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Showing posts sorted by date for query revelation. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

May 16

10:36 There is one more hour and a half on the west coast till 16 but the previous post is so bloated it became inoperable so i'll just do a little time travel here. There are a couple of things i don't understand about the debt ceiling. One, there is no way for us the humas to verify the accounting behind it. Second. If the US government is so bankrupt (shush don't tell anybody) it owes 24 trillions, who is willing to lend them the money for "increasing debt ceiling".

11:07 No it's not AI. He is an actor like all of them, just couldn't figure it out yet. Maybe i never will cause i got so tired of it all.

12:00 Revelation 6:6, a multitude of translations.

12:37 Am găsit-o in întâmplare, căutând altceva, era păcat să nu o pun. Poate că nu am avut răbdare să caut cele mai potrivite poze, dar pare destul de evident.

10:25 Friends with the monsters. Cea mai mare realizare din ultimele 10 guverne dăruite nouă de Iohannis. Reducerea numărului de ministere cu unul sau două. Nu contează faptul că bugetele acelor ministere au fost acordate prin lege la începutul anului. Legile se fac sau se desfac tot de către ei.

Vor simți românii o diferență cît de minusculă din aceste modificări de imagine? Nu, dar am început să mă prind unde bat ei. O rampă de lansare, un trend, pentru o guvernare mai minimalistă, care în final să ducă și la minimizarea numărului de județe, pentru reducerea cheltuielilor administrative. Se vor reduce numărul de judecătorii, curți de apel, poliție sau ce se mai plătesc din buget? Nu, pentru că ei vor rămâne aceeași la numărul de populație. O schimbare cosmetică ce deschide însă calea unor referendumuri locale neconstituționale în acord cu ciudata lege 341/2013 după cum am scris de atâtea ori.

O repetare mascată a ce a încercat Dragnea și alții prin regionalizare. O pregătire pentru împărțirea țării.

12:04 Many people don't realize but (kind of forgotten) Bruno Mars is already a classic of contemporary pop, inspiring many other artists. Well constructed tunes that don't miss a thing, lyrics that carry you away. About the more note per note verse per verse inspiration of Miley Cyrus most recent hit i wrote. But here is the more sophisticated Adeler borrowing heavily from his ideas.

2:10 Like yesterday when i was opening the door, three times. Got in my face when i wanted to leave. Waited to hear the so familiar squeak so i won't run into her. The olympic swimmer. Got back from my walk, still here. Doing the same thing. Walking on my thoughts. Though i thought she picked everything yesterday with the van. Whatever.

During my walk i've been thinking on how to write one of the nicest and lucky posts i ever wrote. But it will be separate from my time stamped entries. Watch out, get ready.

3:05 Working on that. In the meantime the person upstairs is cleaning (took another half day off from work?). I can understand vacuuming, but i thought all the furniture was moved yesterday. Then why i hear noises like from heavy objects moved from place to place? In any case, interfering heavily with what i'm doing. Breathing in the dust, etc..

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

On the Origin of Huns

Alt History. Altaic shaman drums vs ancient Australian cave paintings. Mongol, Magar, Noongar, ninja is the same root. Corroboree.

Why the didgeridoo?

12:00 Kali (kylie) protruding tongue. Elvis was one of them. Gorbatchev had on his forehead a map of Italy that stopped at Rome.

The reason Attila "spared" Rome was because they knew they were too few. They settled for Pannonia.

But how could so few defeat the mighty Romans?

Unconventional warfare. Psychological, possibly writing or financing the Book of Revelation, which was written in "barbarian style".

Boomerangs can be converted in carrying incapacitating smoke over enemy troops or prey (or maybe that was the original usage). Throwing bodies of people who died of highly contagious diseases in enemy's camp. Lighting fires containing hallucinogenic plants from wind's direction etc..

How come we didn't know any of these? Later after XII century, when the Buddhist Magars of Nepal, of the same origin (nowadays Magyars) have already joined the party, they infiltrated and started to control the Catholic Church and removed any relevant information from the archives, including anything concerning Dacia, etc..

Two pieces of information remained in people's common knowledge. Attila called himself the "The Scourge of God". A man throwing a boomerang may indeed look like he's handling a whip.

The verb inganare in late or vulgar Latin which means deceiving. With the Romanian version which means "mocking by imitating or doubling". Something they do to me on daily basis. Everything i write gets doubled with selected or fake news. The whole war in Ukraine may be an allegory.

But let us not forget that Elvis in a different version of the song clearly points at Orion.

In this early painting Attila is shown with a curved sword, like Kali, that resembles a boomerang and a crown that resembles a...

In this one he has a penguin on his shield. Penguins live only in Southern hemisphere including Australia. The shield is at an angle, the bird stands or walks and its image got corrupted after a few centuries when no Hungarian saw a penguin, when this painting was done.

They know where they come from. The ruling class of Europe used to dress themselves as penguins and with sticks and high hats figuring hairdos like during corroborees.
You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as unum.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25

4:12 The real reason i left tonight was Angela opened the bedroom's window (can't convince her not to) and i woke up in dust around 7 PM. After driving two hours and having a few drinks i was still feeling pain at Indian Head. In fact i felt it even when i got back.

I went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, (i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone) and two dogs started to bark one upstairs and one downstairs though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

I just went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone though the wall went back cold in the same day right after i wrote here) and two dogs started to bark though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

Could not see his face because it was dark and i asked him if he was waiting for me and he said no, but i'm sure he was cause i said earlier aloud that i wanted to do it. Now i have to go and take a shower because i got dust all over me and it stings.

Now after this contact for some reason i started to have the feeling that these guys are actually watching us all the time, and some of them, maybe the old woman that could be his mother who snores day and night could be speaking Romanian and understand in real time what we're saying (with the help of some amplifier or even an enhanced hearing aid). There are also at least two younger guys who show from time to time but they might be changing, that they're not the same all the time.

By looking at this image right now i cannot understand  the configuration of that AC, but it could be it is installed in a way just to blow dust.

5:11 But when i got the camera (which i returned to Amazon for reason the thermal image was a bit off respect to normal image) i saw other things. One was none of the apartments upstairs in the building was heated. The windows and especially the big glass sliding doors showed lots of heat loss because of loss of insulating gas in between being 40+ years old, probably doubling the electricity bill which could be the reason they're doing the windows right now, right now meaning it will take them more than six months, in the rhythm they are working. (I can confirm the newer windows are much better insulators because they keep a much lower temperature inside then before even in hottest days. The wall at apartment 1 where the guy with the van with the barrels lives this time was much hotter than it should have been).

He confirmed the apartment upstairs wasn't heated, when i went upstairs and talked to "him", after he knocked at my door to ask me about the leaking of "his" motorcycle, again raising our bill. But by the thermal image none of them upstairs were, which to my knowledge were inhabited, by "the same people", for years, which confirms my suspicion they are all inhabited by the same person who changes costumes, hairdos and sexes, the female ninja that goes by the name Frankie Adams. One of the buildings next to ours (caught in two separate images cause it's very long) was showing a very low occupancy rate which i suspect is the same for all buildings here, though the parking lot is always full. (Probably like all apartments in all Portland area, after they raised the prices to unprecedented levels no one can afford them).

Could it be they didn't clean the building and surrounding ones after installing the windows unlike the buildings A, B and C which were cleaned and are further away, leaving all that junk in between, because i published those thermal images, 2 or 3 months before they started to replace windows? The painful dust? Retaliation?

8:16 After sleeping a few hours, i had a revelation. After the emperor of Japan Na(ru_hit)to, son of Hiro-hito leading the team who unnecessarily gutted these buildings, making tons of dust and leaving them dirty whom i saw though in broad daylight, who else could have been in the dark here last night at 4 AM guarding the emperor's dust?

The snoring old woman? The two younger guys? Try to imagine her without makeup, acting confused and tell me if you recognized her. Reason? No hero cop would dare intervene with Secret Service deployed nearby. If i made a wrong move, as mad as i was last night, i would have been arrested or killed.

8:50 Distanța dintre stâlpi este 30 metri iar timpul e pe video. 80 metri în 4 secunde. 20 m/s este 72 km/h. Se vede însă clar că "șoferul" care de fapt era remote, a forțat volanul în virajul acela nu prea strâns ca să intre în derapaj. Cred că are legătură cu video-ul pe care l-am postat despre fabricarea motoarelor BMW. Dacă aceasta este o înscenare (cascadorie de film) și cred că este, vă puteți imagina cine controlează Clujul, Bucureștiul, România și cât de terminali suntem. Tipul ăsta a stat tot timpul cu fața în jos, cât a trecut mașina lui google cu mulți ochi, oare de ce?

Mă gândeam. Au construit Casa Poporului ca pe o fortăreață imensă, care se poate apăra de furia mulțimii cu câțiva oameni cu tulumbe sau la nevoie, ceva mitraliere în timp ce ei se evacuează pe un tunel care duce la Budapesta. Însă nu e nevoie de așa ceva. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să deschideți ochii și să recunoașteți iluzia în care ne-am născut, am trăit și ei vor dispare ca iepurele unui iluzionist, la loc în joben, iar la urmă și jobenul și iluzionistul. Pentru că ei sunt atât de puțini.

10:51 I ate something, the walk upstairs started and now (s)he's trying to start the motorcycle. To vibrate the building a little too.

11:06 Din când în când apar știri cu titlu sperietoare care-i face pe români să se gândească de două ori când vor să cumpere unele alimente esențiale cum e peștele. În afară de antitoxină, care iată, nu se găsește în România (ar fi nevoie doar de câteva doze, pentru că sunt foarte rare aceste cazuri, dacă sunt, fiindcă bănuiesc că nu au nici teste), dar există tratamente ca de exemplu banalul cărbune medicinal, și nu neapărat injectat în soluție intraperitonial ci luat chiar oral (mai bine decât lăsat așa să moară). După 24 de ore de post de exemplu, nu mai există nimic viu în intestin, dar dacă persoana se poate hrăni și intestinul deci nu e complet paralizat încă, dați-i domle niște cărbune. Combinația de suc de grapefruit și unt de migdale. Grapefruit are un inhibitor de enzimă ce nu permite dezvoltarea bacteriilor în intestin iar migdalele ucid bacteriile din intestin.

3:05 She came back about an hour ago and i started to feel the pain again and woke up. I'm eating which means she's squeaking.

4:22 Very little is published on the web about human electric charge but i know one thing. Dust is positively charged and i feel relief from pain when i walk and rub my feet against the carpet, which charges me positively also. So probably the conclusion is i'm more negatively charged or positively but closer to neutral, probably more than Angela, and that is  the reason i get the painful charged dust and she doesn't. Could there be a gender difference? Could it be because i sleep on a metal sofa and the floor under is wet? (She just started a load of laundry, after about two weeks). The vapor from the drier leaking in the basement will wet the floor under the couch, bringing the potential to near zero. I remember now what Dan Costan was saying sarcastically 27 years ago. "Think positive!"

10:42 Was out of soluble so Angela bought from WinCo some Folgers soluble, could not find the usual brands so we didn't know the taste, but i remember i once bought Folgers and there was not much difference from others. Made some and put in the thermos and we both had a sip in the parking lot at Ilani before entering, and i think it tasted like marijuana, then went to restroom.

But when we entered. For some unknown rationale, at Ilani after 8 they ask you for an ID when i get inside. We got in line while a group of Japanese trying to look and act Chinese went right in front of us. But my guess is this is the reason. Every time we got there we got to stay in line next to celebrities.

Everybody inside the casino looked mad tonight. There was this smiling blond guy that had a black T-shirt saying "Shut up and run" with white letters right in my face right after i uploaded a recording. Inside i was scratching an itch in my elbow pit where i got bitten by something, twice. Both Smash Burgers and Jet Li were closed at 9 so we bought some tacos from our coupons (player's card). When we got out searching for the car a Tribal Police truck was going in the parking lot slowly by our side matching speed so we switched lanes. About 100 huge SUVs with huge headlights passed me both on the right and left when i was driving speed limit +10. When we got home the whole building was smelling the the same as the coffee. Found the familiar mole hole at the corner of the building and after pouring some borax and covering within 10 minutes  the smell dissipated. Under the sink it smells like a dead animal. The fiberboard on bottom that is made with dust saw and animal glue (collagen) from hides and hoofs from slaughterhouses, got contaminated from a leak past week with water from doing dishes and now it smells like a dead animal. Could this be the reason i lost collagen everywhere (had this thick scar from surgery on my left elbow since i was a kid and now it melted) and not i got to eat bone broth because there will always be tiny leaks in there and that thing trains the type of bacteria that eats collagen (new idea!). If i put chlorine (bleach 6%) in a jar and close the doors, is ok for a while, but will never dry.

Right before the merge with 84 there is still a bumper on the narrow left shoulder, since last week. Right before i passed it i got distracted by a fast moving motorcycle. Several other debris, including a garbage bin after the bridge. The person two cars before me was going slow on the bridge and i got passed on those narrow lanes by a series of huge SUVs. Both trips back and forth are getting more and more difficult every time i go because there are many people that are out to get me. I wasn't afraid until last August when they hit me from behind and now there are many people driving very close behind me, besides those who pass me on both sides at high speed.

12:33 No matter how much i search i can't find a direct reference to building fiberboard in the past with animal adhesives though it was done on a massive scale. Because raw materials were cheap. Internet does not remember it. All i could find during modern times was this and this. Ironically they are advertised as non-toxic alternatives to formaldehyde. But they are not immune to bacteria when they get wet or even only moist and that bacteria will jump on you and eat you alive (slowly).

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

June 7

Is it too late? For what. I know confidence vote was not real, more drama to keep the loonies on the path, like Pink Floyd once said. BTW, a classic scenario where the knight is (still symbolically) sacrificed to save the queen.

Last night i've been to Ilani and had in the car a bottle of brandy the kind with metal cap screw that was not perfectly sealed, that is, it had a play, you could have opened it a bit, maybe 1/10 of a turn (allowing theoretically an exchange of gases if opened a bit without braking the seal) though it seemed closed cause none of the brandy was missing and one with a cork. We opened the one with screwing cap (cause it was easier of course), but today i remembered, every time i drank that type of brandy i got way sicker the next day then when i drank from the really sealed ones. And sick i was. This morning, afternoon, i thought i was going into a coma. Better now, after midnight. But after eating two free burgers (on Angela's "rewards"), i went back in the car and drank some more.

This couldn't have happened if the liquor was sold in Oregon, like in all of the other states i know of, in grocery stores instead of specialized stores, where way fewer people get in.

Then i remembered what happened at Ilani. Shortly before we left, Angela sat next to this guy who painted my car. Those are very sought for machines, on Angela's mandatory list, but that one wasn't reading tickets or bills and that was the reason nobody was sitting there so Angela played a little with her acquired points from the card. He didn't seem to have seen us, there was one more person in between, neither us did see him at first, with his son and probably his mother playing next to him. He's got a yellow hair very similar to Boris. Then he started laughing and talking with his mother and that's when i raised my eyes and saw him and told Angela who recognized him and we left. I can tell now that i remember, that i was hyper. Kept yelling at Angela all the way back home. Drank some more while trying to fix a problem with my new hosting space. So my mind was still sharp after all that liquor (a total of 300 ml and several beers). But the next day when i woke up...

They were a couple of Romanian guys involved in fixing cars from auctions that i knew, first one, in Dallas (Oregon) who sold me the Nissan in 1999, and the other one who theoretically owns the shop where i got my car fixed and painted last fall in East Portland. Both of them look like Boris Johnson but in different ways. Perfectly speaking Romanian but with different accents.

There was another guy i knew who looked like him, in a parallel class (A) in HS (i was in B with the whole gang), Witoski of Vitoski or whatever, who later went to a different faculty but still in campus.

Don't know what else to tell more. Don't feel comfortable about giving their names or shop name, though i don't remember the last name of the guy who painted my car and paid him with cash. 

Actually i'm quite mad at him because he kept the car with dog food in the air intake (theoretically he could pretend he didn't know though it was stinking like hell) in a puddle of water on top of a clogged sewer for about 3 weeks.

Yes Sorana Cârstea flashed me in some very short shorts a couple of times too.

2:45 My phone became so dysfunctional i had to hard reset it tonight. While staring at the display and waiting foor the next phases couldn't help but have a revelation about the shape of the wifi sign.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

March 26

1:40 I think somebody unziped me from under the sink at the Spirit Mt. casino while i was washing my hands. First some guy bent in front of me tying his shoe laces for ever. Then i moved to a different spot. As soon as i moved, the janitor was like waiting there and started to mop the floor around me, looking nervous. Lots of noise and distractions, me a little buzzed. As a result i walked around for hours like that. I even went to the cashier to cash some bad ticket (issued by machines, not readable by again machines) and there was a big line and had to wait like forever (at least 20 minutes). It happened to me before but usually people told me. By the time they were still other people left around here. Now it's only them, as i said before.

I only discovered it when i got home. I think the way they moved tonight, the nervousness, they were hell bent to do something to discredit me. If they can't do something else, they will do something like this which is more effective than most things they can do to a person.

Every time i gain points for my reputation everybody around me start to get very nervous and there is a lot of pressure on me.

7:53 Revelation which in Greek means Apocalypse or the last book in the Bible was included in the New Testament in the 4th century and it is not known when it was written.

Within the Church they were people who spoke against its introduction. One of them was St. Dyonisius, a bishop from Alexandria, who became pope, died in 264 and later have been sanctified. He considered the book of Revelation as being a forgery, written in a totally different style and using different expressions and language than the rest of the Bible.

So at least it is sure it was written before him. But if the Book of Revelation had been written at the end of 1st century as most scholars agree, by John the Elder, not John the Apostle, the subsequent copies all the way to Dionysus must have been filtered at least of the grammatical errors if not of the barbaric expressions.

It is said that in 451 Attila proclaimed the Huns were the "Scourge of God". Huns were neighboring the Roman empire for centuries before the invasion. Could the Huns have sent scouts to live in the Roman Empire, Greece, to study and influence? Could a few of them had time to learn Greek and Latin and infiltrate the Church or at least pay some to do it?

After Attila's proclamation in 451 which at least shows he knew of the Christian God, would the Christians have considered the Huns one of the first signs of the upcoming Apocalypse which was supposed to end with the second coming of Christ, and let the invasion happen and let the Huns march all the way to Rome.

If so it would be one of the first known cases of psychological warfare (Yes, Mongols, Noongars, Huns are all the same). But the Revelation did not limit its prophetic influence to that time.

It went on for 16 centuries all the way to our times. It would be consistent with what the Huns do nowadays, with all the known fakeries that go all the way to substitutions of politicians in all countries.

In other words, Apocalypse started back then or after it was prophesied and is still happening, but it may not be what you think.

9:10 I got awakened after about 5 hours of sleep and was quite ok when i started to do the research to write the paragraphs above of which i've been thinking all evening. At once, the man upstairs first started to squeak and then he left, and like in the days before, the place filled with mole smell within minutes and made me literally sick. I went to step on the mounds. Most mounds stay closed after i put a bit of onion but there is one where all the pieces of onion have been "rejected" by the inhabitant smart mole and that mound and the surrounding ones keep coming back together with the repugnant smell.

5:03 The "Spanish" woman, kids are yelling while Angela tries to sleep.

5:14 Kids yelling in the distance, in ways unspeakable. Too far to record though.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Finally Figured

"Emanația cheamă trepanația" (Cațavencii, 1990).

How many times did i say that before? (That i finally figured).

About an hour ago i was sitting in the (small) bathtub full of very hot water just to get myself and especially my head (and ears) warmed up. How do i get so cold, kept asking myself. Cold enough for an infection to persist in that area including part of parotid glands, masseter muscle and adjacent lymph node. Symmetrical. I was not much outside in the cold today. It wasn't raining.

The woman upstairs came in the bathroom with me. I mean, in her bathroom, in the same time and kept squeaking for the same amount of time i was in there. Kept thinking. 12/22/2020 (for the next hour or so, local time). Last great numerological number of this critical turn of century and milenia. Last chance of the demented.

No matter what many would say, it was a good century. For the surviving that is. For those who lived in the last half of it. Unprecedented, unseen, unexpected scientific and technological advances in an impossible to follow (with our ordinary minds) rhythm made our lives in the same time way more comfortable, and why not, interesting. To me at least until i broke through the layers and layers of BS that came with it.

I won't go much further in that direction but instead come back to the theme i had in mind when i started it. Why my infection around ears that lasts for years if not decades.

I've been yesterday and two days ago (Sunday) outside in the cold rain, maybe for hours, though with a hoody and other things on my head, working on the car and got wet all over in temperatures near freezing. Pretty positive the building and parking spots where flooded with marijuana and/or cocaine smoke from reused and/or abused mole holes. That kept me outside, slow-moving, senseless and painless.

And Angela's Christmas present from a co-worker in her last day of work. A sleigh made of candy. Very common type of gifts in the US. I'm really sorry i didn't take a picture of it. However, unlike in other later years, Angela started to eat it. And after eating much of it she got hooked to that sugar and went and bought a cake. A red one with white "glaze", that is a layer of sugar and vegetable oils flavored with citric acid on top. Could not help but sample of it, only the red, less than honey-sweet dough part of it, pushing the "glazing" aside.

Interestingly enough, my blood sugar, which i kept monitoring these days, didn't go that high. Instead, i started to get headaches. Sugar diffusing (or even pumped) through salivary ducts back to the parotid glands that were already infected triggered instant headaches by spreading through lymph to my sinuses, eyes and all my head that lasted for hours and interestingly, a very intense perception of light and colors. From inflammation to eyes, i recon.

Until i got desperate enough to get some antibiotics. Which i again kept in my mouth instead of swallowing. Within ten minutes of the first 500 mg my headache, which was most intense since i had "viral meningitis" as a child (who knows what i really had, when my headache and fotofobia lasted for at least one week) was gone. Kept taking those for more than 24 hours now.

So what did i figure tonight. I was sitting in the bathtub and listening to the squeak upstairs that again seemed to follow the pattern of my thoughts, so annoying i would have gladly gone temporarily deaf just not to hear it. And that was it. I had a revelation.

Don't know exactly how they get their feedback. I mean, how they know when my head gets heated up with thoughts, ideas and excitement which generally is not, but at times may be sinful.

What happens i think as a reaction, my vegetative or autonomous or vegetable part of my brain literally tries to shut down hearing just to get rid of the (extremely) annoying sound and it does so by lowering blood flow in the area of the ears. Which may be a temporary defense mechanism that on a long term, if abused, may result in loss of the facial hair in that area as it happened to me, and persistent infections, which i was not aware for a long time. That may spread in different areas of the body as i said before. Capisci?

When it happened the first time? December 1995. Same type of kabala, alchemical neighbors upstairs. Back then, not having a clue i went, literally, crazy, got arrested by that b... from CNN, "Amanpour" and then 3 wonderful weeks in a mental hospital (the first time when i felt relaxed in the US), after first 6 stressful months of being here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ruby Wednesday

They simply know how to pick their timing. Last Sunday i started to fill out (on line, it is possible now) a small claim in the Washington County Court regarding the real reason for failure and recalls of the Hyundai. My car did not fall under recall of course because for some reason they didn't have engine seizures for this type. That third party web site where i was filing, right after i was done that is describing the issues, they asked me to electronically sign and testify under penalty of perjury that did my best efforts to recover my loss (from the plaintiff). So i sent without much hope an email to Hyundai Motor America with a copy of that description and they of course asked me first to talk on the phone, they picked a moment when i was driving, got the message when i got home and also an email basically saying the vehicle is out of warranty which is obvious.

Ever since i started the claim, they scheduled (AI, endless parade) Kia Souls to drive in front of me besides SUBARUs of which i complained about the name. Sub are you, that is subhuman. And the logo. One big star at the NW (New White Shinto) and 5 little ones scattered in the rest of it.

BTW today i was passing under the light signals on Marti-nazzi St in Tualatin and all of a sudden i had a revelation. (The shape of the poles and horizontal bars with the signs intrigued me from the beggining where i came to US cause though very efficient they require much engineering to stay in place over the years, being a very "unnatural" type of design). But to me the shape with the name Martinazzi on it now figures both a half gate and also a hanging pole.
So i got home and instead writing this blog post which (will, when i'm done) contain very important informations abut my activities and others' regarding my last matches.

So i took an advice today and tried to go to Tryon instead of Refuge. I recon the hills provide more opportunities for exercising, i already had some sun to grow a bit levels of Vitamin D for this summer (your body accumulate that and stores it for months to come). However, got into trouble right after i arrived and Boones Ferry entrance. Forgot to say, when i left, i went in the back, took the picture with the sign, i knew i had my truck in the back, no reason to turn at the door and then i remembered i didn't look for new canine gifts around door, turned around only to see the woman with the red hair, of the same height and physical constitution with the Latina from F3 with the chair yesterday getting in her car to leave. Another avatar of Szabolcs i said to myself and went back to get my truck and go to the park. Forgot many details like LPNs and logos on the freeway, i forgot to take Boones Ferry, that would have given me some delay since all that area in Lake Oswego is under construction (lots of areas under construction around here lately). At the entrance in the refuge i pulled the bottle of water i  had with me, wasn't fitting in any pocket and i just drank some and put the rest back in the car. That delay was enough for the guy with curly red hair and bear and a dog (a gray terrier i think) to come by on foot up the street. He looked at me, sort of embarrassed like, a couple of times, while i was plainly staring at him. Cause he was again Szabolcs. He passed my car and stopped at the entrance of the trail showing his back and had a chance to take a good look at his constitution. That is thinking what chances i had if i gotten into a fight with him. Though athletic, back and hands were more like women's with strong torso and legs. And when i looked at the legs, i saw under shorts hairs that were grayish but not red. I thought to myself, if he can fight then his strength must be in his kicks and some unknown ninja tricks. I was thinking later. The man allowed his body to grow like this over the years for the sole purpose of looking like a woman, for easier disguise, his specialty. Cause here in the complex he's already got at least 4 women's avatars. (S..., they came with the blowers and i forgot to water the dust around building).

Ok so i just got back at the wheel, turned around, and drove to where he came from only to see a road closure and a detour sign. I looked at the bridge they were re-building and said to myself. Can't be more than half mile detour (BTW why don't they write how many miles the detour is, it would be very easy to calculate now with google maps and everything). So i followed the signs, drove about 3 miles and got at the intersection of Terwilliger and Boones, coming from west this time of course.

Should have been distracted by something and instead of following Terwilliger where i was driving on i took a right again on Boones and went down the road until i met of course with the other road block. Then i wanted to take a picture of the road block, pulled my phone, took a picture through the dirty windshield (BTW got to wash t his truck sometime) and when i wanted to open the window to take a clearer picture i realized there was this brick red SUV behind me. I thought he was waiting for me to make an U-turn so he can do his, gave up on taking that picture and started to turn only to see him in my peripheral vision that he started to make a left turn on the street perpendicular to Boones and was on collision course. He didn't make more than 3 ft when i saw him and of course i stopped and he stopped in that very instant and we were kinda face to face through windows and window was down like mine and had a change to take a good look at him and i'm 90% sure it was our Joe Biden. Red tanned, looking better than in the pictures (like i heard about Obama) he never lost his nerve, he said hi and smiled, but next to him i saw an old lady that went so frustrated by the fact it didn't work and she looked exactly like Barbra Bush. But couldn't have been cause she's dead, right? How about the actress who did her?

Of course my phone was on the seat next to me, these cameras work quite good in good light when you want to take a picture like for your memories, but are slow to start in situations like these, it didn't even cross my mind in that second. All i got is time and location from the picture with the road block.

So he was just staying there when i turned around and turned right on Terwilliger. I went at the Terwilliger entrance of the park, but most except a few spots next to curb were taken. I saw at least 4-5 cars with many kids getting out, all kinda slow motion with adults giving me strange looks. So i just left and drove back on Terwilliger. On the overpass waiting at the light signal for Barbour (99). I was maybe the 7th car in the row, the guys coming from opposite direction where giving me all kinda theatrical looks, like scared, worried, it turned green but first guy wouldn't move until somebody from behind me honked. It finally did but i'm pretty sure the guy in front of me and i passed on red. But the guy in front of me was again a brick red SUV and slowed unexpectedly while i was staring at the red light but stopped in time not to hit him.

Other that that. Got to pass again through 2 red/speed camera intersections on 99, i was careful to memorize how i did it and got at the refuge.

As i was parking a guy in a black t-shirt and his wife, both looking angry came and got in the SUV in front of me and left. As he climbed at the wheel i had a chance to see the back of this black T-shirt that was covered on his length by a thin white rectangle with something written in the middle, a bible quote starting with God is my Lord, whith huge letters. It reminded me of the bible studies in Ron Boger's house back in 97, of Ron Boger his wife Mary and i started to get mad and... i forgot my phone on the seat of the truck.

Entered the refuge and i saw the bush with blue flowers had the flowers more open then ever ans sun was behind a cloud and bush was bright and everything and wanted to take a picture but realized my phone is in the truck, and went back and picked it (3 minutes walk).

Then on the trail i met with a woman that first i though was Meryl Streep but when she said an aggressive hi and smiled at me i realized she was younger.

I continued walking and after a mile or so i heard a military jet. Haven't heard one of those since i posted a match with a colonel here at the base. Then i've been thinking. They could have messed with my phone while i walked 3 minutes on the trail without it etc..

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The News Today, oh Gay!

Has anybody later noticed how R&B, formerly soul music, has gone from black to brown? More and more singers, barely child like pronouncing a type of unique slang of English that we think of as rap English coming from black environment. We thought that for so long it now got a life of its own that we don't really know when it started and then turned into something else. Something that is more suitable for the non-native non-English speakers newcomers from the colored minority of Hungary or in the case of Ariana Grande or Bruno Mars, others, even Japan.

"Classically" trained in the fine art of bel canto during their true, previous, real ID lives, capable of doing amazing vocal thrills, their English is something never heard before, an artificial, ever changing exotic branch, that sometimes is so unique it exists in a song only, one out of many versions of our ever changing and unruly lingua franca or our free style English. Or is it ours?

I heard yesterday in the car yet again in another version of this language, in a another unique pronunciation of the oh so ever repeating chorus the humble word ok. However, for the first minute or first dozen of repetitions i was convinced the man was saying. "Oh gay". Then the revelation came.

What if the three words, gay, ok and guy were invented or adapted (to modern usage) and introduced artificially by the media to create what people during the golden age of conspiracy theories where calling subliminal (which is a not so happy word for subconscious) perception. (The existing explanations for origin of the three expression are confusing and there is not agreement among linguists of the origin and time of origin of the three words).

It is not the first time when i hear songs with mispronounced words or lyrics that may have been built by artificial or even human intelligence specifically to have a second meaning hidden, phonetically over the fist one which sometimes is silly. Anyone heard recently that guy who repeats the words hack Obama? These type of songs can oftenly be found in various lists of "misheard lyrics" on various sites. But the phenomenon is way overlooked. These type of subconscious hacks are present in most if not all music.

Then there's the case of the word homosexual itself. The official etymologies say it comes from Greek and Latin, it actually comes from German (could this be yet another embedded from inception of a hidden message).

It can not come from Greek because in Greek it's omo (same), not homo. Like in omnivorous or omnipotent. But i think it was introduced this way to force the confusion with Latin homo=human and English home.

I first heard of the word virtual during physics class in grade school. It means something that can be seen but it does not exist. Then i did not mind the closeness with virtue and virtuous, same in Romanian as in English, words that i met with earlier.

The word went in the internet slang. Something that exists only digitally. Virtual reality. When used skillfully, it can create more confusion. More justification of the current politically correctness for being a sexually minority. And last but not least the confusion of pride with pry, prey and pray.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

About Buddha's Meditation

I was surprised many times how early ideas based on few informations about something anticipated for a long time are more accurate or coincide with those at the end of careful examination on a subject.

So i will write freely about my thoughts so far from little i read about how Buddha created a whole new world through meditation. A world very different from ours due to geographical distance translated in different ways of thinking and acting in most social occasions.

Any person with a social status no matter how rich has certain social duties to attend. Even a prince. I would assume he was pretty bush with daily business and being an intelligent person he would gradually become disgusted with the world he was encountering on daily basis.

So disgusted he gave up his princehood to become a monk and he went first into an ascetic phase as all monks did at that time. The sacrifice. He then realized nothing was coming out of that one too. Too many constraints, too many duties as well. Or missing too much of the life before. He then had a revelation and went into what today know as a middle way or compromise between asceticism and some sort of worldly indulgence. Best of both worlds. The happy Buddha phase.

And the bowl. He wouldn't give up a monk's lifestyle. Or could not return to his previous life he had before. By living only by donations he was probably returning some good advices and encountered more experiences of others. By not being constrained by rules of ascetic life he started to have a lot of time to meditate at his previous experiences and of those who he met daily. That is sorting out things he encountered so far or was still encountering and sharing those thoughts through teachings or preachings if you want. This way, by having education and enough experience of the world through his previous status and also time and motivation (disgust with the world as he knew it) and intelligence to sort all those things out, a very rare combination to this day he started to give never heard before solutions that went all the way to generalizing as rules, and started to build up a whole new world. From his mind only. Sophisticated and simple in the same time.

Cultural differences with the west became even more complicated to the point of total incompatibility. The many subtle observations and solutions though teachings convinced many and rose to rules that were probably not always very well understood by all (as it happens to followers who may not have full mental capacity of their masters) especially centuries later. His way of life and teachings (which are always incomplete cause a man will never finish his job in a lifetime) may had give birth to sects with a lot of power by unifying members in those beliefs who then started to believe it's their duty to share all that knowledge with the world. All religions come sooner or later at that point.

Then marriage with shintoism in Japan. Integrating Shintoism into Buddhism which are both polytheistic but of complete different cultural and historical background (India and Japan) meant all the raw power of shamanism (a system of manipulating natural phenomena) entered and somehow integrated into a well regulated system of thinking but that marriage probably was never meant to be by the originator and probably not a holy one.

A hidden form of Buddhism, God knows mixed with what (i haven't read Dianetics) may be Scientology.

"According to the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Pali canon, at the age of 80, the Buddha announced that he would soon reach parinirvana, or the final deathless state, and abandon his earthly body".

A belief also found in Scientology called "dropping of the body". Needless to say Ron Hubbard the founder of Scientology can be anagramated as Reborn Budha and Dianetics, his main work, resembles in name with dhyāna or Buddha's middle way. "According to Tilmann Vetter, the core of earliest Buddhism is the practice of dhyāna, as a workable alternative to painful ascetic practices. Bronkhorst agrees that Dhyānawas a Buddhist invention".

I was thinking of something else when i was writing this but one phrase in Wikipedia, about the death of Buddha threw me away back towards similarities between Scientology and Buddhism.

Others have been done it before, much metter that i will ever have time.

There is at least one element of shamanism in Scientology and that is the so called measurement of human's body resistance (actually of the contact between the palms and metal cylinders) during auditing sessions.

But could Buddha (or Siddhārtha Gautama in Sanskrit) have draw so much attention and followers if it wasn't also something magic about him?

We know from his biographies that during is pilgrimage throughout India he received training from different yogis.

"He left Rajagaha and practised under two hermit teachers of yogic meditation. After mastering the teachings of Alara Kalama (Skr. Ārāḍa Kālāma), he was asked by Kalama to succeed him. However, Gautama felt unsatisfied by the practice, and moved on to become a student of yoga with Udaka Ramaputta (Skr. Udraka Rāmaputra). With him, he achieved high levels of meditative consciousness and was again asked to succeed his teacher. But, once more, he was not satisfied, and again moved on."

There are things that were never fully explored by westerners and one of them is yoga.

What if yogis, through millennia of practice discovered and mastered that level of communication that occurs within most vertebrates which today we know as "vibrational communication". Could it be the accomplishment of that actually the awakening buddhism is talking about?

Nevermind what i was thinking. Just ran into something else. We all know Star Wars was inspired from eastern mythology. Yoda in sanskrit means fighter and there was a series of samurai drama movies in Japan called Jedigeki Knights. How about Darth Sidious and the common English words insidious (with a synonym restless) and assidious both comming from Latin?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Goodbye Windows

Yesterday i tried and chose the option to boot Windows. Because i had a dual Windows and Fedora computer and hadn't done it in a long time. Windows on a set of partitions and Fedora on a different set. After, i spent two hours downloading and installing Windows updates. I mean watch the computer while downloading and installing 138 updates. About 4 times more time than Fedora 17. Then that i tried and launched whatever version of Explorer is the last one for Windows 7 and tried to see my blog in Explorer. But i ran into the problem of having to re-zoom each site cause by default i think Explorer does not remember the last zoom you used for a site.

Then i had sort of a revelation, fueled by and developed in the waiting time. Since most of the employers nowadays let programmers chose whether to use Windows or Linux and some force you to use Linux, i realized. Linux is more productive in an office environment. You get more things done. Is that simple. I couldn't possibly write 277 posts in one year on my blog while pampering Windows and falling in a trance every time seeing the animation at boot time.

 Then, i used a partitioning program, cleaned those partitions and installed Fedora as the second boot. Yes, Fedora 17, for the second time. I spoke before of the advantages. By doing so instead of plainly re-installing you can have a clean install and a very smooth transitioning. You can always choose the old one at boot time. You can share data while transitioning. You can pick only what you need from the mess left behind.

But this time for me it was just for experimenting. What i was anxious about is i could not imagine how you can have on a hard drive two / partitions, two /boot, two /home, etc. and not confuse the two OS.

Here's how it's done. At installation, (i used the live CD), the installer sees only the Linux partitions you just formatted on the free chosen space. The others belonging to the older installation are at that moment just some unmounted partitions on a hard drive. It will also find the other Fedora loader on the other boot partition and add it to the grub boot menu, with a slightly different name (and maybe a warning, i can't remember). After booting one of the two, each will see only its own partitions and the other's will be just unmounted devs with the option to mount them and transfer whatever data you need.

Actually, nothing to do but install the second instance of Fedora.

Actually, i never tried and chose the other, older Fedora from the boot menu. I just did now, after i wrote the first paragraphs, to make sure it works. What happens is because of some minor problem, instead of Fedora animated logo at boot time, i get to see the some messages scrolling while the boot happens. Boot time is the same, it's working the same. With file manager i'm seeing the newer partitions, with their corresponding sizes but not named, as unmounted. But i'm not going to try to fix that one, i don't need it anymore.

1/6/13 5:32 PM PDT. Just fixed the "minor" problem. Manually added the newest kernel entry from the older grub.cfg into the newer grub.cfg. Now i can boot them both with no problem. Two identical OSs on a same computer!

1/6/13 11:12 PM PDT. Thought maybe i should write what i think is exciting about this. Although i accidentally discovered the possibility while trying to learn partitioning with an XP installation disk long time ago, when i installed XP twice (LOL) by mistake and got a menu at boot time asking me which one to boot, i never thought of the advantages until a few month ago.

Any OS, including Fedora, although not nearly as much as Windows, degrades irreversibly in time. Although there are numerous softwares out there that claim that can restore your system as it was when you first installed it (bought it for the most people), the problem is too vast and complex to be solved like this.

Every time you install and un-install software, or work with sizable amounts of data, the hard disk gets fragmented, the registry file gets corrupted and remnants of the older softwares haunt your hard drive. When nowadays on an average computer you have hundreds of thousands of of files, it is very hard for any cleaning software to automatically undo the mess.

And then there's the updates. Every time you update a package, the newer files pile up in top of the others, often leaving your computer with several versions of the same packages, of course, the older ones being useless, but hard to remove due to the precision and the know how required to only delete the useless not the usable or the current version.

And then there's the internet temporary files. Every time you open a site, scores of files are being saved on your hard drive and depending on your browser's settings they are being rolled out like in a first in last out basis. If you don't use administrative measures like i am keeping all of them on a separate partition, they will populate every empty space of your hard drive contributing to the fragmentation.

And on a Windows computer with no separate partitions no matter how big the hard drive is, the mess is unimaginable.

And i am not pretending here to finish the list of problems that add to the cluttering of an OS in time.

That's why among administrators the concept of a clean install has been born. What that means? It means you save whatever data you need, wipe clean the hard drive and install it anew, then the programs and then try to restore everything you added up into a workable status by putting the data back little by little. But this is a very time consuming process, and although you will have a faster computer, you will never have it the same way as it was before you cleaned it.

(Actually that's what i believe cloud computing would be so successful, because it keeps your data away from your own messy computer.)

So why all this talk in this post? Because what i've stumbled upon could bring a totally new prospective into maintaining a computer.

Supposedly you or the manufacturer reserved some space for this purpose when first installing the OS. Supposedly you have all your data separated from the programs in a different partition or partitions (not absolutely necessary).

All you have to do is install for the second time your OS into the reserved space with the programs and try and pick the data from the other partition without deleting nothing on as needed basis while still keeping the option of booting the computer with the old system that might be slow but you are so familiar with. The transition will be much smoother and you can delete the old partition(s) when you feel you don't need them anymore or when you think you need that space for anything else including repeating the above cycle.

And above all, no emotions from the possibility of loosing data while totally and truly renewing your computer.

As an example, what i just did, i installed Fedora 17 and the updates and all the programs for the second times on some free space on the hard drive, creating some sort of a mirroring of the old system, then copied the username directory from the old installation /home into the new /home partition, and voila, all the familiar icons popped on the desktop, and i was ready to go in about 2 hours in total, and this while keeping the option of booting the old system. Everything was done mostly automatically by the Fedora installer (except choosing the free space and partition types and sizes, from the live CD, with only a one time manually editing of the grub.cfg file, as mentioned above.