Showing posts sorted by relevance for query pacepa. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query pacepa. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Pacepa about Carol Kiraly

Carol Kirally in 2016 at 86

A lie does not have to be perfect. It only has to be good enough for the moment. People don't have time to look at facts. They just take summaries from media for facts.

One of the biggest written collection of lies of the past century is Pacepa's book Red Horizons.

Said to be ex-chief of Ceaușescu's intelligence with access to critical security information from the whole Soviet block, Pacepa "defected" in 1978 to the United States and wrote a book about everything he knew. And he is in hiding ever since.

Everybody in Romania found out about who Pacepa was only after he defected. Whether he existed or not, nobody can tell.

The book was most likely written by a casino lawyer who openly co-authored Pacepa's second book. There is no Pacepa.

From the pictures i saw so far he looks like a Hungarian writer

But there is in that book a few paragraphs that piss me most. About the Romanian politician of Hungarian origin Károly Király (spelled in Hungarian, meaning King Carol or Regele Carol in Romanian) and what he said about the usage of radiation poisoning on him by Ceaușescu. Would he had look like this at 86 if that happened?

Károly Király is the good guy like anybody with the name Kerr, Carey, etc.. Slightly Nordic, Scottish or Irish the name suggests carrying. But double initials like always suggest imposture.

Károly Király was present in my life as the Chief of Maintenance Department at the big furniture company across the street from where i lived in my childhood where both my parents, sisters and myself during summer vacation worked. But i remember him since before school age from a conversation of him with my mother where i was present. With a slightly different name, Chiraș (also of Hungarian origin). At that time Károly Király was "working" as Party secretary in a similar company at Târgu Mureș. So he was familiar with the business and din't have a regular schedule or boss as party secretary.

Bodnăraș (ex vice Prime Minister) was another guy with ties in Câmpulung. He had a brother and a mansion there. But i think he was also present as a neighbor (a short guy) who was working in a different place (in a mine i guess) and was home only sporadically.

I think he and Bodnăraș and famous movie director Sergiu Nicolaescu are responsible for sending me at a children's summer camp near Hamburg, Germany when i was 12, in 1972 (And everything that happened with me in early childhood). At that time Ceaușescu, Romania, was well seen in the west and had ties everywhere and was sending some kids in summer camps in western countries.

Ion Gheorghe Maurer, said a Romanian Jew of French origin was Foreign Minister at that time.

I tried to write in a blog post about what happened there but i think i was shy of a few things.

In the same year, 1972, don't know if before or after both Kiraly and Maurer were said to have been in a bad car accident. Kiraly survived without a scratch but Maurer had a number of major surgeries and he didn't want to go to Bucharest, he preferred to remain in a hospital in nearby Târgu Mureș (a place with a Hungarian minority majority). I wrote before, Ceaușescu himself was Ritchie Valens and a Hungarian opera singer. The only real person in this whole story was me.

At the beginning after i moved here in Tualatin a number of people lived upstairs under the same apparent ID. This continues to this day but they switched to women. According to the season and holiday different persons move here and "punish" me torturing me in the same way Ceaușesu supposedly did torture others.

A couple of months after i moved, the second time when i had a severe, life threatening dysphagia episode in my life, after not being able to swallow what i've eaten for an hour or so, Pacepa, showed in the parking lot, looking at me with anger.

He lived to the age of 88 now in Hungary after in 1990, right after the fall of Ceaușescu he led some sort of civil disobedience movement in Târgu Mureș with the purpose, i don't know, separating from Romania. Trouble is, for historical reasons, the Sheckelys or whatever they are called, (the minority in that area who are not magyars but a different semi-magyarized population, part of Hungarian multi-national state) are right in the middle of Romania. Because of that i don't see any possibility of them reuniting with Hungary. I also don't believe Kiraly's revolution was real, but meant to distract from the main thing which is Romania (like all countries) is riddled with Hungarian actors who play politicians and bankers and businessmen controlling everything. It is also said Pacepa through his book gave a fatal wound to the Soviet block causing contributing decisively to its fall in 89. In reality,  it is more likely that what made the Soviet Union and Eastern block fail was Chernobyl. But that was also fake because Gorbatchev is Elvis Presley. (What's harder to believe, Pacepa who nobody ever saw him in the US is real or Elvis is Gorbatchev?)

Red Horizons fragment link

"A decedat în ianuarie 1976, fiind înmormântat la cererea sa, cu mare alai preoțesc, în pământul natal din Câmpulung Moldovenesc."

Monday, December 18, 2017

Despre Pacepa

14 decembrie 2011. 546 de postări de blog. Exact când am ajuns la concluzia că trebuia să scriu mai mult aici decât pe media socială. Pe media socială tentația e mare. Vezi ceva, scrii imediat, fără multe pretenții. Am multe mii de postări atât pe fb cât și pe g+. Problema mare e că nu le pot accesa pe ani, luni, nu are fiecare un titlu, nu au etichete și căutările sunt foarte dificile.

De aceea mi-e greu să spun de exemplu dacă "Patrichi" a murit nu mult după ce am scris că seamănă mult cu Pacepa.

La 4 decembrie 2014 am scos prima listă cu posibile asemănări între actori și politicieni. Pe atunci nu aveam nici o idee unde am să ajung cu aceste liste. Între timp am câștigat multă experiență în a compara fețe și găsi asemănări. Din ce în ce mai multe fotografii puse pe net de diverși au ajutat.

Sunt foarte puține poze cu Pacepa și e greu de dovedit dincolo de orice dubiu. Cel mult probabilități. Dar e o ipoteză care ar trebui luată tot mai mult în calcul la fel cum ne aplecăm urechile la toate tâmpeniile spuse la televizor și în media (principală sau socială).

Cu posibilitățile foarte limitate de tehnoredactare ale lui blogger, oferit gratuit de google nu pot să aranjez pozele mai bine decât atât. Cei care prives la aceste poze trebuie să țină cont și de faptul că urechile și nasul cresc la bătrânețe.

Se spune că o poză e o mie de cuvinte, iată aici o altă fotografia extraordinar de interesantă, cea a lui Károly Kirally, un demnitar comunist de origine maghiară, care a ocupat mai multe funcții în statul român comunist. În vara lui 72 el era într-o mașină cu Maurer când au avut un accident. Ceaușescu a a venit imediat însă Maurer a vrut să rămână să fie tratat la Târgu Mureș unde se pare că a avut 13 operații. La 2 ani după, în 74, Maurer s-a retras din funcții pe motiv medical, cam în același timp cu moartea lui Bodnăraș în 1976. Maurer a fost un atlet (mergea 10 km pe zi pe jos în parc) și putea să bea un litru de coniac și a trăit până după 1990. Se poate vedea în această fotografie din 2015 că el la 85 de ani arăta foarte bine pentru un tip care a fost torturat, după cum spune Pacepa în cartea sa Orizonturi Roșii.

Exista la Fabrica de Mobilă din Câmpulung un tip în acea perioadă și mult mai înainte, șef la atelierul mecanic, Chiraș, care semăna foarte mult cu Károly Király. Károly Király printre altele a fost și directorul Combinatului de Mobilă din Târgu Mureș. În 89 a stat de vorbă cu Gorbaciov în timpul vizitei sale în România. În 90 a fost vicepreședinte CPUN.

În spatele Fabricii de Mobilă și lângă Fabrica de Conserve Lactate sau Lapte Praf cum i se mai spunea în Câmpulung, care erau pe partea cealaltă a străzii 7 Noiembre, acum Calea Trasnilvaniei, era un mic aeroport iar la ora 6, 2 și 10 seara sirena de schimb de acolo făcea atât de mult zgomot pentru minute în șir încât un avion care ar fi zburat printre munți prin valea râulului Moldova ar fi putut ateriza sau decola fără să fie observat.

Bodnăraș la rândul lui avea un frate și o vilă în Câmpulung, și chiar niște rude sărace, cu care m-am împrietenit în timpul școlii. La Școala Generală Nr.1 din Câmpulung. Dar pe strada unde locuiam, la numărul 235, peste drum de fabrica de mobilă aveam un vecin, scund, care arăta sărac și lucra undeva, poate la mină și venea rar pe acasă care semăna cu el.

În clasele VII-VIII când ne-am mutat în clădirea nouă a școlii, vizavi de Filatură, un km mai la est, am avut o profesoară de matematică și dirigintă care semăna mult cu... Elisabeth Taylor. Directorul școlii însuși semăna cu un și regizor actor austriac, care a jucat în filmul Sissy (despre ultimul împărat al Austriei). Învățătoarea din I - IV semăna mult cu Claudia Cardinale. Eilsabeth Taylor în perioada aceea era în Italia și a făcut un film care poate concura la titlul cel mai prost din lume. La școală era tot timpul cu o carte în față și citea de acolo.

Singurul român de care știu sigur că e fluent în engleză e Tismăneanu. Am văzut video-uri cu el la conferințe. Deși vorbește cu accent serios, vorbește engleza corect cu doar mici schimbări de topică specific românească pe ici pe colo. Probabil și fiindcă e profesor de politologie de atâția ani și le vorbește studenților. Eu după 6 ani de blogărit în engleză mă întorc acum la primele postări și le corectez, datorită experienței acumulate. Dar acum e internetul, spellcheck, dicționare online care te ajută foarte mult, etc.

Mă miră însă foarte mult cartea Orizonturi Roșii a lui Pacepa. Un om care a stat numai în România, poate a participat la conversații cu lideri mondiali și omologi. În 87, la zece ani după ce a "fugit". Posibil. Dar cu scrisul e mai greu. Trebuie să știi engleza serios, gramatică, topică, cuvintele se scriu altfel decât se pronunță. Sunt convins că l-a ajutat cineva. Știu că la cartea Dezinformare (Disinformation) l-a avut coautor pe Ronald Rychlak, un profesor de științe juridice (law school teacher) care este a scris și o carte despre dreptul jocurilor de noroc (gaming law) și în general despre cazinouri. De asemenea Rychlak a comentat mult despre cartea lui Pacepa și îl cunoaște. Ieri mă gândeam să încerc să-l contactez.

Monday, November 6, 2023

November 6th

7:00 But maybe it was only me who i was surrounded by a bunch of people that had "missions" in screwing me up. Influencing, mostly making me saying things, making a fool out of me as i grew up in a bubble created by those.

That's why i'm saying, maybe my life was completely different then otters'.

I wanted to say a few words about how my previous life was. The one before "del mezzo di camin" when i crossed the ocean.

Everything was calm and predictable. For decades all people had jobs and a cheap quality place to live in. However in the end, sadly, nothing much to do.

The industrialization that took place after WWII was reaching the end of its life cycle in the bubble created by the iron curtain. Everything in the world has evolved but we were stagnating. Many of the numerous production factories were creating gigantic backlogs of stocked products.

Everything was dictated by the party but the party and the party members were just a bunch of ambitious idiots and their only care was to get dwellings, food and everything better than others. They had no knowledge on how the world has evolved and didn't need or wanted to know. They thought everything would stay the same forever.

Nowhere to sell our outdated products and nobody from the outside world didn't want to buy nothing from us except for food. So we went in a food crisis.

Most of us has beaten that by getting food from their relatives left in villages. They didn't have much land, which was all caught in the cooperatives and state farms that were selling for very cheap prices, and it was all going to export to make currency to pay the debt created by the last wave of imports of machinery in the 70s. Just a little around the houses that they couldn't take away. With that they were able to raise a few animals.

But above all there was the boredom. Nothing was on TV except old movies and HIM, a couple of hours a day. They stopped bringing in new movies after Star Wars. The domestic movies where plainly stupid. And then the video players started to be smuggled in but the smugglers were bringing only the stupid stuff like sex comedies.

So we the men of communist Romania were spending lots of times in bars and restaurants. Restaurants didn't have any food but beer and liquor. But me again i had a special entourage.

They were so many engineers at the production factories that they didn't have anything to do. Me out of curiosity have managed to bring in from Bucharest some computers that weren't far from the ones in the west. However nobody knew what to do with them and how to use them. So i voluntarily out of curiosity and boredom dived for 8 hours a day into the universe of computer languages and operating systems and stuff and i even succeeded in making some useful programs (apps).

By doing so i managed to scare a lot of people who were thinking they will lose their privileges of abusing their position of getting more money to the workers by falsifying documents and getting bribes for it and to me that was kinda fun LOL.

As i said we (me) was spending most afternoons and evenings in the so called restaurants, drinking barrels of beer and talking non sense. Not knowing what the world has become, or what we have become we were imagining things and talking hypothetically, mixing casual with important and facts with fiction.

But it seems the world i came in is not much better. There is freedom and access to knowledge but most people don't really know what to do with it and there is no time for it and they are living with the constant fear of losing jobs and not having money for mortgages and cars. Most of them that is. And the housing is terrible.

So this is who i am. When talking with me you will never know when i speak hypothetically and when i can really grasp some of the surrounding reality or just guessing but i became good at it because that is all i've done all my life. I am a broken person coming from a broken world surrounded again by people with missions trying to make a fool out of me. Everything i put here are just reactions to it and first hand "insider" testimonies. The obvious contradictions and things did not match my dreams.

8:02 Reply to @. Not everything in this world is related to (sex and) money. For that i was waiting for 12 hours? Is she part of the same making fool entourage?

BTW i used again some of the decongestant i bought at WinCo but they beat that by pumping in here cigarette smoke. Though i miraculously slept 6  hours, waking with no palpitations, they managed to create some right now after i watched a video and cigarette smoke was pumped in here with vibrations from an exhaust.

BTW i was thinking these days. The Pacepa myth. Theoretically "Pacepa" "defected" in the 70s coming here with all the big secrets of Soviet Union and communist block and wrote a book. But he is nowhere to be seen or heard. The second book was co-authored with a casino lawyer which made me believe he wrote the first one also.

Nobody in Romania (except for English teachers who were also outdated and teaching basics from a version of English from England (maybe) as we were only taught stupid outdated things in schools) was speaking English, especially the idiots from the party. How about writing. Impossible. You have to be immersed in a culture for a long time to be able to write like that.

The Soviet Union was not beaten by Pacepa. The Soviet Union was scheduled to be put down as non-functional. Probably as functional as North Korea. When you are looking at ridiculous images with minimalist command posts of Kim in the fields you should imagine all those big screens and rockets shown at parades are coming from a well established economy with a matching infrastructure.

Why they opened up China for world trade and millionaires party members? Because they didn't want it to have the fate of Soviet Union.


12:00 There's been what i thought cigarette smoke from upstairs in here all morning, however smoke slowed my reactions to almost none and i was eating my noodles soup in that moment and it still stinks in here and never finished cleaning the apartment. But definitely not 5'3" and not seen before as i thought. Black hair? Looks a bit like Ayesha which sends me back guessing.


6:52 Ok. Let's try this one more time.

10:50 Oana Lasconi este o față...

11:12 Another groundhog day has passed.'

11:22 Ok so the holes at the roots of the little trees next to the closest garages are actually rat burrows, not moles...? Never seen the first door open... Can't remember now... Smoke from number 4 and gas smell cover some other stuff, right?

1:00 Cu câteva minute înainte de a posta eu video-ul de mai sus. Oare de unde au știut? Homo sapiens de seară.

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year 2021

Angela is more and more agitated, every weekend or day off it takes half of the time for her just to calm down. There are a couple of Japanese women there posing as Chinese, rest are Hungarians, i've identified most of them. Apparently they pick on her really bad. Lately she just quit telling me what they do to her. It's too traumatic even to remember.

So she got a mini vacation starting the Christmas weekend until tomorrow.

I don't know how we got like this. I mean, we have nowhere to go. Me i was so busy with my blogs and most of the time under influence of both moles enzymes, carefully directed inside, and smoke, probably coming from burning pieces of stuff stuck inside the holes by someone, could be even from passing cars, cause some of the holes were next to the alleys, i forgot what fight it takes to keep the place sanitized. Finally installed a few days ago a UV light inside the closet. Contaminated steam from dog and/or cat clothes washed insufficiently (too little detergent) from vents under siding level is getting inside the siding, wall and inside there.

I am pretty positive most of the people we knew in the past, if not all, are from the same lists i use to search to find matches for my blog. I've identified already many of them but i hesitate since i don't want or can't break completely with the outside world, real or not.

After several month of taking antibiotics, i realized the cause was the new dentures that i started to wear at the end of July. They were literally bent, after moulding, probably using heat. Both upper and lower, moving and pressing unevenly on gums. Because of those got an infection at parotid glands on both sides. Didn't use them since Christmas. Bulges are at the lowest levels. A very interesting effect took place. While in the first days, weeks of taking those i had terrible stomach pains, at the end the stomach pains are completely gone. So i figured i can afford a few drinks, after a pause of several months. Not while driving, at the end of the trips of course.

Also switched from almond and coconut milk for coffee to soy milk, because those seemed bitter. Then i started to have a really bad reaction (pain) in my colon.

On December 23 while cleaning the place, i went to sweep the concrete floor of the balcony (the only concrete floor in the building). I saw the shower curtain i installed under was full sprouted seeds that turned into mud. I removed and i saw some of the pieces of cut foam i squeezed in there last summer had fallen and there was mud in the space between beams. I removed all of those and mud and maggots fell on me. There is a bird feeder in that balcony and birds made a mess and seeds fell and sprouted and maggots came to life. When cold came, the maggots died and as the weather started to warm up again, they started to rot, adding to the whole ecosystem.
If you can't see those in the picture, look closer.
So we just ran away first time at Red Winds in Washington State on Christmas eve, and then at 7 feathers last weekend (got to check fb posts, i got so many things on my mind i just can't remember exactly right now). I like to drive and after last mods i've done to the car, i registered 40 mpg from here to Eugene and an average of 38 for the whole trip, considering we had to climb above 700 ft. Us smelling like cats, dogs, mold and smoke eveerywehere we go that BTW is just creeping in as i write.

Playing at small amounts, we almost all the times make some of the money back so we end loosing 100 or 200 dollars per evening. Or like at Ilany, Angela in the last few times made her money back and even won something like 50 bucks in the end. My fun recently is mostly related to experimenting with the car, trying to optimize fuel consumption, after i accidentally run into some favorable modification. It's all happening because i have this mpg dashboard indicator. I learned to use an app that shows elevation from GPS only (don't have service on my phone) and look all the time at elevation and try to figure the link between climbing, going down and fuel consumption. Something that keeps my mind busy and away during long trips.

On Christmas morning at 6 AM while coming back to Portland, after i passed through Woodland, after a bridge and a slight right turn in my view of field appeared two cops' cars with red and blue flashing lights. I was in the process of passing a red van, in a slight curve to the left and downhill after the bridge, don't know exactly the speed limit in the area, probably 70, they were about 10 cars on right two lanes that BTW all passed me earlier making me uncomfortable (on the right, etc.), all with weird LPN, at the same speed with the van. Didn't figure in time the reason everybody was avoiding the left lane. At 32 degrees on the dashboard, the lane had ice on it. When i saw the cops i hit the breaks and started skidding, about 20 degrees to the left. I managed to stabilize the car as i saw a cop rushing towards his car, but my speed was already under limit and he didn't follow. Right after and to this day i am convinced it was all done deliberately. The red van was old and stinking and it just passed me a few minutes before. Cops' cars were hidden in a lower elevation after the bridge and not visible until the last moment, everyody hits the brakes when they see cops, etc..

Especially when i remembered that exactly one year ago i avoided in the last hundredths of second a bale of hay in Rice Hills, Oregon, while doing 80 in a 70 area, while going to 7 feathers.

As soon as i get somewhere i have a few drinks in the parking lot and then i don't care much about what's happening inside. Can't remember whom i saw at Red Winds, but at 7 feathers, a few days after, i think i saw Candy Dulfer, and a politician from Romanian government.

New Year's eve at Spirit Mountain. Because Chinook Winds is closed, the place was said to be at maximum capacity (i saw more people in there in other occasions). Because of that, we have been put in a line where we waited almost an hour and also had a few drinks. Just as i passed the "check point" and made it inside the parking lot, a couple of cars executed some weird maneuvers in front of me, trying to get me in a fender bender.

Inside, the promised live band was Sonny Hess and Kat Lady, apparently some street performers from Portland.

They were playing ok (i saw worse in there) but didn't really have any happy new Year Song ad midnight. Didn't stay much and came back after a couple of hours. Angela was loosing and was confident she would make her money back in the end we left with a 500 dollars loss (have to ask her again, she's sleeping).

But Saturday night at Indian Head. We like that desert area a lot and since we haven't been there in a long time we adventured on a dubious weather forecast. At 4000 ft at the pass i saw snow flurries and 34 degrees on the dashboard but didn't turn around. However in there something weird happened. Even at poker machines, i was constantly losing, like at Spirit Mountain the day before. There was this very fat lady at my right, figuring a Native American, that right now i suspect was again Kat Lady. I even spoke with her, cause i could not figure the version of spin poker i was playing. I went in the parking lot to get a drink from my brandy bottle and i saw, again, the same couple of men and a woman in a car. But those came back with me inside and i though one of them looked familiar and today i figured he might have been Pitbull the rapper.

Angela was loosing and again hoping she would make her money back but she didn't. I think we spent both our stimulus check in these two days, at Spirit Mountain and Indian head.

The weirdest part, something i got used to for a long time now, the way people are moving around us inside the casinos. Every time when i move and pass somebody, somebody else pops from around a machine and stares at me and those, like guarding them. If i stay for a while in a place, some woman comes and sits or stands behind me, while others start parading in between, again, like for protecting. Primordial gestures for cameras, to trigger primordial subconscious reaction. Which means some are watching (There are people like Pitbull that wouldn't go anywhere there wasn't a live camera). But how? that casino, in a valley in the middle of the desert doesn't even have fiber optics.

Intrigued, was looking the other day with google maps at the casino, cause i remembered i saw a weird structure uphill, like some transformers. Which means those lines are high voltage, at least 10 kV. There is a a cable going in the ground by a pole and i figured that is the power for the parking lot and the transformers on the hill are for powering the casino, which is not very big, maybe like 10 houses. Right over that hill there is a structure which i discovered after a walk last summer, when we briefly stopped in there after a trip for my birthday in the most eastern-southern spot in Oregon. Crystal Crane hot springs (i believe a place where all meth users gather, by the smell). After many hours of driving, my body was craving for a walk so i climbed on a trail after that hill and saw a building that now i know it's a local radio station, which seems linked, with some antennas and through a relay on top of a mountain some 10-20 miles to the outside world. God only knows what is the bandwidth for that link, but it could explain everything. I hesitated a lot to write this, i know those people could get in trouble, but this particular location could prove that something is going on, with the casino so closed to that data link, because at locations like Ilany nothing is visible, everything is underground, power, data, etc.
The structure on top of the hill that is marked as a radio station on Google Earth, has its own high voltage power line. The station is retransmitting OPB and hour or two a day, and that parabolic antenna on the pole is probably for getting that. But for that purpose, wouldn't an ordinary satellite antenna sufficed. But satellite connections have lags up to 0.2 seconds.
I hereby complain about all the casinos mentioned above, for the fact they host illegal shows that are broadcast somewhere, for violation of privacy, like intentionally broadcasting unauthorised video including my persoanal live image over the internet, and also that all the machines in all the casinos mentioned above being rigged, to the point of controlling from a remote location and/or local supercomputers the output at any hand level, and not having anything to do with gambling.

I also might have known personally, from a job at Quadramed the famous casino law-yerrr "Ronald J. Rychlak", the coauthor of the famous books written with "General Mihai Pacepa". In turn he seems to be a base guitar player from Hungary.
Is that a Dominican Double Cross at the end of the strings?

Monday, May 15, 2023

May 15

11:08 Thou shalt not hurteth the oil. This is not funny anymore.

I knew for a long time they get in here while i'm gone. The oil in the deep fryer is now several shades more brown than as i left it and the fries came bitter. I have a sign at the door but they can beat it, given enough time (They open and close the door enough times until it comes in the same position. Or they have a different way of entering).

The guy from upstairs asked permission to clean the balcony. Now the balcon looks like a... Though the paint was gray (who paints a table, i saw it in his balcony)in that color?). I now remember what he did last summer.

I am familiar with this type of imitating the adults. Small children sometimes like to repeat your words or gestures to pay back the annoyance of hearing adult people having conversations and not understanding. But from a country of adult people that are bound to controlling the world, this isn't funny anymore.

BTW last night i drove for a while behind this old Jaap that was modified and turned into a pickup that was stinking really bad. I think it was making me very tired. Passed him and fought him not letting him pass again. The next street i took was empty for all i could see, a mile, but i don't know where from, here came this Japanese looking guy who wanted to cross and he would have crossed without me seeing him first (he probably came from the field or from behind some trees) if it wasn't for the Police car that was coming from a side street. Here maybe, with Police car where that car is, google car did it backwards, i was on the other side. He stopped, surprised, short of getting in my way.

Somebody please tell them. Nobody can control the world, like the weather, with gigantic supercomputers and microwave actuators (Yes, they use cell phone towers for very locaI weather "effects", Gaconna station for US level, etc). For a few weeks in a row, every weekend was hot, the snow was melting in the passes only during weekends, were sacrificing the other days so they can do their show with us on the desert beyond Mount Hood, where several times i almost lost it.

In a free world every person is a universe. Unless you enslave them all with kryptonite (their cell phones) and then you can control them, like in Ancient Egypt.

11:45 I think i feel weird after eating those fries.

12:30 Getting in my way, to pretend. I wanted to hose the balcony where the paint is and this corner of the building, to be able so install the AC. He/she/it came "home" "from work" in reality from the other roles he/she/it assumes during daytime, i'm kina hesitating cause he can pretend whatever. Now it opened the patio door upstairs. If i don't hose it dust from the AC is going to fly away in the yard. At least in the first day or so.

2:24 So i left in frustration, went for a walk, though it was very hot. Though i'm all hot, my hands are cold because of perspiration, for cooling the whole body. Which means the infection is creeping back. At Walmart they started to deny again my Barclay card though it worked for a while. I bought oil, bandaid and soda. Came home only to see a small uHowl van in his spot.

What i wanted to tell during my walk. The cops know what's happening. Proof is last night. They stopped the man from crossing. Or it was all simulated. In all cases, they know.

What this guy did to me in two and a half years or so is enough to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Yet he gets away (from this identity). Am i happy? I'm not happy cause it's not going to change anything. They are going to bring someone else, like from the beginning, doing pretty much the same stuff. The first guy i saw in here, the old man, though they were a few playing the same role (when showing) looked like Pacepa. Saw him clearly during a dysphagia episode when he came in front of my car (i drove myself to ER), looking down at me with an expression like saying. Now die!

Soon enough Romanian choreographer looking like him (Romanian my a...) who could have been him because they need to be athletic to walk that much, died unexpectedly (or retired in his original ID in Hungary whatever). Before he left i think it was Dick Cheney himself, and before that, a comedian from Seattle (Dangerfield) etc..

Now he's playing the moving scene, with the same old squeaking and hitting heavy objects.

BTW when i came. The small dog from next door came charging at me, twice. It done it before, but in a very smart way. The moment i reached in my pocket for the camera he went away like nothing happened. In the mean time i lost a full minute before looking at the sign (when i left to park the truck). He was around, everywhere, loading his van.

BTW when i backed to move the van an old white police car (Ford Crown Victoria) crept at my back and blocked my way and they wouldn't move until another guy completely backed up and left. As i said before, in this complex all driving rules are different.

3:34 Yeah i was expecting something like that. Every time i was opening the door, he was in front of me. Could not finish the AC because he moves on top of me from main door to balcony door and back. He just threw a couple of wheels from his car in the yard (the only time i ever talked to "him" i told him i bought one of my wheels from a junkyard, but it was from the same type of car and then he bought four wheels online but they didn't match the car and he kept those in the balcony) .

Could one of them have fallen on my head. What do you think now, Police. Ok i might have talked to him briefly one or two times after. Yesterday at the door. On two occasions including yesterday he had the zipper of "his" pants open.

A while ago i found a tire in the same area.

BTW just remembered something. At Walmart an Indian guy (from India) with his model girlfriend was pushing a bicycle (with a tag still attached to it) on the food isles where i was going.

3:45 Ok i just saw him picking back one of the wheels from the grass.

3:57 He slammed the door of his van, i thought it was Angela, went to open the door, he was in my face again.

4:13 The van is gone, Angela is overdue for half hour.

4:18 Angela is here, dead tired, she almost fell asleep in a road block that lasted half hour.

4:49 Four. Christmas in July. A plecat Santa in Islanda să inspecteze elfii.

5:47 Masters of blues (yes i had a few drinks). Fender and Gibson, dueling. The thrill is here. Never seen Eric so concentrated on the scene trying to keep up with his master Joe but i always thought is easier to play with a pro because he's so inspiring. He's got a slightly better voice though. Trying to figure how much is practice and planning and how much improvisation. BTW, a question for those who never listen to live music. What instrument is playing the black guy jumping around next to the two white bluesmen and what is his role.

8:56 How much force to fret a guitar string. That is, to push it down to the metal fret so you can pick a sound. This guy came up with a rough calculation. 0.3 to 0.5 pounds. I would assume on a standard gauge strings set. Cause if you can use a heavier gauge (one step thicker strings) for a better sound and to keep yourself in shape you need more than that.

I cannot agree with the results of the experiment either. When you look at the guitar neck you can easily see it's not flat (in cross section). Also the dumbell is curved in the opposite direction. So it will only make contact on one string only.

My rough guess and from my own experiences, on a heavy gauge strings you have to apply at least one pound. With one finger only. Also because you can never apply the exact amount needed, but always more just to make sure. Because you cannot measure and can't take chances in missing notes.

Not even talking a about "bending" notes. That is climbing half tone (with the great, out of this world continuous tone changing effect), one tone or more by pushing on the string towards the next one. That would be in the range of 10 pounds.

Where i'm getting at. Great guitarists during peaks of their solos on stage and records do up to 20 notes per seconds (it has been recorded more than that, in special competitions). Imagine that. Having to push one pound with one finger for each note, 20 times a second. Nobody would have thought, but it takes lots of physical strength. Sometimes i'm wondering how female guitarists like Orianthi are doing it with those thin arms. Whatever.

I wanted to come out with a reason why sometimes the strained faces during the solos. And BTW if i am sorry someone on this planet will eventually get old, that is Candy Dulfer.

10:20 I feel like i abused people with videos today. Hard to load too. But have to write this one before the day is over. There was this weird smell around and could not figure what it was. I went to look for poops but what i found was cakes of leaves, the size of small pizzas, brought by a freak spring wind next to east garages. I gathered about 5 laundry baskets of those. Ran out of breath because of the dust. But when i threw the last one, this time in the SW bin, i saw the bin was full (on a Monday) and last item on top was a children's mat, wet and smelling like urine, that was in the heat of the sun all day. Also the NE bin is full like usually on a Monday and stinks really bad.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Gelu Voican Voiculescu vs. Carlos the Jackal

Odată revoluționar, mereu revoluționar!

Când am văzut astăzi poza cu barbă rară din tinerețe a lui Carlos Șacalul am mai avut puține dubii că el este Gelu Voican Voiculescu. Dar ca să fiu mai sigur am căutat mostre de scris de mână a celor doi. Mai mult decât atât... Explicația. Singura explicație este că tipul nu e nici Gelu Voican Voiculescu nici Carlos Șacalul, Carlos Șacalul fiind o legendă inventată de Pacepa (Patrichi) și susținută de Statul Francez iar tipul e încă unul din lungul șirag de unguri veniți în România să pună țara la cale (poate chiar român din Ungaria care a locuit toată viața în Franța).

géolog? Această declarație este dată în 1985 deci justifică diferența de scris. Același scris mărunt dar alungit, spațiat, paralelism între literele cu coadă, devierile de la orizontală arată că ar fi copiat după alt document.

Poze mai vechi și mai noi cu Carlos Șacalul

Poze mai vechi și mai noi cu Gelu Voican

François Mitterrand...

Video cu Gelu, puternic accent franțuzesc, totuși pare că știe româna din copilărie.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 18

12:58 Oregon tribal and commercial casinos.

1:00 Are there non-tribal casinos in Washington State?

1:17 Pyramids on Indian territory? They recently cut the trees so the can be seen better. Together with the solar symbols. There is a panel in the parking lot of the museum. Was too tired to enter, sorry. In the panel they were some Indian faces, since 100 years ago. To my opinion, they were all Japanese.

Same thing at Chinook Winds. To those who don't know, Billy Chinook was a famous chief. I doubt he would be very happy if he found out his named was used like this, and in a totally different tribe.

I realy doubt the casinos are operated indeed by the tribes. I only saw once an Indian walking at Ilani and he probably did it for me to see how one looks like. So much for the jobs created by the casinos within the communities. Not even at Thunder Valley, the biggest one, in California. As for the profits that go to individual tribe members, go and see the shopping center called American Market near Spirit Mountain. Who doesn't have pyramids outside but on the logo.

I was at Blue Lake casino in California when a drunk Mexican threatened to kill me. I was with the Police on the phone while he stood behind my car, with one hand not visible. And they didn't hurry to come.

He tried a couple of more times, last time here in the parking lot, dressed like a woman, acting like the wife of "the veteran".

"The veteran" was actually several people. Enough to shave their head and show in the parking lot from the first entrance of building D, on the left across the valley. Far enough for me not to realize who they were, especially after i was treated with smokes. I have identified the first, a Hungarian opera singer,  then the singer known as Pitbull, the wife of one of them, and the last one, Sunday, was channel 12 traffic reporter Tony Martinez.

BTW yesterday Angela had a free room at Chinook Winds hotel. The first time there the room wasn't stinking, only us. From the same source, the contaminated pan of the water heater, that seem to smell worse after pouring in it two cans of oven cleaner. Among others, inside i saw the singer Szia. And a baby in a baby basket on the floor next to the door guarded by two security guards. Many guys in red shirt guarding everyone as i was passing by. Why i keep going in there? I could breathe for 24 hours stink free. In here, tonight, several heavy vehicles with modified exhaust shook the apartment for hours, made the smell come out of that closet with the water heater. After i poured almost one liter of vinegar in it.

2:00 Hit and run. On August 20 2021 i was hit from behind by a truck with metal bars on front (no damage to the truck, after taking those out) while my car was totaled. The policeman who came at the scene started to ask questions like suspecting me i was faking in it and never started a hit and run investigation. It was on I5 at a few miles from the interstate bridge and they were cameras on poles.

But of all unaccounted crimes committed against us there is a prevalent one. Stalking. It happens on the streets or all the places we go. License plate numbers, celebrities present in most unlikely places and times. It looks to me like they feel entitled to. First you cannot be entitled to commit a crime. If it happens hundreds of times a day, they how many have happened in a year or ten?

Endangering. One example. Every time i pass a narrow bridge at night or a curve to the left, scores of cars with modified headlights come and blind me. To me it became a rule and i know what to wait for. At least one hundred times at one trip only.

1:22 Pyramid in Vegas.

1:40 Ron Rychlak, the casino lawyer who officially co-wrote the second book with Pacepa, who nobody ever seen after his defection and that is before 89.

1:41 It's been 5 years since i go to the casinos. Let me tell you one thing. There's nothing about gambling. The machines are connected in network and there is a control room. If it was real gambling would have been way too boring and uncontrollable. There is at least one camera per machine and they are not about security. In casinos with 2500 machines and 1000 cameras there should be maybe 100 people or ten per camera or something to supervise those. They have some software that does it.

But what else the software does. It analyzes gestures and emotions and gives a feedback to the machine. Even on my 90 dollars Kodak camera there is a smile detector software.

One thing they do is they show you big hands scrolling in front of your eyes when you are bored and tired and can't react creating the need to play more until you see again one of those and eventually stop the reels but the reels can't be stopped in real time, like when you see a big hand. When you decide you should move to a different machine and start looking around, they give you a big hand (no it won't work if you do it again, on purpose, that's why they call it AI). There are numerous other strategies to increase irrational player's desire to continue play and lose money. They have settings and hours when many machines suddenly become loose.

Again all these do not fit the definition of gambling. But how do you prove the slots are not random. How do you define random.

I remember when i first wrote about this. At Chinook, a security guard once came to me and gave me a ticket they said i dropped on the floor and i asked him how they did it and they said they saw me on one of those cameras. I guess it was for convincing me and others who read what i wrote that the cameras are for that purpose. But nobody saw what happened with my ticket last week at Indian Head, even after i asked them.

And then of course remains the question of how did i drop it at such an opportune moment. I can't answer to that but i believe is some sort of mind training or programming, with gestures of other people.

In the early days at Chinook i found money in a machine as someone forgot to pull the ticket but i realized that after a few hands and i thought i won but didn't realize (wasn't sure). However they came within minutes and almost charged me with theft.

There are tests for randomness but again, they might have a setting "back to random" so the test should be done without letting them know. And how do you do that if you suspect a general conspiracy?

People don't seem to understand. Their symbols are all around to choke us. From tiny insignificant things to big ones. That we don't pay attention with our conscious minds. They've been at work for hundreds of years and this is the result of their work. Symbols and allegories. They program our minds and our future.

7:00 It is said that mass defect is due to energy released both during fission and fusion reactions, according to the famous E equals m c square formula. However there should be also differences in mass due to movement of electrons at different relativist speeds before and after reaction.

11:18 Ce multe geci la fel, ca a mea cea nouă, bine are aproape o lună acum.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Scientology and Me


Was never too serious about the subject. Because i know Scientology is just a layer of the floating top of the pyramid. There are others above, like Dominicans, ninja, Buddhists. Horizontally could be at the same level as freemasons.

Same origin, same countries. Tom Cruise is not officially the leader of the church, he is the most known high rank member. Here is the site of the Hungarian poet Béla Kasza i believe it's him (initially pictures look low res, but if you click on them you will see some in full HD). Born in 62, he is not only good looking and sometimes doing his own stunts. He is a man of action. On 5:33 PM May 20 (picture date), mimicking a drunk Mexican caught in a road rage incident, he tried to kill me. When i called the Police, an operatic female voice asked me was if i was on a private property. Apparently they declined jurisdiction because of being on an reservation.
Time line

1974 was the year i started HS in Iași. Following grade school in Câmpulung (Suceava county, suci meaning needle or pine needle in Sanskrit), where apparently all kids where about 2 years younger than me, on the model of Palatine Class, my hole HS class, B, including teachers, where celebrities. I described this in detail on this blog post. Architect of all that happen in Câmpulung, later, until his death was Emil Bodnăraș. He had a brother and a villa în Câmpulung, but also appeared as a poor miner neighbor across the street, Aurel Bedrule. Another big mark in my life was made by native Hungarian Károly Király (Kiraly meaning king in Hungarian, with Carol being father of Michael, son of Mary, like in Mary  Hill), mentioned by Pacepa in his book as being tortured by Ceaușescu. But this is just the intro.

Some of the teachers in grade school. School director, Theodor Darie, looked like Austrian actor Karlheinz Böhm, who lived across the school with of course his wife who looked of course like Romy Schneider, age adjusted. Others; 1-4 grade teacher, Claudia Cardinale. 5-8 grade tutor, math, Elisabeth Taylor, physics Laura Antonelli.

Some of my colleagues. Hungarian soprano Annamaria Kovacs, famous Romanian folk singer Mircea Baniciu, others.

Could not have started without all these, cause it was my chemistry teacher who told me i should go to HS in a different place than Câmplulung, who had a few decent HSs though. I wanted to go to Bucharest, my father went there with my application, in the train he met someone who told him there was a new HS in Iași with some electronics classes built or assigned to the new Tehnoton electronics factory (mostly radios at that time). So he went in Iași at Tehnoton High School instead which was much closer (4 hours by train) with my application.

In September 1975 my father took me to Iași, however too late, could not find a place in the dorm so he went to IPL (furniture factory) which was next to Tehnoton HS where he knew the Party Secretary who again looked like Bodnăraș, in a different attire than my neighbor, big office, suit, whatever. He arranged for me to live with a supervisor who lived in a room in a building for singles who worked there. (At that time most of the married people hired in factories in Romania where assigned an apartment in a condo).

The guy looked like a Japanese actor. I could never find a room in the dorm the next years so i lived in rooms subrented in condos alone or with mates, each trimester in a different one, so i had like 12 different addresses in HS in Iași, except for vacations where i went to Câmpulung, mostly working at the furniture factory across the street.

Timotei was the son of a Baptist preacher from Suceava (sit of the county where Câmpulung was).

Looking very poor, we became "friends" at the end of the first year i guess. Opera singer Dénes Gulyás was 6 years my senior. Older than me all my colleagues (i mean, the actors) in HS, the exact opposite from grade school. I lived a whole trimester in an empty apartment with him, at the end of 3rd year or 1977, the year when Grease movie was made. He was athletic, was going to karate classes (something very rare indeed in communist Romania), i believe that's where he got his moves in the movie, he could swim 25 meters under water without breathing, he also had an electric guitar which he didn't let me touch. We were all playing ping-pong like crazy, at school and outside wherever we found a table. Towards the end of the week he started to become more and more depressed, Sunday was missing, he said he was going to church whatever and he was coming back Sunday night, shining. I remember the whole 3 months period i was eating only beans. One jar of beans, one hot dog (cold) and one piece of bread every lunch, for 5 lei.

Liliana, we haven't spoke much. I remember one time i went to an Indian movie, Vandana something just out of curiosity and i met with her "by chance" outside the cinema near where she lived. She told me her father put some sort of timer on her TV and she could not turn it on (those days we were going at school in the afternoon, i guess), it crossed my mind, but then i said to myself, if her father is like that what if he catches me there. So i didn't say the words, i just passed. Olivia Newton John was 12 years my senior, though she looked like a 7 grader, just too fragile to touch.

One day i took one of my cameras (Soviet "Smena 8M") at school, (had a portable lab at "home"), with a flash attached and all the girls, including Ioana (Joan Jett of course, who was then just so shy) started to run, hide their faces and yell. "No pictures", said the tutor, soprano Marina Krilovici. However hours later, they came down and we all went in the courtyard and took group pictures. This one is taken by me.
John on the left, ONJ in the middle left to Jane Fonda (chemistry teacher) with the flowers.

to be continued of course

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

August 10

7:21 That combination bleach and backing soda worked, all that's left of it is red to pink skin and an itch (i hope it's not the bleach effect on the skin, making the red areas look whiter), however, before that i believe some of the venom propagated to nearby tissues and the intestines, causing a slight paralysis. Combined with the exposure to the dead animal now i got low grade abdominal cramps, similar to those i had for years before i cleaned some key points in the apartment. The beginning of some chills.

8:22 How is Slartibartfast different from the mice? What a happy coincidence, i just posted about those who want to re-create reality using Art.

Seconds before i posted this, a cat passed by my doors-windows. Pains are now gone, chills are left. Can't wait to eat the rice i just cooked. Furious truckers now use air-horns on the freeways, but no ambulances so far.

12:24 Prof Crăciun? Mate, facultate.

12:37 Daea, miniștrii se ocupă întotdeauna de altceva. Astăzi reglează conturi pe cuvinte cheie. Sirene, pântece, frisoane. Am dormit toată dimineața (e 12 amiază la mine acum). Am început să-mi amintesc despre combinația ardei iuți (jalapenos) din brânză, muștar (din salam), piper (din burger) și mujdei la greu cu fasole verde congelată care nu a fost gătită chiar foarte bine (era "bătrână) cu ceapă, piper, curry, usturoi. Încă se vindecă locul extragerii unui dinte și nu pot folosi parțialele. Sprite, vin și coniac. Azi îi dau cu orez dar îmi crește glicemia.

1:00 De când am postat poza asta cu declarația de dragoste respectivă, au apărut cel puțin 10 știri având drept poză o vedere laterală de aproape a unei mașini de poliție. Dar cred că și autocarul Murat intră în această categorie.


3:50 The frozen green beans sold at Walmart are too old. I found inside the pods beans formed that are 1/2 inch long, 5 mm thick. After defreezing (in the pan), they wouldn't cook in 10 minutes or 15 minutes or maybe even in half hour.

6:33 After my email to management two days ago yesterday the sprinklers didn't start at all. Today they started at 6:20 PM (they leave office at 6) and one of them was sprinkling my balcony and the AC and went and rotated it 45 degrees to the right and now it's working fine, but while i was doing that a guy looking Mexican who was dressed with a orange neon vest, like the one (though younger) came two days ago at 8 AM and reprogrammed the box next to bedroom's window was staring at me from the parking lot. Got inside then the girl living in the next building came to take a shower in all the sprinklers. She ran away when i started to write.

8:06 Piatra din lac sau cum funcționează media. Știrea a fost dezmințită, dar numai în România, între timp a fost însă preluată de mai mult decât niște "site-uri periferice". Așa se construiește o imagine de țară (care a început cu Pacepa). Cineva, acolo sus (imediat la stânga, pe hartă), care controlează toată media în toată lumea, ne iubește.

8:21 În marea Britanie furturile de cablu au scăzut cu 67% după ce au scos o lege prin care nu se poate vinde metal uzat pentru cash.

9:39 Just crossed the alley to pick the mail. On the other side of the bin where i threw the dead squirel (though in a knotted bag) it smells terribly. I knew since i put it, there was already something there, like juices from a meat wrapper that was stinking or even something fresher cause usually the bags thrown do a pretty good job at sealing the lower levels.

11:21 Nu poți să scoți ungurii de la guvernare (ceilalți 95%, nu UDMR-ul de fațadă) fără să desființezi guvernul, deci statul, pe care ei ni l-au creat. O trilemă am totuși. Când Dinescu a spus că-și schimbă nuemele în Dinescov, a gândit în limba rusă, ucraineană sau bulgară? Apropo tipul ăla de la mijloc din poză din spatele primarului care înghite sabia, ce face cu ciocanul? A și lângă el deasupra lupei cu două capete, e un soare masonic?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November 22

8:00 Munchies. A snack brand that is built on a common English verb. To munch. Which is familiar for chew. Wanted to double check before posting and i wish i didn't cause i ran into a different trouble than the one i wanted to talk about. Depending on how you ask google, you may get different answers. (Will take some time for me to settle on this one as well).

Nevermind google changed (again) on me. That is while i was writing the above, the search result for "munch" changed. When i first searched for "munch", i got the result i now get with "munch slang".

Ok so i kinda lost momentum and inspiration however now that i already invested two paragraphs into it, i will finish it (also because i wanted many times to do it but i did not have a device ready as i opened most snack bags on the road somewhere).

Munchies by Frito Lay is a mix of several known type of snacks, featuring Doritos, pretzels, Cheetos and a few others. It comes in plain "Cheese fix" or hot spicy version as well. (Don't get too carried, there are only traces of cheese in those).

Doritos is by far the most popular snack in the US and it goes well with pretzels. Pretzels temper the spiciness of Doritos and Doritos bring more flavor to the bland pretzels. Cheetos in munchies don't feel so much like cheating (on your mouth) anymore.

As i said now i don't know how to put this in a more literary way so i will say it plainly.

You have to be real careful when you open a bag of any of these snacks. Ideally use some good sharp scissors. Otherwise the bag will tear very easily all the way to the bottom and every time i did that i asked myself if this is not yet another weird stupid marketing strategy. Cause it accelerates dramatically the munching of the snacks in the torn bag obviously for fear of not spilling them while those tasty little things are mostly empty calories.

8:32 Something i'm made for. A different kinda music that takes my breath away. Literally. Was i made for something else than eating and sleeping or the crazy little thing called love?

1:15 Little thing. Pește de post. Poate într-o zi vă veți da seama cum vă iau ăștia mințile. Cine poate să verifice la Murgeni, Vaslui că e adevărat ce spun ăștia.

1:60 Last night i did laundry and cooked the ham. There was much heat inside. i had to open the patio door. Litter dust came inside (that didn't happen in a long time). Because of it my face, my throat was burning. The doubling, after i complained about spilled litter in front of the building and the trail on the alley. As a result but also because of the noise upstairs Angela could not sleep and she came early from work.

At work they ask her again to train the deaf-mute on a product she didn't do much before (would have meant to follow the documentation and train) and she declined as she was too tired then finishing the work she started yesterday.

The big man, Steve was out in vacation and his replacement was Sergey, the white righteous Russian who treats Angela in similar ways. Together with the "Vietnamese" sisters. How many times i wrote on fb about the "sisters"?

The result. Another screwed up holiday like all holidays and weekends.

Like at all her and my jobs before. These are not jobs, but punishment squads. I would have quit 1000 times if i was her like i did before (i had a total of 23 jobs in the US). But she is a tough little woman.

All because a bunch of lunatics in the US (a few millions or more) think we are Zoia and Nicu Ceaușescu. To keep the loonies on the path started by "Pacepa".

More doubling. They came with the blowers. I measured once 70dB inside with an app on a phone. But will the collect the leaves?

3:27 Every time i get religious (i put a few recipes though i do not fast) they give me the horny dust.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 1st

7:20 Reverse psychology, with a twist.

7:28 Aud_umbla.

2:35 Internal Afaris. Do you stress out when you think?

Ok i lost a few paragraphs while typing. I must have typed too fast and touched a number of keys i wasn't supposed to in fast sequence. Now i will try and re-write those.

I knew it. That's why i googled it. Thinking and stressing don't mix. Why would your thoughts follow a different path than the one thought in family or school. Why would you try to end up doing things differently when everything is ready for you in this life, if you make the right choices.

Talking like Fred Mercury. I made a few mistakes and wrong choices, always encouraged by others, but i still pay way too much for those. Or like David Gilmour. I don't need their thought control.

I believe you start developing this thinking pattern when you feel something's wrong. It's a natural response. I always felt something was wrong in my life and never knew why. By example i had no idea the math teacher in school was Liz Taylor and made every effort to understand. Only she wasn't teaching, she always had this book she was reading from. As a result, i always had trouble with math and in college i failed the exam several times and i almost got kicked out.

How much stress i put in when i found myself alone in a room in building A of A.I.Cuza University of Iași, in front of a green computer monitor compiling my first programs in Fortran 4 or 77 whatever. Not knowing how to use the libraries, i build from scratch subroutines for multiplying, adding, whatever matrices. I spent many hours alone in front of that terminal until i got it somehow. It was all based on stress.

Pretty much like everything i ever done after. It payed out cause before i left Romania i was making money with programming. Not knowing of course who i was working for. Like the accountant of my last customer was Malin Berggren from Ace of Base.

They know very well that. The enemies who raised me up and brought me all the way here. So they developed this system trying to prevent me thinking. Under the pretext that thinking under stress is not healthy but also maybe because i'm polluting the Universe with my stress thinking or who knows what else pretext, maybe linked to Scientology, they put this feedback on me.

They record and analyze every of my thoughts or maybe just stress level with some sort of wireless e-meter and every time i'm stressing out they start making some noise. And of course, they wouldn't have to use humans for that, if only for precision. They just bring in some stepping robots, maybe from Corvallis, maybe from something else.

I woke up at 5, was feeling sleepy at 8. Exactly when i went to bed he started his morning routine. I fell asleep maybe 5 times until 9:20 when i got out of bed. He left but then she started.

When i went out the first time, under a pretext, i went and looked from the yard in the upstairs apartment. For the first in months the blinds were cracked and i could see a silhouette of woman, looking like a world class actress. Now what would a woman like that do in a place like this, squeaking and stomping for hours.

The temperature outside is 92 degrees and upstairs or under the roof is probably the same but she was doing it for at least 4 hours today or until i wrote the first time (and lost those paragraphs). And then stay all day inside in that inferno with no AC with no car in the spot to move around. My guess is she only showed when i looked, otherwise she goes around the corner or in the next apartment through the attic and the robots are doing the job.

I remember when i first moved here. Upstairs there was a guy resembling Pacepa and maybe Cornel Patrichi, and one day i had an idea and tied a super-magnet to a wire and did rotate it real fast in circles almost touching the ceiling and then i heard a big commotion and i was noise free for two weeks. I guess it was an early version with some magnetic sensors and must have knocked those out.

So i just left, thinking for a walk, buying some stuff from WinCo (had a list). Second thing waiting for me in the alley (will skip the first, too complicated).
Yeah i know the alley is at an angle. The reason they call it Rolling Hills (maybe). A Penske truck flashing yellow lights with a trailer behind. It will be there for several hours, blocking one way of the alley. Penske for pansy. It's really easy to rent one of those and then abuse others with the name of the brand. Whenever wherever is handy.

So i passed it. However in the parking lot at the street. There was this tall enough guy with white hair reminding from behind of Biden. He was patrolling in the lot, i only saw him from behind. So i went on 65 then on Nyberg. But the park's parking lot was full because of the urban camp and i went further to the Community Center.

However just before i reached it i realized i forgot to look at the sign at the door (a couple of empty plastic bottles that set every time i close the door in a different position). So i came back only to see the man again patrolling, like preventing me to get in that parking lot though i never had the intention. But this time i saw him from front. It wasn't Biden.

So i just went back, entered inside, verified a couple of things, in the deafening noise of squeaks and stomps from upstairs and left again.

At the community center there was a guy in the street with a didgeridoo (blower) making a big noise and dust that made me sneeze. After i passed the man, on the wide concrete "trail" i felt quite ok under the shade of the big trees on the bank of the river until i saw the praying mantis. The praying mantis is a tall woman with thin legs and arms i see sometimes in the park. So thin i am afraid she is going to fall at every moment.

With shorts and stuff, her legs are a couple of inches thick at the thighs. As tall as me, she was talking very loud at the phone. "I love you"! "I will see you tomorrow!" she said when i passed her. It is not the first time i thought she was the wife of Henry Kissinger. Only this time i was committed to write and remembered when i got in front of the laptop.
It is .5 miles concrete trail.

Near the other end i met with a guy with a whitish middle size curly hair. He went the other way and i caught up with him when his dog pooped and he didn't pick. Right from behind came the mantis, like to spoil the moment. Later in the parking lot at Fred Meyer (Kroger) i parked next to a blue car that has this SPOILER KING sticker on a side, with LPN PDG something.

WinCo quit years ago to bring spring water. So i have to buy it from somewhere else. Today i went at Fred Meyer and bought 6 gallons of Crystal Geiger with red and blue labels. But the bottles have a different shape. They are long and narrow, figuring a newborn baby. They used to have pieces of tapes figuring handles but those are gone either so you can only grab them by the neck where the lid is. Never would have thought of that but at the Fred Meyer at the check-stand did not want to take them from the cart one by one.

So i called the captain attendant and he said he cannot do the magic thing of multiplying the scanned item by 6. So he took one of them in his arms like one would take a baby and scanned it 5 more times, doing moves like rocking the baby and stuff.

Ok so i left for WinCo. On I5, the show. A guy with again a blue car with the word JeDUN on it. Romanian word Jidan deriving from the Hungarian word Zsido is offensive in Romanian but not in Hungarian. While i was taking the picture the guy with a van saying Student driver on it moved from the lane on the left in front of me and then they all slowed suddenly. I honked and from the right came this big semi, overloaded with something that came half foot into my lane, but i already put the camera away getting ready to exit.
On 72 right before WinCo. First i saw again for the 1000 time the logo. Then i got behind this guy. Pick something brown? But look at the LPN of the guy next to him.
Yeah i know. If you take any of the scenes above separately it wouldn't mean nothing. But when they happen one after other, in sequence, starting with the lack of sleep, they all come in the same pattern.

5:45 Angela told me last night they walked for one hour in the bedroom, after midnight. Back and forth, with no apparent reason.

7:10 I am psychologically dependent on cigarettes. Back in the day i used to take the edge of stress with a cigarette. Since i can't anymore i drink instead. But the effect of drinking is not so immediate and instead lasts for hours.

7:12 About the washer. It works with the new clutch and stuff but the rpm for spinning is much higher and the thing is out of balance, maybe the springs, i just don't know what else to do, it vibrates like crazy.

Should have asked them to replace it which in the end i would do since the thing is 20 years old.

However i learned important things about those. The hose inside and outside was full of slime. As soon as i get behind it i start having chills. I removed the slime, a little bit fell on the floor and now the whole apartment stinks. That stuff is grease and dirt from laundry that escaped detergent and got stock in the plies of the hose and is so virulent it gets you sick right away. I remember at Fox Pointe in Vancouver when i went crazy the first time the apartment was next to the laundry room, at Sussex the same.

This things, no matter the brand, after about one year of using or less got slime in the evacuation hoses and in between the walls of the basket assembly and are a health hazard, even if you keep them in the garage.

7:44 So they stopped upstairs, now there is a big base coming from outside. Can't record it the frequency is too low.

11:22 I was ready to go to bed. I put some earplugs when he climbed the stairs. Now "he" stomps heavily, maybe 2 or 3 times i would with my weight.

11:32 I also noticed he climbed and started when i closed the sliding door so i opened it again and he stopped. It may be the door keeps the noise inside so it can't be heard by others. However now there's some dust in the air. A very loud base started in a car outside.