Monday, May 23, 2022

May 23

12:30/2:30 Four instances where tanks were outperformed by tactics or other factors. German invasion of France in 1940, Kurks battle, a battle in the Israeli - Egypt war in 1973 and the current Russian - Ukrainian war. People always wondered if tanks are/were still good in modern warfare. The answer is not simple. Clumsy, expensive and fearsome in appearance, with the advent of intelligent anti-tank missiles, they just might have become obsolete.

6:05/4:05 Deși o cunosc de atâta timp, nu mă pot obișnui și mă enerveze de fiecare dată. Am încărcat ieri o poză cu canapeaua pe lângă care am put niște bucăți de spumă izolontă, la fel am pus și dedesubt, fiindcă podeaua e foarte rece fiindcă se udă lemnul dedesbut la subsol, unde izolația a căzut din cauza aburului de la țevi de evacuare de la mașini de uscat rufe ce au scurgeri la subsol. Pe canapea era laptopul cu care lucrez eu la bloguri și l-am lăsat, azi apare știrea asta care probabil e inventată la fel ca 90% din știrile lor.

5:04 Javelin vs Malyutka

10:17 About a week ago after Angela felt confident about training being almost done, she applied for the job (the day when i wrote about word/weirdpad dualism on Widows). Since we are so isolated we never had to deal with voice mail (since we had a landline i guess, and that was... 7 years ago). I kinda knew about status and notifications areas on the phone but never paid attention to those more than battery and signal strength. We both didn't know until today there was an (tiny) icon showing a new voicemail. Until we got these Moto e7 Power we also had pre-installed visual voicemail apps. Also the pre-installed phone app does not notify you of a new voicemail or write the number of voicemail next to icon. There is nothing except the tiny icon in the notification area.

In that evening when she finished the application, a confirmation email arrived and someone called from New York, by the caller ID, would have been around 10 PM at originating location, (the phone didn't ring due to intermittent poor signal from Hello Mobile, if that call was in the morning at work she would had have good signal) and left a message saying she wanted to set Angela for an interview this (past) week, with no calling back instructions (except for the caller ID) and she will send a text with instructions, which never came. Today, Monday, less than a week since, Angela found the voicemail message by chance, but in the same time she got an email from her supervisor saying somebody else have been considered for that position.

On the Eaton site, the position is shown available.

05/24 10:18 Angela's got an email address at work where she gets all kinda emails addressed to everybody that mostly never concern her or her directly. Never got an email addressed to her only at that address. However now she found an email from the same person who called her at 7 PM from New York (and the phone didn't ring).

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