Thursday, November 21, 2024
November 21st
5:45 La sfârșitul lunii ianuarie 2024 eram preocupat de forma fotonilor. Am demonstrat mai devreme că cele două câmpuri, electric și magnetic, au naturi complet diferite. Câmpul magnetic este bipolar și are formă toroidală cu linii de câmp închise.
Câmpul electric poate fi monopolar și are linii în forma razelor care pornesc de la un punct și se termină la infinit, fiind deschise. În cazul emisiei prin dipoli, câmpul electromagnetic are o formă foarte ciudată, de lobi în expansiune.
Dar cea mai ciudată consecință ale teoriilor actuale care prevede dualismul particulă-undă a luminii este că un câmp electromagnetic își pierde intensitatea cu pătratul distanței, iar fotonii călătoresc în linie dreaptă de la un capăt al Universului la celălalt fără să își piardă energia.
Asta duce la concluzia clară că electronul își creează propriul câmp electromagnetic pe măsură ce se deplasează. Da, o mulțime de fotoni provenind de la o sursă quasi punctiformă pot crea fronturi de undă, ceea ce explică proprietățile optice ale luminii.
Știm cu toții că un foton este emis prin căderea unui electron pe un nivel energetic inferior. Această cădere poate fi asimilată cu un curent electric. Acest curent electric va da naștere unui câmp magnetic dar fiindcă acel curent este format dintr-un singur electron care normal, se deplasează de pe o poziție pe alta, acel câmp magnetic nu va putea fi închis ceea ce sugerează că de fapt este tot un câmp electric.
Mai bine zis o particulă virtuală cu sarcină identică cu cea a electronului care o generează și care se deplasează pe o direcție perpendiculară cu traiectoria electronului care îl generează și la la o distanță de acesta, făcând un salt în spațiu.
Astfel, un foton este o succesiune de particule virtuale care se formează și se deplasează succesiv în spațiu, traiectoriile lor întrerupte putând fi imaginate pe direcție axială similar unui pătrat.
Pentru o reprezentare mai intuitivă am construit un fel de arbore care susține 4 particule virtuale închipuite din legături cu fermoar (zip ties) desfăcute (ceva ce am avut la îndemână). O particulă odată pornită în mișcare deja începe să creeze alta pe nivelul următor și fiindcă o poză nu era suficientă pentru a arăta traiectoriile în 3D am încărcat un video pe drive. Am postat teoria aici.
Azi am văzut două știri diferite care pretindeau că arată forma fotonilor. Una dintre ele este într-adevăr pătrată, și pare a avea diferite niveluri de iluminare pe cele 4 laturi.
Ce pot să spun sigur este că un foton nu se poate vedea sau măsura în nici un fel.
7:07 Oare de ce îmi trebuie atât de mult timp să mă prind la o fază? Îmbătrânesc? Ucrainenii au în prezent mai multe sisteme Patriot, (aveau cel puțin 6 în iulie), de ce nu au interceptat. Ca să mai creeze o știre-șoc?
2:00 PM ABC changed the title of a news on me. I put a link above under the gif at 4:05 with the title "Ukraine's military says Russian ICBM strikes Dnipro, a claim denied by Western official", they changed the title to "Ukraine says Russia hit it with ICBM, Zelenskyy says Putin is 'terrified'". Now i find that title i linked to at an affiliated site.
Though in the first paragraph they are saying "a U.S. official told ABC News that Russia launched "an experimental medium-range ballistic missile against Ukraine" near Dnipro." Doesn't look like the first paragraph matches the title either.
Of course there are nu rules and no guarantees in the world of news.
2:15 After i posted the above they now changed the first paragraph to "Russia launched a new intermediate-range ballistic missile on Thursday toward Dnipro in Ukraine".
2:30 ABC are not the only ones who travel back in time to change their titles. Was looking for a video on the history of my browser and found a title from Reuters saying ICBM. However, when i clicked on that, i found something else.
In fact, after you click on "else" above, you can check the URL in the address bar of the browser (on top, next to the reload button that looks like a recycle sign) and see the old title. That, after i said an ICBM should have been intercepted by one of Ukraine's Patriot systems.
I'm so sick and tired of this BS... Aren't you all?7:40 Because of that Timbaland video, i ran the other day into some representations of the Neanderthal. Some look like Africans, some like Asians, depending on who's making those. But i made up my mind. They look like Australians who had been geographically and genetically isolated for more than 40000 ye
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Alexa Crush and the Three Little Racoons.
Ok i don't know if i'm going to finish this tonight. Last nigh i was tired and dehydrated by drinking and then i crashed and waked up in the middle of the night and got really pissed when i remembered what happened. My face feels like it's swelling though it's not. Hands too. Didn't take antibiotics in three days but got some liver problems now. I think after i been too close again to the sewer behind Chinook Winds.
It is not a secret i have been in the recent past obsessed with an Tik Tok influencer that goes by the name Alexa Crush. Lately i started to believe she is the Hungarian actress Nikolett Krajcsi, a mother of three but not so sure anymore, mostly because of height of which i'm not sure. But can't rule out either, because of name and face resemblance.
In my imagination there was some sort of dialog between us. She was posting on Tik Tok and i on my blog. Didn't care if some of her posts were a bit off with clothing and stuff. But then i became pissed when she started to post about her being protector of dogs. Cause i started to really hate those, for obvious reasons. So i quit following her and soon she stopped posting on all platforms.
From a post on my main blog i referenced numerous times. There was in building D closest entrance from us a Chinese or Japanese woman who was posing as my friend. One night i drove with my truck to Spirit Mountain and she tried to stop me by literally getting in my way a couple of times. When i came back, a cop stopped me in Newberg because the sticker in my rear plate number was missing.
She was driving a small Dodge SUV. One night some guy whom i seen here before (or his truck) but not sure, i think he was a taller guy first, backed up in her SUV, pushed the SUV in the building and ruined the stairwell. Was that the moment of crash or crush? It is odd the guy did not get arrested or anything. That was reckless.
But lately he became shorter and i thought i recognized him as being the husband of... Nilolett the actress, link above. But never saw him at what apartment he goes.
After the crash, the Chinese woman moved with her SUV and in her place came a woman that many times lately i thought it was Alexa Crush herself. However she was certainly looking like Nikolett. (Found out lately, by chance).
But when i looked to her family pictures, i thought i recognized the little girl (age adjusted) who was acting like possessed by the dog kami and acting accordingly that after i wrote about, she was gone.
At that moment i believed Alexa Crush was the Japanese actress Michi Nishijima and i think she did appear during that trip on Lake Tahoe.
One night, last spring, she was walking her dog and she said hi to me. Though i answered, did not want to talk to her further as i thought she wanted. Not knowing who she really was, did not want to complicate my life here at the complex.
But then i saw a woman one night at Spirit Mountain sitting in a corner and doing whatever while the orchestra man on the podium was playing Ode to the Joy. (The weekend of August 18).
It was that night when i started to have doubts Alexa Crush was not Michi Nishijima. Came home, did some more searches and i found for the first time Nikolett. In the next couple of days i did a match (August 22), i forgot to put one of the links that proves it was her (though the name was there, but not clickable), told myself i would keep it in mind, searching for a confirmation, and then i forgot.
But after that i started to look more careful at her. When she was coming home at night in her car she was playing loud music so i knew when she came. At times i was going outside, but i figured she never looked at me because i did not want to talk to her that night. Most of the time i was looking that way she had the door opened and all kinda decorations inside and outside the apartment.
Some of those were "on theme" with what happened to me daily.
Sunday at Road's End came a woman in a green beetle (the green bug) and did a routine in front of us. She then climbed down at the beach. The walk was similar to the red headed woman's (Nikolett), but the hair was dark brown.
Tonight i was drunk and smoking and she went to the mailboxes, passing on the other side of the alley, looking scared (a long white face). Then she turned her head towards me and i said hi and she did not answer. Then at the mailboxes she turned her head, looked at me and then started to browse the phone.
Being here for one year, she must have seen me here about a thousand times, especially when i was going to the bins to knot the bags. She knew i lived here and she saw me smoking many times before but never looked scared or turned her head towards me.
Then she came back on my side of the alley and did not look scared anymore. I said hi again and i apologized for not talking to her that night six month ago. She asked me how my day was going (like she knew me for a longtime) and walked towards me, looking concerned. Being drunk, i started to talk too much and told her how sick i was in the last 4 months and took antibiotics and stuff. Them she said i should have tried garlic.
I was next to the car and she was in the alley. But because of the slope, i was way above her so i stepped closer to be on a similar height. I also tried to take a closer look though it was pretty dark. But now i was kinda in her way to getting back to her apartment.
She said "i'm used to" and "everybody is taller than me" and "i have to climb on my counters" whatever that means and indeed she looked very short or about how Alexa Crush should be. I told her she was ok which she was. Tiny body shape and everything just like Alexa.
And then she started to kinda smile and relax and her face turned cute and we talked for a while. She said how nice is the weather tonight and i told her i am happy is colder because i don't feel the smell of poops that much and i showed her my frustration towards the people who throw bags open in the bins.
The she said the word raccoon and i remembered that night when i last saw her, a few days ago, me going to the N bin N with the trash at 9:30 PM (now it seems odd i never saw her taking the trash or checking the mail) and seeing the three little raccoons with their mother, one of them climbing the bin and stuff. I said to her "a family, a mother with three..." and she took over "babies" and i said "they were more like grown ups...".
During the last minute of our conversation i saw a guy approaching from behind, but he turned right and went and stood on the other side of the alley by some TV box, behind cars. I thought he was Asian or Mexican.
Then she said "You know what? i need to go inside to get my dog and take it for a walk" and i was looking at her in disbelief, how abruptly she wanted to leave the conversation, all of a sudden when she saw that guy. Then she went to him, he seemed like a friend, they talked for a second and she went inside. Didn't give me a chance to introduce myself or anything.
Then in a minute or so the woman from upstairs came home in her Element and did not want to face her and did not want to go with whatever her name was to walk her dog either so i went inside.
There are many other things i remember about her but i'm too tired and need to go to sleep. That night when she showed at Indian Head with Toto Cutugno, one day or after he died. Here in the park the day before she posted this. Ok one more thing; could this possibly have to do anything with a post i wrote 4 years ago?
My post is dated June 2020 (select the white space between title and text). Ok her main video i fell in love with is Published on September 20, 2020. Posing like a girl from California. She got teenage stories from the US on Tik Tok.
They totally knew my taste and categories and stuff. So it was a revenge for what i said. So it is not like they don't care about anything.
And one more. Monday about a week ago i went the first time to Quest Diagnostics in Beaverton, inside Safeway on Tealc St.. Drove with Angela, wanted to go do a TDAP test (Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis) as a walk in.
The short woman came at 3:10 and put a yellow sticker next to the scanner saying "no walk ins after 3" and i think i was there before. Really frustrating. Then i could do the reservation online, in the same place, on a cancelation but that is another story.
Angela remained inside the store to buy some stuff, i wanted to get in the car and walked the alley when i heard a Sherriff's SUV making a big noise with the siren next on Murray, zigzagging among cars but i had this feeling and looked behind and there was this probably electric SUV making no noise, coming pretty fast for a parking lot, on a collision trajectory with my person.
I stepped aside, he did not slow down, blink or moved his head, holding his head like a robot, he went around the parking lot like he lost direction until i did not look no more. When he passed me first i looked at him and thought i recognized Nikolett's husband with no beard though. In that moment i had the feeling he would have ran me over.
No the result from last Wednesday test did not come back yet. 3 hours to write this post.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
October 27
2:00 Mușchiul sternocleidomastoidian. Am auzit de el, ca tot românul, din cartea lui "Nicolae Paul Mihail". Trapezista Rândunica înseamnă high. Un îndemn subliminal să te faci high folosind propria anatomie. Nu e singurul din carte. Pancrațiu poate reprezenta pancreasul. Potirul, puterea. Etc..
Mușchiul sternocleidomastoidian este un mușchi lung care se înfășoară de-a lungul gâtului ca un șarpe și antagonizează mușchii trapezius din spate, alți mușchi din spate, care toți împreună țin capul drept și îl ajută se se întoarcă într-o parte și alta.
Dacă mușchii din spatele gâtului (trapezii) se încordează prea mult, atunci mușchii sternocleidomastoidieni se contractă și ei prea mult și apasă pe arterele carotide și venele jugulare, sugrumându-le. Se întâmplă mai ales în partea dreaptă unde artera carotidă e mai groasă. Poate de aceea emisfera dreaptă e asociată cu emoțiile.
Stați puțin... Mărul lui Adam... Șarpele... Trapezista... Colecția Clepsidra... Kali, zeița timpului și a "thugs" (bandiți din India care jefuiau călătorii bogați și îi sugrumau, în numele zeiței).
Infecția TT este nediagnosticată, mi s-a refuzat testul la camera de urgență "it's so rare in the US" însă doctorul nu a uitat să scrie că am fost recent în România, ceea ce nu e adevărat (ca să aibă acoperire mai târziu), iar doctorul meu Michael Jacko nici nu a vrut să vorbească despre acel aspect. "Programarea a fost pentru 5 minute" "Don't worry about". Totuși mi-a dat antibiotice pentru degetul de la picior.
Fiind constant pe antibiotice, TT nu s-a manifestat niciodată până la capăt. Însă a fost suficient ca să contracte acei mușchi din spate, mai ales după ce în seara precedentă m-a plouat pe spate și am stat cu geaca umedă în cazino ore în șir.
După ce am pus petece cu antibiotic pe coloană aproape de gât, a doua zi aproape că nu mai vedeam nimic pulsând la gât.
Deși în fișa mea medicală de la Providence scrie că am făcut imunizare pentru TT, nu cred că farmacistul ăla de la Walgreens care semăna cu Buttiegieg mi-a făcut pe bune acea imunizare în iulie. La aproape 4 luni de la infectare boala încă se manifestă.
Doctorul de la urgențe a avut pentru o perioadă masca jos și mi s-a părut că seamănă cu...
3:10 TT diagnosis fits well the Scientology side of the story. Strangulation fits the Kali side of the story.
3:55 Niike of Oregon, Amazin, The Shoe Dog, Maedate.
9:37 This one, probably not real, is aimed at my recent posts.
11:20 My English is still limited, after so many years. When stressed out and scared, like i was in the ER, i do not choose the right words. I kept saying: My legs are numb. Though at some time i used the expression "cramped out". Should have said numb and stiff. Also because deep inside my mind i am positive they know what's going on though they play ignorance.
11:26 News and pictures that really needed to be seen today by the whole world. Also aiming at my recent posts.
11:30 I recently noticed she upstairs started to cook in the morning. I feel the smell of the burners being heated up (American electric helicoidal stove burners will always have a drop of grease on them, no matter how careful you are.).
Have you ever done this? I surprised myself doing it unconsciously (on a smaller scale though) while cooking peas this morning and thinking of all my recent mishaps and misunderstandings. I looked in the mirror immediately and saw the pulsation which is almost non existent when i am relaxed.
I think one can see the sternocleidomastoidian muscle strangulating the carotid, on the right side of the viewer, but could be another muscle.
Unconscious self strangulation gives you a high to counteract depression. Helping with "concentration"? Could this be a sin?
In that morning i went to ER i was in bed, watching TV hoping to fall asleep, with my head tilted forward, with spasms in my upper back muscles due to TT infection (was not feeling it, was used to it already) and jumped out of bed when i felt like someone wad chocking me. I was actually chocking myself but with the extra action of the muscles involved due to cholinergic TT toxin.
I went in the bathroom at the mirror where i saw the pulsation. Of course my blood pressure was to the roof due to strangulating those blood vessels and not getting enough oxygenation to the brain. Then i called Angela and was probably kept strangulating me and almost fainted until she got home and probably kept doing that until i got in that ER room and the man was doing his ultrasound.
11:50 There was a test they could have done in the ER to help diagnose Tetanus infection but the doctor said "there is not one ready available" when i asked for it. But the test would come positive if i was vaccinated which i did several days after the puncture wound. However antibodies levels are different for disease than for vaccination.
12:17 PM Știre direcționată împotriva postării mele cu Buttigieg (nu știu cum se pronunță).
12:24 3 hours of sleep, constant marching upstairs, made a mistake when i transferred the above from the other blog (thought it was too important), lost all links and pictures. Now she dropped a heavy object.
12:46 She took off one minute after i posted the above.
12:46 Restored most important links and pictures. Lost some.
3:54 Acetylcholine supplements? Don't understand... Anyways, it should be good for Tetanus. Searching for supplements. Beladdonna. On Amazon with fast delivery, only homeopathic. Anti-cholinergic over the counter.
9:35 Una din problemele democrațiilor cu puțini candidați credibili care au planuri opuse. Pierzătorul poate lua cu el ideile cele mai bune.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
October 9th
9:15 I think i first saw "him" acting as a woman, power washing the pavement at 47 Eagle Crest. Could be the guy in the black Cadillac. Acting like the handywoman at this complex?
1:41 Da imaginea asta pare mult mai realistă decât altele, care au cerul... albastru (imaginea următoare), planeta Marte se vede din spațiu roșie, spre deosebire de Pământ care se vede albastră . Culoarea albastră a Pământului se datorează atmosferei dense, atmosferă care pe Marte este de o sută de ori mai rarefiată, etc.
Venus de exemplu apare galbenă ca urmare a norilor de bioxid de sulf. Imaginile acestea, ca și multe alte imagini "științifice" sunt date publicului în anumite momente, pentru a coincide cu anumite evenimente și a influența în mod inconștient mintea publicului.
7:15 I would like to say a few words about non-verbal communication but don't know if i have enough for a stand alone post. (I make it as i ago, i read this on a blog).
There are researchers who say 90% of the communication is not verbal. Others, more conservators, say is about 55%. Others, in between.
We are all accustomed to verbal abuse. Some of it is cultural. Statistically, i think we can encounter it mostly in parenting, with parents verbally abuse the children, and in bullying. But it is many times accompanied by postures and gestures, like threating postures in bullying, and sometimes plain violence.
As usually, my interest is in how much of it is subconscious. The abuser, and the abusee apply and receive postures with old roots, inherited culturally, with origins in prehistory or even physiology.
Parents may scare the children with postures while imposing rules and this could be very basic, inherited from our own ancient social behavior. It may be essential for surviving of the individuals and thus the species. This so tormented human species.
I believe non-verbal communication is at the base of shamanism. The shaman dance induces a trance, a state (of mind) where the subject becomes unconditionally open to suggestions.
And from there it transferred in our days to dance. There is even a type of modern music and subsequent dance called trance. (This doesn't mean other types of music won't to it. In fact, most do) What can people communicate to each other during these cultural manifestations?
A lot.
All i said so far is well established and documented and the informations about it is readily available on the web.
But now i'm going to enter in the speculations area. Stimulated by intriguing personal experiences that are vastly due to my not so common social position.
Relatively late in my life i have been exposed, via some web sites, to experiences that show that non-verbal communication may be just the opening of a gate in yet one more even more basic type of communication. Vibrational. (But i only became aware of it after watching the same captivating videos over and over and many times).
So i noticed from the sites that really passionate women when reaching climax exhibit some type of movements that may be doing just that. Open a communication channel with the man nearby so it will create an unbreakable and unconditional bond. To them, it is just a physiological reflex.
But some had learned how to use that. I encountered even more recent a person that was doing very weird steps and movements when i watched her. The first person i saw climbing down the stairs after the apparition of the Honda Element. She climbed the stairs making noises to make sure i was watching her.
Then under the pretext of checking the mail at the boxes (it was the only time i saw "her" doing so, the quote signs is because i saw more than one person using the same apartment and car) she executed some movements, very similar to the orgasmic movements i just wrote about. Then again i saw her through the window when smoking doing the same thing.
And i believe the result is some sort of bond, that she uses by example to figure out in any moment my emotional state, and act accordingly, making noises and basically "possessing" me, by renewing the bond, detouring my thoughts and activities and in the end making me sick, with raising of the blood pressure, things like that.
So yes, the martial artists learned millennia ago how to weaponize these very subtle and basic bonds that may occur between human beings. Of course the subject is so vast, i could only made a brief abstract here.
Monday, September 23, 2024
September 23
12:00 Today i was driving (the only time when i can really think) west on Hwy 18 and some thoughts came to mind i would like to share.
Freemasons believe sacred geometry existed before the Universe and the Big Bang (and will probably exist after this Universe would collapse back into one single point).Scientology also confess the existence of spirits (thetans) before our Universe. Thetans created the Universe for their own fun by agreeing it should come into existence. However they later forgot about their true nature (and got lost in their own creation).
These days i stumbled upon images of one their praying halls and saw they have a cross very similar to the Christian cross, though, if only we think of Xenu, they have lived in a confederation of 75 planets + Earth (Teegeeak) which was more like a penal colony, over 75 million years ago and probably way before that.
Then three questions arose in my mind. What do Freemasons pray to? What do Scientologists pray to? What happened to the other thetans that escaped Xenu?
8:45 When these first appeared, they were talking about houses built in 24 hours, at much lower cost. However, sharks stepped in and now the prices are the same as for classical construction. Could not have happened otherwise.
I'm a fan of these however there are some problems that need to be fixed.
The biggest problem with printed houses is also their biggest strength. They are made of one single continuous piece of concrete. Concrete like any material contracts and expands with temperature, maybe cm in bigger houses, in time creating the inevitable cracks.
So it would make sense to build these in Florida where temperature is constant year round (there is still the night/day variation).
There are ways to mitigate with contraction/expansion due to temperature. One of them could be some material between the foundation and the printed structure, maybe a thin layer of highly polished sheet metal on a perfectly flat foundation, or a thin layer of sand, to allow sliding. Building the foundation of the exact same material?
The other would be to add steel armatures in walls after a number of layers. Maybe done with robots as well. Better materials, etc..
9:00 Which reminds me of something i see every time i drive on Newberg variant. There are lots of those out there. What are these?
Which brings me to the idea. Lotus is the link between Sun goddess Amaterasu - Shintoism and Buddhism. Which brings me to the question. Do we need all this ancient...?
For a while, it was just cars veering and driving briefly on the right shoulder "to get me used to the idea" i think.
Then right before climbing on the same Newberg variant i wrote about above, at about 9:30 PM the SUV ahead of us moved again to the shoulder, however this time to avoid a cardboard box on the road, in vertical position, figuring a tower, about 1 meter tall.
Don't know if it had anything in it, traffic was pretty intense, didn't feel like stopping to go check, but i don't believe it was empty, it did not move when cars where passing by at high speed. Yes, it is still September.
General perception in the US is 911 attack was done by the Iraqis which were allied with the Soviets and then Russians.
Can't remember the year exactly but one day @year 2000 John Mladin (trying to remember if he had a beard at the time) called me and asked me to help him with a satellite dish he bought on Craig's list or whatever it was at that time, for him to watch a football (soccer) championship.
So we went, about 6 of us, to this old woman's house in SE Portland. I was supposed to check if it works which i did (summarily). Then we all grabbed the huge antenna (several meters diameter) and loaded it into a pickup, when the old woman did something weird. She took a picture of us holding that damn piece of junk.
7:11 Katakana came from Hebrew because Jews came from Egypt and Japanese came from Egypt (or the other way around).
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
September 11
Last night i went to WinCo and chose to stay in the parking lot while Angela went buying stuff. I wanted to smoke but had this dust in my lungs. From a little clay dust mixed with straw that fell from some vehicle in the alley that gut carried by wheels in the whole alley, all the way to the road. From something that i said. Nevermind that.
Two spots next to me came this huge black pickup or SUV and there was this guy who got out and went in the store and then came back before Angela. When i looked in the news today i saw the big Wall Strret analyst. What kinda BS is that? A recently deceased Hungarian writer.
Today i've done something i never do. I was frustrated and drank in the morning. Then started to cook some pea. It came uncooked of course and put it some more on the stove, set a timer, fell asleep and awoke several hours later with the pea burnt. I started to read the news, some searches, then i saw the market that was going up abruptly. And then i finally realised the peas were still cooking. It is true, the setting was on the lowest.
No i was not dead. I can't understand how i did not hear the timer. Maybe i forgot to set it. What happens is though upstairs was quiet, they have big engines revving in the distance modulated on my brain waves and can change them and my decisions by changing rpms. Or make me forget things when i'm weak or drunk.
Now i remember. At seven i heard a power blower. They come to pick the "more valuable?" items and then in exchange for the favoer blow around the bins. Blow the garbage, where? But there are piles of bags behind the SW bins nobody cares about.
I know many people had doubts about what i posted yesterday. When there are doubts they can turn it into certainty by showing my behavior. Of course, with severe intrusions into my private life. But nobody cares about that.
I went to sleep with palpitations, i woke up nauseated. Went and knotted and picked several poops. Took a charcoal cap. Got a bit better. Got mad when i remembered the episode last night. Upstairs never ceases marching.
Google stopped doing image searches for me just before i got to his page asking me to click on i'm not a robot check box then solve puzzles for each name opened (40 tabs). Fb was flashing his better res pic and then giving me this message. But i managed to do a screenshot of that flash. Google searches works now.
All these to slow me down of course.
1:15 See the little grey lines at the bottom of the graph next to time axis? Only yahoo finances still show those and those are the volume of transactions. When there is a sudden increase of volume towards the end of the section, it's a sign of a battle between their HFT computers. They buy from each other like crazy, raising the prices. It may work for a few minutes, that's why they do it at the end of the session so the market is raised or maintained high artificially.
CPI inflation report? BS, inflation is the graph you are looking at. Ok, a bit more. Outperforms. But the truth is the opposite. The unusual raises in stock prices drags the inflation up, not the other way arounds. It makes sense. It stocks are more expensive with no real increase in value, everything follows.
It started to go down in the morning, then up when i fell asleep with the stove on. Down when i saw him in the news, about half hour before session's end, remembered and started to search for the guy. Then the volume started to go up like crazy and the stock market ended the day on the same trend.
When i got gas at Shell in Grand Ronde, going into the next empty spot (the pumps in the middle all had cons on), there was gas inside the nozzle. Don't know who and how they did it, but the only way is if you hold the nozzle up, squeeze a little and then you hang it in that position. Made a mess, my car and the station was smelling for hours after.
A bug i caught on the road? When i got there i was paralyzed from the waste down, could barely walk and been like that for all the time i was there. Really scary, i panicked. I tried to drink soda to flush the toxin (if that was the case) but they put some dirty water (smelling like fish) in the hot water tank so i could not dilute my soda and bring it to a reasonable drinking temperature.
Though the toe
10:55 I have reasons to believe they pulled a plug and started to let sewage flow through the new pipe.
11:00 Today i realized the first time the dark green Honda Element in the spot next to ours has tinted windows beyond the driver seat so you can't see what or who is in the rear.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
August 20
10:55 Era un timp când auzeai de un incendiu la un spital în fiecare lună. Ăștia nu au nici un fel de security, paznici ceva? Administrator, camere video? Nu era alimentat cu curent? Dar ce a luat foc, freonul? A aruncat Dorel țigara pe el? Eu cunosc bine aceste dispozitive, nu există nimic în interior să ia foc în afară de izolația la firele de alimentare cu curent. Dar aia nu cred că arde cu flăcări să se vadă, poate doar fum.
Pentru că am folosit eu cuvântul climatizare într-o postare recentă? Dat foc la valiză? Încălzire globală? Da știu e greu de demonstrat dar este exact pe stilul unei știri pur semantice. A luat foc un spital, adică partea de afară a unui AC care nu era alimentată cu curent (de aer între pol și ecuator). Alta, cu pol. Și nu e vorba de prins.
8:10 Today i was thinking at the doctors. Doctors in the US want to be higher class. They take important loans to finish the college and then they charge a lot per visit to pay those debts and then spend on best houses, best cars, etc..
Visits nowadays are plagued by bureaucracy. They have to show they've done everything right and that reflects in paperwork, now all computerized. In the end, when all the paperwork has been done, a bit of treatment. A prescription pushed by a corporation maybe. No antibiotics, because they care so much for us.
Not talking about surgery though that is one is plagued by bureaucracy as well. For that, they need skills. However, the famous ones most often secretly delegate young ambitious ones to do their work.
All these result in most expensive care in the world. Not necessary the best. In Japan a doctor's visit or a ER visit costs 10000 yens or 68 dollars yet the Japanese live longer.
8:15 I can hear these days politicians and wives of politicians yelling on TV (because Angela watches them with an open mouth). And a fresh idea came to me. Could it be that since George Washington apotheosis every American president upon swearing of the oath becomes some sort of god while all politicians are actually saints?
During my (re)searches in the last years i saw so many faces, so many dresses and costumes. They dress best, they look best, they talk best (reading) without hesitation from the teleprompter and when you listen to them they all seem always right no matter which one is talking in that moment. Isn't that saintly?
And my mind took me to the swearing on the Bible act. Could that be the moment of their apotheosis, when they are sworn in for the function? One detail here. When they do it they put their own hand above the Christian Bible. And then i remembered something from it. Matthew
BTW is that drummer Japanese? (drums, as solar symbol)
8:22 Cred că cel mai important aspect al educației sexuale, un subiect încă tabu în România, și pe bună dreptate, pentru că este o sarcină prea grea pentru educatorii care în general nu sunt pregătiți pentru asta, sistemul nu este suficient de matur, este ca și copiilor, oamnilor în devenire să li se explice că la un moment dat în viața lor fragedă apare o schimbare majoră.
Hormonii sexuali. Momentul este ușor de recunoscut fiindcă apar și schimbări fizice imposibil de ignorat. Dar mai importante sunt cele mentale. Ei nu vor mai fi la fel niciodată, nu vor mai fi copii. Gândirea, ideile li se schimbă în mod fundamental. Constante în ecuație și reperele lor sunt doar părinții.
Noi furtuni hormonale apar odată cu începerea activității sexuale, cu un nou maximum după căsătorie.
Eu știu că majoritatea românilor, a familiilor acținează rațional și știu să facă față tuturor acestor încercări. Însă un număr, care nu e de neglijat, mai ales cei care nu sunt informați și nu sunt ghidați, devin victime a acestor schimbări care pentru ei devin traumatizante în mod ireversibil.
Toate aceste probleme pot fi exacerbate, date peste cap adică de feromonii emiși de resturile unei cățele în călduri din vecini. Și nu numai pentru copii.
A fost o vreme, pe vremea lui Băsescu, când în București erau cu zecile de mii. A avut asta vreo influență în emanciparea socială, în noi valuri ale unor noi revoluții sexuale?
Thursday, August 15, 2024
August 15
12:45 Was compelled to do a search, found more than i could hope for. How many things one can tell from a video on the streets of a city in a foreign country? Many, if not all.
Yesterday evening i was intrigued by a girl walking away from me. Did not see her face except with peripheral vision for a fraction of a second when sun hit directly her face behind a tinted window in a car.
Dressed in black with a black scarf on her head, walking on a newly paved black street, she climbed in a black Mustang and drove away. It was then when she turned her head to check for traffic. Could had ben her but i was looking in a different direction so i did not catch her face in the middle of my retina.
Why is this important? When she was walking she had a certain stiffness in her body. A big turn off. I remember when i moved to the US someone told me that people can say by my walk i was not born here.
And yes indeed, look at the girl with red hair and the one with green shorts and generally to everybody in this video. They let their weight on each foot much more than they should (by our standards). It is that i saw last night at Indian Head.
Why was she all dressed in black. Maybe because of what i wrote. Nirvana. Black magic. The fresh paving that occurs in any place we go. About that, i am writing a whole post but unfortunately i am too tired tonight.
I would assume the chicanos train a lot in Japan only to walk the way Americans do.
9:00 AM Kursk
10:40 Market. Oil is up, which usually brings energy and the whole market up, in about the same percentage, Enphase is up, what else, Super Micro Computers, and of course, heavy weight (by market capital) Tesla.
6:50 Ice age.
9:25 White chested dog, cyanobacteria. It means to me there are still people in the area, other then them since they are going for their mind. Cyanobacteria do not produce cyanide nor is the deadliest but do poses a health risk. But it's easy to avoid since the bloom is visible.
These guys do subtle things to people's mind nobody recognizes as such because they are at a different level.
How Black Magic Works
Was i praying when i was driving back home? I know i kept repeating in my mind. Please let me be in a good enough shape to write what i have in mind.
Spiritual. What is spiritual. What is based on mind only. What is based on spirits. What are spirits. Entities that inhabit all space around us. I will go by the oldest definition, that of Australian aboriginal. Don't know if other prehistoric people had the same beliefs, but these are well documented, through oral tradition that continued to our days.
And let's mention here. They have direct descendants in our world. A living connection with our distant past. The Noongars of Australia may be today's Hungarians. A direct, last migration from there that took several generation to complete. Attila is the name in aboriginal of the most known Australian landscape. A mountain that is horseshoe shaped. Or has a rainbow snake shape.
As i said, their prehistoric culture is rich and documented. Of their many deities we could mention wandjinas, with their Egyptian correspondent, Wadjet or Arabic (al)djin. All the way to English genie.
But tonight i am interested in the sort of spirits i always believed played a key role in their culture. The name means nothing to me right now. But could it represent the (eukaryotic) cell, from which all life on Earth was created, including single cell organisms (prokaryotic) like bacteria? Could they have handled such concepts?
I know some of the greatest scientists that ever lived on Earth are/were Hungarian, and all the others - disguised Hungarians.
I wrote yesterday about a possible symbiosis between humans and some of the deadliest bacteria that live on Earth similar to the symbiosis with the thousands of species of bacteria in our gut. In fact, it seems impossible to me that humans are completely free of those, since they are omnipresent, though much less than others (that make the bulk in our gut).
Clostridium are anaerobic and spores can survive in soil or human intestine and some are present in rust. I am positive our immune system is trained to deal with those in early infancy. I know raw honey contains clostridium and it may be sickening to young children. Of which tetanus and botulinum are the deadliest.
Ok so i am going to try to shorten it somehow for tonight. Black magic may be tricking our subconscious which may have some control over the immune system to believe the paralysis or stiffening of our body is actually done by our own neurotransmitters, in a state of pleasure or anticipating pleasure.
I am positive fresh asphalt, which is black, but also black clothes may contain some of the deadliest forms since they provide shelter from light and air that may destroy those. So providing some in the environment that otherwise are quite harmless and then creating in subconscious a false association with feeling good and/or anticipating and the color black.
This way, in the presence of color black (which in environment may be represented by objects loaded with clostridium and you breath the stuff emanating from fresh asphalt), your subconscious may allow those to multiply. You will probably not die but your brain will be numb enough for you to turn into a zombie (without knowing of course).
Another source which may provide deadly bacteria more than our (trained) immune system can handle may be a slow healing wound.
The situation may be worsening with intellectual effort and/or depression, with our body allowing more to multiply. Alcohol withdrawal - hangover. Opiate withdrawal - cramps, etc..
And yes i believe it's ancient science and some on Earth are using black magic without even really knowing (anymore) the mechanisms, but with incredible results and and an adjuvant in controlling the whole world, together with all sort of ancient tricks and deceptions - magic, sorcery, witchcraft.
Do you believe we really deserve and/or need all these to be constantly applied on us or we should get rid of them for (our) good?
Sunday, July 28, 2024
July 28
8:20 Lately i started to feel guilty about putting so many links to searches as the result come by means of AI (or so they say, i don't see the difference, it's just the same quote chosen from most searched site).
The reasons are obvious. I don't want people to say i picked the answer i wanted so i let them chose it. I want more people to learn how to do more complex, focused searches. (So i can take a break).
My goal now is to try and limit those to one or two per entry.
12:30 The audio analysis of sound from the site says the shooter was hit by the first bullet and the second came at 10 seconds, from a different direction from the same gun. This indicates he was killed by a sniper on the roof cause snipers don't have a high fire rate and don't change position before shooting, they have to acquire target and aim first. He could then have jumped from the roof of the barn, run for a few seconds, aim and shoot him again from the ground.
If he was killed from the ground by means of handguns of the agents, it would have been more than one shot fired. BTW why the all climbed on the podium and jumped at the President and none of them ran at the shooter and fire his handgun multiple times?
It all seems like in an old western movie where the hero let the villains shoot first and then kill them usually in a self defense style in everybody's view so there is no need for lengthy investigation. However, the body of the villain is than measured by the grave man.
Too bad they did not install security cameras and there is no footage of the whole incident from TV cameras with the whole crowd and buildings and stuff as they should be. All we have seen so far is Trump raising his right hand at the right ear which is invisible "from that angle".
And BTW who and when and from where was this picture taken and with what purpose.
2:12 Two guys that don't seem to be kids came to play with a drone at my window.
5:50 What was that, 3:45? Never knew how much fun is to order Chinese until Angela showed me that game at Indian Head, Master Chef or something when if you get a bonus get to choose. Your soup, your side etc..
There is no soup to order online at Panda Express however there is other stuff. Angela built the order, i went to pick it up. On Boones Ferry, one exit on I5 from here. However. On the exit ramp, there was this old woman driving a tan PT cruiser figuring a 2CV. She stopped a few times, including on the freeway, i was behind, she restarted then she was driving erratically and exited on Boones Ferry, right before me. She stopped on the exit ramp once.
Behind her, in a car with WA LPN a woman with a pink megaphone and open window was yelling something at her who also had the window open. When i passed her, i looked and she was no other than France Rumilly, the actress playing the crazy driving nun in the Gendarme movies. I would have never known if i didn't finally look for the actress a few minutes ago.
Damn Chinese (delicious) food, i'm hungry again. No wonder Chinese are all so thin.
7:00 (Approximately) one science entry a day (can't promise). If they could mass produce these and put them on a windshield, it would be a step forward in increasing mpg by not using the 1-4 extra HP for running the AC of about...
Most of the 20k BTU used by AC in the tiny space of a vehicle cabin is for mitigating the solar heat coming through the windows and not the air temperature. By example, in a day with much sun and 75 temperature, you have to have the AC on.