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Showing posts sorted by date for query gate. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2024

October 31st

11:50 Republican Services

1:27 Kamiarizuki. When the Seven Samurai stumble the whole market trembles. Anybody knows what evaporating greatly exaggerated rumors spooked them today? (click on market cap to sort them out).
10:00 PM
10:30 Spotted this in a movie. (Another) Haven's gate, or an antenna this time to repel clouds, maybe?

10:35 I believe it's some sort or retaliation for what i just posted. A solid march upstairs, back and forth, exactly where i am located in a corner of the bedroom. Stirring dust, mold and gas from the walls, together with depressing my imune system and neglected perspiring from trying to fix the Internet for my computer brought me back in time with the infection.

12:00 BTW Just remembered something. I have been several times in the past few days in Beaverton and got to pass this place. Apparently they are adding or replacing an overpass. Here is how it looked like in May of this year. Than a picture taken by me yesterday. What i can tell for sure is those cranes did not move in the last three days, i remember, because they looked like a Haven's gate and only very few people were working. 

Because of that work that goes on for many months, it took me yesterday at @8 AM about half hour to climb from I5 on the big overpass onto 217 and i was the only one in traffic with a manual transmission.

Because the traffic was brought to a near standstill, in that half hour or 40 minutes for a half mile i pressed on the clutch hundreds of times. (Appointment window at 8:10, probably peak of traffic, on their site was done by me because of a cancelation, with no other window available for the whole week).

Which helped pump infection from my legs on the rest of the body. Honestely, i thought i would never get alive from that traffic. But i was smart enough to take an Augmentin just before i left.

The reason i was there at that time was i was driving towards Quest Lab inside Safeway store on Teal Rd in Beaverton for a DTAP antibodies test.

I think i figured a way to diagnose Tetanus, other by clinical signs. If you suspect the infection you can start antibiotics right away and attempt an immunization then you do a test in a few days. Since immunization does not work after incubation, if antibodies are below 0.1, it means no immune response, which means you have the disease. I think this is what happened to me.

BTW no sign of result for the test on their site yet.

1:25 AM 11-1
First available appointments.

BTW the very short and authoritarian Asian woman with mask who got me in after being 15 minutes late and draw blood tricked me into touching the label on the vial (she put it in front of me and i touched it) before it was attached on the vial.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

October 22

12:15 AM Meek Donald.

22 can be a symbolic number. It can stand for 2 swans. 2 White swans like in Dire Straights song i just posted about. How about 2 lotus petals?

I recently discovered that the eye of Horus were actually 2 and they turned into lotuses (the missing link between Ancient Egypt and Buddhism which draws from Hinduism).

How about the face of Buddha? In all depictions i've seen so far and never figured, the eyebrows seem to represent 2 stylized lotus petals put together.

The middle way is Buddha's way of life. "In his first sermon, the Buddha taught that neither the extreme of indulgence nor the extreme of asceticism is acceptable as a way of life".

1:00 Meanwhile, the opposition (Yeah me too first i thought it was Kamala but still worth posting)

1:50 Brâncuși gave Romanians a huge Shivalinga in Tg.Jiu and the whole world Mlle (miss) Pogany. Pogany is a Hungarian name though.

2:55 Un contabil trimite jumătate din bugetul nostru (zeci de miliarde de euro) în alte conturi, de 34 de ani.

3:00 Heaven's gate? Ăia care se leagănă în tricouri și blugi sunt polițiști sau figuranți într-o scenetă. Alexandra Măceșanu. Luiza Melencu.

5:03 Princess X by Brâncuși... I didn't say nothing...

5:10 How about this one?

5:55 Coincidence of the day.

6:10 Toți trepădușii din media românească se pricep la orice, inclusiv la tehnică militară.

Piloții de pe F16 nu au nevoie de "contact vizual" cu ținta.

Mai mult decât atât, piloții de pe F16 începând de la block 50 (diferența între 50 și 52 la care au fost îmbunătățite (upgraded) cele cumpărate din Portugalia este doar motorul) au la dispoziție o nouă însușire a avionului (feature). Tactical data link.

Asta le permite să primească date (în video-ul următor, display-ul din dreapta, cel din stânga este propriul radar) de la radare de la sol sau de la alte avioane.

Dacă drona era văzută de un radar de la sol care are această însușire, ținta apărea și pe ecranul avionului, tot ce avea de făcut pilotul era să apese un buton să "lock the target" și să trimită o rachetă.

E adevărat, rachetele sunt foarte scumpe, una AMRAAM din cele contractate recent de România din SUA poate depăși un milion de dolari bucata, în funcție de versiune. O rachetă sidewinder, parte din același contract, care poate merge până la 22 mile (aprox. 35 km) e puțin mai ieftină.

Motivul pentru care sunt atât de scumpe este că în afară de sistemul de ghidare inerțial, au datalink, deci pot fi ghidate de radarul din avion, de un radar de la sol sau de propriul radar.

Da, cred că aceste caracteristici transformă avionul într-un lansator de rachete zburător, repet, fără nevoie de contact vizual.

Unul din motivele pentru care avioanele mai noi, ca de exemplu F35 nu mai sunt atât de rapide. 1.6 Mach față de 2.25 pentru F16.

Însă și avionul țintă are mai multe opțiuni în momentul când detectează că o rachetă a fost locked pe el.

Prima ar fi bruiajul. La 330 km distanță de exemplu, sau la max cât poate opera un AMRAAM, are timp chiar și să aterizeze și să se ascundă într-un hangar de beton. Bine, cu o rachetă după el. Ok, închizi ușa la hangar.

Mai scriau domniile lor, spre panica dvs., că un pilot de F16 nu poate vedea o dronă, și din cauză de diferență de viteză. Dar dacă drona stă pe loc? Asta ne-ar lăsa fără opțiuni în fața dronelor de mici dimensiuni?

Pe radar se vede mărimea și viteza dronei respective. Ce faci, trimiți 2 F16 și 2 F18 pentru o mică dronă care merge prea încet și nu poate fi văzută? Dar cu elicopterele ce faci?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October 9th

8:40 Macron

9:15 I think i first saw "him" acting as a woman, power washing the pavement at 47 Eagle Crest. Could be the guy in the black Cadillac. Acting like the handywoman at this complex?

1:41 Da imaginea asta pare mult mai realistă decât altele, care au cerul... albastru (imaginea următoare), planeta Marte se vede din spațiu roșie, spre deosebire de Pământ care se vede albastră . Culoarea albastră a Pământului se datorează atmosferei dense, atmosferă care pe Marte este de o sută de ori mai rarefiată, etc.

Venus de exemplu apare galbenă ca urmare a norilor de bioxid de sulf. Imaginile acestea, ca și multe alte imagini "științifice" sunt date publicului în anumite momente, pentru a coincide cu anumite evenimente și a influența în mod inconștient mintea publicului.

7:15 I would like to say a few words about non-verbal communication but don't know if i have enough for a stand alone post. (I make it as i ago, i read this on a blog).

There are researchers who say 90% of the communication is not verbal. Others, more conservators, say is about 55%. Others, in between.

We are all accustomed to verbal abuse. Some of it is cultural. Statistically, i think we can encounter it mostly in parenting, with parents verbally abuse the children, and in bullying. But it is many times accompanied by postures and gestures, like threating postures in bullying, and sometimes plain violence.

As usually, my interest is in how much of it is subconscious. The abuser, and the abusee apply and receive postures with old roots, inherited culturally, with origins in prehistory or even physiology.

Parents may scare the children with postures while imposing rules and this could be very basic, inherited from our own ancient social behavior. It may be essential for surviving of the individuals and thus the species. This so tormented human species.

I believe non-verbal communication is at the base of shamanism. The shaman dance induces a trance, a state (of mind) where the subject becomes unconditionally open to suggestions.

And from there it transferred in our days to dance. There is even a type of modern music and subsequent dance called trance. (This doesn't mean other types of music won't to it. In fact, most do) What can people communicate to each other during these cultural manifestations?

A lot.

All i said so far is well established and documented and the informations about it is readily available on the web.

But now i'm going to enter in the speculations area. Stimulated by intriguing personal experiences that are vastly due to my not so common social position.

Relatively late in my life i have been exposed, via some web sites, to experiences that show that non-verbal communication may be just the opening of a gate in yet one more even more basic type of communication. Vibrational. (But i only became aware of it after watching the same captivating videos over and over and many times).

So i noticed from the sites that really passionate women when reaching climax exhibit some type of movements that may be doing just that. Open a communication channel with the man nearby so it will create an unbreakable and unconditional bond. To them, it is just a physiological reflex.

But some had learned how to use that. I encountered even more recent a person that was doing very weird steps and movements when i watched her. The first person i saw climbing down the stairs after the apparition of the Honda Element. She climbed the stairs making noises to make sure i was watching her. 

Then under the pretext of checking the mail at the boxes (it was the only time i saw "her" doing so, the quote signs is because i saw more than one person using the same apartment and car) she executed some movements, very similar to the orgasmic movements i just wrote about. Then again i saw her through the window when smoking doing the same thing.

And i believe the result is some sort of bond, that she uses by example to figure out in any moment my emotional state, and act accordingly, making noises and basically "possessing" me, by renewing the bond, detouring my thoughts and activities and in the end making me sick, with raising of the blood pressure, things like that.

So yes, the martial artists learned millennia ago how to weaponize these very subtle and basic bonds that may occur between human beings. Of course the subject is so vast, i could only made a brief abstract here.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8

11:11 AM Toți candidații la Țepea.

6:30 Port Angeles seems to be the logical choice for entry of ninja in the US. Especially if they hadhyperloop tunnel in the shallow waters along Aleutians, south of Behring sea.

7:30 911 was treason. But the story should always start with Minoru Yamasaki. He was carrying the name of god Yama, god of destruction in Hindu pantheon. But in Japanese Yama means mountain and could come from volcanoes.

The dynamic shape of the falling towers reminds of volcanoes, and their initial shape, of a gate of heaven.

The exploding concrete of falling pancake floors reminds of a city scale metsu_bushi. Though the speed of the falling floors was not that great to make regular concrete explode. Must have been a very loose concrete, with little cement in it (also since the did not play a structural role).

9:00 Atta (Toth) reminds of Attila but also of apa which in Hungarians means father. Toth "died" in 2018, the year i started the blog with matches which means those planes were remote controlled. Atta.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28

8:05 Woke up with the same questions in mind i went to bed with. How much it cost to organize an event like the one Trump spoke at (and how many people were in there). Is this what they spend most of the campaign money on? (If not, on what?). How come we don't see more of these events in the news.

And the most important. Do they always have machine guns on the roofs above the podium in plain view of audience? right under the American flag flown horizontally, like a kite between two cranes figuring a haven's gate. Phew.

8:15 Here in the US we don't have Hamas.

8:20 Lately i started to feel guilty about putting so many links to searches as the result come by means of AI (or so they say, i don't see the difference, it's just the same quote chosen from most searched site).

The reasons are obvious. I don't want people to say i picked the answer i wanted so i let them chose it. I want more people to learn how to do more complex, focused searches. (So i can take a break).

My goal now is to try and limit those to one or two per entry.

8:45 With the Olympic torch image fresh in mind, i did one more search. Obviously wanted to see if she carries a torch in any of the depictions. And what did i find? 

I wish i could find a better resolution on this. ...It's the East, and Amaterasu is the Sun!

12:30 The audio analysis of sound from the site says the shooter was hit by the first bullet and the second came at 10 seconds, from a different direction from the same gun. This indicates he was killed by a sniper on the roof cause snipers don't have a high fire rate and don't change position before shooting, they have to acquire target and aim first. He could then have jumped from the roof of the barn, run for a few seconds, aim and shoot him again from the ground.

If he was killed from the ground by means of handguns of the agents, it would have been more than one shot fired. BTW why the all climbed on the podium and jumped at the President and none of them ran at the shooter and fire his handgun multiple times?

Which proves the sniper had him in sight all the time. Also. How crazy was the gunman to stay there with the sniper and the machine gun in his sight and then shoot at the President?

It all seems like in an old western movie where the hero let the villains shoot first and then kill them usually in a self defense style in everybody's view so there is no need for lengthy investigation. However, the body of the villain is than measured by the grave man.

No word yet about who killed the would be assassin and from what position and google's AI is clueless.

Too bad they did not install security cameras and there is no footage of the whole incident from TV cameras with the whole crowd and buildings and stuff as they should be. All we have seen so far is Trump raising his right hand at the right ear which is invisible "from that angle".

BTW did the scopes of the two rifles on the roof had labels like they just have been "unboxed"? The sniper laying on the roof left his higher tripod and is trying to aim with thump up but now bothered by the hat's visor with eye slightly above scope's aiming line? One thing is sure. They are both looking in the same direction which by the angles seems to be the roof with the shooter.

And BTW who and when and from where was this picture taken and with what purpose.

2:12 Two guys that don't seem to be kids came to play with a drone at my window.

5:50 What was that, 3:45? Never knew how much fun is to order Chinese until Angela showed me that game at Indian Head, Master Chef or something when if you get a bonus get to choose. Your soup, your side etc..

There is no soup to order online at Panda Express however there is other stuff. Angela built the order, i went to pick it up. On Boones Ferry, one exit on I5 from here. However. On the exit ramp, there was this old woman driving a tan PT cruiser figuring a 2CV. She stopped a few times, including on the freeway, i was behind, she restarted then she was driving erratically and exited on Boones Ferry, right before me. She stopped on the exit ramp once.

Behind her, in a car with WA LPN a woman with a pink megaphone and open window was yelling something at her who also had the window open. When i passed her, i looked and she was no other than France Rumilly, the actress playing the crazy driving nun in the Gendarme movies. I would have never known if i didn't finally look for the actress a few minutes ago.

No i didn't have the camera with me on a such short trip.

Damn Chinese (delicious) food, i'm hungry again. No wonder Chinese are all so thin.

7:00 (Approximately) one science entry a day (can't promise). If they could mass produce these and put them on a windshield, it would be a step forward in increasing mpg by not using the 1-4 extra HP for running the AC of about...

Most of the 20k BTU used by AC in the tiny space of a vehicle cabin is for mitigating the solar heat coming through the windows and not the air temperature. By example, in a day with much sun and 75 temperature, you have to have the AC on.

7:42 I can predict with a 50% probability that is going to be either Trump or Harris. That is if none of them is dropping the race before elections... Then it's going to be 100%.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21

6:50 I was curious to see how much daylight we lost since June 21, or approximately day 171 or the longest day of the year. I found a desmos function that does just that (scroll to second slider, left panel). Being still on the top of the sine, we did not loose much (less than half hour) but we just got in the area where the slope is steeper.

6:55 Sunt niște chestii ce nu le înțeleg în toată povestea asta cu Lajos. Cum l-au prins în flagrant? Au venit mascații, vreo zece, păș-pâș la ușă, au spart-o dintr-o lovitură cu berbecele de spart ușa și au mers zburat în dormitor și i-au prins în flagrant?

Mama copilului când a "bănuit ceva" "de ani de zile", poliția, nu au întrebat copilul mai întâi, l-au lăsat să mai meargă odată (sau încă "două săptămâni") ca să "fileze" și să prindă ei flagrantul (ca în filmele cu "polițiști infiltrați")? (Asta printre altele înseamnă tăinuire sau complicitate la ultimele acte).

Poliția, dacă știa, trebuia să prevină, să pună capăt, nu să lase să se mai întâmple, de mai multe ori, doar de dragul probelor, care probe mie mi se par imposibil de obținut în asemenea cazuri, așa cum se scrie în presă citând mereu "surse din anchetă" ceea ce înseamnă iar un număr de infracțiuni comise de procurori și jurnaliști după cum am spus de multe ori.

De aceea mă gândesc că totul este inventat, cu un scop anume, ca să creeze iar o psihoză în masă, așa cum fac ei mereu și se pricep atât de bine. Mă rog fiindcă toată lumea ia "de bune" ce scriu bandiții.

Unul din motivele pentru care avem atâția olimpici al căror geniu se topește la primul contact de gradul III cu autoritățile infractoare și promovate de media oficială.

7:40 În timp ce am pus aluat de-o pizza la crescut înfulecând o supă de noodles (cu ceva bone broth și brânză presărată pe deasupra) mi-a sărit direct din subconștient un vers (așa cum mi se întâmplă totdeauna cu melodiile care le pun postesc aici) și l-am prins de-un capăt și am scos bobinat din memorie toată poezia, imaginându-mi ce s-a întâmplat după sfârșit.

"Nu te cred și nu se poate!".

Așa că mai lăsați-mă cu Lajos când avem un ditai Coșbuc (și un Creangă din Humulești printre alți olimpici, Eminescu fiind Zeus) în manualele școlare. Vai vai vai.

10:55 Vremea codrului trece.

10:55 Minciuna zilei. Heaven's Gate.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20

6:30 PM Make Trump look great again!

11:05 Heaven's gate. Grand, Rond, Ni Sun.

12:12 As i said before, some of the rats on this cover figure dogs, some kangaroos and some wall climbing ninja. The white cubes suggest ice and rats coming from NW and NE.

Yasmina could suggest Yama and the louts flower under the image, of course, Buddha.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2

8:52 On a hunch i did a search and now i'm staring at the results in disbelief. Need more time to analyze this, maybe during my walk, do more searches but right now it doesn't seem right. For a semi-private institution that has a .gov web address, and sits on top of the pyramid of American economy and drives the stock market and stuff the income from loans seems ridiculously low when compared to assets and in general. Cold it be a form of books cooking for tax evasion? I will look into later.

9:25 Twin Towers to figure a Gate of Heaven that was planned to be brought down by design to illustrate the conflict between sacred geometry and greediness and generally ordinary matter.
7:45 PM Metsubushi. The Dust Lady. "In an impressive display of political leadership in 2002 President Bush was able to overcome the skepticism of the professional military in the United States, the opposition of much of the world, and the lack of support from the UN Security Council and take the United States to war with Iraq in order to depose Saddam Hussein.

The war ended within three weeks, though the attempt to install a legitimate successor government was to take much longer. Over this period, President Bush has exhibited several patterns of behavior that provide some insight into his policy choices. He has shown a preference for moral certainty over strategic calculation; a tendency for visceral reaction rather than reflection; a preference for clarity rather than complexity; a bias toward action rather than deliberation;"

10:15 aRihanna

Monday, April 8, 2024

April 8

2:14 Research Gate is a serious site with articles written by real scientists from around the world. Here's a diagram with distance Earth Sun. I knew the distance varies due to gravity pull of the Moon when it rotates around Earth. Actually it varies a lot or by 2.5% on average. There is another variation of Earth-Sun distance which happens yearly, with a low at the beginning of the year and you can see the two combined in this diagram.

It is  the only one i could find on internet. However i wish the diagram would allow me to see more precisely the distance in a certain day of the year. It will be logical to have a correlation between the phases of the moon and this diagram.

Earth-Moon distance is changing because Moon also rotates around Earth on an elliptical trajectory, like Earth around Sun, with Earth in one of the two foci. While the axis of alignment Sun Earth Moon rotates 360 degrees during a whole year, the two axis of the Moons ecliptic do not, hence the one cycle difference.

Thus changing distance does not coincides with phases of the moon. There is a shifting phase difference.

Here is a list with the major earthquakes in 2014. You can look for correlations and it looks like most occurred when moon was closer, either near full or near new moon.

By looking at this diagram which is a 2D projection of the plane at an angle which is most familiar, one can easily understand why i mistakenly said earlier Earth is closest to Sun at equinoxes.

However, tides which are again a measure of the gravity pull of Sun and Moon combined, are indeed higher during this period. And northern hemisphere is indeed closest to the Sun. Though it keeps inclining towards it, after, due to the tilt, the distance increases due to ecliptic.

7:56 Barometric pressure history in Hunterdon County NJ (where the April 5 earthquake occurred). Tide levels in the same period. Higher tides indicate a more significant pull of Sun and Moon gravity with lowering of the pressure in Earth's mantle.

Friday 5 (earthquake day) saw a rise after a very rare low barometric pressure.

Tide levels in Atlantic City, NJ around April 5 earthquake.
Spring tides in Atlantic City, NJ. (Max display on the site period is 30 days).

Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4

2:15 I always kept in a corner of my brain the possibility that Mt.Meru could actually be the Great Pyramid. There is not a satisfying correspondence in known Sanskrit for the name but there is a word in Romanian which is a language deriving from Sanskrit (and mixed with Latin) that could be a good one. Mereu, which means always.

The lower part of most representative depiction of Mt.Meru "which is central to Hinduist, Jainist and Buddhist cosmology" looks indeed like a pyramid. With some very interesting things on top of it. Like links or openings to other worlds and in some depictions, with layers of parallel clouds which reminds of the American flag.

But it could also be an allegory and the 4 corners of the base that turn into 5 which in a sort of optical illusion could be a representation of the 5 fundamental forces that derive from creation and interactions between EM quanta (forces that according to the mantra linked below are also illusory or maybe created by the void). 

Just ran into a page that tries to show the effect of the shape of the pyramids and that is "focusing EM energy". Though i was hoping to find the opposite. However i saw something interesting in those images. Parallel or standing waves similar to those seen on top of some Mt.Meru depictions. Possible visualizations of standing EM energy.

The tip of the pyramid or pyramidion was originally built covered with gold thus highly conductive. What happens if  you apply an extremely high voltage, maybe alternative that is created inside pyramid using friction by letting stones descend in shafts, or maybe other sources of energy (some say the pyramid itself is a giant capacitor using atmospheric potential gradient to get charged) directed through resonating chambers of course simultaneously to all faces to the pyramidion.

If my theory is true and the electric quanta actually travel by transferring energy from one disturbance (that actually does not travel in space) to its own reaction at 90 degrees in space and time, if  you apply thigh enough voltage to the pyramidion 4 disturbances would appear simultaneously in 4  perpendicular directions and perpendicular to the 4 triangles of the pyramidion creating 4 reactions as a vortex (that would look yes, like a 3D swastika) that in turn would re-created the original void or what would appear to us as a bubble in space time, of course inside the king's chamber or maybe focused in the sarcophagus itself.

Another function of the sliding stones in the video which could be more than 3 could be creating vacuum in the king's chamber and generally above the tree stones, possibly with some resonance effect which would increase much the vacuum in targeted area.

When two worlds overlap, you don't want air and water molecules in that space interfering with the objects that materialize from the other world, like the recipient for the cargo that could collide with those molecules, with nasty effects. Vacuum would be short lived and would not affect much a living person in there.

(Pretty much like teleportation in Star Trek, were the site of re-materialization needs to be calculate very precisely so the person would not materialize inside a stone or something and BTW, they would have to hold their breath for a second or two).

Could two bubbles created simultaneously in different corners of the perceived universe converge to the same void that could happen of course if space and time are illusions created by the original disturbance, as the same mantra says. And inside the original void distances are meaningless.

Then we can indeed talk about star gates and stuff. Time travel, interstellar travel, name it though i would advice against time travel, when you could meet your grandpa, interfere with without knowing, don't let him do his job etc. or even worse fall in love with your grandma which could have even more unpredictable effects in the current present universe we all live in maybe branching a parallels one when you would not exist as such anymore).

9:10 Am fost prea ocupat cu stargates și chestii ca să-mi amintesc. Astăzi s-a votat ordinea de zi pentru Consiliul JAI la Bruxeels, și pun pariu că ministrul nostru de interne, Catolin Predoiu a votat ca România și Bulgaria să fie votate pentru Schengen la pachet mâine, ceea ce este ilegal și imoral. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări separate deși au semnat pe același tratat de aderare în 2005.

Dacă semnau în 2003 când au aderat 10 țări, ar fi rămas tot în bloc? Este UE formată din blocuri de țări, după momentul aderării? Am o bănuială că decalarea aderării României și Bulgariei cu 2 ani a avut tocmai acest scop. Ungaria și Austria încă au pretenții teritoriale asupra României iar Bulgaria este folosită ca pion de sacrificiu, pentru a nu bate prea tare la ochi toată chestia.

Iată cum România a ratat încă o dată șansa de a-și arăta și ea puterea de veto într-un Consiulul JAI și a bloca complet UE până la rezolvarea acestei probleme. Mâine va avea loc votul propriu zis iar românii pot urmări transmisia live.

Unul din miniștrii români însă participă în câte un consiliu aproape în fiecare săptămână și voteaz toți ca primarii în loc să negocieze ca Nehammer. Însă România este o non putere politică în UE, toți miniștrii și reprezentanții noștri sunt oamenii lor.

Românii și oricine pot urmări mâine votul live pe unul din site-urile UE, link în dreapta sus pe acest blog sau aici.

10:25 Oarecum. Și ăsta e un selfie?

12:13 Teoria câmpului electromagnetic este un fals grosolan și rău intenționat. Câmpul (vectorul) magnetic nu poate fi întotdeauna perpendicular pe cel electric și pe direcția de deplasare din cauză că și câmpul magnetic este bipolar cu linii închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de bostan (toroidală) iar cel electric este monopolar și are liniile de câmp în formă de soare cu raze, deschise.

Și totuși în imaginea de mai jos puteți vedea linii de câmp electrice închise care de fapt sunt magnetice. Putem conclude oare că de fapt câmpul magnetic este un câmp electric cu linii închise?

Este o contradicție ce rezultă din teoria greșită și eu spun intenționat greșită fiindcă este imposibil ca cei care au creat această animație precum și toți propovăduitorii de 100 de ani și mai bine a a acestei teorii să nu fi știut.

3:45 În timpul călătoriei prin stargate tot ce trebuia un călător să facă era să se așeze în sarcofagul din granit din camera "regelui". Poate un capac greu era pus pentru protecție. În momentul activării pereții apăreau ondulați și în mișcare, e posibil ca și aerul din cameră să fi fost greu de respirat, cu vibrații, descărcări electrice, din cauza tehnologiei primitive iar în cameră apărea un al doilea sarcofag sau poate era ceva mai high tech whatever. În acel moment el se ridica și se așeza în al doilea sarcofag. Sau poate venea ceva o mică macara și-l ridica de acolo.

Și când totul înceta, el se trezea undeva poate la sute, mii sau miliarde de ani lumină, într-un loc unde veneau niște nanoboți și-l reparau și unde urma să trăiască veșnic înconjurat de roboți bionici sau clone lipsite de conștiință care-l serveau. Sau poate intra într-un fel de hibernare și numai creierul lui trăia veșnic fericit într-o simulare VR. Sau poate îi era descărcat sufletul într-un soft ceva.

Every body satisfied?

6:46 From time to time some were pulled out of the simulation and sent back to Earth so they can tell. John the Revelator? Zalmoxis?

One thing is sure. They found someone in the tomb together with gifts for gods. He probably was too dead to be fixed. Or he died when the device broke.

But until then i think they had lines with dying people. Once someone was dead, he was put in the sarcophagus, filled the rest with gold (the price to the gods for passage). And some food until they can get accustomed with the diet or sent back alive and then they cut the ropes that were holding the stones on top of the gallery. But it needed to be done in a certain time of the day and year and stuff. Or maybe they were getting a signal trough the communications shafts.

When it all stopped. The device was worn out. Not only the king's room's walls were vitrified, but the galleries as well.

But i think the best explanation is someone sabotaged it. For revenge for being refused, or pissed for seeing too many aliens around. Maybe they sent their convicts here. The hole that is today's entrance. Nobody knew how to fix it and it remained like that to this day.

Then they built the second one and the third. And then something went wrong in Egypt and could not build those no more. Or they invented a new type of device made with more advanced technology or what they could spare or transfer back through the gate and moved all operations in Rome or something.

7:25 Nowadays. There's little doubt about having a few devices like that around. Maybe the high towers seen all around the world. Only trouble is, given the time necessary for establishing let's call it a worm hole though (though they aren't), usage in other areas of the Universe (i think there can be only one wormhole at the time in the whole Universes), the access is limited.

To increase traffic of humans they built in parallel the ring in Switzerland which sends just the gold using a particle accelerator.

7:25 Why is gold so important to aliens. Technology. It is needed to make ICs. Or whatever they make. The silicon is not the problem and they seem not to be interested in. They can build nowadays transistors with only a few atoms of silicone. The problem is interconnecting those and make a functional chip. Or maybe they have different devices that use more gold than silicone.

In a sense, yes it is migration. To heaven one may say.

But the rest of us. We can't enjoy even the lives we were given here on Earth, because of them and their competition and thirst for gold to gain a place in line for what they think is eternal life.

One more thing. The gold could not even have been here if it weren't for a few pieces of a metal asteroid they sent to us. Which besides gold brought other materials that shortened our life span by a factor of ten. The Bible says people before the flood which might have been the moment when several pieces of a metal asteroid fell on Earth were living up to 1000 years.

If you think is too complicated, think again. They sent us an asteroid and a probe. The probe did all the job and coerced and/or addicted the savages to bier to build the pyramid(s). Then they could come in freely and runt things. Instead, who knows how many tons of gold were sent. The Romans pulled from Dacia some 200 tons a year during 165 years and most was sent to China back on the silk road which also has great pyramids. Though one of the biggest in the world is in Mexico.

8:10 Summit-ul a avut loc luni și marți. Luni s-a votat agenda pregătită de consilul GAC pentru ambele zile. De ce a votat Predoiu luni elimiarea punctului din agendă? Predoiu, PNL și Iohannis sunt vinovați de această nouă cacealma dar și Ciolacu fiindcă tace. Puteau opune veto-ul României iar summit-ul nu mai avea loc. BTW Ciolacu a venit în SUA să pună de o cacealma cu Muraru.

Este a doua oară după 2023-2005=18 ani când această problemă a fost pusă pe agendă. Prima dată în decembrie anul trecut.

Motivul pentru care a fost scoasă este evident. Deși Austria și Olanda vorbesc trăncănesc, e altă chestie să voteze efectiv. Cum ar putea să motiveze faptul că nu aprobă verificarea condițiilor puse României la 18 ani după semnarea tratatului de aderare inclusiv la Schengen (2023-2005) și la 15 ani după aplicare?

Cît despre "intrarea în Schengen" făcută neoficial, fără întruniri, altă gogoriță (btw deja vu) menită ca tragere de timp. Este scris în Tratatul de Aderare din 2005 că deși România intră în Schengen la data aderării, deci imediat (la aplicarea tratatului începând din 1 ianurie 2007) și aplicare aquisului este obligatorie începând de la aceeași data, ea se face numai după aprobarea Consiliului.

Friday, December 1, 2023

December 1st

3:36 Până la urmă s-au constituit Statele Unite ale Austriei, fiindcă iată, Austria controlează prin veto-ul său această Uniune Europeană din care noi suntem pe post de vasali și ăsta nu e decât începutul. A și chestia cu elitele. Stalin a avut grijă, acum nu mai avem nici o elită iar liderii fac liniștiți pe proștii.

10:05 În SUA asta este o crimă (infracțiune pe românește) în sine și se pedepsește începând de la 3 luni la 3 ani și (depinde de stat, împrejurări etc.). În Germania, până la 3 ani. (click dreapta, traducere).

10:16 Aceeași chestie și la ruși. După ce am încercat să arăt că mai mulți lideri ai lor, dictatori care au cauzat/cauzează dezastre inimaginabile la ei și în lume au fost/sunt actori unguri, apare o știre cu teatru, pentru a distrage atenția. Ultima dată când am abordat subiectul a fost un incendiu la acoperișul unui teatru la ei etc..

Apropo știți ce legătură este între cuvintele țar și kaiser? Amândouă vin din latinul caesar. Primii țari ruși au fost din dinastia... Romanov! Și imperiul rus dar și cel sfânt roman s-au considerat continuatoare ale imperiului roman.

11:17 Eu când de exemplu sunt în bucătărie să gătesc ceva nu mă gândesc la ceea ce fac. Adică merg pe automat. Capul îmi stă doar la ce postez. Așa s-a întâmplat și acum. Au rămas bucăți și bucățele din jambonul cumpărat de Thanksgiving cu cuponul Angelei de la servici așa că am pus nișe fasole de ieri la muiat și acum am fost să le dau foc (cu zeama scursă după un clocot, nu știu cât de eficientă e chestia).

(Astfel m-am conformat cu noua tradiție post revoluționară, una din puținele, fără să plănuiesc).

A venit cel de sus și a început să izbească în zona bucătăriei în niște moduri inimaginabile, ca și cum ar sări cineva de pe un scaun pe podea (un exemplu). Bineînțeles ca să nu mă pot gândi la ce să mai scriu. Se sparie creierul. Mă simt ca și cum mi-a tras cineva cu o măciucă în tâmpla din dreapta sau parcă am făcut hernie de creier.

Ok deci am venit iar la calc și am încercat să caut data cu incendiul de la teatrul muzical parcă din Moscova și ce am găsit. Apropo de dezastre cauzate de lideri absoluți. Da știu Putin a venit ca o salvare după un bețiv destrăbălat). Și totuși parcă era mai funny cu Elțin. Ваше здоровье!

11:35 Falsh. Falco. Falcon.

1:03 Vigilenți sau vigilante?

3:13 It is true. I have been recently suggested by an American patriot ninja that i should try not to face the scanner. The trained ninja who know how to read minds. Because of the gate that has something to do with pineal gland central anterior cortex which is close to your forehead.

I remembered that last night when i was out of options with the very aggressive one that has been transplanted upstairs so i tried to move my head away from where i thought they were upstairs and voila. They stopped every time.

Again it's not the clowns that climb the stairs. The real ninja descend from the roof comming from the Apt.4.

This news should be very exciting for everybody. While ninjutsu is available for everyone and you could learn it from books and scrolls, very few have access to those. But scientists now have an opportunity to study it.

I know when i covered most of the ceiling with aluminum foil they stopped for a while (a week) and they came back slowly, within a month. That's how long it took to explore and train to go with those. And even then, they have tp use the "narrow" lane left uncovered to get to me.

So it's electric in nature. A form of communication probably ancestral, written in our genes, built in our brains, but something that is not immediately available to our conscious mind.

The possibilities. The savvy savages that are the ninja only use it for extracting information, sometimes applying instant karma, trying to hush or influence back the source. The most amazing (ancient) tool for espionage and influencing.

3:25 This is most annoying, that i have to write this i mean. What happened since the moment i left the apartment and came back from the stores. But i have to do it cause it's as important as the above.

I experienced with electric brooms like an alternative between two vacuuming. I produce lots of crumbles in the area in front of the couch. It's the only alternative to vacuuming on the carpet and it works on hardwood floor too.

I head a Shark for years and then it broke. Weak point: The swivel. And i ordered on Amazon one that i thought it was better. Black and Decker, with lithium battery. But it was not as good as the Shark. Higher RPM but smaller brushes, it needed more passes and was easily blocked by hair. But i broke that one too when i tried to clean it with water. One drop of water on the fragile PCB and it won't charge no more.

Then i said ok, let's try one with no battery and electric motor. The old "manual" type. It's got rubber wheels that turn the brushes. Even more passes needed than the B&D, was pushing some of the stuff in front of it and would not work on margins and ends. And if there was some serious stuff like yesterday a very fine layer of corn meal in kitchen area (from a punctured bag), the rubber wheels wont turn no more (not making contact with the floor).

Ok so i looked and found at Walmart one cheaper then on Amazon. Available in store. They were two options, one like the one i head and the 12 inches one. My place is not so big so i fixed my mind on the regular one.

3:32 Boom boom boom. He sneaked on my left and got in front of me and started to stomp really hard on his floor (which happens to be my ceiling).

Ok so i left and first think i noticed again smoke, probably cocaine outside and a hole very hard to see except right from above. As i got to my truck, i saw the religious figure holding a conference to three other people, some with badges. I looked back and i saw upstairs the blinds were removed from the front of the glass sliding doors, a bed pulled next to those and something like a pillow and two hands raised with a phone.

So i left. At Walmart, the same feeling, like i stepped in a giant live theater with one thousands cameras on the ceiling and everybody acting up. I made my way to the vaccuums area which BTW has moved again. Got a few other items and went at the check stands. In the same time with me to women dressed in blue blocked the exit of the self checking area.

I first scanned the Shark and surprise. It was the more expensive 12 inch Shark. So i put it back in my cart and left while the two women came right at the stand to cancel my items. Though i know it cancels itself after a number of seconds. I immediately started to think. On cameras it all looked like they prevented me from taking off with the merchandise.

On the bay the item was under the wrong label. They were only 3 more of the same type. A small XL probably stands for 12 inches, no other indication. So i went back to checkstands. A guy with a T-shirt saying Security Officer started to follow me. I stopped and let if pass ahead.

A whole different type of show was ready for me but i will only mention one thing. A woman came with a cart and there was a handbag open with all consent visible a few inches behind my back for the whole period of time.

They were hundreds of people who intentionally performed a live show the whole period i was there. Basically all the people in there. Same at WinCo i was after that. Today theme was me shoplifting, stealing, subliminal only. The level of coordination between those indicate AI scripting and synchronization. All of the must have had something in their ear to tell them wat to do.

Same on the streets with meaningful LPN, brands chosen for the sequence and logos and slogans and everything. Where is the reality, people?

5:00 La vie en rose. Let the weekend begin!

10:07 Wanna listen to and see TheRealCher (without the silly makeup and "clothes"?) Have a nice weekend everybody!

How about Sonny Bono in 2015? (lipsinking, the voice track is decades old). Yes in Romanian copii means children. It's a Sanskrit word, gopya. Numai copii, only children. A world of children, this what we have become.

10:33 Pour les Roumains. (O explicație).