Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 10

11:25 "Eu centrez, eu dau cu capul" (I center, i score). Here it goes :

I think i found a way to visualize the falling of an electron on a lower orbit, after i figure the equations. Probably the most overlooked phenomenon in history of science. For the accelerated phase, it should be a parabolic spiral. No need for supercomputers or anything. Except maybe if there was some AI software which you could verbally ask it to do so and spare all the work.

Why is it important? Well, a falling electron is (the smallest) electric current, right, which generates a magnetic field, right, which accompanies the emitted photon (or is the emitted photon).

Nevermind that. They just sent in a team (made of little "Mexicans") who started hammering to finish the walls of the fallen stairwell (about a month ago, remember). There will be between 1000 and 10000 hammerings today. Like in the days when the emperor was here, and did the windows. Or a few years earlier when they did the roofing for the whole complex, with an average of one nail a second for 6 months.

11:30 Was thinking earlier. If the religious thugs of Japan force their own people to work to death to partly finance their covert ninja type operations abroad, what will they do to others. Like what they are doing nowadays with Americans and they don't even know it.

4:00 Thoughts from my walk. If we were to calculate the trajectory of a falling electron we need to know first position and speed of the electron, which according to German physicist Werner von Braun Heisenberg it is not possible. I bet this is  the main reason they never adventured to do it.

So we must to get rid of this theory first, also with the help of deeper quantum mechanics, and that is the quarks i bet Heisenberg didn't know about.

Ok, Heisenberg published his uncertainty theory in 1927 and quarks were discovered in 1964 and he died in 1976 and he never corrected his theory. Why would had he, since he already won a Nobel prize in 1932 and was already the father of quantum mechanics?

For the most simple atom, hydrogen, with one single proton which is made of quarks we can see the proton has a spatial asymmetric dipole charge. More than that, to form the nucleus, the proton is paired with a neutron which has no electric charge at all, only mass which adds to the off center asymmetry.

Since both nuclei and electrons have mass, there is a tiny gravitational force between them though the electric force is prevalent.

So the normal circular trajectory of an electron around a nucleus, better said around the center of its electric charge is perturbed by the electric asymmetry of the proton and the position relative to its mass center.

There is also the issue with the mass of the electron. The electron has enough mass to move the atom around a bit, like Moon vs Earth. At those speeds, this thing will also contribute to instability of many possible orbits or "energy levels" and in the end their are only a few permitted or "quantified".

Since we now know quarks are made of strings that vibrate, i bet this model is too complicated for any mathematician and they came up with this uncertainty theory instead.

Though they have so many "idle" (they do not apply to anything) theorems in math no one single person on Earth can review them all in a single lifetime.

But nowadays we have giant supercomputers, let's feed them this model. However i bet they already did and only a few know the results.

I remember i once applied for a grant to pay to use a supercomputer to come up with a method of predicting earthquakes. Based of course on a different theory than tectonics plates theory. But applying for a grant is a complicated job in itself which i screwed and i bet they have one guy in every grants hogging team that to do just that.

BTW do they ever give Nobel prizes to guys who dismantle old theories that have been given Nobel prizes for? I believe they do, Bohr made substantial changes to the previous two models, Thompson and Rutherford who also received Nobel Prizes.

However big money don't need Nobel prizes (which come with one million each), all they need is a good working theory that will allow them to peek into tomorrow's market. One thousand times per second.

BTW is head scratching stimulating blood circulation inside brain?

530 Like i remember during that time when i opened an Ameritrade account and put in 2000 dollars from a credit card. At first it was working but after a few days it was like some big entity with big money was intervening and screwing the prices of my picks so i gave up. But i was there long enough to see they were every day 2 o 3 startups dying there.

They all seemed the same. Gathering a hundred or two hundred million capital, real or not, around a chemical formula for a new Alzheimer drug that never made it past a couple years of studies. But guess what. How many grants where they sucking besides the initial investment?

Big money, big schemes nobody looks at. Nobody cares cause it's government's money.

Friday, January 5, 2024

January 5th

4:08 AM (local time) Fotografie prelucrată cu ajutorul IA menită să insufle frica de șiruri "strings" din postarea mea recentă, deși nu are legătură directă cu aceasta. Încă o dovadă că media este pe deplin controlată de EI. A și paiele de pe piramidele dacilor. 

4:45 Încă o poză prelucrată cu IA sub pretextul unui defect de pixeli (sau pentru a acoperi fețele supraviețuitorilor (sau pentru a sugera în subconștient arsuri), să nu le strice "privacy".

Și țipete. Pentru prima dată după aproape 10 zile de la înscenare, s-au trezit că cineva a țipat, asta după ce am spus eu că trebuia să fi țipat unul din ei când a fost atins de flăcări și trezit din leșinul de la fum și asta ar fi trezit pe alții. Dar țipete de neputință? Ce sunt alea? Ca atunci când ai un coșmar și nu te poți trezi?

Însă dacă nu erau beți lemn eu cred că ar fi tușit prin somn de la primul fum și s-ar fi trezit. Dacă cineva nu a dat foc simultan la toate colibele, ar fi fost timp suficient pentru a-i evacua pe alții. Și ce are culturistul chel pe tricou. Nu am timp și chef dar dacă îl caut și îl găsesc printre actori, toată știrea asta infinită se va opri, dar vor începe altceva. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

January 3rd

10:45 There is no article in Latin or Sanskrit. Where the article came in European languages? My suspicion is at least for romance languages it came from Arabic via Spanish during the Arabic occupation of Iberic peninsula. But Arabic didn't have one too during the time Latin language was spoken.

Anyways, it never made it to Romanian, which has double Sanskrit and Latin origin. Smart a... linguistic engineers added it sometime before it is found in any written text i can find right now, but... at the end of  the words. I think because it is a pain, and nobody pronounces it.

For feminine common nouns that ended in a anyways nothing was added, meaning those nouns are articulated already. However for masculine that in Romanian were ending prior to that in u they added this horrible l at the end that nobody pronounces it, it exists only in writing. It is very similar with suffix l in Hungarian which i'm not sure what is used for (Hungarian, one if not the most complex language i heard of, with 52 different suffixes).

However since that was not enough, sometime around year 1900 they added an extra u after the l, probably hoping people will learn to pronounce at least the l, but that never worked.

I believe that was the moment when Dracu, most likely derived from Slavic Drag conflicting so badly with old Norse, English and German drag and with late fabrication drag became first Dracul and then Draculu, and in the end Stocker modified to Dracula, to add a gay (another late 20th century added meaning of a benign benevolent, happy English word) dimension to it, making it sound like the Italian word fanciula (which i also suspect being a late make up because is too close to...). Also to rime with Neckola. And other words.

12:35 Another association showing in media factory at the right time. Epstein, Einstein.

7:55 Einstein, Hawking, Michael Jackson and Bill Clinton should not be afraid. But it all depends where they say it happened. Certain states do not have time limitation for complaints on such crimes. Though i doubt they were doing the alleged orgies with kids in Alaska, Delaware or Colorado etc.. Florida, possible.

But it all looks to me like these dramatically different laws from state to state are discriminatory under one US Constitution. I mean, you can go in Iowa and do all the orgies you want and four years later you are all clear of any possibility of indictment.

8:25 Uzina de știri.

În afară de simbolismul prezent în acest eveniment, începând cu numele Daci și terminând cu forma de piramidă de paie.

Era imposibil ca focul să fi pornit simultan în toate colibele acelea. Cred că a fost vorba de minute diferență de la prima la ultima. Era imposibil ca măcar unul sau doi să nu fi urlat în timp ce ardea, trezindu-i pe ceilalți. Era nevoie doar de câteva secunde să ieși afară. Stau și mă gândesc că jumătate din cei prezenți trebuiau să fi scăpat, statistic vorbind.

Fumul te poate face inconștient dar dacă nu ești chiar mort, flăcările te vor trezi măcar pentru câteva secunde ca să urli o dată.

Stau și mă gândesc câte asemenea improvizații există acum pe teritoriul României. Însă și ei ca Bill Clinton nu tremură fiindcă știu că sunt prea multe și nu le poate nimeni închide pe toate, iar acel nimeni nici nu vrea să le închidă fiindcă preferă să mențină acest haos în România.

Însă și într-o colibă de paie un detector de fum cu baterie, izolat, fără rețea, fără nici o legătură cu nimic te poate trezi din morți sau din leșin cu un zgomot de peste 100 dB. Aviz turiștilor. Puteți să vă luați unul în bagaje, ar trebui să fie vreo 25 de euro pe Amazon, însă alegeți unul fotoelectric, celelalte au o mică problemă.

Într-un timp se întâmpla cam un incendiu pe lună într-un spital, unde probabil măcar o persoană era trează, am impresia că seria s-a oprit după această postare a mea.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Dharma Wheel of Nikola Tesla

I think Tesla might have had a good intuition interpreting the dharma wheel of Buddhism or star of Ishtar or contemporary Scientology cross (yes i believe our future lays in the mnemonics of the past religions) but it is not quite the way he did it.

Disregarding those formulas, and seeing this representation as a photon in transversal plane it could all be the pulsating cross quanta may create besides time and space, also gravity.

The words tryadha vyavasthita sarva buddha in the mantra translate literally "three expected for each light (color?)" corresponding to the three components in some ancient representations in the center of the wheel that could mean each proton is made of three quarks.


1:12 1/5/2024 version

It is not quite like that. I assumed the magnetic field line starts in the middle of nowhere and probably would have if the electron would have an initial vertical speed.

However its descending speed starts from zero and in the initial moment the single magnetic field line starts from near the electron and extends on a parable like curve in a plane perpendicular to the trajectory of the electron that contains the electron, if there are no other electrons to interfere with the electron's falling speed or trajectory. Then it's gonna be a more complicated curve.

During the constant speed phase it moves on a circle on a the same plane and the trajectory is helicoidal with a constant radius.

It seems the electron during acceleration phase is ceding its energy to the virtual field line. The only way this can happen is if the field line is the trajectory of a positive virtual charge that furthers from the electron by increasing the radius of that helix. During deceleration the electron looses speed and energy and the virtual charge gets back close to it. 

The trajectory as a whole seems like the shape of a 3D horse shoe  that is part of a helix with variable and constant radius or the edges of a propeller arm.

The virtual positive charge moving in a circuit that seems closed in a view in the direction of the fall, would create a negative virtual charge moving on a trajectory similar to that of the falling electron. For the accelerating and decelerating part of the cause the virtual charge would move at different angle both looking like an pharaoh's crook and flail with both constantly changing angles and propagating with each step?

Year is 2024 and i am shocked by the fact nobody looked into this until now. That is the shape of a single magnetic field line generated by a falling electron. They instead look in the cloud chamber of the LHC, the most complicated machine built on Earth. Unless if it's all a big coverup and they knew this from the beginning of quantum mechanics era.

Another ancient source that is less obvious. There are spirals in this Ancient Egypt amulet near other details (square, wings) that seem to represent right angles, half right angles in the context of an eye that might represent light and a bird that might represent gravity.

The tilak. Never knew it is called like that. And a 3D U shaped version on Amazon.

I think after a major world conflict people's knowledge broke into pieces. Like Sanskrit broke into many European and Indian languages, each keeping different words, the same happened with the advanced knowledge. People tried to pass it down to further generations that reverted to stone edge.

They knew they had to somehow preserve the important parts and painted those on the forehead of their children, or  built pharaoh's masks waiting for a revival which never took place. The pieces and symbols and stories became different religions as we know them and humans never reverted to the highly advanced civilization (Heaven for all) that was once here on Earth and it is possible the intruders who are probably the ones who built the pyramids survived as well without knowledge of their past.

But nowadays they are obviously way ahead of us.

January 2nd

3:40 Why manipulators cannot easily be recognized or accused of any sin including manipulating dharma. By only choosing the moment they "normally" manifest in this reality (bullying) they may induce false perception and/or chain of events that is not traceable back to them by dharma law.

Random manifestation is an attribute only of God.

False perception and especially swiftly and strongly acting on decisions made following false perceptions are sins of a receiver that cannot differentiate between random and non random manifestations.

If conscience is a closed time loop, then can someone (the bully) catch your conscience in their own closed loop, yourself becoming unconditionally subordinate. They can if their bullying becomes so annoying (or attractive) you give into it.

9:15 PM I can't believe that after about 100 years since these were known we still have to struggle with all these things. Something went terribly wrong, like a huge coverup. In the meantime we almost trashed our planet.

I think we are looking in the face of half aliens and never recognize them.