Wednesday, April 26, 2023

April 26

12:25 Last day of Iohannis visit to South America. I think he's in Argentina now (Silver country). Weird things are still happening. Today it was the big day. After one month i finally went to dermatology, they said my wound was infected, put an ointment on my infection, taught me how to do it by myself and gave me a prescription for that and a different oral antibiotic. I think it works very well, but i was supposed to renew it tonight. All afternoon i kept calling Walgreens and the automated system could not find my prescription.

Then we went to Lincoln City and i went to Walgreens there. However "the pharmacist" did not realize that Lower Boones Ferry in Lake Oswego is an address of another Walgreens pharmacy, he should have had the prescription ready in the computer, thinking that was the name of another pharmacy, in the end he told me he is knew to the area, i bet he is, he looked like some short muscular Asian actor, though wearing a mask, and asked me to fill out a form.

I started to fill the form and two people came and they didn't stop talking  with him until it was near 6 PM (In Lake Oswego they close at 7). Then he finally realized it was a Walgreens, kept apologizing but it was too late. "I can do it for tomorrow morning" he said, using a number of bureaucratic expressions. I looked on the door outside and there was a printed old yellowing paper with closing time at 6.

I went across the street at Rite Aid and something similar happened. They said at 6:45 that Walgreens said it was too close to closing time (7:00) to send the fax.

Now i'm thinking i could develop resistance to the antibiotic in ointment by not changing it in time. BTW it works better than expected, the wound is almost closed after applying it once. Already started getting the chills.

I looked in a list with pictures with Asian American actors and i think i found him (again in the store he was wearing a mask, dark clothes). Chinese name, but he has that Japanese mischievous look on his face. How many crimes this guy, the women at Rite Aid did commit tonight?

10:05 Terapie cognitivă prin știrile google de azi.

1:08 România se transformă într-o foarte puternică armată.

7:00 Vai vai vai (apocalipsa wi-fi). Conveniența folosirii telefonului mobil și wi-fi-ului față de cablu este evidentă. În acest moment practic toată lumea este dependentă și practic nu mai există cale de întoarcere.

Transmisia datelor și vocii însă nu se face magic ci prin aceste unde radio de frecvență foarte înaltă numite microunde. Frecvențele folosite pentru comunicare de către aceste device-uri sunt aceleași însă ca și în cuptoarele cu microunde (2.4 GHz sau dublu, unde nu e nevoie de licență) și sunt și cele mai periculoase pentru că pătrund adânc în materia organică sau bio. 

Puterea de emisie microunde la wi-fi este de până la un watt, la telefoane (care iar folosesc aceeași gamă de frecvențe, 2,4 la 2,41 GHz) poate merge până la 3 wați (din cauza distanțelor mai mari până la turnuri) în timp ce un cuptor cu microunde are înăuntru în jur de 1000 wați și scurgeri de ordinul waților.

Apropo, nu stați pe aproape de cuptor (sub 3-5 metri) când funcționează. Cumpărați-vă un aparat de măsurat microunde pentru cuptor care merge pentru wi-fi și telefon (aceleași frecvențe).

Pentru siguranța și sănătatea dvs., trebuie să eliminați orice emițător wi-fi din locuință. Vedeți cele 4 mufe nefolosite din spatele router-ului? Cuplați ce folosiți mai mult, prin cablu, la aceste mufe. Sunt și routere cu mai multe mufe fără wi-fi, dacă aveți nevoie de mai multe.

Televizorul, laptopul dar mai ales tabletele pentru copii. În același timp scoateți antenele din router și blocați wi-fi-ul din setări, ca și la orice alt dispozitiv pe care îl folosiți. Nu atât de mult pentru siguranța IT care nu vă afectează direct dar pentru sănătate.

Nu în ultimul rând, puneți-vă înapoi telefonul fix, dar fără handset wireless. Puteți folosi și un cont gratuit de google voice care vă dă un număr de telefon obișnuit și are intrare pe toate rețelele fixe și mobile și un telefon IP legat la router prin cablu cu handset cu cablu. Eu vorbesc la telefon prin laptopul legat la router prin cablu cu wi-fi-ul blocat. Renunțați la mobil, cel puțin acasă. Nu puneți mobilul pornit în buzunar.

Acasă mai puteți folosi mobilul (știu, e imposibil să renunți la el, cel puțin imediat) cu cablu și un adaptor ethernet USBC, cu mobile data și wi-fi off dar nu știu dacă se poate bloca complet emițătorul telefonului din setări.

Am scris toate acestea fiindcă sunt avansat în această problemă. După aproximativ 15 ani de folosit intensiv telefonul mobil (uneori ore pe zi) și 6 luni de ținut laptopul în brațe 10 ore pe zi după ce mi s-a stricat PC-ul am pățit-o. Probleme cu auzul în urechea dreaptă, amețeli și senzații de vertij, umflături în zona maxilarelor mai ales drept unde țineam telefonul, pierderea părului în zona favoriților (sub urechi), dureri șolduri (până la  nu mai putea pune piciorul în pământ), mai ales drept, unde țineam mai mult telefonul în buzunar, genunchi, picioare (unde aveam wi-fi-ul de la PC), burtă (laptop ținut în brațe) și alte zone apropiate, degetele de la mâini.

Cândva la începutul anului mi-am cumpărat un aparat de măsurat microunde, am eliminat telefonul mobil și orice sursă wi-fi din apartament, aveam vreo 10. Unele din dureri au dispărut (șolduri, genunchi) aproape complet, umflăturile din dreptul maxilarului nu, favoriții nu mi-au mai crescut etc, ceva mai bine cu echilibrul și senzația permanentă de vertij. Orice expunere cât de mică de exemplu dacă trec din greșeală lângă microwave-ul care merge atrage re-pornirea durerilor din șoldul drept, care probabil a fost cel mai expus.

11:37 One has to imagine the surprise of Sun worshipers when the first blond hair blue eyed white mutant was born amongst them. But the Sun himself chased them away from heaven and they had to move way up North.

6:55 I've been doing some searches in the last couple of hours. You cannot imagine how disruptive and how loud they are yelling outside. For the last couple of hours those kids have been using the yard as a playground and now they came and hit the rails of the stairs.

7:04 As usually there are rarely two AI coordinated annoyances in the same time. The kids have stopped, the person upstairs came and started his/her routine.

7:20 Don't know how they have so much energy, to yell and run around for hours but i might have an idea.

7:40 I was just thinking to go outside and see where now smoke it's coming from (presence of their children guaranteed there was no smoke) and AI running the whole show started a siren, "just to alert everybody that might be in my way".

It looks like the infection is going away and the underlying cause is obvious. An allergy that started after i bought the new jacket at JC Penney cylin with narrow synthetic sleeves. Only on the side of both hands  that are tanned (have been exposed to Sun) during my walks in the past. On the right hand in the area where my hand was close to the cell phone in my pocket. Scratching broke the epidermis and started the infection.

8:05 Karma. I played the video above by chance and remembered. After 3 hours of sleep, dead worried for my infection, i went to Walmart, then to Walgreens and back to Walmart. The woman at Walgreens told me the prescription is now moved in Lincoln City and they don't open till ten. The pharmacist at Walmart called them at ten and been on the line for at least 10 minutes until they answered and finally faxed it to Walmart where i picked it for 1/5 of the price at Walgreens. (Yesterday at Lincoln City i would have bought only the ointment, for 50 bucks, the pills were 150 but didn't need them so badly). At Walmart i paid 40 bucks for the whole thing.

10:18 Hoțul neprins e om cinstit. Invitație.

10:45 Bode mic...

1:30 Nefertiti

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April 25

12:17 Crying Baby Sumo.

11:00 Went outside to check the mole holes. There was this SUV with a GRESHAM dealer number in the parking spot for upstairs. I went to pick the camera, a Japanese woman came from across the alley, got in but i took the picture anyways in the moment when she tried to start the engine that turned but didn't start. Now it's gone.

11:50 Got a 1:30 with the dermatologist, got to be there at 1. After much trouble i cold sign into myChart however they asked me to do the e-check-in. Which means answering questions to most intimate details of your life. Save time in the waiting room where you do it on paper, however, all your life is there behind a password.

What happened is easy to figure. The infection from my hand that might have been caused not by a spider but by my new jacket with tight narrow sleeves, synthetic linen and probably recycled insulation. I don't know and i never will. But the infection slowly spread into other areas of my body, including hands, face, especially around the right eye, and all the area that has been closest to the laptop when i was using it on wi-fi. Where the damaged cells are.

There is some positive outcome in this. If i survive, my damaged cells are going to be replaced with new ones or, a bit worse, scar tissue. For now it's simple. If i don't take Amoxicillin every 6 hours (as improvised patch cause my stomach gave up) i start getting the chills, starting with those areas.

Funny how google gives me another answer when in i ask him the wrong question (should be duct not duck, but i like duck because the sound it makes when i peel it off the roll)

Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24

5:40 Woke up after about 5 hours of sleep with pain in my abdominal area. Angela says it's because Cephalixin. I remember i felt the most intense heat in that area after the nurse flushed the catheter. Upper abdominal, stomach, duodenum, intestine, peritoneum. I've been suffering for stomach pain a large part of my life, between 35 and 45, but this pain is nothing like that. Not as intensity but if felt "evil". Infection like.

I took half Amoxi and again started to feel the heat in arms, face, under arms and that area. I put a whole Amoxi capsule on my hand and some tape on top, improvising a patch. I know it works, i've done it in the past, it was the trick i was keeping as last resort. It actually works better then ingested, cause it bypasses the liver.

6:06 i remember that cloud was first showing in west direction when i left Indian Head and was in the shape of an Opel logo though with much longer arms, covering the sky. One of the most common patterns for committing seppuku.

6:40 Also feel like choking. Went outside and found this under the deck. Light is very low, picture is a bit moved. Hard to concentrate to take a better picture and now i stepped upon it.

6:58 The nightmare goes on. Why she looks so much like the Empress? Though there are differences, mainly at the chin. Why today.

10:51 Found by chance a better match for yesterday's nurse.

2:50 And Saturday they used the 3 inches round speaker in the COVID plastic shield at reception and a couple of pieces of tape as a T under to figure an Ankh. Which reminded me.

8:48 Never knew Providence has changed their logo from Catholic Cross to Nazi until i saw my discharge papers.

I knew "Portland flag" which is based on Nordic flags has a swastika in the middle.

No i'm not searching for these. They stuck em in my face.

8:52 BTW. I was hesitant to say it but here's the facts. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is an "ethnic German" from a tiny German minority that has been isolated from mainland in Romania for at least 600 years. I'm pretty sure he synchronized his visit to South America, mainly Brazil, with my crisis so he can take the credit if anything happens to me. It happened many times with others in the past, it looks like even trying "to fix the problem" it was beneficial for their image.

Last piece of the show is i called today as instructed in ER dermatology and there could be surprises in there, like my white blood cell count going up, after the IV injection the nurse gave me at the ER. I was mostly interested in the Cephalo thing that seems to work for my skin infection. Right now i got my hands very cold which means heart is not very happy. How could not be, there has been mold and smoke coming out those holes that i keep pressing all day.

I could finally enter the myChart page at Providence and found all the notes and literature derived from my visit. Though i was admitted with high blood pressure (when i showed them my hand after 4 hours of waiting and they thought i was about to leave), there was no EKG or even listening to the heart. At the urgent care in Sherwood a nurse mimicked listening to my heart by briefly touching my chest with the stethoscope a couple of times, like Lady Gaga once playing doctor with me in Schools Ferry. I know it takes at least one minute to listen to someone's heart. That episode cured me from going to the doctors anymore. Except in 2015 when i realized i might have diabetes.

I didn't say anything because i was too worried about my skin problem.

Though the doctor in ER told me a couple of times this is most likely from a brown recluse spider, there is nothing in the papirus work about it.

10:45 Did i say the Cephalopods smelled bad? There is a poop outside right now, was all day, that smells worse even from inside, giving me nausea. Went and try to find it but they released a large amount of laundry perfume from wind's direction so i can't find it by smell.

I went the second time and someone brought a car's tire by the brand Well. Wishing well wheel i guess.

11:41 No it was from the old water heater pan, that is still contaminated after treating it with oven cleaner. I poured some vinegar in it a while ago but it dried out and when i dried laundry and the whole closet heated up.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 23

1:05 At 3:30 we went to Providence Sherwood urgent care. Lab was closed at 3 so they sent us to ER. We went to Providence St.Vincent and i got diagnosed with non infected brown recluse spider bite. Further biopsy needed to confirm the diagnosis. It will be two more months of misery before it clears out. Blood pressure was high at admission, then it went to 150/90 when we were alone in the room, then it went back high when i was standing just before leaving. Anxiety. All my blood work came ok except for liver enzymes that were a little elevated but better then the results in 2015. And blood sugar of course.

Can't describe the anxiety i went through until i found out the verdict. Too tired to sleep or talk.

7:34 Looks like it's gonna be less than two months. It wouldn't have looked that bad but yesterday morning when i woke up iti was itching like crazy and within the first couple of minutes when i was semi-conscious, i scratched myself until bleeding.

Amoxicillin is not the most efficient for skin infection, i was having chills and panicked and went to urgent care. The skin infection antibiotic they gave me worked, there's no more traces of puss in the wound in the middle, the Zyrtec i took last night helped with itching.

I was supposed to take the second dose after 6 hours but Walmart Pharmacy on Dartmouth is closed until 10.

9:32 I love the fries done in the oven with my new cutter. Just mix with oil and pour them on a cookie sheet one inch high in a scrambled pattern (so the hot air from oven can get to all of them). With coleslaw they are unbeatable. Too bad the potatoes Angela bought two days ago from Fred Meyer were half bad, had to dig through with my peeler. BTW the reason i panicked yesterday and went to urgent care was i grated a big piece of cold cabbage from the fridge that drew all the heat from my right hand allowing bacteria on the skin lesion to flare up and give me some chills.

10:43 Got a new pair of glasses from the jar, the last from the 4 i bought at dollar tree. Cause i lost all 3 of them i was using. Don't know where they go. I constantly buy them and they disappear. There are two thunderous exhausts outside. They started when i got mad after i found a poop right in front of the car, when my fries and breakfast was done, to pretend i'm not mad because of poops by i'm mad because of that. Now i'm mad on both but who can tell? It's the same AI that guides people in stores or where i go, to make it look like i'm chasing them.

An example. At the pharmacy there was this young blonde Hungarian lady that jumped out of the blood pressure machine and started to play hide and seek around a bench. All the others start walking in front of me pretending i'm chasing them. Short muscle packed Asian crossing between me and a kid, etc..

10:54 I was waiting at Walmart for my prescription to take the medicine that was 4 hours overdued, on a metal bench and again drew the heat out of me and i started having the chills and was thinking. The person upstairs tries to edit my thoughts and what i'm writing like yelling No, no, no! when i'm thinking if to write or not the next phrase. The exhaust is still on, for more than 15 minutes now, preventing me from remembering other things. Ok i just did. Yesterday at the ER i waited for 4 hours before they got me in. I went to ask for a bandage (the one i had from home was left at urgent care) and when they saw my hand they decided to get me in the first room available. Half of my arm was deep red.

There in the waiting room the same pattern. Trained mime actors were getting in my way, in between me and other people. They were at leas 6 Russians spread around on all area, having conversations and talking on the phone in Russian. A myriad of other scenes while i kept asking myself if the're gonna put me through surgery or admit me or something, because the PA at Sherwood Providence told me that i could die from it.

When i got back this morning there was a lease renewal offer on the door for the next year with a 100 dollars rent increase. Still way lower than any prices in the area. I took the pill at the store but was too late, now i'm having the chills, probably developed resistance by now. Back to where i was yesterday before i went there. Angela says now she asked for one more pill at the ER (who's gonna go to the Pharmacy at 6 AM after leaving ER after midnight) and all pharmacies are close at that time anyways. but they wouldn't give it to us.

11:11 Went outside to check and he just left. It was this extra long camouflage pickup that did the same thing 2 weeks ago, more than half hour idling sounding like an old tractor from Romania. I really don't understand why they let them on the streets with those things.

8:53 Just got back home from Indian Head. We again had 120 in free play and 25 in food. On our way back i started to have pains in the body starting around that arm, like in wrist and elbow and i figured maybe the new antibiotic i got is good only for skin and i have something deeper, though last night they said my white blood count was fine so i started taking Amoxi as well. Soon after i took it i started to feel heat in my hole body.

There was a couple of things on my mind all the way here. One, the procedure. Since i couldn't make it at the urgent care, the lab closed at 3 on Saturday though the clinic was open till 6, i had to go to the ER where they have a different procedure for collecting samples. They insert a plastic tube in one of your veins and leave it there for an eventual IV and remove only when you leave. But after taking the samples the 6 inches clear tube is full of blood so they pump some "saline", like 25 cc or more back in your vein to flush the tube so it won't get clogged.

Last night right after they did it i feel heat in my whole body so i took one more half Amoxi and heat continued for half hour. I even asked "the doctor" and she said "that's a good question".

The other. The other. The person upstairs just squeaked and i forgot like i forgot a number of things that happen yesterday and wanted to write down.

I think one member of the Japanese Imperial Family was attending us in the ER last night when i pressed the nurse button to have my temperature checked again. A bit of trouble cause the temperature at admission was in Celsius, 36.5 and in there was in Fahrenheit, 98.6. In both cases i've been speaking and cooling my mouth just before they did, i know at home if i keep my mouth close, don't eat or drink for 5 minutes before, the temperature is about 1 degree higher.

9:09 Crown Prince of Japan Fumihito (first in line to the title of Emperor) was guarding the people in the area where i was playing poker.
9:57 Arm is much better now but i feel heat in my whole body and chills. Arms, face, areas that were exposed to lower temperature while i was driving. It's the inflammation due to dead bacteria and cells in affected tissues after i took the Amoxi.

They like to pass going uphill, just to show muscle. A 5.7 liter Toyota Tundra with a 381 hp (290 kW) engine going uphill, moving massive amounts of air (tall, no aerodynamic shape whatsoever) uses as much energy as 900 houses (the thermal efficiency of an internal combustion engine is 30%, 290 multiplied by 3), so it uses as much as energy as a 1 MW wind turbine generates to power 900 households (all numbers rounded for readability). After i was passed uphill by some of those when climbing on Mt.Hood, i was talking with Angela about those moving the air. Even my humble Hyundai uses about 1/4 of or as much as 220 households during that time.

When i left i had to again wipe with alcohol and tighten the alternator connector. Made a spark by touching the + cable to the ground while i was attempting to clean everything. I found no dirt on the little lid closing the connecting bolt of the alternator, but the screw and contact area underneath was dirty with black gunk after i cleaned a couple of weeks ago.

But here comes the interesting part. When we got back there was so much wind in desert area i almost got pushed out of the narrow road several times. At one point a semi came from the opposite way and moved so much air it pushed me a couple of meters to the right where the ridge with no rail was.

11:01 Around this place. Weird windy spring in the desert. Was very tired and distracted when i left so i can't remember exactly the place. (About half hour later i briefly fell asleep at the wheel). BTW i have some soda left in a 2 liter pop, it tastes differently from the soda in casinos.         

11:40 Just took another Cephalexin that has a weird smell and nauseates me. I started to heat up, i cursed in mind and an exhaust started, but by the time i finished this phrase it went off. Not before my blood pressure went off scale. Children are crying outside.

Friday, April 21, 2023

April 21

1:25 Could not sleep because of smell of cigarettes. I dressed and went to search for butts. I found a few at the other end of the building where you could hear a baby crying at Apt.1 or 3. But when i went to throw those what did i see. A bunch of garbage sacks some huge between the bin and the mystery van. Rained upon and broken. A van with homeless people that sits on a non parking space near the garbage bin where i saw a few times a guy who looks like him

Today (yesterday, it's after 1 AM) was garbage day and the bin was emptied. The sacks were leaning against the bin. And a couple of boxes with donated food that have been rained upon. A girl in the alley with Kim Kardashian style body though shorter (Asian) came next to the bin and was picked by a car.

In my way back i found the culprit. A pack of cigarettes, don't know if it still have some in it, crushed by cars, in the middle of the alley. I think i tore my new jacket when i squeezed between the van and the bin or the yellow pole in between.

Got a skin infection on my arm that is almost one month old (since the day of the inspection). A lesion in the middle about 15 mm diameter from scratching with missing epiderma, and fungus all around it. Today i put some liquid skin on it and started oral antibiotics. Just changed my dressings and put some hydrocortisone before i went outside, but by coming near that garbage, my wound is itching again like crazy and the arm is red that side. Also stress always triggers the itch.

11:45 Following my accusations of non-randomness, settings and hands shown or given to enticing to play more hands at casinos, a number of news today about cheating. Their old method of covering a scandal with another. NFL, Chess.

12:24 Four ways.

4:23 Big relief from itching with Amoxicillin. Which means it's not fungal? It turned red at the bottom (was white), granulates, then turns orange and releases a liquid and goes back to the same height in a cycle. Liquid skin fell when i wiped with alcohol and it damaged the rims anyways which became from skin color to pink. Skin around it became from skin color to red.

Still smelled like cigarettes, went outside, found none but other items including a wet chair and a dog poop. They've been revving all day their big engines.

Talking about revving. At times during my walks i get to see a big pickup with black canopy with this logo on, going in the residential area between 65 and Borland, can't remember if it makes a big sound (like the one i hear right now from outside) but for some reason it seams nazi and offending. The same with Leavitt logo on big vans.

5:08 It looks like somebody put a few Big Macs on the stairs and children came here. Now they're at my door. Speaking Spanish with Japanese accent. Wanted to take a picture of the one Big Mac remaining, they got into the picture. An adult was  yelling. They're big, at least 10 years old. A dog is barking.

5:13 Now the're on the stairs right in front of the window.

5:19 Now they left with the stuff remaining on the stairs.
5:20 Now i can hear them again. Maybe i should call the office. But the stairs are common space, the'll say.

5:23 Now the're eating.

5:35 Now the're gone and left the phone and empty boxes here.

6:05 Just looked and the phone is gone.

7:05 There is this choking smell in the air. I went to check outside and what do i see. Angela went and told them to take it away. They didn't. Now Angela went to throw it in the garbage. The perfect trap. No matter what we did we would look bad. I think one of them lives in the one level apartment in the next building.

7:53 Every time i feel this smoke later i have a terrible urge to drink. But i was so scared with the wound i didn't buy anything anymore. Today i saw it responded to antibiotics, but it's too late for liquor store.

I figured one of the reasons i got this. My new jacket has very narrow sleeves inside, because they're filled with some insulation and some synthetic linen. My hands barely fit inside. So my right hand started to itch, i scratched, and voila. Then i used every antifungal, antibiotic and anti-itch cream in the store but it continued to spread.

7:58 Now one of the kids probably tho whom it belonged those boxes ringed at the door.

This is the doubling. It's all happening because i wrote i found (big boxes) with food behind the garbage bin last night that have been rained upon together with 10 sacks of trash leaning near the empty bin.

8:06 More ringing at the door. We're leaving to the stores.