Monday, November 25, 2024

November 25

7:25 A coil can be used as an antenna and emit EM radiation and according to duality, photons. In the case of coupling of two coils we can transmit energy between the two coils with an efficiency higher than if the coils were not coupled or having the same shape size and number of turns. Does that mean the receiving coupled coil attracts photons?

How about when inserting an iron core inside an transformer. Shouldn't it block all photons?

The example can be continued with tuned receiving antennas at great distances from the emitting antennas. Some could say when resonating, a distant antenna may create its own EM fields and somehow capture more photons but photons cannot be diverted by EM fields. So the receiving antenna does get more EM energy by diverting the EM fields, but not the photons and the dualism principle is broken.

That's one of the reasons i believe in the case of low frequencies EM fields generated by antennas photons are not being emitted.

2:00 PM This answer is plain stupid. You cannot see photons outside visible light frequencies.

2:01 This one too. With an antenna you catch radio waves, not photons. EM waves not photons cause electrons to move inside an antenna. A photon can cause a photoelectric effect on a metal surface and electrostatically charge an antenna, like anything in the line of sight of an emitting antenna though the photelectric effect has a under 1% efficiency.

I think everybody so far assumed this dualism theory is true at lower or any frequencies yet i've never seen metal objects being charged electrostatically when being hit by light, even after being hit by light for hours.

When my truck was new it was charging electrostatically. I was getting out of it, stepping on the ground and then being shocked after i touched only after driving and i think it had something to do with the friction of the wheels on dry asphalt. Also all metal surfaces were painted.

2:20 Ok here's another one. You can catch radio waves inside a building. Do photons pass through walls?

2::21 This doesn't make sense either. You would expect higher energy photons to pass through matter more easily than visible and that is true in the case of x-ray or gamma rays photons.

4:52 And Orban's Europe of the decline of the Austro-Hungarian.

9:40 La 34 de ani de la Duminica Orbanului, românii, împlinind un ciclu, au ajuns să aleagă între o mare necunoscută, un domn cu centură neagră la karate și judo, căruia îi place să înoate în ape reci, adică un mini me al lui Putin, dar cu păr, și o doamnă care a adus prăjituri la secția de votare, un fel de Viorica Vasilica Valerica dar pe steroizi.

Merită ei toate acestea? Da, dacă ei cred că voturile au fost numărate corect. hă...

10:40 Viktor Orban, from dissident to crushing dissent...

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