Tuesday, March 15, 2022

March 15

10:30 Yeah i know, by writing this blog post that sounds like a (bad) conspiracy theory i gave the guy upstairs and the market a break. Could have deleted it or unpost it today just to see what happens, if he comes back or the market goes back down. But i think is my duty to let it posted because, drunk or sober, i believe it is true. Too bad most people don't understand the technical details (of some i just added up) or are fed up with fake conspiracy theories.

Much stingy dust present here last night (which is still here BTW) made me drink a lot, because of pain. When you drink and are stimulated with pain like this you can't get high so you keep drinking until you eventually pass out. Not taking care of the way you breath, like through a congested nose, can lead to a number of problems, including shortness of breath and chest or back pain, mimicking a heart attack.

10:52 Here he started again.

11:25. If it's happening to me, it's a trick. Waiting for a delivery (gold platted negative battery connector, 10 bucks) with USPS. Heard a van that stopped outside and doors opening and clothing so i just put my pants on and went at the door, just to see a brown van with a door large open in front of me while the driver went to deliver to a different apartment.

Fried a couple of eggs which again look suspicious, one of the yolks broke, i threw it away. Tried to weigh the box of cheap wine i bought last night, climbing on the scale while carrying it in my hands. It shows 7 pounds difference, the box was 5 liter. And had a couple of beers too.

12:13/10:13 De ziua maghiarilor. Maghiari sunt/au fost o mică minoritate nepaleză (budistă), ultimul val migrator care s-a așezat în Panonia și care au construit cetatea Buda în 1265. Pe vremea mea și de secole statul se numea Ungaria, dar și-au schimbat (încearcă) numele din cauza amintirii hunilor în Europa, însă majoritatea de astăzi este de origine slavă (sârbă, croată, ukraineană). Dacă identitatea i-ar chema în locurile natale, Ungaria ar dispărea iar Europa, lumea, ar scăpa poate de cea mai mare povară, această adunătură de ciudați și frustrați.

Budismul maghiarilor îi leagă de japonezi, singurii lor aliați adevărați. Da, au îmbogățit cultura Europei, având cei mai mulți artiști pe cap de locuitor din lume din care unul este și Imre Babici iar din locuitori mulți români nedeclarați. Dar nu se văd urme de muncă pe fața lui Babici sau a zecilor de mii de artiști din care unii/unele (majoritatea) sunt prinși în aceste liste. Doar depravare și beție. Au îmbogățit și religia, prin adăugarea sectei catolice a dominicâinilor. Munca este un cuvânt de origine ungurească în limba română, simbolizând asuprirea lor de secole de către unguri (noongars).

3:11 Da, ce se întâmplă în Ucraina e job-ul lor. Coordonând acțiunile dintre Putin și Zelenski dar și alți lider internaționali, cu multă distorsionare în media au sperat să atragă alte țări, precum România și Polonia și au realizat și scopul de a scoate din țară cât mai mulți ucraineni, se spune 3 milioane până acum pentru că ei nu plecaseră de bună voie în numere așa de mari ca românii, totul pentru a crea lebensraum pentru noua ordine mondială, care va fi a acestei specii din Australia.

3:05 Came home, but inside it smells like digestive mole enzymes (kallikreins which i've been breathing all morning) because of new mounds popping all around. Flattened those (with my shoes, of course) and tried to air but within 5 minutes new ones popped.

COVID and 5G

Here is an image showing the difference between 4G and 5G. While in 4G the signal area is broad, meaning for each connection you get a very large signal area wasting most or 99.999% of the signal power, both ways, (which of course is multiplied by the number of simultaneous connections to that tower, area where BTW anybody with a suited device can "catch the signal" or listen to), in 5G each connection is done through a couple of narrow beams of signal, one from tower to device and one from device to tower.

So far it sounds very good, because there is much less radiant power over a certain area and/or by concentrating the signal, you can improve quality or bandwidth (as advertised) by strengthening signal/noise ratio, and that is done only by strengthening the signal inside each beam, several times, maybe up to 10 times or one order of magnitude greater than with 4G over a large area. But it has to be both ways, so the 5G phones, to get the bandwidth already advertised for 5G would have to strengthen the signal too, though only inside the beam (or maybe they don't need the same upload speeds). So the devices would use less power or the same, while emitting at higher power density inside the beam. But what happens if the head or heart of that person or another nearby gets in the way of the beam?

And this image tries to suggest the multitude of beams within a a city with many 5G users. It is not real, just an artist's imagination at work. The real one would look like a 3D web of fat beams, linking each device to one of the towers, that can be much more complex, depending of number of devices. But what if one cell phone is homed simultaneously by many beams from several towers from same provider or from different providers, like if a hacker would launch from that phone many requests to many towers in the same time? You could get much greater signal density per person, like hundreds of times greater that it is physically possible with 4G. Or a hacker (or conspirators whatever) configures a number of cell phones close to target (that can be a device the targeted person is wearing) while nobody has no idea idea of what's happening and "beam" that target with a signal that could be hundreds of times greater than a normal phone is transmitting to a tower in 4G and that can be very bad.

Recently ran into a phone plan that says "5G Nationwide". Did they get so far so quick?

I vaguely remember Trump era data safety concerns about 5G coming from China. Could the banning of Chinese technology mean that they don't do certain things that i'm going to talk about?

It's not about data or privacy concerns. They know everything they need to know about everybody in real time through current technology (and now that include 5G).

More than a year ago i wrote a blog post about my own concerns. Reading it now i realize unfortunately it was not clear enough and concise enough to make an impression. I was far more confused and careless and hopeful and unexperienced back then. It was more of a hypothesis. But now i ran into Raytheon future projections about a microwave weapon and my old concerns came back. What if...

The way 5G works is very similar to phased arrayed radars currently used on most advanced fighter jets. Unlike those who use the beam to dynamically scan an area, similar to an old CRTs, to save power, 5G antennas, both from towers and phone using the same technology can direct a beam on the other antenna, even when in motion.

Mechanically static or with limited motion, radars' antennas can, instead of actively scanning a region, direct a beam on and fry an opponents device electronics. Pretty much like in old CRT TVs when both horizontal and vertical steering or scanning circuits broke and the electron beam was concentrating in the middle of the screen (but could have been anywhere if so intended). That is directing precisely a beam of microwaves powerful enough and keep it on a target long enough to disable it.

Think about. We now have 5G capable towers all around. It is enough to direct a number of them to one single phone or person to make it sick enough or create symptoms that could be classified as COVID. Rest is done in hospitals.

And now i think this is what happened in the two years, they selectively took out the oldest and most knowledgeable that have seen a lot and they could turn the balance against them. They may have not been so selective in 1918 when they only had Eiffel Tower.

Monday, March 14, 2022

March 14

1:12 There is a continuous dialog between my mind and the guy upstairs. Any change of emotions and the man squeaks in unspeakable ways. Also there is a guy in one of the balconies who yells in the phone for hours (i think in Spanish). Other noises outside. I was eating, standing and moving around, thinking of what i just posed or will, getting mad, and one more squeak blocked my esophagus and got me into another episode.

3:25 Many many things happened during my walk. There is a portable toilet at one place forgotten one a street, for months. On most quiet residential road, at every corners cars with women drivers come out of nowhere, stopping at signs, real close to me. Agricultural fires smoke everywhere. But here in the complex. They began digging deep (right after i left) next to a foundation of a building, reminding me of what i said about burying reactors cores under ground for safety.

5:10 Newest trend. If i don't let him squeak (i sit here with a voice recording app on my phone, ready to record) he starts the TV real loud, while Angela is trying to get more sleep, like he did the last few days. Useless to say, he is staying here all the time, with his other car at the Meridian parking lot.

6:02 One last squeak and then total silence, like someone pulled a plug. In the same moment i heard steps on the stairs, like he went away, though the car is still here. There was no time after the squeak above and the steps on the stairs. However he drove me nuts for the day.

Fukushima and Wormwood

12:19 On March 11 2022 it was exactly 11 years since March 11 2011 when after an earthquake and subsequent tsunami, 3 of the 6 reactors each in a separate building (Nr.4, 5 and 6 were shutdown for maintenance) at Fukushima power plant first exploded and their core melted down. Reactor Nr.4 spent rods pool exploded 4 days later but core did not melt down.

As power for cooling the reactor ceased because of emergency shutdown due to earthquake, and backup generators were flooded by tsunami, the coolant boiled end evaporated, exposing the rods to air and the high temperature generated steam and hydrogen was generated and exploded. Spent fuel rods on top are much more radioactive than new ones and contain elements that are daughters of uranium created during their useful service period, like plutonium, cesium, strontium, iodine. Because of explosions, those were spread contaminating a large area. Over one hundred thousand people were evacuated and some cannot return even today. Not a good idea to store spent fuel rods on top of reactors, for sure, per GE design.

However even the worst looking reactor, nr.3, image above does not look as bad as the damaged (3000 MW thermal, 1000 MW electric, for comparison one wind turbine is about 1 MW) Chernobyl Nr.4 (of 4 built next to each other, picture below) reactor were they were not spent fuel rods in pools on top. Apparently only one of the walls, the structure in front and the roof were blown. And they were two explosions heard by witnesses, in other words the reactor having the graphite moderators jammed because of a bad maneuver during an test boiled and exploded in two stages.  The man in the video tries to explain that the reactor was brought in a state of low power (200 MW) with all rods pulled out?, that did not allowed the turbine to produce enough electricity to power the pumps to cool the reactor when the rods were inserted and removed some of the water. Whatever.

Weirdest part. Did you know that one of the other reactors was shut down in 96 and another in 2000 after being restarted and at least one of the reactors still ran hours after explosion (i can swear i read that on the Wikipedia page, and not it's gone)? So there was enough power to the cooling pumps from the other reactors.

Now that i first examine these things keep asking myself. Why don't they build these reactors or at least the core part of the reactors underground deep enough not to cause such disasters if they fail? (This picture must have been taken the next day or something, cause other subsequent pictures show a much greater damage, due to burning of the core).

Searching for that phrase with google (first they wanted to shut it down but an engineer kept running nr.3 (or 1 or 2, or maybe all of them, can't remember until morning), i found this. On August 20 2004 London based New Scientist published an interview with a then 24 years old engineer who was working inside Chernobyl when disaster happened. Article is by subscription only but there is a transcript on a different site. From the picture above and  the interview one can consider the hypothesis Chernobyl reactor was hit by a missile.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

March 13

10:00 I am awake for more than an hour but the second i came to the computer, two things happened. Place filled with an identified smoke and the man upstairs started to squeak. I went outside, found a few rather shallow pockets under grass, let the door open to air, but the man climbed down and up the stairs and then i lit a candle, to deal with eventual dust. Thing is, i can't read the news because i am too distracted by what's happening around me.

So i'm just going to write what came to mind before i came at the computer and my thoughts were only mine. For the first time i remember in this war, casualties numbers are given. One more military base have been hit and 35 people died. 30 missiles fired from over Black and Azov sea. At first, last night, were including "foreign military advisors" but that has changed according to... what? People's perception and will?

Back in the day before the advent of media kings and elites where ruling the world. Now peoples themselves. We live in a democracy. Back in the day kings and elites were ruling the world taking decisions based on the informations they had and sometimes taking people's will more or less into account. How many times they screwed up? Most times.

Nowadays we the people rule the world according to information given (volunteered) by this and that madia outlet. However news are very incomplete and fluid (changing all the time).

So i had to come at the computer and look at the map to see where that still untouched military base was sitting. Training camp, western most, near "NATO frontline", weapons and refugees convoys. Again today without dead foreign advisors that were mentioned last night. I didn't know until now there was a NATO frontline which implies NATO is at war, by their only rule, if one is hit, everyone is hit. I didn't know until now they were weapons convoys entering Ukraine (though it is kinda obvious, those Javelines must got there somehow). Or maybe they were keeping it quiet so the Russians won't know. Not their leaders, but the people. Or maybe Putin who is "constantly misinformed" and "is told what he wants to hear". One day Ukraine's military infrastructure is destroyed (without given casualties) and they need Javelins. Last day, a Russian Su-34 is hit by an Ukrainian air defense unit and another military base part of the still existing critical infrastructure is hit by Russians. This time only, with precise casualties list. I had to look to see what military bases have been hit before. But the only coherent thing i could find as timeline and locations was this animated Wikipedia time line (again done by volunteers, like Android - best things are free).

Yes it is true that people rule the world, but not the way they think. Or maybe in a way, the way they think. It's not like they are given information and then they take decisions that are executed. It's more like they approve or not what their leaders are doing. And the leaders are doing what the're doing based on polls, official or secret, and a little something more, which is always a surprise for the people. Pleasant or not, they have to go with what the leaders are doing cause weekend is short and Monday should go back to work. But what exactly are they doing? Leave it to them leaders politicians, they know what they're doing.

No in Russia there is no democracy, but politicians (sorry for the plural, there is only one, used it for consistency of style) are still doing what they can within limits of what people think (shadows always point north), again always with a twist or a flavor which is the unpredictability of a mad man's will combined with the fluidity and uncertainty of the whole situation. Or again, a fake madman hijacking and misdirecting the will of the people (hijacking and misdirecting happens in all countries), which is my favorite theory.

What exactly is happening in Ukraine, and generally with the world? Take a guess. Or read the news.

Yes we are safe, they are only taking our will into account, among with many other things (whatever serves them best). It's our minds that aren't.

1:03 A year has passed, got to switch back to xfinity by Comacast. Got the same modem i unplugged a year ago, but wait to see the fuss.

1:38 OK CNN changed an article, or replaced it with a summary, at the same link taken from my browser's history, can't find anymore the search terms "weapon convoys", "foreign military" etc.. NATO frontline is ubiquitous though again disappeared from this article. Or they just tricked me. I'm sorry i didn't put the link right away, as i always do, but i'm quite tired of putting links.