At Lincoln City, the same thing with a couple of deer, one seemed old, both seemed sedated or something. It was very close, if i wasn't expecting that to happen in that area probably could have not avoid them. It was seconds after i told Angela, where are the deer? when they came out of a dense bush.
10:55 O altă specie de homo mai sapiens decât noi? Descendenți ai alienilor veniți să minerească Pământul? Cine știe.
11:45 Mazăre viezure varză barză Brazilia.
Black face peas?
5:04 Ungurii au din astea. Finlanda, sora lor scandinavă este pentru Suedia ceea ce sunt ei pentru România.
5:57 Theory of relativity. If the two beams of particles from the two distinct rings at LHC are accelerated against each other from two different directions at this speed, what would be their relative speed against each other?
7:08 I said to myself. When i'm done with the previous entry, i will go and do the pork loin. Which i pulled out of the freezer two days ago. But then here came this guy who is a guest star (i saw him last time a couple of years ago or more) with the same 6 months old pup, dressed in a red shirt (a friendly color). He went around and around ad then the dog decided or was signaled to poop. And then he came closer, sat on the TV box for about 5 minutes and left. For this reason i felt compelled to post what i was cooking. It could also help those who never done it before.
2:32 Everywhere i go i get to see at least 5 of these LPNs. After i took this one (i think it was during my walk yesterday) there was also lots of smoke released. When i drive in the city, i have one of these (with some variations) in sight about half the time.
9:00 Einstein said the speed of light is greatest in the Universe and independent to the motion of the observer.
Let's say we have a source of light that can push two photons in the same time in opposite directions.
5:04 Ungurii au din astea. Finlanda, sora lor scandinavă este pentru Suedia ceea ce sunt ei pentru România.
5:57 Theory of relativity. If the two beams of particles from the two distinct rings at LHC are accelerated against each other from two different directions at this speed, what would be their relative speed against each other?
7:08 I said to myself. When i'm done with the previous entry, i will go and do the pork loin. Which i pulled out of the freezer two days ago. But then here came this guy who is a guest star (i saw him last time a couple of years ago or more) with the same 6 months old pup, dressed in a red shirt (a friendly color). He went around and around ad then the dog decided or was signaled to poop. And then he came closer, sat on the TV box for about 5 minutes and left. For this reason i felt compelled to post what i was cooking. It could also help those who never done it before.
2:32 Everywhere i go i get to see at least 5 of these LPNs. After i took this one (i think it was during my walk yesterday) there was also lots of smoke released. When i drive in the city, i have one of these (with some variations) in sight about half the time.
9:00 Einstein said the speed of light is greatest in the Universe and independent to the motion of the observer.
Let's say we have a source of light that can push two photons in the same time in opposite directions.