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Showing posts sorted by date for query emperor. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2024

January 19

4:50 PM Over the last ten years i have identified a number of ninja from Japan living in my proximity. From Jinichi Kawakmi at Apt 2, 47 Eagle Crest dr. Lake Oswego, Oregon to Yuji Yamada, a ninja and professor at MIE University in Iga prefecture, Japan, at Apt.6 (above. 2021-2023) who used to be the stronghold of medieval ninja.

Recently i identified two more, one living again upstairs (sub-renter) and one at Apt.4, both members of Ashura group ment to attract new members in the dark craft. Could it had been all part of a promotion to recruit new ninja in Japan, trying to show them how easy is to work in the US and manipulate people there and pay everybody a lesson. In which the Emperor itself who is a ninja participated.

To me it has been about 13 years of torture and confusion and exposure to all kinda substances as smoke and mold, ruining my health. And probably the guys upstairs are now moving and are getting away. But what can i say. Fake cops are acting on cameras like the one at Walmart yesterday.

It has been almost 10 years since i wrote this page. I didn't know how to put my suspicions in writing and i used this formula. A fantastic novella that in the end proved a nightmare came true.

But then i remembered the August 20-21 experience where the cop was Solovyov himself. Iohannis showing at a casino right before i almost got into another one. So i'm thinking all that's happening to me, among other things, is promoted in Russia as an example "of how corrupt the west has become".

One more event i should not overlook. A few weeks ago a guy with a big truck backed up and pushed the small Dodge SUV into the building. That SUV belonged to a Japanese woman that was posing as a Chinese, supposedly the mole in the area. In fact i am positive it is nothing but them in the area.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 10

11:25 "Eu centrez, eu dau cu capul" (I center, i score). Here it goes :

I think i found a way to visualize the falling of an electron on a lower orbit, after i figure the equations. Probably the most overlooked phenomenon in history of science. For the accelerated phase, it should be a parabolic spiral. No need for supercomputers or anything. Except maybe if there was some AI software which you could verbally ask it to do so and spare all the work.

Why is it important? Well, a falling electron is (the smallest) electric current, right, which generates a magnetic field, right, which accompanies the emitted photon (or is the emitted photon).

Nevermind that. They just sent in a team (made of little "Mexicans") who started hammering to finish the walls of the fallen stairwell (about a month ago, remember). There will be between 1000 and 10000 hammerings today. Like in the days when the emperor was here, and did the windows. Or a few years earlier when they did the roofing for the whole complex, with an average of one nail a second for 6 months.

11:30 Was thinking earlier. If the religious thugs of Japan force their own people to work to death to partly finance their covert ninja type operations abroad, what will they do to others. Like what they are doing nowadays with Americans and they don't even know it.

4:00 Thoughts from my walk. If we were to calculate the trajectory of a falling electron we need to know first position and speed of the electron, which according to German physicist Werner von Braun Heisenberg it is not possible. I bet this is  the main reason they never adventured to do it.

So we must to get rid of this theory first, also with the help of deeper quantum mechanics, and that is the quarks i bet Heisenberg didn't know about.

Ok, Heisenberg published his uncertainty theory in 1927 and quarks were discovered in 1964 and he died in 1976 and he never corrected his theory. Why would had he, since he already won a Nobel prize in 1932 and was already the father of quantum mechanics?

For the most simple atom, hydrogen, with one single proton which is made of quarks we can see the proton has a spatial asymmetric dipole charge. More than that, to form the nucleus, the proton is paired with a neutron which has no electric charge at all, only mass which adds to the off center asymmetry.

Since both nuclei and electrons have mass, there is a tiny gravitational force between them though the electric force is prevalent.

So the normal circular trajectory of an electron around a nucleus, better said around the center of its electric charge is perturbed by the electric asymmetry of the proton and the position relative to its mass center.

There is also the issue with the mass of the electron. The electron has enough mass to move the atom around a bit, like Moon vs Earth. At those speeds, this thing will also contribute to instability of many possible orbits or "energy levels" and in the end their are only a few permitted or "quantified".

Since we now know quarks are made of strings that vibrate, i bet this model is too complicated for any mathematician and they came up with this uncertainty theory instead.

Though they have so many "idle" (they do not apply to anything) theorems in math no one single person on Earth can review them all in a single lifetime.

But nowadays we have giant supercomputers, let's feed them this model. However i bet they already did and only a few know the results.

I remember i once applied for a grant to pay to use a supercomputer to come up with a method of predicting earthquakes. Based of course on a different theory than tectonics plates theory. But applying for a grant is a complicated job in itself which i screwed and i bet they have one guy in every grants hogging team that to do just that.

BTW do they ever give Nobel prizes to guys who dismantle old theories that have been given Nobel prizes for? I believe they do, Bohr made substantial changes to the previous two models, Thompson and Rutherford who also received Nobel Prizes.

However big money don't need Nobel prizes (which come with one million each), all they need is a good working theory that will allow them to peek into tomorrow's market. One thousand times per second.

BTW is head scratching stimulating blood circulation inside brain?

530 Like i remember during that time when i opened an Ameritrade account and put in 2000 dollars from a credit card. At first it was working but after a few days it was like some big entity with big money was intervening and screwing the prices of my picks so i gave up. But i was there long enough to see they were every day 2 o 3 startups dying there.

They all seemed the same. Gathering a hundred or two hundred million capital, real or not, around a chemical formula for a new Alzheimer drug that never made it past a couple years of studies. But guess what. How many grants where they sucking besides the initial investment?

Big money, big schemes nobody looks at. Nobody cares cause it's government's money.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31

It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.

What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given  bulgarian? etymology).

One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.

There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.

Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.

As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.

The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).

The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.

The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.

7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.

1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.

În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.

2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege?
2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.

If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.

No Blachs does not mean black.

3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.

5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.

Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.

5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.

5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.

Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.

6:30 Cadence Academy.

7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.

But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.

So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.

And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).

In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.

While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.

8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.

I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.

9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzează atrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.

Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei. 

O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.

Atenție cafeaua și cofeina din carbogazoase dezhidratează la fel sau mai mult.

Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.

9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.

I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".

10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.

10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.

Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25

12:33 What is Shinto in Japan where it coexists with Buddhism. Shinto is more important though because the Emperor is considered a descendant of a Shinto Goddess, Amaterasu. Buddhism besides Buddha's teachings is also polytheistic because it inherits all deities from Hinduism. BTW October is getting closer.

I would assume like in any country, in Japan the young people have a tendency to forget their own old religion but that is hard as long as the Emperor is in that palace.

However we can only understand one culture if we try to reach its origins. And we all need to understand Japan because it is de facto the world leading country.

Next question i have in mind for tonight is how they really practice Shinto and if there are practical implications. I would guess they each worship different gods since they are so many and they choose one or two and try to imitate them?

12:55 One sure way to understand a religion is to look into their conversion rituals. However...

1:10 Raijin is the Japanese god of thunder who inspired the popular Pokemon character Pikachu. I read that anybody can worship Raijin (Raichu) however you would need a proper ofuda that can be acquired from a temple supplier and of course a kamidana. With mirrors.

2:00 Most likely X stands for Xenu.

10 Da bine și toate obiectele găsite la locul faptei nu erau probe strânse de anchetatori. A și o chestie. Cine are bani de o cameră GoPro merge pe jos 4 km spre 2 Mai.

10:02 Gods, Godei.

10:12 Raijin. I take it any drummer in a band represents him.

3:00 Kuchi Onna.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

August 2nd

6:30 2.3 mL of undiluted Bulgarian rose oil is 56 bucks on Amazon, 44 on their own site. One gram of gold today is 63 dollars.

6:56 New hope for cancer treatment.

7:49 It started like this around April 1st  (picture taken April 7)Then it became like this (picture taken April 21)That day when i took  the picture above i panicked and went to an Urgent Care clinic and they sent me to the ER (mostly due to raised bloor pressure due to stress and lack of lab that was closed at 3). A whole story happened at ER were i waited 4 hours and was about to leave when i asked them for some bandage and they saw the wound (not the woman at triage who was a Hungarian actress and told me to wait).

After more hours of waiting for blood test results in the room they gave me a very bad smelling antibiotic that gave me nausea every time i took it and sent me to a dermatologist who gave me a local antibiotic (Mupirocin). I saw the dermatologist last time on May 11 when the wound was finally healing.

But the healing started only after i open and sprinkled Amoxicillin capsules (leftovers from the dentist) directly on the wound and adjacent areas like seen in pictures that were first covered in a layer of Mupirocin so the Amoxicilin dust would stick and that happened in a couple of days and then it took some time until that hole filled with scar tissue. As soon as i sprinkled Amoxicilin the terrible itch started to subside and there was no more yellow puss in that hole.

Should i have listen to doctors, i don't know where i would be today.

I don't know exactly what happened. Was it a spider bite? They were times and even today i think it happened because i angered the Sun God and this was his signature.

That day when i first fixed the airbag issue there was a big wind that blew some leaves from some of the garages with flat top that were rotting there since last fall. I went to pick those and started to have similar lessons at the left hand, but i did not scratch those and treated them really carefully and those subsided.

But one thing the dermatologist gave me and that helped with the itch was Dove rose soap bar. Soap with a strong smell of rose that is.

Yesterday or Monday i tried to clean that hose of the washer with a snake brush and some detergent and then i poured chlorine in it and let it for about half hour, and today the apartment was smelling like vomit. I figure the bacteria from the slime entered the pores of the PVC hose and then it mixed with chlorine and stuff and spilled some of the slime on the floor and then i washed the floor using some of the rose soap and then i ordered some rose essential oil (diluted or non distilled) from Amazon just to see what it is.

8:16 Am scris toată povestea de mai sus (și mi-am amintit că nu am pus pozele astea niciodată, fiindcă nu știam cum se va termina) din cauza săpunului de trandafiri. Vă mai amintiți de Rexona care pentru noi era mirosul binefacerilor capitalismului, care nu au mai venit niciodată la noi?

Mulți ani în urmă am cumpărat niște săpun Rexona de la un magazin de aici însă nu era nimic din ce știam eu odată. Am gugălit și am aflat că brand-ul original a fost Australian, după care a fost cumpărat de britanici în 1930 bla bla.

Însă au schimbat rețeta anilor 80, așa cum ne-o amintim noi sau poate nu am cumpărat eu tipul respectiv. Nu am găsit nimic în legătură cu acea rețetă dar sunt sigur că săpunul, deodorantul de atunci aveau în ele ulei de trandafir și încă un ingredient, probabil mosc.

La fel ca și țigările Kent sau Marlboro, nu mai au gustul de altă dată, au schimbat aditivii, poate erau cancerigeni (cineva mi-a spus că foloseau miere), cine știe (nu vorbesc de cele din România, care cel puțin în 2004 când am fost acolo erau toate falsificate) iar cele din Europa (Franța) erau mult mai tari ca cele din SUA. Trăgeam un fum, să cad jos. Însă așa țigări aromate ca și Kent sau Marlboro de pe vremea aceea sau chiar BT (Bulgar Tabac) nu am mai fumat niciodată.

11:36 Smoke de flori pe subțiori... Iliescu-apare Soarele răsare.

11:58 BTW after i installed the new clutch in the washer yesterday morning i saw it was vibrating really bad when spinning. I looked again and saw one part that was out of place, but that only after i saw another video (without those i would have never made it). Some DIY-er had to reset the plate after normal functioning (not laying).

It would have never crossed my mind that an assembled machine would have a free moving part that would fall out of place if laid on the floor. After that i done the first load of laundry in 7 years that was actually clean.

The machine has leaked grease on the clutch before i moved and would not agitate or spin at full speed but i would have never known that until after the clutch broke completely and i replaced it. However it was a big step ahead from Lake Oswego because when i moved here the clothes were smelling so bad like smoke from a leak from a fireplace at Apt 7 below i had to wash them like 5 times.

But after that the flexible pipe from dryer's exhaust in the basement filled with condensed water and had to build the contraption with the window AC as a dehumidifier that BTW works better than with exhaust because it recirculates air instead of pushing it outside, dries cleaner with less energy. Here are the pipes of an unusual mine was unused after i made the recirculating device.

The triangular part in the middle (suspension plate) is free when the machine is not in vertical position and has to be aligned before raising it.

And the answer to my picture above. A guy looking like NeckU Ceaușescu with his hands raised up. Also the shooting hoax was an answer to the earlier pictures with my wound. You guys live in a psychosis and they play you like toys. The Capitol(ism) or whatever that is is just a symbol populated with actors. The real power is in Tokyo Japan. And not even there. The emperor himself is an actor. Probably in some Buddhist monastery somewhere.  

5:45 The same routine since they moved. They drag furniture around when i eat. For the first week or so i thought maybe they just moved and the timing is a coincidence. I hosed the building after the kami blowers passed. Earlier i slept with sliding door open and now the hose is broken and got all wet when i hosed after them. They got a window AC upstairs in the bedroom but i still believe it's weird a woman like her in her prime stays here (and stomps) all day long.

6:53 Gaura din buget. Toate ministerele, al doilea link dreapta sus la blog.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 23

10:15 By the reactions in media to my posts and near to my private thoughts and actions i think they are simulating the universal law of action-reaction, sort of substituting their will to the impartial will of Universe (Cheating karma, by their own terms). So they do by substituting their emperor or Sun God for the real Sun, the main source of our light.

10:26 It's time o'clock, 11:30, by the will of stars themselves. My will is good.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

June 1st

3:23 No clear etymology is given in Wikipedia for the name Germania, given by Romans to the area north of Gaul. I was browsing for Roman emperors and i was searching and reading about the emperor nicknamed Caligula, who was the third emperor of the empire. His face reminds me of known Hungarian actors of today. However his inherited name, from his father, which was more like a title, given by the Senate to emperors or generals after acquiring new territories, comes after Germania and it made me curious and clicked on it and once again i was intrigued by the vagueness of possible etymologies.

Then i remembered i once found on a very nice and detailed map of Ancient Europe i can't find right now, something that caught my eye. But found another one that might be better... A tribe named... Cherusci (right above where it says GERMANY).

Then i remembered i once wrote... well, posted, some pictures with Cherokees, again intrigued by the fact they were wearing feathers on their shoulders (like another guy known to us from even more ancient times) and possible link with Bible's Cherubs.

A missing (internet address) link, by that time i was putting only links to the pictures, i gave up that habit after too many links broke. I don't care about restoring this post since, well, i think i've done enough volunteering already, but look... And think.

We should quit seeing history as about isolated countries or Bible only as a religious book. They were links in the past among all continents especially during Northern Ice Age and people might have wondered more than we know from history classes.

As for Germany. Why the name Deutsche or Dutch by which Germans call themselves nowadays was not mentioned by the Romans?

There is a possible explanation. They weren't there at that time. Due to abundance of metals, especially gold the area of Dacia later occupied by the Romans was quite a worry free, advanced civilization. History now tells us that the barbarian Romans wiped or voided  of people the entire densely populated area of the occupied part of Dacia, taking some 500 000 prisoners which were then turned into slaves.

Could some of the remaining others have become refugees in western Europe, notably the Ruhr area which was also rich in metals, though not so much gold that was already depleted and thus not of so much interest to Romans anymore so they could go on with their skills to this day?

This could explain the Romanians' attachment for Germans, choosing a German dynasty as their kings and now a German (looking) president

5:45 The moment Angela went to sleep, they came.

9:52 Severus Maximus

Thursday, May 11, 2023

May 11

1:24 It had to be glam rock and precursor of punk. A type of minimalist rock with a lot of authenticity, featuring short "dazzling" rhythm guitar chords and very short solos, violins, mellow vocals and sometimes unexpected extraordinary compositions that created one if not the best song ever. And yes it clashes with all religions as we know them.

9:41 Last night or better said this morning, just after i posted this video at 1:34 i heard a very faint noise at the door like a professional inserted a key in the door and tried to open it a couple of times but could not. The backyard (balcony) door is again unlocked like yesterday though i have been careful about locking it last night. Woke up again with bandage off. My heart problem caused by doxycycline is slowly reversing.

My hand is healing, slowly. While the wound is now closed and have no more chills, there are blisters on top of the new tissue, the areas around it are sore, deep into the muscles (or bones), especially after i took more Amoxicilline. The fingers are sore and stiff at both hands when i close a fist.

Soreness or heat again due to antibiotic are present in the bulged areas next to my ears where the hair is missing due to overuse of cell phones in the last ten years and many areas of the body including palms of my hands with cellular damage that are prone to and infected because they were close to wi-fi and phone.

I once wrote a blog post titled "Method of Diagnosing Infections Using Antibiotics" but can't find it anymore even in my blogger dashboard. The idea is very simple. If you suspect having a chronic infection in some area of the body or your white cell count is in the upper range of "normal" (which depends on the lab), take an antibiotic (best as patch).

If you feel within half hour soreness or heat in an area of the body, it means you have one.

The soreness comes from inflammation caused by dead bacteria in the infected tissue, as effect of the antibiotic. Continue with the antibiotic until the soreness stops and/or white cell count gets back to normal normal.

But if you had cellular damage by various reasons to the point the tissue can't regenerate or is very slow to regenerate your infection will eventually come back, maintaining the cellular damage.

Antibiotics patches are not yet widely available but you can improvise one using capsules. Spread a bit of vaseline (pure white petrolatum) on a square inch on your arm. Sprinkle half capsule (every three hours). Cover with sterile patches and wrap with bandage (i use pieces of women stoking which i wash regularly). Do not use tape on your skin next to antibiotic cause it may cause rashes.

10:02 Landscape day was yesterday, today is garbage day. While the garbage truck makes its thunderous sound, a landscape guy went around and sprinkled the mulch areas next the buildings with something and got at my balcony exactly when i was writing the word door above, staring at me.

11:40 Friar Tucker?

12:52 Antibiotics red tape in the US.

Besides "unofficial" use of Amoxicillin i also use prescribed Mupirocin, for the wound only. I had it prescribed Tuesday two weeks ago, refilled on 4, requested on 2nd  ran out of it, used Neosporin to which i'm allergic, got the rash again, reset to day 0. Though the doctor said Tuesday at the appointment i need to continue with it, he wrote it on the instruction and in myChart, he didn't give me a refill, it's a small tube, 44 mg, i used it all in 7 days and now i'm having trouble again in refilling the prescription.

BTW the doctor told me Tuesday i did a great job in healing the wound. Then i told him about the sprinkling of Cephalexin leftovers which finally closed the wound in about 2 days (had three capsules, ran out of it, continued with Amoxicillin). But there was left a small dot on the wound that now moves around.

Asked for it on myChart yesterday, no response, trouble identifying self at the dermatology in Bridgeport, as everywhere lately, the receptionist told me it may be too soon for a refill (after 7 days), i insisted, she said she will send the request to the doctor.

12:50 Antibiotics resistance is a myth and a form of controlling of people by bureaucrat doctors. Lobbyists paid by medical associations enact laws for prohibiting people buying those without prescription. Thus, people have to pay for appointments times more than the price of medicine instead of trying as a first cheap form of treatment.

There cannot be antibiotics resistance, judging by the mechanism of which antibiotics work. The bacteria cannot change or adapt to antibiotics because they go after vital processes of bacteria. Bacteria are very simple organisms. Because of that they cannot evolve or change Their evolution process have stopped billions of years ago.

I don't believe they can sacrifice any of their minimalist structure to change function in producing enzymes that break down antibiotics by example. And if they did, they would develop other vulnerabilities that would not make them viable. Otherwise we would all have all been eaten by the mutants after discovering of antibiotics, a long time ago.

1:24 Balcony door last night was locked. I was (miss)judging only by the position of the handle i was used to. However somebody changed the position of the strike plate in the frame and now it locks at a different, more "permissive" or more "opened" position of the handle giving me the illusion it was not locked, for a couple of days now.  Which makes me think. Was it possible to open when locked before that?

Judging by the trace left in the paint by the screw, there are at least 4 different possible positions in which the strike plate was moved since installation but in reality there is a two dimension continuous range (wave function). Nothing at the other screw however which is not tightened all the way. The strike plate moves up and down when upper screw is loose.

Yes there was a missing screw at the latch at the kitchen window, for which again the emperor himself went after. The doubling. When they came to fix what they screwed last summer.

2:00 I do appreciate the coming of flash cards but the micro SD card, due to its size and difficulty in handling is the most stupid invention ever.

First time i tried to leave was before last entries. 12:52 i guess. Then, as right now, they produced an ambulance with a siren. Try to feel what i'm feeling . About to leave, an ambulance whining. If not, a low flying plane, an air horn or whatever. Geese at night. Something, after hours of silence. Every time.

Nevermind, i'll try to look in the news for something to write about.

2:10 There is no accounting backed evidence for reaching of the "debt ceiling". They never produce an end of the fiscal year accounting balance or sheet. Correction. What do you know. They do produce that. Good luck with reading and understanding it.

One or two cars have arrived, or about to leave, i heard at least 10 very loud extremely loud doors slammed within 30 seconds.

2:37 First i heard some crystalline voices. It was too late when i went to close that door (it's a nice day). Three unsupervised small children (under 5) just passed by when the door was opened. Yesterday during my walk i also saw a number of them on bikes on the street.

So you think i'm crazy but in the meantime i made friends with the monsters under my bed. Then how about this, from the first visit at dermato, next to the only convenient parking spot available in the lot?

5:20 Just put the screwdriver on both screws of the strike plate of that door. Both screws were loose to the point the plate could have been moved up and down from outside with a tool like a slim jim or with other trick.

5:32 My last job. 76 gas station at Cedar Hills and Walker in Beaverton. On July 28 2006 i had scheduled an oral surgery with dr.Boyd. He did everything wrong and left me with the bone of my mandibula exposed on a surface of about half square inch, right under the front lower teeth. I kept taking antibiotics (back then the doctors were still giving me prescriptions, washing my mouth with body temperature salt water every time i was eating (with a straw) and after about two months the wound finally closed. Could have ended like him. But back then i did not have diabetes.

Back then it was the other president, Băsescu who made a visit the day before to the US so he can later claim my head. And yes, about a month before i started a blog which then i abbondonned in terror.

Today after Angela came, out of her mind, after another bullying session with Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company), her de facto supervisor, he usually does it before weekends, so we both feel alright, today he was early, this week she wasn't working in SMT, due to missing parts so she was more exposed to his "supervision".

I had to clean and cook. It was pretty hot inside, have used no jacket, my hand was exposed to cold water and bacteria from doing dishes and now i feel some sort of pain deep inside to the bone and chills all over.

11:00 Does it make any difference if i mention these? Tucker. Tucker. GGG

BTW Eastern European countries are complaining about cheap food from UKraine, why the UK is not buying from her?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 23

1:05 At 3:30 we went to Providence Sherwood urgent care. Lab was closed at 3 so they sent us to ER. We went to Providence St.Vincent and i got diagnosed with non infected brown recluse spider bite. Further biopsy needed to confirm the diagnosis. It will be two more months of misery before it clears out. Blood pressure was high at admission, then it went to 150/90 when we were alone in the room, then it went back high when i was standing just before leaving. Anxiety. All my blood work came ok except for liver enzymes that were a little elevated but better then the results in 2015. And blood sugar of course.

Can't describe the anxiety i went through until i found out the verdict. Too tired to sleep or talk.

7:34 Looks like it's gonna be less than two months. It wouldn't have looked that bad but yesterday morning when i woke up iti was itching like crazy and within the first couple of minutes when i was semi-conscious, i scratched myself until bleeding.

Amoxicillin is not the most efficient for skin infection, i was having chills and panicked and went to urgent care. The skin infection antibiotic they gave me worked, there's no more traces of puss in the wound in the middle, the Zyrtec i took last night helped with itching.

I was supposed to take the second dose after 6 hours but Walmart Pharmacy on Dartmouth is closed until 10.

9:32 I love the fries done in the oven with my new cutter. Just mix with oil and pour them on a cookie sheet one inch high in a scrambled pattern (so the hot air from oven can get to all of them). With coleslaw they are unbeatable. Too bad the potatoes Angela bought two days ago from Fred Meyer were half bad, had to dig through with my peeler. BTW the reason i panicked yesterday and went to urgent care was i grated a big piece of cold cabbage from the fridge that drew all the heat from my right hand allowing bacteria on the skin lesion to flare up and give me some chills.

10:43 Got a new pair of glasses from the jar, the last from the 4 i bought at dollar tree. Cause i lost all 3 of them i was using. Don't know where they go. I constantly buy them and they disappear. There are two thunderous exhausts outside. They started when i got mad after i found a poop right in front of the car, when my fries and breakfast was done, to pretend i'm not mad because of poops by i'm mad because of that. Now i'm mad on both but who can tell? It's the same AI that guides people in stores or where i go, to make it look like i'm chasing them.

An example. At the pharmacy there was this young blonde Hungarian lady that jumped out of the blood pressure machine and started to play hide and seek around a bench. All the others start walking in front of me pretending i'm chasing them. Short muscle packed Asian crossing between me and a kid, etc..

10:54 I was waiting at Walmart for my prescription to take the medicine that was 4 hours overdued, on a metal bench and again drew the heat out of me and i started having the chills and was thinking. The person upstairs tries to edit my thoughts and what i'm writing like yelling No, no, no! when i'm thinking if to write or not the next phrase. The exhaust is still on, for more than 15 minutes now, preventing me from remembering other things. Ok i just did. Yesterday at the ER i waited for 4 hours before they got me in. I went to ask for a bandage (the one i had from home was left at urgent care) and when they saw my hand they decided to get me in the first room available. Half of my arm was deep red.

There in the waiting room the same pattern. Trained mime actors were getting in my way, in between me and other people. They were at leas 6 Russians spread around on all area, having conversations and talking on the phone in Russian. A myriad of other scenes while i kept asking myself if the're gonna put me through surgery or admit me or something, because the PA at Sherwood Providence told me that i could die from it.

When i got back this morning there was a lease renewal offer on the door for the next year with a 100 dollars rent increase. Still way lower than any prices in the area. I took the pill at the store but was too late, now i'm having the chills, probably developed resistance by now. Back to where i was yesterday before i went there. Angela says now she asked for one more pill at the ER (who's gonna go to the Pharmacy at 6 AM after leaving ER after midnight) and all pharmacies are close at that time anyways. but they wouldn't give it to us.

11:11 Went outside to check and he just left. It was this extra long camouflage pickup that did the same thing 2 weeks ago, more than half hour idling sounding like an old tractor from Romania. I really don't understand why they let them on the streets with those things.

8:53 Just got back home from Indian Head. We again had 120 in free play and 25 in food. On our way back i started to have pains in the body starting around that arm, like in wrist and elbow and i figured maybe the new antibiotic i got is good only for skin and i have something deeper, though last night they said my white blood count was fine so i started taking Amoxi as well. Soon after i took it i started to feel heat in my hole body.

There was a couple of things on my mind all the way here. One, the procedure. Since i couldn't make it at the urgent care, the lab closed at 3 on Saturday though the clinic was open till 6, i had to go to the ER where they have a different procedure for collecting samples. They insert a plastic tube in one of your veins and leave it there for an eventual IV and remove only when you leave. But after taking the samples the 6 inches clear tube is full of blood so they pump some "saline", like 25 cc or more back in your vein to flush the tube so it won't get clogged.

Last night right after they did it i feel heat in my whole body so i took one more half Amoxi and heat continued for half hour. I even asked "the doctor" and she said "that's a good question".

The other. The other. The person upstairs just squeaked and i forgot like i forgot a number of things that happen yesterday and wanted to write down.

I think one member of the Japanese Imperial Family was attending us in the ER last night when i pressed the nurse button to have my temperature checked again. A bit of trouble cause the temperature at admission was in Celsius, 36.5 and in there was in Fahrenheit, 98.6. In both cases i've been speaking and cooling my mouth just before they did, i know at home if i keep my mouth close, don't eat or drink for 5 minutes before, the temperature is about 1 degree higher.

9:09 Crown Prince of Japan Fumihito (first in line to the title of Emperor) was guarding the people in the area where i was playing poker.
9:57 Arm is much better now but i feel heat in my whole body and chills. Arms, face, areas that were exposed to lower temperature while i was driving. It's the inflammation due to dead bacteria and cells in affected tissues after i took the Amoxi.

They like to pass going uphill, just to show muscle. A 5.7 liter Toyota Tundra with a 381 hp (290 kW) engine going uphill, moving massive amounts of air (tall, no aerodynamic shape whatsoever) uses as much energy as 900 houses (the thermal efficiency of an internal combustion engine is 30%, 290 multiplied by 3), so it uses as much as energy as a 1 MW wind turbine generates to power 900 households (all numbers rounded for readability). After i was passed uphill by some of those when climbing on Mt.Hood, i was talking with Angela about those moving the air. Even my humble Hyundai uses about 1/4 of or as much as 220 households during that time.

When i left i had to again wipe with alcohol and tighten the alternator connector. Made a spark by touching the + cable to the ground while i was attempting to clean everything. I found no dirt on the little lid closing the connecting bolt of the alternator, but the screw and contact area underneath was dirty with black gunk after i cleaned a couple of weeks ago.

But here comes the interesting part. When we got back there was so much wind in desert area i almost got pushed out of the narrow road several times. At one point a semi came from the opposite way and moved so much air it pushed me a couple of meters to the right where the ridge with no rail was.

11:01 Around this place. Weird windy spring in the desert. Was very tired and distracted when i left so i can't remember exactly the place. (About half hour later i briefly fell asleep at the wheel). BTW i have some soda left in a 2 liter pop, it tastes differently from the soda in casinos.         

11:40 Just took another Cephalexin that has a weird smell and nauseates me. I started to heat up, i cursed in mind and an exhaust started, but by the time i finished this phrase it went off. Not before my blood pressure went off scale. Children are crying outside.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ancient Egypt is Alive

In Japan.

First, the name argument. Jap - Gyp

Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid.

Known in Europe by his Greek name, Keops, his native name sounds Asian. He does look Asian as well.


The Emperor

The Emperor of Japan is regarded as god, in a way similar to Pharaohs or some Roman emperors. One of his appearances reminds of the human/bird character guarding the eye of Horus on the the representation of Wadjet. Wa in Japanese means harmony or sum or Japanese. A solar disk that seems to be the inspiration for the Japanese flag also appears on the head of many Egyptian deities. Athena.

Facial hair.

Climatic argument.

Cows were introduced to Egypt 8000 years ago when Sahara was green but could have been earlier in other parts of the world. We know that cows put up methane in the atmosphere, a powerful greenhouse gas. Could this have tipped the balance of the climate, breaking the Milankovitch cycles? Then the mighty builders of the pyramids, after deforestation and grazing of Sahara had to move further up north. However in Japan they kept building with paper, an Egyptian invention. Hence the fear of a Sun god.

In Northern Europe there is a similar ancient myth involving a hero suckling a celestial cow.

Also most intriguing, we have (wooden) statues of caucasian, blue eyed Egyptians. We cannot know if only upper class were; lower did not have statues. But my guess is they were employed by the alien rulers that made them with blue eyes so they can be easily distinguished from workers.

Ankh is an important clue to where they came from initially (at least some of them) but we can also find a version of it way up North, in a statue of (real) Thor (Horus?)

Writing system.

Some say the Chinese characters also used in Japan derive from hieroglyphs. But even Latin alphabet derived from a form of Egyptian writings, called hieratic.

Scarab. A very important figure in Ancient Egyptian pantheon (literally meaning all gods). Of many colors, they reflect nicely the Sun light. They push their ball of dung guided at night by the stars of the sky, two of the reasons they made it to the pantheon. Ball of dung representing the Sun. They are the cleaners of the Earth. I read somewhere that without them we will be soon covered in dung.

Possible source of inspiration for Scientology Thetan, they are present in the writings of Poe but also in the works of Freud's younger friend Jung.

To us most known from the Beetles cover where both Poe and Jung are present but the list of claimed up beat personalities is very long... Another, more famous cover of Beatles depicts Audumbla's (Very White) milk spilled on a little nice unsuspecting London street.
Freemasons. Openly claiming their inheritance from Ancient Egypt. Recently i discovered that their main symbol may derive from the shape of the Great Pyramid and its shafts, which may be among others, a tool of interstellar communications...

...There will be most likey additions to this post in the next few days...

Thursday, February 23, 2023

February 23

3:42 Yesterday was the worst day of smoke around here. Don't know what it is but it made me dizzy and turned my urine dark. Probably because of low temperature, the smoke is coming from the ground flowing linearly towards the warm building. This one, cause the other isn't heated. In the evening it got cleared, but after it snowed a couple of inches, it came back. Went outside and found a few little "volcanoes" and black patches where soil was also bulged which confirms smoke is coming from the ground. In the background a ninja was sounding like an owl (pretty poor imitation), just to make me nervous and give up investigating.

But now i'm worried about something else. About two years ago it snowed about the same amount and the day after, after the snow melted for the most part and there were no more problems, they came and spread gravel on the alleys. Trouble was they never swept the gravel after that and was getting constantly ground by cars and blown on walls and roof by blowers on Wednesdays and from there inside. So i had no choice and after about 4 months i went with a broom and dustpan and a mask and swept all the remaining gravel, in a couple of days. But there was enough left in between cars to be blown for the next few months without rain.

Now i'm terrified every time it snows, thinking they will do the same.

4:15 Went to check and i saw that one of the little volcanoes i stepped on popped back into a crack.

5:07 Raided the mole holes outside, enlarging little holes in near frozen soil with my fingers, pouring borax so i can go to sleep. Thinking of the mole mounds as models for pyramids.

We all know at the initiation into the third degree (and last non-honorary) the candidate is asked what he searches for and he must answer "the light", and one condition for all is to believe in one supreme being.

Freemasons claim their knowledge from Ancient Egypt above anything else.

There is only one living person on planet Earth right now who is declared god, and a Sun god (and light) and it looks like he is related to the gods of Ancient Egypt like Ra and his manifestation, Horus.

We can safely conclude that the freemasons' god is the Emperor of Japan.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

iSAGE Construction. The Emperor Hikikomori

All of a sudden, after weeks of "inactivity" the man upstairs decided to do laundry, just ahead of me. Shaking the building a bit. In the same time a heavy vehicle with modified exhaust, like there are at least ten around our building was started on demand, shaking the walls "as needed".

Yesterday i discovered the clock on the wall next to window in the kitchen area was hanging on a screw that became loose. It was right before they came to "fix" the windows they replaced last summer that i replaced the battery for that clock and the screw was ok.

What happens is at vibration, dust from walls gets pumped into the breathing space here, now by that screw. Even right now when the upstairs washer is in a spin cycle it is possible that by that screw dust gets pumped in here by from inside the pulsating walls.

But i suspect there's more. The shape of the apartment is very similar to the one in Lake Oswego. That is for reusing the same supercomputer model for directing sharp dust, other things in different corners of the floor plan, as needed, when needed. Different frequencies make different walls vibrate and direct the dust. This way only one person may be affected inside the same space.

So i was thinking to use my air quality monitor i bought a few years ago online. As advertised, it is made by recycling a couple of sensors taken out of a SHARP air purifier. Actually a couple of laser diodes alright that illuminates dust that sparkles and can be counted, but it can be only accessed through a phone app. That i decided not to use anymore.

Was thinking. What a waste of resources. It is a piece of electronics that is competing with more expensive items. Proving we don't need those more expensive items. It does the same things, counts particles with two laser diodes.

But the only way you can use it is through an app that connects with bluetooth. Got bluetooth on laptop but don't have the app and i quit using the phone.

Not that i'm convinced those are useful anymore. I mean, it does count particles when there's smoke outside. Numbers that are comparable with those from any of the networks that monitor air quality. Obviously not the same, the values cannot be the same from one station to another, from one address to another. Comparable.

So when i was using it outside i was getting some readings, comparable with the networks. So what. Was that of any use to me at all? Are those at any use to anybody? I mean, i take the reading, then what?

Who knows. People owning the devices in large numbers could possibly discourage polluters? But we have a few networks of sensors both private and governmental that can be accessed online and get the same readings.

Yes i bought it because i knew about the indoor pollution with insulation dust, mold, other particles. I tried to get readings to see if i can prove anything but guess what. Insulation dust falling from walls due to its nature does not fly or stay suspended in the air. It is pretty heavy compared to other dusts of the same size.

You have to be right under the hole to breath it. Or the hole needs to be in the direction of an air flow, like from under door or a crack by a window. Vibration needs to be sustained. When the vibration stops, you won't get a reading. And that as i said it is being controlled.

As i said the sensors count flashes of dust within the path of a laser. It is all it does. Counts. Can't tell the difference between a flash from a piece of dead skin, ash from burning stuff like cigarettes or sharp silica. For that you would need much more sophisticated devices but i doubt they exist, work or can be calibrated and used meaningfully in our indoor environment.

In other words, we are back to the story with one crazy throwing a rock in a pond. Only trouble is they are not fools. This is a design element only fools can believe it escaped the construction engineers. Using brittle, irregular volcanic mineral insulation inside empty walls that vibrate like tents every time a heavy vehicle passes by. And BTW, all it takes is one hole of the size of a needle.

It is the same old technique of splitting perception. The majority of people does not design these buildings, they only use them. And the engineers (and architects) are long gone, if they existed, as being the same ghosts from Japan or Hungary. All the buildings have been designed long time ago, and the banks can only offer you variants. There are little or no discussions about it period.

Most people would think. There are too many those who use them, could not possibly be dangerous. How can a little dust falling from a crack or forgotten hole in a wall can harm me? How my neighbor having fun with his 5.7 liter hemi playing a bit the trumpet (ok, tuba) could harm me?

Didn't really want to write about all these. I'm just too tired of it. But i promised myself after thinking yesterday for hours. Got to let people know what's happening.

Don't know exactly how SAGE construction have been chosen by the management or the owner of the complex. I know it came after a post about the succession of ice ages i once wrote about. Ice Age. Sage. First they came and did a little siding work and lots of noise for several months. Then the next year, re-do some of it, painting, etc.. Then windows. Now they came after 6 months to re-do some of their own work on windows, on this building and the one across.

Last summer i noticed one of the guys of one of the SAGE subcontractor (BZ Construction i guess) that BTW all look like Japanese disguised in Mexicans, was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. Kinda making faces and fussing around, like a moody sun god would do.

So was earlier this month, this time J&S or J&L. Again right after me writing something about the emperor they didn't like, got a one week 24 hours notice of entry, but they came on the first day. Installed a noisy generator and a compressor at my door that stay for the whole week. One of them noticed there was a missing screw (from the latch of the window) they installed last summer. Missing from factory. How come they didn't see it back then.

Then the guy who looked like the emperor went and brought the screw, obviously taken from a different window somewhere. He came and showed it to me ceremoniously, "here is you screw". I did not watch them all the time. To them all it could have take was a few seconds to enlarge the hole for the clock screw, ft away. Think of the symbolism.

Clock, time, sun, screw.

Two more weeks of vibration that brought me to my knees. Coughing, at times phlegm, abdominal pain, nausea, dark urine. I did not check because i was positive i did not miss one single tiny hole in here. Until last night.

About a week after i fixed the newly created cracks at the sliding doors they just fixed. Then i examined carefully everything they've done. But i never thought they would touch something else, like the screw from the clock. But it was too tempting, due to symbolism.

In the same time, somehow the water got stolen from the p trap valve in the wall from the washer. Three days of exposure to sewer gas. Just did laundry, the water got siphoned, place filled with sewer smell.

I'm writing all theses with great effort and pain, hoping people would start to understand what is really happening in Portland, Oregon, and generally Western United States. Similar situations everywhere i been, like Washington, Nevada, etc.. Every single public person, every single news are fake and people have long gone and replaced with hikikomori from Japan and for occasions, actors from Hungary.