Tuesday, May 31, 2022

May 31

Because of the colors of this representation of the aum sign, first time when it came to mind that devanagari script is basically made of... boomerangs, pretty much like the main masonic symbol. Also reminding of... serpents, of course. The united hands in prayer also reminds me of the plumb masonic symbol.
But then of course there is the Sanskrit root naga. It is said in the case of nagari script, it comes from the meaning of the word nagari, city, that is very close to the word for serpent. And over all, there is the word magar, or the name of an entire ethnicity. Or race.
I didn't plan to write all these, but i ran into again on a forum. What i was searching for was mentioning of lokas in Vedas, and Vedas were initially written in the brahmic script (alphabet if you want) which of course look much closer of European scripts like Greek and Latin or better runic (many letters are identical, but scrambled).

Was looking for lokas because as i don't see them through the religious point of view of Hindus but through detachment of a different culture or no culture at all cause i kinda started to reject everything i knew or heard, i do believe they are real geographic and historical places and the proof is Svarga loka, which seems to be Sweden. It is said Svarga loka was inhabited by the god Indra. Guess what. Indra is also a name in nordic countries. (Also there are a bunch of place names in Sweden that seem Sanskrit). In other words, if Indo-European theory works for migrations and languages, why not for mythology and toponyms? But what if Eliade was right and myths do come back to us?

Durga Puja by example in India corresponds to the goddess Durga who gave birth to Kali. Many gods have geographically correspondent place names and today i ran into a daunting possibility. What if the city name Kyiv actually comes from Shiva, that is also said to be the source of Ganges, and uses a trident as weapon, and of course, was thinking, which of the lokas is Ukraine. In which loka lives Shiva?

10:28 Cercul iluziilor. M-am trezit într-un coșmar. S-ar părea că l-am avut greșit pe Oprescu. Pe atunci lucram mult mai neglijent și în alte condiții. S-ar părea, nu știu sigur. Au avut mișcarea pregătită. Au scris povestea cu plecarea lui în Grecia. După mai multe scuturături, cu veșnicele aluzii, acum, chiar azi, procesul de extrădare care s-a terminat cu o cauțiune. De ce. Totul a început ieri de la urechile lui Ioan Aurel Pop. Sunt sau nu lipite. Actorul lui de asemenea are sprâncene mai decolorate. Până la lămurire, l-am scos de la asemănări, ca și pe Oprescu. Cei din cercul lui, cei care l-au văzut, unii studenți din Cluj, alții, știu.

Degeaba știu ei, iluzionismul (maya) se bazează pe percepția greșită a majorității decidente (vox populi). M-am uitat la Kyriakos. Și el are urechile puțin diferite. Deci o sfoară care dacă o tragi, găsești mai multe noduri, păpușile Matrioshka sau gălețile pe care cineva le-a pus sub scări. însă Kyriakos (Gyurin) are urechile diferite din cauza vârstei. Urechile și nasul se lungesc (uneori) cu vârsta. Am deschis pagina cu bursa, care nu știe în ce direcție să meargă azi, cineva a izbit ceva de tomberon (un scârțâit sus, am uitat să pun un link), etc..
11:23 În dreapta. Părul mai sus din cauza vârstei, dar vopsit. Urechile sunt mai lăsate, dar au aceeași deformație unghiulară. Sorin, Karinty (clue de nume). Decedat în Ungaria din 2019. Acum sunt convins că e el, la fel și Kyriakos și la fel fel și Ioan Aurel Pop. Și totuși profesorul care îl face este o personalitate enciclopedică (după site-ul lui). (Se mai miră cineva că nu avem universități în top 500?)

A meritat totul această dimineață din viața mea cu dumplings congelați și totuși râncezi?

8:00 Upstairs. He came home 3-4 hours ago, started the TV way louder than he should and it was on ever since. But i slept through it because i had a few drinks. Both our phones went crayz, neet to reboot them every day to make or receive calls.

A news that came right on time. (Uraineus and Neptune).

8:23 One of the 108 names of lord Shiva.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

May 29

Kali and Maya

I was thinking. Could be a coincidence the fact that there was a Maya civilization in Mesoamerica and the main Hindu goddess Kali, is also called Maya (the maiden aspect of Kali).

There are strong connections in the depictions and roles of Maya of India and Tlaltecuhtli, a major Aztec goddess. Both mothers of creation, represented with fangs (in southern India), tongue hanging, blood drinking, the little skulls, the hook like weapon that could be a boomerang in origin, central figure in Aztec calendar, etc.. Don't know nothing about the Aztec language so can't tell if Tlal or cuhlti could derive from Kali or Kylie. Not the first to be thinking of this, but i got more elements than this guy and especially the Maya link he doesn't mention.

Don't know if the syntagm "history is written by winners" is true, but certainly these days history starts to be written by strongly motivated engineers and hobbyists and amateurs while the academics get all the grants and grant each others' titles.

History cannot be seen isolated, or by countries or regions. Some things can only be explained and theories enriched by following the strong past global connections, like first thing that come to mind, the Silk Road and the huge trade between Romans and the Chinese with caravans that numbered tens of thousands of beasts of burden, etc..

What a sad "civilization" we are, we need theories to figure what we've done in the past and also theories (often called conspiracy ones) to figure what we're doing right now.

Friday, May 27, 2022

May 27

2:00 Upstairs. Squeaks every 15 minutes. Is like someone stands for 15 minutes, not moving, then making a few steps, after midnight.

11:37 I tried to go for a walk at the summer side of the Refuge for the first time this year. When i got out i saw the man at the apartment Nr.3 i guess that is top left who looks much like the guys upstairs (there are several playing the same role, with differences in sizes). At the Refuge, smoke "from the nearby farms". I could not complete a loop. I tried to go in the park but the parking lot is occupied with school busses. Also. As soon as i got at the Refuge my mind was freed and this idea came to me. Why Hungary would go into a state of emergency? Not that they care so much in that hierarchical type of society. The war they say. Yeah, why would need a state of emergency during pandemic if the pandemic wasn't real? Why would they need a state of emergency during the war if the war wasn't real (for the most part) and not controlled by them?

Also was thinking. If the Romans where as stupid and naive as we are, no wonder they were overcome by the Huns in the V century and ever since.

1:39 How interestingly they maneuver those dogs. I came from the walk, stopped by the mailbox and i saw a gypsy like teenager with a dog going around the building. It made the rendez-vous with me at the door, where i waited for her to pass, left the dumbbells on the stairs to go in the back to check the signs. For a few seconds it appeared as i waited for her to climb the stairs and go inside.

The results of leaving my shoes outside. There was a crack by one of the numerous seams. The "mam made material failed". But the crack got bigger and now looks like a female... Imagine that. Everywhere i go if someone looks they might think it's an invitation? A hidden sign?

There are four indentations, at an angle, like a keyboard slash on the hood of my car like someone hit it with a baseball bat, one of them can be felt with the finger. Barely visible, can't catch them in a picture. I have a few candidates that i think could have done it. There is a short guy with Buddha head who dresses in orange and i think he's got an orange car with HRV number. Every time i see that number, i think Harkov (Kharkov in Romanian). He is a very nervous person and every time i meet eyes with him he gives me repeated, short, nervous glances. I think i know when they did it. When it snowed, i saw those slashes in the frozen snow, never followed to see if t hey actually bent the hood.

One day i saw a woman cop (BTW, blond, young and very beautiful) with no Police car in sight talking to him, others.

4:14 There is some sort of isle in the direction of the median on TS Hhwy, that crosses the crosswalk line. How many times i nearly hit it, coming from North, with last time stopping one meter short of climbgin it over?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

May 26

10:18 Annoy the (galactic) dictator. There are few things that one can imagine they haven't done to me. Tuned into my brain via IA. Last one. I did laundry, was airing and cooling the place (i reinstalled the closed circuit dryer but it gets very hot since the heat is not evcacuated). The "man" upstairs went to his car and brought dust on the stairs that went inside through the open window. I ran in the bedroom and closed door, but still got enough in my nose and throat. Almost pain and infection free, today they made one million noises while i searched for 12 hours for Charlie. Someone left a cabinet with lots of mold on it next to the bin outside. My laptop bit me with microwaves. OK let's say they annoy me for 30 years, but why so many? Why everybody and all the time?

How many times i tried to schedule to write this and they canceled my thoughts with noises? Here it comes. (Ma business, ma business, there's no business like war business). (There is no faster cutting through the red tape and more quick action than in the US when it comes to defending freedom of any kind).

I saw in a news US had delivered up to 7000 rockets (or their entire stockpile or one year production) to the UKrain at a cost of 170000 each (Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, US Government). I asked google and google said Ukrainians have destroyed 1000 tanks and 2500 other armored vehicles. But they didn't use only Javelins. They have artillery, planes, drones, other types of rockets. Let's say half of these armored vehicles have been destroyed by Javelins. What is the kill rate of a 170000 intelligent miss isle?

12:00 Got to mark this down before anything else (tried before but kinda timid). After i write down a heavy one (that BTW would make a government fall in any real country), everything, even the guy upstairs (finally figured, the man's a boxer which explains the miniature boxing gloves tied to his rear mirror, the yells when watching matches and the relentless walk), go suddenly quiet. Guesses. 1st guess. Massive mainstream perception now focuses on me, they don't want' to show what they show to the more permanent narrow one. 2nd. They reboot the whole damn AI including the new parameters. 3rd guess. They wait for more massive feedback and then they reboot the whole damn AI including the new parameters and feedback, while focus slowly shifts off me etc..

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May 25

7:42/9:42 Eram așa într-un moood de relaxare în dimineața asta, după o zi întreagă (16 ore) de căutări (ieri). Nici pașii pe tavan nu mă afectează azi prea mult. Fiindcă m-am plâns mereu e timpul să vin și cu niște vești bune (pentru mine). Am rezolvat-o cu infecția (era să spun bucală, chiar, iar am găsit ceva să comentez) orală, cauzată de o placă dentară defectuoasă pe un fond de nesimțire totală din partea mea (am o scuză, am fost extrem de ocupat cu asemănările). Odată identificată problema, au mai trecut câteva zile de groază fiindcă durerea se extinsese la maxilar, până la ochi, dar a trecut. Augmentin, 250 mg la 3 ore (timpul de înjumătățire a disponibilității bio este de 1 oră jumătate, deci la 3 ore ai cam un sfert din doza inițială, dacă mergi pe 6 sau 8 ore cu 500 mg, cât ai?), deci un tratament mai smart cu o concentrație mai constantă, și mi-a trecut. Chiar acum am luat niște ciocolată și am doar o umbră din frisoanele și transpirația pe care le aveam. Nu știu exact unde a fost leziunea, dar a fost până la os și dincolo, ia acum se "granulează" adică gingie crește înapoi din os. Cealaltă problemă. Aproximativ în jurul datei când au făcut inspecția la apartament au apărut două deschideri în pereți, una în sufragerie lângă canapea, una în dormitor. În același timp, podeaua foarte rece. Ce se întâmplă. Panourile din interior ale pereților sunt făcute din ghips aerat sau spumat (sulfat de calciu) de 10 mm grosime placate cu carton cam de un mm grosime. În interiorul bulelor de aer din spuma de ghips apare bioxid de sulf până la saturație, la fel ca și între panourile pereților. Acest bioxid de sulf impregnează cartonul, iar praful de hârtie emanat la vibrații zboară în interior, este inhalat, după care eliminat din plămâni prin flegmă în sistemul digestiv unde apare un fenomen de "slow release" mai ales în zona colonului inferior, aceasta creând leziuni. După ce pe 22 am îndrăznit să postez video-ul acela cu Stevie Nicks, au programat ieri o toaletare de copaci (da erau niște copaci în video) aici la apartament. Numai cine nu a văzut o mașină de aceea de măcinat copaci sau crengi (copacii sau crengile nu se transportă ci se macină pe loc pentru a "încăpea mai bine în camionul acela") nu știe. Vibrație și zgomot de peste 100 dB la sursă, la câțiva metri de clădirile "light buildings" adică din materiale ușoare. Camerele normal s-au umplut de acel praf de hârtie cu sulf, iar azi am avut un nou "flare up" la colon, deși de câteva zile am început să iau ulei mineral (alimentar sau "food grade") care nu se asimilează ci doar protejează tot tractul digestiv până se elimină. Deci ieri stăteam așa pe canapea și priveam în gol când am văzut șurubul acela desfăcut de la o ramă care ținea o aerotermă îngropată în perete. Apropo, nu folosesc aceste aeroterme, ele sunt instalate astfel încât comunică puțin și cu interiorul peretelui iar praful este absorbit și răspândit în locuință. Am verificat acele șuruburi de multe ori de-a lungul timpului, este imposibil să nu fi fost desfăcut de cineva.
Nu am vrut să postez toate acestea fiindcă mă deprimă. Aveam în minte un video pe care tocmai l-am urmărit. Dar când am deschis laptopul ele mi-au re-venit în minte.

Am ascultat de mai multe ori la Europa FM și știu din România ce muzică dulceagă și ușoară se dă pe acolo. Iată ceea ce se numește un hit de rock american clasic în vârstă de 41 de ani, de o calitate și profesionalism "discret" ca să spun așa. Da, am cunoscut-o pe Stevie Nicks personal, în mai multe ocazii (fiindcă s-a arătat sub cel puțin două-trei identități) iar multe din melodiile ei au fost inspirate din aceste întâlniri. Oare până unde poate merge cineva în a extrage fără consimțământ orice rămășiță din viața privată a cuiva? (Da, puteți folosi acest video ca "portal" pentru a urmări și alte video-uri ale acestei zâne autentice, inclusiv din piesele cu Fleetwood Mach.

Cine ar crede că totuși de la rock-ul american până la euro disco poate fi un drum atât de scurt (cu păstrarea rochiei zburătoare)?
Și înapoi la balada rock. Got to get used to. No matter what i do or wher i go, they come and pop all kinda people in front of me. When i go to the store i am not expecting to see them but they come to flash me. Among others, i saw 3 white haired gosts at the checkstand, after half hour of harrassment in the store by everyone there, me beeing dead tired. If that is her, without makeup at 79 she is unrecongizable. One of the others could have been Leslie from the video above, but didn't get to see his face.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May 24

12:50 Deja vu...

13:00 I feel for the two thirds, all my life has been like that, and now i'm in trouble, cause every time i try to stop antibiotics, the hot flashes come back, infection was too old. BTW, one piece of advice. When in pain and waiting for that appointment, do not take painkillers, take antibiotics instead, the pain will go away the same, maybe like Augmentin, but these are expensive. Azithromycin, cause you only need to take one every 24 hours.

And i bet those charity clinics are not financed by Bill Gates, Bezos, or even Zuckerberg.

10:11 Da am văzut-o ieri pe Maia Sandu sau pe cineva care arăta exact ca ea într-un video. Nu mi-am dat seama pe moment. Putea să fi fost CGI? 3:10 Newest but not so. Lately, when i work at cropping images (most critical ones) with Pixlr, sometimes, randomly, they get saved in drive instead of my computer.

Monday, May 23, 2022

May 23

12:30/2:30 Four instances where tanks were outperformed by tactics or other factors. German invasion of France in 1940, Kurks battle, a battle in the Israeli - Egypt war in 1973 and the current Russian - Ukrainian war. People always wondered if tanks are/were still good in modern warfare. The answer is not simple. Clumsy, expensive and fearsome in appearance, with the advent of intelligent anti-tank missiles, they just might have become obsolete.

6:05/4:05 Deși o cunosc de atâta timp, nu mă pot obișnui și mă enerveze de fiecare dată. Am încărcat ieri o poză cu canapeaua pe lângă care am put niște bucăți de spumă izolontă, la fel am pus și dedesubt, fiindcă podeaua e foarte rece fiindcă se udă lemnul dedesbut la subsol, unde izolația a căzut din cauza aburului de la țevi de evacuare de la mașini de uscat rufe ce au scurgeri la subsol. Pe canapea era laptopul cu care lucrez eu la bloguri și l-am lăsat, azi apare știrea asta care probabil e inventată la fel ca 90% din știrile lor.

5:04 Javelin vs Malyutka

10:17 About a week ago after Angela felt confident about training being almost done, she applied for the job (the day when i wrote about word/weirdpad dualism on Widows). Since we are so isolated we never had to deal with voice mail (since we had a landline i guess, and that was... 7 years ago). I kinda knew about status and notifications areas on the phone but never paid attention to those more than battery and signal strength. We both didn't know until today there was an (tiny) icon showing a new voicemail. Until we got these Moto e7 Power we also had pre-installed visual voicemail apps. Also the pre-installed phone app does not notify you of a new voicemail or write the number of voicemail next to icon. There is nothing except the tiny icon in the notification area.

In that evening when she finished the application, a confirmation email arrived and someone called from New York, by the caller ID, would have been around 10 PM at originating location, (the phone didn't ring due to intermittent poor signal from Hello Mobile, if that call was in the morning at work she would had have good signal) and left a message saying she wanted to set Angela for an interview this (past) week, with no calling back instructions (except for the caller ID) and she will send a text with instructions, which never came. Today, Monday, less than a week since, Angela found the voicemail message by chance, but in the same time she got an email from her supervisor saying somebody else have been considered for that position.

On the Eaton site, the position is shown available.

05/24 10:18 Angela's got an email address at work where she gets all kinda emails addressed to everybody that mostly never concern her or her directly. Never got an email addressed to her only at that address. However now she found an email from the same person who called her at 7 PM from New York (and the phone didn't ring).

Sunday, May 22, 2022

May 22

3:54 Just went outside to pick garbage and several dog poos of different ages all around the building, i guess all coming from the same small dog. Last night. Angela finally made her money back at Chinook Winds. When we came back home, she said she wanted to check how it goes at Spirit Mt. Like at Chinook yesterday, she won some 200 dollars at first and after i ate a hot dog, i got sleepy and fell asleep in the car. A loud modified exhaust awoke me and at @4 i went at the Shell gas station (the cheapest in the area) to fill the car. In there, at the next pump, two women of whom one was maybe from the convenience store (i guess) or maybe they knew each other, were talking angrily to each other, almost yelling at each other, telling stories from the past (i heard the word mother several times. It was all surreal given the hour and the fact nobody else was at the pumps. The pump stopped once and had to restart it. Went back in the parking lot and slept till 7:30 when i went inside to pick Angela who was exhausted after playing for 12 hours at the two casinos and having all her money lost.

When i got out out of Chinook once to go for something in the car i met with a mechanic i know, Martin, but he acted like he didn't recognize me (maybe because he was with a woman other than the one in the office which i thought it was his wife). When i said, "Martin?" he said "Good Morning" though it was evening. I knew it was going to be followed by some trouble which it did.

I noticed the other day, the whole paint job at the car last fall went suddenly dull, especially after the car wash yesterday.

When i went outside about half hours ago i looked again and saw some abrasions and possibly one tiny dent on the hood, a few mm deep, on a few inches area, like someone maybe pressed down with his hand but can't be sure if it's a dent or just the shape of the hood. The shape of the 4 abrasions is the same as once done in the snow last winter, like one giant claw leaving barely visible 4 marks (only visible from a certain angle) 4-5 inches apart on the paint on front of the hood. Sun is shining and got blinded by the white paint on the car so i gave up looking. Haven't been drinking in a week so it's not possible something happened and can't remember. 

Then i saw in the news the face of a guy, RR Martin who looks like one of the checkers at Safeway in Lincoln City, etc..

10:00 Three years ago i thought going in the basement and fixing the pipes is going to be enough. Forget about the fallen insulation, i said to myself. I'm just going to heat some more. But two weeks after i fixed those they came with a rotary brush to clean the pipes inside. I bet they broke them some more. SAGE construction built a new lid with star shape screws. But somebody simply cut another visiting hole on the other side of the building that has three set of screws which means they've been three times in the basement, since.

Last year by example i had one (de Longhi with oil) heater under couch and one next to it. But since, i've been drunk most of the time, this year i didn't care, spring is not coming and i am sick. Infection at the gum that spread to my head, finally figured the main source, an older denture that i fixed with superglue and used instead of the newer one that can't be fixed that spread to my upper respiratory, my maxillary changed a bit, was hitting in some points, again, didn't feel the pain, the infection, cause i was drunk most time, day and night, infection at the colon. Wetland like smell inside. This is the image with the wet floor right under my couch taken three years ago.
Last night i slept in the car and woke up much better. No hurting feet, no burning face, no hot flashes. Tonight i put pieces of foam all around the couch and under covering much of the surface and i feel like i'm finally heating myself up. Bedroom is a bit better cause there are box like beds that cover the floor and area around beds (twins) is small.

However can't ignore the smell of... wetland? Found the star shape bit for my electric screwdriver and i swear one of these days or nights i'm gonna pop that fancy new lid and see what's inside and what can be done. Thinking of sticking some foam, like the pieces i put around the couch, maybe using some adhesive. Angela says the cheapest apartments around start at 400 dollars above the price we pay here.

Ventriloquist: The "man" upstairs showed after i started to write this, he was gone most day.

10:30/8:30 Steve says:

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Kaly Yuga

De ce a ales faimosul istoric al religiilor să ne spună o poveste care unii o consideră ușor autobiografică, cu o damzelă grăsuță cu nume de Buddha care transpiră în căldurile din Calcutta (acum iarăși Kolkata), orașul zeiței Kali din India de Nord Est (care nouă românilor ne-a dăruit secuii sau clanul lui Buddha), unde zeița cea mai tare este Kali, făceți-mă să înțeleg. Că despre firul cu eterna întoarcere, care străbate toate scrierile sale, cred că am o idee de unde a luat-o.
V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce deitățile indiene, inclusiv Kali, zeița timpului (cuvântul australian pentru boomerang este kylie, care aruncat asupra unei ținte în mișcare înseamnă un rendez- vous cu moartea într-un timp viitor), a distrugerii și a morții este reprezentată cu mai multe brațe, la fel ca și Victoria Pavuk în vide-ul Shake it up? Ei bine și eu m-am întrebat dar cred că am găsit și un răspuns.

Dansatorii din Noua Zeelandă, când execută dansul haka, cei din rândul I acoperă pe cei din celelalte rânduri, din care se văd brațele mișcând.
Iar satârul scurt din mâna zeiței la fel ca și zvastica pot să reprezinte de fapt un boomerang. Însă modul preferat de ucidere al zeiței este prin sufocare, cu praf sau alte metode asupra căilor respiratorii, care praf poate provoca o iritare și constipație cronică, iar la sfârșit, cancer al colonului.

May 21

12:00 Ok so it wasn't Johnny Depp at the bar. It was him. Good thing i searched and found Johnny too.

Updates, upgrades, the "man upstairs" got a dog. I heard it for a few days now, wasn't sure. Running at midnight, releasing dust from ceiling in my eyes, nose and mount and throat etc..

Friday, May 20, 2022

May 20

3:00 A couple of weeks ago i filled a hole behind fridge with ready made joint compound from Home Depot. Did it in two steps, cause i knew it was going to shrink. But it didn't act like the powder compound i used before, which was actually mostly gypsum, and it shrank more. I didn't check after filling it the second stage and though the hole was completely covered after the first, it looks like it shrank after the second, and a hole appeared in the middle of it. But i covered the whole section of the wall with a plastic foil just to be sure. However tonight when i came home sitting here on the couch trying to figure who the guy at the bar was (where i ordered burgers) when the fridge started i felt the specific smell of th`e wall insides. So i plugged the hole, cleaned the floor under, didn't want to make much noise, Angela's sleeping and removed the now contaminated plastic foil. Tomorrow i'll check again, wash that foil and put it back.

3:05 Yeah i found the man (Amber was there too with several women, one partially dressed as a bride of whom i mostly seen the back, all besieging the soda machine), was thinking all night of how much damage did to me the artist known to all us as David Copperfield (old style post). I wrote a lot in a post about my experience in Italy, when i lived in an apartment with two students and a violin player, Davide from Bari. One night i organized a party, like we did a lot when we were students, the Italian students seemed clueless though they were attending discotheques, where i once was invited by thought i was too old and bald to go (33). Now i know what they did, Davide did not participate, don't know if he was in his room, but i think he made it all look like some sort of ventriloquist trick, with me playing the guitar and speaking Italian almost seamlessly. Have to explain this. Speaking Romanian and French makes you learn Italian very quickly especially since i had on cable all the major Italian channels, for two years before that with all movies dobbed in Italian etc.. He tried some more, and actually this is how i figured (now). He acted like he didn't have a job when he moved and invited me to go and play together on the streets, he with his violin and me with the accordion which i was very good at and probably told him.

But that's not all. After i came in the US, at my second or third job 1996 (if i count the one with the accidental exposure, at Electronic Specialty in Vancouver) there was also a guy called David... Cooper, who my supervisor, others, didn't like and he didn't stay long. But there also was present... the artist known to us all as Prince, Maurice Gibb (like from the Bee Gees), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, others. It doesn't surprise me now since two of my neighbors in Romania where Robin Gibb (acting as a piano player) who was married to Whitney Houston, acting as a judge.

Ever since people believe i can't speak or read English, or maybe can't read at all, and it's all a trick when i start speaking English. The man at the bar tonight was implying just that, he would not listen to me but only to Angela, when we made the order.

Just read "David's Wikipedia page" and found his "mother's maiden name was Gispan", which corresponds to the name Gipaya (Dino) of the Hawaiian supervisor at Credence so he could have been him as well. As i once explained, the building where i worked at Credence was on Nimbus alright but at the end next to... Fanno Creek. Latabar, (Davide) di Bari, also in this look, the Albanian male prostitute i met at the shelter or Caritas. He made one attempt to drag me into his business.

12:23 He worked really hard to ruin my whole morning and when he finally succeeded and i grabbed my laptop to document it he ran into his car and started the engine but waiting there for something, maybe for me to finish writing. He was here at least the last 10 days, with only one day break. This morning he woke me up at 10, (i went to bed at 6) after doing Johnny Depp and Copperfield, on a wave of irritation, i wanted to sleep some more by he started doing laundry which he didn't for weeks. I was half asleep and the other half of my brain was wondering about what i done and post it lately, but now i'm just mad. Imagine someone walking on top of you, catching your most tender morning thoughts like with an antenna (or maybe shin shin shin gan) and then walking on top of you in the rhythm of those. Of course making you breath some fresh dust from the ceiling.

12:28 Just looked through window, he's gone, the washer keeps running, now the guys next door took over and started hitting the wall again in most critical moments of your thinking processes. When they're done, some will start shutting the doors of a car like maybe 10 times for each car, a siren's already been on, but then they will start over with their mind torturing tools. As i prooved unintentionally the other day, there is no one really living here in the complex. When i go outside, the guests are ready and pop from their holes, walking in front of me, simulating all kinda things, for show, but when i took the pictures they all ran inside, not to be seen in those.

5:50 It stinks like mold in here. That is because there are numerous items like food wrappers on the red carpet. I picked some, wanted to pick more, but the ice cream van came. I checked with the weather sites, it's 58 degrees (so much for the first day of spring i was expecting). They should not come when temperature is under 70. One more proof it's all simulated. One woman with a baby passed me and said "gracias", i believe in her bluetooth or phone. Etc. BTW, after i finished treating the mole holes with borax, i saw rats going in and out a hole in the next building.

9:33 Just remembered something. The names of the owner of Tormar (Torrenova, Marmi) was Ventrella, like from ventriloquist.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 19

10:14 Will it finally be spring, starting tomorrow?
10:16 I had swelling of the parotid glands i can't remember since, but surely after i started to use partial dentures and/or adhesives, but starting about a week ago, they became infected, what tipped the balance i believe it was the vast amounts of dust released by shaking the building last Tuesday, when the City of Tualatin decided to use for many hours a tree milling machines withing sight from my windows, Wednesday when large amounts or dust where raised by landscape workers who blow the parking lot from the remaining of granite dust and redwood dust. The vibration could be felt, the amount of decibels can't be described. The infection spread throughout my body. Any area of the body exposed to cold was hurting within an hour or so, until the next day. I started on antibiotics from some leftovers, it got it somehow under control. I discovered yesterday that if i rinse my mouth with salt water after eating, it's better. Left parotid now hurts pretty much like an infected tooth would. Today i thought i could stop the antibiotics bur ran back to them after one missing dose.

I think i finally figured the reason for the swelling about a month ago, when i stopped using the Walmart brand Equate adhesive, which has petrolatum or petroleum jelly as main ingredient. Petrolatum was never meant to be used internally. I believe some if it got into my parotid (salivary) glands. Should i knew and stopped using it, i probably didn't get so far.
10:38 Also. Got an intermittent severe pain on what i thought to be lower colon. However, a strong massage on a certain lower lumbar vertebrae makes the pain go away almost instantly.

1:32 Got it. I was wrong. My infection started after i stopped using the product. (Vaseline and petroleum jelly are the same but not the same with...)
Yeah i know. Jelly is a bad word in Scientology but grease is not.. Siste-mate-ique Hide-oh-mate-ique.

4:15 Azovstal, Mariupol. Also probably the reason they never made it in EU.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 18

12:45 I think i solved the mystery of my lower colon pains. It's some sort of ancient Buddhist inspired trick which blocks one of your sphincters (circular muscles that you have all over your body that regulates passage of fluids, including in colon, also known (to me) as chackras). Last few times i went to the restroom it was again either the man upstairs or next wall who came and flushed the toilet at a certain moment while i was sitting there.  It happened twice, today. They did that constantly, for years. Nothing  happens instantly but hours later. Like today, i went to sleep and then woke up with pain. Yesterday and today i tried some relaxation methods and in both cases the pain went away. Pain was so intense, especially yesterday, it was ER type of pain pain. Today the blockage is gone but there is an "after soreness" that lingers on. I can only imagine what happens and one of the things is blockage of blood circulation in those areas, if the muscle stay contracted for too long, and that can lead to ischemia and putting you in a medical emergency.

It was in 2007 when i started to have this sort of things. One day i went in there ad again the man downstairs came in the bathroom and yelled so i can hear it: Silence! i want to poop!

9:39 Too many things to write, don't have time. However, one that's important. Just went and plugged 3 holes. Two were made like they've been done by me (i have a tool that i use to enlarge the hole first to pour the borax) and left open. That might explain the yelling children here in the afternoon, like high on something.

11:45 When we both started to yell at each other i realized there must be one more hole which i found, poured borax (don't bother to mix it with water anymore) and plugged.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

May 17

6:40 I personally believe that wearing dentures especially using adhesive is guaranteed for developing diabetes. As for the article, bad teeth come from a poor nutrition period.

6:43 Jumping peas!

8:15 Tenisul, un fel de balet (sorele și tenisul).
1:27 It is confirmed. In the last weeks he only left (the "man upstairs" when the market went up.

7:00 A few days ago i discovered these sacks with soda cans on the balconies next building. Two gigantic sacks with wet soda cans that ferment and put out the nastiest smell, mold and bacteria. Watch the symmetry. I uploaded the image in drive hoping they will understand but no they didn't so now i have to put the image here. I believe together with the dust, wet floor, stinking garbage, it's got something to do with me being sick for so long time

10:10 One of the many blunders that at Microsoft always translates in rip-offs is Wordpad/Word dualism. They give you for free included in Windows a pretty good word processing app which is wordpad, which may be good enough to build a resume by example, but when you're done you can't save it in .doc or word format. Instead they got this compromise, .rtf or rich text format (rich is for free) which allows you to save your work, send it to someone or migrate it to word (and it didn't change in decades or since i know about). One thing wordpad doesn't do is spellchecking.

One thing you can do of course is buy Office. Or buy a one year subscription whatever. Which may cost more than Windows itself that usually is included with the PC by the manufacturer. Also. You may get more that you wanted for. Word is complicated, clumsy and hard to use even for expert users.

However there is free online or live simplified Word that may help you do just that. But online word does not import or export to rtf. So all you can do is copy/paste in live word, do your spellcheck and paste it back to original file, but you may loose some formatting in the processes. So best is (what i did) is do the spellcheck online and then make the corrections the old fashion manual way. .rtf file name is weird and most people will raise their eyebrow. What is this? Is it safe to open? And in the end it may give you surprises like misalignment when printing. One workaround is using pdf files (portable document format from Adobe) and see the result. You print on a pd file, check the result, can send the file as pdf which is a well known type, can print it later on paper anywhere without worries.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

May 15

That's why they call it... Rolling Hills...
5:48 After i came back from the walk when i took the pictures i noticed this intense smell by the garbage bin like someone threw meat wrappers or unbagged meat garbage. Also people are leaving huge sacks with empty cans in their balcony, other things like that. Thing is i had lower colon pains for a few days now and yesterday i started to get the chills after getting a sore throat. My face was burning so i took an antibiotic around midnight. As per my theory i started to feel pain and heat all over my body, especially the shoulder that is usually hurting me, also the colon. My theory states that when i take antibiotics especially after the first doses (and i knew this since i was a kid), it kills bacteria and the infections sites and tissues get inflamed by dead bacteria and your body trying to remove it and if there was no pain, there's gonna be some soreness and every pain gets more intense, for the first few hours. So i was lucky enough to realize the pains in my colon where actually an infection, due to insulation dust being released after the city milled trees on Tuesday, shaking the building badly and by the skilled blowers on Wednesday, who raised granite dust from that gravel since last year on the walls and roofs. Though it rained right after, i sensed dust when the wind started to blow the next day. So i took antibiotics for one thing, my colon pain started to clear after i got more intense for an hour or so. Forgot to eat some food when i took the first dose, but it was pretty close after i eat. Thing is i get infections very easy with all the sugar in all my tissues because of diabetes, and this winter never became a spring though it's almost summer time.

1:58 There are some people in the alley simulating partying?

Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13

8:27 Una din metodele lor preferate de dezinformare este aruncarea în spațiul virtual public de informații paralele și asemănătoare, care conțin fapte adevărate dar și eronate pe subiectul pe care îl vânează. Am scris acum două zile despre ipoteza originii indiene, budiste și războinice a secuilor. E posibil ca numele să vină de la clanul nord indian Sakia (numele lor în sanscrită, Shakya în engleză), același care l-a dat lumii pe Buddha, profetul, învățătorul sau Dumnezeul budiștilor. Se spune că Buddha a fost un prinț în acest clan oligarhic, care a trăit în jur de anul -500 dar a renunțat la statutul său, a călătorit, a studiat cu yogini, a cerșit și în final a învățat lumea pentru a se feri de suferință, încercând să reformeze vechea religie Hindu, într-un fel similar cu Iisus care peste 500 de ani a încercat să reformeze iudaismul.

Iată că apare o informație despre posibila origine a țiganilor, cam în același timp, cam din aceeași zonă din India.

Da, e adevărat, țiganii provin din India. Însă cine vrea să înțeleagă diferența dintre țigani și secui trebuie să înțeleagă puțin istoria, religia Indiei și mai ales sistemul de organizare pe caste a societății.

În India au existat de mii de ani, mai există, castele sociale. În număr de 4 ei sunt brahmanii, kșahtria, vaysia și sudra. În plus, mai există o categorie numită paria, daliți sau cei de ne-atins (untouchables), care practic erau considerați în afara societății. Originea castelor poate fi urmărită înapoi în timp până la invazia ariană (indo-europeană), noii veniți, originari din Nordul Mării negre, fiind la originea castelor superioare, brahmanii și kșatria. Cum pot să existe castele în zilele noastre, marcate de avansări tehnologice, putem doar să ne imaginăm. Însă mereu se poate citi în știri despre acte de violență, violuri, asupra castelor inferioare, în special daliții, care practic prin tradiție sunt considerați în afara societății. Conform religiei Hindu, singurul mod de a avansa dintr-o castă în alta este prin acumulare de karma, adică a ajuta pe alții, care poate duce la o re-încarnare după moarte într-o castă superioară.

De aici totul devine simplu. De pe o pagină fb, google ne aduce informația că în Purane, în mod special în Vishnu Purana, Sakia sunt menționați ca din casta kșatria. Un clan întreg, o singură castă. Ei însă nu sunt menționați în Vede, ceea ce ne ajută să datăm momentul apariției lor în India. Însă eu mă gândesc că ei nu erau de origine Indo-Europeană, ca majoritatea celor din castele superioare ci veniți din altă parte, poate din China sau chiar Australia.

În timpul expansiunii musulmane, a apărut în India un sultanat, numit Sultanatul Mameluc, urmat de alte sultanate, care au ajuns să ocupe mare parte din India timp de sute de ani. De atunci a început tradiția musulmană care s-a suprapus peste cea vedică în India.

În același timp au apărut și alte sultanate mameluce (cuvântul mameluc înseamnă sclav în arabă, ierarhia în aceste sultanate era formată din sclavi, din care unii erau chiar conducători, erau bogați și aveau la rândul lor sclavi) din care notăm pe cel din Egipt, care s-a sfârșit în jur de anul 1500, odată cu invazia otomană a Egiptului. Nu este scris nicăieri dar eu cred că sultanatele din India au avut legături comerciale cu cel din Egipt iar daliți din India au fost importați în Egipt. Aproximativ cu o sută de ani înaintea invaziei otomane a început migrația sclavilor de origine indiană din Egipt în Europa, fie prin comerț, fie prin scăpare, în haosul creat de invazia otomană, iar în majoritatea limbilor europene numele lor, adică gypsy, gitaines etc. arată originea egipteană, deși ei au aparență, limbă și obiceiuri indiene. În limba română vorbită în Moldova există cuvintele mameluc dar și faraon, cu referință la țigani. Denumirea de roma pare recentă și artificială, ca o metodă de subminare a numelui România.

1:49 Mircea Dinescu, cu tâlc despre eterna întoarcerea la origini. Mă miram eu.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Problems With the Newer Refrigerants

This is one of the most important posts ever. Another problem i ran into, caused by yet another monumental technical and commercial blunder. Replacement of R11, R12 and R22 refrigerants which are chlorinated and are using mineral oil as lubricant with R134a, R410a, R404A which do not have chlorine in their chemical formula and use synthetic glycol or PAG (Poly Alkyl Glycol), POE or PVE as lubricant. The commonly used lubricant/refrigerant ratio is 1/4 (one ounce lubricant to 4 ounces liquid refrigerant).

First. They are saying that chlorinated refrigerants like older R11, R12 and R22 deplete the protective ozone layer of the Earth (ionosphere) hence they needed to be phased out and replaced with non chlorinated ones but to me this is highly controversial, because freon is 4 times heavier than air and chlorine 3 times. Ionosphere is the outermost area of the upper atmosphere where oxygen is converted into ozone by solar radiation and is as thick as the radiation penetrates. It's a self regulated process and ionosphere will be there in the same thickness as long as there is oxgyen.

Second. Chlorinated refrigerants may be anti-fungal (because they contain chlorine).

Third. Glycols though they outperform mineral oil in many applications including refrigeration, are highly hygroscopic. Which means they have an affinity for water and will attract water inside the pipes though the pressure is 2-3 times atmospheric pressure (on the lower pressure side of the system or before the compressor when in use).

Fourth. Unlike window ACs which are completely sealed, cars and homes ACs have 2 servicing valves or the so called core valves which are similar to core valves at the tires though they work at higher pressure (up to 200 psi or 13 atm on the high pressure side of the circuit or right after the compressor). Valves are sealed with tiny soft pieces of rubber.

Fifth. Lubricant in AC applications contribute to sealing the areas that have rubber seals. When not in use, the lubricant gathers at the bottom of the circuit and the valves "dry". Them they start leaking, but not only inside out, though the pressure in a fully charged system when not in use (on both low and high pressure areas) is about 50 psi at 50 degrees, 70 and 70 etc., they also leak, though much less, the other way due to partial pressure phenomena. Though there is pressure inside the circuit, that is caused by freon. Water vapor partial pressure is smaller inside then outside and water molecules that are also smaller get can also get inside in very small amounts, where they meet the lubricant, get dissolved in it until saturation and some end up in the silicon beads of the desiccant bag that is present in any AC circuit. And in there, if  there is no anti-fungal agents or additives in the circuits, water and oxygen contribute to developing mold and/or bacteria.

My car has been sitting in auction sites and shop for months and the valves have dried and leaked most of the freon, pressure was so low it was not triggering the switch that starts the compressor). After i first accidentally released some freon and PAG oil when i tried to refill the AC (and then i brought the hoses inside) i got very sick for about a month and a half after. Kinda realized what happened and bought a vacuum pump that is meant to remove all moisture from inside the circuit by applying vacuum. In vacuum, water evaporates faster or boils and vapors are eliminated by the pump. It is hard to obtain a very high vacuum due to continuous evaporation, at least until you eliminate most of it and it's a long process that might take up to an hour. But in the end it worked and the needle of that gauge was not moving down visibly when the pump was stopped, and the vacuum was achieved much faster after letting air in than the first time when moisture was present (actually should have used a digital gauge for deep vacuum, which measures in (mercury height) microns instead of psi, one psi is about 50k microns and for boiling water you will need some 1500 microns, and don't know if that is visible on a gauge marked in psi. 1/40 of one line on the scale). I also tried to replace the core valves, but did not realize i have bought two different sizes for each valves (4 valves in total) and i replaced only the low pressure one. My mistake.

Anyways, i've done it, added the right amount of freon, checked for the right amount of oil with some indicators i bought on Amazon.

As for newer than R134a. R410a and R404A which are newer than R134a are even worse. POE used in R410a saturate with water at 0.2 to 0.3 percent while PAG saturates at 0.7 which means there will be more free water in the circuit and desiccant bag.

But the next day. All my symptoms came back, though not as intense (it may be my immune system adapted to the strains that grow inside those circuits). Including belly pains which i had for a year before the accident. Which means the other car had it also. Which means they most do. Here in this image the pump is connected to the low pressure valve. The high pressure one which to me seems useless is in the bottom middle of the image next to the alternator. BTW i just remember, my low pressure valve tip was touching the cap when tightened which contributed to the leak.
This image shows the "zero" position of the gauge, which is a bit off to the right.And this the ultimate vacuum i have achieved in about an hour or soAnd yes i believe it's a good idea to start the AC in winter time at least once a week, to wet the valves with oil (glycol whatever).

An idea just came to me and went and looked for what kinda AC (heat pump whatever) a Tesla has. Since it should be obviously electric, like the window ones, of comparable capacity (around 10k btu), i was hoping it is as compact and does not have servicing valves. But no, it's got the same type of huge compressor and clumsy plumbing with long pipes that loose heat (cold) all cars have, is spread all over the what used to be engine compartment and has at least one servicing valve (yellow cap in the image). Why not make a compact AC (heat pump) of comparable size and price with the window ones, that last maybe 10 years, and could be cheap enough to be replaced all together or as cheap as the cost of servicing the existing?

May 12

8:00 It has become obvious by now Google knows the answers to everything. Too bad we don't have the time or don't know how to ask the questions.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

May 11

1:06 Ceaușescu

10:48 Ideea unui partid al unei minorități într-un stat național e ciudată, ca să nu spun anti-constituțională. Ce poate să facă, legal, un partid al minorităților într-un parlament, guvern al unui stat național? În nici un caz politica minorității pe care o reprezintă pentru că ar fi împotriva acelui stat național, nu? Singurul lucru care ar putea să-l facă în în mod constituțional ar fi să reprezinte mai bine interesele majorității, astfel minoritatea însăși beneficiind.

Deși mulți s-au temut, în România, de 32 de ani, ei nu fac nimic altceva decât ce face orice alt partid, votează legile care reprezintă interesul național al statului național, dau miniștri la ministere care normal reprezintă interesul național.
În știri, sunt alese subiecte care îi avantajează și demonstrează ce am spus, adică ne apără pe noi toți de noi înșine, și nu stresează prea mult. Cu mici excepții. Când e nevoie. Am scris în ultimele zile săptămâni, tot mai clar despre o avangardă asiatică, budistă, în Europa prin Ungaria, creată programatic, de mai bine de o mie de ani, o infiltrare a bisericii catolice, etc.. E pluribus unum, Novo ordum seclorum, etc.. Nu voi repeta tot ce am spus, dar în ultimele zile a apărut iar un stres "minoritar", cu dansatorul Barna, azi Hunor. De ce?

Simplu. Am încercat odată să explic ce înseamnă reverse psychology, așa cum este înțeleasă în SUA, unde termenul este folosit frecvent. Adevăratul motiv al existenței pe față a minoritarilor în Guvern și Parlament. Nu am de ales decât să repet ce am mai spus. Întreagă tărășenie cu minoritatea "maghiară" din Parlamentul României, Guvern, este de a închide ochii asupra majorității politicienilor din Parlament, Guvern. Adică, uitați-vă și dvs., măcar acum la strâmbii ăștia și spuneți dacă ei au fețe de români. Măcar unul din ei. Guvern, guverne care de 32 de ani nu fac altceva decât să elimine populația românească din România.

Géza Domokos, fondatorul UDMR, are un nume simbolic (tot ce fac ei este simbolic, simbolismul este cel mai eficient mod de a manipula), pentru că domonkos în ungurește înseamnă dominican, avangarda budistă din Biserica Catolică.

3:00 I see friends shaking hands...

3:30 Skate it off

4:11 From GoogleKshatriya, also spelled Kshattriya or Ksatriya, second highest in ritual status of the four varnas, or social classes, of Hindu India, traditionally the military or ruling class.

9:42 While you still can.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

8:00 În aceeași excursie cu trenul în circuit dinainte de facultate. La Sulina era să mă înec. La Mamaia am cunoscut-o pe Anca Parghel aka Sade, deși o știam vag din Câmpulung, am văzut-o odată în clasa VI-a într-o tabără pentru câteva secunde, care poza într-o arăboaică într-o rochie albă cu mulți bani și mult chef de...,  Pe Kirculeacu la București, care a pozat într-o rudă îndepărtată din Bucovina de Nord. Pe tipa asta cred că am cunoscut-o la Timișoara unde probabil am mers cu ea și alte tipe și tipi la ștrandul termal. După ce cu o seară înainte am băut o sticlă de palincă și am mâncat o salată de vinete, singur.

Cred că unul din cei doi vecini și colegi de școală care practic m-au luat cu ei a devenit Gheorghe Flutur.

11:11 There is no doubt at least in my mind that the Mayan (south American ancient nation) calendar issue with the end of the world in 2012 which actually was the end of one cycle in the calendar was an (created) illusion.

However, it is just a coincidence with the Sanskrit word mAyA (Harvard or ASCII transl.) which means illusion and the whole religion with mother of Buddha of Sakya and everything. (2012 was also the year when Maia Sandu entered politics as Minister of Education). My first mention of it i can find on fb is in 2014 but is possible i knew and/or wrote about earlier on g+.

In my quest towards explaining a number of phenomena including substituting over centuries of all politicians, billionaires, media people and generally everybody who counts in this world in all countries with actors from two different countries, Hungary with capital Budapest and Zen Buddhist Japan, i was following an idea tonight and i could not believe my eyes seeing what i found. At least in Wikipedia, Mahayana Buddhism, one of the two main branches of Buddhism in the world, with hundreds of millions of practitioners, which puts and emphasis on प्राज्ञ पारमिता हृदय सूत्र prAjJA pAramitA hRdaya sUtra, or the great mantra (prayer) of Buddhism, states.

It is stated very clearly in the mantra that Nirvana, with its many definitions, translations or interpretations, sometimes coincident with enlightenment itself, of which we should consider the literal definition which means "blowing out", is the ultimate goal.

From here to the next idea that haunts me for a long time now. If they believe that everything is illusion (which philosophically may be true, by quantum physics, though it's much more complicated, even the mantra says that matter does not exist without consciousness or at least this is what i understand of it), they might have taken matters in hand, trying to control it or even enhance it (the illusion) by their own consciousness of will. Project a man made illusion onto us, if you like.

It is my fault i never finished my own translation of the mantra which would probably shed a light in all this confusion but it's very difficult because every time after a few words and searches mind gets carried away.

All i can tell until then is... Enjoy the show! (while you still can).

Monday, May 9, 2022

May 9th

11:00 Zakharova

May 8th

12:36 I'm wasted. Been all day. I would cover one hole, another one would pop up. I just went outside and stepped on two that are very close to the "wall" but did not put borax in those. I also believe i put borax in one of those earlier anyways. There is an SUV idling by the mailboxes. We ran late afternoon at Ilani.

Cannot describe what i saw in there. They did everything they could tonight. Saw at least one person from the news, in the parking lot.

Could have been more inside, but i got drunk in the car before i went in there. Angela lost some of her yesterday's gain.

But on our way back home. I was on the left lane just before the bridge after i passed one truck that was in the middle lane then i tried to move myself in the middle lane in front of it because it's safer on the three lane bridge with one ft shoulder.

I saw a faint shadow in the right mirror and i hesitated and that was my luck. There was this crazy hiding behind me, could have been a white Toyota Solara possibly with no headlights on that went in front of the truck where i wanted to go passing me on the right. Then he went zigzagging among other cars and took the first exit.

Going down just before 84 exit. A Radio Cab and one car in front that both took the exit slowed down, the driver having the foot on the brakes on the slope anyways and taillights didn't show a difference. Had to slow from 65 to 45 downhill on the wet asphalt. Could have changed lanes, if i couldn't slow. More just before Terwilliger curves, some guy passed me on the right touching the line, etc..

Yesterday going to Spirit Mt.. There was this huge tan SUV in front of me. Before McMinville (yes, the UFO city) a guy coming from 223 merged on 99 and then went straight into my lane coming from the opposite direction. It wasn't that he missed last part of the curve. He cleared the curve and then veered into my lane. The huge SUV veered right, but still in the lane and avoided it and i did the same and i still had room in the lane and then ample shoulder to maneuver but he went back into his lane. But now that i think. He could not have fallen asleep in that point after merging if he made that curve. Not right away after a rather complicated maneuver. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

May 7th

12:27 An old never finished project. Timeline of history defining moments. I remembered i had an entry about the origin of freemasons. -2900 it says, by masonic sources. Fu Hsi, Fuxi in other transliterations. Wikipedia begs to differ. Other sources say twin sibling snakes Fuxi and Nuwa recreated the world after the flood with a square and a compass. Either way, the square and the compass are held by the twin snakes in most representations and there is little doubt that masons are not of Asians (Ancient Chinese) origin.

Snakes (nagas) are also mentioned in Mahabharata that basically described the Kurukshetra war. Very interesting depiction in Wikipedia of Takshaka, the king of snakes that possibly started the war. But wait, it gets more interesting.

9:45 Maitreya, Maitrey and Mátrai. Thinking of mAyA and trai.

1:40 Every time i try and open the news, somebody is making noises at certain news, like a modified exhaust, waking upstairs, etc..

Friday, May 6, 2022

May 6

6:07/4:07 Mai aveți țevi de plumb sub chiuvetă? Îmi amintesc că în România bucata de țeavă dintre coloana care era din oțel și robinet era din plumb, mai ales pentru flexibilitate în timpul instalării.

Romanii foloseau mult plumbul în instalații, (chiar și pentru vase de gătit), ceea ce a dat în engleză cuvântul plumbing, care înseamnă tot ce e instalație pentru apă într-o locuință.

Există teorii care spun că Imperiul Roman a căzut din cauza toxicității instalațiilor din plumb. Însă americanii au renunțat de mult la plumb, un metal cu rezonanțe masonice (firul cu plumb folosit în construcții, a treia unealtă simbolică a masonilor speculativi, după echer și compas) din cauza toxicității. Deși a fost folosit decenii și ca aditiv, pentru a mări cifra octanică la benzină (azi e înlocuit de alcool etilic).

De asemenea cuvântul plombă, care vine din franceză are tot plumbul la origine. Inițial cariile se acopereau (umpleau) cu plumb, fiind mai apoi înlocuit cu amalgamat, ceea ce este controversabil.

8:18 For my own records. So far i only chocked (had dysphagia) with pieces of meat. Aggravated by rice that was dried and/or pasta al dente. But noise, other stimulants (stressors), are essential and were present always.

This morning, no exception, the man started to walk when i tried to eat some (way overcooked) lean pork like he did so many times before.

I almost choked but felt the urge to drink coffee which literally helped the piece of meat go down. I guess from all foods, even after chewing thoroughly, lean meat is not smooth, i mean it has a rather non-smooth (coarse) texture.  For some reason, came to mind this older idea of mine which seams a bit sci-fi but still entirely credible to me after all the years since i wrote it.

12:39 On Keywords. I'm so sick and tired of all this. Every time i post something they come to create confusing information, sometimes just by choosing or even creating events like this one.

Also, cannot separate my life from what i'm posting, while they have infinite resources. This morning i ordered a vacuum pump to remove moisture and air from inside the AC (yes, water boils at ambient temperature if enough vacuum is applied). Buying the pump is times cheaper than going to a shop and it is also a much better option because at the shop you don't know where that pump was been hooked before, if it's within specs, if the tech really knows what he's doing (applying vacuum deep enough for enough time). How does the moisture gets in the refrigerant pipes? That is a very good question. By molecular leaks at the valves, because PAG "oil" is so hygroscopic. Using it is as simple as hooking it up to one port.

Besides reducing efficiency and corrosion, the moisture and air creates living conditions for virulent mold inside the pipes. Every time i ride or drive that car i get sick again. Also because i have my parotid glands (salivary) full of petrolatum from the dental adhesive i used for years.

But yesterday. When we passed this "open air" mulch factory there was this mold smell (i really don't understand, why every time i pass do i get to breathe their fermentation results and my clothes should get contaminated with their molds?). Better said, wood alcohol created by mold smell. And a truck with modified exhaust provided the necessary vibration for a new strain of mold to get inside the circuit.

Yesterday afternoon i went to an ATM to deposit a check and withdraw 100 dollars. Next to me there was this Spanish speaking woman who cornered me, putting up a scene, talking aloud on speakerphone while i was navigating thru menus with my card inside the machine. I got to hear her conversation partner coughing.

Then, when i looked at the news and see in disbelief a news about a hotel in Havana that has just been renovated (construction) blown because of a gas leak? Another similar one in Madrid? Gas leak, plumbers?

Did i use the words speculative masons?

Many years ago when all these started i was frightened. Now i'm just frustrated because i know much of the stories, like the number of dead, aren't real. These are staged events. But the fear is real. Fear was real during the pandemic, so it is during the war. And fear wipes all judgement and hope and trust.

8:36 The illusion factory still going strong. Last night at Spirit Mt  they were featuring... At the bar, outside smoking, walking on the central alley her 51 years old still sexy body.

11:38 After mentioning the freemasons several times in the last days, tonight when the guy upstaris came, a weird smell got in here. Could be very find ground elemental sulfur and paper. Both masonic tools present in the chmaber of reflections. Then when the smell started to subside, he went out, which brought more smell and came back in, again. The smell is very strong next to stairs. The stairs are covered in a dust that leaves a black residue on a paper towel.