Friday, April 22, 2022

Monstruoasa coaliție

Nu am greșit mult când am scris postarea aceasta. Ce fel de guvernare e aceea în care partidele își împart puterea, pe perioade de timp? Ar fi ajuns Ciucă vreodată prim ministru fără această înțelegere, de a guverna un timp unii, un timp alții? O bătaie de joc de alegeri și alegători. PSD și PNL împreună.  Majoritatea, opoziția, nu mai au sens.

Ce nu am prevăzut atunci a fost războiul. Dar ei știau, și de aceea au pus prim ministru un
"general" hidrocefal, care iată, ne copleșește cu cadouri, mărirea alocației de hrană, tot felul de mărunțișuri, un drum expres la care se lucrează de mulți ani, de multe guvernări, prin care încearcă să se lege în sfârșit U-Craiova de lumea civilizată. 

Ucraina. Un fel de război, care e mult mai mult fake decât real. O Ucraină ce pare să fi fost golită de populație cu mult timp înainte. Nu mă întrebați unde s-au dus. Probabil tot acolo unde s-au dus milioane de români care nu mai există. Se spune că au plecat acum 5 milioane. Nimic, nici o informație despre unde s-au dus. Credeți că o țară ca Marea Britanie, cu problemele ei, poate să găzduiască de exemplu un milion de oameni în plus? Germania? Franța? Unde sunt 5 milioane de ucraineni?

Hidrocefal garantează faptul că va face exact ce i se spune pentru că el practic nu gândește. Are pauză la creier. Pentru că mulți din ei până acum au mai ezitat. Unguri unguri, dar erau de proveniență din minoritatea românească de la ei.

Încet încet se face vid în jurul Ungariei, începând de la est. A început cu Yugoslavia, acum Ucraina. România s-a depopulat masiv. Lebensraum. Spațiu vital.

Ucraina înainte de acest război părea că o duce mult mai bine dpdv militar decât România. O țară de 40 de milioane locuitori. Armament de toate tipurile rămas de pe vremea Uniunii Sovietice. 5 regimente de Mig 29 în 2011, 200.000 de oameni în serviciu permanent. Au făcut o alianță cu Polonia și Marea Britanie, și le-au dus acolo. Rachete Neptun cu care au distrus nava amiral a rușilor.

Mig-29 sunt echivalente cu F15 cu două motoare, mult mai mari și mai puternice decât F16 tot așa mult mai vechi decât Mig-29, care au fost date la fiare vechi de portughezi, din care noi abia avem un escadron.

Și totuși rușii i-au copleșit în câteva zile cu rachetele lor. Sau așa merge vorba. Cât timp le-ar trebui să termine România? O zi?

Singurul lucru pentru care ei ne vizitează acum (nu am auzit de relații Româno-Ucrainene înainte de acest război) este că actorii (sau cei care îi dirijează de la distanță) care o fac pe liderii în ambele țări vor să bage de fapt România în război cu Rusia, printr-o donație de Mig-21 absolut nefolositoare, care au fost ținute până acum pentru a păstra job-urile unora, pe care le-au pus la sol special pentru acest motiv.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

April 21

3:07 Like yesterday, got awakened by something at 2:30 AM. Came at the computer to read the news. About 10 minutes ago i started to feel a mold smell and then sneeze without stopping. Then i went outside and found another hole under the deck in front of door and one in front of sliding doors at the living or in front of hottest areas where air squeezes in under door and by the sliding doors. The hole under door is a few inches away from the yesterday one which was a few inches away from the one the day before etc.. No other holes in the whole yard. I poured about half gallon of water with borax in each. Closest perceived smell, both inside and out. Heated stove. Or whatever is coming out of those exacerbates my own sense of smell and i actually feel the smell of the stove. I read about the trick with borax on a site, but from what he was saying, and the amount i poured in a large number of holes (about 20) the moles should have been long gone.

Last night i wanted to take a bath. I was sitting there watching the tub getting filled (it takes about 2 and a half minutes) and then i saw something dark coming from the faucet, for about half second, and that cut my appetite. So i just let the tub cool and heat the apartment instead of letting it flow.

3:32 As usual in the "news" most subjects are related to what i just posted. I'd be safe and warm if i was in LA.

3:50 One hour later, the smell outside is long gone, still present inside. Or maybe there is one more hole at the bedroom. My keyboard or hub (that let me turn the Chromebook into a PC) seem broke. I restarted the whole system and that didn't fix it. If i think of something one day like "how well this work" usually the next day it brakes. Aparigraha? Anyways it's enough distraction to make me forget things as what i had in mind to write next.

3:57 Right shift doesn't work (hackers, humoristic). My cold is not completely gone. Wanted to make some tea but the electric kettle broke two days ago. Again i was thinking that it worked nicely for me over the years. Tried to fix it, but the screws at the base are rounded. Was it me, did i fix it before? In the microwave it takes twice longer to boil the same amount of water and it's noisy. Stove is out of the question. Ordered a new one. Switched keyboard in a different port in the hub, the same problem. Num key doesn't light, right shift doesn't work. I had one more... USB port in the Chromebook, plugged the keyboard directly there and again it's not working. So they hacked the Chromebook. Nevermind, it started working now. For how long? Lost about 15 minutes and all my momentum.

4:14 It looks like alarm didn't sound at 4, Angela is still sleeping. It means her overtime ended, like her training yesterday. I wanted to say a few words about and now that i got pissed by the keyboard i found the courage to say it.

About a year ago a new temporary handyman showed here to fix something. He told me he was born in Germany from American parents stationed there and went to HS there and there was one thing he liked. "In Germany, you have to go to school for everything".

As opposed to the famous "on the job training" institution in the US. Which also opposes the equally (in)famous "job security" institution.

On the job training means you get trained to do a new thing like a different workstation, by a colleague, who sometimes has training skills and sometimes doesn't, he just knows how to do the job but can't teach others.

Job security means people competing unfairly at work, even outside work hours. Rumors, secret complaints and alliances, blackmail, short-cutting chain of management, secret or open alliances included.

One makes everything possible not to show selected colleagues what he/she knows, that brings him/her and their friends more chances of keeping the job. Which means your colleague that trains you can pretend he can't teach you. Or worse, that you are untrainable.

4:32 Went to pick some pieces of garbage from the red mulch that are known (to me) to create a mold smell. One was next to a SUV's left front wheel (again, humor), like many times before, but when i went to pick it i saw the red SUV had a flat in the left rear. Once again, they laid a trap based on my previous behavior. BTW ever since i took that IR picture of the building, keep asking why there is a fan in a closed window and why the wall was hot in that day which prompted me to buy the IR camera. On August 20 last year i had a flat again in the right rear at my old Elantra that triggered a chain of events that ended in me being hit from behind on I5.

BTW, Tuesday afternoon i fixed again the car's battery connectors. Not long ago i doubled the connectors by drilling holes in battery's terminals. Angela said in the morning voltage was again low. No heat, no vibration, from evening to morning the connectors got loose. Two connections per each terminal that both get loose? It only works for one trip no matter how long but if i make that trip right after i fix them. Thinking to fix them right before she leaves.

4:46 And one more thing. Now that i reviewed yesterday his picture, i started to believe the guy that was yelling at me two days ago from the back of the alley, who replaced him, was again Pitbull (or George Borlai), while "his wife" could have been a man in disguise, like maybe again Tom Cruise, hiding his hands behind cars.

5:04 Angela awoke a while ago (used at 4 AM for weeks now) and started TV. Biden is coming to Portland today. Nevermind, i won't fix anything today. Angela passes this place every day in her way to work and back. And BTW, i believe besides nitrogen, they also make (scavange from air) Xenon, one of the most expensive gasses as well. Nitrogen in elemental gas or liquid form is inert, in fact it is used as fire extinguisher.
Did you notice the symbolism in the above video? Blue for cold, which will freeze you, red for hot which will thaw you back in the spring, silver for the morphing metal. See what i mean? 12:11/10:11 Nimic original sub soare.

1:40 Was thinking. Aparigraha applied to war. We go to war for attachment to one idea or another.

1:56 About 15 minutes ago was getting ready to go for a walk. Grabbed my coat, phone, looked at the temperature, looking for a cap. Opened the door and saw the "child" of the "family" with the dog at the mailboxes. She made a pirouette, acting like she saw me. Then she went one the lawn on other side of the building to leave her signature. Waited for 10 minutes, thinking if it's not too late too ready. Tonight, Tom Cruise with a gun will be again behind some cars, ready to shoot me down while Biden is still in town and "Air Force One security took over all law enforcement agencies". Thinking. Is she still outside the building?

2:51 Besides numerous hidden (subliminal) gay messages, this video has an obvious pro-alcohol theme. Or even mixed gay and pro-alcohol, the way he throws the bottle by his back. (Always missing his kisses, falling back first, grabbing  her by the back).

It's been bothering me since i first saw it, because Scientology claims it is against and has this program for addressing drugs and alcohol. It thought i made sense since Xenu brought them on Earth frozen in ethylene glycol, which is an alcohol.

At the apartment. After i posted two days ago those IR pictures showing empty buildings and kept asking myself if that is not the situation in other complexes or maybe the whole Portland area, though rents go constantly up, they sent us yesterday the offer for lease for one more year, with a 100 dollars (ten percent) rate increase to 1140. However, it is still much lower than other complexes in the area. Today i got an email saying the office "was closed due to unforeseen staffing problems", got a power washer at the building, unannounced, making a big noise.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April 20

9:05/7:05 Culmea interzicerii, să interzici litere, ceea ce a dat apă la moară la culmea reacției (It takes two to tango).

Țineți-vă politicienii sub control, dacă nu vreți să vă duceți dracului, de urgență. Nu știam că România are suficiente echipamente militare ca să doneze și la alții (altele decât cutiile de conserve zburătoare vechi de 50 de ani puse la sol). Dar nu contează. Ce contează e să-i provoace pe ruși.

10:38 He went down the stairs, back up and then he left like he always did lately. Just to bring more dust on the stairs on his shoes (that i already feel in my throat).

10:54 Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama! (Kokomo, a mythic, though non-existent "little place that everybody knows off the Florida Keys", that could be subliminal for you know what - a gay making song). 

12:22/10:22 Here's another one for Nuți (nemți)
2:31/12:31 Nu câștigă nimeni din acest război decât conspirația Huniversală, dar cred că încep să piardă și ei, deși sunt supraomenește de încăpățânați. Eu sper și aștept totuși momentul când ungurii de rând își vor reveni din transă, și vor cere lui Orban și celor 10000 sau 100000 care îi conduc să înceteze.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

April 19

1:04 This is a nightmare becoming reality. Mineral insulation in your home is the worst thing you can do. I mean, look at it. In a few years the dirty glass fiber that at first looks pink gets contaminated with all kinda dust. The fiber breaks into tiny submicronic undetectable dust that passes right through filters, is very irritating and potentially carcinogenic. Why not try vegetal fiber, wool or polystyrene blocks or other types of foam that are compact and do not pollute your home.

12:49 I'm so glad i found a reason to return the  thermal camera. The thermal image is off by one ft to the right. Or maybe there is an adjustment. I don't care, i will say i didn't know. It's way overpriced. Not that i don't like some of the features. For one, you can say the occupancy of a building or if a car has just been driven. I know nobody is living upstairs though yesterday they were there two women for about an hour. (Bright yellow means hot, blue means cold).

Doors and windows are big heat loosers.
But could not resist the temptation and took pictures of other buildings. To my surpirse, it looks like they are not much inhabited. First our building shows no people at upper level though if i go and start working on car, they keep pouring out.
This building doesn't have hot spots in windows but in some wall areas.
Not really used to these things but why the pavement looks hot? Or maybe the're just reflections. As i longed suspected, some of these buildings are empty.

(Last time i saw him was at Indian Head Casino, looking for prostitutes in the parking lot).

4:18 Exactly when i started to ask myself if that wasn't the reason my electricity bill was so high (and also because of heating the basement, heat leaking through areas with fallen insulation under floor), the man upstairs showed slowly climbing up the stairs (at apt.6 above) after being gone for weeks. But he was not gone. At times, i saw him lurking around the building with a different car and hairdo, climbing at Apt.2.

BTW after being gone earlier today when i came back i found on my door, as on anybody's door in this building a warning to... clean after my pets. I have dozens if not hundreds of pictures in drive showing pet waste, over the years. However most poops come from other buildings.

4:51 But since they trapped me yesterday and i posted that picture without looking carefully, and opened this can of worms, here's more on the subject. So in the end is true. Z in Zelenski actually stands for an N as in Neptune and on Russian tanks for a toppled N. My piece of advice for everybody. Don't get too far on this road paved with subliminal traps cause we're all going to lose.

6:19 N Ceaușescu had a villa at Black Sea, in Neptun, Romania called Nufărul (Water Lily in English, closest plant in Europe to Asian lotus), "where all subsequent [Romanian] presidents spent their vacations". But the architecture. Though scaled up and probably luxurious inside, seem very similar with most cheap apartment buildings in US.

Lacul codrilor albastru
Nuferi galbeni îl încarcă;
Tresărind în cercuri albe
El cutremură o barcă.

Monday, April 18, 2022

April 18

 9:58 This morning while still in bed was thinking about after taking augmenting for one week, yesterday i stopped having hot flashes (chills) because of my throat infection. I was doing almost ok yesterday when i went for a walk on the beach at Lincoln City. However the beach was flooded with smoke and in the evening my face and eyes was stinging and i started having the chills and sore throat back again and went back on taking more. Good thing about augmenting is it is a combination of amoxicillin which is a type of penicillin and some other ingredient that makes bacteria less resistant to antibiotics and that makes it more expensive, but your bacteria can't grow resistant so you can restart even after a one day break. So it responded well to that and now i'm back to how i was yesterday before going there.

Last night there was a chocking smell that prevented us both from sleeping. Angela does not believe me but i know that if i go outside and look i will find a little piece of gum or chocolate wrap on the wet red mulch that is made of redwood that has up to 30% tannin in it (that is making is so resistant so the trees can stand up to millennia). So i didn't got, at 1 Angela was not sleeping (i don't care, i can sleep during day time) so i just went and picked those and after one hour of chocking and waking up dozens of times she finally slept for two hours (she's still in training, still overtime).

I was telling her, how many times this happened over the years and i didn't know why i couldn't sleep and i how lost jobs and went crazy over it.

Today i was doing some research on Russian navy and felt again it was difficult to breath. So i just went outside but besides picking those i ran into dog poops. Back again next to hydrant in front of my door. Went back to get some bags but then told myself. For how long will i keep doing this?

Lately i started to believe that you can find on internet solutions to most problems so i just googled on how to deal with it and there it was, this pdf page of City of Tualatin with the ordinance number and stuff.

So i called the non-emergency number (which is same for the whole Washington county which includes Tualatin, Beaverton and Hillsboro (home of Intel and Nike) and first thing within the greeting was a number for Washington County Animal Control, the same as on the page.

Which i already called, earlier, and the lady there asked me for the name of the owner of the pet and i told her, it is impossible for me to find it since they come from many different apartments and i can't follow them to see at which apartment they go back (though i know a few, but by the size of it, it was not the case as with the poop this morning). So she gave me a number for a Health Department, but there i could not go over the operator, who kept telling me i should call another number etc..

So went back to non-emergency number, pressed 0 for the dispatcher who after listening, he said an officer will call me back which he did, while my phone was on 0 ring volume (keep changing setting though i have a screen lock) but was lucky because i locked at the phone while he was calling and saw it.

The officer told me the only way to deal with those would be talking to the management, cause the ordinance (in the page above) does not apply on private property?. "Any solid waste left by an animal on another’s property must immediately be removed (TMC 6-4.045)". I believe this applies because the perpetrators do now own the complex, so it's another's property. But on the second page embedded above it says that violation of this ordinance is a criminal mischief 3 and when talking about crimes i think Police is who you should call.

Which i tried to do but the office was still closed at 9:50 though the clock on the door with the hours says it should be open at 9:30 etc.. So here i am, with dog poop at my door anxiety, but at least i got rid of the mold smell (it should take an hour after i removed the last of the food wrapper for the mold smell to subside). So again left with no other option but to complain here.

Till then i was still reading but i'm going to start sharing. First thing that i already found last night while Angela was trying to sleep about anti-missile defense present on the sunk Moskva ship. They reportedly had 6 AKM 630 close-in machine guns on the ship, but after watching this video i keep asking myself, at the firing rate and precision, could they have stopped more than a balloon? Maybe, if they were so lucky one of those Neptune missiles would have accidentally hit one of those projectiles. If you look carefully, you will see the guns' barrels are actually wobbling.

For comparison, look at the firing rate of an American Phalanx similar system.
11:03 Here is a laser system with a similar role tested in the US in 2014.

Watching more videos. Could not pass over the fact the intake from one of the engines of this plane looks damaged.

11:53 Keren Barzel

12:06 Peresvet

In other words i suspect Moskva was a 50 years old floating piece of junk with a highly symbolic name with no role in this war so far than propaganda with first "conquering" of the Snake Island and then sinking, from an unknown reason, throwing doubts around it.

2:25 Then i fell back asleep and when i woke up i got the sore throat back again. I think it may have something to do with me walking at the beach in smoke yesterday and then the poop which may come from a sick dog since it's so watery.

5:13 Was just sitting there and an idea came to me. I remembered i saw the other day a video with a drone show in Korea. Why not use a swarm of drones to prevent missiles attacks? I would assume you would get something on the radar at least one minute before a drone was going to hit your ship, no matter how low the anti-ship or Kalibr or whatever missile is flying (the AKM 630 in the video above are radar guided). You could get visual on visible or thermal cameras. You could lunch one hundred small cheap drones with small charges and the missile is going to hit a few of them no matter what. Surround your object or even city with drones when you start the sirens. Program drones to get in the way of the missile. Then i remember that test with a laser by US navy in 2015. By extrapolating Moore's law from electronics to also cost, size and power, we could figure that by now they would have lasers strong enough to shut down any type of object from the sky, even on cloudy days.

But that would lead for too much comfort for the rest of us who must live in terror and not question the fake leadership in all countries.

Wait a minute. You could launch fireworks and the missile is going to hit those for God's sake. 

5:37 I went earlier at the office and to pick a package from the hub and the manager told me that they will pick the poop tomorrow "when they do the rounds". She asked me many times who were the perpetrators, but i told her, the visible ones are not the real ones.

BTW, shootings were heard all day from a range nearby. I was getting sicker and sicker and decided to go and pick the poop when i realized the shape of it. There was one next to it and i picked that one first and threw it and came for the phone. While i was picking the one in the picture the woman in her early 30s who acts like a child came with her dog, passed me and then went on the other side of the building. Then i went outside, took another picture and threw the poop in the garbage when a guy from the end of the alley, building D, first entrance from left, about the same age with that woman, started yelling at me "quit following my daughter". I pulled the phone thinking to record and go and talk to him when i saw another women ("the mother") lurking in front of the building behind parked cars, while i couldn't see her hands, walking slowly towards me, together with the first one ("the child"). So they were three against me, probably waiting all day to build this scene (the bald guy who yelled at me is rarely here). The weirdest part is thought they act as the same family, the bald guy ("the father") is different than the bald guy ("the father") since a year ago, when i identified him, and possibly the "mother" too who today looked much younger.

Actually this picture is not much different from the first one, it was only me who didn't realize the shape of it.
6:01 The whole scene reminded me of the scene with the mad Mexican who looked like Tom Cruise at that casino last year.

6:49 Like usually, not the first (hopefully not the last) to think about this (otherwise so obvious) possibility. Until today, following the same losing logic: There are others smarter and more specialized than me especially in the military, why should i think of these things?

7:37 After i had to cover the last holes behind the fridge, and especially after i saw (sensed) the hot wall at the apartment next to ours, i decided to buy (just for evaluation) an infrared camera. Thinking maybe it would show hidden holes in the ground or heated walls (i also suspect the building next to ours is uninhabited thus unheated). So today when i went to the office i picked that package also, USBC FLIR, 160x160 piexels and i had to plug it in to charge it for an hour. While i was trying that in various places at  the apartment trying to get used to it, i heard some very faint steps like someone climbing upstairs (not the first time, i think i heard it over the weekend too). Then i gave up with the camera, went outside to pick the poop, the whole story above, and now feeling more and more sick i decided to take a hot bath when i heard and then saw too women coming down the stairs (the man is again missing for weeks now together with the car this time) and looked through the window and saw from behind one of them, tall, solid built, long ash hair. So far not very impressed with the camera, many features available only with a paid app, i think i will return it, i also believe they stopped doing what they were doing next wall, at least for now.

8:49 Thinking. Are Ukrainians with their unusual country name and probably language and slanted eyes descendants of bronze age Chinese?