7:50 AM I have a hunch this sculpture represents the electron in its excited state in the middle as a cylindrical whirl and the hourglass shaped chairs around are photons. The world for table in Romanian is masa, which is also used in physics for mass (like in French mass or English mass).
I am considering the hypothesis that inside the vortex an electron is made of there is a quantum singularity or void (no AEther) where AEther can fall into and the main energy of the whirl is not created but only its spin is oriented by a Coriolis force. The energy of the whirl is created by AEther falling into that void which means the Universe is trying to heal itself from that careless disturbance.
However the whirl can be shook by thermal agitation or knocked by other particles around and thus emits photons which are smaller whirls. So yeah, i believe the photon emission can be used as a source of energy.
The analogous whirls in superfluids can't create a singularity because they're moving to slow for that.
Theoretically an isolated electron cannot emit photons. Do we see here photons emitted by electrons in motion inside the tube or by electrons hitting the glass? What do you think? Which reminds me. Could the four discs represent the KLMN shells, the djed (pillar, base) a whirl, the ank a lobe and the serpent, a photon?
Which photon is presented as a snake, suggesting a wave. Probably where all physicist took from at the beginning of past century.
5:25 So far o have identified the magnetic field as a stream of AEther, coming out of whirls in similar way air is coming out of cyclones, possible residual from Aether entering a singularity in the middle of a particle (whirl) moving at relatively slow speeds.
If one photon is made of two whirls in the shape of an hourglass, one negative and one positive, possibly oscillating between the two (too small to have a singularity), when entering a stream of AEther, the two will separate and start circling in that stream of AEther following mechanic fluid laws like in pair production.
Because of air and alcohol particles in cloud chamber, the two will start loosing energy and their trajectory will turn into a spiral.
What i do not understand in classical pair production is how come the positron does not disappear when in contact with the cloud components. Could it be because it's too small and too fast rotating?
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