Monday, September 30, 2024

September 30

2:00 Pour... Les... Roumains... Kickl.

Nu există unguent GPS. GPS-ul necesită un cip (circuit integrat) care să recepționeze un număr de sateliți și apoi să afișeze și/sau să transmită poziția. Nu mă pot gândi la nimic altceva ce ar fi putut să fie într-un unguent care să transmită un semnal.

După cum spune și articolul, omul era într-un buncăr. Nici măcar un GPS normal sau chiar mai sofisticat nu putea să prindă acolo semnalele foarte slabe de la sateliții GPS. La fel și un telefon. Oamenii de fapt nu mai foloseau telefoane de mult.

Nici un fel de semnal nu poate pătrunde sau ieși dintr-un buncăr. Era mult mai simplu dacă omul cu unguentul se ducea deasupra buncărului după ce a dat mâna cu el și își "uita" telefonul acolo.

Veniți cu alte vrăjeli că asta nu ține.

2:20 Am army of 40k at the Gates of Heaven.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29

10:40 One of the most overlooked health issues. When in conjunction with the existence of sharp, micronic and submicronic particles found in attics and walls (and other types of persistent dust like redwood) in your homes from breaking of the "fibers" o mineral insulation.

When you step, those types of dust get embedded in the skin of you soles, creating inflammation and a gateway to heaven into your body for mold and bacteria. I call them leaky soles by analogy with leaky gut, which may have the same cause, dust in your lungs that get eliminated in your guts.

Inflammation and pain reduces blood circulation, cooling the body, creating more conditions for chronic infections that set deep in all tissues.

By simply applying some of this (a different product) i immediately - in a few days - reversed at least one major problem, constant pain and other major problems in reproductive area.

I am not saying this is a long term solution. The thin coat only seals for a few days the compromised skin from microbes in the environment. The sharp dust in your skin is not eliminated and will probably stay there forever. The only real solution is eliminating the source.

Who knows if this is also the major cause for loss of collagen at older age?

The idea of using volcanic lava processed into fibers and brought into the walls of our houses was one of the worst ever and that type of insulation is still marketed and used.

More than that, i think the conspiracy (the Sol emperor) knew about this from the beginning. They like to be sarcastic about their victims, it's the compensation for the secrecy they still have to live in.

12:00 It may not be a new idea. It may have all been inspired from an ancient device used in medieval Japan to deter criminals.

12:05 I am not advertising the company with the concrete printer at the top of this page. I just realized that leaving the walls unfinished can again be a source of fine silica dust but it can be easily fixed with some paint.

Lava based mineral insulation, concrete and glass have at the base the most common material on the surface of Earth. SiO2. Silica. It was brough at the surface by its lower density since the time the planet was hot and liquid after a long and violent process accretion of space rocks with heavier elements settling at the core.

Silica can take many forms. It is the main component in clay as well but those particles have been rounded during eons of formation and yes in its purest form is at the basis of microchips industry.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

September 28

2:45 Hassan Nasrallah. Dmitry Medvedev.

3:21 Good looking actor, only one picture of very low quality on the whole internet? No faceboo, no nothing?

Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 26

2:48 AM România se împrumută. Păi ce fac ei cu bugetul Ministerului Apărării de până la 95 miliarde (sumele în tabel sunt în mii lei) (aproape 20 miliarde de euro/dolari) numai anul acesta? (Buget 2024, link-uri, dreapta).

2:56 PM Eric Leroy Adams

9:00 Updated

10:45 Coinicidența zilei.

10:52 Sfatul meu către studenții care învață fizică în facultate. Nu încercați să o învățați ca pe matematică. Fizica așa cum o cunoaștem este mai mult istorie și literatură ornată cu formule. Dacă înțelegeți povestea, veți putea memora mult mai ușor formula. Da bine știu asta ia ceva timp, timp care ar putea fi folosit la disco (club, whatever) sau la cârciumă.

Apropo de formule. Normal că nu putem scrie ecuații care să acopere mișcarea a 79 de electroni în jurul unui nucleu pentru a calcula traiectoria și viteza oricărui din ei. Deși matematica a ajuns atât de vastă încât un singur om nu poate să o cuprindă pe toată însă majoritatea teoremelor sunt și vor fi pentru totdeauna inutile.

Dar cred că problema se poate rezolva ușor cu o simulare numerică pe un supercomputer. Întrebarea e normal la ce viteză maximă pot să ajungă.

11:00 Smoke index is again above 100 just outside the door. I feel like puking my heart out.

11:30 It is possible they bring the poop in the complex through the tiny park next to SW bin (not visible, under a tree, just next to the park). The passage is open. The W bin where i found 4 bags toninght is next to that moving business on the map.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25

2:23 AM Ăla din stânga (dpdv al privitorului) ofițerului cu mâna la gură sugerează Nicu Ceaușescu, iar cel din dreapta cu cască de protecție Cristi Borcea? (n.1970) Un lucru e sigur. Doar unii erau mineri, ca de exemplu ăia doi dintre ofițer și Nicu. Cei doi din dreapta. Miron Cozma.

9:00 Al nostru, dintre noi, pentru noi. Sunt proprietar, deci exist. Băsescu a fost căpitan, deci a existat (însă poza pare făcută la mișto). Nu are nici o pensie după ce a jăcmănit și distrus, dar mai ales, a dat tonul la confuzie, scandaluri și corupție (a avut două referendumuri de demitere, care au rezultat în legea cea mai aiurea dată nouă vreodată de vreun Parlament, 341/2013).

10:05 Efortul național este bugetul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pe care cu onor îl conduce. 1,2 miliarde lei din care jumătate sunt salariile (cheltuieli de personal). 550 milioane împărțit la 12 (Numărul de luni din an) și la salariul mediu (8532) ne dă aproximativ numărul de angajați. Poliție, Jandarmi, mai știu eu ce. Par puțini, însă dacă ne gândim că nu fac nimic...

Da, pare mic, în comparație cu Ministerul Dezvoltării, care iar face chiar nimic, sau Transporturilor, care face foarte puțin. Pentru ce avem un Minister al Dezvoltării, fiindcă sună bine? Dar unde se duc banii alocați?

Bugetele pe ministere sunt alocate de Parlament, prin lege, la fiecare început de an. Dreapta sus, link-uri permanente. Dar este evident că toate aceste sume enorme nu sunt folosite în România, ele se duc undeva, cel mai probabil în Ungaria, având în vedere că toți politicienii, miniștrii, par să fie actori unguri.

10:52 Nici măcar nu se mai obosește să păstreze aparențele. Primul Ministru nu numește (pe) Președintele Camerei Deputaților. El este votat în plen. Sau doar o altă încercare de a "localiza" toate aceste aparențe.

"Dăncilă" a fost Prim Ministru în perioada când România a avut (prin rotație) timp de 6 luni Președenția Consiliului European (ăla mic, de prim miniștri, a nu se confunda cu Consiliul UE, ăla mare, de președinți, care contra-votează legislația UE, da știu e ca la nebuni), un rol simbolic, perioadă în care însă nu am auzit să facă vreun efort pentru România ca de exemplu clarificarea apartenenței la Schengen unde România este membru din 2007 (dreapta sus, link-uri).

3:08 Just finished binge watching Obliterated (2003). Man what a fat s...t movie. A special team getting high after missing their objective, finishing their mission against all odds and all Russians in Vegas.

Besides the plain old anti-Russian propaganda whith a long tradition starting with James Bond and the psychosis with the bomb (nothing new, except for cursing all the time and almost advertising the use of drugs), there are a very few things i'd like to ad.

The Gremlin who haunts the Chinese guy. It is part of the list of keywords embedded in the brains of English speaking people around the world. It stands for Kremlin and is at the very basis of subconsciously antagonizing the Russians against all (English speaking) world and the other way around.

It looks, my friends like your brains have been programmed.

Moss_cow. Rush_ya. Bella_Russia. Si bear_ya. War_saw. Prague. Book, arrest, Loon_done, Pare_is.

Gore_bashev. Krush_chev. GRUss.


Ukraine (UK reign). Key_ev. , etc..

The Cyrillic alphabet.

Why antagonize the Russians in this centuries old world wide conspiracy? DIVIDE ET IMPERA. They needed an antagonist, like the clown for Batman, Lex Luther (law looter) for Superman, the liquid terminator for the mechanical one etc.. Otherwise it will be all boring and people will forget about and go about their business.

5:00 BTW do i detect a threat in this Hungarian super confident plain arrogant looking yelling singer's "hit" played endlessly at least on our local specialized station (Z100 Portland. Zenu. PDXenu).

9:09 PM Everybody who took college level physics knows about relativistic mass. According to Einstein, mass of a particle changes with its speed and changes dramatically when the speed goes "relativistic", which means is comparable to the speed of light. So we assume here Einstein was right.

At the speed of light the mass of any particle except for the photon which may not be a particle after all becomes infinite. You can see the formula in this article.

We all know electrons usually revolve around an atom. However, when there are more than one electron, their trajectories and speeds become so complicated, due to interactions and collisions between them it is impossible to describe them in mathematical terms. The so called n-body situation.

At this point it is easier to describe their behavior in terms like clouds, where we can no longer know the speed or position of a certain electron.

Some of the electrons around an atom move at relativistic speeds. We know that is happening for gold, probably other heavy elements.

Electrons do have (resting) mass and when they move at relativistic speeds they will add their relativistic mass to the mass of atom.

In the case of gold, some of the fastest moving electrons can have 1.2 times the resting mass.

Nobody has yet measured the number of neutrons in an atom. It is said, for heavier particles, the number of neutrons is higher than that of protons, needed to counteract the electrostatic repulsion with the strong force and that explains the difference in mass/proton (atomic number) ratio. We call isotopes the atoms with same number of protons and different number of neutrons.

So what will happen with the relativistic electrons when one atom decays into two others, assuming the atoms do not loose them (or capture others right away from the "environment"), when the temperature stabilizes? Will the sum of their relativistic mass be the same as of the initial atom?

I think not. Electric charges that mainly hold the electrons in orbit will be the same, but the orbitals will be lower.

So here could be the true cause of the so call mass defect, the basis for the (in)famous formula E=mc2.

There is no equivalence between energy and matter (whatever that is).

I believe it is from here we should start looking for the nature of mass. Unfortunately i cannot make the calculations to prove the mass defect is the difference between relativistic mass of all electrons before and after because of my very limited mathematical knowledge at this time. And it could be impossible because of how complicated would be the trajectories.

After gross estimates, this theory does not stand if the electrons of the 6 orbital (in gold) do not exceed 58% of the speed of light. But if that percentage comes from an average speed, and some could have 70% of the speed of light or more, due to collisions and accelerations in their complicated trajectory, even for limited amounts of times, things could change.

11:55 For the first time ever i did a google search (with a typo) and got an answer but i don't know where that answer came from. Clicked on the link next to it, nothing. When i corrected the typo, i did not get the same answer anymore and o believe this is due to AI, could not have happened before that. So yeah, google AI is (of) an amoeba too or worse.

12:15 Yeah but... The electrons, especially for heavier elements do not move around the atom in a circular orbit, or at a constant speed or even radius like in Bohr' model, they are like zig-zagging in a mess mainly due to electrostatic repulsion forces and yes collisions (like in no one's model)... Here is an idea how it would look with 5 electrons but try to imagine 79 like in gold.