Showing posts with label subliminal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subliminal. Show all posts

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mândră Corabia, Meşter Cârmaciul

Şi ce subliminal cânta...

Sunt mai multe corelaţii de nume în melodia asta foarte devreme în istoria comunismului în România, în care dacă vă amintiţi totul era planificat. Pe cât timp planificat? Asta încă nu ştim exact...

Dar ascultând am dat în alt subiect, mi se pare mie sau nu vocea Doinei sună ca un ... theremin iar basul şi schimbările de chei din cele două melodii sunt cam la fel?

"A bashi-bazouk or bashibazouk (Turkish başıbozuk, or delibaş, literally "damaged head", meaning "free headed", "leaderless", "disorderly") was an irregular soldier of the Ottoman army. They were particularly noted for their lack of discipline."

De ce: Când avea câţiva ani, destui ca să-mi amintesc, bunicul meu adoptiv din Storojineţ, "Buţu" (de la bunicuţu) Dumezeu să-l ierte, care vorbea 4 limbi, română, germană, rusă şi ucraineană şi a fost 6 ani în război, când de-o parte când de alta, imparţial ca tot românul, de câte ori eram obraznic aşa îmi spunea, başbuzuc. Termenul nu ştiu de ce mă ofensa foarte mult şi mi s-a săpat undeva într-o cale neuronală şi câteodată iese la suprafaţă, mai ales când citesc ştiri din România de azi şi nu numai.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Synchronization In The Human Cardiorespiratory System

Synchronization In The Human Cardiorespiratory System

Carsten Schafer,1,* Michael G. Rosenblum,1,† Hans-Henning Abel,2 and Jurgen Kurths1

Department of Physics, Potsdam University, Am Neuen Palais 10, Postfach 601553, D-14415 Potsdam, Germany

Department of Cardioanesthesiology, Stadtisches Klinikum Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

Received 17 December 1998

We investigate synchronization between cardiovascular and respiratory systems in healthy humans under free-running conditions. For this aim we analyze nonstationary irregular bivariate data, namely, electrocardio-grams and measurements of respiratory flow. We briefly discuss a statistical approach to synchronization in noisy and chaotic systems and illustrate it with numerical examples; effects of phase and frequency locking are considered. Next, we present and discuss methods suitable for the detection of hidden synchronous epochs from such data. The analysis of the experimental records reveals synchronous regimes of different orders n:m and transitions between them; the physiological significance of this finding is discussed. S1063-651X 99 12407-3

PACS number s : 87.19.Hh, 87.17.Aa, 05.45. a

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Surpassing The Limits of Offense

When i first came to US i got paranoid about an expression. Take care. It is an affectionate, familial form of letting someone know you care for them, used mostly in temporary, daily separation salutes. But to me, in the hurry (of translating) given by the multitude of initial traumas and stress due to the move, it sounded like a threat. (Now i know it was all "simulated, anticipated and under control").

Similar to what i felt yesterday when i saw on a "Oregon Cultural" vanity plate. B CARFULL. It shouldn't have affected me if even if i know it was not by accident that guy psychologically cornered me on the street.

But i see nowadays people getting and acting like being offended, by things that i say in the supposed intimacy of my living place.

Isn't this kinda of passing a new limit of hysteria, to get offended by overhearing and showing it, waiting for more reactions, in an endless "controlled" echo-logical, self-sustained loop (not to say by eavesdroping, because i might fall in a different keyword category)? Kinda like in organized stalking?

I was thinking adding the word mindless to the above phrase but i feel like it's already getting too complicated. But i think i learned a lot about what consequential behaviour is, which is probably a cousin of casual behaviour and the significance of the stage name of a Black Eyes Peas member, Will.I.Am.

And then something else came to my mind. A song i heard so many times while holding for Sony Customer Service Reps. in Laredo, Texas.

And then i realized, that's why so many people have GPS today, in their cars, on their smart-phones, cameras, everywhere.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clear Channel, San Antonio, Texas

Very few know that the most important radio stations in Portland, Oregon are owned by a single entity, based in San Antonio, Texas. I didn't do any research to see how customary is this in the US but to me is odd. Anyways, that wouldn't be any problem to me if the themes of the songs would not be synchronized among stations and with some people activity and even thoughts, in real time. The playlists of the past are there to prove it.

Monday, May 21, 2012

And My Dear Is Still Goodbying

Hopefully one day we-all are going to find out what is the name of the clothe she's wearing, who designed it and who has the damn copyright.

Which reminds me of:

Acting on Wrong Assumptions

"What a tangled web we weave"

Implying or creating time synchronized information that is not related to but makes it statistically reasonable for someone to believe something that is not real, isn't similar to tempting?

Knowingly creating situations that are statistically more likely to cause someone to fail in their actions, or damage to their health isn't similar to persecuting?

Creating or bringing in the spotlight events or information similar but unrelated with other events with the purpose of creating confusion,  hesitations, misinterpretations, lowering resolve or forgetting, isn't that misleading?

Creating a string of events that verify each other and storing all the information created with the purpose of justifying one of them, usually the most important, in case it succeeds, can't event think of a definition here.

Breaking daily and hourly numerous other laws in the process of committing all of the above.

How many times these misdoings are multiplied over the years and if they are many people involved and everything is coordinated so the above mentioned informations and situations are integrated into the larger picture of an entire fake reality with the purpose of verifying each other down to a certain level?

What kind of society is the one that allows all this happen within its structure of authorities?

Băsescu Look-Alike

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


"Mon esprit est pareil à la tour qui succombe
Sous les coups du bélier infatigable et lourd."