Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October 9th

8:40 Macron

9:15 I think i first saw "him" acting as a woman, power washing the pavement at 47 Eagle Crest. Could be the guy in the black Cadillac. Acting like the handywoman at this complex?

1:41 Da imaginea asta pare mult mai realistă decât altele, care au cerul... albastru (imaginea următoare), planeta Marte se vede din spațiu roșie, spre deosebire de Pământ care se vede albastră . Culoarea albastră a Pământului se datorează atmosferei dense, atmosferă care pe Marte este de o sută de ori mai rarefiată, etc.

Venus de exemplu apare galbenă ca urmare a norilor de bioxid de sulf. Imaginile acestea, ca și multe alte imagini "științifice" sunt date publicului în anumite momente, pentru a coincide cu anumite evenimente și a influența în mod inconștient mintea publicului.

7:15 I would like to say a few words about non-verbal communication but don't know if i have enough for a stand alone post. (I make it as i ago, i read this on a blog).

There are researchers who say 90% of the communication is not verbal. Others, more conservators, say is about 55%. Others, in between.

We are all accustomed to verbal abuse. Some of it is cultural. Statistically, i think we can encounter it mostly in parenting, with parents verbally abuse the children, and in bullying. But it is many times accompanied by postures and gestures, like threating postures in bullying, and sometimes plain violence.

As usually, my interest is in how much of it is subconscious. The abuser, and the abusee apply and receive postures with old roots, inherited culturally, with origins in prehistory or even physiology.

Parents may scare the children with postures while imposing rules and this could be very basic, inherited from our own ancient social behavior. It may be essential for surviving of the individuals and thus the species. This so tormented human species.

I believe non-verbal communication is at the base of shamanism. The shaman dance induces a trance, a state (of mind) where the subject becomes unconditionally open to suggestions.

And from there it transferred in our days to dance. There is even a type of modern music and subsequent dance called trance. (This doesn't mean other types of music won't to it. In fact, most do) What can people communicate to each other during these cultural manifestations?

A lot.

All i said so far is well established and documented and the informations about it is readily available on the web.

But now i'm going to enter in the speculations area. Stimulated by intriguing personal experiences that are vastly due to my not so common social position.

Relatively late in my life i have been exposed, via some web sites, to experiences that show that non-verbal communication may be just the opening of a gate in yet one more even more basic type of communication. Vibrational. (But i only became aware of it after watching the same captivating videos over and over and many times).

So i noticed from the sites that really passionate women when reaching climax exhibit some type of movements that may be doing just that. Open a communication channel with the man nearby so it will create an unbreakable and unconditional bond. To them, it is just a physiological reflex.

But some had learned how to use that. I encountered even more recent a person that was doing very weird steps and movements when i watched her. The first person i saw climbing down the stairs after the apparition of the Honda Element. She climbed the stairs making noises to make sure i was watching her. 

Then under the pretext of checking the mail at the boxes (it was the only time i saw "her" doing so, the quote signs is because i saw more than one person using the same apartment and car) she executed some movements, very similar to the orgasmic movements i just wrote about. Then again i saw her through the window when smoking doing the same thing.

And i believe the result is some sort of bond, that she uses by example to figure out in any moment my emotional state, and act accordingly, making noises and basically "possessing" me, by renewing the bond, detouring my thoughts and activities and in the end making me sick, with raising of the blood pressure, things like that.

So yes, the martial artists learned millennia ago how to weaponize these very subtle and basic bonds that may occur between human beings. Of course the subject is so vast, i could only made a brief abstract here.

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