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Showing posts sorted by date for query bridge. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2022

October 6

9:50 Ok știe cineva ce s-a discutat? Mai târziu am să caut înregistrările video (le-am găsit). Discuții înseamnă ăștia ne citesc pe rând, programatic, la microfon. La 3:34 un tip tot dă cu capul în sus și-n jos. Oare ce spune (mi-e lene să conectez boxele). Am o suspiciune că e vorba de o limbă de lemn care se mișcă într-un cap sunător ca un clopot care se bălăngăne. Încât îmi vine și mie să spun să urlu ca poetul.

O seri debusolate(,) cer concav
Și-o ploaie de-anemone peste dune
Reiterez în contratimp suav
Mesaje longobarde scrise-n rune

(Nicolae Paul Mihail)

9:55 Fără școală, de ziua educației.

9:56 Ministrul încolțit. Și-a făcut miliardele și acum își aranjează, cu colegii, un pretext să plece. Ce e câteva milioane de euro pentru 300 BMW-uri la suprapreț când bugetul Ministerului de Interne se măsoară în miliarde. Mai precis, 10 miliarde sau 2 miliarde de euro bani de întreținere, mașini și benzină. Pentru cine nu știe, un miliard este o mie de milioane, rândul 4 și 5, total 22.856.681 mii lei însemnând 22.856.681.000 lei, din care 12.776.619 mii lei sau 12.776.619.000 lei fiind cheltuielile cu salariile, cam un miliard lei pe lună, dacă împărțim la salariul mediu pe economie de 6000 RON rezultă 170 mii angajați, iar diferența de lei (aproximativ 2 miliarde euro), bani de mașini, benzină, întreținere clădiri, popotă, etc..

10:16 A fire nearby is raising the index to 100. Nothing in the news.

4:47 When was that, two days ago? I went out and first looked at the truck to see if i don't have a ticket. I didn't but then i started to walk on that alley, out of the complex. At the exit, there are three containers with materials for the windows job. In between, a portable toilet. A ninja dressed in orange T-shirt was there with an SUV flashing yellow lights "blocking the access" to that toilet. He left right after i passed. An announcement stuck to the mailboxes there saying "Single piece of jewelry found". As i almost finished my walk, in the park, two older men and women with a truck next to the toilet, again "guarding it". Was thinking of how useless is to write here about what's happening to me after they painted me for years as gay, womanizer, baby snatcher, incurable gambler, etc.. If one thousand people go around you daily and to their allegories, who in the world can prove that is not true? So i kinda stopped writing about my daily and hourly mishaps but now they start to overwhelm me.

It is a week now they started to use the mole holes again to deliver smoke under the siding. At about the same time when i bought tainted soluble that tasted like marijuana (i guess). I sleep a lot, and wake up in smoke, lethargic. In parallel they started some fire that covers the area "just" around Tualatin and nearby. So i won't feel the smoke. Yesterday i vacuum cleaned the apartment, twice, got some very good bags from Amazon that filter way better than the old Febreeze, however, i have problems attaching them, they come out by themselves during vacuuming, so i did it twice. But the floor is too wet, they did lots of laundry lately with vapor leaking in the basement, humidity inside is 70% though i let  the AC yesterday when i ran at Ilani, that usually brings it down, not this time, that could help with the dust a bit, but the floor's fiberboard made with animal glue, is all wet and smells like a dead animal. So i just went outside looking for a dead rat maybe. Found lots of other garbage though. There was (they picked it up after) a pile of junk in the "no dumping" place, and the ninja who looks like Brian As_awa (a dead Japanese tenor) started his old 5 liter Dodge without going anywhere (that was for sale for a long time, for 2000 dollars) that has a broken exhaust and vibrated that junk when i passed by, the buildings, and the sharp insulation dust jumped on me and now i'm in big pain. Don't know how they painted me this time, but from my point of view, sounds like retaliation for what i just posted.

5:18 Just updated this.

Seven years went under the bridge. Is it me or the giant se_quoia (red_wood) trees on Borland St. grew bigger? Question is, who planted them and when? Were they planted around the time when State of Oregon was born? Did they know back then? Those who want to see (a lot) more of those can go to Eureka, California.

7:02 Inflamația distruge colagenul din piele și/sau organele afectate iar organismul ia de unde poate, să mai repare. Remediul este bone broth (fiertură de oase), de vită (beef), nu găini (chicken).

7:41 I once read that shower is biggest negative ions generator (that react with positively charged dust), so i just let it run without curtain and bathroom door open for 10 minutes on cold water, pain went way down, now he started the Dodge again, but as i wrote this paragraph, he left.

7:59 Am făcut asta într-o doară. Seamănă ca două picături de apă (generatoare de ioni negativi), există și indiciul de nume destul de puternic (Irina, Mere) dar nu pot să-mi explic diferența la linia părului (înălțimea frunții). Poate unghiul mai înclinat decât în stânga, poate s-a ras puțin pentru vreun rol (nu am mai întâlnit). Atât mă duce mintea la ora asta, am niște dureri groaznice. Un lucru e sigur. Irina a fost mai întâi în SUA ca Patsy Cline

8:16 Fan_teo_doseli? Mi-am aminti de o chestie. Câteodată, o țigară e doar o țigară, mai ales când vb de Arghezi, om de dreapta. Nu?

9:43 Haven'y look at UK news in a while (got so bored by the damn funerals) and tonight i'm mad, have to take it on someone...: (Leftover) charm offensive. Liz Truss refuses to rule... Meanwhile, Torii...

9:50 Panic attack. Weed for all! (not only in my coffee). Just in case.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25

4:12 The real reason i left tonight was Angela opened the bedroom's window (can't convince her not to) and i woke up in dust around 7 PM. After driving two hours and having a few drinks i was still feeling pain at Indian Head. In fact i felt it even when i got back.

I went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, (i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone) and two dogs started to bark one upstairs and one downstairs though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

I just went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone though the wall went back cold in the same day right after i wrote here) and two dogs started to bark though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

Could not see his face because it was dark and i asked him if he was waiting for me and he said no, but i'm sure he was cause i said earlier aloud that i wanted to do it. Now i have to go and take a shower because i got dust all over me and it stings.

Now after this contact for some reason i started to have the feeling that these guys are actually watching us all the time, and some of them, maybe the old woman that could be his mother who snores day and night could be speaking Romanian and understand in real time what we're saying (with the help of some amplifier or even an enhanced hearing aid). There are also at least two younger guys who show from time to time but they might be changing, that they're not the same all the time.

By looking at this image right now i cannot understand  the configuration of that AC, but it could be it is installed in a way just to blow dust.

5:11 But when i got the camera (which i returned to Amazon for reason the thermal image was a bit off respect to normal image) i saw other things. One was none of the apartments upstairs in the building was heated. The windows and especially the big glass sliding doors showed lots of heat loss because of loss of insulating gas in between being 40+ years old, probably doubling the electricity bill which could be the reason they're doing the windows right now, right now meaning it will take them more than six months, in the rhythm they are working. (I can confirm the newer windows are much better insulators because they keep a much lower temperature inside then before even in hottest days. The wall at apartment 1 where the guy with the van with the barrels lives this time was much hotter than it should have been).

He confirmed the apartment upstairs wasn't heated, when i went upstairs and talked to "him", after he knocked at my door to ask me about the leaking of "his" motorcycle, again raising our bill. But by the thermal image none of them upstairs were, which to my knowledge were inhabited, by "the same people", for years, which confirms my suspicion they are all inhabited by the same person who changes costumes, hairdos and sexes, the female ninja that goes by the name Frankie Adams. One of the buildings next to ours (caught in two separate images cause it's very long) was showing a very low occupancy rate which i suspect is the same for all buildings here, though the parking lot is always full. (Probably like all apartments in all Portland area, after they raised the prices to unprecedented levels no one can afford them).

Could it be they didn't clean the building and surrounding ones after installing the windows unlike the buildings A, B and C which were cleaned and are further away, leaving all that junk in between, because i published those thermal images, 2 or 3 months before they started to replace windows? The painful dust? Retaliation?

8:16 After sleeping a few hours, i had a revelation. After the emperor of Japan Na(ru_hit)to, son of Hiro-hito leading the team who unnecessarily gutted these buildings, making tons of dust and leaving them dirty whom i saw though in broad daylight, who else could have been in the dark here last night at 4 AM guarding the emperor's dust?

The snoring old woman? The two younger guys? Try to imagine her without makeup, acting confused and tell me if you recognized her. Reason? No hero cop would dare intervene with Secret Service deployed nearby. If i made a wrong move, as mad as i was last night, i would have been arrested or killed.

8:50 Distanța dintre stâlpi este 30 metri iar timpul e pe video. 80 metri în 4 secunde. 20 m/s este 72 km/h. Se vede însă clar că "șoferul" care de fapt era remote, a forțat volanul în virajul acela nu prea strâns ca să intre în derapaj. Cred că are legătură cu video-ul pe care l-am postat despre fabricarea motoarelor BMW. Dacă aceasta este o înscenare (cascadorie de film) și cred că este, vă puteți imagina cine controlează Clujul, Bucureștiul, România și cât de terminali suntem. Tipul ăsta a stat tot timpul cu fața în jos, cât a trecut mașina lui google cu mulți ochi, oare de ce?

Mă gândeam. Au construit Casa Poporului ca pe o fortăreață imensă, care se poate apăra de furia mulțimii cu câțiva oameni cu tulumbe sau la nevoie, ceva mitraliere în timp ce ei se evacuează pe un tunel care duce la Budapesta. Însă nu e nevoie de așa ceva. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să deschideți ochii și să recunoașteți iluzia în care ne-am născut, am trăit și ei vor dispare ca iepurele unui iluzionist, la loc în joben, iar la urmă și jobenul și iluzionistul. Pentru că ei sunt atât de puțini.

10:51 I ate something, the walk upstairs started and now (s)he's trying to start the motorcycle. To vibrate the building a little too.

11:06 Din când în când apar știri cu titlu sperietoare care-i face pe români să se gândească de două ori când vor să cumpere unele alimente esențiale cum e peștele. În afară de antitoxină, care iată, nu se găsește în România (ar fi nevoie doar de câteva doze, pentru că sunt foarte rare aceste cazuri, dacă sunt, fiindcă bănuiesc că nu au nici teste), dar există tratamente ca de exemplu banalul cărbune medicinal, și nu neapărat injectat în soluție intraperitonial ci luat chiar oral (mai bine decât lăsat așa să moară). După 24 de ore de post de exemplu, nu mai există nimic viu în intestin, dar dacă persoana se poate hrăni și intestinul deci nu e complet paralizat încă, dați-i domle niște cărbune. Combinația de suc de grapefruit și unt de migdale. Grapefruit are un inhibitor de enzimă ce nu permite dezvoltarea bacteriilor în intestin iar migdalele ucid bacteriile din intestin.

3:05 She came back about an hour ago and i started to feel the pain again and woke up. I'm eating which means she's squeaking.

4:22 Very little is published on the web about human electric charge but i know one thing. Dust is positively charged and i feel relief from pain when i walk and rub my feet against the carpet, which charges me positively also. So probably the conclusion is i'm more negatively charged or positively but closer to neutral, probably more than Angela, and that is  the reason i get the painful charged dust and she doesn't. Could there be a gender difference? Could it be because i sleep on a metal sofa and the floor under is wet? (She just started a load of laundry, after about two weeks). The vapor from the drier leaking in the basement will wet the floor under the couch, bringing the potential to near zero. I remember now what Dan Costan was saying sarcastically 27 years ago. "Think positive!"

10:42 Was out of soluble so Angela bought from WinCo some Folgers soluble, could not find the usual brands so we didn't know the taste, but i remember i once bought Folgers and there was not much difference from others. Made some and put in the thermos and we both had a sip in the parking lot at Ilani before entering, and i think it tasted like marijuana, then went to restroom.

But when we entered. For some unknown rationale, at Ilani after 8 they ask you for an ID when i get inside. We got in line while a group of Japanese trying to look and act Chinese went right in front of us. But my guess is this is the reason. Every time we got there we got to stay in line next to celebrities.

Everybody inside the casino looked mad tonight. There was this smiling blond guy that had a black T-shirt saying "Shut up and run" with white letters right in my face right after i uploaded a recording. Inside i was scratching an itch in my elbow pit where i got bitten by something, twice. Both Smash Burgers and Jet Li were closed at 9 so we bought some tacos from our coupons (player's card). When we got out searching for the car a Tribal Police truck was going in the parking lot slowly by our side matching speed so we switched lanes. About 100 huge SUVs with huge headlights passed me both on the right and left when i was driving speed limit +10. When we got home the whole building was smelling the the same as the coffee. Found the familiar mole hole at the corner of the building and after pouring some borax and covering within 10 minutes  the smell dissipated. Under the sink it smells like a dead animal. The fiberboard on bottom that is made with dust saw and animal glue (collagen) from hides and hoofs from slaughterhouses, got contaminated from a leak past week with water from doing dishes and now it smells like a dead animal. Could this be the reason i lost collagen everywhere (had this thick scar from surgery on my left elbow since i was a kid and now it melted) and not i got to eat bone broth because there will always be tiny leaks in there and that thing trains the type of bacteria that eats collagen (new idea!). If i put chlorine (bleach 6%) in a jar and close the doors, is ok for a while, but will never dry.

Right before the merge with 84 there is still a bumper on the narrow left shoulder, since last week. Right before i passed it i got distracted by a fast moving motorcycle. Several other debris, including a garbage bin after the bridge. The person two cars before me was going slow on the bridge and i got passed on those narrow lanes by a series of huge SUVs. Both trips back and forth are getting more and more difficult every time i go because there are many people that are out to get me. I wasn't afraid until last August when they hit me from behind and now there are many people driving very close behind me, besides those who pass me on both sides at high speed.

12:33 No matter how much i search i can't find a direct reference to building fiberboard in the past with animal adhesives though it was done on a massive scale. Because raw materials were cheap. Internet does not remember it. All i could find during modern times was this and this. Ironically they are advertised as non-toxic alternatives to formaldehyde. But they are not immune to bacteria when they get wet or even only moist and that bacteria will jump on you and eat you alive (slowly).

Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 8

8:30 Cam jumătate, sau 200 miliarde de lei sau 40 miliarde euro anual. Dar nu e vorba numai de contracte oneroase, prețuri și angajări. Astea sunt cazul fericit în care știm ce s-a întâmplat cu banii. O mare parte din bani însă dispar pur și simplu din buget, bugetul nu se încheie în mod public, de 32 de ani nu a venit nimeni niciodată la sfârșitul anului să spună: Ăștia au fost banii, atât s-a cheltuit, pe ce anume sau la începutul anului să spună: Ăștia sunt banii, asta vom face cu ei. Cu alte cuvinte, o dare se seamă pe buget. V-au obișnuit așa, asta vine din vechime, din comunism, când nimeni nu dădea seama de nimic, era un singur politician la televizor, și nimeni nu va schimba asta niciodată.

Fără menționarea acelor cifre, totul este de un mișto imens cosmic.

Motivul și în același timp consecința că miniștrii se schimbă în fiecare an. Fiecare ministru care a fost într-un guvern sau altul a deturnat în medie aproximativ două miliarde de euro, la unele ministere a fost mai mult, la altele, sume insignifiante, iar eu nu-i văd pe acești indivizi, cu sutele, meteori de care în general nu mai auzim, să aibă banii. Nimeni nu poate cheltui atâția bani. Banii se duc undeva, și toată lumea știe unde, acolo unde s-au terminat autostrăzile și se dă 32 mii euro (bani de casă) la al treilea copil, multe alte alocații și beneficii (un părinte sau poate amândoi pot sta acasă).

Există în schimb un număr de scandalagii gen Rareș Bogdan care știu mai bine românește (români români la origine, din milioanele nedeclarate în țara vecină) apar tot timpul în televizoarele dvs. la care vă uitați cu gura larg deschisă, care "țin fața" adică vă distrag atenția în timpul acestei veșnice, nevăzute scurgeri, repetând la infinit: "Nu sunt bani", "nu ne putem permite".

Miniștrii înșiși, atât cât durează, atât cât ține scurta lor viață în funcția respectivă, beneficiul dubiului și al confuziei, prezumția de cinste, perioada lor de grație la sfârșitul căreia ei dispar odată cu banii.

Culmea că se ceartă, fac competiție între ei, cu exemplul clasic Nicușor Dan - Firea, bine, ei nu sunt miniștri, dar sunt în aceeași categorie. Străinii alienii care se au grijă de banii României.

Hai să fim realiști. Statul român nu există, nu în sensul în care este format din reprezentanți români sau au grijă de România.

Suntem, trăim, ne zbatem într-un rahat (mess) infinit, de nedescris. Hai să încerc. Scurgeri de jumătate din buget. Din cealaltă jumătate: Contracte la preț dublu. Milioane de pensii false. Sute de mii de sinecuri. Politicieni de împrumut. Media de scandal. Milioane în diaspora.

11:30 Following the pain yesterday. We found a rotten potato in a forgotten bag in one of the cabinets. Angela left the windows open for a few hours. Trouble breathing that ended with cooking a burger in the pan, doing another one right now after i came and took this picture with the rubbish generated yesterday and left at my door. Today, puffy fingers and face following inflammation. I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have have happen if i didn't try to dust the buildings two days ago. A short, deep brown and fat Japanese woman dressed in black came yesterday with a (White Shinto) county car (American made, reinforced, probably retractable window in between, like Police cars, i think yellow in color) and got into my dust exactly when i was doing the part next to stairs. She was in there to visit the apartment where they dismantled the newly installed window and put another one and chose to climb down the stairs in that very moment. Where the athletic Japanese woman with yellow tinted hair disguised as Mexican sits in the balcony and yells in Spanish on the phone for hours. Where the guy with the Pitt Bull dog is. One late night he was there where the bin is with his dog and i think the dog was not on leash and i asked  him why and he kept saying. Stray. Or Straight, like he couldn't speak more words in English.

Also the mail woman was there filling mail boxes across the alley. Mail never came after that.

In the holy white neighborhood where nobody lives for real. At the intersection where once i saw an angry Simona Halep crossing and staring (she was as surprised as i was) and when usually cars arrive exactly when i cross, by the dozens, with "scared" women at the wheel, today they were two city trucks pouring fresh mulch on the dividers with planted flowers, from wind's direction, making even harder to breath.

Lots of people in the park, probably came to see  the tree with the three stray branches, took more pictures from a different angle, trying to prove it was  there for a long time.

11:58 The Queen is dead, days after i posted this song. Long live Charles!
(After just seeing this video again and again, i realized something. The reason they pulled him off was because he was actually losing his voice).

12:45 Levente Nemes, Árpád Visky sunt de fapt John Lennon și Freddy Mercury, amândoi trăiesc în Târgu Mureș. Levente Nemes mi-a fost coleg de "facultate" (Juravle) iar Árpád Visky de liceu (Mihai Manolea).

6:00 One more type of trouble with free Android from google. Everybody knows. When you are trying to activate a new phone, you need two things. A wi-fi connection, but not any connection, you'll need one with a password. Can't do it (or reset) a phone by example with a free "unsecure" wi-fi in a hotel or store.

You need to be at home with your password protected wi-fi because there is a box with a password to fill and can't get past that if you don't. Then, next thing your free Android from google asks (which is the only alternative to paying Windows which still exists as option) (no i was wrong, it doesn't) is a google account and password and this is where it begins to sound crazy: You can't activate and use a phone you own, like an unlocked (that is not partially paid and owned by the provider and of course locked by the provider so you won't migrate to another provider with the phone paid by them) new phone you just bought on Amazon (provided you were lucky enough to get one that works in the US on all frequencies and covered areas by a provider, not knowing you have too look for that too in the description at Amazon), without being forced to use a free proprietary operating system, which is actually the one and only free Linux, the main competitor of Windows, compiled and abusively branded as Android by google, which is free because it is built and maintained by thousands of volunteers around the world (nobody has or better said will show you the list, ask Torvalds).

So this is where it gets hairy. In case you buy a new unlocked phone and a plan with a different provider and don't feel like getting through the hassle of porting the old number, with all the questions, including your social, password for the old online account and waiting, and use the old google account from the old phone of course to activate the phone, google in all of his mercy will activate it but won't ask you for the new phone number of the phone you are just activating and if you with all the stress will forget to manually update it (that is if you know it's there and need to). I think you know where i'm getting at. If you don't use that email, are not signed in on other devices and lose that password and try to reset that phone a few months later (or even try to install an app and google will ask you to confirm the password). Can't recover with the email address because you can't sign in because you lost the password. Can't recover with the old phone number because you don't have that phone anymore.

And as a final (courteous) offense, when you try to put in an old password, google will tell you the date when you changed it.

6:30 A couple of strokes steps from the guy upstairs who just dropped in and the room is full (again and again) with old, wall distilled dog s..t smell.

7:30 One modified exhaust car and the new dust from the bin (picture above) was raised and got (again) in my throat and stomach. BTW that on the bin is the rey kanji?
8:00 It went quiet after i posted about strokes (6:30), now it has risen again.

8:20 Because of that kanji i looked closer and realized they actually pulled lots of the pink mineral insulation (in last picture it came yellow because of the flash of the phone) from the wall when they replaced the newly installed kitchen window (Apt 4) and threw it in the bin. Of course they did not come today to finish or take the garbage. I think it is illegal to throw that stuff in open air like this. Got stings all over and have to throw the closes in the washer and take a shower. Two SUVs came to turn in our spot and projected headlights on me, though i was mostly hidden, on the other side of the bin

Because and only because of that kanji i went and looked if there's a kanji for the three vertical strokes that make the monster drink logo and the three branches above and what did i find? After all, the branches are on top of a bridge over a canal that links a (stinky) pond invaded with lotuses with Tualatin River, and monster drink is a... monster drink. Green because in the not so long term will kill you.
I went and pulled that from the rest of the garbage and put it in a bag, because who knows for how long they will let it here but i think i missed some mostly because it was dark and insulation was mixed with other rubbish. A fresh batch of dust got inside as a result of disturbing the whole but i don't believe is as bad as when is electrified by vibration. Two Japanese guys were in the parking lot, reading their phones. Got a small drink, pain situation is much better. I think alcohol is a good painkiller for low level body wide pain. Tomorrow i will be all puffy again though.
10:52 I think Seven Strait (X-panse) would have made a much better Freddy Mercury in the movie.

11:39 Becali.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 7

1:03 Vreți să fiți șocați de răspunsul că de ce la un smartphone cu Snapdragon cu 4 miezuri ritmate (clocked) la 1.5 GHz trebuie să așteptați 5 secunde ca să aduceți pe ecran o amărâtă de aplicație de cameră?

Când se întâlnește Python (da, mai este și Anaconda) cu un începător.

Și mai puteți intui dvs. vraiștea inimaginabilă din IT și abuzul de hardware și de baterie când firmele angajează începători pentru profit. Când bătrânul C care are 50 de ani a rămas referință și bază de comparație, cu doar Java (care până la urmă este tot un fel de interpretor) între. Asta e. Singura noastră treabă pe aici e să ne agite șerpii ca să încălzim planeta.

5:24 Și tot ei se plâng de "cancel culture". După ce că am acceptat provocarea de a scrie despre vraiștea inimaginabilă din IT ca de oriunde (Information Technology, după postarea despre distrugerea informației, care este pur teoretică) riscând să-mi "cancel" propriile idei (nu-mi pasă, acea postare este pentru un public destul de îngust, adică cei care au făcut ceva fizică la nivel de facultate) și care (în mod ideal, ar trebui să) nu amestece în mintea lor ideile , iată că au venit cu o chestie să "cancel" și ce am scris mai sus, astfel încât totul să fie "cancel" și să rămână ei mereu deasupra nestingheriți. Le dernier qui a parlé, amen. Apropo și de baterii. Și încălzirea planetei, oare de unde au scos ăștia poza cu 4 turnuri de răcire în loc de două?

Capisci? The Sun is eclipsed  by the Moon.

9:42 Let's give them something. Talk about love.

2:22 I was so wrong. This morning at 8 they started to hammer and cut. I was so tired i fell back asleep. At 9 i got out of bed, ate something and left ASAP. What was happening. They didn't finish. There was one more window (not visible in any of my pictures) and one sliding door in the back. As i got out, besides the hammering noises (don't really understand why they have to use a hammer for one hour to remove one window) a siren and an airhorn started. As i stopped to look they were staring back at me. A car came on the alley, but i saw it. I left for the walk. The tree miles loop. I was relaxed and happy i got over one of the biggest health problem i ever had. An accident i can't talk about (not a car accident).

There i saw this. Hanging above the little bridge over the little canal linking the pond with the river. Maybe because i was so relaxed and took my time, it was there for a long time. Thinking. Is this a ninja groomed life size bonsai?

Got home around noon. Read the news. FEDs Beige Book brought the market up nearly 2 percent. Lael Brainard? Late last night i posted Brain Damage and Eclipse video by Pink Floyd. As i was searching for her once pretty face and of course watching many beautiful women's pictures, right in front of me, beyond the sliding doors, ninja disguised as Mexican were carrying garbage, planks and other materials they used today at the building which BTW isn't finished as right now. Then they left for "siesta". One window and one door,  not finished, while the next building has been done in one day (5 sliding doors, maybe more windows). Had to start the AC cause it's too hot in here and i have to dry some laundry. Than around 1 PM it started. First it felt like a bit of smoke going past the AC or under main door. Then, dust. Then, pain, trouble seeing. On a scale of 1 to 10 right now i feel pain like at level 7 on my whole body. No, it happened many times before i had diabetes. Blurred vision. Pain in my throat. Normally i would have had a few drinks, but not today, not after what i've been through the last days (inflammation with infection extending from colon, bowel, peritoneum) of course after treating nano dust pain with alcohol.

6:53 I was sitting here on the coach watching again Expanse Season 5 which apparently i just browsed at the time, i don't remember much of it when he started the drier for the second time, without the washer.

Litter dust smell came and i taped again one corner of the room (the closest to the drier, where he squeaked earlier). As a result, he dropped a heavy object making a new crack in a different spot, behind me, the smell came back. I will go and tape the suspected area as well.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 27

Hwy 101 in Oregon is probably one of the most spectacular roads in the US. On one side you got mountains like view, at times you even drive in canyons and on the other side, the ocean.
12:30 I'm back at Chinook in Lincoln City after i drove all the way to Coos Bay and back (about 240 miles in total). When i got back i got gas at a Circle K and gave her two cards she could not use and in the end we payed with a debit. She looked like Princess Margaret. Soon after i almost hit a bicyclist. I survived tonight numerous accident traps (all designed to look like it was my fault). But the reason i got in the casino, after trying to sleep was i remembered something. I usually tape the doors and windows at every hotel i go, last night i had some sort of nightmare, it was like 2 guys, rather slim, dressed in t-shirts where in the room, one next to me and one next to Angela. In the morning the door was not taped, and not even locked with the deadbolt.

I told Angela, everywhere i went the impression was the normal people in the area where somehow evacuated and replaced with actors, maybe from Scientology. Maybe they get a film permit and pay everybody to stay home.

4:29 When i went to write the paragraph above, coming from the upper parking lot, two guys tried to get in front of me in the elevator, but i passed. Waited like 5 minutes but the parking lot was flooded with exhaust from a car. When i entered, they were waiting for me at the entrance, trying to get in the same frame with me on the cameras. Two guys, taller than me, pretty slim, one of them had a goatee but i only took a glimpse of him from one side. After watching the news i think i know who they are.

3 live raccoons crossing, a dead one in the lane, a dead dear in the lane, a dead dog (with a collar) on the shoulder, one guy walking at 2 AM on the narrow shoulder of a bridge, a biker, only on the last leg of my "adventure" that is 80 miles from Lincoln City to here. Numerous others before that, including a completely dark closed bicyclist with no light or reflecting tags etc.. Many other accident traps, more than ten in total. Most "lucrative" day on the roads on my part.

4:41 Ok i solved the puzzle with Margaret in Florence. However this is a very low resolution picture i'm dealing with. Here is a better one, google cache only, the Hungarian site doesn't seem to work right now, and i understand why.

5:09 Georgina Lukács este soția unguroaică a lui Alexandru Agache care nici el nu prea arată a român, fie vorba între noi. Oricum tipa vorbește și limba română, mai ales dacă exersează zilnic. Tipa are într-adevăr o voce fantastică (sexy) și a studiat la Moscova.

Mai multe informații, mâine și în zilele următoare.

11:02 Nicio minciună. Când m-am trezit din coșmarul în care mă uitam paralizat la doi tipi care stăteau în picioare în cameră, înalți, îmbrăcați în tricouri, au fost și niște deplasări prin cameră, scurte replici contradictorii, negocieri, mai mult nu îmi amintesc, știu că eram îngrozit, m-am gândit la ce i s-ar putea întâmpla lui Angela, m-am uitat la ceasul de pe noptieră, ceasul arăta 5:20, însă ceasul era pus cu 2 ore în urmă, era de fapt 7:20 ora locală, perdelele groase erau trase, 10:20 pe coasta de vest, moment în care bursa a început să cadă. Am mai stat treaz cel puțin o oră, între timp am fost la mașină să iau niște bicarbonat când am văzut că zăvorul nu era pus, și nici scotch-ul pe care îl pun de obicei la uși la hoteluri, am mai dormit vreo 2 ore după. La 10 și 10 minute am ieșit din hotel în mare grabă, din cauza ceasului, (trebuia să predăm cheia la 10) ne-am dus să mâncăm pe nivelul de sus al parcării noi, de unde se vede cerul și oceanul (dacă stai în picioare, nu din mașină), și atunci, în jur de ora 11 ora locală i-am spus lui Angela a doua oară, mai în detaliu, despre coșmar. O cădere la bursa americană de 1% înseamnă pierderi de un trilion de dolari pe plan global.

11:31 Imaginea în care se vede și mai bine că Baniciu era un puști când a intrat în formație, vecinul, colegul și prietenul me de joacă Mihai Erhan (născut 1960) care luase lecții de canto de la o "croitoreasă" din vecini. El la școală era declarat oficial afon.

Când eram prin școala generală în primele clase mama mea câteodată începea să cânte în stil de operă, (ceea ce mă enerva foarte mult), mi-a povestit despre tipuri de cântăreți, soprane, alto, etc. și spunea că a prins chestiile acelea de la croitoreasa care de fapt era nașa mea de botez, doamna Rotaru. Odată am fost cu ea în oraș, eram foarte mic, ea părea să cânte ca solistă într-o formație, însă in italiană, citind de pe o hârtie versurile. Știu că aveau orgă și chitare.

Între 5 și 7 ani am luat lecții de pian de la o profesoară, doamna Redloff (Red love) care avea o datorie la tata pentru niște lucruri pe care i le-a făcut. Îmi dădea teme pentru acasă, când trebuia să scriu note pe portativ pe care mi le termina mama întotdeauna înainte de a mă duce la lecție, care era în centru, undeva la 3-4 km distanță (era autobuz). Totul s-a terminat când ea le-a spus alor mei că îmi trebuie un pian acasă pentru a continua. Mi-au cumpărat în schimb un acordeon, la care nu puteam să cânt fiindcă învățasem să cânt numai pe note, moment în care bunicul a găsit un profesor (Merilă) orb, care m-a învățat și convins să cânt după ureche. Doamna Rotaru avea doi copii, Felicia și Gigel, după care am și primit numele. Proiectul probabil a eșuat, din cauza lipsei de disciplină a ei și a sărăciei și precarității enorme în care am trăit cu toții (Tata era foarte zgârcit, nu prea dădea bani în casă, etc.). Gigel era înalt blond și cu părul creț și ne învăța pe mine și pe sora mea să facem ochiuri cu capac (pe care turna cu o lingură ulei încins și "să dăm pup cu limba". Chiar înainte de tabăra din Germania apăruse o mașină în curtea vecinei lor unde Gigel m-a familiarizat cu comenzile. Știam pe atunci să conduc motocicleta cu care făceam mulți km pe aeroport iar când am mers în tabără în Germania am condus foarte ușor un Renault 4 al unui instructor din tabără, Olaf din Suedia, culturist. Chiar am pornit în pantă într-o intersecție, el și eu am prins încredere iar la întoarcere când am parcat am simulat că mă izbesc în perete și am pus o frână bruscă, la care i-au sărit ochelarii lui Olaf iar eu râdeam în hohote și nu m-am mai lăsat niciodată oricât l-aș fi rugat (fără cuvinte căci nu știam o boabă de engleză și aveam un an de franceză de la școală). Apropo, o tipă din Suedia (toți copii din tabără, din 9 țări, erau de 12 ani), Helen, se cam uita la mine, o blondă, foarte mișto, însă pe atunci nu știam ce e mișto la femei și nu puteam să scot un cuvânt iar mie blondele oricum nu prea îmi plăceau pe vremea aia, mi se păreau niște ciudățenii cu capul lor galben și niciodată nu prea m-am omorât.

Sau poate a învățat să cânte de la mama lui. Odată am văzut la ei un disc pe care scria Gigliola Cinquetti, ceea ce nu m-a mirat prea mult fiindcă s-a vândut tot așa la magazinul Foto Sport și Muzică din centru iar melodia se dădea pe la radio, numele ei, adică mama lui Mihai, vecina și nașa lui soră-mea era Glicheria sau Licherușa în mod familiar. Altă dată am văzut la ei un acordeon similar cu al meu, la care oficial nu cânta nimeni, când s-au arătat stânjeniți, iar odată am venit din vacanță de la liceu și Mihai avea o chitară, la care nu cânta, dar la care i-am cântat eu versiunea studențească a lui Andrii Popa (la chitară am învățat în general singur, la care el se uita cu mare mirare la mine. Am sunat din SUA de câteva ori la ei acasă, dar am putut vorbi numai cu fratele lui, Mihai nu era niciodată acasă. Tatăl lor semăna cu Jean Constantin. Fiind naș pe tren (de obicei făcea acceleratul Iași-Timișoara), era destul de rar pe acasă. Vara făceau fân, mergea la cosit (noi nu aveam pământ, toți am lucrat în praful de la mobilă de vizavi), etc.. Avea două arme de vânătoare din care una cu trei țevi (inspirația din Andrii Popa?) Bunicul meu biologic din partea lui mama, cel care era în Stuttgart în Germania când am fost în tabără lângă Hamburg în 1972 se numea Andrei. În Câmpulung una din văile care duc spre Rarău, care începe dintr-un cartier din centru se numește Valea Seacă. Expresiile din melodii, accentul, poza de pe Mugur de Fluier, toate arată origine bucovineană.

Multe alte povești dar acum mi-e foame și somn fiindcă am dormit puțin, și nu prea am nimic prin frigider, mă duc să văd.

Nicu Covaci?

încă lucrez

2:02 They made a huge amount of dust in the parking lot by the curbs and around the car and they threw some sawdust next to hidrant. Forgot to take a picture, went and vacuumed, by the time the bag was full a guy with a small kid making a big noise came real close getting in the dust. There is still some left, i will take some pictures.

Ok i saw one more in front of the next apartment which is about the same size ad the one at the hydrant was. At the hydrant, the color is the same as the soil, thus hard to see from above. Massive amounts of dust is coming inside, from somewhere, but not from me vacuuming. I used a micro filtration bag.

If i don't go to pick that dust, next Wednesday it will be blown on the buildings by the mowers or if it rains it will get embedded in the grass.
BTW for some reason they moved the screen from the close position and also made dust on the patio.
Parking spots after vacuuming (forgot to take picture before).
3:13 Fourth picture above amounted to 3 bags of 5 pounds each of wet sawdust. Some of it was destined to blow on the building Wednesday and some to ferment on the ground all witer long.

8:52 Got tired of tightening extra connectors of my own design at every trip. But when those get loose, i start having trouble especial with direction at highway speed because voltage for EPS (Electric Power Steering) fluctuates slightly, also got vibrations at the engine, lifter noises and poorer mpg. Today i went and cleaned with alcohol the threads, put the bolts back and added some epoxy adhesive. As you can see in the picture, only the thread made with the bolt itself at the bottom of the hole is actually holding, and that one is also not using the whole surface for contact, but only a percentage. I put some adhesive on  top to prevent unscrewing from vibrations and contaminants including oxygen that oxidizes lead to get in. However, after two years of trials today for the first time a (good) idea came to me and that is to use metal based conductive adhesive in the thread which i should do if this isn't holding.

10:24 Inganare. La pioggia, Gigliola. Capcane în trafic.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

July 31

9:12 Water from Lord Shiva's fountain poured over Sin City, Kentucky and Phoenix. Now you know who you're dealing with.

Hare Rama Hare Krishna

2:30 Found a snake unter the kitchen sink. It bit me for years but now it's dead.
The symbolism. Many people see but very few, including me, ever understand. I mean, you trust the design, the engineers, the plumbers and the government who writes the codes. The flexible pipe opens in your sink, there is no back-flow valve. When the sink gets clogged and the water level rises, just before pressing that switch, some of the stuff goes in it. Now if you do dishes every day, it gets, somehow, cleaned by the flow of water from the dishwasher, during the rinsing cycle, but over the years, it grows stalactites. I stopped using it after i saw deposits of grease in hidden places in the dishwasher. I periodically ran some water with detergent, but the stench kept coming back. As heat grew and i left and stopped the AC because i was afraid something might go wrong with it in my absence, the stench amplified inside the apartment. Pains all over by body, since around the time i stopped using it. My stomach pains that came back in the last few days and i'm back on omeprazole which i took for many years. Why Angela is better than me? Because she doesn't stay here all the time. Today i went to do a noodle soup and was again hit by it and disconnected the pipe with a flat screwdriver and saw the horror inside the pipe. Under the appearance of grand luxury, there is a deadly danger. Who said Roman empire vanished because of plumbing?  However, i don't believe it was the lead. It was the plumbers who might have been of the crafty snake race.

Also could not figure the source of the mysterious, interesting smell that was hitting me every time i came home from somewhere. There are places like under the throne that nobody ever looks at to clean. Around that plastic screw there was black mold soaked with urine and f...s that became apparent after i put some chlorine gel on it. If you clean the throne without looking under, your chlorine gel soaked rag hits that unnecessarily long plastic screw every time and you can't clean behind it. But even now that i found it it is possible i will forget about it, being immersed in the stress of every day life for another year.
About the mysterious dead end gutter that climbs on the other side (left) of the overfill gutter of the bathroom sink i wrote before and then forgot and it got dirty again deep inside.

Now i'm gonna go eat my noodle soup.

4:58 Ahura Mazda

5:36 BTW did you know that when Romans finally conquered Dacia (said Felix or happy in Latin) in 98–117, they brought in 230 tons of gold, much more silver, the initial treasure, among many other goods including slaves (and 200 tons each year, after, for ~165 years). The emperor Trajan who invested in that war paying the 100.000 soldiers for decades an equivalent of one kilogram of gold a year for a simple soldier and building a bridge over Danube, decreed 123 days of celebrations in Rome and erased all debts to FISCUS after capturing that treasuer? Statues of Dacian slaves in Rome, (many links missing, didn't have time to fix it).

However that was the beginning of the end for Romans. With that gold they started to massively import luxury goods from Asia (They called the country where silk came from Serica, not having an idea where it was). Caravans numbering up to 10.000 animals guarded by mercenaries were carrying silk and spices for thousands of miles from China (yes on the ancient so called silk road) bringing their weight in gold in return. The Chinese used the gold for a good purpose, building the Great China Wall. Attracted by the gold, first came the Goths whom i believe were Asians. Goths allied with some free Dacian tribes (that were not included within Trajan's borders) and drove the Romans out of Dacia.

Within one hundred years Roman gold coins got smaller and smaller and from gold turned to copper and they didn't have money to pay the army and ended hiring Goths as soldiers. It was around that time when Attila's huns (noons) arrived in Europe and overwhelmed Romans with their unconventional war tactics. Huns marched all the way to Rome but did not occupy it (i believe because of their small numbers) in exchange for Pannonia, a Roman province which was west of Dacia, in today's... Hungary while Dacia itself became Romania.

The way the word daci (inhabitants of Dacia) is pronounceed in today's Romanian suggests a link with such European peoples named as Dutch or Deutsch (Germans).

Monday, May 9, 2022

May 8th

12:36 I'm wasted. Been all day. I would cover one hole, another one would pop up. I just went outside and stepped on two that are very close to the "wall" but did not put borax in those. I also believe i put borax in one of those earlier anyways. There is an SUV idling by the mailboxes. We ran late afternoon at Ilani.

Cannot describe what i saw in there. They did everything they could tonight. Saw at least one person from the news, in the parking lot.

Could have been more inside, but i got drunk in the car before i went in there. Angela lost some of her yesterday's gain.

But on our way back home. I was on the left lane just before the bridge after i passed one truck that was in the middle lane then i tried to move myself in the middle lane in front of it because it's safer on the three lane bridge with one ft shoulder.

I saw a faint shadow in the right mirror and i hesitated and that was my luck. There was this crazy hiding behind me, could have been a white Toyota Solara possibly with no headlights on that went in front of the truck where i wanted to go passing me on the right. Then he went zigzagging among other cars and took the first exit.

Going down just before 84 exit. A Radio Cab and one car in front that both took the exit slowed down, the driver having the foot on the brakes on the slope anyways and taillights didn't show a difference. Had to slow from 65 to 45 downhill on the wet asphalt. Could have changed lanes, if i couldn't slow. More just before Terwilliger curves, some guy passed me on the right touching the line, etc..

Yesterday going to Spirit Mt.. There was this huge tan SUV in front of me. Before McMinville (yes, the UFO city) a guy coming from 223 merged on 99 and then went straight into my lane coming from the opposite direction. It wasn't that he missed last part of the curve. He cleared the curve and then veered into my lane. The huge SUV veered right, but still in the lane and avoided it and i did the same and i still had room in the lane and then ample shoulder to maneuver but he went back into his lane. But now that i think. He could not have fallen asleep in that point after merging if he made that curve. Not right away after a rather complicated maneuver. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 5th

12:16 Don't turn around


11:00 Decrețeii lui Ceaușescu. Dacă a avut vreun efect? Priviți diagrama de mai jos. Populația a crescut brusc ca urmare a decretului (Primii decreței aveau 54 de ani în Ianuarie 2021 când a fost întocmită această diagramă).

11:11 My problems. I wish i did not have to write about it. It has rained and dust (stingy redwood dust) both inside and outside today was reduced to a minimum. However i've been all day under the influence of mole gas (or aerosol whatever), last hole, right under, door, next to the one i just filled with borax and covered, i discovered too late, or not long before Angela came. Pain from dust makes me drink. I also had in the last few days some caffeine free diet soda (two two liter bottles). Combined with the dust that eliminates from lungs into stomach, it created serious gastrointestinal pains, dis-motility (bloating). This time it was me who dragged Angela to Spirit Mountain.

I mixed some soda and a small amount of whiskey and put it in the bag with food and forgot to move it to the trunk. Right after overpass on I5 i wanted badly to change lanes (to go to the ATM), waited like for 5 cars to pass, staring in the mirror, when i thought it was clear, another one came probably from behind, almost hit it. On the road  there i met with 6 law enforcement vehicles, mostly Sheriff's deputies, and while some were waiting at the end of elaborate traps with other drivers involved, 2 others followed me briefly to check my speed, around Sheridan. Had to pass a trailer with half prefab house, while the trailer itself had to pass a stationed car, in the same place between counties when i got the ticket in January 2021. But on my way back. Again around Sheridan, i saw in front of me a Police Dodge (the well known red stop light shape) that was going at speed limit, for more than 5 minutes. So i kept my distance (the only way to get close was to speed of course) and all of a sudden it started to flash and stopped the car in front of it, on a continuous line area. Both me and Angela scratched our heads. If he was going at speed limit, why he pulled the guy in front of him, who could only have been slower? but that should have slowed us too. They once stopped me for being too slow when it was 32 degrees and raining and i was driving 10 under (A few minutes later, after he told me the roads were safe, i met with black ice on a bridge). Same area, possibly same cop? So i got to pass both vehicles that were completely on the shoulder, Police Dodge flashing behind, on a continuous double line. Just reviewed the manual. It says you have to either change lanes, if possible, keeping one lane distance, or to slow at least 5 under speed limit which i did, but i also crossed first of the two continuous lines or maybe both with one wheel, and that made a noise and the cop was walking in the lane towards that car staring at me more than at the other car. Wondering. Couldn't he have waited in his car 5 more seconds for me to pass, since there were no other cars behind?

Sunday, April 3, 2022

April 3

2:15 Fell asleep in the car in the parking lot at top level facing Ocean at Chinook Winds. A few minutes after i woke up, a woman in her 30s, brunette, attractive (looked a bit like Katy Perry), dressed in a very rare fishnet showing lots of skin with only one bra under came at her car that was next to mine, which was parked like those two cars in the alley last night, rear first, driver door to driver door. But she didn't get inside the car, and instead started yelling, facing me, towards a man a few cars further away. "Give me my money back, if you were a man you wouldn't treat a woman like this" and the sorts. I suspect the man took her money to stop her from losing more. However, the scene looked like something else cause she was so close to my door and facing me, and i didn't know what to do. Finally an idea came to me and i started to honk. After a while she stopped and went to the man and then they stopped altogether. However 5 minutes later they started again and the security finally came. Then they stopped and i felt like going to the restroom, left the car but the security guy (dressed civilian, with a badge) was waiting for me at the door towards bridge and casino, and opened the door for me and let me in with a large, ceremonial gesture, giving me the VIP treatment.

3:20 As i said earlier Saturday i went and bough a can of oil and one of refrigerant from O'Reillys and Walmart. I don't have a can of refrigerant from Walmart, but it's the same as for oil. The hole size of the can is smaller and that was one of the reasons i could not put it in with the new tool with two gauges (the other one was the pressure went up with temperature and now i think it doesn't need more. My guess is the product was made in India for India market, not for the US and that is the reason the oil viscosity is also not shown on their cans. A drop of oil fell on the engine cover and probably got sprayed on the exhaust (like dog's saliva when they stick their heads outside the car's window) (however i felt the smell in the cabin only when i came back). For that reason i could not feel the smell of a mole hole right under door. But i knew from when i left there was a dog poop on the other side of the building and when i went to pick it up and throw it in the garbage, i found another one, saw that hole, looked for more, saw another one right around the corner, etc.. Also somebody started the floating van engine in the parking lot. Many times when i go outside the show up. Better picture tomorrow

3:46 Insult over injury, also proof it is budhism
4:00 More smoke inside, there's a big bulge, exactly from direction of air flow (according to vapors my breath) of several square ft under a big bush next to a blue car in the parking lot in a place with no grass, thus it can't be moles. I tried to flatten but can't reach enough inside the bush. Also stinks like some sort of yeast.

3:15 Ok maybe it was her. The woman with the fishnet.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13

3:31 When i got back home about an hour ago i went and took some pictures and looked under the car. No oil leaks, however, there's plenty of dust mixed with oil on the back of the plastic engine shield that fell from the untigthen oil filter (as per Jiffy Lube). I believe it still flies and ends on the hot exhaust and stinks behind. I tried to clean it a bit but it's mission impossible, shield got ribs on the other side, unless if i remove the engine plastic shield and clean it. I'll try tomorrow.

Earlier. At Ilani Casino, i saw a number of celebrities of Japanese origin. Angela gave me 5 bucks with which i won 50 (all that i played) and then i almost sat on a chair next to Doja Cat. They got a self serve soda machine there, a pretty neat one with touch screen. However yesterday there was an attendant whom i think it was... I had to ask her... "Half sparkling water, half diet Pepsi, no ice..." Otherwise, then 10k capacity casino (an industrial hall full of slot machines) was full of fat, nervous ninja, acting Latinos or old Asians acting Asians.

Earlier. At Lucky Eagle, like at Ilani, we had no phone coverage. I just looked. Should have had. Right in the middle of the map where it says Chehalis. When we were about to live, they put a sign on the non-smokers restroom, so Angela had to go to the other. (I spent most of the time there trying to setup some sort of communication, which i succeeded, right before i left, with messenger over theri free wi-fi. However, it would work intermittently, as at Ilani).

I went to find her and passed through smoking area that was filled with all kinda smoke though, not only cigarette. Same in the parking lot. Or the heavy smoke inside was meant for us not to feel so much the one outside. In the car, our clothes were smelling heavily. At the traffic circle, we almost got hit by a truck with gigantic wheels speeding coming from left (previously unseen, coming out of nowhere). That would have insured not too much damage on his side (cold have left, like maybe in another hit and run). Later when i spoke about the smoke, at Seattle rock station would put the Clapton song, Cocaine. My mind started to clear only after i started to drive back home. Draw bridge was closed so i got to drive ten more miles, on 14 and 205.
Earlier. Had trouble with steering ever since i replaced shafts and struts (and before, because those were bad). To replace those, did not take apart or broken loose the big upper ball joint nut, only the three under. Actually tighten those a bit more. However, later i discovered they were loose. I tightened them to more than 50 lb ft several times (as required by specs). But especially yesterday. We went to the ATM near the US Bank branch in downtown Tualatin. On our way there i saw again the battery connector was intermittently loose (by the voltage at the lighter plug). I came back home and fixed that and had this idea and checked again the upper ball joint nuts. Right was loose again though i tightened it an hour before and only drove a couple of miles. When we left there were big wind on the hills on I5, until we passed Mt.Sylvania, literally pushing me off the lane, several times. But never had problems with both of them for the next 250 miles that i drove last night. I was commenting with Angela. As with the previous car, 10% worse mileage (by dashboard indicator) on the last portion of I5 before Oregon (more than 50 miles). Very rough road, with many bumps making the car jump all over and rough, noisy surface). It a big difference on 205 in Oregon when i finally realized there's nothing wrong anymore with the car.

12:30 Here today there's excessive dust, especially after i went outside to plug holes by stepping on those and they started several huge exhausts, shaking everything.

12:48 Last summer, a couple of weeks before the accident, i saw the owner of an old Ford truck with big wheels in the parking lot, symbolically buffing the brand plate of his Lord truck. While i was walking further, i saw this in the Meridian parking lot.

1:08 Just went outside to pick something at the car, the place is surrounded with heavy smoke, the same kind like yesterday in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle.
Went outside and tigthened the oil filter some more. Jan.31 after re-tightening
Smoke was gone but when i went to tighten the filter, i saw from under the car the legs of a tall guy, looking Japanese, posing Latin. Sorry to scare you, he said, with heavy Mexican accent. He didn't scare me but i raised kinda fast because he would have casually walked over my legs. 11:11. Got to re-tighten the battery connector at Chinook Winds, where Angela nearly made back her money she lost over the weekend. Managed to drive 20 miles south of Lincoln City on 101 along the Ocean and back. (Saw the stature of an angry whale, in Depoe Bay). Don't know why, as long as i leave that car out of my sight in a public place, things are happening to it.
When i left i saw in the alley a bottle of water mixed with hot sauce. I was complaining all day and yesterday of a burning sensation which i attributed to redwood dust. Just been and found it, flattened by cars. I was thinking. The wheel. And Angela made 100 bucks at "a wheel of fortune game", playing at 1 dollar.
On the road, was thinking. A number of years ago, maybe 8, i was speaking a lot with a couple of people from Romania. Don't want to go in all the details, but the guy who was from the northern part of Romania, near the border with Ukraine, was complaining to me that a lot of cars were passing next to the little village where his father lived. Since there are no big cities in the area, they were probably going in and out Ukraine. I don't really know how many Romanians have left Romania. All i see in the news are THEIR actors. Never real people. Oficial numbers are 5 millions or a quarter of the population. Today again all i saw on the road and in the casino are the same type of actors i always see. I once said, i don't know if i ever ever saw a real American. Or a real Romanian. I saw in the news plans to evacuate Kiev and stuff. But are they really any Ukrainian left in that country, or it's like Oregon, with hikikomori (ninja) for Hispanics and Hungarian actors for whites.

11:30 We hear every one and then that catholic Church are apologizing for this and that. But did they ever apologize for the people killed by this so called Crhistian Church using various methods, like breaking on the wheel, burning at the stake?