12:45 AM According to the diagram and formula of relativistic speed, there is not a clear point of when a speed becomes relativistic or when a virtual particle comes into existence.
The relativistic mass of an electron "falling" to a lower energy level basically begins when the electron starts to be accelerated.
Thing is, due to rotation of an electron around a central charge, the initial and final fall speed are different than zero, on the direction of the fall and they continue to rotate around the charge before and after the fall, thus creating some infinitesimal initial or residual void reactions and those follow the photon in its path and could count for the losses as they may interfere with others, effectively tangling the void, creating the AEther.
Because of this, the process of transfer of energy from one virtual particle to another within the photon is not 100% efficient. This may count for loss of energy during this transfer and the red shifting of distant sources of light. Where does that energy go? possibly in the void?
In fact if i think i realize that even if a photon is not emitted, the orbiting electrons may create signatures in the void which may slow their rotation, possibly falling to a lower energy level from where some other electron is kicked back after acquiring some energy that in the end could come from thermal agitation.
This could be the reason of decaying of some particles or assembles of particles depending on configurations.
9:08 De ce instituțiile de sondaj nu i-au dat lui Georgescu nici o șansă în turul I? Cum a fost posibil ca un candidat de care nu a auzit nimeni, nici măcar eu care urmăresc politica din România mai tot timpul, fiind clasat de sondaje pe locul 6 să iasă pe primul loc?
9:35 According to my theory (Dynamic Strings), AEther is not a medium of propagation for light but a tangle of infinitesimal electrical and gravitational disturbances, filling the void, opposing the motion of anything, possibly causing the limitation to speed of light, red shift of distance sources and "spontaneous" "probabilistic" decaying of particles and elements. Could this be the hypothetical dark matter.
Yes according to this, the "ordinary matter" (or energy whatever) is constantly leaking into dark matter, which in turn it is leaking into something else, but at a much slower rate.
Also the void creates the AEther as a sort of memory for everything that has ever moved in this Universe.
But don't worry, everything, matter, dark matter is cleaned by the black holes, the vacuum cleaners of the Universe. However it will be a long time until all black holes will merge into a single one, and all the disturbances will melt back into the void.
Its virtual particle trajectory (and that of the accompanying graviton0 will look pretty much like this, right? So the virtual particle of positive sign generated by the void that continues to replicate self into a negative one etc..
Which may finally explain the 4 laurel leaves of Grinell College Seal most likely symbolically representing a photon. So it's just a bit more complicated that my minimalist representation linked on the right but it may account for the pair production.
11:12 Which may also count for one of the symbols seen on masonic aprons called the behive (here, 42).
It stand for industry and it may also represent a silk cocoon or a lotus petal. However there are many symbols on this apron that may symbolically represent light, like the 4 pillars, the main masonic sign, square and compass, sprig leaves etc.. Too bad we cannot see in the image all the explanations.
2:40 A charged virtual particle on a circular (or helicoidal) trajectory will create a copy of itself, moving in a plane at 90 degrees, of an opposite charge. Pretty much like in this image. Question. How the illustrator knew?

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