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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dodge. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2022

October 9

10:25 Bridge over troubled water...

10:25 One hallucinant story found in MSN maze and one coincidence. A dog who refuses the let a baby walk. It triggered my curiosity because it is related with the title of a book i posted about yesterday.

Hallucinant is a word used extensively in Romanian media when describing things that are nightmarish but yet happen and make it in the news, it is not a word used like this in English where the adjective applies to a person. What i meant, it is something that makes you believe you are hallucinating. I was attracted by this how should i call it, click story (i waste a lot of my time looking for definitions, classifications, in the maze of stereotypes used in media). I saw it before. You click on a title and have to click and click and probably would get to the answer in the end, after watching lots of pictures and going though lots of meanders, and in the end will be disappointed by realizing how much time you wasted, for nothing. Unclicked this one for you. But this time at the end it was something that raised one shocking question of which google knows the answer. Nevermind in the story they blamed it on the pharmacist. You can't get that from a pill. They got the baby at the hospital during rush hour with a motorcycle? Now (after) i see it is marked with Ad on MSN site. An ad for what? (almost one hour of my best time wasted on this).

11:14 I do walk a lot but...

11:15 Paintings done by AI.

11:18 Con artist.

11:30 Being tired, distracted, following lead in traffic, i added almost 40 miles to my trip back home by missing one ramp and going I5 North instead of South. How come i didn't realize i made a left turn? I don't know. My phone with unlimited data which had the destination on google maps did not connect to car's bluetooth because Angela'a had priority so it did not talk to us. At a certain time, Angela looked and saw the miles to destination increase instead of decreasing so i took the first exit back. At mile 88 while doing 80 mph, after passing some cars, almost hit a dead dear carcass laying between lanes. Thick smoke also present around that area. Could it had been... Mind programming?

Yes they were playing bad habbit around that time on Z100. 3:12 PM. Yes, stop and go. Hundreds of vehicles from Portland to Lucky Eagle surrounding me were involved in traffic bullying. This time also under the pretext of Halloween.

11:44 Halucinant este folosit greșit în limba română. O declarație nu poate fi halucinantă, doar o persoană.

1:34 Angela left for WinCo and they started bullying me here now. They don't call it "School of the hidden door" for nothing. They don't have to be near you to screw you. Now, slamming doors, several times harder than necessary (if necessary at all) after idling the Purple Dodge, synced with my thoughts. Is that influencing or what. Slamming so hard it raised dust in here (days after i vacuumed cleaned, twice) i started to sneeze. But the timing. I was thinking what else to write here. They might not know what i'm thinking until i write it down but they probably guess and certainly know the rhythm of one's thoughts, from thousands of years of "meditation" and experimenting with the feeble minds or ordinary people (not awakened) in Buddhist monasteries so they make me give up (forget) by getting mad. They started the Purple Dodge, again.

2:29 Ce au în compun divele lui Băse? M&M. Inițialele duble, un indiciu aproape sigur de nume schimbat. Marylin Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Greta Garbo, Claudia Cardinale, Varujan Vosganian, Ion Iliescu, Voican Voiculescu, Dan Diaconescu, Teo Trandafir, Corina Chiriac, etc. etc..

4:20 Dodge terror again...

11:28 No it wasn't the Dodge. It was a fire engine that responded to a call. Sorry.

11:30 Când am citat din cartea lui Nicolae Paul Mihail, la care am râs cu poftă multe seri în copilărie, ca mulți alții probabil, nu știam semnificația numelui Stromboli, care era numele circului în jurul căruia s-a învârtit o parte din narațiune, ce-o mai fi fost... Nu aș fi știut-o nici azi, dacă nu era google. De fapt stromboli mai are o semnificație, culinară.

"O seri debusolate cerc concav
Și-o ploaie de-anemone peste dune
Reiterez în contratimp suav
Mesaje longobarde scrise-n rune"

Citat ce mi-a fost inspirat de prestația unui europarlamentar.

Dar Xenu o fi văzut toate astea și s-a gândit să facă și el o glumă.

Bănuiam de mult că o pot face. Știu că fiecare zonă seismică din lume are o frecvență de vibrație proprie, diferită de toate celelalte, în funcție de configurație. Se poate deci transmite la oarece distanță un semnal pe frecvența zonei respectivă (de ordinul sub un hertz cred) zonă care începe să rezoneze cu acea frecvență. Dacă sunt condiții propice (presiune, temperatură în bula de lavă, aliniere Soare Pământ Lună), cutremurul se va întâmpla. Probabil la fel și cu vulcanii.

Pe vremuri o făceau dând drumul la bolovani sau alte greutăți pe coridoarele piramidelor unde existau trepte reconfigurabile la o anumită distanță corespunzătoare frecvenței dorite. Astăzi se poate face cred de exemplu cu mașini grele (prese) hidraulice. Un număr de, sincronizate undeva într-o hală industrială.

Da, cred că în viziunea Scientologilor Xenu a avut ceva de-a face și cu erupția vulcanului St.Helens, nu departe de unde locuiesc eu acum. Dar l-au prins pe Xenu și l-au pus într-o închisoare la poalele vulcanului Mt.Sylvania unde îl țin captiv și torturează cu praf vulcanic electrizat. Da, Xenu care se mai numește și Xemu, Zemu, este același cu Zamolxes cel care a dat omenirii zimaza și i-a făcut alcoolici (după ce i-a adus pe pământ în etilen glicol, sau antigel, care este tot un alcool).

Conform scrierilor lui Ron Hubbard (Buddha Reborn), un scriitor SF devenit profetul și fondatorul Bisericii Scientologice, toți oamenii au un implant (program) în creier pus de Xenu care se declanșează atunci când oamenii află aceste secrete fără să fie pregătiți (să li se scoată implantul prin ședințe de audit scientologic) care cauzează pneumonie.

Tom Cruise deghizat în mexican a vrut de mai multe ori să-l împuște pe Xenu pentru că a dezvăluit pe blogul său aceste secrete și a creat astfel pandemia.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Focus On Me

After the landscape guys came in Friday they blew some mulch in and partially covered one of the vents of the basement, the one i just cleaned the night before. The nearest to the exhaust pipes from driers where probably there's a broken one. I noticed in the last couple of days no new mole mounds in the yard, don't know about dog poo but it doesn't look like it smells.

Yesterday i vacuumed the apartment. Angela bought Fabreeze bags at Walmart (Bissel nr.7). However the're not as good as Arm and Hammer. Some dust went past them. I vacuum about every month or so, and when i do it it stinks in here about 24 hours. The new Winix filter i bought online from Home Depot has an air quality sensor. But what i call "the after vacuum stink" is not even showing on that one.

The guy with the blue Dodge, after more than two months break started to make the terrible noise again within last two days. Yesterday he started it and went for short trips more than 5 times, including after midnight. I think it stopped the day when i posted the picture of Ariana Grande's ex boyfriend saying he looked like him, the guy with the blue Dodge pickup.

After the old man upstairs moved in early September i haven't been using his parking spot next to ours. However other people started to use it and random cars where being parked next to ours.

So i decided to better use it myself. It didn't seem right for me to park it elsewhere and occupy a much sought for visitor's spot while others to use this one.

Two days ago a team of three maintenance techs went upstairs for about 10 minutes. It seem they didn't have a place to park their cart.

Yesterday they came again and dusted the garages next to our building. Something i've done once about 2 years ago. There was so much dust, back then it looked like they haven't been dusted for many years. Again they parked next to my truck, in the alley. In three years i haven't seen them dusting any of the building except once. I dusted this building three times only this year.

Today, after using that spot for about a month this morning i found a warning label on my truck's right door's window saying to move it or it will be towed.

I think the Dodge noise stopped after i posted this resemblance she showed herself here walking a dog, i saw here when i took out the garbage.

I think after what i posted in the last few days the're trying to move focus on myself.

Last time i saw a warning sign on my truck was in the evening of July 4th, when i came back from a trip in California. I came back a day earlier than estimated time because i drove almost 1000 miles in two days. The truck had a slashed tire and was to be towed the next day. A week later, after i put new tires on it, another one slashed. This time the drive of the towing truck looked like that guy from Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson.

Had big problems with the new car. Oil was getting in the intake manifold through PCV circuit interfering with the swirl flaps, new efficiency additions taken from diesel engines. Oscillating swirl flaps meant engine vibrating, temporary exhaust leaks.

Got the car from an auction, Copart. It was sold under the category of "small dents and scrathces". However it was sold the second time. The car has been in a wreck, somebody bought it, partially fixed it and and sold it back in a different category. When i got at home i saw the engine was vibrating (because of oil in the manifold), there was a broken headlight and windshield reservoir in the trunk, car was painted on the right side including the door. Hood was slightly bent and out of alignment and was not making contact with the seal, exhaust getting in the cabin. Radiator's coolant cap was loose and leaking coolant, there was some sort of salt from the road crystallized on the windshield, etc..

A few weeks ago i found a lot of oil in the filter in installed but after i changed oil i think it stopped. Last time at Jiffy Lube on 99 in Tigard they put by mistake 5W30 instead of 5W20 as recommended. Before that at dealerships in Beaverton and Salt Lake City they overfilled it and that caused small amounts of oil to flow through PCV valve. Every time i was getting in tire pressure was changed, including during the trips.

Exhaust and coolant in the cabin, poor driveability, all where potentially safety problems, and i drove it like that more than 5000 miles in two trips across many states in the west.

One of the guys of the maintenance team, the one who speeding with his cart in the parking lot disappeared after i posted this, and after i thought he just might have looked like him.

I think i've identified some of the others, as being some of the team of Christa Jakobson, ex-Chris Jacobson, ex Chris Brooks (not the famous athlete), a ninja instructor,  her(himself) acting as the handy-woman (middle of the picture). They seem not to be present here all the time. One of the guys disappeared after i posted what i thought to be his picture, he's got his own ninja school somewhere but i forgot his name now but he showed back about a week ago.

In this happy ninja group picture he might be the one on the lower left.

Just remembered now. This ninja dude from Christa's team looks exactly like Matt Bennett. Beware ninja use all kinda tricks with modified teeth.  (All current fighting technics in modern Japanese martial arts derive from ninjutsu which is at least 900 years old, however ninjutsu is much more than this and includes acting, other performing art, person substituting, disguising, infiltrating, mastering psychology, etc..)

Today as i was writing this post somebody went upstairs and starting making noises. That reminds me of the month from hell that started several weeks after the old man moved from upstairs, when they took out all the old appliances fainted, fixed cabinets etc.. for at least 8 hours a day in the morning. They were times when i simply had to leave because of the noise, smell, etc.. Angela just looked online ans saw the add for the apartment was taken out which means probably somebody is moving in and that explains the warning label on my truck. At least there was no squeaking noises upstairs for the last three months but that is about to change.

Monday, May 22, 2023

May 22

9:00 We slept Sunday night at Chinook Winds. Angela had a day off today. Though she won a little in the evening, she lost it all and more today. Another ok room, everything was clean except us who were stinking really bad. When i stuck my head in the bag with fresh shirts and stuff the were sinking. Mold mix with dog s... When we got home, the smell of mold outside is covering it but you can guess it. More outside then inside. Out of frustration, kept repeating in my mind over and over what i'm about to write.

THEY of course anticipated. When we got here she started her Dodge with big noise and left. The small silver grey Dodge SUV at the closest entrance of building D.

I wanted to write in that day but for some reason i didn't. When i left for my walk she again started her Dodge, made a noise and i forgot to look at the sign. Remembered later and came back. As i left again she came in a state owned newer Chevy i guess, dressed and made to look like a case worker or something. Then she climbed at Apt.4, next upstairs. Where again she poses as a person with special needs who talks for hours on the phone in the balcony. Though i saw her several times before it is the first time today i figured what's going on.

At first she was just talking on the phone, with nobody at the other end. No pauses to listen. After i complained, now she talks with someone on the speaker phone and the other person is so loud i can hear it from everywhere in the yard. Spanish with yellow hair and very muscular, like an olympic swimmer. From what i know, very good Spanish. Like the guy upstairs (who left). Very good Spanish, very good English. BTW did i write that the wheels he bought for his car and threw from the balcony the day he left were the same as at my old Elantra?

Ok at Apt.4 she poses as a person with mental health problems, at building D as herself, then as a state social worker, and at 3 again as guy with a midget as partner. BTW i looked on TV at the hotel and saw a show with Montel Williams who looked just like him, the guy with the walker yesterday. Got to check that.

There is a Spanish looking very thin guy who comes to her (the person at 3) from time to time maybe every other week or so and walks the dog. But what happens with the dog in the meantime?

So today i started to ask myself. Does she dries the dog's blanket or something without washing it? It may very well be that way, by the smell.

But that in itself wouldn't be such a big problem if under the vent there wasn't the hole for the water heater emergency valve, that opens in case of overheating. The steam from the drier goes down, touches the ground and part of it goes in the wall through that hole. It's that simple.

Then they throw garbage items on what's left of the redwood mulch that in turn start to stink like mold around the building outside that partly cover the dog smell. Cigarette butts. But last week it was so bad that when i went outside at the car i started to have stomach pain and diarrhea right away. The worst ever was in that day when he left from upstairs and the days after, probably because she didn't have to be exposed. Right now i got the balcony door open and the smell that is coming out of the front wall goes around the building and comes inside.

The big advantage of using celebrities in situations like this is the Police won't arrest Montel Williams or Frankie Adams for being here. Unless if they can charge them with something. Though they have been cases for charging celebrities for speeding and drunk driving, i think everybody agrees they can get away with many other things.

And BTW does anybody know why the market went down 1.4% after being up most day? I guess it was the exact moment i saw and recognized Orianthi walking twice in front of my car in the parking lot at Chinook, after sitting there and drinking and eating for hours. Just because i said i liked her the other day. The way she plays the guitar and she is not looking totally unpleasant.

Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27

1:15 Just came from outside. Stupid Windows changed the time i took the picture (that came out blurry, not posting quality i'm used to) to last accessed time so i don't know when i went, maybe 11:30. To pick the rotting leaves.

After the wind shifted from that direction, when we got back tonight the smell in here was unbearable even with ozone generator at a higher setting for hours. After two days ago i picked the ones in the back, i thought i was happily done but today i had to tackle the ones in front. First i grabbed the ones around the hydrant where it stinks like used oil from the leaky Chrysler. I now believe it was meant to cover all the other smells including rotting leaves.

Then i tried next to it and the more i went towards the end of the building the more i picked. They were dried at the surface but wet and stinky under. Stinkier than in the back i thing because wind is blowing more from that direction. I lost count of how many laundry baskets but again i think more than twenty. So i went and picked and picked for almost two hours.

BTW the laundry basket is way stinkier now than after i picked those in the back. Though i washed it. It smells like a swamp.

When i thought i was finally done i glimpsed some more under the laundry vents. So i went there with the basket and when i grabbed a pile with my right hand to push them into the basket (they were 2 ft tall there) what did i touch. The rat bait box. Right under the vent.

And it was warm to the touch. Somebody's been drying laundry all the time i was outside but i went first in other areas and did not inhaled much except at the end.

Being heated by the vapor every time they were doing laundry and most likely releasing bait vapor that i was breathing. And it's been like that for at least six months. God knows if they were refreshing the bait or not but i saw the guys with the green pickup (forgot the name) several different times, last time recently maybe a month ago.

No it's been more than 6 months ago. It's been more than one year ago cause i remember when they first installed them i picked like 6 rats from the back rotting in the hot summer Sun. Nevermind it was in  September. Not long after i complained about seeing rats entering under the other building.

Wondering. But i think i now i know what possessed me i did not recognize the problem with the vents washing those boxes. I was under the influence of smoke coming from mole holes.

The were literally gassing us here since September 2022. Mostly me cause i stay here all the time. Maybe the reasons my hands are nowadays shaky and have palpitations.

The reason the woman at 4 was staying in the balcony talking on the phone for hours, probably while and after drying laundry.

2:09 Wandering. If an inhaled toxin that went into your bloodstream passes through intestinal wall into the intestine. Cause if so, taking activated charcoal could be helpful, by removing the toxin at intestines' level thus attracting more from the blood stream through osmosis/reverse osmosis whatever. BTW could this work for kidney failure? It all depends if activated charcoal can absorb urea or uric acid and of course if those pass the intestinal wall inside the intestine. Yes it can!

2:35 I think it works a little. Feeling better after half hour i took 2400 mg (two 1200 mg capsules) of those. Was  thinking the give Angela some but she fell back asleep until i grabbed one and some water. BTW when i opened bedrooms' window was smelling badly like mold from before and even after i picked the leaves cause the ground is wet and full of it.

Air in the living is much cleaner because of the ozone and the activated carbon filter so i let the door open and can hear her snoring lightly. Don't know what to do, she is supposed to wake up at 4:30 to go to work. What if i wake her and then she cannot fall back asleep? But i was outside and exposed a lot to the "laundry" vapor and inside there is the carbon filter i just replaced the elements and bedroom is less exposed to that stuff being on the other side of the building.

Yeah i'm much better 45 minutes after i took those. I gave her one then she fell back asleep. But i figured something else. The capsules i bought on  Amazon are not created equal. I mean some of them have twice the amount inside than others. Which indicates cheating.

Never saw capsules of something half full except for all charcoal i ever bought. Walmart charcoal capsules are half full but they are 300 something mg. Grocery Outlet capsules are 600 (if i did not switch them in my mind) but have the same degree of fulness (when gently squeezed with two fingers). Of these, only a few are full, most are more than half empty. And the charcoal does not seem so black.

BTW i bought from Amazon spark plugs for Elantra. OEM bla bla. 66 bucks for 4 seemed a good deal. They are packed in the same type of cardboard all Hyundai parts are and have the Hyunda/Kia logos in the ceramic part and cardboard box. However they have so many irregularities in shape and color i'm thinking or returning them.

3:25 Ok the pink discoloration seem to come from the laser welding of iridium tips. Cause it does look like laser welding. However the hook electrode is not aligned with the center one. And i'm afraid to bend it cause i may break the welding. But isn't that iridium layer shorting it? Could there be some are selling parts scrapped by Hyundai?

3:33 Yeah very interesting. They are not squeaking upstairs when/after she dries laundry.

4:57 Ok i woke up this morning after about 5 hours of sleep, really groggy. Though i haven't been drinking much last night and none last two days. They have not come back upstairs until 2 PM. I would think this is what it took for the stuff to clear the walls. But when they came they came with a vengeance.

I say they but i think there's really only one person. Haven't hear so much squeaking or stomping in a long time. While i was trying to figure the exact location of the incident Saturday night. Here's what i did.

I figured the event must have taken place @11:13 since the clock showed 11:11 but the clock was 2-3 minutes slow. I separated data from the gpx file downloaded from the GPS between 11:09 and 11:16 and loaded it into a spreadsheet. Since i was driving North South and had latitudes for every second, i plotted a chart with differences between two adjacent latitudes which gave me the speed in degrees of latitude per second.

There are several spikes in the graph but i think the first is the one. It looks like i slowed down a bit, (never under 70 as i remember), probably because of denser fog or a hill. I know i was on cruise control most of the time, close to 75. Then something made me accelerate, and shutting the cruise control before i slowed down. Then i saw it in the mirror, started to accelerate, at one time i hesitated when Angela started to yell at me not seeing what i was seeing in the mirror, then accelerated again until break out.

And then the other business with the tan car in my blind spot matching speed that exited at first exit after changing mind, twice.

It all happened between Grand Mound and Centralia at 11:09 + 180 seconds that is 11:12 or 36 minutes into the trip. First some event made me shut the cruise control and also accelerate. I think the loss of speed prior to that was due to a sudden increase in elevation without cruse control.

I think the moment was chosen because of a downslope that helped the big vehicle with only one headlight accelerate. The graph shows a period of 7 minutes.

Upstairs. After they squeezed everything they could from the space between mirror and ceiling, they left.

6:15 Last night at Spirit Mountain. I was at one of the entrances (the one closest to the highway) drinking a can of soda i brought from the car and started to talk to a short blond guy dressed funny (something i haven't done in long time). While i was talking to him the woman from Apt.4, though with blue eyes came from inside and stood next to him like they were together, and was staring at me, looking worried and she didn't say a word and they left one minute later.

7:25 About an our ago maybe later i heard a noise like a trailer hitting a bump. I was not worried cause they do it all the time here. But about half hour ago i started to here a noise like a towing truck was picking a car and after i wrote the entry above i said i better look and see. And what did i see. A guy with a truck backed up "not seeing" a smaller Dodge SUV was already parked in that spot.

It pushed the SUV into a pillar of the stairwell of the building and dislodged the stairs. Now the persons at the second floor there are being rescued by firefighters. Could this have anything to do with people gathering two days ago in the evening and watching in that direction. Maybe there was a fight within a couple. The woman with the Dodge is an Asian and i think the guy with the truck looks Latino.

7:40 Just opened the door again and saw a fat woman very excited hugging a firefighter.

8:00 Firefighters left, a towing truck came, two Police SUVs are on the scene, the truck that pushed the Dodge SUV is gone, the Dodge SUV itself is still riding the curb but slid one spot to the left (in the first picture) while was trying to get over the curve by its own power. People that supposedly came out of that building i haven't seen before, like the woman who was hugging the firefighter.

Inside the smell is almost unbearable. After i removed the leaves, the really bad stuff that was under is now stinking even after one (short, late November) sunny day with UV and stuff. I can barely breath after i had the ozone on for the whole day. Upstairs is like a continuous never ending waltz.

10:15 Ok. The soot coming from those Diesel engines calmed the stench from the ground that was under the rotting wet leaves for a month or more.

10:36 Realitatea paralelă. Apropo Dumitru Dragomir și el a încercat la rândul lui să dea cu SUV-ul peste mine (eram în truck parcă) la intersecția de la 7-11 din colț. Prin octombrie 2019, poate.

10:50 Just figured. The Nestle decaf instant coffee i bought last time at WinCo may contain an unusual amount of roasted grain like barley maybe.

11:08 Jurnalism pe cale de apariție. În sfârșit o deplasare a președintelui anunțată în media înainte de a se întâmpla.

Voiam și eu ca tot omul să citesc ceva funny înainte de a mă culca și peste ce dau în Cațavencii. (Da mi-am amintit fiindcă fraza cu jurnalismul le aparține). Cerneala simpatică. Gazul de sub casa scării. Așa-mi trebuie dacă le fur idei (meseria nu se învață, se fură, așa îmi spunea taică-meu întotdeauna).

Apropo conduceam, sâmbătă seara pe I5 spre nord și când am trecut podul acela înalt peste Columbia cu 4 benzi pe sens ce văd în punctul cel mai înalt. Un dulăpior îngust dar înalt care avusese sticlă (sau cristal) de jur împrejur care sticlă acum era spartă și împrăștiată pe porțiunea îngustă de lângă banda din stânga.

Dar de ce în picioare? Ca să se vadă mai bine? Kristallnacht? După multe faze nereușite, erau să ne căsăpească la venire, faza de mai sus.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 5th

12:16 Don't turn around


11:00 Decrețeii lui Ceaușescu. Dacă a avut vreun efect? Priviți diagrama de mai jos. Populația a crescut brusc ca urmare a decretului (Primii decreței aveau 54 de ani în Ianuarie 2021 când a fost întocmită această diagramă).

11:11 My problems. I wish i did not have to write about it. It has rained and dust (stingy redwood dust) both inside and outside today was reduced to a minimum. However i've been all day under the influence of mole gas (or aerosol whatever), last hole, right under, door, next to the one i just filled with borax and covered, i discovered too late, or not long before Angela came. Pain from dust makes me drink. I also had in the last few days some caffeine free diet soda (two two liter bottles). Combined with the dust that eliminates from lungs into stomach, it created serious gastrointestinal pains, dis-motility (bloating). This time it was me who dragged Angela to Spirit Mountain.

I mixed some soda and a small amount of whiskey and put it in the bag with food and forgot to move it to the trunk. Right after overpass on I5 i wanted badly to change lanes (to go to the ATM), waited like for 5 cars to pass, staring in the mirror, when i thought it was clear, another one came probably from behind, almost hit it. On the road  there i met with 6 law enforcement vehicles, mostly Sheriff's deputies, and while some were waiting at the end of elaborate traps with other drivers involved, 2 others followed me briefly to check my speed, around Sheridan. Had to pass a trailer with half prefab house, while the trailer itself had to pass a stationed car, in the same place between counties when i got the ticket in January 2021. But on my way back. Again around Sheridan, i saw in front of me a Police Dodge (the well known red stop light shape) that was going at speed limit, for more than 5 minutes. So i kept my distance (the only way to get close was to speed of course) and all of a sudden it started to flash and stopped the car in front of it, on a continuous line area. Both me and Angela scratched our heads. If he was going at speed limit, why he pulled the guy in front of him, who could only have been slower? but that should have slowed us too. They once stopped me for being too slow when it was 32 degrees and raining and i was driving 10 under (A few minutes later, after he told me the roads were safe, i met with black ice on a bridge). Same area, possibly same cop? So i got to pass both vehicles that were completely on the shoulder, Police Dodge flashing behind, on a continuous double line. Just reviewed the manual. It says you have to either change lanes, if possible, keeping one lane distance, or to slow at least 5 under speed limit which i did, but i also crossed first of the two continuous lines or maybe both with one wheel, and that made a noise and the cop was walking in the lane towards that car staring at me more than at the other car. Wondering. Couldn't he have waited in his car 5 more seconds for me to pass, since there were no other cars behind?

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A Flat Day

And it's not over yet.

Didn't sleep enough last night. I was about to nap in the chair when a modified exhaust started. Bringing inside by means of vibration of the fragile building the well known smell of kallikrein from fresh mole holes.

I knew that if i feel the smell the apartment must be filled and already started to feel the effects, painless, carelles that BTW last to this moment so i just planned to go to do Angela's flat since i dreaded to do that anyways. Cause i knew something like the following is going to happen. So i got dressed and opened the door when i saw again one of Tualatin Police cadet (shop with a cop pictures) in a black sport suit with white iPhone wires passing at my door so i just slammed back mine thinking maybe he'll understand and take another shortcut in the future and especially not sync with me when i leave. Like he did so many times, like when i was working at the car, many other occasions i wrote about, but who can count everything.
The one on the left, whom i saw again many times around here, with a dog, i call the blue kid. Age adjusted and everything, i think they're child actors from Hungary.

Then i waited for him to clear the building and went outside to step on the holes before i left. There is at one of the other apartments, i think F2, an older guy, who used to own the purple broken exhaust 5 liter Dodge, owner of the catering business who drove me nuts for one and a year who resembles a dead Japanese opera singer (found him once, but lost it most likely in a g+ post). He also slammed the door of his car, twice.

Got at Angela's, swapped the cars, came back home, already a commotion in the parking lot. There was a guy custom cutting a carpet on the asphalt in front of a van full of rolled carpets and undercarpet cushions like wrapped mummies that was parked there with open doors to see those for hours. So i just waited for him to roll the carpet, take it in his back and went and put the spare and the flat tire in the back. For some idiotic reason i didn't check the pressure in the spare and i had troubles driving there and back here. I was curious last night to see if i can locate the hole and i did, and there was nothing, a pin like hole with a tiny slow growing bubble on top. However today when i pulled it i saw a nail like 1 cm next to it, bent, with no head, rusted, and said to myself, must had been wrong, there is a nail.

So i drove to Les Schwab, car was drifting a bit, due to low pressure in the spare, forgot to put my mask on and talked to a guy and showed him the nail. He said that i needed new tires though the tire which is a rear one of an identical type with the new ones in front doesn't have much smaller grooves (had to buy a couple of new tires from Amazon, same type, same brand, because i had an unfixable flat in front last year, and two forgotten labels between tires and rims that made the tires leak, had a total of 5 flats in almost three years on that car that i can remember and leaks on almost continuous basis). He told me to check in, i did, again without mask. Then after he fixed it he came back and told me it wasn't the nail, but a hole next to it. "The nail did not go through" he said "and i don't need to fix that hole. Was thinking, the hole i saw last night. I showed him  the front tires that do not have the grooves much deeper than the rears, and he said those are the newer type. Whatever. He said he put 35 psi on it.

Went back home and put back the fixed tire and was curious and checked pressure and my dial gauge showed 31. I checked the spare too and gauge was showing 13. The cap on the wheel was missing also so i just went back, he gave me the cap, and asked him to check the spare. He inflated the spare back to 60 and then i gave him my gauge and the gauge was showing 50. I suspected for a while now that the gauge is wild. Must be the needle went off center, i'm gonna check. Cause i like it much better than those linear gauges. There was this big AirGas van covering the view when i did that. That AirGas van wandering around in the parking lot kinda following me that ended behind my car when i put back the spare and everything.

I drove back to Angela's. I felt like absent, a big high, a bit numb, driving back there, at a light stop got to race with a big wheeled one of those construction trucks, he finally let me win when the road narrowed.

In all the times i got really mad because the noise at Angela's car that did go away but not completely after the car wormed up real well. (Thinking in my sleepy head to rivet those two screws again with the vise grips, but when the car is really cold, like in the morning. But are the two tiny soft steel screws going to last if the aluminum in between expands with merciless force? What if the high nickel alloy (to bring expansion coefficient closer to aluminum lost it's mechanical strength in time because of the heat?), thinking, thinking, with my numbed brain, should i buy a new throttle, but can't find an aftermarket one with bronze butterfly and the ones that if found have the same tiny screws, the tiniest i saw when compared to other brands).

I went and parked Angela's car and took my truck when i saw a guy (young, slender, probably blue eyes) who was talking on speakerphone and in the same time pointing the phone at me, no matter in what direction he was walking. When i backed up he turned around keeping pointing the phone at me.

While driving back, still absent, still a bit high, after i climbed on the overpass, i saw at the end or in the downslope 2 Police SUVs and a motorcycle, with flashing lights, two cops with no masks, and just drove following the car in front of me, forgetting to look at the stop light while on cameras of those Police vehicles. (Kept thinking all day, in between other stuff, how many people neglected other medical problems thinking of COVID and s...t. Thinking at Biden's first deception, the fight on White Supremacists. You can't separate white supremacism from every day American life cause it's built on it cause it comes from freemasons. Their slogan is, make good men better, what happens to the rest of us. And having Kamala who in reality is blonde, green eyes, posing as a black is not going to trick me).

The level of detail these guys go at with their continuous deception is unbelievable. All based on predictability of my behaviour, they wait for me and adjust their actions, in a day like these, after an important post, while most likely leaking video, audio, whatever, to make me loose the points i made involuntarily with my last posts.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

December 10

12:36 Dacă mai cârtim mult... (de la est și de la vest).

12:37 Ok să zicem că nu e ea ci doar o coincidență uimitoare și simultană de înfățișare, vârstă (în general -3 sau -4) și țară de origine ca toate celelalte asemănări ale mele. Dar de ce trebuie ca una din vicepreședinții Parlamentului European să arate ca o modelă?

3:11 Je suis Petrom.

3:38 Sheingen. Nu văd unde e criza dar pun link-ul la Lady Gigea așa de fun pentru weekend. Apropo după ultima spălare de rufe a vecinilor aici pute ca în grajd.

4:04 Pentru cine mai crede că sunt posibile viteze de peste 200 kmh pe autostradă, iată cum arată un video cu viteze de până la 190 kmh. Mașinile de Poliție din SUA în trecut, Ford Crown Victoria sau Chevrolet Caprice aveau motoare de peste 4,6 litri cu o viteză maximă de 210-250 kmh. Am văzut în video un TIR de Amazon, deci e recent, acum mașinile Poliției sunt mai mult Dodge (Chrysler care a fost deținut de Daimler) sau SUV-uri. Video-ul a fost pus chiar de tipul din mașină, care a luat 20 de luni pentru urmărirea asta. Am văzut pe drum alte mașini de poliție, de ce nu blochează drumul. Poate așa e Procedura, în momentele acelea de nebunie omul putea să le izbească și să moară. A oprit fiindcă i s-a dus un cauciuc când a atins banda aceea galbenă cu vibrație (care are rol să te trezească din somn). Conducea un Buick cu tracțiune pe față, probabil un small block V8 după cum ghicesc comentatorii.

5:53 I think i'm getting one of these... Bluetooth has 1% of the emission power of wi-fi and wi-fi is 10% of a mobile phone.


Tot nu credeți în subliminale?

1:01 Manfred Mann. Urmează right said Fred. Apropo de teenage diplomat. Show-ul politic și cultural în trecut înainte de era mediei era făcut mai mult pentru elită. Literatura franceză și muzica germană din secolul 19, teatrul, etc.. Astăzi în plină eră a democrației de fațadă elita este pur și simplu ignorată fiindcă nu contează ca număr, show-ul devenind super populist motiv din care politica a devenit un șir neîntrerupt de țepe.

Cât despre cultura zilei, muzică și divăreală, nu ai scăpare, cum dai drumul la ceva te inundă fluviul. Am numărat, în ultima ei melodie, super rasista SIA spune "i'm unstoppable" de vreo 25 de ori dar sunt melodii de exemplu cu Justin Bieber sau Just in Beaver în care repetă o mantra cam de 100 de ori. Dar să nu greșiți. Actorii sunt aceiași ca în secolul trecut. Numai că și cântăreții de operă sunt reciclați în rock stars. Gimnaste și patinatoare reciclate în mari cântărețe. Modele în vicepreședinți de parlament de super stat.

3:16 L-am văzut acum 2 sau 3 zile trecând pe alee.

4:33 Another try at Nehammer.

5:05 Legally obliged. Excepția britanică.

5:28 "The Schengen acquis is the body of law which governs the lifting of internal border controls between those countries that form the Schengen area: this includes all EU States (except Ireland the UK) plus Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. The UK does participate in some parts of Schengen, as recorded in Council Decision 2000/365/EC"

În agenda din 8 decembrie nu este scris Accesul României la Schengen (Romania's Accession to Schengen Treaty) ci Full application of the Schengen acquis. Pentru că România era membră Schengen din momentul aderării la UE.  Ca non-binding procedure, adică nimic. Nici un efect legal. Tragere de timp.

România este membră Schengen din momentul aderării deoarece Tratatul Schengen nu mai exista ca atare ci a fost introdus în cadrul de lucru al Uniunii Europene încă din 1999 (was integrated in the framework of the EU in 1999 and has become EU legislation), nu mai este un tratat separat. Tot ce rămânea de făcut era îndeplinirea criteriilor tehnice ceea ce trebuia evaluat de Comisie și nu de fiecare țară în parte. Nu mai era nevoie de un vot al Consiliului care a fost făcut pe un tip de procedură neobligatorie (non-binding). Votul Consiliului pentru aderarea la Schengen a fost dat în 2007.


Tot ce trebuie făcut e să citim puțin mai jos în acest document.

Au calculat timpul necesar de la anunțul Austriei până la vot pentru ca noi care nu suntem specialiști în drept european a nu avea timp să ne lămurim în toate aceste aspecte.

După cum spuneam, guvernanții noștri cu toți consilierii lor se fac și ei că nu știu.

6:15 I came to the conclusion that the alarm setting at 4 mW/m2 (-45 dB) is too high for me. At hose levels a few seconds of exposure induce pain so i set it lower than that at 1 or -47 dB. As soon as i did the alarm started beeping and i saw there was in my area a level of 2 to 4 mW/m2 or just right under the old setting for several minutes. The moment i raised from where i sat and tried to triangulate the emission stopped. But it can't be from one of my devices since the phones are turned off and too far away. The only possible conclusions is it was from a 5G tower or a microwave oven in the middle of the living or right on top of me upstairs which is unusual.

6:36 I was reviewing what i wrote recently and as a conclusion i started to course the Jain in my mind and the guy upstairs left and i ate, sat at the computer, wrote the above and then adjusted the settings and the alarm started to sound. Now i got pains all over. Normal reading on the metter right now are 0.001 most of the times with spikes under 1.

After 2 weeks we're going to Ilani tonight. The only time i didn't loose was when i wrote here so i expect not to loose tonight.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

May 21

2:15 Fuego

7:55 Marcel Ciolacu Independența

9:40 Fătălăul

A... and them...
10:05 At the car there is at least one quart of a quart of oil on top of what i put. It passes the upper limit (on a leveled parking place), blows through PCV and through the catch can giving the same symptoms as before. Tried to do more investigation and thinking of pulling it out but is next to impossible because so many people are putting up a show outside.

Same yesterday at Indian Head. They gave us 95 dollars in free play and 15 dollars in food but that not justifies the long drive there over the mountains. At two of the poker machines there was a weird message popping on the display ... No comms... And then the machines restarted by themselve. A couple of times...

Very few whites, and "mexicans" and a lot of Japanese dressed and with the haircuts and extra make up made to look like native americans... The only weird thing was they were too short... At the players club they were playing with the microphone, creating lots of static noise before and after announcements... Romanian singer Paul Surugiu acting as a security guard...

4:17 I went to check if i didn't forget anything at the car which i did, because of all distractions and noises. Earlier i went at the street parking lot (too many people moving around here), pulled one quart or oil, put back half clean, it was now at the lower limit, cannot find here a level place to measure it. I spilled a bit of oil, pulled the spark plug coils and forgot to tighten the bolts. There is an empty jug of oil of the exact brand as i used, only 5W30 next to the garbage bin for a few days now. I think it survived Thursday.

Which i did, then then when i closed the hood, i realized for the first time the left headlight was moving. I was thinking. Maybe that is the reason they are blinding me at night. So i went and grabbed the sockets and tightened those bolts a bit and i looked at the other one and saw there was a plastic composite flange that was glued with adhesive before i had the car and the adhesive broke. Both headlights have been replaced, one at the first accident when the car was totaled and one at the second, it was the one i bought and took it to the shop.

In both cases there was no structural damage of the car, just too many panels damaged from denting the car from front to rear, by driving to close to something, on both sides. Both headlights.

So i went inside, cleaned both surfaces from the old adhesive, poured a finger tip amount of Steel Reinforced JB Weld in a water bottle lid, grabbed a napkin with a bit of alcohol, some guy 100 ft away started to cough like they always do, wiped everything and in the moment i started to mix the adhesive here came this blue gray car that stopped next to mine.

I told him that was not a parking spot, the Japanese driver went and took some sort of walking cart from the car and from the right rear seat came my old friend, the owner of the van with many merchandises (rice, barrels of disinfectant, now sacks of empty cans) who was tormenting me for years with his broken exhaust 5 liter Dodge and almost pushed me out of the way. As i wasn't moving because i had to put the adhesive on, and did not understand what he was trying to do, having my mind on what i was doing, he went with the cart over the curb, and slowly moved forward in the grass area.

Then he stopped ft away from me, and i asked him why and he said he needed to rest. Then he told me that is the only way he can get inside, because of the two rungs at the entrance next to his spot. How about the stairs. A few other guys waited and took him on the stairs. He apparently has an amputated leg but my guess is he is just bending it. In that moment i heard a whistling sound and saw an F15 gliding from west to east, about 1000 ft above, at low speed.

4:27 One of the cash machines at the casinos gave me a Maya Angelou silver quarter. I was curious and looked at it and saw a clear symbol of the rising Sun, as seen on Japanese flags or ancient paintings. I further googled away her name and what  i found was...

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1st

9:05 Last night i was driving from Lincoln City and while trying to beat the boredom (when not struggling to keep on the road while being blinded by the numerous vehicles with off specs headlights) i thought of the question the cop Boston Draper asked during the night of 20/21 2021. "What happened at the moment of impact?"

My answer was "i sped up an he slowed down".  That was what i saw and it is explained by the transfer of momentum by the equation m1v1=m2v2. Actually, should be m1deltav1 equals m2deltav2 whatever where delta is the difference of speed before and after impact.

Was that a rhetoric question during a staged, allegoric incident, or maybe an opportunistic rhetoric question after the main purpose of the staged accident was not achieved, suggesting exactly the problem i talked about yesterday. When hitting a reflecting surface a photon turns back at the same speed of light, though in the opposite direction and the speed component of the momentum changes sign. It appears though there is a changes sign the above equation is satisfied.

Ok now i woke up after 4 hours with the same questions in mind and i asked google a few things just to clarify.

What i found out. According to  Saleh Theory Photons do not travel straight but on a 3D helical trajectory. The straight line in the middle of that helix is the direction of light. Though they have no electric charge, apparently they ride on the electric/magnetic field or the other component of their dual nature, fields that constantly (re)create each other as the EM wave progresses. (BTW can there be an EM wave without a photon or more riding it). Attached to that motion there is the frequency of both field and photon or the wave length or pitch of the helix or color of the photon in case of visible light.

If the projection of the speed of the photon to the line in the center of the helix stays the same (the speed of light), on an intrinsic coordinate system or tangent to its helical trajectory the speed of the photon should be greater than the speed of light.

It appears the momentum transfer during a reflection event applies to that helical speed only since the speed of light or its projection on a straight line in the middle of the helix cannot be changed and there is a shift in frequency together with a reduction of photon's momentum and energy in the intrinsic coordinate system due to the transfer.

Now i got puzzled again but on a different level an need to take a break.

1:40 For those who ask themselves what i have done all morning under the car, is i removed the failing clips for the panels and installed zip ties instead because the panels were vibrating like crazy making a sinister sound. For some i had to drill extra holes ("return" holes) so i can close the zip tie loop. I had some before since last few days, when i ran out of big ones, put small ones instead, today i replaced those, i have in total maybe ten of them.

Yesterday when i drove to Lincoln City after first variant at Nyberg and almost an accident. A big red Dodge SUV with a woman at the wheel pushing, i made me stayed a few seconds longer at the intersection for the second variant, from forward was coming speeding a small car, i miscalculated the distance and almost got hit by it while making the left turn.

After that i found myself behind a cistern, unmarked and had to drive behind it, speeding, no chance to pass until Sheridan when it pulled right. The i stopped at Grand Ronde and saw it pass, like 15 minutes behind me,

1:50 I went to take this picture and the guy that had his car next to ours last night and this morning came and started the car then he waited for his wife in the middle of the alley who came from building D, again looking Japanese pretending Latina. So i waited a couple of minutes for them to go and went and took several pictures when i saw a white unmarked Police car (most likely Washington County where i'm residing (not to be confused with Washington State, another name coincidence i forgot to write about)) passed by

It was dark under car and had to use the flash and almost flashed the camera in his face when he passed. First pictures did not come right so i had to go and take some more.

Yesterday morning. I knew there was going to be some retaliation after i hosed the building Thursday night and they got in my jet's direction, on purpose. Yesterday morning after i went to WinCo to buy aspirin (yest it works as patch) because of pain from dust, i left for a walk and they were these guys ready to apply herbicide on the mulch areas. Three of them with manual pumps in their backs figuring ninja turtles. I saw them in the past, but only one at a time, around the building.

The wind was blowing towards me from their direction and they were just starting so they were at the edge of the parking lot, at a distance from each other, next to the children's playground and caught all three of them one after another, spraying. At the last one i felt something getting in my eyes, maybe drops that dried out and aerosolized, i looked at them, they weren't wearing any protection like google or gloves. they were cars around, so i said to myself, most likely is not toxic.

However when i fell asleep in the evening and woke up my eyes were hurting and dripping a bit but did not realized what it was and then i went to Lincoln City with the same jeans a T-shirt bla bla. When i came back my eyes were hurting and had enough time to think while driving and remembered the three sprayers of Friday morning.

Things like these, like with the cistern, the sprayers, etc. always happen before holidays like 4th of July. Today as i was under the car i saw a classic car putting much exhaust, others, there was this irritating smell coming from a laundry exhaust, etc.. Wondering what lies ahead, getting ready to go near Olympia, WA.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 2

Woke up ad midnight with reflux. It took me like 5 minutes to eliminate the stuff from esophagus. They were several factors. Ate late. Drank soda and tea before i went to sleep. Blocked intestinal gas. Congested nose b some sort of smoke outside. A black cat on the stairs. I went and covered the holes when two cars stopped drived to driver and blocked the alley, one of them a Dodge like some Police cars are.
In the meantime more smoke came in. I guess either more holes appeared or i missed some.

9:28 Got awakened at 8 by a pungent smell. Went to cover the holes. It got better. I was hearing the man upstairs yelling in his apartment from outside. In the last week or so he went nuts, and at times yells again profanities in Spanish. Sometimes at night. Right now i finished doing some breakfast and he jumped on the floor in the kitchen, sprinkling dust on the food. I yelled back at him and he stopped. Is he going to stay again the whole weekend home?

12:33 The tool with two gauge is good with one problem. All the connectors get loose after you put it in the bag. I don't know why but my guess is when the hoses get twisted in the bag they get loose. So when i put the oil i had a leak at one of the snap connectors and lost some refrigerant. So i went to Walmart to take back the oil with no viscosity mark on it and buy more refrigerant. I know, it's like Sisyphus, with me going to buy a can every time i loose some. The woman at the register who was as big as Lizy told me. But it says here, on the can, R134a! Again speculating difference in perception and ultimately ignorance. All three viscosities, 46, 100 and 150 are R134a. Right behind me, in the line, a Walmart employee, returning something. I'm off  the clock! she said, but she had the vest over her badge. Undercover, trying to protect the Spanish people in line while me was trying to return a pressurized can with unknown type of oil?

I got back here only to see  the guy next door finally in  his car, finally going somewhere. But when i opened  the door he opened it too so i closed mine. He went straight through the mulch, short-cutting his way to the stairs, getting dust on his shoes, went on the stairs and let the door open. I noticed a couple of tiny arms under his T-shirt (it's 52 degrees outside) and generally the guy looked smaller than the one i saw before. More people started to move around so i just stayed in the car until they all left and he came back. But this time his biceps looked twice bigger (just in case i got mad on him?) While waiting in the car i figured out something. The reason he's yelling "puta mierda". They throw something in the mulch like contaminated food wrappers that start to stink really bad. This morning it was right under kitchen's window.

When i first came from O'Reillys i felt the stink when i got close to the building but it took me a while until i found those, and it's still stinking, half hour later. It's not from inside. They do it outside and then they yell at us.

There are a number of people in the building acting Latinos but in reality they are all Japanese, like the guy (probably more than one, sames costumes) upstairs, etc., throwing s... at us and playing all kinda of allegories. Same thing as at Walmart and everywhere. This place, city, state, west coast is occupied by the Japanese as i said many times before. For guest appearances, they employ Hungarians that are actually from Europeans, Americans parents (stolen biological material) and raised in Hungary as artists . Many if not all the so-called immigrants crossing the borders are not Latinos but Japanese disguised in Latinos. All the businesses are simulated by AI and ran by those. In a way, pretty similar to what happened after WWII in France and still happening. More than this. All traffic is conducted by AI and all cars are probably retrofitted self-driving.

1:21 When i put the oil from (O'Reillys) this morning pressure on the high side was 95 (on a  hot engine) and i also lost some and added one more once (can is 2 once oil and 1 once refrigerant as propellant). That's why i went to Walmart to return their oil and buy refrigerant (to avoid one more trip). When i tried to put the refrigerant though, the pressure on the high side was now showing 125 and temperature outside was only a few degrees higher, still at 52 though car was heated by the Sun. From the tables i figured when the temperature is going to be 68, pressure will be over 150. And the can i bought at Walmart won't work with the adapter from the tool with two gauges, but only with the tool with one gauge. When i was done and checking that can compatibility, outside on the stairs, one of the guys from maintenance passed in his electric cart. They always do that when i'm done with something, to simulate they actually chase me away. Many times with just noises, truck airhorns, planes, ambulances etc.. When i came from outside, inside it now stinks like the mold that was triggered in the 6 inch thick mulch by those contaminants.

1:44 I think we should get used more and more to live in a simulated world. I've been following for a while now the activity of Romanian government, the budget and can tell one thing. The government act is simulated, they don't actually do anything except for endless scandals and nonsense talking in the media, there only a few anonymous low level employees that raise taxes and distribute the money for health care and education, and that's all.

With all the production of goods taking place in China and Japan and a few other Asian countries, all that's left in the "west" is services, but in vast areas like Oregon, everything including part or all the inhabitants (can't know for sure) are now simulated and in areas of interest like stores, casinos, they have permanent teams of Hungarian actors stationed here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


It doesn't have anything to do with X from Xenu and his eternal battery. It's simply because it has a lifetime of 5 years instead of 4. And a shelf life of 6. Talking about the Exide brand, the one i have in the truck.

Today Angela reported difficult starts. A while ago i fixed the battery's positive connector which clamp's ends where bumping into each other not allowing a real good tightening. So i filed a bit one of those ends and voila! Fixed it, wasn't moving around anymore after tightening. The negative seemed solid, i gave it a good tightening together with all the numerous nuts around the connector. Man this car has lots of nuts around battery's connectors. She said that miles are high (60k since) and many starts and she is ready for a battery replacement.

Last time i searched, to my surprise, the cheapest decent battery i found for 2013 Elantra was around 150 dollars, Exide for 155.  Today i did one more search on an idea, "where can i find exide batteries" and again to my surprise i found, (where?) at the nearest Home Depot, for 107. Decent price, i said to myself but Angela was going to sleep (she did "boxes" today, the toughest job at work, which involves lifting hundreds of boxes, all day, 16-25 pounds each). So i tried to do some searches while she was sleeping, the guy upstairs didn't let me, every time i started to search he started to squeak, at first waking Angela, then after i complained (not after she hit the wall several times) he let her sleep and came on the other side on top of my head so i stopped and slept myself.

Slightly bigger capacity, from 60 to 65. So after 8 i ran to Home Depot to get it. First, i forgot the mask in the car, (when are they going to stop with the stupid masks) and tried to take a mask from a stack at the entrance and they where clumped together and the others fell but i caught them in mid air and put them back, after touching a few, and then could not find the battery, "nobody in the store knew they sold batteries", "we used to sell them" said the man after i showed him the picture from their site saying "one available at Tigard store", then after i told him how i did the search he remembered "They keep moving them around" though i'm sure battery was in the same place for  years because if was full of dust, (just checked, shelf life is 6 years), i hope it's been for less, maybe since they opened the automotive department. Hence the price.

More adventures. At the checkstand big screen said they were charging 121, no explanation. Difference is the core price, got to take the old one back tomorrow. Usual drill in parking lot, guys popping out of nowhere in front of my car, stuff like that.

But on the road. Got at the intersection with exit/ramp street (forgot the name, nevermind, Carman LOL)  while waiting on red a guy on a Harley, more than 6 ft tall, blue eyes, stopped at my right (two lanes turning left) moving his bike's horns left right several time, finally took off, for some reason, i didn't feel safe driving next to him so i let him do the corner before i left, then he turned his head left, probably towards where i was supposed to be, and i thought i recognized a familiar face from the news of course. Then he took first right, i guess there's a motel and a gas station there.

Got back home, popped both the trunk where the battery was and the hood and looked for some tools in the pocket of the door (man this car hides stuff in that pocket because of its shape), could not find what i was looking for but when i got out i saw a guy on a bicycle getting away from my opened trunk.

Then i went inside, searched for tools, more stuff happened but when i went outside the first time a guy on a motorcycle started in that second to make a terrible noise in the parking lot. I guess it was after 9, then i saw him riding his bike around the block with a martyr figure on his face. He then stopped the bike and did it all again about 3 times in total, every time when i was getting back outside. Finally got all my tools together (most difficult part of any job done on moonlight in the parking lot). Replacing battery itself took about 2 minutes. Could loosen negative by hand only. So that was the problem. However, when i did a test drive towards Wilsonville and back, got 40 mpg (on dashboard, round trip), like never before. Car has a different attitude. Feels like after i first got it and replaced the 5 years old battery. One or two steps on driveability on a 1-10 scale. Most likely because of the EPS (Electric Power Steering) which of course is depending on batteries connectors.

Coming back from Wilsonville for the first time i accelerated to 75 on the 65 area, got this habit from the recent long drives, and of course i ran into a State Police Dodge parked on the right side. He did not follow me but a guy with white bright lights had a turn signal that was contrasting with those white bluish lights in such a way for a second it gave me the impression of Police car flashing. On the last half mile while descending (about 100 ft altitude diference) towards my home exit a guy slowed down unexpectedly without brake lights coming on while i was doing a "long freeway pass" and had to steer instantly to avoid him and these are only the important scenes i had to go through tonight to replace a car's battery.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Little Known Secrets of the City of Tualatin, Oregon (converted from fb)

