Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May 24

12:50 Deja vu...

13:00 I feel for the two thirds, all my life has been like that, and now i'm in trouble, cause every time i try to stop antibiotics, the hot flashes come back, infection was too old. BTW, one piece of advice. When in pain and waiting for that appointment, do not take painkillers, take antibiotics instead, the pain will go away the same, maybe like Augmentin, but these are expensive. Azithromycin, cause you only need to take one every 24 hours.

And i bet those charity clinics are not financed by Bill Gates, Bezos, or even Zuckerberg.

10:11 Da am văzut-o ieri pe Maia Sandu sau pe cineva care arăta exact ca ea într-un video. Nu mi-am dat seama pe moment. Putea să fi fost CGI? 3:10 Newest but not so. Lately, when i work at cropping images (most critical ones) with Pixlr, sometimes, randomly, they get saved in drive instead of my computer.

Monday, May 23, 2022

May 23

12:30/2:30 Four instances where tanks were outperformed by tactics or other factors. German invasion of France in 1940, Kurks battle, a battle in the Israeli - Egypt war in 1973 and the current Russian - Ukrainian war. People always wondered if tanks are/were still good in modern warfare. The answer is not simple. Clumsy, expensive and fearsome in appearance, with the advent of intelligent anti-tank missiles, they just might have become obsolete.

6:05/4:05 Deși o cunosc de atâta timp, nu mă pot obișnui și mă enerveze de fiecare dată. Am încărcat ieri o poză cu canapeaua pe lângă care am put niște bucăți de spumă izolontă, la fel am pus și dedesubt, fiindcă podeaua e foarte rece fiindcă se udă lemnul dedesbut la subsol, unde izolația a căzut din cauza aburului de la țevi de evacuare de la mașini de uscat rufe ce au scurgeri la subsol. Pe canapea era laptopul cu care lucrez eu la bloguri și l-am lăsat, azi apare știrea asta care probabil e inventată la fel ca 90% din știrile lor.

5:04 Javelin vs Malyutka

10:17 About a week ago after Angela felt confident about training being almost done, she applied for the job (the day when i wrote about word/weirdpad dualism on Widows). Since we are so isolated we never had to deal with voice mail (since we had a landline i guess, and that was... 7 years ago). I kinda knew about status and notifications areas on the phone but never paid attention to those more than battery and signal strength. We both didn't know until today there was an (tiny) icon showing a new voicemail. Until we got these Moto e7 Power we also had pre-installed visual voicemail apps. Also the pre-installed phone app does not notify you of a new voicemail or write the number of voicemail next to icon. There is nothing except the tiny icon in the notification area.

In that evening when she finished the application, a confirmation email arrived and someone called from New York, by the caller ID, would have been around 10 PM at originating location, (the phone didn't ring due to intermittent poor signal from Hello Mobile, if that call was in the morning at work she would had have good signal) and left a message saying she wanted to set Angela for an interview this (past) week, with no calling back instructions (except for the caller ID) and she will send a text with instructions, which never came. Today, Monday, less than a week since, Angela found the voicemail message by chance, but in the same time she got an email from her supervisor saying somebody else have been considered for that position.

On the Eaton site, the position is shown available.

05/24 10:18 Angela's got an email address at work where she gets all kinda emails addressed to everybody that mostly never concern her or her directly. Never got an email addressed to her only at that address. However now she found an email from the same person who called her at 7 PM from New York (and the phone didn't ring).

Sunday, May 22, 2022

May 22

3:54 Just went outside to pick garbage and several dog poos of different ages all around the building, i guess all coming from the same small dog. Last night. Angela finally made her money back at Chinook Winds. When we came back home, she said she wanted to check how it goes at Spirit Mt. Like at Chinook yesterday, she won some 200 dollars at first and after i ate a hot dog, i got sleepy and fell asleep in the car. A loud modified exhaust awoke me and at @4 i went at the Shell gas station (the cheapest in the area) to fill the car. In there, at the next pump, two women of whom one was maybe from the convenience store (i guess) or maybe they knew each other, were talking angrily to each other, almost yelling at each other, telling stories from the past (i heard the word mother several times. It was all surreal given the hour and the fact nobody else was at the pumps. The pump stopped once and had to restart it. Went back in the parking lot and slept till 7:30 when i went inside to pick Angela who was exhausted after playing for 12 hours at the two casinos and having all her money lost.

When i got out out of Chinook once to go for something in the car i met with a mechanic i know, Martin, but he acted like he didn't recognize me (maybe because he was with a woman other than the one in the office which i thought it was his wife). When i said, "Martin?" he said "Good Morning" though it was evening. I knew it was going to be followed by some trouble which it did.

I noticed the other day, the whole paint job at the car last fall went suddenly dull, especially after the car wash yesterday.

When i went outside about half hours ago i looked again and saw some abrasions and possibly one tiny dent on the hood, a few mm deep, on a few inches area, like someone maybe pressed down with his hand but can't be sure if it's a dent or just the shape of the hood. The shape of the 4 abrasions is the same as once done in the snow last winter, like one giant claw leaving barely visible 4 marks (only visible from a certain angle) 4-5 inches apart on the paint on front of the hood. Sun is shining and got blinded by the white paint on the car so i gave up looking. Haven't been drinking in a week so it's not possible something happened and can't remember. 

Then i saw in the news the face of a guy, RR Martin who looks like one of the checkers at Safeway in Lincoln City, etc..

10:00 Three years ago i thought going in the basement and fixing the pipes is going to be enough. Forget about the fallen insulation, i said to myself. I'm just going to heat some more. But two weeks after i fixed those they came with a rotary brush to clean the pipes inside. I bet they broke them some more. SAGE construction built a new lid with star shape screws. But somebody simply cut another visiting hole on the other side of the building that has three set of screws which means they've been three times in the basement, since.

Last year by example i had one (de Longhi with oil) heater under couch and one next to it. But since, i've been drunk most of the time, this year i didn't care, spring is not coming and i am sick. Infection at the gum that spread to my head, finally figured the main source, an older denture that i fixed with superglue and used instead of the newer one that can't be fixed that spread to my upper respiratory, my maxillary changed a bit, was hitting in some points, again, didn't feel the pain, the infection, cause i was drunk most time, day and night, infection at the colon. Wetland like smell inside. This is the image with the wet floor right under my couch taken three years ago.
Last night i slept in the car and woke up much better. No hurting feet, no burning face, no hot flashes. Tonight i put pieces of foam all around the couch and under covering much of the surface and i feel like i'm finally heating myself up. Bedroom is a bit better cause there are box like beds that cover the floor and area around beds (twins) is small.

However can't ignore the smell of... wetland? Found the star shape bit for my electric screwdriver and i swear one of these days or nights i'm gonna pop that fancy new lid and see what's inside and what can be done. Thinking of sticking some foam, like the pieces i put around the couch, maybe using some adhesive. Angela says the cheapest apartments around start at 400 dollars above the price we pay here.

Ventriloquist: The "man" upstairs showed after i started to write this, he was gone most day.

10:30/8:30 Steve says:

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Kaly Yuga

De ce a ales faimosul istoric al religiilor să ne spună o poveste care unii o consideră ușor autobiografică, cu o damzelă grăsuță cu nume de Buddha care transpiră în căldurile din Calcutta (acum iarăși Kolkata), orașul zeiței Kali din India de Nord Est (care nouă românilor ne-a dăruit secuii sau clanul lui Buddha), unde zeița cea mai tare este Kali, făceți-mă să înțeleg. Că despre firul cu eterna întoarcere, care străbate toate scrierile sale, cred că am o idee de unde a luat-o.
V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce deitățile indiene, inclusiv Kali, zeița timpului (cuvântul australian pentru boomerang este kylie, care aruncat asupra unei ținte în mișcare înseamnă un rendez- vous cu moartea într-un timp viitor), a distrugerii și a morții este reprezentată cu mai multe brațe, la fel ca și Victoria Pavuk în vide-ul Shake it up? Ei bine și eu m-am întrebat dar cred că am găsit și un răspuns.

Dansatorii din Noua Zeelandă, când execută dansul haka, cei din rândul I acoperă pe cei din celelalte rânduri, din care se văd brațele mișcând.
Iar satârul scurt din mâna zeiței la fel ca și zvastica pot să reprezinte de fapt un boomerang. Însă modul preferat de ucidere al zeiței este prin sufocare, cu praf sau alte metode asupra căilor respiratorii, care praf poate provoca o iritare și constipație cronică, iar la sfârșit, cancer al colonului.

May 21

12:00 Ok so it wasn't Johnny Depp at the bar. It was him. Good thing i searched and found Johnny too.

Updates, upgrades, the "man upstairs" got a dog. I heard it for a few days now, wasn't sure. Running at midnight, releasing dust from ceiling in my eyes, nose and mount and throat etc..