Minimalism is good in certain situations especially in art or when trying
to isolate a causality chain but one should be careful when thinking and
building theories which is actually reality modelling when the tiniest
missing argument can lead to the opposite of the true model.
I'm thinking here about racism, which is an example of reality modeling
that emerges only from frustration and wrong thinking after a day's,
week's, month's or lifetime brain exhausting self exploiting joy denying
work and it is a cheap way of releasing that frustration by thinking
yourself a philosopher, judge and executioner or helper and falling into
the temptation of over minimalism, when tired and missing the
physiological capacity of thinking clearly and trying to eliminate the
tiny, parasitic, "not important" points.
Or in some categories that don't even work, it's just the bad habit.
And no theory or philosophy could ever model the unpredictability of
one thinking consequentially thus changing his mind every time he turns
his head and see something that wasn't in his mind a second before and
the using of "well proved, memorized, situation solving" recipes which
are actually models of situations that lack the refining through
generalization and proven by logic.
And pointing the finger at those predictable as being idiots. They are
only consistent which is the first step towards being reliable.
And no witchcraft system which is only a collection of mind, physiology and laws of biology exploiting techniques according to the above described
long time acquired recipes could ever replace a verified, standing philosophical system
built on logic even if not complete or only partially true.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Mândră Corabia, Meşter Cârmaciul
Şi ce subliminal cânta...
Sunt mai multe corelaţii de nume în melodia asta foarte devreme în istoria comunismului în România, în care dacă vă amintiţi totul era planificat. Pe cât timp planificat? Asta încă nu ştim exact...
Dar ascultând am dat în alt subiect, mi se pare mie sau nu vocea Doinei sună ca un ... theremin iar basul şi schimbările de chei din cele două melodii sunt cam la fel?
"A bashi-bazouk or bashibazouk (Turkish başıbozuk, or delibaş, literally "damaged head", meaning "free headed", "leaderless", "disorderly") was an irregular soldier of the Ottoman army. They were particularly noted for their lack of discipline."
De ce: Când avea câţiva ani, destui ca să-mi amintesc, bunicul meu adoptiv din Storojineţ, "Buţu" (de la bunicuţu) Dumezeu să-l ierte, care vorbea 4 limbi, română, germană, rusă şi ucraineană şi a fost 6 ani în război, când de-o parte când de alta, imparţial ca tot românul, de câte ori eram obraznic aşa îmi spunea, başbuzuc. Termenul nu ştiu de ce mă ofensa foarte mult şi mi s-a săpat undeva într-o cale neuronală şi câteodată iese la suprafaţă, mai ales când citesc ştiri din România de azi şi nu numai.
Bette Davis Eyes
Câmpulung, late June or early July 1978. The day when i found out but not for sure i was admitted to college. The next early morning my father drove with me to Iaşi. Before dawn exhaust pipe broke somewhere in a village and had to fix it with a piece of sheet metal and some wire he had in the trunk. I was on the list above the red line.
In that night full of uncertainty and nervousness a bunch of ex grade school class mates (we went do different high schools) listened music and talked. There was a book with actors and i remembered Bette Davis eyes from the movie Jezebel and browsed that book until i found her picture.
A couple of years later in all the discotheques they were playing this song. All the words where there. Pro blush, precocious, unease you, please you.
"The song was written in 1974 by Donna Weiss and Jackie DeShannon. DeShannon recorded the song that same year on her album New Arrangement. But it was not until 1981, when Kim Carnes recorded her version of the song, that it became a commercial success."
Anybody could tell me what year the movie Jezebel was played in Romania?
Everything Bela,
Truman show,
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Ciudăţenii cotidiene, Daily Weird
Azi am descoperit că vibraţia de la frigiderul uriaş de 25 ani se
transmite prin podea alături în baie unde face să vibreze uşile de sticlă
culisante de la cadă. Uşa de la baie este formată din două placaje care
dacă le apeşi uşor cu un deget se deformează cam un cm. Pereţii din
jurul uşii de la baie panourile adică nu sunt strânse bine în perete am impresia că le lipsesc nişte şuruburi şi
vibrează şi alea pe mai multe frecvenţe, toate joase în jur de 10 Hz.
Chiar la Bacău ţin minte podeaua de la bucătărie când călcam se mişca
Am impresia că orice casă vibrează, mai ales astea de aici care sunt din schelet de lemn cu panouri de ghips dar dacă nici nu sunt strânse şuruburile alea de panouri sau lipsesc şuruburi... La balcon este o uşă culisantă de sticlă uriaşă cu o pereche statică total de 2 pe 2 metri care şi alea dacă le apeşi cu degetul se deformează. În dormitor este o debara cu uşi culisante din PFL de 5 mm cât peretele de lângă baie, care vibrează şi aia.
Ştiam de câteva zile că pereţii vibrează şi am făcut legătura cu apăsarea din ureche şi ameţeala şi dorinţa de a pleca din casă dar nu am făcut legătura cu uşile culisante de sticlă de la cada de la baie şi frigiderul decât ieri seara, când a pornit frigiderul şi am simţit apăsarea aia în ureche şi dorinţa de a ieşi afară.
Plus că frigiderul vibrează şi pe ultrasunete, tot timpul îmi ţiuie urechile. Deşi am izolat zona în care se face detenta freonului şi în genereal toată suspensia circuitului freonului cu cauciuc siliconic din ăla scump pentru izolat marginea la cada de baie. Scăzuse mult atunci, dar acum mi se pare că a revenit iar la un nivel maxim. Tot spatele frigiderului este închis acum cu PAL fonoabsorbant cam la 20 cm distanţă şi eu aud acum armonici mai joase de la ultrasunete poate peste 10 kHz cam la 20 dB la vreo 4 metri de el. Acum când scriu rândul acesta au scăzut brusc cam la jumătate. Oare să aibă vreo legătură cu maşinile vecinelor de scară care parchează totdeauna strâmb, dar numai în 2 sau 3 poziţii, mereu aceleaşi, cu precizie?
Deci azi am tot mutat frigiderul prin casă, este lângă peretele de la vecini ca să pun nişte PAL fonoabsorbant sub el şi în spatele lui şi ghici pe cine cred că am văzut ieşind de la scara vecină, cu perucă blondă, şi s-a urcat într-un minivan după care s-a urcat în altă maşină, o Hondă mai mică şi mai veche şi a plecat deşi am impresia că venise cu o a 3-a maşină, un Dodge gri din ăla nou lăsat pe jos?
Aceeaşi persoană cu care cred că am vorbit azi pe la 11:30 la Allied Waste Services, când am sunat să-i întreb de ce a venit camionul la tomberon a doua oară în aceeaşi zi?
A şi am uitat să spun, la un timp după ce m-am mutat am vrut să cumpăr alt frigider din banii mei dar agenţia imobiliară de la care închiriez apartamentul nu a fost de acord. Acest frigider valorează 0 dolari adică e un junk.
Today i discovered that the vibration of the 25 years old huge refrigerator is transmitted through the floor and across the wall in the bathroom where it makes vibrate the glass sliding doors from the tube. The bathroom door is made out of 5mm fiberboard that easily deforms about 1 cm if you press lightly on it. The panels on the walls around bathroom door are not close enough to the frame and i am under impression there are missing or loose screws under paint, and they all vibrate on several frequencies, all under 10 Hz. I remember at Bacău, last place where i lived in Romania the floor in the kitchen was moving a little too when i was walking on it.
I am under the impression that any house vibrates, especially here where are made of wood frame covered with gypsum (drywall) panels especially if the screws are not tighten all the way or missing... At the balcony there is a huge sliding door paired with a static window that deform easily if you press with the finger right in the middle. In the bedroom there is a storage with huge sliding doors covering all the batthrom wall made of 5mm fibreboard that vibrate as well.
I knew for a few days now that the walls are vibrating but i couldn’t make the link with the pressure in the ears and dizziness and the urge to live the place until last night when the fridge’s compressor started and i started feeling the pressure and the need to live.
Today i moved the fridge around so i can install some fonoabsorbant (loose fiberboard) panels underneath and around the back of it and than guess who i think i saw leaving from the other entrance of the building, where my neighbours on the other side of the wall next to where the fridge is are, with blonde wig and got into a minivan than switched into an older, smaller Honda and left although i think she came into one of those newer, low, grey Dodge?
The two entrances and the corresponding apartments do not communicate, at least at the upper level, where i live, from what i know. The weirdest part is the apartment right beneath me is vacant since last September with the blinds tightly covering the windows so no light can go in our out and i didn't see anybody getting in or out either for so many month.
I forgot to say that shortly after i moved here i wanted to buy another fridge from my own money but the real estate agency that i rent from did not agree although this fridge is not worth any money, being a total piece of junk.
There is at least one distinguishable harmonic from the @4 Hz main frequency but i don't have the necessary instruments to investigate what that frequency is. Maybe if i had a video editing program installed, maybe i should try download one. Probably is a frequency most harmful when vibrating out of phase with Earth electric resonance frequency, the so called Schumann frequency, at 7.89 Hz, that would be the double of what i'm counting using the clock from the wall? The sliding door have a metal frame as well so...
Maybe that's why they're slamming the doors for... To kick start a vibration that is out or in phase with Earth electric standing waves?
Now i read in wikipedia that 60 Hz is the eighth harmonic of the Schumann. Why in Europe they use 50 Hz and in the United States 60? Which one is healthier?
Somebody please tell me what the hell is going on...
Am impresia că orice casă vibrează, mai ales astea de aici care sunt din schelet de lemn cu panouri de ghips dar dacă nici nu sunt strânse şuruburile alea de panouri sau lipsesc şuruburi... La balcon este o uşă culisantă de sticlă uriaşă cu o pereche statică total de 2 pe 2 metri care şi alea dacă le apeşi cu degetul se deformează. În dormitor este o debara cu uşi culisante din PFL de 5 mm cât peretele de lângă baie, care vibrează şi aia.
Ştiam de câteva zile că pereţii vibrează şi am făcut legătura cu apăsarea din ureche şi ameţeala şi dorinţa de a pleca din casă dar nu am făcut legătura cu uşile culisante de sticlă de la cada de la baie şi frigiderul decât ieri seara, când a pornit frigiderul şi am simţit apăsarea aia în ureche şi dorinţa de a ieşi afară.
Plus că frigiderul vibrează şi pe ultrasunete, tot timpul îmi ţiuie urechile. Deşi am izolat zona în care se face detenta freonului şi în genereal toată suspensia circuitului freonului cu cauciuc siliconic din ăla scump pentru izolat marginea la cada de baie. Scăzuse mult atunci, dar acum mi se pare că a revenit iar la un nivel maxim. Tot spatele frigiderului este închis acum cu PAL fonoabsorbant cam la 20 cm distanţă şi eu aud acum armonici mai joase de la ultrasunete poate peste 10 kHz cam la 20 dB la vreo 4 metri de el. Acum când scriu rândul acesta au scăzut brusc cam la jumătate. Oare să aibă vreo legătură cu maşinile vecinelor de scară care parchează totdeauna strâmb, dar numai în 2 sau 3 poziţii, mereu aceleaşi, cu precizie?
Deci azi am tot mutat frigiderul prin casă, este lângă peretele de la vecini ca să pun nişte PAL fonoabsorbant sub el şi în spatele lui şi ghici pe cine cred că am văzut ieşind de la scara vecină, cu perucă blondă, şi s-a urcat într-un minivan după care s-a urcat în altă maşină, o Hondă mai mică şi mai veche şi a plecat deşi am impresia că venise cu o a 3-a maşină, un Dodge gri din ăla nou lăsat pe jos?
Aceeaşi persoană cu care cred că am vorbit azi pe la 11:30 la Allied Waste Services, când am sunat să-i întreb de ce a venit camionul la tomberon a doua oară în aceeaşi zi?
A şi am uitat să spun, la un timp după ce m-am mutat am vrut să cumpăr alt frigider din banii mei dar agenţia imobiliară de la care închiriez apartamentul nu a fost de acord. Acest frigider valorează 0 dolari adică e un junk.
Today i discovered that the vibration of the 25 years old huge refrigerator is transmitted through the floor and across the wall in the bathroom where it makes vibrate the glass sliding doors from the tube. The bathroom door is made out of 5mm fiberboard that easily deforms about 1 cm if you press lightly on it. The panels on the walls around bathroom door are not close enough to the frame and i am under impression there are missing or loose screws under paint, and they all vibrate on several frequencies, all under 10 Hz. I remember at Bacău, last place where i lived in Romania the floor in the kitchen was moving a little too when i was walking on it.
I am under the impression that any house vibrates, especially here where are made of wood frame covered with gypsum (drywall) panels especially if the screws are not tighten all the way or missing... At the balcony there is a huge sliding door paired with a static window that deform easily if you press with the finger right in the middle. In the bedroom there is a storage with huge sliding doors covering all the batthrom wall made of 5mm fibreboard that vibrate as well.
I knew for a few days now that the walls are vibrating but i couldn’t make the link with the pressure in the ears and dizziness and the urge to live the place until last night when the fridge’s compressor started and i started feeling the pressure and the need to live.
Today i moved the fridge around so i can install some fonoabsorbant (loose fiberboard) panels underneath and around the back of it and than guess who i think i saw leaving from the other entrance of the building, where my neighbours on the other side of the wall next to where the fridge is are, with blonde wig and got into a minivan than switched into an older, smaller Honda and left although i think she came into one of those newer, low, grey Dodge?
The two entrances and the corresponding apartments do not communicate, at least at the upper level, where i live, from what i know. The weirdest part is the apartment right beneath me is vacant since last September with the blinds tightly covering the windows so no light can go in our out and i didn't see anybody getting in or out either for so many month.
I forgot to say that shortly after i moved here i wanted to buy another fridge from my own money but the real estate agency that i rent from did not agree although this fridge is not worth any money, being a total piece of junk.
There is at least one distinguishable harmonic from the @4 Hz main frequency but i don't have the necessary instruments to investigate what that frequency is. Maybe if i had a video editing program installed, maybe i should try download one. Probably is a frequency most harmful when vibrating out of phase with Earth electric resonance frequency, the so called Schumann frequency, at 7.89 Hz, that would be the double of what i'm counting using the clock from the wall? The sliding door have a metal frame as well so...
Maybe that's why they're slamming the doors for... To kick start a vibration that is out or in phase with Earth electric standing waves?
Now i read in wikipedia that 60 Hz is the eighth harmonic of the Schumann. Why in Europe they use 50 Hz and in the United States 60? Which one is healthier?
Somebody please tell me what the hell is going on...
reality theory,
Stalking and more,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Towards The Star
first published: 1886, by Mihai Eminescu
Towards the star that rose tonight
There is a path so long,
That thousands years it took its light
To come to us along.
Maybe for long time it was spent
In depth of heaven's blue,
And only now its ray was meant
To shine in our view.
The icon of the star deceased
Dawns slowly in the night
When it was there, unseen, we missed,
We see it when it's not.
The same way when our greatest wish
Died down in depth of night
The light of our love dismissed,
Still follows in our sight.