Showing posts sorted by date for query time travel. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query time travel. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October 15

1:20 Who knows, maybe the title Sun-Emperor really means Emperor of the whole Solar System. I know the guy is an actor but the function may be real. Maybe they are so technologically advanced they are like gods to us. Time travel to mention just one thing. Another guess would be conscience merging with the Universe (so called Nirvana in Buddhism). Instant sharing of thoughts and collective decisions.

2:15 Wedjat (Wadjet), Wa. Lotus.

Have been two ships, one is lost? Lotuses are floating on water. Jupiter mother ship is floating on liquid hydrogen, causing turbulence in the atmosphere above, visible from space (and Earth).

1:00 PM Toată lumea vorbește despre PNRR (Punere) și nimic despre búget, de unde dispar sume mult mai mari, de zeci sau poate sute de miliarde anual (dreapta, permanent links).

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12

8:20 AM Asta a apărut după ce am scris ieri. Apropo. El nu a folosit niciodată numele Columbus.

10:22 Marian Vanghelie.

2:00 PM

Today i was staring at a persistent picture in the news. The storm in Jupiter's "atmosphere", and for the first time it occurred to me the storm actually looks like an eye. So i did a search and what did i find...

Some say it could be the inspiration for the Eye of Horus... and i did one more search and i found that Egyptians considered Jupiter as the birthplace of ...Earth.

I was praying today i could find a solution to all my problems cause these guys are getting me sicker by the day... I went earlier outside to check the bins and there was a weird smoke, above 100 on the AQI scale, and was too lazy to put up a mask and i cough ever since. No i haven't been smoking in 3 days. My legs started to hurt more (they tingle every time i smoke but this was way stronger than cigarette smoke)...

Then it occurred to me... I also saw in the news recently that Europa has water (My bet is on Io)... And started to think to myself... What if... Egyptians did not originate on Earth but on Io or other moon with water next to Jupiter?

Until now we've been all thinking, aliens this, aliens that but never heard one single person saying that aliens could have come on Earth from a different planet on our solar system. Got to follow up on this idea, cause over the years i came to believe more and more there are some weird things about Egyptians, and the strange connection with Japan, and that is not only the pyramids.

Wa means among other things Japan in Japanese. Wadjet is...
8:51 Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and the density at the surface is a bit more than the density of water. A hollow object could float at or under the surface though. When i look into this picture, i see turbulence due to a solid object in the middle that is somehow stationary. A mothership feeding on hydrogen isotopes?

9:00 What telescope you need to see the great spot on Jupiter? Did Egyptians have telescopes? When was telescope invented?

9:40 Adela Popescu

11:40 Right on time... I was waiting to see the reaction... This one is the first.

!1:41 Climbed a mountain and turned around.

12:15 AM 13 Eye in the sky. New order of the ages could mean time travel. It could also be a play word, szeklers meaning Shakya, Buddha's clan.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Dominicani - Domini Cani - Lord's Dogs

7:47 I titled this blog post Dominicani which is plural for Latin Dominicanus. The English translation is Dominicans, or Black Friars. It is unclear to me what the word friar means in this context but i will clarify as i go. Dominican is religious order within Catholic Church.

Question is, what are religious orders and why the Catholic Church, which at the time was very well organized and hierarchized needed religious order and what are really those? Again i will try to clarify this as well but it will take time.

First thing first. The order was founded in 1216 by pope Honorius III at the request of Dominic, later St.Dominic. Here is an impression of that pope. But why is he curled in this image like a dog? He even has some garments suggesting a dog's tail.

At first i thought it stained glass work which was popular at that time. But then i read in the bottom of the picture. Contemporary.

I think i should try to solve this mystery, before even bringing St.Dominic into equation. Dominicani is a playword in Latin. The reason i wrote it like this. It can mean Domini Cani which means dogs of God.

It is very interesting how the word friar evolved in English yet into another playword. Coming from French frère - brother. Cause it goes against common sense. Why would someone consider himself a friar rather than simply a brother? Why invent another word for brother in English, one that sound kinda weird. French fries? Fry's brothers?

Why the need for religious orders inside (or maybe outside of?) an already well organized church which remains basically the same today, with bishops, vicars, pope, etc.?

Dominican order was officially founded by Pope Honorius III as mentioned above. But Dominic started preaching about 10 years earlier. Preaching what? Is that St.Mary or a nun praying to a dog with horns and a torch in his mouth? Which reminds of a Dacian Draco, or plainly a fire blowing dragon with the Sun or maybe even a Chrysanthemum on the background?

Why Dominic? It kinda overlaps with again the Latin name for Lord, Dominus.

Let's jump a couple of centuries to the times of Spanish Inquisition which was mainly directed against Jews. One of their main tools was fire, either to test or execute "heretics". Anybody sees already a connection here?

The "Cross of St.Dominic" (why so many types of crosses) may include a swastika in it.

How many were killed? How many confessed under torture and how many confessed in exchange for their lives? BTW, 32000 out of 341000 is not 2.7%

St.Dominic is often portrayed with his head partly shaven, like Buddha. All friers are supposed to practice ascetism and give away their earthly possession, similar to Hindu ascets or Buddha who gave up is princely status to travel the world and learn about sufferance. In this image, St.Dominic even looks plainly Asian.

Rosary did not exist in Christianity until St.Dominic though it existed in Hindu and Buddhism thousands of years before.

Dominican Republic. It is unclear to me if the name has something to do with Dominicans (as the religious order) though more than 50% of the population there is Catholic. But when i looked at one of their churches i first saw the lotus as architectural motif. Lotus is a major symbol in Buddhism and could also represent fire. Same goes for many European cathedrals or Hungarian Parliament in... Buda (pest).

The Pope. The current Pope has high regards for Dominicans. I think i have made a mistake earlier. Some Dominicans were members of the regular clergy and some even became popes (so much for giving up earthly possessions). But it is unclear to me what is their influence in today's Catholic church, especially in Latin America.

The reason i started this post. Could Dominicans still hold certain rituals (ordeals, exorcisms) in which they test if someone is human or the devil, using dog's excrements, redwood, stepping on someone's head like in a torture chamber, things like that? Like they did (energicaly stepping above creating thunder like sounds) soon after i started (to write) this blog post?

Buddha's sermon of 7 Suns. There are currently in Japan 3 emperors with the title Sun God. The one who abdicated, the one in title and one is warming up. Buddha's sermon message also coincide with St.Dominic dream.

Hungary. Domonkos means Dominican in Hungarian and it is a common last name in Hungary. Interestingly enough...

Magyars and Szeklers. Currently Hungarians call themselves Magyars. Magyars arrived in Europe around 800, and after raiding it for about 100 years, they established in Pannonia, over the already mixed population there, with Huns being the last immigrants since 5th century, probably in the same time with Székelys (Szeklers in German, possibly in Latin).

Soon after, their (first) king Stephen the Great got baptized and with him a large part of the leaders. Two centuries after them joining the Catholic Church, the religious mendicant orders appeared, under umbrella of Christianity but of obvious Buddhist inspiration, by all the evidence posted above.

There are (were) two tribes in Nepal, Magars (could be a variation for Mongols which may also come from noongars, check the pronunciation in Magyar), who were among other things mercenaries, possible guards of the silk road and Shakya, the clan in which Buddha was born.

So after all Hungarians (noongars) and Magyars are related though they came in Europe some 350 years apart...

working on

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30

12:00 AM Like Viktor Orban (Victoria Oropsiților de Trianon) i can't stop. Not right now. Have to keep posting or... Here are some pictures with Trump swinging (like in golf swinging). You think those tiny arms can propel a ball more than 25 yards (aprox=meters)?
It is said Hitler was on a vegetarian diet...


18 A DAY. I saw a couple of times this LPN here in Oregon and could never figure what it means but today i think i had a revelation. Could it be... 6+6+6 = 18 bags with dog poop a day? The Dominicans (Inquisition) do just this every day, after their prayers? The same number as the holes in a golf course?

1:45 There are a number of Egyptian tools that have inspired modern objects. Of them i could mention the well known tennis racquet. But there are other lesser knwon tools like The Setesh Staff (was sceptre) that might have inspired the microfone on a stick (Freddie above), golf club, hockey cross, telempromter, etc..

2:05 Someone reading a cell phone while frying themselves with microwaves.

2:15 Chrysanthemum Throne of Japan vs 2024 Olympic medals.
2:27 Kabuto, wasceptre, Wow!

7:32 Don't know what the name of the bowling pin like thing on top of the head of Horus (no matter how much i searched) but it looks like it has inspired the Olympic torch of this year 2024 (no, it is not a rolled joint as some may believe, just because it is carried by a dog whose name is not Seth).

Yes i believe the name Seth of the Egyptian god of chaos is at the origin of the name Satan in the Hebrew bible. (Not to be confounded with Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve).

2:18 Read my lines. It is not logic, science, justice, economics or even politics that run this world. It is sorcery, witchcraft, ancient mysteries (in the sense of secrets transmitted from generation to generation in a parallel world of the initiated).

Some are just simple tricks, like by example, the dog seth. There is something in it that comes from evolution. Parasites, pheromones, name it. With it, the wolves, big cats and then dogs and cats hunt. The so called marking of the territory is actually infestation, to make the prey weak and vulnerable.

Humans have learned of it (thinking is magic tricks, sorcery, witchcraft) not knowing what really it is and use it against other humans. Is that simple. But how can you get this out of the simple minds that dedicated their lives to cults or fraternities which are based on this kinda seth?

Think of Trump's advertisement. Top dog, he'll get you top dollars.

Some prefer just to use it no mater how moral or immoral is. They have been initiated, spent all their lives gathering degrees, got old, who's gonna stop them playing the same tricks over and over on the whole world. It would mean they should give up everything.

Is that simple.

4:30 Another common trick they use is replacing of the officials in the countries they control (all) with their own people, usually trained actors. Initially a ninja trick, i believe this tradition started with the Tokugawa Ieyasu shogun and all the shoguns that followed in the Tokugawa dynasty, and then the emperor himself, during  the so called Meiji restoration but it could be older, since like the Chinese Imperial dynasties.

Can't find right now where i read Tokugawa Ieyasu character was played by 3 different ninja that changed over the years. Ieyasu lived 73 years in a time when average lifespan was 50.

5:45 I know how cops are. I simply cannot believe this. But if they saw the guy and told SS and SS did not react they should have taken measures themselves. However they saw SS pointing guns at the shooter, as seen in the picture and maybe they thought the SS are on it so they did nothing.

5:55 Nicolas Maduro. I think i knew the guy on the right personally, he was working at the computer service company (IIRUC) în Bacău before 89 under the name Eugen Mihalcea, then we even became associated (co-owners, with 3 other guys) in a software/hardware firm in Bacău, Mega SRL, which then some other guy forced me to leave (per reason i had my own firm, INSER SRL) and now i understand why.

7:25 Just remembered one more thing. At the meeting where we signed the papers and established the name Mega (as opposed to Micro, it was my "funny" idea, in a restaurant in Bacău) he kept telling us he wanted to emigrate to... Venezuela, and i think he said  he had a relative there.

8:15 I think i saw her face around here too.

10:53 I think i might have figured (the hard way) how many diseases come into our body.

I was looking the other day at my ankles and saw how thin and wrinkled my skin on those is. The part behind i do not step on.

As we get older, we start loosing collagen. The skin becomes thinner. Biggest problem is at the soles of the feet. No matter how good you maintain your floor and carpet, it will remain a place full of bacteria. Unless if you sanitize your carpet as often as you replace your socks. How about the shoes? How clean are your shoes inside?

Can use a piece of towel and some alcohol and rub it and see. Floor, feet, shoes.

Also with age we gain weight.

Thinning skin on the sole of your feet and poor floor hygiene which may be the norm for most people allow bacteria to constantly get into your bloodstream period.

We all have to die of something aren't we.

11:45 How can i not put a link to a search here. Different results by different authors but overall, it is scary. I will not have any collagen by 80? which means i will fall apart and die???

12:10 Was thinking. If the Japanese are the Ancient Egyptians, it could have happened only this way. They went in Egypt to search for the geographic center of the dryland on Earth to build the first pyramid (and not the other way around). As the center of the Earth has moved (reshape of shores), they built the second one etc..

Why the center of the Earth? That is a good question. I think it might have something to do with time or space travel. Alignment of source and destination, maybe?

Friday, January 26, 2024

Naturalization. Why Not?

I guess i never wrote the entire story from beggining to end so it can be understood by anybody. In December 95 i moved to Vancouver, WA, at Fox Pointe Apts next to Kyocera factory at the advise of Nelu Ciorba who introduced me to Dan Costan. Dan Costan was already working there as a tech and his wife as an operator and the firm had a reputation for hiring Romanians (back then everybody was hiring).

However i was denyied the app though in September i was called for an interview in the evening which i missed becasue i was working swing shift at Sheridan that day.

Around Christmass time there has been a shooting at the 7-11 on our street.

In January Dan Costan took me to an Interim agency (now Shperion) who hired me to work for Electronic Specialty. He was kinda sarcastic and he told me after on several occasions that he was a right extremists while being very offensive, if not threatening.

So i went to work there. Since the first day, a woman named Merry (resembling my grade school chemistry teacher) asked to work at a drilling press passing a tool through ferrite relay armatures used in a military application. As i said in the linked post above, i got sick and ended up in jail and then  hospital.

I figured the smartest way to describe what happened is to link to other posts. But the short story is i got gassed with 1,1,1 trichloroethane, awake and without water for a week, pepper sprayed, beaten, arrested by a couple of police women, booked, jailed and had a trial date set for a couple of misdemeanors.

But i didn't know about the trial until a few days before when i got the "invitation" in the mail. I think i was already working at Credence and had 800 dollars in my checking. So i grabbed the yellow pages and found an attorney by the name James Mayhew. He agreed to see me right away and acted as a gentleman, the kinda i never saw before or after in the US. He took my money, copies from all the documents and said he will go to trial.

However in the evening before the trial date (i think it was May 3rd, my mother's birthday) got a message on the answering machine (digital, a novelty, had only 30 seconds recording time for one message) this message from Janet Anderson, the court appointed attorney, the one who represented me in the day after the arrest in front of the judge.

It was only in the last years that i realized her voice is Hilary Clinton's. The physical appearance as i remember (height, weight, face) also matches her.

So all of a sudden i found myself the next day in Vancouver Municipal Court's hallway having two lawyers, arguing with each other. The calm and nice gentlemen i saw in the office the other day turned into a small man all perspiring in front of her.

However he managed to tell me that if i take that offer it means i plea guilty to the offenses (a couple of misdemeanors), that would eventually be dismissed after 2 years but forever in my record and i will have problems with my citizenship. He also told me not to sign the agreement because it was never signed by the judge Stocker.

I those moments i had to make a decision and going in that courtroom with the perspiring guy seemed to risky to me. So i signed the papers and then the next days i did something i will be ashamed forever. I went and asked him the money back and he gave it to me.

Years have passed and time to apply for the citizenship. However i stopped with filling the application when i got to the question "Have you ever been arrested". So i passed.

A few more years have passed and i got so sick in 2004 (unbearable upper abdominal pain) i decided to go to Romania to see some doctors there. And there i got another option. Since they would not let you enter EU without a health insurance, i bought one real cheap for a few months traveling there and went to France where i hopped i could see real doctors. But that is another story.

Since i did not know if i will return, or what will happen to me there, just before i left in April 2004 i filled the application for Angela since she had a clean record. When i came back in September i found Angela with a chemo pump on her shoulder, and after her "cancer" (we did not know of before i left) surgery in September (and one more stay at psychiatry for me in the same hospital, where she came to see me the day after surgery) she was granted citizenship. But i did not want to take a chance for myself, and will try to explain why.

But for that i will have to bring here the USCIS Naturalization Application form N400. At page 14 of the file there are some questions starting with "Have you ever been...?"

A few days ago i decided to fill the app to see what happens, cause i have been without a passport either Romanian or American or whatever for too long and the application for Green Card renewal is getting more expensive (fees) than Naturalization itself which does nor require renewal every five or ten years and you cannot travel with a Green Card only.

There is very little chance that two misdemeanors i pleaded guilty though never been convicted 27 years ago to cause any trouble with the application (where a couple of things can go wrong, the least, being denied, the second, deported for omitting crimes as a non-citizen). Though there are a few observations here to be made. Those records do not exist anymore at the Vancouver Court, they have been destroyed like any others after a number of years.

The app does not tell you what to do when records were destroyed (though expunged mentioned there also involves destroying though at your request). By forcing you to disclose an expunged record and eventually suffer the consequences, they are sanctioning you again for the same violation you may have been convicted in the past (NON BIS IN IDEM).

There is also a problem with what they call "deferred prosecution" (the agreement i made with the prosecutor though never signed by the judge) where you agree to the crimes you have committed or not to spare yourself the troubles of a trial (waving the presumption of innocence) where the prosecutors know you may have committed crimes and become your accomplices if you are never tried.

The prosecutor cannot grant amnesty to a non conviction and generally a prosecutor cannot grant amnesty (extra judicial or acts of justice outside courts).

Also when i looked at i saw more questions in that area than i remember from past versions, and also, because i have become more aware of laws and US Constitution and my English has improved, today it suddenly occurred to me the application itself may be unconstitutional.

One of the things is they force you to answer questions "even if a lawyer told you not to", that may incriminate yourself thus breaking the 5th Amendment of US Constitution, one time for each applicant.

And last but not least. Why would someone want to disclose a record that does not exist anymore with no way for USCIS to verify.

Welcome to my nightmare that lasted 27  years. To this moment i feel the touch of that baton she put in my hands to get my fingerprints while i was cuffed with my hands behind my back, pushed against the car and yelling with pain from pepper spraying. The episode got imprinted in my memory because until i saw the report i thought it was a gun.

Am ambulance came and theatrically treated one of them but not me. BTW when i got back from the hospital i saw under a bush next to the apartment a VCR tape but i was afraid to pick it thinking it might have been a trick. Did anybody filmed everything and wanted me to see it? How many times and hours i thought about and could never find a solution to all these? Thousands?

I think i read somewhere that statutes of limitations (prescriptions) do not apply to torture, attempted murder. It started with me being literally gassed at Electronic Specialty, driving under the influence of that gas, not sleeping, eating or drinking water for a week, beaten by the Police, threatened in jail, etc.. Hilary Clinton was accomplice to all these.

Bill Clinton himself was in Portland during those days.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Laws and Observations on Time Travel

By consequences of a new theory regarding the emission of photons and propagation of light, issued after observations of the current theory that seems impossible and of the design and existence of the many pyramids built in areas currently including in modern Egypt and Nubia (Sudan), time travel seems more than ever a real possibility and more than that, it seems it may already happened in our civilization's past and we may have been contaminated with knowledge from/of the future.

Though predicted by the current quantum and string theories, that possibility was so remote, nobody bothered to try and examine its consequences in our lives.


In macro or continuous or analogous world we have the following situation. We cannot make measurements of an electric circuit without interfering and thus changing the parameters.

In one of the most simple electric circuit, that can be a battery, a resistor and two conductors, by touching the ends of the circuit with the probes of a meter we will induce a change of the resistance of the circuit, by adding its own resistance (for functioning, the meter needing to divert a small but not negligible amount of electrons from the circuit), thus altering the results.

As principle, it may be inherited from quantum world, of which the macro world is made of, where we have the so called "observer effect", since the everyday macro world is made by a myriad but finite number of quanta.

Or the other way around, we could extrapolate the first experiment (two paragraphs above) in the quantum world, by limiting the number of electrons flowing through the two circuits (one original and one added by the meter) to a quantum scale.

Another very important idea, besides all fundamental forces are in fact one, derived from reading the Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Core Plan), is reality is being created by our minds.  

In the case of this classic quantum experiment the presence of an electron detector is changing the results. Some argue that it is not our consciousness that interferes with the result, but merely the detector.

However the detector was made by conscious beings with that purpose only and the probability of one being created by a random variation of reality is zero, and without the consciousness of the experimenter, even if there could be a variation of reality that could create it in an infinite time, the experiment is meaningless, or does not exist as such without the observer, but as a simple (un)recorded variation of reality.

The extra reality of the act of observation by a conscious being affects future reality of the Universe and possibly its creation since the beginning. Based on the decision taken after that measurement, the conscious beings as us may take an action that would change the future.

If two people witness the same experiment and they agree on the results and the action needed to be taken, in the hypothetical Multiverse there will be no two but only one future. (From this we also can conclude both society and human consciousness (mind) obey quantum laws).

From here we can come to the conclusion that the more people agree on an observation and upon the decision made by it, the more stable or strong the next Universe will be, thus the idea of convergence (of the Multiverse back into one) which seems to be again following the only universal law, that of action/reaction that created it in the first place.

In the case of time travel from the future (in need of resources), the travelers do not want the Universe they come from to be changed, so they have to take measures. One of them would be convincing all the conscious beings in the time of intended target that they and their occult leadership do not come from the future and the best way is to convince them they are super beings from the present, aka decision making gods and we shall surrender to them so they can make all the decisions for us based on fake or inexistent observations.

A Sun God seems a logical choice since it will ever be present in this form or a predictable one all the way to their time.

However since there are people among us who have doubts and try alternating way of thinking and start making their own decisions based on objective (repeatable, reproducible) observations, they decided to capture and institutionalize the trend, by adding extra false gods.

Those extra gods which are actually people invested with decision making power by the agreement of many have to be false and forgettable, totally diverting the reality of the observations and decision making in a way that would not affect their reality in the future.

So in the end, they came up with the idea of actors playing the role of leaders (decisions makers), which actors having absolutely no power and there is no real casual chain of events that can lead from the act of leadership done by travelers to the fake leaders.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

December 28

7:24 A parallel Universe or an alternate Universe obtained by changing something in the past of the current one wouldn't be all that bad. People would find themselves in a different world but would not know it is different, for them it would have been always like that. That's why travelling back in time to make changes like in Asimov's book is only halfway effective.

Because the current one would still exist unchanged and they will not aware of each other. In fact the theory says there are an infinity of parallel Universes. If so, it means a parallel Universe is created every time someone makes a conscious decision, creating a new Universe, dragging everyone else in it and you could exist in one's Universe or be dead or never existed in another.

But i believe there are reactions to it, by the law of action-reaction to creating new Universes.

One of them is caught in the "come together over me" theory which is just a logical consequence (reaction) of the many worlds theory. That's why sometimes by some sort of subconsciously motivated desire people gather in religious or totalitarist or hierarchical societies (or tribes centered around a shaman or clans around a patriarch etc.) Where nobody makes individual decisions and that would spare them of that burden also creating less Universes also avoiding the risk of disappearing in a parallel Universe made by someone's wish.

A sort of utopian Nirvana if you want.

According to this theory seeking Nirvana (extinguishment) would make sense. Being one with the creator (of the branch you came into existence) in all the parallel Universes you exist in would eliminate the need for creating new Universes.

If one person dies he still continue to exist in an infinity of Universes minus one. But if one person is killed by the agreement between one million people, he would exist only in an infinity minus one million Universes, like in the case of death penalty.

I think people are trying by instinct to avoid being dragged into Universes of those who hate them because they could end up dead or re-incarnate as an animal or even a rock in one of those.

There are a whole lot of consequences of the existence of the Multiverse and i think some of them can be used to prove it. But the conscious part of my brain goes blank from time to time because of  how much i drank last night.

Ok i remembered one. The nightmare (or hell whatever). It is possible to keep avoiding death by always moving to an Universe where you are still alive but it will be weirder and weirder. You may end up walking around like a skeleton that stays together only by one million wishes or universes created every second and one day or another you will end wishing for Nirvana.

But there maybe some who study all the laws and consequences of time travel and are doing it with keeping the same or approximately the same one Universe to their own benefit in the future where they reside, like some sort of business, exactly like in Asimov's book, The end of Eternity.

Of course one can change everybody's multiverse by putting out unwanted information, like the real theory of everything and exposing them and help people converge on reality.

Nobody study these laws (of time travel) in the present because it all seemed to improbable not worthy of the trouble bla bla but seeing all in a new light like the pyramids, sphinx and generally the geometry of the creation, it now start to make sense of looking into these possibilities.

12:45  This real story by example is so weird it seems caused by time travelers mentioned above. Purpose? To draw attention from the real story that keep changing their own controlled time line.

1:25 În SUA detectoarele de fum sunt obligatorii prin lege. Mai ales fiindcă marea majoritate a locuințelor sunt din lemn. Sunt atât de  bune încât uneori se declanșează dacă arzi ceva pe aragaz.

Nu vor mai fi situații să auzim că cineva în Botoșani a adormit cu țigara aprinsă și a murit în incendiul declanșat.

2:02 Done that. Am încercat pe vremuri o chestie asemănătoare. Pe baze statistice, am făcut un program pe calc (mini, Independent, clonă de PDP-11) lucrând în orele de după servici care putea să asigure întodeauna 11 rezultate din 13 la pronosport (meciurile de fotbal din Italia). Vasile știe.

Chiar făcusem un încă un progrămel care asigura și tipărirea pe imprimantă. Aliniam formularele, le băgam în imprimanta matriceală și nu trebuia să mai pierd timpul să le completez de mână.

Însă nu prindeam niciodată "surprizele" și numai acelea ar fi asigurat un câștig substanțial. Nu mai țin minte de ce am renunțat însă acum stau și mă gândesc. Dacă prindeam 11 rezultate și mai plăteam ceva și puneam câte unul la întâmplare pe mai multe bilete... A da cred că am făcut și asta dar la un moment dat m-am plictisit...

3:50 Ok here goes one experiment that tries to prove that time travel do exist (and everything that goes with it). Let's say you have one device configured for time travel, like a time machine and stuff. One person goes in in and voila... It disappears in a cloud of fog. No trace and by that you can not know if it's dead or alive. By going in the past it makes a change and alter your current timeline but there is no way to know cause it would have happened thousands of years ago.

The only way to know is if he would build a device there (by coercing or brainwashing or convincing the locals he is a god) and come back. However the locals decided, after, to build a monument with his face and now we all know.

5:00 Cali

7:15 Nakedness is a homage to Buddha. Short sword presented as a cross. Point of convergence. All together.

Pyramid. Crossed arms (Pharaoh). Cross sign (Christ). Four components (we know from the cover) of light quanta that start to rotate (hard to see, not so precise, but suggestive, could not have been done more in a music video). Time generation, splitting quanta and many strings in the end. Could be more details i overlooked. Or don't understand. Jump back (in time)?

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

December 26

7:30 Ab initio. Carmitru și eroul Dinescu la revoluție vorbind poporului român de orice naționalitate în sensul că...

7:40 Da' bunăciunea ruptă de lângă Caramitru cine e?

1:25 I think i have solved (for you) the mystery of the Sphinx. He is there to prove for the other masons at least time travel does exist, i strongly disagree that he was given eternal life because those who lived on Earth after the metal asteroid (flood) are too contaminated for that.

8:50 That's odd eerie. Our founding mother has traveled in time and posts on tik-tok-tik-tok-tik-tok?

10:52 Varză de Barză. Slab populată, zile întregi prin păduri. Estimarea de 400.000 s-a făcut după suprafață și prin compararea cu țările vecine. NU a avut o armată permanentă din țărani.

Din regulile stilului literar (după Flaubert). A nu se folosi același cuvânt de două ori pe aceeași pagină și nu care cumva de două ori în același paragraf mai ales contradictoriu (cu siguranță, cu siguranță) decât dacă te enervezi și încep să scrii la mișto ca mine uneori. Nici o chestie, în această compunere se repetă paragrafe întregi la nesfârșit.

Eu m-am mirat mult cum puteau să trăiască țăranii (în Moldova) fără baie. Asta până am făcut baie la țară în Moldova.

Încălzeai o oală cu 5-10 litri de apă (da, cu coceni de porumb sau tizic, care conține 99% celuloză și nu miroase de loc, baliga de vacă are bacterii bune, nu ca cea de porc, decât poate puțin fum care venea prin crăpăturile plitei). Încălzirea apei dura 10 minute.

Stăteai în picioare sau pe vine într-o balie (un fel de lighean mai mare, care putea fi de lemn) lângă plita unde ai încălzit apa. Cineva sau chiar singur îți turnai apă și te udai după care te săpuneai pe tot corpul (săpun din untură de porc cu leșie) după care altcineva sau tu însuți îți turnai câțiva litri de apă în cap și te clăteai repede după care îți luai haine curate.

Dacă planificai bine încălzeai suficient de multă apă ca să repeți chestia care dura cât un duș în zilele noastre. Da bine părul îți rămânea puțin aspru în funcție de duritatea apei din fântână, dacă nu te spălai cu apă de ploaie, cum spălau gospodinele rufele, dar te igienizai. Apropo mult mai greu era de spălat rufele, care necesita mult efort fizic.

Nașpa iarna înghețau rufele pe sârmă și cristalele de gheață puneau stres pe țesături. Dar ce mișto miroseau după ce se geruiau (cred că e motivul pentru care unii își pun blugii în congelator în loc să-i spele, mor bacteriile mirosului și se sublimează amoniacul provenit din transpirație cred) (dar ghiciți unde se duce în circuitul de aer închis al frigiderului).

Nu poți trăi la țară sau oriunde mai mult de două săptămâni fără să faci baie fiindcă ți se face rău de propriul miros și asta știu din experiență când soacra mea a stat odată la Bacău o lună cu mâinile în ghips iar socrul a rămas singur și până la urmă nu a mai putut, s-a urcat în tren și a venit și el și l-am spălat eu în cadă de vreo 2 ori.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mount Meru

I believe i identified the original Mount Meru from Hindu mythology, described in Mahabharata and also mentioned in Puranas. However, not in the Himalayas but again close to Ancient Egypt, though not the Great Pyramid and still close to the geographic center of the Earth that BTW could have changed in the meantime due erosion of shore lines, changing of water level or raising of the land.

The pyramids at Giza were too old and also "non functional" at the time of the events described in the epic poem which some say must have been be around 200 BC but i don't agree with that either. Mt.Meru probably existed and was functional @1500 BC when some say Aryan Invasion happened in India.

One can figure how important it was by the google description above. Five peaks. The adobe of Gods. Could have been the gods involved in the epic battle. It is well known that in Mahabharata are described some events that can show the involvement of aliens (or time travelers), including intercontinental tunnels, travel to the Moon, vimanas, superweapons, things like that. Golden because the surface has to be conductive.

Island of Meroë. Must have been an island sometime, or at least surrounded with trenches with water which coincides with some descriptions of the "mountain". I would think the water was needed, like in the case of subterranean water under the Great Pyramid for dampening something emitted alongside the pyramid.

There are currently 200 pyramids in that place that could be the echoes of the 5 original ones which as the description of Mt.Meru says, were covered with gold. It is said to be the residence of King Padmaja Brahma.

However when i googled that king's name this is what i found out. Kushasthali coincides with the name of the kingdom of Kush where the pointed pyramids are. Subsequent name is Dvārakā, also known as Dvāravatī (Sanskrit द्वारका "the gated [city]", possibly meaning having many gates.

Stargates?  Time travel gates? Novus ordo seclorum.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

December 21

1:00 Finally. That magic moment. Shortest day of they year.

1:01 Strict statistic. Dacă a fost mereu tot mai rău asta nu poate însemna decât că urmează și mai rău.

10:30 Or could it be... We're in contact with them as of right now and they send corrections in real time so we won't affect them (too much) and we all are really living in a loop (and Nirvana is the only solution)?

2:20 Another banger hypothesis. It could be we don't own anymore this planet in the future and it's them who came back in time for resources and programed us or at least some of us to screw our future right as we speak, making room for them, closing the loop.

But there is a contradiction. If they are taking the resources from the past it means they could cause this way a shortage in the future as well? Closing the loop? Or maybe we are branching out every time in a parallel Universe.

There are small shafts in the pyramid that could be used both for alignment and communications. Since some are pointing at Orion which seams to be the prototype or model for the three pyramids' ground layout, it all could be though interstellar travel. I honestly hope this would be the case. I think we will find out when we will know more precisely the exact design of the damn pyramids.

5:40 Timed interventions.

I posted yesterday about a big Romanian senator Șoșoaca. Could this have anything to do with the (fake) shooting in Prague?

The common denominator is again Hungary. Șoșoaca is done by a Hungarian actress by the name Cseke (the name clue among other rather big clues) showing her probable ethnic origin because the Czeck Republic was for a longtime in the Habsburg Empire, a well camouflaged rule of Hungarians in mid-Europe of which capital Prague was even chosen as capital at times. Czeck Republick nowadays is probably just another subsidiary of Hungary, like Romania.

And the "shooter" is a young Hungarian director. Yeah i know those places are loaded with history. Maybe because all those buildings are built to last with up to one meter thick walls. But i know one thing for sure. No Czeck citizen would shoot at another Czeck citizen period. How do i know? I just know.

Yeah they could have brought him here today with the dog and predate the video like they done before.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 20

1:30 Last Christmas

Many people are saying this year they had it with the song. Motivating it's annoying by repetition and probably outdated as style and genre.

I'd say it's worse than that. Much worse.

I put under the category "gay making songs" in my own classification. And anti-Christian of course.

Last Christmas, like Careless Whisper ("i'll never dance again"), though it's such an upbeat melody featuring an uplifting near perfect soprano voice, it's a very sad song. Beginning with the title. Last Christmas in English can have too meanings.

Of course from the beginning it outlines the promiscuity if not ferocity of the woman. "The very next day"... And then repeating "it doesn't surprise me", "what a fool i've been", "you'd fool me again" "once bitten". "A shoulder to cry on" goes well with "to save me from tears".

Then the weird coincidence of the casting in the video. She becomes the partner of his real life partner,  "A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man under cover", the "someone special"?

Not obvious, full with the cheers of the jingle bells like Mariah Carrey's song (is that a solar symbol) and (again) pizzicato of the synths, very subtle with many double meaning phrases, like many of George Michael creations it induces sadness in your subconscious. I'd say, subversive and holiday detouring and hacking, if only for mood.

9:15 O știre de acum 5 zile. Nici un cuvânt încă despre cum a fost folosit bugetul pe anul acesta.

1:05 How many Teslas do you see in this picture? Four? At Walmart, the cheapest store in town with everything on the shelves. The only empty space in the first row as i entered the parking lot.

BTW there are unused free charging stations seen in the picture, but no, they chose to park there in my view.

It is not an isolated incident. It  happens every minute of the day. They control everything that moves around here and there (including Șoșoaca) as part of the same Truman show.

How many wobbling Santas do you see in this video? I did not pick the moment, i waited for him to start a new song and then some people came and then i took the short video.

I believe today was the last push for the return of Amaterasu at solstice. They woke me up after 6 hours of sleep. Crashed already because of lack of stimulation i was used to for weeks, months or years.

Though there is some stink mostly inside. One hour and a half of squeaks and stomps. One for every thought. The squeaks and stomps stopped and blowers started (they never waste two (re)sources in the same time). Three guys caroling with loud didgeridoos blowing the last of the leaves. Maybe, cause i see some in a tree. By far not so many as the last time.

They caught me at peak or under the window while i was eating. Here is a sample (with cracked window).

I ran outside only to meet with a FedEx van that was smoking badly. Then i could not remember if i shut the burner of the stove after i boiled the eggs. So i returned, taking about 10 minutes more of their dB and exhaust (how themselves can stand it?).

Can't tell how many people or cars interfered with me during the walk. Many. Enough to say all cars, LPNs, people on the streets are all on AI that coordinate their moving. There was even a car with an Oregon LPN saying the word RULE.

Got back home after one hour and a half, by far they're done. So i took the truck and went to Walmart. Came back, it's been three hours, still not done. Too much noise and stink and dust to do anything that involves thinking. Trying to open the sliding window to air, got a good dose of dust falling from walls and attic do to vibration of didgeridoos.

2:00 Times Square and the ball of light. Țeapa. Capisci?

10:00 Got so many things on my mind, don't know what to start with. Ok this one cause it is linked with the above.

I can only write it in Romanian.

Ok deci știe cineva de ce s-a dus Iohannescu al nostru cel puțin în Tanzania?

At Spirit Mountain. Angela had a kilo of change from tickets she cashed in a few months (at the cash machine they give you in there change if  the sum has fractional values at the end, in other casinos they give you sub dollar tickets) and we went to the cashier where they have a machine that counts change and got 37 dollars on it.

While staying in line there was this guy in front of us who when he turned i thought he looked like... At the other window there was thig guy who looked like... And even the big T was in there with a MAGA  hat playing at a machine (sitting that is, his age), with head bend forward so i could not see his eyes. And probably the big Z too.

Then i had this terrible craving for gummies. I went to the convenience store at the gas station and bought some. Exotic fruits flavor. But they had this extra flavor like the dishwasher detergent i just bought at Walmart yesterday and had an accident with it...

Then we bought burgers, fries for Angela and salad for me but i ate it at home and tasted like... fish?

10:12 One more on pyramids. Anybody read Asimov's book The End of Eternity? As i remember from the Romanian translation. Some guys from the very distant future on planet Earth called Eternals ran out of resources and they were so advanced they figured and time travel. And  they started to move back and forth between centuries for trade of course (author was a Jew, LOL, he died in 1992).

Anybody knows that you can't freely go back in time because any action on the past may affect present, including your ability to time travel. The grandfather paradox. Or simply create a flat to the car of a researcher that is about to go to a conference in which he was about to explain something important for the past's future.

Things would go a different way and a different future will be created in which some may not exist or things are different.

And here things start to blur for me at least at this hour at night. Would a parallel Universe be created, with the keeping in existence (or not) of the traveler he did the intervention. Would that change appear in the same Universe but it would take the whole time between intervention and departure which may be eons for the change to propagate?

In Asimov's book i think changes were propagating simultaneously and some times even mistakes were made when time travelers using their hypercomputes calculated the MNC (minimum necessary change to achieve desired reality) needed to go even further back in time to correct that mistake.

Do you remember that scene from Star Trek First Contact (one of  the 6 movies) when Data betrayed the Borg Queen who previously tempted him and intentionally miscalculated the trajectory of those three photon torpedoes that were supposed to hit Cochrane's first warp ship?

I bet everybody including Piccard thought it was a gesture of loyalty of the part of Data towards humans, but he would have disappeared too if Cochrane did not succeed, right? Data was born in 2336 on a colony built with he help of warp ships and Cochrane did his first warp flight in 2036). Without warp, there would have never been that level of civilization capable of building such androids with positronic brain (i personally now think photonics is the future).

Ok so i tried to make everybody aware of the paradoxes of time travel before i go further.

If the pyramids with their ability to split photons and wrap themselves in those (when they were working of course) were used for that.

I would think the far advanced humans from the future would again have ran out of resources (just like in the book) and would have sent first a probe or even one of them in a small ship capable of time travel with means of genetic manipulation and instructions convincing the apes it was all for God (didn't want to really teach them anything more because it would have altered the timeline too much i think).

Why so far in the past. Because anything closer would have affected too much their present. And so it started. It worked at first. Then something happened, the device probably wore out, they build a second and a third.

However there was a population on Earth that was isolated from the others and was not brainwashed by the guys from the future. They heard about and came over in Egypt and plundered it and put an end to it. However what they found there allowed them to gain enough knowledge of everything and that started to badly alter the timeline propagating all the way to that distant future.

Another version. As i said before, they might have created two versions of humans. One for work only and one of supervisors. Those are probably those who nowadays call themselves Aryans and try and are almost succeeding in taking over the world.

So they sent some to intervene personally, like Buddha and stuff so people would stop the alterations of history with devastating effects for them. At least until they found a solution.

So it happened the other way around. Left over pyramids and what was found around them brought too much advancement, too fast. Most of it happened after one of them (the isolated savage race) lead the French into Egypt. With all of it may be they don't (won't) even exist anymore (in this timeline or version of Universe).

BTW do you think you would feel anything if your Universe was altered like in an intervention in the past from present or future? No you wouldn't because the intervention would have happened long time ago and everything after followed naturally.