"Les conditions de fond du mariage sont régies, pour chacun des époux, par le droit de l'Etat dont il a la nationalité au moment de la célébration du mariage."
"For each future spouse, the basic conditions for the marriage are governed by the laws of the country of which he or she is a national at the time the marriage is contracted."
Mai jos este un șir de emailuri dintr-o corespondență cu autoritățile belgiene prin care am întrebat dacă există un certificat de căsătorie gay încheiat vreodată în Belgia dintre un român și un american și am numit persoanele respective. Deși mi s-a confirmat primirea întrebării nu am primit nici un răspuns până azi de unde trag concluzia că această căsătorie este o invenție media.
Scopul este declanșarea unui referendum în România pe legea frauduloasă 3/2000 completată de 341/2013 care prevăd organizarea de referendumuri inclusiv locale și cu pragul de aprobare la referendum de 12,5% posibil pentru cu totul alte scopuri decât integritatea familiei.
Odată declanșat acest referendum, el devine un precedent pentru organizarea de altele, din care unul ar putea fi despre regionalizare, autonomie, etc., care s-ar putea realiza cu 30% din voturile alegătorilor.
Această lege 341 din 2013, neconstituțională, a fost votată în Parlament în 2013 motivată psihologic de frustrarea nereușitei referendumului din 2012 pentru a-l demite pe Băsescu cu un prag normal de 50% din electorat și semnată, în mod ironic chiar de el.
From: Klachten <Klachten@ibz.fgov.be>
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 6:52 AM
Subject: RE: Gay marriages of foreign citizens in Belgium
To: George Ion <george.ion.email@gmail.com>
Dear Sir,
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of your complaint/question.
Your question is transmitted to the complaint coordinator of the Directorate-General for Institutions and Population.
Herself or the competent authority will keep you informed.
With kind regards,
Ruben Wilams
Service of complaint
Federal Public Service Home Affairs
Van: George Ion [mailto:george.ion.email@gmail.com]
Verzonden: vrijdag 28 oktober 2016 8:37
Aan: Klachten
Onderwerp: Fwd: Gay marriages of foreign citizens in Belgium
Dear Mr.President.
After writing to an unknown person at the contact address given by the page that explains about marriage conditions for foreign nationals in Belgium as linked in the first email included below i've been redirected to the federal authority by a Mr.Bjorn Stevens though he did only specify a mail not an email address.
This conversation also reminded me about the highly formal way of addressing persons and officials in Europe that was still in use when i left Romania in 1995. I apologize because i am used to the more informal American style.
Please read my request formulated in the first email and answer if possible.
Always respectfully,
George Ion
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: klachten (MRBC-MBHG) <klachten@gob.brussels>
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 10:19 PM
Subject: RE: Gay marriages of foreign citizens in Belgium
To: George Ion <george.ion.email@gmail.com>
The Complaint Service of the Brussels Regional Public Service cannot help you. The marriage is in Belgium a Federal authority. You can always contact the responsible authority:
Federale Overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken
Tel: 02 500 21 11
Fax : 02 500 21 28
With kind regards,
Bjorn Stevens
Complaint service of the Brussels Regional Public Service
Van: George Ion [mailto:george.ion.email@gmail.com]
Verzonden: jeudi 27 octobre 2016 17:17
Aan: klachten (MRBC-MBHG)
Onderwerp: Gay marriages of foreign citizens in Belgium
My name is Gheorghe Ion and i am a concerned Romanian citizen who lives in the United States and have legal questions about international marriages officiated in Belgium. I don’t know if this email address i found on the below linked web page is the right place to write about my concerns so can you please be so kind and forward this email to the right department or place after your best judgement.
There is a great deal of controversy in Romania these days about a lawsuit filed by a an alleged gay couple that consists of an alleged American citizen and possibly a Romanian one who allegedly got married in Belgium more precisely Brussels in 2010.
The suit has been filed in a local teritorial court in Bucharest (the Court of Sectorul 5 București) against the Romanian State for not recognizing their marriage. According to an already well established judicial path that Court has forwarded a request of the couple's legal representative for an exception of constitutionality from the Romanian Constitutional Court (Curtea Constituțională a României) which if approved it implies the modification of the Civil Code towards allowing that marriage to be recognized by Romanian authorities and all the rights that come with including the permanent residence of the alleged American part of the couple.
So far the Romanian Constitutional Court has postponed a decision for the third time today October 27 2016 until November 29 2016.
Romanian press also talks about a legal initiative of the part of the Romanian Orthodox Church that may lead to a referendum for modification of the Romanian Constitution in order to eliminate that ambiguity of Art.48 replacing the syntagm spouse that at the time of the writing of the Constitution was obviously not intended for approving gay marriages with the syntagm man and woman, and they are saying they have already gathered over 3 million signatures for it.
What intrigues me after reading this official page of the Belgians Government is here is stated that the Belgian State officiates marriages between foreign citizens only if marriage conditions from their own countries of citizenship are fulfilled.
This implies there could not have been a marriage officiated in Belgium for a gay couple of which one of the persons is a Romanian citizen because of this rule since gay marriages currently are not allowed by the Romanian Civil Code.
Also after a bit of research including searches in phone directories in the US and examining the appearance of the two members of the couple i also started to have my doubts regarding the citizenship of both alleged spouses who so far in all the Romanian press are refereed to as 44 years old Robert Claiborn Hamilton as being an American citizen and 44 years old Relu Adrian Coman as being a Romanian citizen.
First i would kindly ask you to confirm that a gay couple with one member being a citizen of a country that does not allow gay marriages can or cannot get married in Belgium and which law of the Belgium states it (Civil Code article or a particular law number and year).
Don’t know if in Belgium marriage certificates are of public records. If so i would kindly ask you to look for it and send me any references to that certificate so i can forward them to Romanian authorities and/or publish it on social media in my best attempt to help solving this crisis or you could take any equivalent action most convenient including sending it directly to the Romanian Government or publicize it in any media outlet of your convenience.
Gheorghe Ion
19355 SW 65th Ave #5
Tualatin OR 97062
United States of America