescu, ne depărtăm de UE (ce ar mai fi ea zilele astea) și ne apropiem de Putin, care e Orban. Dacă iese Lasconi, rămânem în conflict cu rușii și ne apropiem de UE, care e Orban. Ciolacu era moderat deci l-au numărat afară din turul II. Nu contează voturile, contează ce vorbește lumea. Ce se gândesc ei că lumea va accepta după aceste "alegeri".

Sunt curios cât o vor mai ține așa cu Putin. Mult și bine, după trucul cu racheta care nu a fost interceptată de Patriot, în complicitate cu Zelenski, truc care a băgat groaza în toată lumea. Nu înțeleg de ce în titlu Rebek_ah! vorbește numai de americani.

De fapt, e același tip de truc prin care a iești Georgescu în față la turul 2. Power to the Russians, dacă nu vă vedeți de treabă.

Da bine un președinte în România nu are prea multă putere (de fapt cam ca peste tot). Promulgă legi, numește primul ministru (la sugestia partidelor) dar poate face tâmpenii, după cum Iohannis a făcut mai multe, din care una e aia cu rachetele Patriot la ucraineni, cu încălcarea Constituției etc..

12:03 PM Lately i have been obsessed with lotus and lotus petals embedded within architecture with last example, the ceiling at Spirit Mountain casino. In fact the logo of the casino represents three pyramids and a coyote on top. Today i think i found an explanation for this.

Inside the tunnels of the Cholula (da, m-am gândit, Ciolacu) pyramid in Mexico.

11:11 Ok can't find the equivalent of shafts and galleries of Giza at Cholula. In fact i could not find any drawings with galleries inside the pyramid. Except for a video that says there are at least 10 km of tunnels and 2 of them are open for tourists.

11:48 That woman on the lower right corner of this mural looks Egyptian to me.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

December 4

6:00 AM Imediat după postarea mea despre jumătate din buget de ieri, combinația cu față aproape umană între un ciolan și un colac a întors-o, spunând că putem pierde banii pentru pensii fără UE, deși înainte de turul I când își făcea reclamă spunea că sunt bani pentru pensii.

Hai să o lămuresc încă o dată. 90% din banii pentru pensii provin din contribuțiile CAS și CASS care se strâng lunar de la angajați.

Este imposibil să nu fie bani pentru pensii.

Fenta cu sunt bani/nu sunt bani pentru pensii este o pârghie de șantaj psihologic folosită de politicienii "români" aproape în fiecare lună, de 34 de ani încoace.

9:05 AM Da? Tiktok nu a existat în 2016. Douyin era o versiune chinezească doar pentru chinezi. Și ce rost avea, să creeze conturi atunci și nu cu un an în urmă? Iar platformele sociale din când în când închid conturile inactive. Și pentru ce trebuiau să plătească bani când Tiktok ese gratuit?

9:35 Adică. La cine se duc 3 milioane de euro pe zi? La actorii statali? AdNow e o firmă de apartament în Londra, câți angajați poate să aibă ca să gestioneze 25000 de conturi? Adică ori aveau 25000 de conturi și postau gratuit ori plăteau ca pentru reclame. Și cum funcționează chestia? Deschizi Tiktok-ul și de acolo sare la tine Georgescu?

Nu am mai văzut o asemenea vânzoleală media în România cam de la săptămânile după Revoluție. Sper să se termine mai repede tâmpenia, să iasă Lasconi și să nu mai aud asemenea bazaconii. Că dacă iese Georgescu vor fi 5 ani de bazaconii imposibil de gestionat. Gen Trump.

11:40 Evaluarea scutului de la Deveselu. Am găsit pe unele site-uri că Patriot ar fi mai bune decât Aegis, de fapt cele mai bune. Pe altele, invers, că Aegis ar fi mai bun.

Recent Ucraina a clamat că a fost lovită cu o rachetă balistică. Când am întrebat că de ce nu a fost interceptată cu Patriot, au apărut ciudățeniile. Că nu a fost o rachetă balistică cu rază lungă, mai apoi că a fost o încărcătură inertă, etc.. Pentru că nu au vrut să facă de râs Patriot dar nici să infirme ce au spus prima dată.

Din video-ul respectiv mie mi s-a părut că rușii au tras cu mai multe rachete, din care una a fost mai mare. Poate a fost ascunsă printre altele mai mici care nu păreau a fi amenințări prea mari pentru a cheltui o rachetă Patriot de 2 milioane de dolari bucata.

Aegis e amplasat în mod ciudat mai spre vest, la Deveselu. La sute de km de unde ar fi trebuit să fie, ținând cont că singura amenințare împotriva NATO este Rusia. Nu cred că ar face față unui atac serios din partea Rusiei sau oricui, mai ales cu noile rachete "experimentale".

Eu personal aș merge de exemplu în cazul Bucureștiului sau alte obiective pe o soluție cu multe drone.

Mii de drone ieftine care să iasă în calea rachetelor, nu știu, la câțiva km înălțime, să se adune pe traiectoria calculată pe baza unui radar ca un roi de drone și să explodeze când rachetele vor trece printre ele. Majoritatea din ele putând a fi reutilizate

8:00 Yeah. Dualism.

How light creates space-time? Because of its jumping particles that move at relativistic speeds and recreate selves perpendicularly at light speed. How normal matter (mass) exists in space-time? Because strings are virtual particles that also move on closed trajectories at relativistic speeds, all mass being actually relativistic.

Tonight i wanted to understand how the light (and its own space time) bends during total reflection but only understood the total mess physics has become nowadays after one century of confusion, read this thread. All kinda well educated opinions, nothing sure.

I think i read somewhere about strings moving in their own space time... Other than the cartesian 3D space time created by light all around us ?

We got one direction given by a negative mass virtual particle popping at 90 degrees from its cause (a relativistic moving electron), another one from the process repeating this time creating a normal one, two more from the first two repeating in opposite directions and one from jumping ahead each time. So third direction is time.

(But the third direction is interchangeable with fist two. When we move around an object all axes seem to be equally defining space. Or it's just an illusion because light in everyday life is a mixture of photons comming from all directions).

Light that gets bounced by one face of the pyramids interact with light bouncing on the opposite face creating the void in the middle, while all the matter in between is not participating. There is only one explanation for this. All matter that forms the faces and the whole pyramid exists in a different space time with only 3 dimensions exposed to light, and the third, time appears to be frozen and turned into a space one as well.

Polarized light gets bent when getting close to a material surface at a low angle (total reflection) only one side of the photon which is an electrically charged virtual particle moving always in the same direction, in this case parallel to the surface is getting very close to the surface and gets repelled by electrical forces because the surface is already charged positively by photoelectric effect prior to grazing.

By changing the direction of a photon, its own space time is being bent. When we have a multitude of photons coming from a distant source, their are all in the same space time. Then we separate the stream in two and bend each in an opposite direction we may create a void in that space time.

11:20 Wait a minute. I remembered a conversation i had with a guy back @year2000 when i was working at AVX. "They bent the light!" i said, pointing to pieces of fiber optics used at the machines i was maintaining as a tech back then.

Yes this total reflection phenomenon is used widely in our times in fiber optics. I mean, you can bend those and light inside will still travel. I always believed the light was zig-zagging inside especially in areas where the fiber was sharply bent like in this image... But now that i think i realize the light can actually be bent and travel inside like a stream of photons instead of electrons inside a conductor.

Which means... Could we have space-time disturbances around bent areas, like i have a whole bunch in the bedroom closet? Could those count for the weird feelings of synchronicity with whoever lives upstairs, including the cats?

1:05 12-05 A piece of fiber optics coiled like this could create micro worhmoles connected to a similar coil at a great distance with instant transmission of information. The guy from ziply who installed this new box looked like the Prime Minister of Romania, Ciolacu.

Which confirms my hypothesis that the so called fusion reactors which never worked are in fact generating wormholes for interstellar transportation.

Pyramids, Light Bending and Wormholes

When we were kids we were playing with origami style paper we made so called salt boxes. However they had nothing to do with salt but maybe with the name salt box, which in Romanian contains the root sol. Not coming from Latin though. Could it be just another message in a bottle, for the future?

I believe this on the right side is the pyramid configuration with the Sun during those seconds of the day it can open a crack in space time continuum and get connected with another one nearby in the galaxy maybe up to a few hundreds light years away and maybe within the line of sight with no obstacles.

The Sun has to be roughly perpendicular or better said in the middle of faces 7 and 8 (the height will vary during the year, hence the length of the grand corridor and the stones used for tuning) and the photons coming at an angle from the periphery of the Sun have to be parallel with faces 1 and 6

Because of the round shape of the  Sun, variable height throughout the year, things are a bit more complicated, however in that moment the rays comming from the periphery of the Sun near a horizontal diameter "hug" or run parallel with faces 1 and 6 and the photons get pushed aside and then twisted and bent by the faces 2 and 5.

In detail. A number of phenomena will occur. A change of polarization from near horizontal after light passing through atmosphere to one parallel to the surface that will be in opposite direction on faces 2 and 5. A change of direction of the photons during total reflection on faces 2 and 5. A transfer of momentum from the photons to the surface. A red shift with change of frequency and energy.

I said that a photon is formed of a one single virtual particle that re-creates self at a right angle and at a distance creating space and while re-creating self in the future creating time.

Polarized light gets bent when grazing a material surface at a low angle (total reflection) and only one side of the the photon which is an electrically charged virtual particle moving always in the same direction is getting very close to the surface and gets repelled by electrical forces because the surface is already charged positively by photoelectric effect prior to grazing.

By changing the direction of a photon, its own space time is being bent. When we have a multitude of photons coming from a distant source, their are all in the same space time. Then if we separate the stream in two and bend each in an opposite direction we may create a void in that space time.

Everything that is interesting inside the pyramid is on a plane in the middle of it but most interesting, there is a cave like structure called the grand gallery that probably initiate or guide that split. The three locking rocks and the tree sliding rocks could be tuning or "dialing" devices.

I believe the pyramid was used in the same way they did in the movie Stargate Atlantis. However, there is no ring, it all happens inside the pyramid, i don't think you can "dial" the destination, and another one at the destination has to be opened in the same time which is quite impossible since there is no possibility of synchronization because that planet turns probable at a different speed.

The idea is very simple. When you crack open the space time continuum, inside the void created the space (and time) has no meaning and if you open another one in a different place in that very same instant, only for i don't know, a few seconds, they will overlap with a slight calculated difference, and you can switch an object from one to another one.

But they could have at the other end devices more sophisticated as i suspect they could have here on Earth nowadays.

I got some proof. The recently discovered void inside the pyramid could be an effect of the erosion of the faces leading to focalization above the grand corridor rendering the pyramid useless for that purpose.

Or maybe the crack still appeared daily after the pyramid was abandoned (which suggests a war or evacuation with no time or opportunity to destroy such a wealth of information) and continued to function and the faces got eroded by rainwater, with more erosion at the bottom due to a cascading effect of small debris and the focal point was moved upwards and the void was created with all that matter being sucked and transported somewhere which may lead to the conclusion it did not need an opening at the other end.

Or was it an accident? A solar storm? An earthquake during opening of the wormhole? Or maybe simply the geographic center of Earth landmass could have shifter by erosion of shores, worldwide.

Here is an artist's rendition on how the The Great Pyramid of Cholula might have looked like. Though significantly shorter than the one at Giza, it has a greater volume and side surfaces. It was made of adobe bricks, but the surface could have been highly finished.

Could have been concave (octahedral) like the one at  Giza? Cholula in nahuatl language means "Place of those who fled". It was started in 3rd century BC and abandoned in 8th century.

But there is one more symbol that may be related to my theory of light bending and twisting with two parallel faces of a pyramid to open wormholes (in the middle). 

A later form of the medallion, known as the Sun Stone(!), which also contains a sophisticated calendar depicts the wormhole end as an open mouth probably because all their wealth was going without returning in that wormhole.

Could be the inspiration for the dialing rings in Stargate Atlantis. 

Another movie that was depicting the use of a wormhole was Star Trek Deep Space Nine. 

If all pyramids in the world do the same thing, there are variations in styles suggesting... Or maybe the shape, size, angles were dictated by local availability of materials and they have been the same, fleeing from Egypt when it became too crowed with Greeks and Romans?

We have been tricked 100 years ago by Schrodinger and Heisenberg and gave in into complicated mathematics that very few can understand based on a fake theory while the real theory is straightforward and easy to implement.

However there are few "details" we cannot understand yet. Like what exactly the shafts and the chambers are doing or the subterranean chamber at Giza. Unless we all give up the fakery and  all start brainstorming on this. And then, we will need a destination and i don't believe they are expecting us with a smile on their face.

The medallion is obviously drawn by the locals and shows whoever designed, built and used the pyramid did not make a secret of what they were doing. Maybe because they knew the locals will never able to duplicate it. Though primitive and quite naive, it may provide the most information so far. Except for the Great Pyramid of Giza itself which unlike the others, is pretty well preserved...

Yeah in China building of pyramids started in about the same time period with those in Latin America.

But some claim the opposite and i tend to believe them because Khufu looks Asian...

But make no mistake... It was not the Chinese who built the great ancient Egyptian "civilization"... It was the aliens who built both... And the Aztec. And they weren't really civilizations... They were base of recruitment of slaves for the need of aliens, nothing more... The scars we feel to this days with the fakery of race superiority and stuff... They don't know what they are doing, they are simply imitating the aliens back then.

A true pyramid has to be aligned with North-South direction, to take advantage of maximum solar power ad midday... Some claim there is a pyramid in Bosnia, south of the rich gold mines of Transylvania, with better weather and stuff. It looks like it is aligned and maybe the faces are very eroded and covered with soil which suggests it preceded all of them...

Why the aliens need our gold. According to my theories, gold can be used in specially designed reactors to create pure exotic matter (with negative mass, which some may call today "dark matter"), which may be used to provide enormous amounts of energy. Nothing like we have seen so far.

But i suspect asteroids rich in gold may have been diverted to Earth on purpose, creating an ice age and floods all over after, containing other contaminants, lowering the population to an evolutionary bottleneck that might have shortened the life span of humans about ten times (remember Methuselah who lived 970 years, according to the Bible?), and then they landed to use them as slaves, to mine the gold and send the "remittance" back home using wormholes.

I tried to show in a previous post that light is made of a virtual particle initiated by an electron moving at relativistic speed that re-creates self as an short lived exotic matter virtual particle (with negative mass) and then back to a normal matter virtual particle and so forth, 4 times, in a cycle. According to this theory light is an alternance between a normal virtual particle and an exotic matter virtual particle.

By the some model with light, closed, stable strings made of a negative mass (exotic) virtual particles may be created by electrons moving at relativistic speed on orbits of energy level 6 of gold atoms.

Pairing of exotic matter and normal matter strings could be at the origin of the strong force or even beyond that and by fusing those together an enormous amount of energy could emerge, maybe of the level of matter-antimatter annihilation.

Thinking of the symbolism in the movie Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Quark and his greed for gold (pressed latinum, "a liquid form of platinum").

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 1st

12:30 AM De ziua națională a României, Iohannis o trage din volei. Cred că e vârful carierei lui, mai departe nu poate ajunge.

3:20 The sarcophagus in king's chamber was empty because Khufu, the Asian looking "pharaoh" was gone, not before he probably sent as much gold as he could gather. Could we be looking at the face of an alien here?

Everything that followed were imitations but they never worked. The fact they were built to mirror the Orion's belt. So could it had been space, not time travel?

7:00 It looks like i got it wrong or incomplete in my post about pyramids and wormholes.

We now know knot that each photon is made of a sequence of 4 virtual particles, that each figure a parabolic square of which two have a negative relativistic mass and two a positive which normally would attract together if they existed in the same time. Two of them are made of positive and two of negative masses. Negative mass has never been defined until now.

So if we look at shape of the great pyramid, we see it is actually made of 8 not 4 surfaces. Octahedron that is.
Two photons in opposite phase coming from the opposite edges of the sun will fall on the pyramid at an angle which is exactly the apparent angle of the diameter of the Sun. But if they come onto the edges of the pyramid while the sun is perpendicular on one face of the pyramid, they will first slide on the surface of the adjacent ones then will be pushed aside.

Just by looking at, one can understand the grand gallery is not just some purely esthetic part of an idle architecture with the only purpose of burying someone.

The blocks of granite that fit perfectly together everywhere within the working structures can be only cut like this either with a very heavy machine weighing dozens of tons tool or a laser. I'd go for a laser because is much smaller. Rest of the pyramid is made by irregular blocks of some sort of primitive limestone concrete.

The whole device seems to be passive (unpowered) though there is a subterranean chamber that might be some power device. So the king's chamber may be just a resonating something or the king's chamber is an emitter and queen's the receiver. There are several layers of irregular looking rocks on top of the king's chamber that could represent maps of used for calibration (to compensate for irregularities in the whole construction).

The shafts could be quantum entanglement faster than speed of light communicating devices used for synchronization with another one let's say in Orion's belt, some 250 light years away.

Friday, November 29, 2024

November 29

5:00 Nivelul 6, aur. Banana are 5 ani vechime dar oricum este artificială.

5:20 Particula care se re-creează pe sine într-o scăriță.

12:21 The expendables.

Last night while in that parking lot at Chinook kept thinking. They got to have rules so they could travel in the past (to us, during the time of pyramids).

Of course those who see today here are not from the future. They are their descendants. I suspect it was done around the years they built the pyramids. Which they had to move because the center of land mass ws moving around due to shore erosion. I think.

And they might not even be time travelers' descendants but just to those who witnessed that era. When the rich dying people were in a line for heaven. Filling that chamber with riches and leaving for maybe, in best case scenario, a colony in a place in the future, made especially for them. Cause they could not mix with those advanced people of course.

Gold cause i believe gold cand be fed energy to create matter from it. Pretty much like a catalyst to a chemical reaction today. Anything you want or maybe things we have no idea about. (Are those guys at CERN actually experimenting with that? Definitely).

Tormented by inbreeding, artificial selection, whatever. Some of them, especially women, are weirdly attractive. They develop traits that are irresistible to mortals like us.  Look at Hollywood, where all actress (and actors) are Hungarians. However there's always the feel that something's missing from that genetic makeup.

So they could have inherited those rules because they did not want to mess with the time line, after something happened and put and end to travel. Could have been the war described in Mahabharata.

The Hindi had an idea of the pyramids, they called them Mount Meru. But this is what is left is from descendants of a civilization that was wiped due to a devastating war.

I believe they had pretty much what we have today or more. And then THEY came from the future in Africa, at least one of them must have gotten here, with much care not to contaminate the time line and built the first pyramid. Or maybe the war was just prior to that and it was between locals but caused by misinformation provided by them?

But got away from what i wanted to say. One of them rules must be, they cannot interfere directly with anything. But they can influence us to do whatever. Never entering directly in the causal chain, but providing free misleading information and the decisions must be taken by us. Bullying, at most.

And then and only then, maybe, they could rightfully react. Remember when i said ninja only act when being provoked? But then they weave intricate scenarios and lead you to the point they can say are provoked. Or only trick others they were provoked.

So they weave an intricated, coordinated web of lies and lead nations to their doom and decimation and ignorance.

Could it be we are heading again towards a population bottleneck, from were the timeline could be controlled better?

Noah's flood. After the last ice age humanity recorded floods everywhere and reduction of surviving population during ice ages dramatically decreased the gene diversity of humans while the strongest survived which could be the equivalent of Noah's ark, when a very small number of us becoming them will pass into the future so their time line would not be modified? Something they know about, like when and how?

Could it be their dying, just like then, are now again going for a better future, using instead of pyramids, high tech devices? But only after a long lifetime dedicated to the future here. Their distant shortcutted future, not ours of course.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Kali Yuga

I said many times before. Dogs are not naturally evolved animals. They are rather differently degenerated "races", created artificially through inbreeding during which much genetic information from the original wolf was lost and much was erroneous. What was kept was arbitrary or what served the interest of the breeders. Big, small, aggressive, playful, fluffy, etc..

There is some evolution in the creation of the breeds of dogs. From the initial results of inbreeding, many probably did not survive.

We can see from the start different races of dogs have different "temperaments". That is a genetic predisposition of running high on certain hormones or their brain wired in a certain way. I don't know if i can find right now but sometime i read on a site that is not "humane" to cross certain breeds because the result would be too much stress on the resulting dog, due to conflicting traits.

Just googleed something about humans though. Current mainstream theories say we all evolved from a single person. But try to imagine. For that to happen, lots of inbreeding should have occurred. First generation of humans, like the Bible says, should all have been siblings, right? Can't begin to imagine the result of those inter "marriages", and the following generations.

Instead i believe a more parallel type of evolution occurred. A larger number of humans must have underwent separately a number of similar mutations, due to similar living conditions.

This could have happened during evolutionary bottlenecks. When the evolution was significantly accelerated due to lower number of humans due to harsh living conditions, with the price of loosing some genetic inheritance from our ancestors, the chimpanzee. One of them was probably their strong muscles.

Chimpanzee muscles are different from those of humans and are times stronger. Humans also lost the acuity of smell and hearing and senses in general and developed larger brains and the ability to do planning.

Though the chimpanzee that were not mutated into humans survived as species as well.

But i have no idea until today that during the last ice age the human population on the entire Earth was reduced to 600 individuals. However, the author is ignoring one thing. Was that a single group? Could have been other survivors in different part of the planet, and those underwent different type of mutations?

Thawing of the continental ice moved again the water into the oceans and that started to rise oceans levels and that was perceived by humans as floods, and the legend of a flood is central in most recorded cultures on Earth (that could all have come from the same source though).

It is said during last ice age aboriginal Australians have been genetically isolated from the rest of humans for around 50,000 years (that number vary from author to author, some giving more or up to 70 k, some less. Not clear how great was their numbers, but must have been comparable to the 600 number above.

My hypothesis is. What if during the last ice age biological and evolutionary bottleneck they underwent a separate set of mutations than the 600 in all the other continents together or maybe they did not underwent any, as the last ice age has been milder in the Southern hemisphere.

Creating or keeping humans with a rather volcanic "temperament", way of planning, "reasoning" etc..

Time have passed and humans in the connected continents in the North flourished and gave birth to civilizations.

I believe this is the "ages" we hear about in the Hindu culture. Also. All the ice ages are cyclical. The Kali age (Sanskrit yuga), which name seem to be related to the goddess Kali, which name may come from the aboriginal word kylie, known to us as boomerang. We also hear from Hinduism of naraka, which became (corresponds to) Hell in European tradition.

This could have repeated (history always repeats itself, mostly because our brains are pre-programed or wired in certain ways) and on the largest scale, climate is cyclical and Hindu even has a measure for the cycles. Could these cycles be the true meaning of the curse of Samskara.

According to them, we live (again) in an age when Hell has spelt over the rest of the Earth.

The clash began indeed during the time mentioned for starting of Kali Yuga, when slave based agriculture states flourished in Egypt and Mesopotamia, pyramids were built, and the battles described in Mahabharata occurred, one of the enemies being the snakes (nagas, noongars, magas, etc..), all as a result of waves of invasions from south that started at the beginning of Kali Yuga and lasted until Huns and Attila, but that could be the only exact time in the description of the cycles that all must be much shorter.

Question. Could the last ice age on Earth have been started by humans?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12

8:20 AM Asta a apărut după ce am scris ieri. Apropo. El nu a folosit niciodată numele Columbus.

10:22 Marian Vanghelie.

2:00 PM

Today i was staring at a persistent picture in the news. The storm in Jupiter's "atmosphere", and for the first time it occurred to me the storm actually looks like an eye. So i did a search and what did i find...

Some say it could be the inspiration for the Eye of Horus... and i did one more search and i found that Egyptians considered Jupiter as the birthplace of ...Earth.

I was praying today i could find a solution to all my problems cause these guys are getting me sicker by the day... I went earlier outside to check the bins and there was a weird smoke, above 100 on the AQI scale, and was too lazy to put up a mask and i cough ever since. No i haven't been smoking in 3 days. My legs started to hurt more (they tingle every time i smoke but this was way stronger than cigarette smoke)...

Then it occurred to me... I also saw in the news recently that Europa has water (My bet is on Io)... And started to think to myself... What if... Egyptians did not originate on Earth but on Io or other moon with water next to Jupiter?

Until now we've been all thinking, aliens this, aliens that but never heard one single person saying that aliens could have come on Earth from a different planet on our solar system. Got to follow up on this idea, cause over the years i came to believe more and more there are some weird things about Egyptians, and the strange connection with Japan, and that is not only the pyramids.

Wa means among other things Japan in Japanese. Wadjet is...
8:51 Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and the density at the liquid surface is a a bit more than the density of water (and is solid at the core due to enormous pressure). A hollow object could float at or under the surface creating turbulence 

When i look into this picture, i see turbulence in the clouds formed of ammonia crystals, probably due to maybe a solid object in the middle that is somehow stationary or moving slower than the "winds". A mothership feeding on hydrogen isotopes?

9:00 What telescope you need to see the great spot on Jupiter? Did Egyptians have telescopes? When was telescope invented?

9:40 Adela Popescu

11:40 Right on time... I was waiting to see the reaction... This one is the first.

!1:41 Climbed a mountain and turned around.

12:15 AM 13 Eye in the sky. New order of the ages could mean time travel. It could also be a play word, szeklers meaning Shakya, Buddha's clan.