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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query pair. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2024

December 26

9:48 Talking about electron-positron pair production, just remembered something. Something i always was intrigued with in Lake Oswego. The logo of the Mountain Park area, in two different versions and i thought it could represent the volcano which is actually the Mountain of the Mountain Park, where yes, PCC Sylvania is located. Re-creation center?

3:55 PM Ok was in a hurry and made a mistake by misreading this statement.

Bur i am still following this idea. What happens when a particle gets very close to the speed of light and according to Einstein, threatens to fill the whole Universe with its mass? Do they have experiments to prove it?

BTW At what speed an electron and a positron come out of pair production? Very close to the speed of light they say. But if we apply trigonometry to this image, we get electrons moving much slower.
What happens to the conservation of mass and momentum, since both electrons and positrons are much heavier then photons (it is said photons do not have mass but have momentum)? All of the photon's energy will turn to mass, but that mass is speeding (near the speed of light), a momentum will appear, out of nothing.

Can we count to a near punctiform electric field to instantly? accelerate those two masses, one charged positively and one negatively at near the speed of light? What happens to their trajectory when moving in that charge's electric field? We see the whole process occur in the cloud chamber. Where is that completely stripped of electrons ionized charge come from to conserve momentum?

Also. The electron trajectory in an electric field is circular only if the angle it comes at is perpendicular to the field. They probably got lucky taking the image above.

BTW Lorentz force breaks the action-reaction principle Centrifugal force is not represented in any of the representations.

Let's say we build an electrostatic sling shot with two objects, one much heavier, both charged electrically. Upon release, the lighter particle will accelerate but the large one will have a recoil, proportional to the weight ratio. (Nothing is negligible in quantum).

8:20 So it can. If everybody gets lucky enough to pass among orbiting electrons, the electric field gradient of of the central mass could separate the two virtual particles from the photon, change direction from transversal to longitudinal and the prodigious rotation with asymmetries at the surface can accelerate them to near the speed of light while the magnetic field in the cloud chamber does the rest.

Looks too complicated and the rotation speed of billions of billions rotations per second could know the photon away.

Maybe the magnetic field does it all and there is no need for nucleus as the two virtual particles already have a longitudinal component (not well represented here) close to the speed of light.

11:30 This image confirms what i just stated about the two components of light, a virtual electron and a virtual photon being flattened out which means two particle both move now longitudinal and with an added energy becoming stable electrons.
And my thought goes again to dharmachakra that has 8 spokes, of which four charged, with relativistic mass, moving in a cross pattern of which only two exist at a time and probably gravitons moving on the other cross pattern of the chakra not at 45 degrees but on the same direction, in opposition with the virtual charged particles, to balance them.

Maybe they are represented at 45 degrees because there was no other way to represent them in a symbol that was supposed to transcend millennia or until people will regain enough knowledge to understand them.

With three colors swirling in the middle, pretty much like in the icon of google chrome, with a color for each component, a virtual electron, positron and a graviton. However in string theories it is also stated that a graviton does not exist alone but is massless chargeless entity that exist within all closed loops strings of which the electron is one.

According to hRdaya sUtra, gravitons could be temporary holes in the space time left behind by the moving virtual particles at relativistic speeds.

Could it be both virtual particles in existence within the photon moving at relativistic speed are closed by the magnetic field in a circle pattern with the gravitons chasing the particles, this being the energy to matter transfer phase phase before they become independent of each other, moving ahead at near the speed of light, borrowing energy from the rotation of that nucleus (so they are seen in the cloud chamber, otherwise would just float around at non relativistic speed.

I believe in nature there are enough places with a magnetic field strong enough to separate the virtual particles of a photon into a pair of one electron and one positron.

At the scale of the size of an electron there are no fog or air particle to interfere with their speed or turning their trajectory into a decaying spiral.

The two particles created by the splitting of a photon are electrons if the light is polarized in the direction of the magnetic field. If not, other weirder particles may be created with shapes like spirals, fish like spirals, etc..

Quarks cannot exist individually and have fractional charges and the reason is they have virtual electrons and positrons in common as are said to be bound by the strong force to create protons similar to how in molecules electrons are used in common.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 26

4:35 AM According to standard model the smallest known particle is the muon neutrino, with a mass of 0.17 eV. All the other masses are measured in either MeV (mega electron volts) or GeV (giga electron volts) which is million or billion times bigger. At this point i propose AEther is made of neutrinos. They have a tiny mass, millions of times smaller than next bigger particle, no charge and a 1/2 spin. Ideal candidate.

A stream of neutrino could stand for a magnetic field where their spins could be aligned.

When a high energy photon enters a stream of neutrinos, it will get knocked out in its components, an electron and a positron which are whirls rotating in opposite directions and will start circling in opposite directions when in vacuum and spiraling in the cloud chamber.

From what i saw, the positron is bigger than the electron resulted in pair production and that cold as well be caused by the spin of neutrinos.

Don't know yet if the photon is made of one or two hourglass shaped pair of particles in a cross pattern and if they oscillate, transferring AEther from one another but is the only way it could happen if they move on a direction perpendicular on the hourglasses axis because otherwise the photon will start spiraling. As for what makes them oscillate, could be fluid mechanics laws applied for frictionless AEther and it could appear as they are dynamically attracted by their own past selves.

9:47 Yeah should have avoided any exotic ideas like past selves, creating time, things like this. As i went to bed last night i finally got the idea, however was too tired to come back at the computer and write it down.

I don't believe anymore they oscillate or pulsate or anything. The Polish hologram seem to be accurate.

What is holding those four funnels together preventing them from growing to infinity is the pressure of the AEther, made of neutrinos. Which then could mean the AEther fills uniformly the whole known space. Photons cannot exist without it. This goes against the Big Bang theory.

So in a way the were right talking about luminiferous AEther. However i feel a bit nervous about countless neutrinos and muouns passing through my body all the time. But i believe other cosmic rays are doing more damage then those, giving me this terrible headache this morning.

Let's read one more time what the Bible says about Ezekiel's wheel.

Perpendicular Scalar Compression? Photons do not travel? This comes close to my first representation however those vectors are pulsating funnels and the "hologram" caught an image covering a whole period with all 4 funnels at their peak.

Two funnels in existence at any moment. The photon could be split into an electron and a positron when the funnels are equal enters the magnetic field. The positron gets bigger by accumulating more neutrinos that turn in opposite direction as whirl of opposite spin attract?

I don't see any negative spin in the standard model table though.

BTW the table is big and the number of particles we figured so far is small (Art is long and time is short).

3:10 I thought i saw that before! (Too late in Paris)

4:55 A boundary condition may occur when AEther pressure meets whilrs, like in the case of photons. Here is a more complex or maybe hypothetic particle.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

January 29

7:02 All the math i could remember flashed in front of my eyes last night, but i've done it (the basis for my final model). In the meantime, i realized the model could be something else i haven't thought of it yet.

Got a question. How people could understand math in the past without desmos (or something similar like Geogebra, etc..)

7:50 It moves on slider l on z axis for now but it works. It's slow and jittery even on my octo core mini PC because there are a lot of calculations to be done. I believe it could be optimized by reusing some of the calculations but that is not my purpose today.

12:10 PM But again this version does not allow any asymmetry for polarization.

Also the real hologram on the left suggests there is a phase difference between the whirls. Could be advancement with rotation? (Coming (maybe not so) soon, have to move it in cylindrical coordinates).

Electric fields of electron and positron whirls whirls is given by the AEther pressure gradient caused by the enormous speed of the whirls and magnetic field would be a stream of AEther attracted at periphery and expelled through the middle. Being frictionless, there is no transfer of energy on a closed circuit AEther stream.

AEther pressure holds the 4 components of the photon together.

Gravity would stand for lower pressure inside every whirls that make up the Universe.

Whirls rotating in opposite directions attract each other and those rotating in the same direction repel however, when they rotate at 90 degrees, it's either way.

If i the photon enters a magnetic field (a stream of neutrinos or AEther) it will start to rotate until it breaks in the components with them merging from 4 into 2 swirls that start rotating in opposite directions creating the so called pair production. AEther itself is polarized which means it has a pressure. Due to this, electron whirls pump less AEther than positron ones hence an asymmetry for explaining polarization.

So yeah, instead of having one million crazy theories, formulas and interpretations (and approximations) each to explain anomalies in the pervious as it is in quantum physics right now, you would have one crazy interpretation and the rest is our classic (super)fluid mechanics...

12:20 Whirls in the news.

5:45 when i added this to that entry a very loud exhaust started to rumble outside. As the engine heated a little, the rpm went lower and the sound diminished. However it's still there and i think is the black GMW. It left after i wrote.

Though there is no left hand rule for magnetic field, in this image Tesla seems to point the thumb to himself and wrap his fingers, with hairdo figuring the asymmetrical pair production which is proof of the existence of positive pressure (polarized) AEther.

Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24

7:50 AM I have a hunch this sculpture represents the electron in its excited state in the middle as a cylindrical whirl and the hourglass shaped chairs around are photons. The world for table in Romanian is masa, which is also used in physics for mass (like in French mass or English mass).

I am considering the hypothesis that inside the vortex an electron is made of there is a quantum singularity or void (no AEther) where AEther can fall into and the main energy of the whirl is not created but only its spin is oriented by a Coriolis force. The energy of the whirl is created by AEther falling into that void which means the Universe is trying to heal itself from that careless disturbance.

However the whirl can be shook by thermal agitation or knocked by other particles around and thus emits photons which are smaller whirls. So yeah, i believe the photon emission can be used as a source of energy.

The analogous whirls in superfluids can't create a singularity because they're moving to slow for that.

Theoretically an isolated electron cannot emit photons. Do we see here photons emitted by electrons in motion inside the tube or by electrons hitting the glass? What do you think? Which reminds me. Could the four discs represent the KLMN shells, the djed (pillar, base) a whirl, the ank a lobe and the serpent, a photon? 

Which photon is presented as a snake, suggesting a wave. Probably where all physicist took from at the beginning of past century. 

5:25 So far o have identified the magnetic field as a stream of AEther, coming out of whirls in similar way air is coming out of cyclones, possible residual from Aether entering a singularity in the middle of a particle (whirl) moving at relatively slow speeds.

If one photon is made of two whirls in the shape of an hourglass, one negative and one positive, possibly oscillating between the two (too small to have a singularity), when entering a stream of AEther, the two will separate and start circling in that stream of AEther following mechanic fluid laws like in pair production.

Because of air and alcohol particles in cloud chamber, the two will start loosing energy and their trajectory will turn into a spiral.

What i do not understand in classical pair production is how come the positron does not disappear when in contact with the cloud components. Could it be because it's too small and too fast rotating?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15

12:15 AM Was meditating after seeing a cover of a Romanian online humoristic magazine.

Yes turning mass into energy on a massive scale could spell trouble. By destroying and harnessing the infinitesimal whirls moving at prodigious velocities you could create ripples in space time continumm with unpredictable results.

But this is already happening in the current reactors, though harnessing only the so called mass deffect, with lesser efficiency and greater risks to environment. As for why the lobes in Schrodinger's theory do not look exactly like swirls, well, their equations are not those of swirls and nobody took their holograms yet. Until now, they thought they were something else.

12:45 PM Today markets are rejoicing at 1.83 percent on "inflation data". My guess is more about oil and the fact ever time i mention aliens in one of my posts on a serious note the market is up more than 1% the next day. Or my mentions about the selling of new vehicles in the US.

I tried to explain in the past and i see it in the market movements. People are driven by emotions that soon turn into beliefs. How else could we explain the long grief of a good looking president that others think it was the worst?

Here is another attempt to plot a correlation between inflation and stock market. It's hard cause i cannot find easily inflation charts. I believe one can see easily the market is leading or is a bit ahead.

From that hole or near zero in early 2020 inflation rose to a max on this chart of maybe 3.8% while the stock market doubled to about 100% on the same period which means the rate of correlation is 3.8/100.

So if the market went up 1.8% today it means inflation went up 1.8*3.8/100=0.068% while the average per day CPI increase for the month of December was 0.3/22 = 0.014
1:30 I was staring at the charts above wondering what have possibly brought inflation up from that "hole" in the middle of the chart when it was near 0 when i saw the words "Fed's target goal 2%". Why Fed's goal would be 2% and not 0%?

Then on a hunch i went to search for a Fed's rate chart and guess what. With Fed Interest left to 0 the inflation first dropped to 0 went way up above the "target rate" of 2% and started to go down only after massive Fed interest ("Fund rate") increases.

It looks to me like (implying they are benevolent) that they are guessing and don't understand how this works as well.

6:35 Trouble is the correlation ended by the time those charts end. Which could mean one thing. They changed the way the calculate CPI or they put it temporarily on hold by using artificial means since they control everything. Especially since that time period i wrote about that.

Also. Do you believe stock market follows the inflation or is the other way around? CPI is calculated by the end of each month and there is no way the traders know it daily as the charts above suggest. I believe is (was) a purely automated link not controlled  by anybody and the market was driving it not the other way around.

7:10 It looks like thought the recent months i started to focus on structures of tiny things like photons, electrons, outer shells, i missed something really important i ran into last night. The Dacian shields. Most likely back then people were displaying these things to inspire fear to their enemies cause they all knew what they meant.

So yeah, could they have had knowledge that was slowly diluting over millennia, following some civilization extinction event, like the great flood, etc..

According to the shield, the lobes are empty shells which makes sense because it would be basically a closed whirl, unlike the light whirls that are open, like an ice cream cones ore the helmets below.

Lobes are closed because they were attracted by the central charge. There are numerous other symbols on the shield, of which some could represent pair production. The "umbilical chord" in the middle of the lobes could represent some structure inside the fast rotating lobe?

The scale could they represent individual whirls like (1/4 parts of) photons?

Other structures like pair production but maybe protons, also like whirls, inside the circle under the lobes. A whole factory made of strings made of whirls that reminds of... cells inside our bodies.

In other words, a wealth of information. Something we could not have been able to pull together for another 1000 years or most likely, never.

Compare with Tibetan sand madalas

7:52 What else we have from Dacians? I heard froms school but never saw the thing or an HD image of it. This is way above Egyptian technology, Roman technology at the time or any other technology until modern days.

10:56 Anything but the truth.

Got tired of searching the original Greek text where Herodotus said Dacians where the most righteous and brave of the Thracians, but i believe the original text said dextrous not righteous which is also their name. In Sanskrit so they must have spoken Sanskrit.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Guess Who's Buzzing Today

At 4:57 PM today i came from a short walk. My neighbor at Nr.9 came down the stairs with a pair of barking dogs when i wanted to climb so i backed down. I went to the car and then to the mailbox. Exactly when i reached the car, a plane flew just above the building. I mean, not 1500 feet as the legal limit, not 500 feet, not even 300 feet but merely ... what? 150 feet maybe? It could have touched the building at Nr.45 across the alley. Almost no noise at all which means the pilot cut the engines down to idle. Really dangerous at that altitude in a residential area full of trees. It was also pretty foggy. I waited patiently two hours (actually more than two, as i forgot and then remember because of the OHSU helicopter flying more recently and really shaking the building, vibrating the walls' panels and pumping outside the dust from the walls and the mineral fiber in the attick, like every time where you have an enclosed volume within elastic walls, when those walls vibrate, the air inside is getting slowly pumped outside and the other way around.) so i can look at the history of flights on Web Track. I was curious to see what airline that was. Look for yourself and wonder. Beware that data on the site is slightly erroneous as it shows the plane flying some 900 feet SE of the building and 2700 above sea level which would be 2000 above the ground, well within legal limits. I mean i couldn't have seen it from outside near the west side of the building if it was flying as it says there, right? (It is not well shown here but the building i live in is oriented NS. That site worked right for me since i first started looking until a few month ago. Map is clickable.

Screenshot, webrak, Mountain Park, OR, Sat 12 Jan 2013 04:38:40 PM PST

Monday, February 6, 2012

Different DNA

"Most eukaryotic chromosomes include packaging proteins which, aided by chaperone proteins, bind to and condense the DNA molecule to prevent it from becoming an unmanageable tangle."

However there is a phase in cellular mitosis (division) when, before replication, chromosomes need to be unpackaged.

How do they manage to remain a "manageable tangle" during that period?

BTW there is another thing i don't understand in this video that shows a strand already unpackaged being processed by the enzymes helicase/polymerase to create two strands. Where it comes from the "material" added by the polymerase to create the second strand?

Can a packed chromosome perform the same function like transmitting information to ribosomes on how to build protein as an unpacked one? How fragment copies of DNA pass that "scaffolding" (image below)?

According to current theories, human chromosomes' "double stranded helicoidal DNA" range in length from 51 million to 245 million base pairs of atoms. At actual size, an average human cell chromosome totals up to 3 meters long and a few angstroms (10 to minus 10 meters) wide, made of two very long strings (strands) of atoms linked together as pairs. The longest known molecule.

To replicate, each double helix has to unwind and separate in two strands and and each strand of course has to stay in one piece. Each strand then acts as a template for a new strand or its new pair that needs to be packed back together. But at least at a certain moment when it is unpacked, it should be indeed an "unimaginable tangle".

And who or what is doing the job of unpacking/packing, scaffolding, etc..?

If you take a look at the picture below you'll see the 5 levels of winding or packaging of the DNA. At least at three different levels the DNA is packed with different types of "fiber".

Chromosomes are visible under microscope. Here is a video showing the very moment of the separation of the chromosomes during the mitosis (dividing) of one cell.

However no unpacking, unwinding/rewinding etc. of the double helix strands is apparent. They appear to separate like they were in the final stage from the picture above. According to the current theory the video basically shows each chromosome as a clew separating into two without any unwinding.

This video (animation) catches and earlier phase, "condensation" but still no replication. Condensation appears to be the last level of packaging as in the image above.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Spaceship Earth

Very few people realize that planet Earth in its motion around the Sun, with Sun moving around the center of the galaxy at incredible speeds and have been circling the galaxy around 18 times since... well, since time began for it, our planet dances with the stars and the Moon. :)

So all celestial bodies sort of tango around, like Earth and Moon, Earth and planets and stuff. So no big need to go to Mars only a few of us cause we all may sometimes be where Mars has passed by and beyond...

Or try to go in the Delta Quadrant with Kathryn Janeway's Voyager since we all are going to be there in about a 100 million years or so anyways... Or maybe not, cause the galaxy itself might move around the Universe and stuff with other galaxies...

I'm saying Earth tangos with Moon because since Moon is one sixth of Earth's weight, it pulls it too a little bit and Earth rotates around Moon about 6 times less then Moon around Earth, together forming some sort of wobbling pair, locked in a sort of like gravity pull, never too far, never too close, for like eons...

Actually the motion of the Earth in space is very complex and it takes a lot of differentials and computer power just to figure the path of a satellite. Not talking about going to the Moon and stuff.

By the way, i thing it's impossible to go to Mars since going to the Moon for three men took a rocket about 2.8 million kilograms (6.2 million pounds), the weight of about 400 elephants. If light takes about 1 second to travel from Earth to Moon, to Mars, depending on the position on the trajectory of both, well, they wrote better than me here

4 minutes, that is 240 seconds, 240 x farther than Moon at the closest point, you will need a 240 times bigger rocket. 96000 elephant-power.

But let's come back here on Earth and talk about our spaceship for 7 billions.

Many times i think... Well... There are so many things that if would miss we couldn't be here that sometimes i think the whole damned thing is engineered.

If we only speak about magnetic field that deflects, together with the Solar magnetic field the cosmic rays, particles coming from cosmic cataclysms with near the speed of light that would fry everything on Earth if it wasn't for those two magnetic fields...

By the way, Sun's magnetic field is about to reverse polarity, it does so every 11 years or so and that takes about 3 month in which time Earth will be less protected...

Life on Mars is not possible just because of missing of a Magnetic field... Let's say if they could figure a way to dissociate water, if there was water there like in the movie with Schwarzenegger, and make an atmosphere, that would be soon swept away by the cosmic rays and the solar wind (a different story)...

I believe if they could start a magnetic field, maybe Mars will catch an atmosphere in time, from comets and stuff...

The thing is nobody knows exactly why Earth has a magnetic field. There is a theory, about the motion of magma inside Earth and creating an electric current that in turn creates this huge magnetic field, but that theory could not explain why Venus that does not have a molten core has a magnetic field, though weak, about 1% of that of Earth, still capable of maintaining an atmosphere, although made of CO2 and an average of 460 Celsius degrees (at which temperature structured objects, like rocks usually start to glow or radiate in visible red!).

I used to know this geological engineer in Romania, Emil Rusu, who once told me, nobody went yet in there (center of the Earth) so we can't know for sure what's going on...

By the way, Venus is about the same size as Earth and Mars about the same size of Moon, with twice the gravity of Moon but still 38% of that of Earth... So colonists in there would jump around not walk, LOL.

But the reason i wrote all these is i wanted to say something about the theory of convection inside the Earth and tectonic plates.

In other words, i never heard of an explanation like why the plates raise and separate from each other in the middle of the continents and bump into each other and sink in the middle of the Ocean... I always thought the other way around and plates are raising because bumping into each other in the middle of the continent...

The explanation may be because in the middle of the Oceans there is a different rate of cooling of the plates, the oceans carrying at the bottom, through currents, some coolness from Poles, much more efficient than air through winds and stuff, and cooling the plates. Then magma being cooled through the mantle as well, it sinks in that area, only to raise, after being heated again after traveling to the center of the Earth, in the middle of the continents. That's why.

The ridges in the middle of the Paicific Ocean, where plates meet and bump into each other...
However, according to this theory, at any point at the surface of the Earth, the temperature is lower than at the bottom of the mantle, some 100 km... down, where rock is actually molten and much hotter magma raises from the center of the Earth. That proves there is a constant transfer of heat from under the mantle to surface and radiating in the cold space surrounding us. Cause nothing, including the mantle, is not a perfect insulator... Some heat will travel through it... (If that wouldn't be so, there would be no convection in magma, cause if there's no heating at the bottom and cooling at the top, there's no convection)
Because of this, after billions of years since Earth has reach the current thermal balance, there is a source of heat at the center of the Earth, otherwise it would have frozen, like Venus, long time ago. (Venus is hot at the surface due to runaway greenhouse effect) but one piece of solid rock as a whole. Well, many pieces, of course, cause it is fragmented. (One more proof that appearances are sometimes misleading.) (Or maybe it has in the middle some tiny molten part and it still moves around a bit thus the residual magnetic field).

Isn't our Spaceship Earth wonderfully engineered? Isn't all this exciting?

Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3

3:25 I spent a great deal of time yesterday and right now searching again for this video (I had it  posted it not long ago but could not find where). It shows the inner ramp and the three sliding stones. Together with the craziest explanation. They were build as a shelf locking mechanism to protect the pharaoh's tomb. It is always about the pharaohs tomb wasn't it. One million people working like crazy for decades to build a tomb for one person.

I think for that purpose it would have been much easier to simply cover a final hole in the outer layer as shown at the end of animation in the video.

My explanation is the pyramid was an earthquake triggering device. By adjusting the time between sliding stones the pyramid could "dial into" any frequency of any bubble of magma about the freeze not so deep under surface of whole Earth.

Simply by doing this they would terrify any people far and near. The reason the pyramid was built in the geographic center of the Earth. But it could have been done simply to calm the seismic activity during that time on Earth that was interfering with their activities since there might have not been any people to terrify.

Of course all that knowledge was not present on Earth on Stone Age. There could not have been even a stone age as the humans may have not existed before the aliens genetically modified the apes to make slaves.

Nor the aliens could have carried in the Eye of Horus the massive amounts of materials needed to do that. So they used what was available. "Primitive" concrete for the building two tone blocks (bricks). Limestone for cladding. Granite slabs for mechanisms. (Could have been a less energy intensive concrete that could be interesting to us).

And of course the permanent deviation of the Nile, creating the Sahara desert that used to be a lake, to create a nearby source of food for the genetically modified apes that built all these under "mind" control right in that geographic center of Earth. 

Another major function of the pyramid would be this. And yes, it might have not worked anymore (for earthquakes) after building the second one. That was built so make it useless and covered in mystery, after 260 years. By that time all the magma bubbles' resources would have temporarily ended all the people on Earth would have been mentally enslaved, to this day.

Here is a Hungarian skull from the late Roman period.

Their main purpose: Mining the Earth. We are just a byproduct. Tools to accomplish just that.

4:15 But now when i look again at the video, i see what i haven't seen before because of the excitement (even right now i woke in smoke, had to go and cover another hole i could not see last night).

Under the sliding ramp there is a hollow canal ("the staircase") and those stones do not stop there but kinda fall into it. Could they have fallen in that "staircase" and continue their sliding in the opposite direction? But why the hollow canal continues in the opposite direction all the way to near the outer casing?

Have to rethink everything. Anyways the explanations in the video with such a nice animation are bogus though one thing is true. It is a masterpiece of engineering of which design could not have originated on Earth at that time. Unless if  we are missing massive pieces of our history. Things we can read about in Mahabharata.

4:33 Yeah they knew this entry would follow. At Spirit Mountain last night i won 76 free games, in packs of  5, 10 or 15 one after another and won 330 dollars with a 60 cents bet. 76 is of course the number of planets including the Earth making the Galactic Confederation (after Hubbard, founder of Scientology) during the times of Galactic dictator Xenu. Name of the gas station i worked at during my last job, just before the botched dental surgery in July 2006.

During my trip there i saw again the Eye of God in the clouds. (the Sun seen through a hole in the clouds).

Last night i drank like crazy (Austrian made vodka), woke up with reflux after late eating beans, got dehydrated and breathed with a congested nose and the belly full of gas pushed my heart up and now i got palpitations again. Good thing i made it to write here what i wanted to right after i left yesterday afternoon.

Less important things. Last night at the American Market in Grand Ronde they were a bunch of Indians (from India) and one of them was speaking on the phone a Sanskrit derived language if not Sanskrit itself, though pronouncing it with a heavy accent. I don't speak Sanskrit though i know a number of words.

There are hundreds of Sanskrit words in Romanian though we do not pronounce them in that corrupt way but in a different corrupt way due to thousands of year of different influences.

Then i got right away out of the door and into the car and a guy in a red car coming from left on 18 came on a very weird trajectory. At high speed, it did brake in the last moment, creating the illusion he was going forward. I accelerated anticipating his passage but found myself going right towards it when it stopped to make a left, but had the time to hit brakes.

At the gas station, after i filled after we left for home, another guy repeated the scene (doubling).

It has been a long time since we didn't win anything a the end of the day.

10:45 Slept over all these ideas and this is what my subconscious came up with in the morning.

The falling slabs in that long shaft that was covered at the outer end only with the limestone clad that could have been easily removed or have an invisible to the naked eyes narrow hole in it would have created a great deal of static electricity by friction.

Could that have been sending much needed gold and/or iron for a starving technology on a planet with very low or finished resources? A crude, pure electrostatic, geometry based stone age particle accelerator?

If the long shaft would be charged positively during the falling of the slabs would confine into a vey narrow beam and repel anything that was injected inside towards an open end, like vaporized gold maybe, fast enough to break atmosphere and be sent hundreds of light years away. Something that nowadays is done with the ring at CERN. Would have been one fraction of a second a day.

Nevermind what i said earlier. They built the second pyramid 260 years later etc. because the first one lost alignment due to various changes in Earth's movement, like precession.

It took many thousands of years to the apes to come to technological age and build EM accelerators (after Napoleon opened the Pandora's box with instructions hidden somewhere inside one of the pyramids), ending with the one at CERN that never found anything for us. This time massive amounts of gold and iron would be send.

Somewhere on a planet near Bellatrix they probably have a huge net that catches just that.

12:48 Walmart parking lot. For quite some time now every time i go there they put a pair of shoes next to my (other) vehicle.

Winter wonder, Russian superfood. Packed with vitamins, minerals and fibers, the beets are probably the subliminal model for Russians so called onion domes. Building blocks for a winter soup, Angela now adds the rest and assembles it.

Needless to say. For the whole time i was in the kitchen he was above making noises like he does, dragging chairs, all synched to my brainwaves. Giving me an anxiety attack with shortness of breath. At this level 20 years ago i would have gone to ER, ruining me financially which i did.

Catching breath at the computer (hardly), breathing with open mouth, getting ready to go at the car and add a drop more of ATF. Then we're good for a winter run to Indian Head (it's 55 degrees here right now).

1:24 Done. It involved removing 4 bolts (10 mm tool) and the whole air cleaning system. As soon as i got that one out, the parking lot was filled with ATF smell (not from my car, this one has no smell) even before i removed the filling cap (the one with the square 10 mm hole in it).

Which is more of an atavism or maybe installed to let air in when doing the service on their automated machines because as you can see in the picture, it can be hardly be removed to pour something in, because it bumps into some part, for a long time and also because of a stupid video on youtube for years i believed it could not be removed.

One drop from the funnel fell in there and was like last time, too lazy to pick it. The dirt seen is from the original peanuts, it remained even after i tried to clean it with contact cleaner.

2:12 I'm a demon, Lord!

Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25

We went to Spirit Mountain casino, got drunk in the car which was parked next to hotel and walked to the convenience store to buy some Munchies. When i got there i realized i forgot a credit card in the car. Then i drank some more and fell asleep in the car, with engine started (it was cold). I woke up around midnight when we left. Unlike last time, all cars coming from opposite direction used high beams.

2:38 I slept all day yesterday and then about 3 hours in the parking lot and i'm not sleepy. I just posted images with Dresden, bombed to ruins. Could this had been the cause?

11:45 Last night we came home around 1. Angela was hoping of 3-4 hours of sleep but by 3 was obvious we could not sleep. I went outside, found 2 fresh dog droppings, one near the door, there was heavy smoke inside and outside the building. Angela finally agreed to move a filter to bedroom which cleared the air in about an hour. She went in and out of sleep dozens of times, sometimes for seconds only.

I was thinking. Was it better if we stayed home in smoke?  

At a couple of times somebody made a big noise letting water to flow in the bathtub. As i tried to record, the noise stopped just before i could press the record button. Also they guy upstairs awakened us at least a couple of times. As i was much more rested (slept all day yesterday, in smoke) did stay awake till the clock alarm went off at 5 AM. (slept all day yesterday). Then i slept till 10 no problems. She did not want to call in sick because her yearly review is close. This has happened one million times in 27 years since we leave here. Teams of coordinated people were always around us and tortured us and that is the reason we could not buy a house. They have a much tighter grip on us in an apartment building especially the way that are built in the US. Also people come and go at the other apartments and stories can be imagined.

Just went and picked another pair of dog poops, in a different place, but again from wind's direction. Three pairs in the last 24 hours, always in the most favorable position, that is from where the wind blows. Usually when i go and pick those, there's nobody around. Maybe because they evacuate the building(s) when they do smoke, dog poop, etc.. A year and half ago i had a confrontation with the "veteran"  that is the Hungarian actor who poses as a veteran around here (haven't seen him in a year or so). With a wife (could be Rosie O'Donnell) and daughter, the teenager who never ages (actually a woman in her 30s with a child's body). Together ("father and daughter" in this video. He said they come here near our door (by that time, they got real close) because it's the choosing of their dogs. "The dogs want to come here". It's a nice area with sprinklers where grass grows year around. I saw the sprinklers on two or three days ago, with temperatures near freezing. And when there's grass, there's worms who picked the dead grass leaves. And where there's worms, there's moles.

And today i started to suspect it's true. The dogs sense us as enemy here and they pick the best most favorable place to drop their weapons or hunting tools. It must be they pick the attitude of their owners when they pass by. If figured this because today and yesterday 6 different dogs chose the same place, three times. Could this be the reason their owners believe their dogs are magic.

8:19 Finally figured my car had an AGM (absorbed glass mat) type battery. But after i installed the Exide battery i bought at Home Depot for 119 that is not AGM. How did i find out? After i read on a forum and saw on the older OEM battery it is written the word AGM. Also figured fabrication year. 2017.

For AGM, fiber glass sheets between the electrodes of each cell "wicks" the electrolyte around the plates "as needed". The electrolyte is not flowing around the battery but is being kept in those sheets. Advantages: it works in a "deep charge" mode, which means it supplies power all the way down to 20% charging capacity (like cell phones go to near 0%) instead of 50%, like the classical batteries. Sustain more charging cycles, up to 1300 as opposed to 500 the classical. Charge up to 5 times faster which also mean they draw more current from alternator during that time. Needed especially if your car has a start-stop mode, which means engine stops when car stops to a standstill and you still have the foot on the brake.

I was wondering, why the batteries i found on Amazon for my car were twice the price. However, they say that Exide Sprinter batteries (their "basic batteries") (one of the first brands in the world, that started as Tudor, more than 100 years ago) feature another new technology, LifeGrid (electrodes made of Calcium-Lead alloy), which also mean they are sealed (maintenance free) and last longer then classic flooded batteries.

And of course spent the rest of the time to figure if the battery i just put on is compatible since OEM is AGM. I found out that some cars can even have the computer reprogrammed if you do so. Not sure about Hyundai though. Mine is not start-stop, does not have extra electronics around. It will take longer for the battery to charge but the current will be smaller. I think i'll go with it.

I also figured that indeed newer vehicles do have a smart charging system. It has three stages. The lowest voltage you may see on your digital lighter plug in voltmeter should be 13 volts though (float stage), and not 12.5 as i was seeing at times with the old battery (though AGM, acid started to flow through the damaged by me terminal though they say AGM shouldn't leak if punctured or something and corroding the connector after only one trip). Battery was also 5 years old.

However, i still see a problem with the smart charging systems. When the alternator is not charging, or it's in the "float" phase, when battery fully charged, voltage at the fuel pump is the same as at the battery, or down to 13 volts, which is 10% lower than 14.5. So i now think it's better with non AGM batteries, if the battery charges slower, the voltage stay longer at 14.5 and the fuel pump sprays better for longer periods of times. Also sparks at spark plugs. There is only one single fix for this (for as long as we will still used these combustion engine dinosaurs). Voltage regulator at the fuel pump. And that is not easy to be done, for reasons of reliability ans safety of course. But i think you could design a safe fail one (it fails, a relay reroutes directly to alternator).

I would have never ever figured all these things if i didn't buy a cigarette lighter plug in phone charger with a digital voltmeter on it. Reason i bought it? I had to too many jump starts while in parking lots listening to radio in the car and wanted to see the voltage at the battery. The one i got was advertised as having an audible alarm at 12 volts but it didn't. So i did get more jump starts and then i bought a jump starter. And then i finally wised up and bought a new battery. Then i started to realize the car was running better when the voltage was 14.5 for longer periods of time. In the old car i also installed the same type of battery i bought at Home Depot, and after that, the voltage was staying 14.5 most of times but then i didn't know why (until today). Just before the accident of course. Could had have something to do with it? Me running the car better on a non AGM battery, exposing an ignored problem that just got worse by introducing those?

Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16

1:25 Dulce Bucovină... La fel ca în cazul desenelor din nisip ale călugărilor tibetani, în cazul ouălor din Bucovina după milenii a intervenit fantezia pictorilor... Dar unele motive sunt constante și de asemenea sugestive.

1:40 James David Vance

2:00 AM Just unpublished and will re-write entirely my Theory of Everything based on this statement.

A photon is made of 4 conic AEther whirls rotating in opposite directions next to each other on two axis perpendicular on each other and transversal to direction of movement, moving through space frictionless, in a way similar to a smoke ring.

The speed of a photon against the stationary AEther is limited to a fraction of the the peripheral rotation speed of the whirls which is limited by the centrifuge force.

2:25 În urma elucidării adevăratelor circumstanțe ale semnării de către Ciolacu a falsului tratat de la Budapesta (Ciolacu nu are calitatea constituțională de a semna tratate externe, asta este un atribut al Președintelui României, semnare urmată de ratificarea Parlamentului), ei au rescris din volei alegerile și au făcut loc acestui personaj, Georgescu (care printre altele imită numele meu).

El va lătra până la vară, comentând la miÈ™to sau apărând în alegorii, menite să creeze confuzie asupra tot ce scriu eu sau în general tot ce se întâmplă, când se va sătura toată lumea È™i va fi retras probabil printr-o gafă irecuperabilă È™i pe veci memorabilă, ca multele din istoria post 89, pentru a face loc clovnilor (des)prăfuiÈ›i ai sistemului.

2:40 One question to which google did not know the answer. Could shock waves add energy to matter, creating excitation and a peak in spontaneous decay.

9:40 In this version of my theory mass could be created by the speed of aether. When only rotating, not moving linearly or at relativistic speeds, mass would appear stationary and constant. When moving, would follow the special relativity equation, suggesting there is some resistance of aether to movement of the whirls.

Or it could be aether has mass or only relativistic mass and the whirls create areas of depression, concentrating aether. The faster they move linearly, the more aether they absorb and their size and mass grows.

Again inertia could be explained by growth of mass at non-relativistic speed.

Photons would exist at a point of equilibrium between attraction of the four components due to low pressure, rotation speed and linear speed.

[I postponed the research in this direction for a few days needed to catch my breath, however i am forced to do it because some threat and punish me for this, can't really talk about (one revolution a day, wouldn't that be enough for them?)

So i did not have enough time to come with any proof of the above, other than "it must be that way" which is equivalent to the reasoning behind Special Relativity which is only an enunciation, a datum or a dogma with no explanations behind period.]

So the low pressure whirls would act like an aether vacuum, and then transferring its surplus to the high pressure one, in the case of light. In case of "ordinary matter" we only have low pressure whirls, cause antimatter or high pressure whirls is rare in this Universe.

Being made of matter and antimatter in the same time (the pair production is the proof) make light not absorb aether and thus moving faster than anything.

Electrostatic force would be repelling of two whirls with opposite rotation direction and gravity attraction of all negative pressure whirls towards AEther.

11:54 Nu știu dacă Călin Georgescu Călin a observat, dar avem deja unul.

12:00 Așa cum am scris de mai multe ori, când scriu și eu ceva mai de Doamne-ajută, avioanele se ridică de la sol.

Monday, January 6, 2025

January 6

12:45 AM According to the diagram and formula of relativistic speed, there is not a clear point of when a speed becomes relativistic or when a virtual particle comes into existence.

The relativistic mass of an electron "falling" to a lower energy level basically begins when the electron starts to be accelerated.

Thing is, due to rotation of an electron around a central charge, the initial and final fall speed are different than zero, on the direction of the fall and they continue to rotate around the charge before and after the fall, thus creating some infinitesimal initial or residual void reactions and those follow the photon in its path and could count for the losses as they may interfere with others, effectively tangling the void, creating the AEther.

Because of this, the process of transfer of energy from one virtual particle to another within the photon is not 100% efficient. This may count for loss of energy during this transfer and the red shifting of distant sources of light. Where does that energy go? possibly in the void?

In fact if i think i realize that even if a photon is not emitted, the orbiting electrons may create signatures in the void which may slow their rotation, possibly falling to a lower energy level from where some other electron is kicked back after acquiring some energy that in the end could come from thermal agitation.

This could be the reason of decaying of some particles or assembles of particles depending on configurations.

9:08 De ce instituÈ›iile de sondaj nu i-au dat lui Georgescu nici o È™ansă în turul I? Cum a fost posibil ca un candidat de care nu a auzit nimeni, nici măcar eu care urmăresc politica din România mai tot timpul, fiind clasat de sondaje pe locul 6 să iasă pe primul loc?

9:35 According to my theory (Dynamic Strings), AEther is not a medium of propagation for light but a tangle of infinitesimal electrical and gravitational disturbances, filling the void, opposing the motion of anything, possibly causing the limitation to speed of light, red shift of distance sources and "spontaneous" "probabilistic" decaying of particles and elements. Could this be the hypothetical dark matter.

Yes according to this, the "ordinary matter" (or energy whatever) is constantly leaking into dark matter, which in turn it is leaking into something else, but at a much slower rate.

Also the void creates the AEther as a sort of memory for everything that has ever moved in this Universe.

But don't worry, everything, matter, dark matter is cleaned by the black holes, the vacuum cleaners of the Universe. However it will be a long time until all black holes will  merge into a single one, and all the disturbances will melt back into the void.

9:40 Within the post with my theory of everything there is a statement saying that strings may swell with motion, especially at relativistic speeds, by accumulating energy. Now imagine an electron, which we now know is a circular closed string made of a negative virtual particle and a graviton chasing each other being accelerated while "falling" to a lower energy level.

Its virtual particle trajectory (and that of the accompanying graviton0 will look pretty much like this, right? So the virtual particle of positive sign generated by the void that continues to replicate self into a negative one etc..

Which may finally explain the 4 laurel leaves of Grinell College Seal most likely symbolically representing a photon. So it's just a bit more complicated that my minimalist representation linked on the right but it may account for the pair production.

11:12 Which may also count for one of the symbols seen on masonic aprons called the behive (here, 42).

It stand for industry and it may also represent a silk cocoon or a lotus petal. However there are many symbols on this apron that may symbolically represent light, like the 4 pillars, the main masonic sign, square and compass, sprig leaves etc.. Too bad we cannot see in the image all the explanations.

2:40 A charged virtual particle on a circular (or helicoidal) trajectory will create a copy of itself, moving in a plane at 90 degrees, of an opposite charge. Pretty much like in this image. Question. How the illustrator knew?

Thursday, April 7, 2022

April 7

8:17 Diplomatul Belicos

8:38 This is a first. Got a back pain so severe i just can't sit so i write while laying in bed on a side. It's about officer Sparkle from Lake Oswego. One day i could not stand the smoke no more and called the Police. It was then where i met him. While waiting for him i popped the hood of the truck ad dropped the keys in a hard to reach place. When he came he just reached and grabbed them for me. In that moment the dog of my next door neighbor (Apt.9) came and he got nervous and asked me if it was mg dog. Anyways, he left and he said the smoke was from leaves.

In a different day again i was working on the truck and got so much of the smoke and irritating dust i just left and drove around like crazy on Boones Ferry. But he was not ready that day. The day after, again i went to get gas from Chevron at Boones Ferry and I5, i was driving normally that day, but when the attendant was supposed to give me the receipt officer Sparkle gave it to me instead. Then he pulled me out of the truck, gave me a sobriety test and a frisk when another cop came, a woman, and he finally left me alone.

I wrote this because yesterday i discovered another possible etymology for Lake Oswego. Widow is a major theme in Freemasonry.

8:54 Carmen Bejan?

11:32 Had a pair of jeans that i used for at least a week before i finally threw them in the washer and put some water on top because they were stinking. Today i wanted to wash them, put more stuff in the washer to make a load, but when i tried, nothing. The washer wouldn't start. Then i remember the whole process i went through a couple of times since i moved already. Shall i call them? It would probably take at least one day. I would probably have to remove the water and the laundry to let them fix it or replace it. So i just went and looked at the lid switch which was broken and temporarily fixed by me about 5 years ago. The spring in there jumped or something broke (a piece of plastic came out). I shorted the switch and started the load, however, have to fix them better. Or call them.

Also last time when i fixed the water heater (after inspection, the distribution box was full of water) i set the thermostat to 125 degrees and today i saw the water is a bit too hot from what i was used to but when i went to adjust it i saw it was already down like 10 degrees from my last set, so i wasn't sure what to do, i moved it a little lower anyways.

Both water heater and washer/dryer are 20+ years old but since i messed with them i'm afraid to call them to have them replaced. Water heater had some sort of mud under, i lifted it and partially cleaned it in the first year or so, but that was after i replaced the thermostat and was again afraid to call them.

All these might have something to do with the fact that last night i forgot the door completely open? I mean, it was closed but not all the way, unlocked and without the block (i use a piece of wood) but if somebody would have pushed it with a finger... Also yesterday when i left for the walk i forgot to take the picture of the two rotating bottles at the door. Those bottles rotate when i open the door and set in a different position every time and if i take a picture when i leave i know if somebody's been here when i come back and take another picture which i do every time except when i forget.

8:28 I'm kinda late with this post. Figured it too late. The reason for the construction site was the public toilet. It started a few months ago, not sure, maybe last year.  A point on my 3 miles loop. A big mystery to me. What were they trying to build? There was even a small excavator on the side of the road, for the same amount of time. Then about two weeks ago i became intrigued and took a picture of the site. The next day teams were working. First they cut the asphalt. Then they poured asphalt. What they did was a couple of gigantic speed bumps, maybe 30 ft long each. Both on the right side of the road as leaving the residential area. Then i realized. Every time i passed that public toilet there was a man walking towards it (and then passing of course). Today instead they made me rendez-vous with that plane.

8:45 This "fitness trainer from Ukraine" landed in Romania a few days ago and became an instant star after an older man who realized who she was gave her a small amount of money for her to fill her car with gas.

9:31 No there was not that sort of damage at the car, only optical illusions created by the puddle of water created by a clogged sewer the car's been sitting on for weeks before they started to work on it (until i got the parts i ordered myself). I washed upholstery, vacuumed the dog food from heater core but the AC got contaminated with mold and/or bacteria. I accidentally releases some Freon when i refilled it and it was smelling like mold big time. Ever since i've become sicker and sicker especially after walks upstairs. In the morning solid tiny pieces like sand come from my eyes. This morning my tonsils were so big i started to have breathing problems. Keeping Augmentin in my mouth ever since and i got even better than before in half day. But when i tried to stop, after a walk upstairs, my eyes, throat, ears and everything started to hurt again.