Showing posts sorted by relevance for query btu. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query btu. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014


Never knew what BTU was until recently. It is an abbreviation for British Thermal Unit. It is a non-standard unit for measuring energy.

Anybody who ever bought a small window AC unit knows about the abbreviation BTU. On the box, it is written the amount of BTU the unit can deliver. It's a simplified commercial abbreviation done for ease of reading because it should  have been written BTU/h. I've got an older 100 dollars unit that has a stated capacity of 5000 BTU and a a newer one of 120 dollars of 5000 BTU as well. With a P3 Kill A Watt power consumption meter, they each show a consumption of about 450 W, with the thermostat on continuously which coincides with the consumption written on their label.

From Wikipedia.

"When used as a unit of power for heating and cooling systems, BTU per hour (BTU/h) is the correct unit, though this is often abbreviated to just "BTU"

1 watt is approximately 3.41214 BTU/h

1000 BTU/h is approximately 293.071 W"

Thus for a unit of 5000 BTU/h, if written correctly, the equivalent of power in watts would be 1465.355 watts.

There are other ways used to approximate the power usage of an air conditioner which involves  the efficiency of a certain device, but they don't differ a lot from the scientific formula.

"For example, a 5000 BTU/h air-conditioning unit, with a SEER of 10, would consume 5000/10 = 500 Watts of power on average."

Please note that here is used correctly, BTU/h.

But according to the conversion formulas from the other Wikipedia page

5000 BTU/h divided by 3.41214 = 1465 W

That is how much a 5000 BTU/h AC  unit should draw from the grid. Instead, it draws a little over 400 W.

In reality they feel like they output 5000 BTU, not 1500 BTU as it results from multiplying the measured power, 450 with 3.42, the BTU/watt ratio. I don't believe it's a case of false advertisement.

Then anybody can tell me where the mistake is?

I personally think there is no mistake, the AC, as its cousin, the heat pump are truly over unity devices (output more energy than input). Do they violate the laws of physics as we know them? No, because heat pumps move heat from one area of space into another though they can move more heat than energy the compressor uses from the grid. It may appear so if you isolate the cold and hot part of a heat pump and see them as closed systems but not if you see the system as hole.

They manufacture, sell and advertise and use them for decades without the Universe being thorn apart or anything.

Proposed experiment. Feed both ends of an AC unit like this into a Stirling engine that has an efficiency of about 50%. At a consumption of 450 W you would have 10000 BTU entering the Sterling engine (adding both cold and hot output which for a small compact AC is lost) and hook a generator to it and see if you can get in the end more than 450 (input) watts.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

November 6

10:56 Pârjolirea pământului. Și totuși chestia cu cutremurele nu e chestia cea mai tare pe care am scris-o. Am scris una cu un motor relativist, capabil teoretic de a accelera o navă până aproape de viteza luminii, și alta despre energia obținută prin inversarea entropiei în pompele de căldură (frigidere, aer condiționat, aparate de încălzit cu pompă de căldură), adică din nimic (a doua e doar o observație, nici o invenție aici).

Dacă googăliți dvs.. despre relația dintre BTU și watt, veți vedea că vă dă ceva de genul 1 BTU (de fapt BTU/h, British Thermal Unit pe oră, o unitate ne-standard de măsurare a energiei și puterii) este 0.293 watts sau un watt este 3.41 BTU. Cel mai mic aparat de aer condiționat, ca acela pe care îl am eu, este de 5000 BTU sau 1466 watts. Și touși consumul afișat și măsurat (și de mine printre alții, ca să mă conving) este de în jur 500 watts. Deci? 5000*0.293=1466 watts iar motivul pentru care puterea este afișată în BTU este ca lumea să nu se prindă.

Explicația e că pompele de căldură nu transformă energia electrică în căldură decât într-o mică parte ci de fapt mută căldura (energia) dintr-o zonă a spațiului în alta prin păcălirea moleculelor.

Dacă de exemplu încălzești o locuință cu o pompă de căldură consumi de 3 ori mai puțină energie electrică decât dacă o faci cu o rezistență electrică care transformă energia electrică în căldură 100%, și ăsta este și felul în care li se face reclamă. Deci?

1:15 Elle entre. Și la Elantra asta, și la cealaltă, setarea pentru jetul de aer pe parbriz nu poate fi separată de jetul de aer pentru picioare. Deci când au venit temperaturile mai scăzute, am început să dau cu aer pe parbriz pentru dezaburire, a început și curentul dedesubt, care de asemeni este foarte puternic chiar la setarea 1 sau 2. Mai mult decât atât în partea șoferului lipsește o grilă (a dispărut) care atenua și difuza cumva curentul. Durerile abdomninale și de picioare fără motiv mi s-au exacerbat și totul a culminat cu o sciatică extremă care a ținut-o pe Angela în pat câteva zile iar azi ne întrebăm dacă va putea lucra luni.

2:28 Sebastian Jucan, ultima poveste de iubire, a câta poveste de război.

1:43 Imagine that. One strong Latino male living upstairs, spending ALL weekends at home, doing laundry, playing loud TV, moving heavy objects and squeaking the floor. Probably payed by the right extreme patriots from Romania, thinking stopping me from writing stupid things that would affect them. What they don't and will never know is he is a double agent ninja and not a Brazen (Barză, varză, viezure). Drazen. (Da, Johnny Weissmuller era din Freidorf).

Yesterday evening. We were out of anything and Angela knows tricks and has coupons on saving maybe 40% of the money shopping at Safeway. She also needed some training walking, best pushing a cart for stability, we both went and at the fish department she wanted to buy some cod but nobody was there. I kept yelling, anybody here, anybody here, until a huge guy dressed with some heavy Santa suit hidden under his white coat to look even fatter, smiling and shaven, showed, walking slowly coming from the isles, not from the department. 24 hours later a thought process popped out my subcon to tell me he was probably the goat from my last match. It makes sense, he was coming with the fish from the bottom of the ocean of course. Some of that fish looked bruised (bluish) and now i'm a bit sick after i ate it.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28

8:05 Woke up with the same questions in mind i went to bed with. How much it cost to organize an event like the one Trump spoke at (and how many people were in there). Is this what they spend most of the campaign money on? (If not, on what?). How come we don't see more of these events in the news.

And the most important. Do they always have machine guns on the roofs above the podium in plain view of audience? right under the American flag flown horizontally, like a kite between two cranes figuring a haven's gate. Phew.

8:15 Here in the US we don't have Hamas.

8:20 Lately i started to feel guilty about putting so many links to searches as the result come by means of AI (or so they say, i don't see the difference, it's just the same quote chosen from most searched site).

The reasons are obvious. I don't want people to say i picked the answer i wanted so i let them chose it. I want more people to learn how to do more complex, focused searches. (So i can take a break).

My goal now is to try and limit those to one or two per entry.

8:45 With the Olympic torch image fresh in mind, i did one more search. Obviously wanted to see if she carries a torch in any of the depictions. And what did i find? 

I wish i could find a better resolution on this. ...It's the East, and Amaterasu is the Sun!

12:30 The audio analysis of sound from the site says the shooter was hit by the first bullet and the second came at 10 seconds, from a different direction from the same gun. This indicates he was killed by a sniper on the roof cause snipers don't have a high fire rate and don't change position before shooting, they have to acquire target and aim first. He could then have jumped from the roof of the barn, run for a few seconds, aim and shoot him again from the ground.

If he was killed from the ground by means of handguns of the agents, it would have been more than one shot fired. BTW why the all climbed on the podium and jumped at the President and none of them ran at the shooter and fire his handgun multiple times?

Which proves the sniper had him in sight all the time. Also. How crazy was the gunman to stay there with the sniper and the machine gun in his sight and then shoot at the President?

It all seems like in an old western movie where the hero let the villains shoot first and then kill them usually in a self defense style in everybody's view so there is no need for lengthy investigation. However, the body of the villain is than measured by the grave man.

No word yet about who killed the would be assassin and from what position and google's AI is clueless.

Too bad they did not install security cameras and there is no footage of the whole incident from TV cameras with the whole crowd and buildings and stuff as they should be. All we have seen so far is Trump raising his right hand at the right ear which is invisible "from that angle".

BTW did the scopes of the two rifles on the roof had labels like they just have been "unboxed"? The sniper laying on the roof left his higher tripod and is trying to aim with thump up but now bothered by the hat's visor with eye slightly above scope's aiming line? One thing is sure. They are both looking in the same direction which by the angles seems to be the roof with the shooter.

And BTW who and when and from where was this picture taken and with what purpose.

2:12 Two guys that don't seem to be kids came to play with a drone at my window.

5:50 What was that, 3:45? Never knew how much fun is to order Chinese until Angela showed me that game at Indian Head, Master Chef or something when if you get a bonus get to choose. Your soup, your side etc..

There is no soup to order online at Panda Express however there is other stuff. Angela built the order, i went to pick it up. On Boones Ferry, one exit on I5 from here. However. On the exit ramp, there was this old woman driving a tan PT cruiser figuring a 2CV. She stopped a few times, including on the freeway, i was behind, she restarted then she was driving erratically and exited on Boones Ferry, right before me. She stopped on the exit ramp once.

Behind her, in a car with WA LPN a woman with a pink megaphone and open window was yelling something at her who also had the window open. When i passed her, i looked and she was no other than France Rumilly, the actress playing the crazy driving nun in the Gendarme movies. I would have never known if i didn't finally look for the actress a few minutes ago.

No i didn't have the camera with me on a such short trip.

Damn Chinese (delicious) food, i'm hungry again. No wonder Chinese are all so thin.

7:00 (Approximately) one science entry a day (can't promise). If they could mass produce these and put them on a windshield, it would be a step forward in increasing mpg by not using the 1-4 extra HP for running the AC of about...

Most of the 20k BTU used by AC in the tiny space of a vehicle cabin is for mitigating the solar heat coming through the windows and not the air temperature. By example, in a day with much sun and 75 temperature, you have to have the AC on.

7:42 I can predict with a 50% probability that is going to be either Trump or Harris. That is if none of them is dropping the race before elections... Then it's going to be 100%.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Problems With the Newer Refrigerants

This is one of the most important posts ever. Another problem i ran into, caused by yet another monumental technical and commercial blunder. Replacement of R11, R12 and R22 refrigerants which are chlorinated and are using mineral oil as lubricant with R134a, R410a, R404A which do not have chlorine in their chemical formula and use synthetic glycol or PAG (Poly Alkyl Glycol), POE or PVE as lubricant. The commonly used lubricant/refrigerant ratio is 1/4 (one ounce lubricant to 4 ounces liquid refrigerant).

First. They are saying that chlorinated refrigerants like older R11, R12 and R22 deplete the protective ozone layer of the Earth (ionosphere) hence they needed to be phased out and replaced with non chlorinated ones but to me this is highly controversial, because freon is 4 times heavier than air and chlorine 3 times. Ionosphere is the outermost area of the upper atmosphere where oxygen is converted into ozone by solar radiation and is as thick as the radiation penetrates. It's a self regulated process and ionosphere will be there in the same thickness as long as there is oxgyen.

Second. Chlorinated refrigerants may be anti-fungal (because they contain chlorine).

Third. Glycols though they outperform mineral oil in many applications including refrigeration, are highly hygroscopic. Which means they have an affinity for water and will attract water inside the pipes though the pressure is 2-3 times atmospheric pressure (on the lower pressure side of the system or before the compressor when in use).

Fourth. Unlike window ACs which are completely sealed, cars and homes ACs have 2 servicing valves or the so called core valves which are similar to core valves at the tires though they work at higher pressure (up to 200 psi or 13 atm on the high pressure side of the circuit or right after the compressor). Valves are sealed with tiny soft pieces of rubber.

Fifth. Lubricant in AC applications contribute to sealing the areas that have rubber seals. When not in use, the lubricant gathers at the bottom of the circuit and the valves "dry". Them they start leaking, but not only inside out, though the pressure in a fully charged system when not in use (on both low and high pressure areas) is about 50 psi at 50 degrees, 70 and 70 etc., they also leak, though much less, the other way due to partial pressure phenomena. Though there is pressure inside the circuit, that is caused by freon. Water vapor partial pressure is smaller inside then outside and water molecules that are also smaller get can also get inside in very small amounts, where they meet the lubricant, get dissolved in it until saturation and some end up in the silicon beads of the desiccant bag that is present in any AC circuit. And in there, if  there is no anti-fungal agents or additives in the circuits, water and oxygen contribute to developing mold and/or bacteria.

My car has been sitting in auction sites and shop for months and the valves have dried and leaked most of the freon, pressure was so low it was not triggering the switch that starts the compressor). After i first accidentally released some freon and PAG oil when i tried to refill the AC (and then i brought the hoses inside) i got very sick for about a month and a half after. Kinda realized what happened and bought a vacuum pump that is meant to remove all moisture from inside the circuit by applying vacuum. In vacuum, water evaporates faster or boils and vapors are eliminated by the pump. It is hard to obtain a very high vacuum due to continuous evaporation, at least until you eliminate most of it and it's a long process that might take up to an hour. But in the end it worked and the needle of that gauge was not moving down visibly when the pump was stopped, and the vacuum was achieved much faster after letting air in than the first time when moisture was present (actually should have used a digital gauge for deep vacuum, which measures in (mercury height) microns instead of psi, one psi is about 50k microns and for boiling water you will need some 1500 microns, and don't know if that is visible on a gauge marked in psi. 1/40 of one line on the scale). I also tried to replace the core valves, but did not realize i have bought two different sizes for each valves (4 valves in total) and i replaced only the low pressure one. My mistake.

Anyways, i've done it, added the right amount of freon, checked for the right amount of oil with some indicators i bought on Amazon.

As for newer than R134a. R410a and R404A which are newer than R134a are even worse. POE used in R410a saturate with water at 0.2 to 0.3 percent while PAG saturates at 0.7 which means there will be more free water in the circuit and desiccant bag.

But the next day. All my symptoms came back, though not as intense (it may be my immune system adapted to the strains that grow inside those circuits). Including belly pains which i had for a year before the accident. Which means the other car had it also. Which means they most do. Here in this image the pump is connected to the low pressure valve. The high pressure one which to me seems useless is in the bottom middle of the image next to the alternator. BTW i just remember, my low pressure valve tip was touching the cap when tightened which contributed to the leak.
This image shows the "zero" position of the gauge, which is a bit off to the right.And this the ultimate vacuum i have achieved in about an hour or soAnd yes i believe it's a good idea to start the AC in winter time at least once a week, to wet the valves with oil (glycol whatever).

An idea just came to me and went and looked for what kinda AC (heat pump whatever) a Tesla has. Since it should be obviously electric, like the window ones, of comparable capacity (around 10k btu), i was hoping it is as compact and does not have servicing valves. But no, it's got the same type of huge compressor and clumsy plumbing with long pipes that loose heat (cold) all cars have, is spread all over the what used to be engine compartment and has at least one servicing valve (yellow cap in the image). Why not make a compact AC (heat pump) of comparable size and price with the window ones, that last maybe 10 years, and could be cheap enough to be replaced all together or as cheap as the cost of servicing the existing?

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13

1:20 AM Trăind pe înecarea cirezilor agreste. Se promulgă.

2:18 Ce poți face dacă te temi de urși și totuși vrei să mergi pe un traseu. Pune-ți un spray lacrimogen în rucsac.

2:23 Da știu sună ciudat, dar pentru București, unde va fi mai cald cu câteva grade, din cauza mașinilor și asfaltului, se pot angaja 2 avioane de transport cu reacție care să zboare de pe la 10 dimineață până la 2 după amiază la altitudinea punctului de rouă (dew point, dacă există în ziua respectivă) și să tragă niște linii pe direcția soarelui. Am văzut asta de multe ori aici în Portland însă oficial nu se vorbește.

Asta ar reduce temperatura cu câteva grade. Da știu sunt controverse însă câteva linii pe direcția soarelui nu vor bloca radiațiile dinspre pământ spre cer ci doar invers. Chestie de geometrie. Părerea mea.

Apropo, știți motivul pentru care o mașină are o instalație de aer condiționat de 20k BTU iar eu răcesc tot apartamentul cu una de 5?

Motivul este că mașinile de azi au bordul de sub geam foarte mare, din cauza înclinării geamului (consum, aerodinamică) iar acest bord captează energie solară, nu știu, până la 1000 wați sau mai mult. Dacă nu mă credeți, puneți mâna pe el când e soare afară. Deci instalația de AC nu luptă doar cu temperatura aerului ci mai mult cu acest ditamai radiator din mașină.

8:53 Ok they convinced me. He's real. Thesetoo.

9:09 It may be a sin a trap but i have to say it. I know for the one on the right. Right pronunciation is Erika Sawajiri.

11:50 Un mm. The Actors.
5:08 Did i say. If in Japanese 山 (Yama) stands for mountain, i know the link with gods Yama and Shiva (both gods of destruction and rebirth). It's the volcanoes. Yamasaki. Yamamoto. Hawaii. The towers were designed to fall appearing like volcanoes.

Or like peeling a banana maybe.

Is that a futakuchi onna? Hollaback?

Sunday, June 2, 2019

CO2 Explained

Peaking at 8 billion tons, 80% carbon, 6.4 Gt (Giga tons or billion tons) of carbons in 2010

Peaking at 35 billion barrels that is 5 billion tons/year, 85% carbon, 78% burnt, 3.7 Gt tons in 2010. 75% is burnt in motor vehicles.
Aprox 10 Gt in 2010. It verifies.

"Carbon dioxide concentrations have shown several cycles of variation from about 180 parts per million during the deep glaciations of the Holocene and Pleistocene to 280 parts per million during the interglacial periods. Following the start of the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric CO2 concentration increased to over 400 parts per million and continues to increase, causing the phenomenon of global warming."

"As of 2010 it constitutes about 0.041% by volume of the atmosphere, (equal to 410 ppm) which corresponds to approximately 3200 billion metric tons of CO2, containing approximately 870 billion metric tons of carbon." (870 Gt)

Approx. 1/3 of the existing carbon dioxide in atmosphere is due to human activity in the last 100 years with an average of less than 5 Gt carbon/year meaning less than 500 Gt. It verifies. 100 years is a an extremely short period on geological scale.

I made a mistake in a previous post about the contribution of motor vehicles to production of carbon dioxide when i said it was 1%. In reality as seen above that number is 28% of which only 5.6% is usefull, rest of it being wasted. 22.5% of the carbon we put in the atmosphere is for no reason at all. By switching to electric, if that fuel was burnt in plants producing electricity at 45% efficiency, that waste could be reduced by 25% or 7% of total carbon emissions.

But cars with combustion engine waste twice of that amount by turning roughly half of that energy use into heat while braking because they do not use regenerative braking as electric and hybrids do so they waste twice as more energy. So the final percentage is about double or 14%.

About half of this amount of carbon emission reduction is obtained by using hybrid cars because they use regenerative braking but those are very complicated technologically and pose the cumulated maintenance problems from both classic combustion and electric. Electric cars are very easy to maintain because there's no oil change, brake replacement and other occasional repairs.

Another way to significantly reduce carbon emissions is using frontal washers and the newer heat pump driers. Doing laundry uses a good percentage of household consumption, maybe 20%. Front load washers use less energy per use and per using less heated water. Heat pump driers use up to 50% of the energy and do not need vents and they dry cleaner (air is on closed circuit, and is not pulled from walls when windows are closed).

A heat pump drier basically has a heat pump similar to a window AC that works as a dehumidifier wile recycling air and energy.

They will eventually get cheaper in time but they already could pay for themselves in a couple of years or so (average cost for electricity for drying in an american house is 250 dollars a year for 1.4 MWh of electricity used for drying and a heat pump drier costs right now about 300 dollars more).

"Heat pump dryers can, therefore, use up to 50% less energy required by either condensation or conventional electric dryers."

Cars like Hyundai, Prius, more newer others have huge dashboards because of their very inclined windshield per cause of aerodynamic shape with more than one square meter or 10 sqft of dashboard.

What makes you turn your AC on in your car at 75 degrees outside? At 75 degrees you only need the AC when it's sunny and your dashboard sizzles because of it. One square meter of dashboard probably generates up to 1 kW of heat inside your car, or half of your household average use.

By example car roofs are insulated towards interior and some are reflective with color white most. But on sunny days your dashboard produces maybe an average 1 HP (750 watts) of heat inside the car that you are cooling of course with one HP of mechanical power from engine operating at 20% efficiency, or 5% of your car's average power. (Isn't that kinda stupid).

What if you installed solar panels on your dashboard? You could probably operate an electric AC only when needed that is only when it's sunny outside and you'll get of course less heat in your car from Sun cause some of visible and infrared light reaching dashboard through your windshield is turned into electricity in that solar panel.

For example a 5000 BTU window AC uses about 400 watts to cool an average room. But a car is much smaller, you could use half of that or the energy necessary for a small refrigerator.

But you could also probably charge your battery in the parking lot. 10 hours of charging at 1 kW (roof + hood + dashboard) could mean one hour or more of driving at 10 kW. Or you could simply unfold a solar panel from your trunk, cover your car with it and have your battery charged 10-20% or something by your lunch break. (It takes 9 hours to charge a 90 kWh battery 10 percent with a 1000 watt solar panel 3 by 2 meter. Like the Lunar rovers.

Same with your house. AC is fighting mostly the heat generated by the roof and walls, (not air's temperature), which goes into the range of many kW in a hot sunny day. Wouldn't be nice if you would have part of your house' roof and walls covered with solar panels which will charge your car's battery. No need for expensive electronics to connect your solar panels to the grid or generate AC. Instead you could charge a battery during day time and exchange it with that in your car that can be modular, something like a drawer (or some electronics operating with less than 100% that could transfer overnight energy from that battery to your car's). Those solar panels will also absorb much infrared energy and you'll need less if any AC working at your house. Etc.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

More About Liquid-Gas Equilibrium

Re-edited 12/30/2019

Most types of molecules that can exist both in gaseous and liquid form are not symmetrical, both mechanically and electrically. There is a distribution of mass and electrical charge within the molecule which can result in molecule having a rotation moment that can be exchanged with other molecules and into linear momentum and back.

Let's imagine we have a semi filled container with a single type of molecules with uneven spatial distribution of mass and electrical charges and some of it exists in gas form above the surface of liquid where there is a continuous exchange of molecules from the liquid phase into gas phase and back.

There is a continuous motion of molecules which stands for the temperature and pressure of the mass of that liquid.

Due to spatiality of the electrical charges the molecules in liquid form tend to arrange in a matrix like pattern at least temporarily and in limited volumes. Electrostatic forces between water molecules in a liquid are also called hydrogen bonds.

Image taken from (now link is broken) trying to figure water molecules in a matrix within liquid phase.
Molecules moving "freely" in gaseous form have much higher speeds because their pressure have to equate the pressure of the more numerous but slower moving molecules in liquid form. Also it is thought gas molecules in a closed container move around following a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of their linear speeds.

Molecules in both phases besides linear speed that creates pressure have a rotation speed that also carries energy.

All molecules in both phases move around in complex patterns. Those in liquid phase oscillate around in a circular motion and move linearly together in wave like patterns within a matrix.

In the gas phase there is rotation and "random" linear motion between two collisions when molecules exchange linear and rotation speed while molecules with higher energy loose some to those with lower.

At the surface there is a continuous exchange of molecules between gas and liquid.

Rotation moment of the molecules caught in the matrix of a liquid is more uniform then the rotation moment of molecules in gas form because of hydrogen bonds.

The distribution of momentum and energy necessary for the molecules to escape from the liquid is also within a narrower band than normal distribution or just above the energy necessary to break electric bondage at the surface while the energy lost by molecules moving within a normal distribution that are "caught" at the surface of the liquid varies within a normal distribution. (Maxwell-Boltzmann). However they collide right away with the other molecules in gas form and go back to a normal distribution of speed.

However heat pumps have one area where molecules are converted from gaseous form to liquid (condensation) and another one where liquid is converted back to gas (evaporation). Evaporated or escaped molecules do not meet right away with those of a normal distribution.

We can say the two surfaces separating gas and liquid phase in a heat pump can play the role of the gate in Maxwell's experiment, regulating "entropy" by changing the distribution of gas molecule from normal distribution to a narrow band distribution.

We know from practice that heat pumps are over unity devices (producing more energy than consume).

Trying to summarize what i wrote in this blog post. written triggered by the observation of an apparent energy imbalance in practical devices like described here