Showing posts sorted by date for query asphalt. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query asphalt. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How Black Magic Works

Was i praying when i was driving back home? I know i kept repeating in my mind. Please let me be in a good enough shape to write what i have in mind.

Spiritual. What is spiritual. What is based on mind only. What is based on spirits. What are spirits. Entities that inhabit all space around us. I will go by the oldest definition, that of Australian aboriginal. Don't know if other prehistoric people had the same beliefs, but these are well documented, through oral tradition that continued to our days.

And let's mention here. They have direct descendants in our world. A living connection with our distant past. The Noongars of Australia may be today's Hungarians. A direct, last migration from there that took several generation to complete. Attila is the name in aboriginal of the most known Australian landscape. A mountain that is horseshoe shaped. Or has a rainbow snake shape.

As i said, their prehistoric culture is rich and documented. Of their many deities we could mention wandjinas, with their Egyptian correspondent, Wadjet or Arabic (al)djin. All the way to English genie.

But tonight i am interested in the sort of spirits i always believed played a key role in their culture. The name means nothing to me right now. But could it represent the (eukaryotic) cell, from which all life on Earth was created, including single cell organisms (prokaryotic) like bacteria? Could they have handled such concepts?

I know some of the greatest scientists that ever lived on Earth are/were Hungarian, and all the others - disguised Hungarians.

I wrote yesterday about a possible symbiosis between humans and some of the deadliest bacteria that live on Earth similar to the symbiosis with the thousands of species of bacteria in our gut. In fact, it seems impossible to me that humans are completely free of those, since they are omnipresent, though much less than others (that make the bulk in our gut).

Clostridium are anaerobic and spores can survive in soil or human intestine and some are present in rust. I am positive our immune system is trained to deal with those in early infancy. I know raw honey contains clostridium and it may be sickening to young children. Of which tetanus and botulinum are the deadliest.

Ok so i am going to try to shorten it somehow for tonight. Black magic may be tricking our subconscious which may have some control over the immune system to believe the paralysis or stiffening of our body is actually done by our own neurotransmitters, in a state of pleasure or anticipating pleasure.

I am positive fresh asphalt, which is black, but also black clothes may contain some of the deadliest forms since they provide shelter from light and air that may destroy those. So providing some in the environment that otherwise are quite harmless and then creating in subconscious a false association with feeling good and/or anticipating and the color black.

This way, in the presence of color black (which in environment may be represented by objects loaded with clostridium and you breath the stuff emanating from fresh asphalt), your subconscious may allow those to multiply. You will probably not die but your brain will be numb enough for you to turn into a zombie (without knowing of course).

Another source which may provide deadly bacteria more than our (trained) immune system can handle may be a slow healing wound.

The situation may be worsening with intellectual effort and/or depression, with our body allowing more to multiply. Alcohol withdrawal - hangover. Opiate withdrawal - cramps, etc..

And yes i believe it's ancient science and some on Earth are using black magic without even really knowing (anymore) the mechanisms, but with incredible results and and an adjuvant in controlling the whole world, together with all sort of ancient tricks and deceptions - magic, sorcery, witchcraft.

Do you believe we really deserve and/or need all these to be constantly applied on us or we should get rid of them for (our) good?

Monday, November 20, 2023

November 20

12:45 After all these i get the feel he is not in Africa after al... Anybody knows when he's coming back?

I remember from newspapers at the time that even Ceuașescu was announcing his state visits to Mobutu weeks in advance...

I mean, it is all staged to appear that way. That is most people think he's in Africa, the smarter ones think he's in the US chasing me and he is actually taking yet another vacation meditating at his country house in Hungary.

1:07 Got to end a confusion here. În engleză la comandă la restaurant sau pe site-uri online se zice order. Același cuvânt se folosește și pentru comenzi militare.

11:45 Just came back from my walk. I don't know if i am awake or asleep. There is a bag similar to the one under the bin on the hills with the spilled  content of a dog litter box next to the alley bin. A garbage truck came to pick "selectively" the full bins, but they didn't pick this one though it's almost full.

Can't find right now the previous posts with the 7-11 intersection. Again i was coming from Nyberg lane trying to cross 65. At green (actually white from my point of view) i started to cross. A Mercedes coming from 65 stopped kinda short and scared me, providing a solid distraction. When i passed the middle, the light turned from white to red count down and green for a left turn for the traffic coming from Nyberg into 65 or in the same direction i was going.

To this day i don't understand how these lights work. Am i actually crossing on red?

I saw in peripheral view a black pickup with a black trailer coming from Nyberg lane towards me, turned my head completely but this time he pretended he didn't see me to the end and accelerated heavily so to run was the only option. After he barely missed me he slowed down to "apologize" and i ran to his tinted window to take a good look at the driver. All i can say is he reminded me of the guy upstairs.

There is a city surveillance camera on one of the poles of that intersection.

Earlier an Alexa meme with a big nose followed me for about one mile during my walk, providing "motivation" for the action above.

12:15 Put a glove on and went to throw in the bin the broken bag with liter dust sitting next to it. The dust was mixed with numerous dog poops and turned into a mud on the asphalt as it's been rained upon.

Trying to figure when it rained last time in Tualatin. Most likely the main reason i have been so nauseated in the last few days. Most likely coming from Apt.4, the same with the stinking Chrysler. Cause they rarely come with the dog outside.

Litter boxes should be made illegal, at least in apartments. It is dangerous to live with so many poops inside an apartment or small house, even if dried and covered in deodorant, also for the neighbors in a building like this. People should understand that pets especially big dogs are not toys to live with in a tiny apartment. People should be prosecuted for throwing garbage outside bins cause those are biohazards.

I turned on the radio on Z100 Portland and they were playing a (local) top and i again got to listen that monster Doja Cat, actually Miss Universe Japan 2014 (semantic clues: Keiko - cat, Tsuji - doja). What can i say. THEY control financially all radio stations and Billboard and everything. Now they are playing that horrible low low low song which is actually about m...n like so many others.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

November 7th

7:00 I woke up about one hour ago with big pains in the areas close to where i kept the laptop last night. That is because there is no smoke in the air like in any other day. I have this digital microwave meter that i think they figured a way to beat it.

Because the digital meter works probably with samples taken at time intervals, they probably figured a way to put out microwaves from laptop's wi-fi in the intervals between sampling.

And this W11 computer has so much lag while typing it drives me nuts. And it's got wi-fi too like any device nowadays though it works on ethernet right now like the laptop but at least it is some one meter away. [fixed by deleting the google account in chrome and then re-adding it and syncing]

8:34 "Candidatura la spațiul Schengen", "aderarea României la Schengen" au devenit termeni incorecți cel puțin după 1 ianuarie 2007. Nu poți să aderi la un tratat care nu mai există separat din 1999 când Tratatul Schengen a fost inclus în Tratatul de Aderare la UE din care România face parte de la 1 ianuarie 2007.

În Tratatul de Aderare la UE din 2005, așa cum a fost semnat de negociatorii români este scris că România (și Bulgaria) intră imediat în Schengen, adică dispozițiile acquis-ului (deschiderea frontierelor) sunt obligatorii dar se aplică doar după aprobarea verificării de către Consiliu. Consiliul face verificarea și tot el o aprobă.

În SUA se spune că există o limbă (jargon) al avocaților și juriștilor pe care o înțeleg numai ei, numită legaleză. Însă un tratat care a fost supus referendumurilor în toate țările UE trebuia să respecte o logică pe înțelesul tuturor.

"Dispoziţiile acquis-ului Schengen care au fost integrate în cadrul Uniunii Europene şi actele care se întemeiază pe acestea sau care sunt conexe acestuia şi care nu sunt prevăzute la alineatul (1), deşi sunt obligatorii pentru Bulgaria şi România de la data aderării, se aplică pe teritoriul fiecăruia dintre aceste state membre numai în temeiul unei decizii adoptate de Consiliu în acest sens, după verificarea...".

Cred că această frază va rămâne în istoria tratatelor ca cea mai ciudată și contradictorie de sine.

Au fost obligatorii timp de 16 ani și Consiliul a a votat prima dată pe această problemă în decembrie trecut, luând o decizie negativă și ne-legislativă.

Acel articol 4 din Tratatul de Aderare a fost re-înnoit la Lisabona, la mai puțin de un an de la aderare, care tratat nu a adus multe noutăți în legislatura UE. România prin veto-ul său putea să blocheze acel tratat și să negocieze în intervalul dintre 1 ianuarie 2007 când a intrat în forță tratatul de aderare din 2005 și decembrie 2007 când a fost semnat Tratatul de la Lisabona sau chiar până când a fost ratificat de Parlamentul României.

Consiliul Uniunii Europene are mai multe configurații din care cel mai important e Consiliul plin sau al șefilor de state care poate hotărî în orice domeniu, și apoi cele ale miniștrilor, pe specialități.

Din acestea, două sunt mai importante. JHA (Justice and Home Affaris), JAI (Justiție și Afaceri Interne) pe românește, al miniștrilor de interne și GAC (General Affairs), al miniștrilor europeni din fiecare țară.

Este însă Coreper II (the Committee of Permanent Representatives) cel care pregătește agenda întâlnirilor JHA (JAI) adică ordinea de zi, iar la rândul lui acesta este influențat de alte instituții ca Antici. Iar agenda nu se cunoaște mai devreme de o săptămână înainte de întâlnire.

Este greșit a spune că țara care deține președinția simbolică prin rotație adică Spania are ceva de a face cu agenda (ordinea de zi) a întâlnirilor JAI.

România a avut și ea 6 luni președenția UE pe vrema premierului Dăncilă, remember, și nu a putut făcut nimic pe tema asta.

Reprezentanții permamenți ai României. Coreper II, Iulia Matei. Antici (și acceptați), Florina Sava. Ați auzit de ele?

10:15 May the space opera continue...

3:00 Do i have to explain this one too? About a week ago i went with Angela at WinCo and bought a bunch of stuff and in the end when we were about to live i saw the key machine and made an extra key and ended making two by mistake.

The reason is i waste too much time, sometimes up to 10 minutes or more to find my keys and one day i actually went for my walk without locking the door (now i cleaned a bit the place). I had an extra Elantra key since i lost it last time and they made two keys at the key shop, had another for the truck and now i have two and a half sets.

Socializing. GRIMMY, SAVORY (cultural) where two special LPN i saw today besides the two with different LPN types with KEY. Everybody in the cars on Borland St. gave me sad looks and some actually turned their  head away from me...

Does that mean... Yes she last posted yesterday a weird Barista Babe video but now that post is gone and last one is since 3 days ago. And a weird entry on X since yesterday that is still there.

3:33 The weird optical phenomenon i was talking about the other day. Something i haven't seen before. In fact i haven't seen before lots of things. Light coming at a certain angle from sky or reflecting from windows on the asphalt appear white from one angle and purple from another one. I know it has to do with polarized light but never knew the human eye or camera can catch that.

4:30 Dilemmas. I know i am not supposed to eat with blinds open. Nobody came but in the end after i ate the cheesecake and came at the laptop i saw the thin guy or girl with a big black curly dog and a small one and that was enough to make me sick. I saw him picking but now where the smell comes from? Maybe he didn't pick it all, maybe from somewhere else.

7:52 Nevermind. She was busy getting busy on manyvids.

11:23 The young one, is she cute Lady Gaga Germanotta?

11:40 Hamass. O cascadă mortală. Right or wrong, they have to keep up with my keywords.

11:53 Now she eyes me... BTW i made delicious brisket...

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25

1:12 Nehammer. Schengen. Xi Jinping. Bottom.

1:30 Tom Emmer abruptly.

10:50 I wish it was weekend cause this entry would fit into that horizon. Was that or two days ago when i put a link to a song from 7 years ago where some were still trying to make a mark in music with AI.

I bet its stridency raised lots of eyebrows (or better said pricked ears) at the time but we were already used or at least openly introduced to the phenomenon by Alex da Kidd.

Soon it became obvious to anyone that AI cannot be used extensively or excessively or even distinctively in music, but only as adjuvant in "sculpting" artists' own voices and combining it with instruments that sometimes seem all too perfect, but never too far from recognizable and indistinguishable to the most.

However i think people deserve to know that everything they hear today on their radio comes from "the box" which means nothing is "direct" or natural no more, especially the re-synthesized voices. It became very possible the "artists" don't even sing their songs anymore, but just offer samples of their voices or simply sing the disclaimer  and then lip sync to the machine when performing live.

1:15 There is bullying and there is smart bullying. The need for some to bully someone weaker physically it's obscure and i don't have the time to analyze it.

But there is organized bullying (and yes since bullying is a crime, organized bullying through its vast consequences should be treated as organized crime). It is usually smart bullying not the kind met in classrooms and school corridors or workplaces.

There is an effect on the target, but in cases like me, who i am so accustomed to it and worn out emotionally it doesn't matter. The target is usually a larger audience that may "learn" the lesson through sympathizing.

Let me give you an example. This morning i couldn't wait to get outside because of the vague smells in here. Which turned real, when i got back though there was smoke throughout all my walk in the range of 50 or slightly above normal. Perceivable.

First think i saw outside was a dead squished fat rat. Right in front of the building. With its guts and tiny liver spilled on the pavement. I had to pick it and throw it before it got flattened completely and rot in front of the building for weeks to come.

Note the link with the squished lifter i just wrote about. Immediately a badly smoking FedEx passed followed by an even worse smoking noisy BMW with black windows, non Oregon LPN something like 5B8 that filled the alley with exhaust that lasted for the next 5 minutes or until i got at the street.

After i crossed the street there was the classic Sriracha prepared bottle. A water bottle filled with water mixed with Sriracha left to trickle on the ground in the wind direction. I am familiar with this treat because they did it many times when i was very tired or even sick. It wakes from the dead everybody on a few hundred feet, inside and outside in the wind's direction.

Trying to compensate for the lack of sharp insulation dust that was doing the job before i closed those holes in the walls a couple of days ago.

So it was the nose congestion followed by a stimulant so i will hopefully crash or have heart failure after breathing through congested nose while being stimulated with pain. I can confirm chest discomfort right now and forcing myself to breath on the nose.

After spending all night trying to figure the next speaker, after i had a few drinks and was already tired, drinking caffeinated soda and staying up until i found it and then until i got sleepy, which translates 6 AM, i was half past dead when i got out of the building and now i feel like jumping to summon the Halloween ghosts.

Can't possibly recollect right now everything that happened during my walk, though i saw again the Rev'it pickup passing in the neighborhood, which i perceive as a threat in the same time with an almost bold, threatening guy by the breaking pillar.

I was like walking on a cloud though it was raining from above, not able to think much except of what i already got obsessively in mind. Not much aware of the surroundings that is. Ok i remember one.
Back in August when they did the pavement someone came with a truck (possibly the one with snorkel and WA LPN associated with the people upstairs) and drew some eights on the fresh asphalt though they were not perfect eights, looking more like leaves and could not remember where i saw that sign except on some logo from Hungary that i can't remember who it belonged to but today i saw it again on a transportation van.

1:54 Got back home, smoke inside, filled a couple of mole holes by the concrete patio, found in the grass a flattened tiny poop just by the smell, etc.. Finally at the laptop. Only to see the adapter died again (the third this year). So i will take another break until i can get one.

And on Z100 right now thet are playing Fire to the Rain. Which is not on their Recently played as at 2:10 or right now.
10:00 In case you didn't know

10:30 I really hope we all will meet with the day when all work, physical and spiritual will be treated seen as fitness workout and meditation.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 16

12:00 Mai vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac, o dacă (aici, capturați)? Dacii suntem... noi! 

11:40 Dacian shields. Nobody in Europe has better proof of their noble origin yet we were always kept aside. Schengen treaty was included in European treaty since 2000 or way before Romania became part of it yet they pretend they still have to vote and Austria which probably thinks has claims on some of our territories like Bucovina where i'm from opposes her veto in an unnecessary invented vote.

The claims may be also based on the name of our president, Klaus Werner Iohannis, who comes from a city named in the past Hermannstadt. However the city name and its hypothetical German minority (they all have left for Germany because of communism hardship decades ago) comes from the German immigrants who came here from Germany proper by invitation from Hungary, trying to top the Romanian majority as seen in Unio Trium Nationum which BTW is described in totally biased manner in the Wikipedia page, don't even wanna read it it makes me sick.


12:11 Au ajuns că nu le mai pasă de nimic. Poate avea media acces la dosarele procuraturii și apoi să publice mărturii, părți din acele dosare? Adică, poți să spui că unul e cercetat, poți să-i faci o poză cu cătușele la mâini între jandarmi (poți?) pentru că îl poate vedea oricine în stradă (oare de ce?) dar să publici dosarul, nu cred. Și totuși nu am auzi niciodată pe nimeni din sistemul judiciar sau din publicul interesat să protesteze sau chiar să formuleze acuzații fiindcă mi se par fapte penale.

12:15 Tiktok, copiii. Nu-i pasă nimănui de datele confidențiale. Problema este nuditatea, lascivitatea, înjurături, invitații la prostituție, conținutul aproape porno al multor conturi. Eu am pus odată un link pe fb cu o tipă mai dezbrăcată deși nu prea, luată tot din media "legitimă" și mi-au blocat postarea. Pe tiktok se pare că merge orice.
Acum 20 de ani Eminem avea probleme pentru doar aluzii obscene, astăzi sunt cuvinte explicite unele repetate la infinit aproape în toate melodiile noi pentru tineri repetate de multe ori pe zi pe posturile de radio și nu-i mai pasă nimănui. Ce contează că auzi un bip de mascare de 100 de ori într-o melodie și știe oricine ce înseamnă.

7:48 E sărac și n-are maniere!

8:43 Figured last night. Hosier-Kushner (not so) refreshing baritone diversifying trend/experiment actually started much earlier...

(Curious about on thing. Could your electricity powered AI actually predict karma). Now it all went silent cause AI is rebooting. Again.

And BTW why the effort. There is no market today. Though i'm happy to see you again.

10:30 There is no way they didn't know about this when they chose the stage name for their crowned princess.

This morning instead of Autumn Moon they used something with hot pepper in it. Awoke with shortness of breath and pain all over my skin that woke me up after two and a half hours of sleep.

Are you all gonna sit and entertain yourself with these presented here on this weekend too?

1:40 Flooded with smoke, feeling much better. Familiar familiar familiar...

5:54 AI is rebooting again.  For a few hours now.

I wish i knew who the SOB with smoking asphalt came at that hour on a Saturday on Borland. That black stuff restarted an dormant infection and as a result i got progressing chills again and i'm back on antibiotics. Yes i pressed the button a bit too early being afraid i'm gonna loose it and the camera was too slow for a second shot.

Seconds after, the street was filled with smoke that lasted for minutes as i was walking in the direction seen in the picture. For the last month, every time i went in there they were guys mowing the grass on the right though in never seen them before.

Lately everywhere i go there is paving with asphalt going on. Towards Mt.Hood, near McMinnville, parking lot here, parking lot at Spirit Mountain, etc.. I think they are asking for the help from the goddess.

BTW when i came back i found a bag with a poop on top of the bushes under that apartment with the German shepard. I saw  them "accidentally dropping" stuff from that balcony before, including debussing of a plate once, cams from a broken sack, etc.. I saw it earlier but didn't pay attention because it was in a blue bag. But this one was stinking really bad in the bag with a loose knot under hot sun rays. 

7:26 Cancel_arul. Not the right time. Cred că Bucovina este motivul pentru care Austria, o țară care nu este membru NATO, îl susține deschis pe Putin. Deja vu.

9:43 I had this wild idea about an age range and did a search and i found a woman who resembles the current (a double of the) woman upstairs (based on a few seconds clear view from 30 ft away). Bucovina used to be under Austrian rule between...

10:18 Întrebare. A apărut Gheboasa vreodată într-un video porno pe site-urile principale, într-o pădure, cu tipă tânără cu ochi albaștri care părea drogată, cu încă doi tipi? (video care a dispărut fiindcă tipa are acum alt nume și alte roluri).

11:20 Ok m-am prins la niște faze dramatice. Povestea lui Salmoxis așa cum am spus-o este abia la început. Aștept reacții sau poate mă enervez dacă mai scârțâie sus mult și scriu acum. Sau poate asta urmăresc. Îmi dau fum și scârț ca să-mi scurtcircuiteze neuronii ca să meargă pe repede înainte și să vin cu idei trăsnite ca oracolul din Delphi.

Ok nu se poate opri. Prima fază.

(Ok se pare că a executat un dans și a spus o mantra prin care m-a făcut să uit ce vroiam să scriu. A ok gata mi-am amintit. (Not so) nice try).

De fapt asta scrie chiar în Wikipedia. Maestrul zidar era un fost solomonar care a ales să se întoarcă între oameni pe care îi ajuta împotriva solomonarilor. Solomon a construit primul templu care a fost prototipul templelor masonice de mai târziu și l-a înviat pe Hiram Abiff, arhitectul templului și fiul văduvei care a fost lovit în cap de trei rufieni.

Nu am înțeles niciodată din Biblie de unde și-a adunat Solomon bogăția cu care a construit Primul Templu acolo în Canaan unde curge doar lapte și miere dar în Biblie bogăția (și înțelepciunea) lui sunt legendare.

Întrebare. Să fie Solomon același tip cu Salmoxis care mai întâi s-a dus la Pitaguru, a învățat carte după care a venit și i-a vrăjit pe geți pentru a lua aur de la ei în schimbul iluziei nemuririi? (Prima țeapă luată de geți din istoria cunoscută). (Depozitele de aur din România sunt și au fost cele mai mari din lume, probabil fiindcă aici a căzut acum aproximativ 70 milioane de ani un asteroid metalic).

Da știu nu se potrivește cronologia însă datarea vieții lui Solomon este ipotetică în timp ce de Pitagora știm exact când a trăit. Circa. Dacă nu cumva toate sunt niște povești iar când sună clopoțelul știm că Ram_ses trebuia să fi murit.

Mai e o chestie. Pitagora a descoperit teorema cu același nume, iar în teoremă e vorba de un triunghi dreptunghic cu trei pătrate (squares) ce poate avea legătură cu semnele masonice suprapuse (compasul și echerul).

Deși compasul și echerul îl întâlnim și în mitologia chineză, Fuxi și Nuwa, cei doi șerpi frate și soră care după potop au reconstruit lumea cu un compas și un echer iar numele Nuwa pare să semene cu Noe. Dar și Noe a construit o arcă, acolo. Capisci?

1:00 Eu am (încă) o chestie. Ceva o permeabilitate în cerul gurii, poate de la vorbit prea mult la telefon (wireless, celular) sau mă roade placa dentară mai ales dacă mănânc alimente mai tari (nuci, alune, carne sau pizza arsă LOL) sau o combinație.

Dacă pun ceva dulce în gură mai ales seara după tot efortul masticator din cursul zilei dimineața mă doare capul. Dacă sunt într-o perioadă în care iau antibiotice faza nu se întâmplă.

Pot fi însă și alte infecții cronice nediagnosticate în zona capului, ca de exemplu urechi, gât, sinuzită cronică etc. sau un "tratament pe canal" la un dinte care de fapt înseamnă un os mort înfipt în mandibulă/maxilar. Încercați cu antibiotice de curiozitate. Tetraciclina, doxiciclina și tot neamul lor sunt nașpa pentru inimă totuși.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

September 2nd

6:50 I got awaken by the sound of the AC in the window upstairs that is vibrating the wall almost 3 hours ago. Probably not even functioining ac AC by reason of outside temperature of 61 degrees. Someone went to the bathroom then i felt cigarette smoke. You cannot smoke inside in this complex.

7:17 Sunt difențe, poate de la distorsiuni optice. Nu ar fi primul la care am greșit... de mai multe ori. Aștept reacții. 11:12 The place filled with smoke like last night at 10:30. I thought it was the guy upstairs smoking but he left and the smoke was even stronger. Like last night, i found a hole next to the foundation at the next apartment, 20 ft away from our windows.

I went and stepped on that one, a few others around the apartment and the smoke subsided. This happened a lot in the past but no very recently or since i put some oven cleaner in the holes next to the apartment but that was at least six months ago. It looks like they stick in a mole gallery some burning stuff like similar to flares they put on the freeways loaded with who knows what and the smoke travels through the mole galeries in all directions, flooding the building.
12:50 As i said i scored some big points last few days and their need to retaliate is pressing heavy on me.

I needed to go to Walmart to get some Omeprazole mainly, other stuff. When i left they were trimming the bush next to the car in a rare Saturday move of the Emperror's ninja gardeners. Because of that and other stuff i forgot to take the alternate route to WinCo and went the old way and the meter started beeping like crazy when i passed the Gray.

However nothing happened. No pain no nothing. At Walmart some Mexicans, some real, were blocking the bays i wanted to go at the entrance. Finally got everything but forgot the water. At the self check-stands though i realize i'm a bit short of all my mental abilities. Checked the items on the cooler on the left but the machine didn't say anything. In the end i put them on the scale, counted them, i had an extra item on the list. Pressed the button for the attendant, in the meantime i saw her, she came and unchecked the mayo once and she left without canceling my call, so i had to call her one more time.

Finally on the road, i remembered to take 72, but then was the first time when i realized something was wrong with me. For a few seconds could not remember where i was and were i was going. Everything around me looked weird, like in a movie. And i wasn't feeling any pain from the beam me down, Grey. Then i realized. I was like drunk, though i haven't been drinking in a week. The smoke earlier. The reason i haven't feel any pain from the Grey.

Got home, the ninja blocked my entrance, one of them was eating from a cooler, he moved the car with the trailer while the child actor laid a green branch from the bush that was still on the fresh asphalt in the direction where i was going to park so i had to pass over it and then pick it from under the car. All symbolism.

1:05 Ca și predecesorii săi Ciolacul și-a creat niște probleme cu ajutorul subordonaților lui și mediei (accidente cu drogați, șuruburi, păcănele) pe care a cerut să le rezolve lui însuși singur, în viitor, Ciolacul viitorului (ca în filmul Terminator). Den Leyen i-a dat și niște bani (cu împrumut?) ca să arate acasă, să-i crească rating-ul șifonat cârlionțat, vom ști noi oare ce se va face cu ei, ca și de restul bugetului nostru?

Apropo nu e nici o chestie dacă muți păcănelele afară din oraș. Acolo, ajungi mai greu, pleci mai greu, stai mai mult mai ales dacă îți dau ăia ceva de papa și au un ATM două instalae.

Ce aș propune eu. Să pună ceasuri pe pereți vizibile de oriunde în sălile de păcănele. Să nu vândă mâncare, băutură și să nu fie ATM-uri acolo sau pe o anume distanță în jur.

9:00 O idee. Să posteze pompierii din fiecare localități pe paginile lor de fb punctele cu probleme sau de evitat din motive de siguranță. Sau ONG-urile. Să facă și ei ceva util. Un site centralizat.

11:10 Angela today could not walk no more. She can go to the restroom and put her foot on the ground though. Painful to the touch laterally, but also very limited mobility of the leg and it got worse since yesterday. After going through numerous sites and a video i figured both Angela and i have bursitis.

I had it for years didn't know what it was and started to play with patches with antibiotics.

Trouble is they are very slowly assimilated systemically though you can reach therapeutic dosage, however they act more strongly locally and that mutates bacteria and makes it move to other areas. I had at right elbow, wrists, shoulders and mainly knees, for years. I think from me it jumped to Angela, first at the right foot and now and the left hip. Either one of us had it in the exact points shown in the image.

Having it both proves that is caused by a pathogen, bacteria or fungus, present in our environment. Could have come from washer's hose and other places like this, who knows;

11:20 Pikachu. We had a couple of thunderstorm passing near our location. I haven't heard thunders, can't remember since when at this location, and could compare and the intensity of the noises upstairs is similar. Though it lasts all day, every few seconds. The AI picked the idea a few seconds before i wrote it and the he climbed down the stairs and off he went and all went quiet.

11:45 Superseding information. I heard a siren and an ambulance passed by with flashing lights, something i have seene in this complex maybe once a year.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31

It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.

What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given  bulgarian? etymology).

One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.

There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.

Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.

As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.

The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).

The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.

The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.

7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.

1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.

În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.

2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege?
2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.

If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.

No Blachs does not mean black.

3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.

5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.

Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.

5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.

5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.

Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.

6:30 Cadence Academy.

7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.

But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.

So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.

And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).

In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.

While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.

8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.

I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.

9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzează atrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.

Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei. 

O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.

Atenție cafeaua și cofeina din carbogazoase dezhidratează la fel sau mai mult.

Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.

9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.

I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".

10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.

10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26

4:00 Doing this was not as fun as i thought it was going to be... One thing is sure. They don't make them like this anymore...

10:40 Coming back from the dead...

11:30 Patru salvatori, patru victime, patru intubați, patru autospeciale.

1:13 Daikoku is the Japanese counterpart of Hindu goddess Kali.


Shinto - World History Encyclopedia

"The main beliefs of Shinto are the importance of purity, harmony, respect for nature, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group".

4:07 It still smells like asphalt in here. (My perspiration smells like asphalt). In fact, i just wiped the door outer upper frame with a wet paper towel that came black, after the tan SUV that was not seen here for months was idling with big low freq noise for half hour now, bringing the dust inside by the door. There is also wildfire smoke.

I went yesterday to give a blood sample for an A1C test, others. Metabolic and counts were all normal, A1C is not on my chart yet. Took a shower right before, however the fine invisible asphalt dust, bacteria from two mats again rejected by the garbage company and sitting there next to the bin, wet from the rare rain two days ago, many other items, penetrated under my skin through that tiny but deep needle wound and finally driving two hours with AC on yesterday did it.

Got again an infection under skin or fascia, very similar to the one i had when i went to the ER, but invisible with no open wound, that spread in other areas like shoulder, wrist etc.. Hot flashes, shivers and much perspiration and some pain that goes all the way to the bone. Also slept only 4 hours last night, probably because of noise upstairs that woke me up etc..

6:26 I used to hate Doja Cat but since i saw last time the video in the second link today this song keeps playing in my head.

11:00 After i used patches with vast amounts of anitbiotics (4x500 mg at a time) i'm over with the infection. I also took half Zyrtec, used some nasal decongestant, slept 9 hours straight, now it's 11 PM.

11:45 Da bine dar îl curățau cu lapte în el? Cum a ajuns totuși vestea tragică la oamenii din zonă?

Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 24

3:03 It is 89 degrees when i finished my walk. Never ending stories. The first thing i noticed when i opened the door where the traces left on the still uncured seal coating. Somebody with a big off road tires 4x4 came sometimes last night and did this.

Could have been the guy with the off road white Toyota with snorkel with LPN unreadable under the windshield that just left when i came. I think they were figuring two infinity signs.

3:07 My truck has smooth tires and is 2x4. It did not leave any traces where i parked this morning when i had to move it from the area they sealed today. The spot is trapezoidal, that is the reason it appears unaligned.

I came the other way as shown the 4x4 came in the picture above and never reached my spot, somebody miraculously moved and made a free spot before i got here. The spot on the right with the traces left intentionally visible (in a "spot crisis" when half of the complex is being sealed) i new in that moment it was a trick, like anything else.

There is painting flaking from my truck from a paint job done at Modern Auto more than 15 years ago. I hit a pole in hospital parking lot with the right rear fender when i drove there, sick. Hood was bent from pushing on it so many times. Left door from stealing my stereo. They knew they were going to let me park there and left some white paint on the new coating.

3:14 They did something similar when the painted the doors and the siding a few years ago. They intentionally left brown spots on the door, as they were working with trainees.

3:22 I got so mad i took the other way, or through the freshly sealed area. Most of it was dry but i ran into a wet area, and because of being so distracted i just thought it was wet with water or something on. Slipped but did not fall.

3:23 During my walk i was thinking. You cannot identifiy a body that is otherwise unrecognizable by a missing finger

I would say the whole story, with the fall of the plane, Putin's reaction, was invented to cover my post, but people would say again i'm on drugs. I was wrong again, don't see the reason for the cover. Unless that person is also involved in the same type of activity on tiktok or other sites, like many others. Even in Romania ex athletes became involved with porn and prostitution.

On the other hand, i would say the level of stress and distraction i'm under is equivalent to being on drugs, but i have my moments of lucidity, especially when i take pictures and write while everybody don't know what to believe (please pardon the Japanese accent).

Easiest explanation. "He's high on drugs" and rest are coincidences or ChatGPT which is a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence to explain to the naive what i'm writing.

Wagner of course stands for all the music videos i post. I know many people post online recipes and stuff, i fell into this fashion and posted some, but not all are in the situation i'm in and i only posted realistic recipes for people who don't now how to cook and that is the majority.

They started the never ending unprecedented Trump scandal (to cover Truman Show).

3:38 It's not only the temperature, it's the circulation of air. Temperature was 76 degrees and i was perspiring from head to toes. So i started the AC that circulates air like a fan.

More Kafka. Got Medicare and everybody knows, the only state insurance in the US, payed by payroll deductions comes without covering dental and prescriptions and others. There are other plans known Medicare Advantage that probably suck the money that otherwise would suffice for drugs and prescription from Medicare, and give those, for free.

Trick is you have to know and to enroll. If you don't enroll soon enough, you will have to pay later a lifetime monthly penalty to Medicare for... not having prescriptions covered.

So i got into one of those called Humana Plus Gold Diabetes bla bla hoping to get some insulin and they assigned me a doctor named... Nicholas Sweet. However he is not a doctor but a physician assistant and he says he did not a contract with Humana in more than a year. All doctors avoid Medicare and Medicare based plans because they slash bills to maybe a third or a quarter.

Trouble is i have to find an "in network" doctor to prove i got diabetes first (GNU). I used to go a  lot to doctors when i had insurance through Angela's work but stopped doing so when i ran into Lady Gaga and her stethoscope in 2011. And of course when i went to the ER with flesh eating bacteria that was never diagnosed right.

Got an appointment tomorrow with the only doctor i could find available in the area after many calls, his name is Michael Jaczko (Billy Jean) also ko or co suffix indicates Ukrainian origin like escu Romanian, ski Polish, etc..

The clinic is under a cell phone tower with (at times) high levels of radiation. Last and only time when i went for the paperwork i forgot to take my meter and got a dose that caused me 48 hours of pains.

3:56 It is incredible how few videos and other credible news come to us from Ukraine. Some would say is for protection of troupes and/or population. Being in Crimea, they put the video. But every time when i was complaining of lack of credible news from the war they started to shell cities at the border with Romania. And then they told us not to post videos or pictures of those for safety of Ukrainians.

7:30 9.3 Indian Ocean Earthquake Or Indonesia Earthquake of 2004 generated waves up to 51 meters high while 9.1 Japan Earthquake of 2011 only 40 meters. However that not explain how the tsunami generated by Indonesian Earthquake reached Somalia across the ocean at heights of 9.4 meters and the tsunami generated by the Japanese earthquake didn't.

7:50 That is also very interesting.

8:00 Was nauseated all day long. Went and picked and threw in the garbage a couple of dog piles from the other end of the building. Just by smelling those from close, an hour later i got belly pains.

8:55 Media Recycling Center.

9:20 Never knew!

Ok so furniture came on July 22, this was recorded on 28 (warning, some offending language) but i'm sure there are other versions recorded in the past. It was a few days after they started to walk and stump. If this is addressed to me, it breaks several local laws. Also, everybody knows, Pikachu and al Pokemons were characters invented in Japan.

Designed in Japan, for American use (like cars) cause Pikachu in English means pick at you, wich means a character based on a kami that may be malevolent depending. Shinto religion does not have a clearly defined concept of good or bad.

11:30 It rains! (Very rare in Oregon in August). Very local, just a cell above I5. Don't know if it's bad or good for the asphalt seal coat or will delay curing. Hope it's going to help with the asphalt smell. Curiously enough, the rain is following the (low pressure) on top of freways. Just another example on how human activity may influence weather. Could THEY have done this to "cancel" the animations above?
No cause i saw the storm coming on satellite animation (got it on my start pages of my browser) before i posted those.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 22

12:05 Am văzut chiar acum pe un site din România o bălbăială despre cum să răcorești o locuință fără AC.

Să vă povestesc ce am văzut eu într-un cazino de pe o rezervație indiană (majoritatea cazinourilor din SUA sunt pe rezervații din motive de taxe cred).

Nu știu dacă înlocuiește complet AC-ul sau doar îl complementează atunci când nu face față în zilele foarte călduroase, dar temperatura era plăcută.

Multă lume nu înțelege, problema nu este temperatura aerului ci încălzirea pereților și a tavanului iar în mașină, a bordului. Am calculat odată că un bord de mașină care stă sau merge în soare poate da căldură între 500 și 1000 wați cu care cu care se luptă de fapt AC-ul.

Deci într-un cazino de 80x40 metri am văzut două sau trei ventilatoare uriașe (fans) cam de un metru diametru fiecare având în spate, nu în față, două găleți cu gheață. Gheața ținea cel puțin o oră cred, dar nu am văzut niciodată momentul când o schimbă.

Suprafața este enormă în comparație cu un apartament sau o cameră. În SUA se vând pungi de gheață de exemplu cu trei dolari punga de 5 kg. Cred că poți în felul acesta să răcești un living cu câțiva lei pe zi și cred că se merită, câteva zile pe an, ca să nu te sufoci de căldură.

Cred că poți să faci gheață și în congelator, noaptea când e mai răcoare fiindcă frigiderul va lucra mai mult și va încălzi camera, mai ales dacă ai o bucătărie cu geam e super ok, iar legile fizicii care guvernează pompele de căldură sunt mai ciudate și sunt sigur că aparent încalcă legea conservării energiei, având o eficiență de mai multe ori decât cea unitară.

5:00 The reason i did not talk to her in the park is with those glasses she really looked Hungarian to me. German Hungarian to be more precise. Though through physical IP location of her site she was in San Francisco. Then she entered the alley into the narrow wooded area and she was just staying there checking her phone but i did not want to follow her, just wanted to make sure she was safe so i looked through the branches of the trees and then left my way.

However, she brought the best in me. In the last few days i scored some of the biggest points in my life.

Other than that. Yesterday i would have been happy just to talk to her, today i am happy i found her, like all the others. I am such a... n idiotic strange incurable animal. But i have some excuses. She was "personalized" just for me with the videos uploaded and waiting.

Also. Been up all night, yesterday i started the bluetooth just to listen to some videos (like 10 times each), i forgot and now i got again pains in all the known areas and that is from head to toes. I brought the meter near it and the signal was 1-2 mW. Though the receiver is real close. I stopped the bluetooth and started it again and now it was at negligible levels.

I think in this case and the whole 6 months when i overexposed myself beyond any recoverable limit with the wi-fi from the laptop that i kept in my lap someone probably got inside my computer via Internet or router or whatever hardware backdoors they have and put the levels to the max.

I will never get better again, only worse. I keep asking myself. How could i have been such an idiot and not realizing where the pains were coming from in that period and the previous one when i was using it sporadically while exposing mostly my feet to the PCs wi-fi for years and most important, the jaws to the phone.

11:11 Pains still present in closest areas. Hands, belly, legs above knees or where i've been in contact. 3-4-5 (depending no areas) on a scale of ten. I think the microwaves are not absorbed by the fat in the belly because fat is an insulator and goes right trough to the fascia and even intestines.

Went outside and moved the truck to a 24 area (which means it can't be there on 24, because of the paving, sealing whatever) that starts tomorrow on the other half. However i don't believe i'll keep it there through most part of day, if i have to leave because the noise, dust and smell of asphalt.

11:40 Three came about 10 minutes ago and started to play on or around the green cable box when i was ready to eat. I shot the blinds. Now i can hear them in front or the other side of the building.

2:20 Da apar imagini dar ochii sunt acoperiți întotdeauna de ochelari. Nu sunt imagini care pot duce la identificarea unei persoane, sunt doar pentru entertainement (cu multe complimente din partea autorităților și media).

3:15 Nu sunt happy că am găsit-o ca actriță (deci era fake). Eram mult mai happy dacă nu o găseam. Deși ultimele postări nu-mi erau favorabile. Acum la ce dreq să mă mai uit, cu înfrigurare?

Și am uitat să spun de la început, bărbații nu ar trebui să se uite la contul (The) Alexa Crush (101) de pe tik tok, s-ar putea să le creeze dependență foarte gravă (account is highly addictive).

Nu, tipa de mai jos nu e evreică așa cum sugerează numele. Evreii nu pot fi așa de urâți.

7:55 Wouldn't be the first case i know of...

11:16 Orice numărătoare începe cu unu (justificarea teoriei lui Benford). Grindeanu însă va măcina până la 59 miliarde anul acesta.

11:25 Eu într-o noapte veneam, nebăut, pe un drum (ok, 18) cu Elantra cealaltă și aveam percepția că era apă pe carosabil iar termometrul de bord arăta 0 grade (32 F). De aceea mergeam cu 10 sub limită și în Sheridan mă oprește un polițai, puțin mai în vârstă decât un puștan.

"I stopped you because you were driving erratically from line to line and super-slow and wanted to convince me you are not drunk which you obviously are not", cu o voce și o privire complice (timp în care eu calculam, în minte câte ore erau de când nu am băut). Și ca într-un film i-am arătat termometrul la care el a spus că drumurile sunt ok și nu e nevoie să merg încet. La vreo câteva mile distanță, pe un pod am avut percepția că e polei și că am început să derapez dar nu s-a întâmplat pentru că totul era ca într-un film.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9

1:22 Last thing first. Coming from Hwy 212 towards 205 at ramp near exit 12 i guess, there is a cell phone tower that is very low compared to others. Usually when i pass that one i get the highest reading i get in the whole area from a tower on the microwave meter that i always keep plugged in an adapter in the car.

The meter's alarm beeped fast, which means levels above 10, that were present for more than a minute when i waited at the stop lights with the tower at left and behind me though the signal usually is much lower inside the car. Not the same level earlier when i passed in the other direction when traffic was present. Or maybe the multitude of cars was absorbing some of the energy.

Soon enough i started to feel pain in all sensitive areas. Thinking, should have tried to use a windshield sun blocker on that side of the car cause the pains started on the left side where the tower was, just to see if the signal gets smaller.

Weird enough, i have pains in the back area which i didn't in the past. Chest discomfort and pain deeper in the back where the heart is. Could the finally decided to target my heart with a 5G beam?

2:30 It's hard right now when i'm in pain to talk about the serenity and total detachment i felt last night after the numbness wore out but i have to, just in case. It was like i made a visit to a place where i should have remained. Could it have been a preview or could it be just your body or brain response to seconds of lack of oxygen and possibility of imminent death.

Maybe the nature is helping us in that moment.

But it made me think again. Stephen Hawking said if any organized or structured objects falls into a black hole, when passing the event horizon it puts out some sort of radiation that contains all the information pertaining to the structure of that object that is about to be lost.

But then something else came to mind. They say flash cards are using a quantum effect. Also each cell permanently traps a number of electrons which are quantum particles to perform the memorizing function.

I would go and say any type of memory is quantum because it memorizes zeroes or ones. Any process that manipulates binary digital information manipulates quanta of information.

How about writing a number in a registry over another one. What happens to the information contained initially in that register. Or better if we delete that register altogether using a function of that memory or processor. Or simply unplug a ram card from the computer or power down the whole thing and then we will never be able to find out what number was in there. Will the card in that moment emit Hawking radiation?

When you overwrite only zeroes or ones in a registry or a whole file in a flash memory you actually flush the electrons out of their cells which will mix with others in the metal connectors and become random or meaningless thermal agitation and then there is no way you can retrieve that information.

Is that destroying of quantum information? Will that process emanate Hawking radiation?

More than that, you can copy or duplicate files on a flash card. Is that quantum duplication of information? By deleting all copies except one, will that card emit every time the same Hawking radiation "signature" or whatever and still keep the initial information intact.

It is said each neuron synapse is made of tens of thousand of digital gates which may be mediated by a number of different neurotransmitters.

I think everybody figured where i'm getting at. Do our brains emit at the time of death massive amounts of hypothetical Hawking radiation, given the complexity of our minds and thus our "soul" reunites with the Universe whatever.

8:53 I apologize for editing heavily what i wrote above last night but i simply was too tired to optimize the way i wrote my ideas. BTW still have some pains in hands and center upper back and left shoulder. Chest discomfort due to nose congestion because i slept with an open window.

BTW i remember now i had a number of episodes of sleep apnea, though not as severe as the night before, when i slept in the car in the parking lot at Indian Head casino, and there was pavement work on one area or another in that direction. I think passing through one of those areas and breathing both dust and asphalt vapor does. It all depends on what they are doing in the moment one passes but i was usually passing through massive amounts of dust.

Right now there is a pavement project on 18 towards the ocean that will last for several more months and one on 26 before Zig-Zag so no matter in which direction i go i get to pass through one of those. Earlier this year and before that they were paving in Boring.

9:16 BTW here is the result of one of those projects. Though street was paved ok, they managed to draw the yellow line in a manner that is offending to any driver. Questions that arise in that moment in one's mind. Should i follow the yellow continuous line, the white interrupted, do an average trajectory between the two, and how fast should i maneuver or how close should  i "average" the trajectory.

This in Oregon nowadays is done in the same way in numerous locations on all new projects and in the past on all freeways.

12:25 My internet on the laptop went suddenly and firmly down when i was about to post this suggesting is not an USB contact problem. Posting from Angela's computer.

May i ask why this guy was acting as a security officer at Indian Head last night and other times before.

For the second weekend in a row there was this bearded guy reminding of Weeknd there and also many songs on the interfon were his. He was of course wearing a T-shirt saying Peanuts and the other bearded  younger thinner guy with him was wearing one saying BOOKER suggesting arrest, booking agent or even the same word written with H.