Saturday, February 8, 2025

February 8

12:10 AM After doing 2 years of college in Graz, Austria, Nikola Tesla became addicted to gambling and quit college. Then he worked as a drafter, which brought him the skills to do all the patents throughout his life. Then he worked at the the Budapest Telephone Exchange and then he came to the US to work with Edison.

His improvement for Edison's electric motor brought the attention of great financiers who finance him to do his AC motor invention which brought him royalties in money, 5.4 millions in todays money paid upfront and then a fraction of price per every kilowatt produces which brought him lots of money. With those money he could have easily built the New Yorker hotel and a time machine inside.

Trouble is he was not the only one. Relative remoteness of the island back then, with ferries being the only link, and being closest to Europe and with the riches of America at his hands, i think Manhattan became sort of a heaven for him and the rich, who could travel, transport gold to other worlds and control the whole Earth through time travel.

I believe many do not understand what time travel is. You could go let's say a few days into the future. No interest in nobody there, just in the news about what just happen. Then when you come back you know in advance what will happen tomorrow.

As Hubbard would say, we live on a penal colony called Teegeeack with its capital, Xanadu.

3:50 White pyramid of Xi'an. Starting point of the silk road, where the gold came back from Europe ending up somewhere in the Galaxy (maybe Betelgeuse star in Orion Constellation). Chang'an, the ancient name, Ceangu from Romania (pronounced changu) where at the other end.

4:15 Probably the reason for this. Changu are a strong minority in the area of Bacău where i lived before i came in the US in 1995.

10:45 When i came in 95 i stayed in Dallas, near Salem with my closest acquaintance from Bacău who was one of them. He looked a bit like David Carradine, i remember every time was seeing an episode i remembered of him. We worked together in the same office. I say we work cause he was not doing anything though he was influencing me in everything i was.

But when i came here, things changed. In his resume he put everything i did as he did it. When i started to look for a job, people must have remembered. It is not every day some guy came from Romania saying he worked at the CAD department in a large machine tool factory there.

The owner of that house he was living came one day and talked to me. It was like an interview. Her face reminds me of the current woman upstairs though the woman upstairs i younger, could not have been her.

Soon after she asked him to move from there so i had to leave too.

10:45 The Chinese were coming into Europe on the silk road. 4000 km, in caravans made of tens of thousands of animals, probably donkeys, guarded by the Magars mercenaries from Nepal. They were bringing silk and taking back gold in the same weight (as much as they could carry). In Romania the word for donkey is magar.

After the Romans spent all the gold they mined from Spain and Israel and other places they invaded Dacia.

Romans spent all the gold they mined from Dacia, about 200 tons a year on silk. They had no idea where the silk was coming from, thinking it was growing in trees, coming from a mysterious country called Serica.

Romans were probably brainwashed into doing what they did. Their lifespan was about 30 years at most and i think they came from India in Italy with this purpose only.

Today i am wondering if aliens did not have anything to do with domesticating the silk worm, brainwashing all those poor guys to do what they did.

Then the gold was sent using the pyramid to their planet.

After they finished all the gold in Asia since the building of that pyramid, 4000 years ago, it was the need for gold that drove the Chinese 4000 km in both ways in caravans all the way to Europe where Dacia was the biggest source.

It is not expensive at all for them to do this. The ancient pyramids where powered using solar energy and maybe some DC for the controlling part created at the base of pyramids, using small electric generators driven hydraulically.

All they needed was to brainwash the inhabitants of the planet to gather the gold and that cost mostly nothing.

Friday, February 7, 2025

February 7

2:25 AM "Și mă lasă veștejit, pustiit și amorțit" Sunt bucuros că am terminat postările pe 6. În ultimul timp postările mele devin din ce în ce mai lungi și complicate și greu de gestionat.

Ok unde merge mia merge și suta. Am pus ochii pe articolul ăsta încă de ieri dimineață, 7 la mine, 5 după amiază în România, dar am avut alte chestii mult mai importante de scris.

Nu prea știu cum să încep. Ok, cu începutul. Am observat de câțiva ani că dacă stăteam mult noaptea (unde, la păcănele, nu sunt chiar pasionat, dar prefer să fiu acolo decât aici, cu toată mizeria de la tomberoane și călcatul în picioare de sus și zgomotele de eșapamente non-stop etc..).

Sunt cazinouri foarte mari, cu mii de mașini și stau și joc o oră 20 de dolari la poker ceea ce necesită concentrare și mă obosește și încă o oră 20 de dolari la alte mașini ca să mă relaxez, în general pierd, nu foarte mult, mai și câștig câteodată, nu foarte mult.

La urmă luăm ceva mâncare de la fast-food-urile lor, uneori cu bonuri câștigate pe cardul pe care îl băgăm în mașină care e mult mai bună decât la fast food-urile tradiționale.

Dar la plecare. La plecare uneori eram așa de obosit încât nu mai puteam vorbi. Îmi păstram bruma de energie ca să conduc. Pur și simplu îmi era greu să deschid gura să spun ceva.

Ok am să sar peste multe altele și să vin mai aproape de subiect. Vara asta m-am înțepat cu un vârf de pioneză la un picior și a început să nu se mai vindece. Până atunci nu am avut prea mari probleme cu diabetul, deși sărisem de 300 în medie.

Dar se manifesta în mod curios. Îmi amorțea piciorul. Amorțeala se răspândea în tot organismul. Îmi trecea cu antibiotice. Totul s-a agravat fiindcă nu mai puteam să merg la plimbarea mea de 5 km care îmi reducea glicemia cu o sută. Am încercat și amorțeala mi s-a transmis în tot organismul încât aproape nu mai puteam să merg, să stau în picioare sau chiar să respir, și îmi trecea după 2 zile de antibiotice doze mari.

Câteva luni după, mi-a mai căzut o coroană dentară, făcută acum 20 de ani. Am neglijat să fac ceva (eram foarte foarte ocupat cu teoriile mele) și s-a infectat. Am decis să scot dintele și bine am făcut. I-am cerut dentistului și am mirosit rădăcina. Mirosea nașpa. Mi-a scos și dintele următor. Mirosea și ăla. Așa că i-am scos pe toți trei din față.

La ultimul, când l-a răsucit, ca să-l socată, mi-a crăpat partea de sus a mandibulei. Un centimetru și jumătate pe orizontală, cam la 5 mm de margine. Mă durea teribil dacă o mișcam.

Antibiotice tot timpul, de la faza cu vârful de pioneză. Am ajuns acum la cât, 7 luni?

Fiindcă mandibula nu se mai vindeca, la vreo 2 luni am început să iau fiertură de oase. Praf, în plicuri, le puneam în supă de noodles ceea ce o face ușor de luat (gustul ca de supă de carne).

În fiecare zi era mai bine. Până într-o zi când în sfârșit gingia cu partea fracturată nu se mai mișca și nu mă mai durea fantastic dacă o atingeam (mă durea câteva ore). Luam antibiotice din ce în ce mai puțin până când nu am mai luat. Dar după ce am fumat afară în frig acum vreo două zile, m-a luat iar amorțeala începând de acolo.

Am luat un Augmentin, mi-am mai pus unul pe piele cu un plasture și am introdus apă înăuntru. Mi-a trecut amorțeala cam într-o oră. A doua zi dimineață când mi-am luat glicemia, surpriză. 170. Nu am mai avut așa de 3 luni, chiar în ziua când am vrut să încep insulină, iar doza de insulină în ziua precedentă a fost chiar mai mică decât în alte zile (o stabilesc la inspirație, în funcție de ce citesc pe monitor (aparatul de glicemie cum se spune la voi)).

De unde și de ce mi-a scăzut atât de mult glucoza.

Eu am o bănuială. Infecțiile pe fond diabetic pe care le fac de la expunere la frig în zone slăbite sau în vindecare sunt de fapt infecții cu botulinum. De unde îl iau. De la un mediu foarte nașpa. 4 tomberoane pline în 4 direcții. Rahați de câine în pungi semi-deschise peste tot. Saltele aruncate și udate de ploaie. "Aer" din spațiul dintre podea și tavan, care miroase ca un pod vechi dintr-o casă de lemn.

Nu e o infecție foarte puternică, și pentru că nu-i dau voie să devină foarte puternică și cedează la antibiotice destul de ușor, iar în ultimul timp  mult mai ușor ca înainte.

Însă eu încep să cred că botulismul sub acut (sper să spun bine, nu sunt doctor) pe care îl am de mult, de mai mult de zece ani, cauzează o ușoară paralizie care îngreunează respirația, cu aport mai scăzut de oxigen. Dificultatea de a vorbi după o seară petrecută în stres. Amorțeala piciorului, după înțepătură, și a mandibulei, după infecție.

Și aici ceva ce doctorii poate încă nu înțeleg. Și cred că li se trage de la prea mult învățat, prea multe cursuri, prea multe examene.

Nu poți să arzi calorii sau glucoză sau ce mai arzi în celule în faza aerobică dacă nu ai suficient oxigen.

Și ajung la articolul văzut pentru care am scris toate astea. Nu poți să arzi mai mult de 3000 de calorii pe zi, orice ai face, spune un cercetător. Poate nu chiar orice, aș spune eu. Nu cred că faci un maraton cu 3000 de calorii. Dar omul mediu, care merge la sală, stă două ore, gâfâie puțin și atât. Restul zilei respiră normal.

Și am ajuns unde trebuie. Gâfâie, adică respiră mai mult decât atunci când stă la birou sau la televizor sau desfășoară o activitate constantă.

Cât timp dintr-o zi poți să gâfâi totuși? O oră două cât stai la sală sau un minut când urci scările sau alergi după tramvai. Dar și atunci când gâfâi este o limită de cât oxigen poate ajunge la celule.

Concluzie. Capacitatea respiratorie și aportul de oxigen zilnic sunt limitate. Acesta este motivul pentru care nu poți să arzi mai mult decât 3000 de calorii pe zi. Caloriile nu se ard singure, ci cu oxigen în interiorul celulelor. Nu este o ardere intensă, ca un foc. Este o reacție chimică ce degajă ceva căldură în corp.

Toată faza cu infecție de nivel redus cu botulinum, care îți dă și un high și respirație insuficientă îți poate crește glicemia. Asta am vrut să spun. Diabetul odată pornit, se întreține singur. Te infectezi mai ușor din cauza nivelului de zahăr din țesuturi. Infecția cu botulinum îți lenevește respirația. Scade metabolismul. Scade temperatura, mai ales în extremități. E un ciclu.

Important e dacă mai ai și o infecție cronică, ca un dinte, o sinuzită, etc..

Nivelul de infecție e atât de scăzut încât nu poate fi detectat la analize, și fiindcă botulinum (toxina), e cea mai toxică substanță care există pentru om deci nu ai nevoie de mult.

O confirmare la toate astea o am când îmi fac insulină. Deși subcutanat, adică în grăsime, normal pentru 24 de ore, cu un ac de 4 mm, în primele ore am o reacție ca și când nu respir suficient și simt o căldură plăcută în tot corpul. Extremitățile reci (de mulți ani) se încălzesc la nivelul că stau desculț fără ciorapi cu picioarele pe podea și le simt calde.

(Insulina pompează glucoză în celule care începe să ardă și au nevoie de mai mult oxigen. Efectul nici pe departe nu ține 24 de ore așa că să mă lase ei că îți asigură concentrație constantă. De aia am și împărțit doza în două și o iau de două ori pe zi).

Totul din cauză că organismul s-a "lenevit" în a respira și a căzut în tentația acelui high de la botulism și nivel de oxigen scăzut.

A și încă o chestie. Azi am vrut pentru prima dată să instalez o aplicație pe noul telefon (o idee proastă până la sfârșit) și am pornit wi-fi-ul și a la un moment dat, pentru câteva secunde, ca să primesc un cod, și telefonul însuși și "toate zonele care au fost expuse la acel laptop pentru 6 luni, 10-12 ore pe zi, până acum vreun an, au început să mă doară" iar durerea a continuat, motiv pentru care m-am trezit, deși adormisem și am venit să scriu aici.

Cred că e vorba de efectul cumulat al distrugerii vaselor mici de sânge și a nervilor periferici (neuropatie bacteriană) din cauza diabetului, cu infecție, și distrugerea vaselor de sânge datorată radiațiilor de microunde pe care telefonul le folosește pentru a se lega în rețea. Am terminat la 3:45. Cred că e timpul să deschid Netflix-ul, poate adorm, am mai aerisit puțin, după ultima ei plimbare.

4:15 PM Tik Tok CUN. BTW do you detect anything subliminal in this image? These guys are sick...

4:52 What?

7:30 A courtesy.

10:20 A few days ago i was intrigued by the shape of some structures on top of New Yorker, as it was in the beginning. They might have changed, i don't know. The 2.2 MW power plant at the base of the hotel was powered with steam and for that to work it needed a source of energy, most likely heating oil but could have been gas or coal.

The exhaust was heating the entire hotel but in the end it needed a chimney and that structure could have been it. Or it had dual purpose. I don't know. Ok so since the heat was provided by the power plant, as a residual, increasing the efficiency of burning that fuel, it did not need much electricity except for lightning.

However. I can find a similar image on its today's logo.
Television came much later, in the 40s and that does not use much electricity either. Hot water, laundry could have been electrical, but 2 MW (about the same as one average wind turbine today) or 3 Tesla  S at peak.

So i was curious to see if in any old picture of the hotel there is a (smoking) chimney and i ran into lots of weird stuff.

11:05 So i ran into a video and then i saw the first skyscraper in the island of Manhattan. The Chrysler building and i saw it has lots of lotus motifs right on the spire. Lots of lotus petals. And then in the video i saw more buildings with lotus motifs. What's going on? Could it be all the different skyscrapers in the Island of Manhattan doing pretty much the same job and that being scraping of the sky?

Then a bit more forward in the video, what do i see?

12:10 AM After doing 2 years of college in Graz, Austria, Nikola Tesla became addicted to gambling and quit college. Then he worked as a drafter, which brought him the skills to do all the patents throughout his life. Then he worked at the the Budapest Telephone Exchange and then he came to the US to work with Edison.

His improvement for Edison's electric motor brought the attention of great financiers who finance him to do his AC motor invention who brought him royalties in money, 5.4 millions in todays money paid upfront and then a fraction of all the energy produced which brought him lots of money. With that money he could have easily built the New Yorker hotel and a time machine inside.

Trouble is he was not the only one. Relative remoteness of the island back then, with ferries being the only link, and being closest to Europe and with the riches of America at his hands, i think Manhattan became sort of a heaven for him and the rich, who could travel, transport gold to other worlds and control the whole Earth through time travel.

I believe many do not understand what time travel is. You could go let's say a few days into the future. No interest in nobody there, just in the news about what just happen. Then when you come back you know in advance what will happen tomorrow.

As Hubbard would say, we live on a penal colony called Teegeeack with its capital, Xanadu.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

February 6

12:45 AM Lately, motivated by my discovery confirmed by old Indian religious artifacts, passages from the Bible about the nature of light, i went back and re-read some of the materials and see the videos in once saw about Tesla, years ago and thought they were all conspiracy theories.

Not about Tesla. Most of the things they said about him were/are true.

Part scientist, part inventor and engineer and a bit charlatan.

Today we all know wireless transmission of power is not possible. Not at the scale he said he wanted to do. I mean, we can charge phones wirelessly. We can transmit power using a narrow microwave or laser beam and that's about it.

But there is much more about his story and having the qualities mentioned above. Will we ever know the truth?

He used the cover of wireless power transmission to build a time machine and a geo-weapon, backed by this guy JaPi Morgan who looks a bit Asian to me. I am saying "he", though most likely he was just an actor, given the "demonstrations" with wireless bulbs and sparkling coils he gave all over the US. The visible part of a huge iceberg which is most likely the same that hit Titanic.

With it, he first destroyed tsarist Russia, starting with the demonstration given at the time of Tunguska event which i believe was done by remotely shortcutting the ionosphere to the ground.

Then Austro Hungarian Empire for which i don't feel any sorry. But for that to happen, many millions had to die, all over Europe.

You are going to ask me. How come i point at those guys today saying they are controlling the world. I don't know, maybe they are blackmailed into it.

After destroying much of Europe in two different wars, here came the turn of the US. Starting i don't know, since we can remember, the Orson Welles episode or earlier, the great depression, US started to sink into oblivion. With 36 trillion debt, caused mostly by the imports from Asia. 700 billions a year, only the interest.

Theoretically the richest country on Earth, given resources and infrastructure, people live, as Tom Petty would say, like refugees. In barracks, spending hours a day in traffic and eating food or breathing air that is barely above edible or under breathable status. Where some people instinctively choose to be homeless probably because of the quality of housing.

10:20 Who owns the New Yorker hotel?
10:30 They have been in Romania since at least 1996 so they know us well. Steve Lee was my mechanic since after 2000.

5:30 PM I bet they got some way of getting in here while i'm sleeping. Probably one of the reasons they replaced the windows with plastic ones. A strong enough magnet would pull the latch.

My washer, by the brand Whirlpool broke. Or it can be one of the two phases of the AC it is fed with. I started a load last night but never finished it. Today it worked for a few minutes then it quit. It sounds like the motor is vibrating instead of turning. It's not only the transmission. It does not work as pump either.

6:08 Nevermind. It works as pump. It sounds like the transmission is gone. The latch's handle is made of aluminum. It could be the latch itself can be opened somehow with a magnetic field or it has a powered mechanism inside. I myself feel very tired. I went to smoke, a small person came and hit something at the SW dumpster and then i saw it run away.

Though i slept 6 and a half hours i feel so tired i cannot go and make the pizza.

6:42 They are only about symbols. It looks like this is the part that broke. Nr.13 here. Pump is on the other side of the motor. Plastic on metal joint. Matches the symbols used recently. Whirlpool, Trishul, DC motor, etc..

6:50 Earlier i wrote about me getting exposed again to phone radiation while i tried to setup a google account to download a seismic meter to measure the quakes done by the garbage truck but that entry was lost. I also wrote about how the limits for microwave radiation that were set in 1996 have never been reviewed and how they are hundreds of times higher than in other countries.

I was too late, the garbage truck was gone, it did do much vibration today anyways. Got pains in the areas they were closest to my Samsung laptop that i used non stop 10-12 hours a day for 6 months. When i went about half hour ago to smoke a cigarette, those pains got activated

6:58 There was a while after i moved here i had the feeling they were pretending i am creating earthquakes with my washer. Many earthquakes occurred after i did laundry.

At times, there was a Lake Oswego fire engine in the parking lot at Meridian for days if not months, while the firefighters themselves got their health checked at the Meridian offices. I would assume they were pretending damping the vibrations from my washer with the load water in the tank of their fire engine.

Our (Hungarian minority of Romania) Minister of "Development" (that only spends money, 4 billions of euros allocated this year to be more precise, nobody knows on what) just said... Who put him in charge of that "wealthy" minister? A guy from German minority of Romania...

Back in June 2024 i have successfully predicted several earthquakes in LA area, based on statistic data on tides and atmospheric pressure. Plotted past earthquakes maps in California and Romania. Wrote numerous posts about earthquakes and put together a method of predicting.

In fact, much of what i posted in the months of May and June 2024 is about earthquakes. Click on older and newer post at the bottom of posts or check in the hierarchical archive (right side of each post).

I think i wrote how about a few weeks ago i went to a gas station (Circle K in Lincoln City), then went inside for the restroom and i saw this very old man, moving like he was on an exoskeleton, looking like Nikola Tesla would if he was alive.

It has been said Tesla could create earthquakes, locally. Everybody knows what happens in  Greece these days. Largest volcanic eruption in history. Or on the coast of Oregon. Could be combined with the myth of Xenu.

Could it be the reasons they got in here while i was sleeping and broke my washer?

It is all accelerating these days because what i wrote about. Photon and generally the real theory about everything.

9:30 Yeah i got really mad and all my tiredness melted away on adrenaline and went and did the pizza and was thinking. They could have also done it remotely (without entering), using some sort of resonance, by means of large vehicles hitting the bumps outside, on a part that probably is notoriously weak (metal on plastic joint), working on that machine for decades.

I got a choice. Call the office and have them replace the washer and drier (they never fix things, it's too expensive) or fix it myself as i did in the past. The clutch, the dogs. And then i have to reinstall my contraption that saves me money and dry cleaner, on closed circuit. Cause if i don't, the pipes in the basement will break or clog.

And  yeah. There's a Korean guy in the office these days. Just remembered what i said about sulfur and Pele's hair.

11:00 The Mongols (noongars, magars, ninja).

11:15 The dogs of laundry are barking upstairs even at this hour.

11:20 I saw the map. Xanadu was a real place!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 5th

12:35 AM Today JP Morgan bank that was founded by Tesla's financier has a swastica (or a whirl) as a logo. So is the city of Portland. Providence, largest non profit health organization in the NW used to have a catholic cross as logo. Not anymore.

1:20 AM Four wings.

1:45 What?

1:50 Shakti, the divine energy.

11:45 A photon is an electron and a positron.

This morning i had several questions on my mind.

1 Can energy be extracted from matter in BEC?

2 What was Tesla doing in that room on top of New Yorker? Was he travelling in different time and or space like i think they were doing with the pyramids?

But then i ran into something (when she was dancing on top of me). Meter to the power of minus one. Reciprocal space. Simply cannot grasp the concept. So now i got one more thing on my mind. Besides polariton, polaron, exciton, phonon, plasmon, name it.

4:10 PM It's happening for such a long time i'm used to. Whether i'm right or not, should they be allowed to perform this kind of subconscious level manipulation? Look at the crosshair. This is obviously about my whirls theory, recent post about Providence logo, who knows what else. To me, it's just annoying, it's your mind they're messing with.

By watching the whole video, you realize in the end they didn't  have to circle together with that boat just to put it in the news.

Another proof is synchronization (with my posts) and repetition. It's happening every time they want to erase from people's conscience something important.

I know from experience. About the whirls, they will do it for a longtime because it's the most important thing i posted.

4:15 Time travel (with reversing entropy) happens all the time. You knowingly do something that affects your future and you meet there with your past actions. Let me give you an example. You organize your room and will benefit about in the future.

4:25 Want to know how many and what executive orders Donald Trump signed so far? Click on the link in the right side of my blog.

4:40 The weirdest thing has happened in the market today. People are starting to move the money out of those trillion dollars black holes somewhere else. But will it last or will they create a new magic trick?

4:44 No matter how fast the hardware or new the version, Windows will be Windows. Every time i do a screenshot i have to wait for about a minute until it shows in the screenshots folder.

BTW. No matter what Bill Gates says, this is a tiny fraction of what he has robbed and still robs from American people which measures in trillions (and in the end Windows uses Chromium, a free software to power its browser).

If what he says about his charities is true, there would be no more homeless or students with debt in the US.

Though i believe some subconsciously choose to live that way. Just to stay out of the unhealthy homes made of sulfur and Pele's hair approved by banks .

5:15 BTW i saw yesterday on TV Portland mayor with a swastika in his office.


8:00 Was N.Tesla sending messages from near future using those pigeons? Time travelling Tesla, coming in and out of the hotel using this tunnel

9:40 Enough to power a time machine. I guess. Was his skinny appearance late in life due to repeated exposure to time travel?

If all these are true it means this is also true. She just hit something upstairs when i cursed THEM in my mind.

9:55 She just hit the floor when i was reading the news.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


3:25 AM

10:00 Three cons and paraboloid whatever shapes on a single page at Bloomberg, and it's everywhere the same. Every news site i looked contains at least one allusion to what i'm posting recently but i decided not to bother anymore. If nobody cares, why should i?

10:30 What delivery. It hasn't shipped yet. I know what is this for. I keep calling them Amazen.

10:37 I keep talking about Tesla and pyramids and ancient history. But here in the present. Check this one out. Every time i drive towards Lincoln City they mess with the clouds in the sky. Last time it was three pointing down triangular shaped clouds figuring whirls covering the whole western horizon i was driving to. It was in my face for about an hour.

I mean, i understand, they can cause cyclones and rain and wind and stuff. But painting the sky with clouds? What kinda f...up "technology" is this? And then in the last 25 miles or so they dispatch in front of me a 40 years old Nissan pickup, others, doing 40 in a 55, on a continuous line to make it last, feel my cabin with exhaust even after i stop the fan?

Two families with two kids each, one entering and one exiting  Dollar Tree store where i bough water bottles?

And then JD Vance dressed as a cop, tailgating to make me speed, then pulling me over?

Right now a car alarm honking in the parking lot in the tenth of a second i curse them? BTW they started my day with two big engines with modified exhaust shaking dust and stuff for about 15 minutes. And everybody is going about their bureaucratic business pretending not to know about all these?

11:10 Please bow down to the alien person. (Another curse, another honk).

11:45 Sume uriașe, dar numai în procente.

6:50 PM I was intrigued by some images and was curious about Bose-Einstein condensate. What happens when cooling a gas near zero where there is no thermal agitation of atoms sounds and is extremely complicated and hard to explain by quantum mechanics (like any phenomena in quantum mechanics), though not extreme.

If my theory was true, the particles will start to combine into one single whirl, which is equivalent to them basically merging together as stated in quantum. My question is what  happens after re-heating that gas, will the atoms regain their initial coherence or all the information regarding that was lost, by emitting maybe... Hawking radiation?

Cause if the gas (molecules, atoms, particles) cannot be re-created, it means all the particles, or, according to my theory, whirls, would merge into one and by re-heating that thing something else would be created, that might or might not recombine into something recognizable, maybe different particles and atoms or radiation.

It's more like the whirls, loosing their relative motion to each other would start to combine which creates another interesting idea. It's thermal agitation that keeps particles alive or everything apart or together?

However no one could ever prove this since a temperature of zero absolute or total motionless could never be achieved and i guess in the experiments of which last one was done in space, no one thought to check what happened with the condensate after reheating.

But i guess at least some of the whirls would merge into larger ones and some information of the initial state or coherence in quantum would be lost.

BTW wondering how they obtained the space energy distribution images above if the gas was in or close to ground state thus not emitting any radiation (like a black hole) but i'm glad they did.

7:50 Some of the worst deaths in history where suffered under Hungarian (or shall i say Magar) rule of Transylvania. Gyorgy Dosza by name and birth place seem to be Romanized Székely.

I wrote this because today is the anniversary of the execution of the Serbian soldier of fortune Baba Novac who also fought against Hungary rule alongside Michael the Brave, the first who briefly unified the three Romanian principates that currently form Romania in 1600.

Though less known (i vaguely remember i heard something in history class in grade school) Serbian soldier of fortune Baba Novac and his priest confessor execution was equally gruesome. They were burnt not at the stake but partly skinned and then roasted alive on a fire, for hours while sprinkling them with water from time to time to keep them alive for as long as possible. He was @80 years old at the time of  his execution.

Another one is using the more known method, which was in the Austro-Hungarian penal code, breaking at the wheel of three Romanian peasants heads of a great rebellion of the overly exploited peasants in today's Transylvania. The wheel of course had 8 spokes, probably inspired from Dharma wheel they brough over in Europe from Nepal.

This level of cruelty was never heard of not only in Europe but the whole world and history.

Different nationalities because the Austria-Hungary empire was made of many nations, including Székelies, Romanians, Serbians, Czecks, Ukrainians, Italians etc.. and at times they extended their influence all the way to Holland and ; Spain.

In fact WWI which got most of Europe (and Japan and US) involved because a complicated system of alliances that got activated, which resulted in death of... and breaking to pieces of the empire, started with the killing of the crown prince...

At this point i am wondering if Tesla, a Serbo-Croatian, had anything to do with defeating the empire.

7:35 At times, google gives different results depending...