They did not "admixed" with each other prior to that which suggest they have not met with each other, with a different migration path for those who called themselves Hungarians and only more recently Magyars (when they were feeling strong enough not to care for the cover anymore). They are, as the late name says, some of the Magars of Nepal.
They took upon arrival in Panonia, and now we know that happened prior to 778, the name Hungarians, inspired by locals and/or their other name, Mongars, so nobody could guess their origin. However it is possible a distant relationship, as the two of them and all the other Mongols are descending from the Noongars of Australia.
Together with them came the Székelys, first mentioned in 1438 (nations are not estates), which are actually part of Nepal Buddha's clan, Shakya. That explains the name of Buda fortress, which became medieval Buda (Budapest since 1873).
The (in)famous inscription Novo Ordo Seclorum on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States comes from their name. Go figure.
Of course the remaining Székelys in the middle of today's Romania have no idea where they came from or why. Though their is a similarity between their flag and that of Nepal. To establish a remote Buddhist controlled foothold in the middle of Europe, near the gold mines of Dacia. Also, a nation mentioned as such in a treaty is not a subgroup.
Neither Huns or Hungars could not have been numerous. They more than likely brought with them tactics of unconventional warfare, which may explain their military success in Europe. They started their secret influence after infiltrated the Catholic Church after the baptism of their first king, Stephen, and especially by creating some of the religious orders, like Dominicans, with opposition from Jesuits.
Friars, an umbrella term for all of them, could be again a playword, chosen to symbolize their secret mission, that is setting the world on fire. Spanish Inquisition controlled by Dominicans was punishing "heretics" by burning at the stake.
This was written late at night (or early morning) local time (PDT) out of frustration over an idiotic article (with many inner contradictions) written by a so called Romanian patriot in official media which inspired me to read many sources including the Song of Roland, when i got lucky. However, three hours later i'm still mad.
3:10 Tonight i took another look at the flag of the Székelys and was intrigued by the resemblance with the logo of Philippines chapter of Dominicans but also with the logo of the management firm of this complex.
10:35 Was only thinking. Hypothetically. We all know that in Japan there was a caste system very similar to that of India, with daimyo (feudal lords) on top and samurai as warrior class and peasant at the base.
By 1500 another class was at the peak of its influence and that was the ninja which were more like the pariah of Japan. But i believe they came to control the other two and in the end abolished the samurai and basically the whole feudal system.
Could those be linked to geographic areas, like the fierce samurai to the sami people of the north living across three continents and the cunning ninja to the noongars of Australia, again, using all kinda unconventional warfare tactics?
And then the terror started upstairs. I noticed that if i start the big bathroom fan it usually calms them down. Maybe because the dust and other goodies raised in the space between ceiling and floor upstairs by the heavy stomps makes its way, pushed through cracks in walls by a leak in the bathroom exhaust pipe, outside, and comes back from under the door at the the person upstairs, if any.
7:15 Cred că denumirea de vlahi dată dacilor de vecinii de la vest, care înainte de venirea maghiarilor au fost mai mult germani, se datorează îmbrăcămintei lor care folosea masiv inul. Ie. In este un cuvânt latin (lin in franceză). Cum mi-am dat seama. Aveam un borcan cu ulei de in pe masă în fața mea.
Dar avem și în sanscrită un cuvânt lina, care înseamnă printre altele ascuns sau dizolvat, care ar putea fi un cuvânt vechi la baza celui latin. Din latină mai avem și linen în engleză, care conviețuiește cu germanul flax. Posibil și originea cuvântului in în engleză și română (în). Prin extensie, se poate ajunge la lână, ceea ce arată că oamenii preistorici au folosit inul pentru îmbrăcăminte înaintea lânii.
Linnen, the other cotton. (Inul, celălalt bumbac).
Pick a bale of cotton a day (să culegi un balot de bumbac pe zi). Are those