10:38 Greenland population.
4:45 PM They said using sea water is bad for environment. Could they borrow some of these suckers from different states (or countries)? Unless if they want to help to fulfill some apocalyptic prophecies.
FYI There are currently 64 in Canada and 10 in the US but yet only 2 are deployed in LA of which one is down. It does not matter if sea water contaminates them after 100 scoops, they can be flushed. BTW, they could alter design to make them sea water resistant for future orders.
How ironic to have your house destroyed by fire hundreds of feet away from the largest body of water on the planet.
5:00 How much of an idiot one should be to fly a drone into one of those? Maye it's time FAA should consider not to allow to use drones capable of flying into planes without a pilot's license. I believe it's better not to have images of the disaster and save a house or ten with one scoop of those.
9:07 Again anybody had a chance to check polarity and voltage on the last section of the intertie? Hint: could use an electric field meter right under but have to identify it first (it's got two parallel wires per each way of (DC) current, not one.

5:00 How much of an idiot one should be to fly a drone into one of those? Maye it's time FAA should consider not to allow to use drones capable of flying into planes without a pilot's license. I believe it's better not to have images of the disaster and save a house or ten with one scoop of those.
9:07 Again anybody had a chance to check polarity and voltage on the last section of the intertie? Hint: could use an electric field meter right under but have to identify it first (it's got two parallel wires per each way of (DC) current, not one.

10:00 No it does not contradicts my latest version of my theory of everything. Electrostatic charge is nothing but pressure gradient, positive or negative of the AEther. By Bernoulli's law, the very fast moving whirls create negative or positive pressure, depending on direction of rotation. It builds up because it does not have where to go. Or maybe it passes through a (micro worm) hole in space time continuum only to come back back through another.
10:10 Could not remember where i saw this, i first thought it was maybe Trump, but it's on the Air Force site. (BTW is that a water tanker in the picture? Nevermind that). They can literally blow a fire, like one would blow a candle. I once saw a documentary when i was a kid that impressed me, they used the technique to put out a fire on an oil or gas well, however it was isolated.
Don't know if they can use it on a number of fires or if the area is declared an unrecoverable total loss and of course would create much distress in population in nearby unevacuated areas.
But a better idea would be to temporarily disconnect first those DC lines around LA out of curiosity to see what happens.
10:37 Talking about Santa Ana winds.
Which again reminds me of this.
11:45 Turk Aegean, Atena, AEther.