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Showing posts sorted by date for query insulation. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 12

12:43 Ok a trecut. 9-11.

Am greșit ceva mai devreme și îmi cer scuze. Postarea ce o pierdusem și care demonstrează pe baza unui video de supraveghere că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să ajungă din Vrancea în București era asta.

Însă faza e că mai sunt încă niște secunde până încep să cadă chestiile, cineva într-o clădire mai mică cu bulină roșie ar avea timp să iasă, dacă nu doarme și îl alertează telefonul. O alarmă cu sonerie în clădire. Testați dvs. în propria clădire, cât timp v-ar trebui.

12:57 Este asta o imagine violentă? Este asta o imagine erotică? Este tenisul feminin un sport erotic?

2:08 Din multitudinea de bazaconii prezentate în media de azi am ales una ptr. deliciul dvs..

Fantasme pline de simbolisme, minciuni scrise sau citite deasupra vastelor decolteuri, asta le întrece pe toate (căpușă = tick). De unde au știut polițai-ii că l-au oprit de 9-11 ori, au o bază de date pentru asta sau au învățat și ei să numere de acum? (ok trebuie să stau acasă vreo câteva zile de-acum că dacă mă prind ăștia pe drum după ce am scris... uitasem să iau untul și nu mai știu ce de la WinCo, forget about).

2:35 The man upstairs is not home tonight. I couldn't hear his heavier steps though the white car with BPM he mostly uses is here. Wondering what THEY are up to. Let me see if the black CJS one is here.

2:56 Ok both cars are here. My truck is here too.

3:15 Michael George Dick of Beaver-ton. Horny (Dick already had...). Yes i know there was a vice-president with that name. I think he lived upstairs for a while.

As i said before, THESE guys won't stop by themselves, uh-huh. However. I was wondering earlier. What would the world do without THEM. Like if all of them would disappear suddenly like in a Sci-Fi movie. Raptured or something. Go on a planet. Will the world survive for more than a month?

3:27 Every cell, slag wool.

9:18 Era nevoie de un moment, de o nevoie, de o sincronizare cu ceva. Au ținut-o în rezervă un an pentru un moment ca acesta. 4 link-uri, 4 ani.

De jucat tenis putea încă să joace dar cred că nu mai dădea așa de bine ca altele mai tinere în poze. Eu am întrebat atunci, întreb și acum.

Cum poate o organizație internațională să recolteze probe biologice într-o anume țară, unde numai sistemul juridic este abilitat prin lege să o facă. Organizație care are chiar și "tribunale".

Cum se poate face analiza pentru sute de substanțe care sunt pe lista celor interzise dintr-un singur eșantion și cât ar costa.

Răspunsul e unul singur. BS. Este o formă de entertainement iar dopajul un element care îi dă sațietate la momente oportune.

9:50 0 frază care se contrazice singură. O linguriță are 5 ml, o lingură 10. Apropo nu cred că Halep a fost testată de USADA care are cât de cât jurisdicție in SUA. Apropo, la cât timp s-a făcut testul B la Halep?

Nu există studii referitoare la cât de mult se schimbă concentrația de Roxadust în urină după 3 luni de congelare (freezing) (apropo la ce temperatură a fost congelată proba?).

12:10 Got two hours of sleep so far. Been breathing on my congested nose for hours and suddenly got a series of palpitations (irregular heart beats and/or fibrillation) that BTW get longer every time. What i wanted to say. I know i will regret this for the next 20 hours or less but here it goes.

I was in Reno and the whole section of the hotel (i know cause i asked to change rooms) was smelling like sewage and most likely it was all coming from one or a few rooms.

In buildings with central A/C including some apartment buildings some of the air coming from all units if not all gets mixed then cooled in the (central, single, huge) AC unit, recirculated again in all units (like in a car when you put the A/C on recirculate, but permanently, for cost reasons). So you basically you share the air with everybody in that building, young, old, healthy, sick, pets, litter dust, under fridge dust, cooking and burning smell, dirty laundry, dishes, pet pheromones, name it.

The room at GSR was also having fabric like woven dust inside the vents (when i looked with a flashlight through the grill) and with cold air, condensation, mold, bacteria. There was decades old dust on the armoire.

Combined with insulation coming from walls, there is no way you would have a nice complexion while living in one of these buildings, probably months after if you choose to move.

Also probably same goes for recirculating... There are different types of bacteria in different areas of your body and those should stay there (no matter how sexy you think it looks).

For immediate results besides immediate interruption of the cause, i recommend a course of systemic antibiotics with doctor's approval and supervision as they can have side effects like severe alergies. Avoid doxycycline or other tetracyclines cause they may cause heart damage. Augmentin would be a good choice, though more expensive. Should use probiotics during treatment cause antibiotics also destroy your beneficial bacteria.

Intramuscular (a bit painful but time released) instead of oral which can cause (serious in some people, gastric discomfort, liver overloading) but that is rarely prescribed in the US as you need an assistant for every injection every 6 or 8 hours (yes in your lovely butt). IV would be a good compromise but me personally i don't feel great about those either. Patches if you can find them.

At GSR i tried and stopped the AC and used an UV lamp inside (when i was not there) so i could get some sleep. (Should not look at while on, should not use with plants inside and only when you're not home). Cheapest is kinda awkward to use (it gets dragged by the wire, moves around).

But after i wrote about guess what. They sent me next year an invitation (Peppermill, built in the 70s) with a good price (that doubled when i got there) and put me in a duplex (room separated from next room by two locked doors, one on each side).

There was a guy next door on an otherwise empty floor in one of the newer buildings. He opened his door, making sound separation even thinner, turned the TV on and then coughed all night and after a few hundred miles driven and 4  hours of sleep i got so mad i drove 500 more miles, home, the next day.

5:10 Angela got since last week from her HR manager a letter she had to transmit in person to her doctor with the requirements of her job basically asking the doctor if she can do the job or not. The specified requirements within that letter are lifting 40 pounds, standing, bending, squatting etc. which she rarely did at SMT (her job title is machine operator) though sometimes is required at other work stations that do not include walking when SMT is not available. She already had a 20 pounds restriction since she got hired permanently first because of her fist heart surgery and then the hernia basically since 2016. But since, the HR manager changed several times.

The SMT machine she operated is 100 ft long and she has to walk alongside that maybe an average of 100 times in one day (with more partial walks, stops etc.). Both Angela and the doctor are puzzled as Angela nowadays got bursitis in both her legs but there is nothing specified about that in the job description. Because if they did they would basically acknowledge she got sick from the enormous amount of walking every day, for one year and a half.

For a while she was wearing a pedometer while working at SMT and that one counted over 15000 steps or three miles a day.

Before that, people working in SMT were rotating in less demanding stations every few days. But when they recently rotated Angela after she got hurt she got to lift over 40 pounds and she got the 20 pounds restriction because of a hernia created during surgeries post heart surgery (retrieving of forgotten wires). Angela says that Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company) her de facto supervisor, the leader who survived several supervisors since she got hired  did that on purpose cause he knew well about her restriction.

5:53 Today they picked the time to call her form dr.'s office probably because i wrote about a few medical things and drug tests on the blog and they asked her what limitations they will write down and Angela asked to keep the permanent 20 pounds limit with occasional 40 and 5000 steps a day for walking, for one or two months, or until the next appointment with the doctor.

The first person who called her and then put her on hold had a very familiar voice i could hear from the other room. Then after waiting she got to talk to somebody else in same dr.'s office.

Angela tried to explain the bigger picture but all that person wanted was Angela to tell her what to write in that paper they will email HR tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So all the dilemmas were on Angela. At a certain time Angela told her that maybe the company wants to get the tax deductions for hiring disabled people.

Angela also had a hard time concentrating because last night she slept in smoke. There was a large hole at the corner of the living outside i fixed in the morning. There is a filter in the living but none in the bedroom (it broke) and smoke concentration in there was higher. There is smoke in here as i write.

6:31 Non essential duties of the job. They recently hired in there a person who does not hear or talk. There is at least one person with similar lifting limitations that do not do SMT. Angela might be able to do SMT several times a week like other people did before her, after a one or two months restriction.

7:05 I opened the door trying to figure the cause for the persistent smoke in here (we both perceive it as such though it could be very concentrated mold smell from underground mole galleries) and the kids invaded the area and caught me outside. There was a white kid (a novelty) yelling at the other "stop it" "stop it" while facing me as i tried to retire inside.

In the meantime i had a chance to step on a few holes and the mold subsided a little.

7:40 I was intrigued by the whole story and took a better look at that questionnaire. I don't think Angela was supposed to transmit the letter to the doctor, see the questionnaire or answer those questions. I think the whole process was designed to intimidate us into me stopping writing here. Intimidation is a crime under Oregon and Federal law.

8:12 Sorry for the quality of the images but smoke or whatever this is prevents me from doing some of the things i normally can.

If this letter was for Eaton internal use only and was addressed to Angela then why they asked Angela to give it to the doctor?

What is the purpose of attaching the job requirements to the last page? The doctor does not determine if someone fits or not the requirements, he/she just evaluate a patient.

Also a doctor cannot evaluate if someone can setup the machine, read process sheets, etc.. Doctors can evaluate if a patient can see or not and this was never the case. But what tops it is the fact that an unknown to Angela non medical person asked her the questions on the second page after Angela saw the third page and knowing she does not fit in the job description with the 40 lbs limitation. Also she insisted Angela answered yes at the first question.

To make things more interesting, the HR manager is on vacation until next week so we will try and hold our breath until 18.

8:35 Maybe people keep asking themselves, if i am so smart why i don't have a job myself. Maybe because at my last more serious job in 1999/2000 at AVX Vancouver (formerly Kyocera) my supervisor was Axl Rose? He was coming at work for a few hours a day when he was coming and all he did was pull me from the floor into the launch area. Maybe he wanted to do something good for me, the air there was full of ceramic dust mixed with lead and the temperature was constant 65 degrees due to a broken AC.

No i was not drinking at the job there. I wasn't drinking at all during that time. We just had McDonalds and soda in the lunch room. However my stomach was hurting me all the time, probably because of that dust, dust at home, etc..

Never realized how much Kyocera logo looks like a panda bear head or who knows what kami when turned on a side. After all i know today i begin to realize who was the Japanese woman who came from time to time in there while people were whispering... "She tells everything". Though many people were missing a lot from work, people were punching for others etc.. I was happy to have a job, didn't really want to get in trouble.

Until one day i got mad, probably overloaded with dust and i went to see a lawyer i knew since 1996 and told him about the dust, the cold and people doing all kinda things to me that were getting worse by the day. The guy looked embarrassed and talked to me in the hallway. There was a woman who heard everything.

Typically Japanese style, they demoted me the next day (don't know who told them about the lawyer) from technician to operator and moved me into a hot area for cooking ceramic so i just quit. I was leaving in... Beaverton some 20 miles away.

And yes they put a little 1999 December 31 night show in there. Y2K bug, Putin's coup. The day before i quit. There was this huge antenna across the street from AVX. It is my belief that these huge towers, everywhere across the world can interact with ionosphere, making them geo-weapons. Someone took that one out in that day.

After i fixed all the machines in testing, a bottle neck there and they got an all time production record in December 1999.

If you don't believe me ask Don, the engineer. Nino D'Angelo, Ana Blandiana (Susan Sarandon), the guy from Inner Circle, Tom Green, Nidal Hasan, Cheech and Chong and probably Viktor Orban as John Ciorba.

Same goes for Angela, i think the Chinese woman there, Hao is really Victoria Principal from Dallas. Yes she was born in Japan officially an American from American parents but i think she is all the way Japanese, sometimes posing Chinese. But she doesn't really care.

10:06 Outside it smells really bad probably a huge one, went to see, the sprinklers started in that area, one sprinkler is broken and sprinkles on top of the garages and wets the laves that already fell there making them rot... Cannot pick it anyway cause now it got wet...

10:35 No it was "only" a pee coming from a really sick dog not far from the door.

10:40 De ce nu spune nimeni niciodată care sunt limitele legale și cum se măsoară. În SUA limitele legale sunt de 10000 mai mari decât nivelurile deja dăunătoare și de 1000 de ori mai mari decât în Rusia de exemplu. În acest tabel din Europa (ultima coloană) limitele sunt în W/m2, în SUA sunt în mW/cm2 deci de zece ori mai permisive decât majoritatea țărilor din Europa.

Dar sunt țări ca Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Rusia care au limite de 100 de ori mai restrictive decât cele mai multe țări inclusiv România și sunt doar de 10 ori mai mari decât e setată alarma pe aparatul meu de măsură.

Nebunia apare din faptul că politicienii care fac legislația nu se pricep la nimic. Inginerii care au făcut acest aparat de măsură au pus limita tot la 10 dar în mW/m2, de o mie de ori mai restrictiv decât în Europa care este totuși de 10 ori mai restrictiv decât în SUA.

Politicienii nu se pricep, se expun pe ei înșiși și pe noi toți, dar chestia e că dacă limitele ar fi cele reale de siguranță telefoanele nu ar mai putea funcționa ca atare, nu ar merge nici la 10 metri de turn. Și totuși nu înțeleg cum funcționează ele în Italia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Rusia. Înseamnă că nu au nevoie de atâta putere.

Multă lume nu înțelege dar în cazul telefoanelor radiația este însăși puterea de emisie necesară pentru a accesa cel mai apropiat turn, după ce le scanează pe toate, la putere maximă.

Normal că se pot seta din soft însă cine știe să le măsoare și cine garantează că nu o iau razna doar ca să arate fabricantul că telefoanele lor merg mai bune? Ca să nu mai vorbim de viruși și de hackeri care pot schimba setarea. Cred că telefoanele ar trebui să aibă un cip hardware independent ceva care să măsoare puterea de emisie în orice moment și să bipăie o alarmă.

11:20 There was a piece of garbage next to the black car than went and came minutes ago. I picked it up then i regretted.

12:00 Dacă vreți să vă luați un aparat uitați-vă după RF și setarea în mW/m2, EMF și ELF sunt pentru vânătorii de fantome.

Stau și mă întreb dacă acest pendant funcționează fiindcă seamănă cu un dipol în scurtcircuit de lungimea de undă respectivă și ar putea atrage și scurtcircuita undele, 99 de dolari? Aș putea să iau o bară de cupru rotund și să o tai la lungimea respectivă și să încerc apoi cu aparatul de măsură să văd ce face.

Însă nu vă va putea proteja de propriul telefon mai ales când îl țineți aproape de cap. Doar de turnuri sau telefoane la un metru doi distanță.

Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11

12:40 They brought in that Sunday a white horse at the beach but the horse was kinda upset probably because of the sound of the ocean and din't wanna a walk. In the end they rode him a bit but kinda against his will.

12:41 Smile back at you, Pikachu. Never believed dogs can have facial expressions. However foxes... (Yeah i watched funny animals videos all day trying to forget my ongoing confusions).

12:45 They started a midnight walk upstairs. Or smoking, whatever. In response to some emotions of mine while remembering stuff while very relaxed. Getting mad that is.

9:21 The science didn't get quite there yet. I think i know the reason. There is this influential sect within the catholic church called "Dominican" and it could be all suppressed by them. They since the beginning, that is the end of the 13th century did weird things and inquisition is one of them. The name is a wordplay, and it could mean "dogs of god" in Latin. They might do some dog magic, as inherited from the Egyptian and than Roman gods.

Think what a weapon this would be. You casually come at your enemy's door with your dog and leave a poop and in that day he instead of going about his business goes crazy instead. Unsuspecting. Unrecognizable.

I know for sure that something in dog poop strongly influence me. Don't know if "regular" poops, healthy or sick dogs, or fed with special food, male, female, females in heat, pheromones, parasites bla bla, but when those are present around the building their smell, that i don't even perceive as smell at the beginning, really drives me wild. That's why every time i realize that i go around and pick and throw them in garbage. But it's usually too late to save the day and i end up exposing me even more to those by picking them.

It started after we got a small condo in Bacău and there was this boy who was "walking" his she dog around the building, several times a day, for years. Don't know if he was picking or not but most likely not cause i never saw him with bags and i don't even think they had bag like these in the late 80s in Romania. There must have been at any time dozens around that building.

Indoor litter boxes are a good source of contamination both with pathogens and invisible dust.

Some people may be more affected than others but there could also be other factors that may contribute.

It is my understanding those affect men more than women but there could be a similar trick that affects women as well like the old CRT computer monitors i was spending my whole days near. For about a year or so i also had a cat... Also smoke from my neighbor downstairs always made me feel good (No they were no drugs of any kind during those years in Romania)...

9:55 Ugh... And more ugh...

They were plenty of dogs and cats around the house (now heavily modified, made to look dark) i lived during my first years until 14 and did all my vacations until 22 în Câmpulung, a town with Switzerland like mountains and views. The name of the street has also been changed from Novermber 7 (day of boshevic revolution) though Transylvania is not that close.

10:30 I think they started to smoke upstairs about a week ago. Cigarette smoke is now coming after i hear some softer squeaks than before. She who stays home is lighter i guess. A reason to wake up at night. The smoke this morning caused me heart palpitations by causing nasal congestion and me unconsciously trying too hard to breath on my nose.

10:52 I lost my glasses... Will try to write this paragraph without those... Another thing that has happened to me lately that makes me very irritated. I almost got into fights with people in casinos and stores... Last time and WinCo they brought at the check-stands this woman who looks like ex Van Damme's wife... Anyways.

I know where it's coming from. For a month now they moved the van with the Insulation logo on it so i know. Could it be a warning? A threat?

After they installed the AC in the bedroom window upstairs, after i asked here how could they withstand the temperatures of 90s or even 100s upstairs with the sun hitting the roof they installed a window AC upstairs they use mostly at night.

One of the worst things you could do in a building that has the walls but especially the attic full of loose mineral insulation. The vibration from the AC breaks some of that and the very irritant and possibly carcinogen dust flies around the building. I wrote many times in the past here and on fb about that and i think it also modifies behavior by making you more impulsive and ready to fight.

Mineral dust so small it doesn't get caught by a PM2.5 sensor but so sharp it can penetrate human cells.

And yes your body may react to it by putting more protective oils on your skin in which case showers can only make the irritation worse...

I looked at the weather forecast, there will be one more week of heat (90s in September?) followed by average temperatures and it looks like it's going to be on for at least one more month...

11:37 Negative ion generators may help as they charge the invisible dust negatively and make it fall to the floor but not sure exactly which one works and there is no way to tell.

And the pain. The diffuse whole body pain from the mineral dust makes you wanna use all kinda stuff that kills pain from alcohol to weed to prescription.

And i don't believe there is escape from it in the US. Unless you build yourself a house free of mineral insulation.

2:08 Terrifying how every time i touch the laptop the first time there is a march and some heavy stomps upstirs. Just came from Wallmart and WinCo and put some of the stuff away and rushed to the computer to write a very important thing.

Every time i see a sign i can't recognize my mind rushes to the nearest symbol i know. Because of my college background and all the formulas with Greek letters they fed up with in there when i see by example a capital A without the horizontal bar my mind goes to the Greek lambda and i read it as L. That could create lots of confusion in the (poor) minds of those who are constantly trying to read or guess my thoughts.

This is the case with KIA which is is written with a stylized A that actually figures a lambda. More than that nowadays the combination I + lambda also reads like a Russian I. No L in Russian is...

In plain English could be suggesting KIYV. KYIV Soul.
It happened when i drove back from WinCo. I tried to pass that SOB on the right just to see his Asian face but i could not. His LPN started with PKC and i think that was a KIA Soul.

Then i remembered i was under the red line with the gas, and since i was at the nearest lane after the unsuccessful attempt to pass i pulled at the (expensive) Shell on the right and when i saw that ugly Asian attendant i asked to do it myself (As i said it will be years until Oregonian will give up gas attendants even if the law is now in force. Then i realized it was 9-11.

It happened Saturday night at Lucky Eagle. I was parked facing two identical grey KIA Soul. Two guys got out of one of them and started looking for differences and that created the pretext for one of the guys to come with his butt at my window and the other one to bend over to see something under the other one and that created lots of problems to me that night.

For weeks now the theme is Alexa and everywhere i go i see girls trying to emulate her appearance. There was one at the entrance of Walmart and i was with the cart full of groceries (forgot the bags in the truck) and she entered the store when i left that was looking almost like her.

When i finally got here found a spot next to the one level apartment where the 19 years old child looking Japanese actor supposedly lives, on a Thursday and one guy looking like the Arab ninja i talked about later (not him, i saw him in the casino Saturday night playing for hours at the same machine) was walking with a dog back and forth, like patrolling. Trying to prevent me from "feeding the cats?".

Also totally forgot abut the gray, drove both ways on the freeway near it.

5:18 I am so sick and tired of writing everything down here. I go driving around and repeat in my mind the phrases i have to write next.

However i have to write this on so hopefully it won't repeat. Cause it's not the first time with the same person there.

Things are like this. I have to buy water from Fred Meyer cause i can't find it anywhere else. Crystal Geyser cause it doesn't taste like plastic or mud. Canned chilis and hot dogs at WinCo because only there i can find my favorites. And sour bread and diary and most other stuff. Produce now got better at Walmart across the street (yes, Dartmouth). Today i lost my list at Walmart, forgot to get stuff at WinCo and still forgot some even after i went today twice in both stores.

There was only one bottle of water on the lowest shelf at Fred Meyer (Kroger) (and one at Walmart, coincidence), and that one was pushed deep inside the shelf (probably the reason it was still there). I would have had to crawl in four to get it. So i gave up. I bought some grapes on sale at 99 cents but they were on "electronic coupon".

I was also very distracted when i got to the self check stands because all the stuff that's happening to me these days and i put the damn grapes directly on the final scale. Usually the machine would have yelled at me but i can't remember hearing anything,

Would have figured after i found my card which i was searching for when she came, within seconds. Half my height, with her slanted eyes shining with hate. She took the grapes from the (final) scale and put it on the upper one i was supposed to put them before i searched for the card, without a word, while triumphing without giving me a chance to explain. They finally caught me though i was very careful these days knowing they tried before.

So i swallowed my pride and continued with entering Angela's phone number so i would get the price reduction but somehow, also because now i was mad, i ended paying the full price, which was more than double and this is the big problem with the local Kroger here. When you put in "the alternate ID" to benefit from the "digital coupons" you won't see the price reduction on the screen until you hit the pay now button.

Somehow today (again too many things on my mind) i did the card before that and didn't have a chance to re-enter the phone number if i put it wrong and the card got charged with the full price.

So i asked her again and she said, categorically, like the soup Nazi, no, you haven't used the digital coupon, showing it to me in the receipt.

Knowing they had this huge head-start with my first mistake, i just gave up but i let her keep the grapes. She probably needed the money to pay for her English classes.

One other hundred of similar scenes, more simple or more complex i can't even remember. I live on a stage, exactly like in Truman show, though unlike him, i'm not happy. And i can't drink anymore either because of the platelets.

50 de ani de când Dacia se produce în România. Dar departamentul de prese grele când a apărut prima dată? Înainte de 77?

Statistic vorbind. Când cauți ceva într-un noian de chestii (postări) întotdeauna sunt șanse mai mari să găsești altceva nu? Pentru că tu cauți o singură chestie, altceva sunt toate celelalte. Un post pe care l-am căutat de am înnebunit altă dată care demonstrează că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să se deplaseze din Vrancea în București.

Și mai sunt niște secunde bune până când se ajunge la intensitatea maximă și câteva până când începe să cadă câte ceva. Bine dacă ești la etajul 10 într-un bloc înalt nu prea contează dar dacă ești într-o clădire veche cu bulină ai putea să fugi.

7:37 Da bine în 1940 nu era nici o presă grea sau alte utilaje grele în România, poate doar tancuri de zeci de tone ce puteau fi mișcate simultan pe niște valuri de pământ pe un deal la frecvența de rezonanță a zonei seismice.

România a intrat în pactul tripartit (Axa) la 23 noiembrie 1940 la două săptămâni după cutremurul din 1940, la 2 luni după abdicarea forțată a lui Carol al II-lea și venirea la putere a legionarilor care acum au început să mă scârțâie tare pe tavan. Nu am spus practic nimic, e vorba doar de cronologia evenimentelor.

Cum se transmite o vibrație doar la masa care are o anumită frecvență dar nu și la celelalte. Se numește rezonanță. Fiecare zonă seismică de pe planetă are o anumită frecvență de rezonanță. Orice pe lumea asta este până la o anumită limită, elastic, inclusiv stratul de sub zona seismică respectivă. Motivul pentru care piramidele au fost construite exact în centrul geografic al suprafețelor uscate de pe pământ, pentru a ajunge oriunde.

Bineînțeles energia transmisă nu este cea totală a cutremurului, este mult mai mică, suficientă doar pentru a-l declanșa. Energia cutremurului este de altă natură (înghețare/dezghețare a magmei dintr-o bulă de magmă ajunsă aproape de suprafață cu schimbare bruscă a volumului).

Piramidele aveau mai multe funcții. Una din ele era producerea cutremurelor la distanță cu ajutorul marii galerii din piramida mare. Pe această galerie erau lăsate să alunece, poate pe un strat de apă,  blocuri mari de granit la diferite intervale de timp (perioada frecvenței de rezonanță) pentru diferite zone seismice care se loveau mai apoi una de alta. Cine a descoperit primul secretele piramidelor, care pe atunci erau pe jumătate îngropate în nisip?

E posibil însă să fi fost folosite și pentru comunicații (pe alte frecvențe).

11:15 Kaly Yuga? OK i was curious about one thing and spent one hour and pasted one Wikipedia table into a spreasheet and drew a diagram and guess what i found out. The volcanic eruptions are getting more numerous. Could it be the dust drove people first exited so they came up with the industrial revolutions and then they got really mad and starting fighting each other or maybe it's just the lack of accurately recorded data?

11:27 There was no sun today, right now temp is 65 F (18 C), no need for AC, the two nearby are stopped but there is one on at the other end of the building and that is enough to create the cloud of dust. Also smells like dog poop, i saw one earlier but was wetted by the sprinklers, don't know if i can pick it up.

12:17 Nu știu, diferență mare de vârstă, vedeți și dvs. că eu m-am cam plictisit.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 9

1:15 Got home half hour ago. I saw the guy from apartment 4 descending the stairs with his dog. On purpose for me to see, who knows how many times he did it before that. And the dog could not wait and peed one meter away from the wall at the closet with the washer and drier.

I noticed when i last washed (two days ago) that when the closet gets heated by the drier dog smell comes from those walls. So i just put  a small open bottle with vinegar next to the wall so the vinegar smell enters the (empty, filled with insulation) wall through the wall/floor gap before the smell does from the outside through cracks. But i think the wall already smells like dog pee.

BTW i lost count of how many people tried to get us into accidents tonight. Most obvious, one guy tried to hit from behind, i accelerated, he was 1 meter behind, moved in the other lane, he followed a bit but the speed got too big and he got back into his.

1:30 I am used to seeing a do not enter sign on the right or on both sides of the lane but never seen it only on the left. I went to the gas station in Rhododendron Oregon and all lanes were occupied except one and i turned around and saw a do not enter sign on the pumps themselves and i thought it was for the lane on my left. However while i was pumping the attendant came and asked me if i saw the sign. I told him i could not figure the sign was for both lanes.

I can't believe they keep three pumps out of 12 for cars with gas caps on the right. Nobody has gas caps on the right, do they. What do you know. I think this is the station but the sign has been replaced recently with a regular red one. Never seen a do not enter sign inside a gas station. Never. I think it is all symbolism, waiting for me to get in the trap. The cones. That guy's butt. Look at how this image have been caught by google.

BTW when i came back i entered a long construction (asphalting) area with meanders and cones and stuff and when i almost cleared the last cones there was an orphaned cone in the middle of the lane and tried to avoid it but a car came at high speed probably passing, from behind me and could not get in front of it and hit the cone with the mirror.

2:02 It smells like dog pee in here and i'm afraid to go to sleep thinking they will wake me up right away or too soon in the morning.

2:20 Ok i took that bottle out of there.

7:37 Slept almost 5 hours. Got awakened by a noise maybe someone climbing the stairs. I saw the news in Romania, oh boy. I think she has been the one tormenting me from upstairs for the last month or so. Maybe him too.

Question is who is upstairs right now. I heard someone using the toilet last night before i fell asleep. Then i heard the signal. I think i said it before. All the people who had been upstairs over the years were generally quiet until someone knocked on their walls from the apartment next to theirs, and then and only then they were starting their job. Last night i heard several knocks on the wall however nothing moved upstairs.

7:52 Can't wait to finish my last match. Until then, a preview... Found him by chance before i left yesterday yes while searching for Mr. Tiktok. Probably the reason why so many attempts on the roads...

He does not have a bigger head. That on top of his head is his hair.

9:47 When was i, what i was doing when the Morocco eq hit yesterday. I was finishing (re-adjusting crop scale) the similarity with Mr.Tiktok.

BTW when it was obvious i done it or 5 minutes before i finished this the terrible terrible unstoppable squeaks upstairs stopped and somebody climbed down the stairs.

9:53 It's all part of the big 911 push. I hate all anniversaries, everything around me gets much busier and more dramatic than usual.

10:06 Now he came back and i can't find his age. George Rest Ivan. Bingo.

11:27 De câte ori în căutările mele dau de sculptorul asta mă întreb...

11:52 A double?

Pick at you...

1:10 I was 13 at the end of the 7th grade, about to turn 14 in a couple of weeks and i remember my mother gave me a fishing permit at the end of the year party with many parents in the class...

The physics teacher and class master of the finishing class organized some sort of party in the dark hallway of the old school... And because they didn't have too many boys (and girls, in the end we were all about ten persons) she called me and another boy but for some reason i remember being there along with a bunch of girls. We ate cake, drank some juice and danced...

I think she was the only teacher i had that had an idea of what she was teaching...

One of them was dressed in a blue dress and she i think was of gypsy origin and we danced and she pulled me real close and i was ashamed but she kept pulling me... Nothing happened then or after, but later that summer she passed our house and kinda didn't wanna talk to me... Maybe because after that i danced with another girl in the same way?

And then there was this medical assistant who lived in the next house and she was boiling syringes in alcohol for hours with the open window next to where we were playing in the summer...

3:12 I think the "Spanish" woman at Apt.4 upstairs is key or conductor or master ninja of the building. Right in the middle of it she can give signals or listen to any of the other apartments. At time she does the hard job of talking for hours on the phone in the balcony without listening, sometims after midnight (yeah in Spanish whatever).

I saw several times official cars of the county like from Social Services with Asian women in some sort of black uniform coming to visit her. When the emperror did the windows, after i thought the ordeal was over, she asked her kitchen window to be redone and made all last for one more week, etc..

For a number of years i think she was drying unwashed dog laundry blankets whatever in the drier, they were/are dog's hairs on the grid of the vent.

I once remember they were a couple living upstairs and there was so much dog hair in the vent's grid (the other one) it got clogged and the whole building heated up from the clogged drier, was smelling like burning electrical wires when i called PGE, however i figured it before they came and unclogged it and call them off.

The apartments upstairs communicate among them through the attic etc.. But i wish i knew who puts the burning pellets cartridges whatever in the moles' holes that got me high for years.

Monday, August 21, 2023

August 21

6:08 Two years since the hit and run accident on I5 north of Interstate Bridge that almost killed us. Got into 3 bad accident ready situations yesterday. First would have been in front of hundreds of drivers coming from the beaches caught in an artificially created (i think by a fender bender) 5 miles line @Grand Ronde. That would have also slowed down or block an ambulance cause an accident on the only free lane would have blocked the road completely.   

6:14 For some reason i can't figure, every time i fill at night in Grand Ronde and drive home, i get over 48 mpg (4.9 liters/100 km) with this Elantra. The reasons are there is no traffic so i accelerate or use brakes very little, road is very smooth after new pavings and i go under 65. If i go with the same tank back there and back here, mpg goes down to maybe 44. Ok i'll do it on purpose some day to confirm.

6:20 Four

6:40 Four square

Is that what i think it is?

6:44 Infrared sau nu, tot fake

6:52 New Mexico flag

8:55 Choosing my confession. The worst type of allegory is the one they trick you in it. The day after i wrote about "puncturing a whole" type of manifestation of void they punctured one of my truck's tires. It goes down like more than one PSI a day but i wasn't sure, gave it some pumps (with a foot pump) and let it to see.

Today it was down again, i pumped it back up and went to Fred Meyer to buy water cause the tap water smells like chlorine. So i went and at the busiest intersection, right before MartinNazzi, like never before, no one was moving in neither direction and i was alone on my direction and for some reason i can't talk about (was thinking of something else, like where is she right now) i ran the red light.

When i realized i looked desperately in all directions, no one was coming (cause no one was moving obviously) and when i was half way through the light turned green. My only excuse is i never passed that one alone, they were always other cars.
 People are people... 


Even boys do cry sometimes, isn't so... (When nobody sees them, alone with their Androids and other de-vices...)  

When i got back home an Asian woman stopped right after the right turn into the alley (i hate when they do that). I stopped and was wondering what she was doing and i signaled and tried to pass when she started to back up but when it became obvious i was about to clear her she just stopped and took a right in the Meridian lot.

12:3 Metsubushi. BTW the van with the inscription Insulation is still there and i don't know if from that one or from somewhere else nasty insulation dust is making its way here. I can feel it and it's painful.

5:10 Germans generally are smart people. But when are we going to see sick days for falling in love?

5:13 Unwell

11:37 Why most LED bulb brands don't work. BTW i have to find a level place at least 25 feet long with a wall to adjust mine that are stock halogen.

However i don't believe the situation on the road which now is out of control is going to ever change, unless the regulating authorities start stopping those from selling. I don't see cops ever pulling people and checking headlights.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

August 19

8:48 Acura. Chrysler.

While i built the post above he hit the floor until he made me sick. Tried to open the sliding doors, cause i know he stops when i do that (could be the noise is heard by others, the reason they replaced the windows with more soundproof ones) but i now feel garbage smoke smell from outside).

In Romania they invented a whole story, with a driver that does not exist, trying to cover this, like many others in the last few days. This one just came in with the cable symbolizing the wings of Mazda Ahura. BTW these guys deceive themselves, heavily. In reality the Mazda Ahura figure derives from Onanna/Isthar/Isis.

9:24 More heavy stomps upstairs while i'm reading more "news", so i can't think.

10:20 One second he was stomping upstairs. I opened the door trying to leave, he was in the car with the engine started.

10:47 I was trying to leave but ran into this. One of the sources of my nausea, 25 ft from the door in the dierction of the morning breeze. Next to the front right wheel. Picked many other items left behind intentionally by the child actors.

Amazing how one or two cigarette butts at your door makes the whole place stink also like smoke. BTW there is a wheel behind this car for about a month know everybody is ignoring. Maybe because of the symbolism, covering semantically many of my posts.

BTW last night when i got home at 10:30 the famous tinted window Chrysler with Inanna wings that is parked next to ours came right after me and is not the first time he is syncing with me.

(12:35) Just took a look at his licence plates. They look all wrinkled like coming out of a car that has been in a bad accident, and he does not have a sticker in the back and the one in the front is for year 24, like the one missing from my truck since who knows when for which i've been pulled by a cop in Newberg (ordered one at DMV, waiting for it).

11:37 Ponta, cel mai bun dragoman. 4x4.

11:46 You can't get along with everyone in this world. Believe me, i tried and i'm 63. At some point, having your soul still won't satisfy them.

12:57 Just in case someone ask themselves what was the note on the door. BTW got to go somewhere Wednesday since 6 AM, Thursday and Angela does not have more vacation days she can spare.

3:55 Ok i figured it out. I enjoyed a few days maybe a week of more quiet days regarding the choreography upstairs. I believe is connected with opening the door at the patio or installing the AC with the covering of the door opening with only a thin plastic cover. My conclusion was the newly installed windows/doors are more soundproof and the sound cannot be heard from outside when are closed.

I would assume there are by now people in the houses in sight from here with cameras, ambiental and directional microphones that do just that.

However today it started again in full swing. And then i figured it out.

Yesterday i went several times to the SW bin to throw small things i gather from the grass around here or check for items thrown on the ground.

By example after i went Thursday night in the bin's cage and threw one ft by one by eight worth of garbage items, Friday morning there was a 13 gallons regular black bag (the kind i use) this time right in front, outside the cage, full with something including a cylindrical object like a cooking pot that was just too heavy for me to throw it in the bin with one hand.

One of the times i was there yesterday i saw this huge van with the word Insulation on it parking rear first, and i think the driver was Asian. Over the years, i saw it many times before, parked on an apartment number, way too big for the spot, but it never really bothered me, being right at the cul de sac of the complex, except maybe visually. It could be his permanent "business" spot, i don't know.

Bur i'm pretty positive right now it blocks both visual and audio line of sight between our apartment and those houses, tiny park and small portion of street. This picture has been taken from the opening of the glass sliding door of the balcony (patio).

Then i went closer to see on what type of spot he parked on, and a group of European looking teen girls, dressed according to the 93 degrees temperature outside cut my way back and slowly walked down the grass in the picture, passed our apartment and went to the mailboxes. The balcony on the right in the picture was until yesterday her domain.

Also besides the paving announcement for our apartment they blocked the Meridian parking lot as well, though it was paved 2 or 3 years ago, giving the guy with the truck with Insulation reason to park here, though i'm positive he was parking on the apartment number (not seen, more on the right, behind the one level apartment) most of the times.

4:30 After complaining for hours and writing about the van a real person came upstairs, did laundry and vacuumed again, after one week, which obviously awoke Angela who i think got a couple of hours of sleep after the three hours she since last night.

4:42 Better picture from bedroom window.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 18

 12:34 Metsubushi. It is very strange how they announce in emails and on doors the gutter cleanings which are a half hour disturbances with little noise and they do not the re-building of curbs. With a pneumatic hammer (got it, mcIIammer), compressor and pouring concrete ingredients with a shovel from tall trucks.

First i did not realize how bad it was but when i got at the gas station i could not speak (laryngitis) because of the dust that stuck on my throat. Pain all over. Worst is the compressor shakes insulation dust from attics. Is it possible they come unscheduled without the approval of the office, like "volunteering" and stuff.

12:54 I thought it was my original idea but others said it before. Taylor Swift really is an incarnation of Barbie.

2:05 It happened again. A whole entry with 6 pictures just disappeared. Could it be me getting lost in versions in different tabs. But this is really bad. I wrote things very important during last half hour time.

I was saying. SOS Oregon. 101 things that happened during the weekend that taken separately mean nothing but when taken together make them really suspicious by being so many, basically one after another.

On 101 people got in front of me, with smoking vehicles and driving with 10 mph under speed limit in continuous line areas for miles and miles while others pushing from behind and then when i finally had an interrupted line and a chance to pass them they were accelerating to 70. But if i did pass them, another one was waiting for me further down the road.

A truck suddenly showing 3 ft behind me and i had to accelerate real hard to avoid collision from behind in a remote passing area of 18. A guy waiting for me at the motel stairs and climbing the stairs right after me. Others doing the same when entering one place or another. Two bikers riding while standing. Staring at them and traffic suddenly stops in front of me. One  minute later, another one. A fire vehicle with flashing lights. Trying to pull, almost got hit by a huge truck from behind that continued. Hard to estimate the number of people involved, most likely hundreds. Etc. Etc.

Lincoln City. Coming here for years every weekend to buy groceries and then we go at Road's end to eat. It is a plaza with many stores and big parking lot. However the entrance from a busy road does not have a stop sign, for about the same amount of time, after some paving work. No stop sign and no line, though an nearby alley (above) that comes into it has.

If you don't now or forget you are in trouble. Cause you don't see the line where to stop, especially in the sunset, and coming from down hill you may go to far. Yesterday i got bullied by a huge truck entering briefly in my "lane" (there are no marked lanes) and forgot and stopped too far and almost got hit by traffic like shown in this picture).

The rotting mussels. We stopped at a beach with parking lot on 101 to go eat and lay a bit in the sand. But there was this strange smell and i saw a dead starfish into a ravine but the ravine was too deep so i went into another ravine and around a rock when i saw the real problem. They were literally tons of rotting mussels attached to the rock at 3 ft under the high tide line. I caught in the picture just a few. When comming back i saw a woman i didn't see at first also coming from behind other rocks. Still have that smell in my nose.

9:00 Could this be the first known (to us) correct representation of a quantum butterfly? Unlike the current one, which is dualist wave/photon, mine is wave only and it moves in jumps, discrete, not continous.

9:38 Didn't need to do this...

10:58 De vreo câteva zile stau și mă întreb sau merg și mă întreb sau conduc și mă întreb. Oare ce-o fi vrut să spună Eminescu în următoarele: "mândră-n toate cele / Cum e Fecioara între sfinți".

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28

9:30 I was writing and getting ready to finish an important email to WSP (Washington State Patrol) using the gmail account associated with this blog when the email was sent before i had a chance to finish it.

In my initial email two days ago i was asking them for the name of the towing truck driver called by officer Boston Draper who in the end refused to tow us per reason of distance (22 miles) but never had the chance to say i suspect now he was also the driver of the truck that hit me from behind and ran minutes before before the email got sent without me hitting the send button.

They implied in the answer i was replying to they could send me the video from the freeway cameras if i provided location date and hour which i already did, though i asked only for the name of that towing driver. I also gave all the available information in the suspect/witness form i filled that night and is attached to the file that can be found under my name in their records. The form was filled in a street off the freeway at the first exit after location and i think officer Draper put the right location in his forms which are also attached to the file.

But my initial email with the request was not included in their answer (they broke the thread like they always do) and it looks like they missed my only request and now are offering something else instead, the video which two years ago they say it is not available, also asking for... the description of the other driver, which i never had a chance to see. Except if he was the tow driver to whom i casually talked to about the mods at the battery while officer Draper was filling his paperwork in his SUV.

10:10 I know what will happen. Another officer from WSP will answer again breaking the thread of the conversation, pretending he didn't read or understand my previous two emails.
4:45 For (Eastern Europeans only. Washington State is a state in the Western US, north of California and Oregon, with capital in Olympia and main city Seattle, home of Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks, the last state to be added to the Union (1889), not to be confused with Washington DC, that is 3000 miles by plane or three time zones away.

4:50 When Angela comes from work she is very vocal and the only way to quiet her down is to give her some food. Today i gave her slow cooked rice (14 minutes) with soy sauce, caramelized sauteed sliced sugar free giant chicken breast (8 minutes), grated cabbage with diced canned olives and cherry tomatoes which took me all about half hour to cook (excluding doing the dishes and marinating the chicken, which i done earlier).

Sorry the picture came blurred cause i'm drunk already. BTW now she's demanding her glass of wine. Soon she will go to sleep for the rest of the evening time in which i can't move cause she wakes up easily.

But i got plans. I will continue to binge watch a Sci-Fi series i started yesterday on NETFLIX. Cause i don't know what to post anymore.

5:30 What am i saying, i have still a lot on my mind. Google's AI keep pushing me on the right side of youtube songs chosen for the moment. The blacklight reminds me of the first time i heard (and danced on) this song (1981). (One of the few successful songs with synths injected into rock). But keep thinking. Was Lou Gramm's first version or the one i heard then first time, better?

8:22 Went to WinCo. Mexican music playing very loud here at different apartments in the last days and when i left like trying to prove they are not chicanos hikikomori from Japan. There was this guy beyond the one level building with an older white car with a big bass in the trunk.

Many things on the road and at WinCo but one is worth mentioning. When i got back, at the last stop light here at 7-11 there was this snake woman waiting to pass with both legs a few inches in the street since my light was green. Then it turned yellow and i judged i did not have the time to stop without my groceries being spread accross the trunk (and i have two big boxes to put the bags in).

Then the light turned red in about one second or faster than normal but i think i still entered on yellow and she was always there, part in the street, part on the sidewalk, not moving.

When i came back and grabbed the bags and heard the music again i remembered something. I can't remember when i last saw any of my neighbors coming home with groceries except once or twice but i think it was years ago. Most of them i only see a few times before they are replaced anyways.

9:25 Just went in the street to see. Yellow time at that intersection is 4 seconds.
There are two lights but only one lane for going forward and one is covered by trees at the distance where you should see it. But there's something else i remembered. First time after they opened that corner of the intersection i was complaining about, when you were pressing the button, it was making the sound of a machine gun. A joke i assume. I saw two days ago a city guy with a phone around those things and the sound turned to normal. Can they be (re)programmed with a phone?

I was searching for the time needed to stop at 40 (speed limit there is 35) and found for 55. Some vehicles need only 3 seconds to do 0 to 60, mine, more than 6 including reaction time. Deceleration factor does not change with speed so i would assume you would need about 4 seconds to stop at 30, including reaction time. Very tight.

9:37 Now i need the rest of the evening to search for the actress who does Elisabeth Warren.

10:20 Nevermind it was less than an hour. 25 more minutes to explain what happened:

That guy was playing the bass so loud i decided to go for WinCo also because i was craving munchies. It annoyed me even in the parking lot. I believe i was so busy with the car i haven't hosed the building in years so dust buns including insulation dust is everywhere and falls at loud vibrations and that is plainly painful.

Other people doing stupid things i can't remember. Rude drivers on the freeways, some again tailgating. I was mad when i got there. And there she was, at the onion bay. Trying to open a bag for a couple of minutes. I asked her if she was going to stay there all night and then it all escalated into a verbal fight and i think she left the store immediately.

Don't know why a professor (emeritus) in sociology was on my list of actors. Or it is an extraordinary coincidence. Or she was briefly an actress when young. After all, Viktor Orban himself is an actor and director by trade. Trump could also have been a professor of economics in Hungary.

But i'm pretty sure it's her. Even the name clue is there. Maria N, Warren.

Senator of Massachusetts, ex candidate. The name of that cop was Boston Draper. Wondering if it wasn't her design from the beginning. Or maybe she supervises the whole damn thing i keep talking about for years.

Timing was midnight 20/21 August 2021. BTW they used the window of opportunity tonight exactly when i was driving for a few seconds a bit aggressive on I5 to send the email. They didn't give me the video though they said they would if i give them time and location and they didn't give me the name of the tow truck driver, only the towing company... Chappell’s. More than that, i think i also saw him at WinCo tonight.

I was wondering. If WSP had a contract with that towing company like Draper said (not sure which is first and last name), what happened after they broke the contract. Was there any written form. Was the cop supposed to tell his bosses the name of that driver. I think it's impossible for WSP not to know that name.

12:00 Last one this day. I remembered when i came from WinCo had to pass through a cloud of very strong laundry perfume. Seemed like someone did laundry and dried without rinsing. 30 minutes later inside started to smell like dirty laundry. I think i saw earlier a guy going next door resembling... Also had painful dust on my whole body from today's blowing of the parking lot, shaking of building.

So i went to take a shower and then in the bedroom trying to get new underwear, when i felt smoke in there. Went outside and found close to the wall next door a hole that i plugged. Haven't seen that guy, haven't find holes in a while except for one under the main deck.

Last night i hit the doormat to the stairs a couple of times, some dust came out of it, swept under. Today after they blew the parking lot with 200 mph power blowers the mat had way more dust than yesterday after i done the same thing. Literally a cloud of dust came out of it.