Recent am făcut o analiză de nespecialist asupra nivelului de separație a puterilor în SUA. Spun nespecialist fiindcă nu am pregătire juridică. Totuși nimeni nu poate fi străin de aceste aspecte, fiindcă cel puțin în România toți am fost chemați la referendumul de aprobare a Constituției și nu puteam merge la vot fără să știm și să înțelegem Constituția, în intimitatea ei.
Nu mi-a trebuit mult, cu mintea mea nejuridică să înțeleg că această mult trâmbițată emblemă a democrației este goală de conținut, fiindcă în practică această separație nu este nici măcar un ideal, ci o simplă iluzie. Mă rog, puțin mai complicată, dar tot o iluzie.
Filozoful francez sau ce a fost el, Montesquieu, a emis în vremuri pre-moderne prima dată această idee (după modele antice cred), dar s-a contrazis de la început fiindcă practic a profețit separarea puterilor în stat și ca un sistem de ținere sub control între puteri, care în majoritatea statelor cunoscute nouă sunt trei, (deși teoretic pot fi oricât de multe). Executivă (Președintele, Guvernul), Juridică (Curțile Judecătorești) și legislativă (Parlamentul).
Puterile care se controlează una pe alta nu mai sunt separate, sau nu mai sunt puteri.
Un exemplu al acestei grave erori "filosofice" introdusă în Constituția SUA, prima care s-a servit de acest model, este posibilitatea demiterii Președintelui SUA de către Parlament, Congres cum se numește acolo. Împreună cu o altă încălcare a unui principiu de drept care spune că o hotărâre a unei instanțe nu poate fi atacată de o instanță inferioară. (Despre principiile de drept și obligativitatea lor, nu știu mare lucru dar aud mereu sintagma "principiu de drept" sau și mai des "încălcarea unui principiu de drept").
Prima instanță ar fi electoratul, o putere care se manifestă rar deci nu e inclusă în lista lui Montesquieu, iar a doua Congresul. Congresul nu poate dezlega ceva ce a legat electoratul adică. La noi totuși avem mai multă aparență fiindcă Președintele poate doar să fie suspendat de Parlament, iar demiterea se poate face doar în același mod în care a fost făcută instituirea, adică prin referendum al aceluiași electorat. Alte exemple ar fi anularea (blocarea) multor decrete prezidențiale (Executive Orders) de către judecători din orice jurisdicții de pe teritoriul SUA.
Faptul că Președintele, șeful Executivului, trebuie să contra-semneze orice lege emisă de Legislativ, iar o curte, CCR, poate să blocheze sau să modifice orice lege emisă de Legislativ cred că lămurește definitiv și pe oricine, că această separație a puterilor nu există în realitate decât ca dogmă și mijloc de propagandă și fanfaronadă. Deși în România această obligativitate a conta-semnării este goală de conținut, cel puțin în practică, pentru că președintele poate să trimită înapoi în Parlament o lege o singură dată, (iar aici se naște o nouă discuție, dacă Parlamentul nu o modifică și o trimite înapoi președintelui spre semnare, apare chiar un fel de recurență sâcâitoare).
Am spus că la noi există mai multă aparență, asta în cazul demiterii președintelui. Această aparență se risipește însă în cazul emiterii legilor de către Guvern. Conform unor autori, un sfert din legile României sunt date de Guvern și nu de Parlament, deci de către Executiv, cu unii ani în care Guvernul a emis aproape la fel de multe legi (Ordonanțe simple și de urgență) ca și Parlamentul.
"Minim un sfert din actele normative emise în România au fost elaborate de Guvern, iar nu de Parlament. În unii ani (2008, de pildă), Guvernul a emis aproape la fel de multe acte ca și Parlamentul." spune autorul din link-ul de mai sus.
Un abuz, se spune mai departe senin în articolul pe care îl am în minte. Da, este abuzată utopia, mai ales în cazul emiterii de ordonanțe peste limita legii de abilitare sau de ordonanțe care au ca obiecte modificarea unor legi cu efect asupra justiției însăși, prin încălcarea de un număr inimaginabil de ori a Constituției. (Poate de prea puțini plâng asupra acestor abuzuri și fărădelegi instituționale, cui îi pasă de abuzul unei utopii).
Este adevărat că toate ordonanțele emise de Guvern trec și prin votul Parlamentului și pe masa Președintelui ca să devină legi. Însă Constituția prevede și un tip de aprobare tacită, adică dacă Parlamentul nu se pronunță (sau chiar dacă nu discută) un OUG în 30 de zile, OUG-ul se consideră aprobat. Astfel, Guvernul poate emite legi care nu sunt revizuite de către Parlament. Avem în acest caz înlocuirea sau substituția puterii legislative de către executiv.
Faptul în sine, acela că Guvernul poate legifera, și nu abuzurile practice, generalizarea excepțiilor, încalcă ideile nemature, utopice, din prima parte a modelului lui lui Montesquieu.
Mai mult decât atât, CCR, o curte, parte din Juridic, modifică la greu legile, substituindu-se în mod curent Legislativului. La simpla cerere a unui inculpat, probabil nu a oricărui inculpat, care se face conform unui ghid, CCR judecă legile însele, aceasta fiind principalul obiect de activitate al acestei curți, modificând virgule, cuvinte și paragrafe.
Într-un singur an, 2009, CCR a modificat 1708 legi. Pe total, CCR a modificat un număr de legi sau paragrafe din legi asemănător cu numărul total de legi emise de Parlament.
Această practică generalizată este și un fel de justiție în afara sistemului de curți și apeluri, care se face nu prin judecarea inculpaților, ci prin judecarea legilor de către o curte.
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Moles, Among Us
Today i was curious about a possible link between the Japanese word for mole and the word shinobi (we all know, spies are sometimes called moles) but never thought i would run into something that may be the grand or master key to the whole puzzle.
I knew the Chinese radical 32 for Earth 土 Tǔ because it resembles St.Dominic's double cross which is also present on Hungary's coat of arms. Today i figured the red and white stripes before Earth 土 on that coat of arms may also be the Chinese radical 72 for Day or Sun 日 Rì. Those two combined could probably make the English "neologism" rite or ritual. Chinese kanji also have 32 radicals that are made with 3 strokes and 32 above would be the the last of those. First radical could also be radical 109 for eye 目 mù.
As i said before, i only made a few small steps out of a mile towards understanding Chinese or Japanese languages (that share one common writing system) and why syllables taken separately pronounce differently than within the word. In the links below can hear the pronunciation by clicking the speaker icons next to each box.
I also once thought i did the etymology for the name Magyar (How Hungarians call themselves) as coming from Chinese meaning Magic Noble People. Could it be both are valid. Cause that would explain the angels.
Also, written by a Hungarian,
One more step and a question. Could this type of crown with rays or "frozen frame water drop" shape as i call it be actually inspired by a star nose mole.
I knew the Chinese radical 32 for Earth 土 Tǔ because it resembles St.Dominic's double cross which is also present on Hungary's coat of arms. Today i figured the red and white stripes before Earth 土 on that coat of arms may also be the Chinese radical 72 for Day or Sun 日 Rì. Those two combined could probably make the English "neologism" rite or ritual. Chinese kanji also have 32 radicals that are made with 3 strokes and 32 above would be the the last of those. First radical could also be radical 109 for eye 目 mù.
As i said before, i only made a few small steps out of a mile towards understanding Chinese or Japanese languages (that share one common writing system) and why syllables taken separately pronounce differently than within the word. In the links below can hear the pronunciation by clicking the speaker icons next to each box.
I also once thought i did the etymology for the name Magyar (How Hungarians call themselves) as coming from Chinese meaning Magic Noble People. Could it be both are valid. Cause that would explain the angels.
Also, written by a Hungarian,
One more step and a question. Could this type of crown with rays or "frozen frame water drop" shape as i call it be actually inspired by a star nose mole.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Democracy, User's Manual (Republican are not Democrat)
(paragraphs gathered from my last fb posts and comments)
One of the biggest paradoxes of democracy is that law is (how should i say this...) not democratic. I mean, laws, Constitution are usually voted by an elect body of legislators, following democratic elections, referenda, however once laws are voted it all becomes some sort of dictatorship of the law. Which means you usually need to apply the laws as they are dictated and written and voted, including all grammar and stuff. It's not demos kratos anymore, power of the people. It's power of the judges.
Here's an example. The past inhabitants of the upstairs apartment came here with the sole purpose to harass me, and everybody knows that and they believe all the BS that has been told about me for the most part of my life and they also believe it's a normal act of a great democracy to let this happen.
But what can i say. They, including the President, who is an official of the government, are trying to impeach somebody who is not at the time of impeachment an official of the government anymore. As some would say. Mission Impossible (ask any lawyer). But most likely, waste of our precocious quality time when searching for the news.insert One of the "causes" or inspirations for Declaration of Independence in 1771 and issuing the first ever Constitution in 1790 was the supposed madness (literally mental illness) of King George III who was reigning during both moments.
So "We The People" in 1790 wanted to get rid of the King for ever and invented the new institution of the President.
Periodic election of the President seemed to be an insurance against any madness that may occur in any hereditary monarchy.
But that didn't seem enough to the Congress, and they also wanted to provide a mechanism of removal of the President himself, just in case.
However it is clear to anybody now that the mechanism, that of impeachment through vote of the members of the Congress is again not quite democratic.
Much of the US Constitution has been designed on a model provided by french philosopher Montesquieu who at the center of his ideas had the so called theory of separation of powers in state which are usually three. Executive, Judicial and Legislative.
We have seen now, throughout Trump presidency that Executive power is very limited when it comes to normal every day business of the state. Any judge (of the Judicial branch) can easily overthrow an executive order. That is because the principles of separation of powers that inspired the Constitution do not apply to everyday normal business and we can see here a first aspect of interference the two branches.
Any bill voted by by a simple majority Congress (Legislative) needs to be "signed into law" by the President. Any President may "veto" a bill, or not sign it. However, Congress can overthrow the veto, with a 2/3 majority. Do i see here an interference of the two branches, executive and legislative?
Other examples include all Secretaries of the branches of the Government (that are subordinated and nominated by the President or the Executive) need to be approved by the Congress (the Legislative), all Supreme Court Judges (The Judicial) are nominated by the President (the Executive) etc..
Impeachment seem to copy a judicial process. However, Congress is the Legislative body and not a part (court) of the Judicial (branch of power). More than that, most elected members of Congress do not have a law degree required today for any judge. Out of 500 members of Congress, only 168 Representatives and 57 Senators have a law degree.
And the final and most important legal aspect is the fact that a President is elected through general elections by the majority of the vote of all the people of the US, and could not be possibly removed juridically by only a tiny number of the members of a majority in Congress.
The problems lays with the theory itself, with its main contradiction right at the abstract level: "Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches."
If powers are separate and real, they cannot "check and balance" (read nullify) each other.
Needless to say. After the assassination of king Louis XVI France wast under masonic rule. All "philosophers" of the French Revolution and all other revolutions that came after were obviously masons and we all know that masons do not really value philosophy. Here are some examples of masonic "philosophy".
"Freemasonry is a Western Mystery Tradition – originates with the giants of Greek Philosophy."
"Freemasonry itself, a philosophy of Logic and Reason that encouraged the individual to form a personal ethical system and obey it ruthlessly and without compromise."
"Francis Bacon, polymath, court spy and philosopher extraordinaire was also rumored to be a member of both the Rosicrucian Society and the Freemasons and his work The New Atlantis has left historians and Masonic scholars alike with many puzzling clues as to the true origin of his philosophy." Freemasons would go only so far and say "rumored" when publicly talking about brethren membership. "The New Atlantis", one more confirmation that racial supremacy started with them.
Separation of powers itself as expression of democracy - power of the people or state of the people - is dubious and gives only the illusion or appearance of democracy. No matter how many branches of government or powers you create, they will still be in a limited number when compared to the numbers of the electorate. Within branches, power will still be concentrated in the hands of a few. Judging by the number of mandates of most known, real politicians or times they have been elected, or years in power, those are usually the same, for life. Instead of having only one king, now you have a whole bunch of supermen and superwomen marching on the Capitol's floor carrying their super article of impeachment of an ex-President. I call it politocracy.
There would be no suspicion of a king possibly going mad or under foreign influence as this could not possibly happen with a large number of "independent" politicians. Unless... Unless if they're all of the same foreign origin. But that would be incredible.
One of the biggest paradoxes of democracy is that law is (how should i say this...) not democratic. I mean, laws, Constitution are usually voted by an elect body of legislators, following democratic elections, referenda, however once laws are voted it all becomes some sort of dictatorship of the law. Which means you usually need to apply the laws as they are dictated and written and voted, including all grammar and stuff. It's not demos kratos anymore, power of the people. It's power of the judges.
Here's an example. The past inhabitants of the upstairs apartment came here with the sole purpose to harass me, and everybody knows that and they believe all the BS that has been told about me for the most part of my life and they also believe it's a normal act of a great democracy to let this happen.
But what can i say. They, including the President, who is an official of the government, are trying to impeach somebody who is not at the time of impeachment an official of the government anymore. As some would say. Mission Impossible (ask any lawyer). But most likely, waste of our precocious quality time when searching for the news.insert One of the "causes" or inspirations for Declaration of Independence in 1771 and issuing the first ever Constitution in 1790 was the supposed madness (literally mental illness) of King George III who was reigning during both moments.
So "We The People" in 1790 wanted to get rid of the King for ever and invented the new institution of the President.
Periodic election of the President seemed to be an insurance against any madness that may occur in any hereditary monarchy.
But that didn't seem enough to the Congress, and they also wanted to provide a mechanism of removal of the President himself, just in case.
However it is clear to anybody now that the mechanism, that of impeachment through vote of the members of the Congress is again not quite democratic.
Much of the US Constitution has been designed on a model provided by french philosopher Montesquieu who at the center of his ideas had the so called theory of separation of powers in state which are usually three. Executive, Judicial and Legislative.
We have seen now, throughout Trump presidency that Executive power is very limited when it comes to normal every day business of the state. Any judge (of the Judicial branch) can easily overthrow an executive order. That is because the principles of separation of powers that inspired the Constitution do not apply to everyday normal business and we can see here a first aspect of interference the two branches.
Any bill voted by by a simple majority Congress (Legislative) needs to be "signed into law" by the President. Any President may "veto" a bill, or not sign it. However, Congress can overthrow the veto, with a 2/3 majority. Do i see here an interference of the two branches, executive and legislative?
Other examples include all Secretaries of the branches of the Government (that are subordinated and nominated by the President or the Executive) need to be approved by the Congress (the Legislative), all Supreme Court Judges (The Judicial) are nominated by the President (the Executive) etc..
Impeachment seem to copy a judicial process. However, Congress is the Legislative body and not a part (court) of the Judicial (branch of power). More than that, most elected members of Congress do not have a law degree required today for any judge. Out of 500 members of Congress, only 168 Representatives and 57 Senators have a law degree.
And the final and most important legal aspect is the fact that a President is elected through general elections by the majority of the vote of all the people of the US, and could not be possibly removed juridically by only a tiny number of the members of a majority in Congress.
The problems lays with the theory itself, with its main contradiction right at the abstract level: "Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches."
If powers are separate and real, they cannot "check and balance" (read nullify) each other.
Needless to say. After the assassination of king Louis XVI France wast under masonic rule. All "philosophers" of the French Revolution and all other revolutions that came after were obviously masons and we all know that masons do not really value philosophy. Here are some examples of masonic "philosophy".
"Freemasonry is a Western Mystery Tradition – originates with the giants of Greek Philosophy."
"Freemasonry itself, a philosophy of Logic and Reason that encouraged the individual to form a personal ethical system and obey it ruthlessly and without compromise."
"Francis Bacon, polymath, court spy and philosopher extraordinaire was also rumored to be a member of both the Rosicrucian Society and the Freemasons and his work The New Atlantis has left historians and Masonic scholars alike with many puzzling clues as to the true origin of his philosophy." Freemasons would go only so far and say "rumored" when publicly talking about brethren membership. "The New Atlantis", one more confirmation that racial supremacy started with them.
Separation of powers itself as expression of democracy - power of the people or state of the people - is dubious and gives only the illusion or appearance of democracy. No matter how many branches of government or powers you create, they will still be in a limited number when compared to the numbers of the electorate. Within branches, power will still be concentrated in the hands of a few. Judging by the number of mandates of most known, real politicians or times they have been elected, or years in power, those are usually the same, for life. Instead of having only one king, now you have a whole bunch of supermen and superwomen marching on the Capitol's floor carrying their super article of impeachment of an ex-President. I call it politocracy.
There would be no suspicion of a king possibly going mad or under foreign influence as this could not possibly happen with a large number of "independent" politicians. Unless... Unless if they're all of the same foreign origin. But that would be incredible.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
A Flat Day
And it's not over yet.
Didn't sleep enough last night. I was about to nap in the chair when a modified exhaust started. Bringing inside by means of vibration of the fragile building the well known smell of kallikrein from fresh mole holes.
I knew that if i feel the smell the apartment must be filled and already started to feel the effects, painless, carelles that BTW last to this moment so i just planned to go to do Angela's flat since i dreaded to do that anyways. Cause i knew something like the following is going to happen. So i got dressed and opened the door when i saw again one of Tualatin Police cadet (shop with a cop pictures) in a black sport suit with white iPhone wires passing at my door so i just slammed back mine thinking maybe he'll understand and take another shortcut in the future and especially not sync with me when i leave. Like he did so many times, like when i was working at the car, many other occasions i wrote about, but who can count everything.
The one on the left, whom i saw again many times around here, with a dog, i call the blue kid. Age adjusted and everything, i think they're child actors from Hungary.
Then i waited for him to clear the building and went outside to step on the holes before i left. There is at one of the other apartments, i think F2, an older guy, who used to own the purple broken exhaust 5 liter Dodge, owner of the catering business who drove me nuts for one and a year who resembles a dead Japanese opera singer (found him once, but lost it most likely in a g+ post). He also slammed the door of his car, twice.
Got at Angela's, swapped the cars, came back home, already a commotion in the parking lot. There was a guy custom cutting a carpet on the asphalt in front of a van full of rolled carpets and undercarpet cushions like wrapped mummies that was parked there with open doors to see those for hours. So i just waited for him to roll the carpet, take it in his back and went and put the spare and the flat tire in the back. For some idiotic reason i didn't check the pressure in the spare and i had troubles driving there and back here. I was curious last night to see if i can locate the hole and i did, and there was nothing, a pin like hole with a tiny slow growing bubble on top. However today when i pulled it i saw a nail like 1 cm next to it, bent, with no head, rusted, and said to myself, must had been wrong, there is a nail.
So i drove to Les Schwab, car was drifting a bit, due to low pressure in the spare, forgot to put my mask on and talked to a guy and showed him the nail. He said that i needed new tires though the tire which is a rear one of an identical type with the new ones in front doesn't have much smaller grooves (had to buy a couple of new tires from Amazon, same type, same brand, because i had an unfixable flat in front last year, and two forgotten labels between tires and rims that made the tires leak, had a total of 5 flats in almost three years on that car that i can remember and leaks on almost continuous basis). He told me to check in, i did, again without mask. Then after he fixed it he came back and told me it wasn't the nail, but a hole next to it. "The nail did not go through" he said "and i don't need to fix that hole. Was thinking, the hole i saw last night. I showed him the front tires that do not have the grooves much deeper than the rears, and he said those are the newer type. Whatever. He said he put 35 psi on it.
Went back home and put back the fixed tire and was curious and checked pressure and my dial gauge showed 31. I checked the spare too and gauge was showing 13. The cap on the wheel was missing also so i just went back, he gave me the cap, and asked him to check the spare. He inflated the spare back to 60 and then i gave him my gauge and the gauge was showing 50. I suspected for a while now that the gauge is wild. Must be the needle went off center, i'm gonna check. Cause i like it much better than those linear gauges. There was this big AirGas van covering the view when i did that. That AirGas van wandering around in the parking lot kinda following me that ended behind my car when i put back the spare and everything.
I drove back to Angela's. I felt like absent, a big high, a bit numb, driving back there, at a light stop got to race with a big wheeled one of those construction trucks, he finally let me win when the road narrowed.
In all the times i got really mad because the noise at Angela's car that did go away but not completely after the car wormed up real well. (Thinking in my sleepy head to rivet those two screws again with the vise grips, but when the car is really cold, like in the morning. But are the two tiny soft steel screws going to last if the aluminum in between expands with merciless force? What if the high nickel alloy (to bring expansion coefficient closer to aluminum lost it's mechanical strength in time because of the heat?), thinking, thinking, with my numbed brain, should i buy a new throttle, but can't find an aftermarket one with bronze butterfly and the ones that if found have the same tiny screws, the tiniest i saw when compared to other brands).
I went and parked Angela's car and took my truck when i saw a guy (young, slender, probably blue eyes) who was talking on speakerphone and in the same time pointing the phone at me, no matter in what direction he was walking. When i backed up he turned around keeping pointing the phone at me.
While driving back, still absent, still a bit high, after i climbed on the overpass, i saw at the end or in the downslope 2 Police SUVs and a motorcycle, with flashing lights, two cops with no masks, and just drove following the car in front of me, forgetting to look at the stop light while on cameras of those Police vehicles. (Kept thinking all day, in between other stuff, how many people neglected other medical problems thinking of COVID and s...t. Thinking at Biden's first deception, the fight on White Supremacists. You can't separate white supremacism from every day American life cause it's built on it cause it comes from freemasons. Their slogan is, make good men better, what happens to the rest of us. And having Kamala who in reality is blonde, green eyes, posing as a black is not going to trick me).
The level of detail these guys go at with their continuous deception is unbelievable. All based on predictability of my behaviour, they wait for me and adjust their actions, in a day like these, after an important post, while most likely leaking video, audio, whatever, to make me loose the points i made involuntarily with my last posts.
Didn't sleep enough last night. I was about to nap in the chair when a modified exhaust started. Bringing inside by means of vibration of the fragile building the well known smell of kallikrein from fresh mole holes.
I knew that if i feel the smell the apartment must be filled and already started to feel the effects, painless, carelles that BTW last to this moment so i just planned to go to do Angela's flat since i dreaded to do that anyways. Cause i knew something like the following is going to happen. So i got dressed and opened the door when i saw again one of Tualatin Police cadet (shop with a cop pictures) in a black sport suit with white iPhone wires passing at my door so i just slammed back mine thinking maybe he'll understand and take another shortcut in the future and especially not sync with me when i leave. Like he did so many times, like when i was working at the car, many other occasions i wrote about, but who can count everything.
The one on the left, whom i saw again many times around here, with a dog, i call the blue kid. Age adjusted and everything, i think they're child actors from Hungary.
Then i waited for him to clear the building and went outside to step on the holes before i left. There is at one of the other apartments, i think F2, an older guy, who used to own the purple broken exhaust 5 liter Dodge, owner of the catering business who drove me nuts for one and a year who resembles a dead Japanese opera singer (found him once, but lost it most likely in a g+ post). He also slammed the door of his car, twice.
Got at Angela's, swapped the cars, came back home, already a commotion in the parking lot. There was a guy custom cutting a carpet on the asphalt in front of a van full of rolled carpets and undercarpet cushions like wrapped mummies that was parked there with open doors to see those for hours. So i just waited for him to roll the carpet, take it in his back and went and put the spare and the flat tire in the back. For some idiotic reason i didn't check the pressure in the spare and i had troubles driving there and back here. I was curious last night to see if i can locate the hole and i did, and there was nothing, a pin like hole with a tiny slow growing bubble on top. However today when i pulled it i saw a nail like 1 cm next to it, bent, with no head, rusted, and said to myself, must had been wrong, there is a nail.
So i drove to Les Schwab, car was drifting a bit, due to low pressure in the spare, forgot to put my mask on and talked to a guy and showed him the nail. He said that i needed new tires though the tire which is a rear one of an identical type with the new ones in front doesn't have much smaller grooves (had to buy a couple of new tires from Amazon, same type, same brand, because i had an unfixable flat in front last year, and two forgotten labels between tires and rims that made the tires leak, had a total of 5 flats in almost three years on that car that i can remember and leaks on almost continuous basis). He told me to check in, i did, again without mask. Then after he fixed it he came back and told me it wasn't the nail, but a hole next to it. "The nail did not go through" he said "and i don't need to fix that hole. Was thinking, the hole i saw last night. I showed him the front tires that do not have the grooves much deeper than the rears, and he said those are the newer type. Whatever. He said he put 35 psi on it.
Went back home and put back the fixed tire and was curious and checked pressure and my dial gauge showed 31. I checked the spare too and gauge was showing 13. The cap on the wheel was missing also so i just went back, he gave me the cap, and asked him to check the spare. He inflated the spare back to 60 and then i gave him my gauge and the gauge was showing 50. I suspected for a while now that the gauge is wild. Must be the needle went off center, i'm gonna check. Cause i like it much better than those linear gauges. There was this big AirGas van covering the view when i did that. That AirGas van wandering around in the parking lot kinda following me that ended behind my car when i put back the spare and everything.
I drove back to Angela's. I felt like absent, a big high, a bit numb, driving back there, at a light stop got to race with a big wheeled one of those construction trucks, he finally let me win when the road narrowed.
In all the times i got really mad because the noise at Angela's car that did go away but not completely after the car wormed up real well. (Thinking in my sleepy head to rivet those two screws again with the vise grips, but when the car is really cold, like in the morning. But are the two tiny soft steel screws going to last if the aluminum in between expands with merciless force? What if the high nickel alloy (to bring expansion coefficient closer to aluminum lost it's mechanical strength in time because of the heat?), thinking, thinking, with my numbed brain, should i buy a new throttle, but can't find an aftermarket one with bronze butterfly and the ones that if found have the same tiny screws, the tiniest i saw when compared to other brands).
I went and parked Angela's car and took my truck when i saw a guy (young, slender, probably blue eyes) who was talking on speakerphone and in the same time pointing the phone at me, no matter in what direction he was walking. When i backed up he turned around keeping pointing the phone at me.
While driving back, still absent, still a bit high, after i climbed on the overpass, i saw at the end or in the downslope 2 Police SUVs and a motorcycle, with flashing lights, two cops with no masks, and just drove following the car in front of me, forgetting to look at the stop light while on cameras of those Police vehicles. (Kept thinking all day, in between other stuff, how many people neglected other medical problems thinking of COVID and s...t. Thinking at Biden's first deception, the fight on White Supremacists. You can't separate white supremacism from every day American life cause it's built on it cause it comes from freemasons. Their slogan is, make good men better, what happens to the rest of us. And having Kamala who in reality is blonde, green eyes, posing as a black is not going to trick me).
The level of detail these guys go at with their continuous deception is unbelievable. All based on predictability of my behaviour, they wait for me and adjust their actions, in a day like these, after an important post, while most likely leaking video, audio, whatever, to make me loose the points i made involuntarily with my last posts.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
La Camisa Negra
COVID started 100 years after the end of the Spanish flu epidemic in 1919.
Did this 2005 summer hit in... Spain by, Colombian singer Juanes (How do you pronounce Wuhan?) of his 2004 released album Mi Sangre predicted COVID?
Watch the video carefully. Driving in one of those wood decorated station wagons that reminds of a coffin. A short, old, guitar player looking a bit Latino, a bit Asian, sitting on a chair, playing for nobody and the two skinny dancers. Dancers, who seem like being in a trance, or ill, moving like cats and looking like Ancient Egypt cat goddess Bastet.
A wave starts from the old man's guitar and from there it starts spreading around in town. Whoever is touched, gets caught in a time loop repeating over and over the same gestures.
Then the wave reaches a corner of a street and starts going backwards... erasing all the people that have been touched the first time. What it seemed a low budget, novelty Latino video, it suddenly turns near the end, when nobody pays conscious attention no more in a twilight zone style. (What's hanging on the mirror of his car?). It was only then when i realized the video is not so low budget, with the space bending effect of the wave and the message not so banal.
This is the moment when the wave reaches the corner of the street, with four logos reflecting in a window, a horseman, and it turns backwards and starts sweeping everybody, ending back in the big ROUND hole of his guitar.
Lyrics. Not speaking Spanish, they first seemed usual to me. Bla bla bla "amor" "pena" "duele", "moribundo" "difunto" "Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor". Ok, a bit morbid. For some reason kept remembering it over the years. Can't remember how many times i posted links to it.
I wear the black shirt.
Today my love is mourning.
Today I have a regret weighing my soul
And it's the fault of your witchcraft.
For drinking from the evil venom of your love,
I was left dying [lit. moribund] and full of pain.
I breathed of that bitter smoke from your goodbye
And since you left all I have left is...
Again our ignorance playing tricks on us. Why i kept playing this song over and over again without understanding the lyrics?
A bat laying upside down. La camisa negra. The bat wraps in his own wings to sleep upside down.
Kept thinking. Is it possible? Juanes, Wuhan. How do you pronounce Wuhan in Chinese? That's it.
But is is possible? 14 years after the song was first released? And what all the connections mean. Prophecy? Threat? Precursor? Was it mass suggestion causing all this? Was it an accompanying manifesto?
If we were to follow the prediction of the song, we know the vaccine may be the only way out of this "engram" as COS (Church os Scientology) would say, but remember. The wave in the end is caught back inside the guitar.
(No) need to say. I think i met with the man or the actor. Some ten years after reaching success, fattened, slow and getting in my way as a customer rep at Fry's in Wilsonville. Me, stunned by the smoke at home. I think it was after i bought that guitar, also at Fry's.
An article in Romanian press caught my eye today. A woman looking ill on a sofa with a cat nearby. Cat has access to the pillows where she sleeps. Then i wrote a whole thread on fb about what i think. Following, the pasted fb thread. I don't believe i added in any of those comments the fact that toxoplasmosis nowadays is treatable with antibiotics including with azithromycin. A few years ago when i looked last time it still wasn't.
Here is a thread i wrote on fb showing the possible route of transmission of T gondii between cats and humans. All it takes it for the cat to eat a wild animal to get infected.
(No) need to say. I think i met with the man or the actor. Some ten years after reaching success, fattened, slow and getting in my way as a customer rep at Fry's in Wilsonville. Me, stunned by the smoke at home. I think it was after i bought that guitar, also at Fry's.
An article in Romanian press caught my eye today. A woman looking ill on a sofa with a cat nearby. Cat has access to the pillows where she sleeps. Then i wrote a whole thread on fb about what i think. Following, the pasted fb thread. I don't believe i added in any of those comments the fact that toxoplasmosis nowadays is treatable with antibiotics including with azithromycin. A few years ago when i looked last time it still wasn't.
Here is a thread i wrote on fb showing the possible route of transmission of T gondii between cats and humans. All it takes it for the cat to eat a wild animal to get infected.
February 3 ·
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Cineva a observat epidemia de poze de pisici pe fb? Există o creștere a numărului de pisici de companie ca urmare creșterii numărului de poze și video-uri cu pisici pe fb? În imaginea de mai jos se arată că pisica are acces la perne, unde oamenii pot câteodată să ațipească ziua.
"Cleaning a cat’s litter box when the cat has shed Toxoplasma in its feces"
Pentru că în momentul acela se deranjează praful acela microscopic de silica.
"more than 40 million people in the United States may be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite".