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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fall of an electron. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Reconciliation of Quantum and Classic Physics

"Newtonian physics, also called classical mechanics, describes the motion of everyday objects at a macroscopic level, while quantum physics deals with the behavior of extremely small particles like atoms and subatomic particles, where the laws of Newtonian physics break down, exhibiting phenomena like wave-particle duality and uncertainty in measurements; essentially, Newtonian physics is applicable to large-scale objects moving at speeds much slower than light, while quantum physics is needed for the microscopic world at the atomic and subatomic level."

"Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg were both prominent physicists who significantly contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, with Schrödinger known for his "wave equation" and Heisenberg for his "uncertainty principle" which describes the limitations in knowing both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously."

"The "Heisenberg cloud model" refers to the concept of an "electron cloud" within an atom, which is directly tied to Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, suggesting that the exact position of an electron cannot be known with certainty, only the probability of finding it in a given region around the nucleus, creating a "cloud-like" appearance; this model is often associated with Erwin Schrödinger's wave function calculations that describe the electron's behavior as a wave rather than a particle."

I explained before what quantum is. Everything that is molecules and smaller. What does that mean. Molecules and everything smaller are made of combinations of particles that are always of the same size and have the same properties.

Because at the base all particles are made of strings, that are stationary waves made of oscillating virtual particles created initially as a reaction of the void to abrupt motion of charged particles like electrons and are always the same because the electric charge of virtual particles is always the same. Quantum stands for same quantity.

The two scientists named above created the cloud or shell model, which says the electrons move around fixed charged particles in shells or clouds.

Heisenberg uncertainty principle solved one problem, or better said, one worry about why we can't know how the electrons move in a cloud by simply stating we can not know, and sealing that statement with an equation.

It is true for the most part. We can't know where they are except they do reside in clouds or shells and those clouds exist at quantified energy level or heights and speeds. Because electrons are quantum particles and they rotate around other quantum particles all with quantum masses and electric charges there are only a few orbits they can occupy and that is according to Newtonian laws.

However this model has some serious inconveniences. One of them is we cannot figure by it the true nature of spontaneous emissions of photons.

The other is purely psychological. Students who later become scientists are baffled by the... uncertainty.

However in that cloud the electrons are not vaporized of merged or anything as the model suggests.

Electrons are still there and moving and most importantly, from time to time, colliding with each other. It is not a magical or fuzzy "quantum cloud", but their trajectories are so complicated we do not have the capabilities of writing down equations to describe them though lately we could model their motion on supercomputers.

In a few words, it is a classic physics n body problem where n represents the number of particles of the whole assembly, however, non-symmetrical, with electrons repelling, not attracting each other, moving on an area close to the surface a sphere, attracted electrostatically and gravitationally by a central non-punctiform mass and thrown away by centripetal forces, with sometimes missing electrons on the last level and some receiving energy from photons.

Thus the speed of electrons on a level is not constant but constantly modified by all the above described forces and events and inevitably sometimes colliding with each other.

Indeed, the equations describing the motions of electrons are so complicated we may be tempted to call for an uncertainty umbrella equation.

However with the advent of supercomputers, i think they can be modeled, starting with assemblies with few particles at the center and in orbits.

The number of electrons on each energy level is also quantified, with the first levels being occupied first and each level having a certain tolerance of total energy of all moving electrons.

From time to time two electrons on the same level can collide near frontally so violently one of them can be knocked out of orbit and move to a higher quantum level, or outside the whole assembly if it happens on the last level (like in photelectric effect), creating a vacancy in the level where it started. This may create an imbalance in the whole assembly, with more electric charges near periphery or less.

Almost immediately a slow moving electron from the higher level that could be the same one that just jumped will fall back in the vacant space though with a much lower speed.

Any motion of an electric charge creates a tear in the space time continuum i shall call from now on void and the void reacts to it by creating a virtual particle that has the same charge instant speed and trajectory and moves perpendicular and at some distance to the first one. We may call this the universal law of action-reaction.

We are familiar with this phenomenon we called in the past electromagnetism though with more than one particle involved (an whole current of electrons) thus the created magnetic field will appear to have closed lines.
Now try to imagine in that conductor we have an electric current made of one single electron (practically not possible in conductors, only in vacuum) moving at non relativistic speeds.

Instead of magnetic lines we will have a point that moves on a trajectory perpendicular on the trajectory of the generating electron, we can call a virtual particle creating a spiral magnetic line, with the same charge as that of the electron though positive, which virtual particle is created by the void following the action-reaction universal law however massless and with no energy transfer from the creating photon since there is no reaction of the void to a non relativistic mass.

In other words, the whole up and down movement of an electron is creating an electric oscillation in the assembly similar to an electric current though made by only one electron that will create an (incomplete) spiral shaped magnetic field line in the surrounding void. If the speed of the electron is relativistic, a virtual particle with the opposite charge and negative relativistic mass of that electron will be created.

When an electron withing a shell or cloud or level is accelerated by a collision to relativistic speed, the virtual particle generated by it will also have a a relativistic mass however negative that is the difference between the the resting mass of that electron and its relativistic mass and the relativistic part of the energy of that electron will be transferred to the virtual particle until the electron is slowed down back to non-relativistic.

A photon's first virtual particle is a virtual particle with negative relativistic mass created by an electron that is accelerated to a relativistic speed and then decelerated to non-relativistic the relativistic part of its energy to the virtual particle mirroring self in that time frame of its relativistic speed with only difference it has no resting mass, its relativistic mass is negative moving perpendicular on electron's instant trajectory, with same relativistic instant speed and acceleration, at 1/4 distance of the photon's wavelength, with a time delay of 1/4 of its period.

The newly created virtual particle, having all the properties of the creating electron except for resting mass (which does not create a reaction of the void), and moving at relativistic speeds during all of its existence will do the same as the electron, mirroring self on a perpendicular direction, at a distance and with a time delay. By the time the creating virtual particle ceases to exist, the new one just appears because of that time delay. The only difference would be its relativistic mass will be positive.

This process may continue indefinitely creating a cross like pattern.

I believe this is how measurable time and space is being created.

In other words, the photon is made by 4 discrete self replicating in time and space electrically charged virtual particles appearing and moving sequentially in four different directions each perpendicular to the previous and to the axis and the fifth being identical with the first though at a one wave length distance on the axis and at one period time delay or completing a cycle.

If a photon hits the outer shell of the assembly it depends on the moment that photon transfers its energy to an electron or by the direction of the last virtual particle vs the movement of the electron in the moment of transfer of energy.

Jumping to a higher level of energy after an electron gets directly hit by a photon or what they call excitement happens rarely. Most likely, the virtual particle will interact with several electrons at a time meaning its energy will be transmitted to the whole shell and then one electron will be knocked out of orbit by a collision.

Monday, January 6, 2025

January 6

12:45 AM According to the diagram and formula of relativistic speed, there is not a clear point of when a speed becomes relativistic or when a virtual particle comes into existence.

The relativistic mass of an electron "falling" to a lower energy level basically begins when the electron starts to be accelerated.

Thing is, due to rotation of an electron around a central charge, the initial and final fall speed are different than zero, on the direction of the fall and they continue to rotate around the charge before and after the fall, thus creating some infinitesimal initial or residual void reactions and those follow the photon in its path and could count for the losses as they may interfere with others, effectively tangling the void, creating the AEther.

Because of this, the process of transfer of energy from one virtual particle to another within the photon is not 100% efficient. This may count for loss of energy during this transfer and the red shifting of distant sources of light. Where does that energy go? possibly in the void?

In fact if i think i realize that even if a photon is not emitted, the orbiting electrons may create signatures in the void which may slow their rotation, possibly falling to a lower energy level from where some other electron is kicked back after acquiring some energy that in the end could come from thermal agitation.

This could be the reason of decaying of some particles or assembles of particles depending on configurations.

9:08 De ce instituțiile de sondaj nu i-au dat lui Georgescu nici o șansă în turul I? Cum a fost posibil ca un candidat de care nu a auzit nimeni, nici măcar eu care urmăresc politica din România mai tot timpul, fiind clasat de sondaje pe locul 6 să iasă pe primul loc?

9:35 According to my theory (Dynamic Strings), AEther is not a medium of propagation for light but a tangle of infinitesimal electrical and gravitational disturbances, filling the void, opposing the motion of anything, possibly causing the limitation to speed of light, red shift of distance sources and "spontaneous" "probabilistic" decaying of particles and elements. Could this be the hypothetical dark matter.

Yes according to this, the "ordinary matter" (or energy whatever) is constantly leaking into dark matter, which in turn it is leaking into something else, but at a much slower rate.

Also the void creates the AEther as a sort of memory for everything that has ever moved in this Universe.

But don't worry, everything, matter, dark matter is cleaned by the black holes, the vacuum cleaners of the Universe. However it will be a long time until all black holes will  merge into a single one, and all the disturbances will melt back into the void.

9:40 Within the post with my theory of everything there is a statement saying that strings may swell with motion, especially at relativistic speeds, by accumulating energy. Now imagine an electron, which we now know is a circular closed string made of a negative virtual particle and a graviton chasing each other being accelerated while "falling" to a lower energy level.

Its virtual particle trajectory (and that of the accompanying graviton0 will look pretty much like this, right? So the virtual particle of positive sign generated by the void that continues to replicate self into a negative one etc..

Which may finally explain the 4 laurel leaves of Grinell College Seal most likely symbolically representing a photon. So it's just a bit more complicated that my minimalist representation linked on the right but it may account for the pair production.

11:12 Which may also count for one of the symbols seen on masonic aprons called the behive (here, 42).

It stand for industry and it may also represent a silk cocoon or a lotus petal. However there are many symbols on this apron that may symbolically represent light, like the 4 pillars, the main masonic sign, square and compass, sprig leaves etc.. Too bad we cannot see in the image all the explanations.

2:40 A charged virtual particle on a circular (or helicoidal) trajectory will create a copy of itself, moving in a plane at 90 degrees, of an opposite charge. Pretty much like in this image. Question. How the illustrator knew?

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Dharma Wheel of Nikola Tesla

I think Tesla might have had a good intuition interpreting the dharma wheel of Buddhism or star of Ishtar or contemporary Scientology cross (yes i believe our future lays in the mnemonics of the past religions) but it is not quite the way he did it.

Disregarding those formulas, and seeing this representation as a photon in transversal plane it could all be the pulsating cross quanta may create besides time and space, also gravity.

The words tryadha vyavasthita sarva buddha in the mantra translate literally "three expected for each light (color?)" corresponding to the three components in some ancient representations in the center of the wheel that could mean each proton is made of three quarks.


1:12 1/5/2024 version

It is not quite like that. I assumed the magnetic field line starts in the middle of nowhere and probably would have if the electron would have an initial vertical speed.

However its descending speed starts from zero and in the initial moment the single magnetic field line starts from near the electron and extends on a parable like curve in a plane perpendicular to the trajectory of the electron that contains the electron, if there are no other electrons to interfere with the electron's falling speed or trajectory. Then it's gonna be a more complicated curve.

During the constant speed phase it moves on a circle on a the same plane and the trajectory is helicoidal with a constant radius.

It seems the electron during acceleration phase is ceding its energy to the virtual field line. The only way this can happen is if the field line is the trajectory of a positive virtual charge that furthers from the electron by increasing the radius of that helix. During deceleration the electron looses speed and energy and the virtual charge gets back close to it. 

The trajectory as a whole seems like the shape of a 3D horse shoe  that is part of a helix with variable and constant radius or the edges of a propeller arm.

The virtual positive charge moving in a circuit that seems closed in a view in the direction of the fall, would create a negative virtual charge moving on a trajectory similar to that of the falling electron. For the accelerating and decelerating part of the cause the virtual charge would move at different angle both looking like an pharaoh's crook and flail with both constantly changing angles and propagating with each step?

Year is 2024 and i am shocked by the fact nobody looked into this until now. That is the shape of a single magnetic field line generated by a falling electron. They instead look in the cloud chamber of the LHC, the most complicated machine built on Earth. Unless if it's all a big coverup and they knew this from the beginning of quantum mechanics era.

Another ancient source that is less obvious. There are spirals in this Ancient Egypt amulet near other details (square, wings) that seem to represent right angles, half right angles in the context of an eye that might represent light and a bird that might represent gravity.

The tilak. Never knew it is called like that. And a 3D U shaped version on Amazon.

I think after a major world conflict people's knowledge broke into pieces. Like Sanskrit broke into many European and Indian languages, each keeping different words, the same happened with the advanced knowledge. People tried to pass it down to further generations that reverted to stone edge.

They knew they had to somehow preserve the important parts and painted those on the forehead of their children, or  built pharaoh's masks waiting for a revival which never took place. The pieces and symbols and stories became different religions as we know them and humans never reverted to the highly advanced civilization (Heaven for all) that was once here on Earth and it is possible the intruders who are probably the ones who built the pyramids survived as well without knowledge of their past.

But nowadays they are obviously way ahead of us.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

January 13

12:37 I think i came up with the first law of Universal reaction. The force of the reaction is proportional with the square of the size of the disturbance.

4:24 Novak și fermierii.

7:00 How an antiquated election system in place since before media and super fast communications era favors big money and  pathological criminals or their designated opponents in their race towards US Presidency. Why not direct elections period like in most European countries?

According to the states' legislations (and this is a type of discrimination between citizens of  the same country), people vote early in a so called open or closed so called primary elections during which a single candidate is pushed to the top for the "final" elections when every citizen gets to choose between... two candidates only of which most don't want, even with Taylor Swift push for young voters. What (or who) to vote?

It is clear to anybody the Republican party is ceding early by pushing totally ineligible candidates, of which Trump is the most.

7:50 László Tőkés.

11:38 At this hour of the night i can't even begin to understand the formulas behind that trajectory, but i like to believe that if they would calculate that trajectory taking in the consideration only the electric asymmetry of the proton they would come with something similar. Also i don't know why the nucleus itself would not rotate a bit, thus the cloud. And it all seems symmetrical.

Needless to say. The movement of the electron creates an electric current following that trajectory and the electric current creates a weird shape magnetic field etc. of which the variable part caused by the curves would be compensated by self induction.

I would think that while the atom is not perturbed like by heat, it would stay like that forever. 

However if the whole thing starts to vibrate, like being heated, at some point the electron might first jump on a higher level and and then loose that orbit and i don't know what shape will have the lower orbit, but will still be symmetrical if stable and at least during the fall both stable shapes will be asymmetrical and the magnetic field created during the fall will be asymmetrical.

Or simply the orbit would be perturbed enough by vibration for that to happen, without the need of fall. Especially if the lower energy level is fully populated like they are, where would the poor electron go?

By law of conservation of energy, something has to compensate that asymmetry and that would be a virtual particle creating an orphan asymmetrical field away from its cause because the cause (the fall or vibration) ceases before of the accomplishing of self induction and that in turn would create another one and another one, figuring the wheel of Ezekiel and of course the motion of a virtual particle would create an unstable string each time.

So in the end it is an uncompensated asymmetrical jumping (with the speed of light) magnetic or electric field. Nothing travels at the speed of light, not even light.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 11

12:48 Could it be the 4 disks on the djed represent the four energy levels of orbiting electrons, the oval "head" of the Ankh the semi-closed eccentric magnetic or electric field line following the fall of an electron from highest orbit level, the Sun above representing the light (photon), etc..

2:15 I think i might have found something to work with in GeoGebra. Pharaoh's crook and flail? Earlier the image was available as google search result, it is now gone however in the meantime i downloaded the file it came from so i can do a screenshot (have to download it to see it). There are some interesting enunciations in the article too. "For the principle of conservation of energy to be hold true, it is necessary to add an extra term to the equation of motion as the radiation reaction force."

8:24 As for self induction of a single electron, it is very simple. Similar with self induction of a current made of many electrons eventually moving inside a conductor (self induction, the magnetic field created by a current generates back a current that opposes its cause).

However the problem gets more complicated and also more captivating when we consider a single accelerated electron moving in vacuum also on a curved trajectory which still fits the definition of an electric current. Then, we might have eccentric self induction and an electric momentum away from its cause which i call a virtual particle.

9:47 E=mc2 also means mass is energy. The photons which move at the speed of light only have mass in the sense they carry energy. However. Speed of light in glass is about 2/3 than in vacuum (BTW, way or infinitely outside of the scariest part of the Lorentz curve, or almost non-relativistic).

I understand the photons might be (instantly) slowed down when they enter glass. However. When light escapes glass it accelerates back to full c (c is always the same bla bla). Where do the slowed down photons get the extra energy to accelerate instantly back to c? (head scratching emoticon here).

Monday, April 20, 2020

Lipid Bilayer and (Corona) Virus Spikes

Had an idea and was trying to take a glimpse into cellular biology today. It all started with this type of media articles.

«Under the microscope [electron], coronaviruses appear to be covered with pointy spires, giving them the appearance of having a crown or "corona" -- hence the name. Beneath the crown is the outer layer of the virus, which is made up of lipids, or what you and I would call fat.»

There's something in there that doesn't really click my intuition.

Cells are said to be made of cytoplasm (a gel made 80% of water and other stuff floating in it) covered by fatty membranes. Please note the same type of membrane is shared by cells, bacteria and viruses.

It doesn't look to me like they have any mechanical resistance at all. I mean, bubbles of water based gel surrounded by a double molecule layer of fat.

If i didn't know about extracellular matrix which is made of collagen i'd say the body tissues can't even stay together.

Collagen is a protein that forms 30% of our bodies. To have an idea of how strong this stuff, is, enough to say tendons which are terminations of muscles through which they are attached to bones are made of collagen. If you make a fist you can see and feel them above the wrists of your hands.

By contrast "The cell membranes of almost all organisms and many viruses are made of a lipid bilayer, as are the nuclear membrane surrounding the cell nucleus, and other membranes surrounding sub-cellular structures. The lipid bi-layer is the barrier that keeps ions, proteins and other molecules where they are needed and prevents them from diffusing into areas where they should not be."

First. We may note in this definition again viruses are separated from living organisms. Then. This lipid barrier separate the chemicals from inside the cells by those from outside. What's keeping it together is electrical bonds between molecules of lipid barrier mentioned above with absolutely no mechanical resistance. If it wasn't for extracellular matrix, those things would probably burst like a soap bubble and fall apart.

And my thought went of course to types of cells that "live" outside a cellular matrix. First thing that came to mind is red blood cells. So i looked and to my surprise i saw they lack a nucleus. "The cytoplasm of erythrocytes is rich in hemoglobin, an iron-containing biomolecule that can bind oxygen and is responsible for the red color of the cells and the blood. ... The cell membrane is composed of proteins and lipids, and this structure provides properties essential for physiological cell function such as deformability and stability" So the natural question comes to mind. Are they alive? and of course that Quora answer didn't clarify anything. And on a further search i could not find an answer to the question if they use oxygen for themselves. Why should they. They don't need to burn oxygen to keep the temperature constant because rest of the body does that from them. I think the're more like molecular assemblies than living cells. Of course they wear out and "die" after a number of cycles of oxygen and carbon dioxide carrying.

Viruses. Their membrane is again made of a lipid bylayer. They of course don't have a nucleus because the're not cells though inside they have RNA which is part of the nucleus of living, reproducing cells.

Though they are not alive and obviously can't reproduce, once they entered a host cell they can "command" that cell to produce copies of themselves which sometimes are not "exact copies" and thus they... mutate. Some of the mutants will do less, some more than their "parents". The most complicated "component" the host cell needs to "fabricate" using the viral RNA instructions is the spike protein. In fact, the company who mapped this protein and can produce them uses viral RNA (linked later in this post).

I would assume they didn't provide the Jsmol model for the molecule, but here, for comparison, the molecule of HIV spike. If you click on "cartoon" on style for display option you will see the ribbon model. To compare size with lipid by-layer choose ball and stick.

We've saw so far seen the HIV virus looks identical (at least in some media representations) with coronaviruses. Part of the answer is... they are very similar. But the coronavirus misses something. The second membrane layer or the "matrix protein" seen in HIV of which the spikes are seemed to be anchored to.

There are other diagrams of coronaviruses on the web. They all suggest the "envelope" of the virus is made mostly of fat that includes some proteins.
Other, more scholarly articles, trying to suggests that the envelope of such viruses is made more of proteins than lipids. Or even lipids and unevenly distributed protein.

"We present evidence that suggests M can adopt two conformations and that membrane curvature is regulated by one M conformer. Elongated M protein is associated with rigidity, clusters of spikes and a relatively narrow range of membrane curvature. In contrast, compact M protein is associated with flexibility and low spike density."

"CoV virions are enveloped and consist of four structural proteins (Figure 1b). The RNA genome is encapsidated by the N proteins into a helical nucleocapsid, surrounded by a lipid envelope. Two major glycoproteins, M protein, which has three transmembrane (TM) domains, and S protein, which has a single TM domain; and minor non-glycosylated E proteins with a single hydrophobic domain, are incorporated into the CoV envelope"

By looking at the section (c) of the image below, i try to imagine what is the role of M (from Membrane) and E (from envelope) proteins in the envelope of the virus. Are they tied together in a structure or just caught loose in the fat (lipid) membrane.

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

"However, a recent electron microscopy study did not detect a well-ordered rigid lattice structure in individual virions, showing instead loosely ordered M-M protein networks [101], suggesting that the lattice-like matrix structure formed by M-M interactions might be flexible and unstable, and so that the model might need some modifications."

By looking at the animated image of the bylayer above and that of the spike protein and the two diagrams from Wikipedia here comes my question. How the gigantic spikes molecule hold onto the loose layer of thin fat (after neglecting the more obvious question that is how corona viruses which are basically a round bubble of fat with RNA inside and spikes outside hold themselves together inside blood). Can't figure yet the size of this protein but is should be certainly 100 times bigger than the two layers of fat acids figured above. Each straight portion of those "ribbons" below is probably as long as half of the thickness of the membrane.

So imagine that. A nanometric blob of fat with some genetic material inside flowing in the air from a sick person nearby getting into your lungs and attacking your cell. That is if your lungs' cilia and mucus don't eliminated them in your esophagus.

But what type of cells this "viruses" "attack" or "attach to"?

«"We then analyzed a total of nearly 60,000 cells to determine whether they activated the gene for the receptor and potential cofactors, thus in principle allowing them to be infected by the coronavirus," reports Soeren Lukassen, one of the lead authors of the study now being published in The EMBO Journal. "We only found the gene transcripts for ACE2 and for the cofactor TMPRSS2 in very few cells, and only in very small numbers." Lukassen and his four co-lead authors Robert Lorenz Chua, Timo Trefzer, Nicolas C. Kahn and Marc A. Schneider discovered that certain progenitor cells in the bronchi are mainly responsible for producing the coronavirus receptors. These progenitor cells normally develop into respiratory tract cells lined with hair-like projections called cilia that sweep mucus and bacteria out of the lungs. Lukassen and his four co-lead authors Robert Lorenz Chua, Timo Trefzer, Nicolas C. Kahn and Marc A. Schneider discovered that certain progenitor cells in the bronchi are mainly responsible for producing the coronavirus receptors. These progenitor cells normally develop into respiratory tract cells lined with hair-like projections called cilia that sweep mucus and bacteria out of the lungs."»

But i bet no "virus" is going to attack you if those types of tissues wouldn't be already damaged. As i said above, most of your body's cells are protected by the strong collagen extracellular matrix through which a fat cover virus cannot possibly get through.

Pollutants, of which smoke is one of the worse factors. Smoke is a very complex compound of air born breathable substances of which the worse by far are heavy metals in ash, which can mutate bacteria creating unknown strain to your immune system, and also damage your respiratory tract lining cells.

In fact, the masks people are wearing to protect themselves from "virus" in fact protect them from the pollutants that may damage their respiratory tracts enough to make them vulnerable for infections because viruses are so small they will pass through most filters, not talking about masks.

As for the vaccine:

"The molecule the team produced – and for which they obtained a structure – represents only the extracellular portion of the spike protein, but is enough to elicit an immune response in patients."

And another question that becomes obvious after all this presentation. Can current HIV medicines be effective against coronavirus, since they are so similar?

"There are many newspaper articles citing effectiveness of anti-HIV drugs: ritonavir, lopinavir, either alone or in combination with oseltamivir, remdesivir, and chloroquine; and among these, ritonavir, remdesivir, and chloroquine showed efficacy at cellular level"

And since i put the two diagrams together to show the similarities with HIV virus, i started asking myself. How come they got flu vaccines which target the spikes ("the stems of the lollipop"), for so long and they don't have one for HIV.

"Doing that would require changing how the vaccine attacks the flu virus, which is shaped like a sphere with lollipops protruding from it. Vaccines so far have targeted the candy at the end of the lollipop, which changes every year."

The answer lies somewhere within the amount of money the drug companies get from insurance companies for a long life time supply of expensive antiviral drugs instead of a one time vaccine.

Monday, February 10, 2025

February 10

2:25 AM Sounds like my theory, with different words. The large-scale coherent effects of the spin of the particles in the virtual sea versus whirls in the frictionless AEther (probably made of electron neutrinos).
As for the two halves of the fast rotating hyperboloids. Don't know yet how they're created but i know it's got to be more than the fall of an electron to a different energy level. One idea would be one electrons pairs with a positron that comes from nucleus after an excitation. Another could be one electron exists as bigger whirl and splits in half, leaving the rest ionized.

But i know how it moves (jumps) forward and it moves fast. There are only two narrow streams of AEther at the joint, one for each half (electron/positron) that transfer fast moving AEther to the next perpendicular unrolling/rolling like reels (2x2).

As soon as one pair of whirls disappears the static pressure of the AEther takes place creating a shock wave, pushing the new one forward in the joint area creating two other whirls on a perpendicular direction, which takes angular momentum from touching the first.

12:46 PM M-am gândit pentru o secundă două, m-am luat cu alte chestii și am uitat să postez. Se putea afla ieri cât de mulți clienți au fost la supermarket-uri printr-o simplă căutare google. Acum google afișează (în dreapta, mai jos) gradul de ocupare a unui loc comercial, folosind datele GPS din telefoane.

12:55 PM Oamenii ar trebui să nu se mai chinuie să inventeze roata de atâtea ori la rând. Există anumite simboluri, obiecte de cult care poartă informații despre știința și tehnologia unor vremuri apuse. Unul dintre acestea este caduceul, un simbol asociat cu zeul Mercur care a devenit simbolul farmaciștilor dar și al comercianților. Însă dacă ne uităm atent, vedem două aripi și doi șerpi.

Șarpele prin felul în care înaintează pare să sfideze legile fizicii. Mercurul este un fluid greu. Aripile simbolizează zborul.

Eu am propus de mult un motor cu circuit închis, l-am numit relativistic. Un fluid, care ar putea fi vapori de mercur încărcați electrostatic este accelerat într-o direcție la viteze relativiste (bățul din mijloc), unde masa lor crește și returnat pe alt ciuruit la viteze axiale nerelativiste (șerpii), generând un moment net.

Asta ar elimina nevoia de a căra rezervoare de combustibil pe care să-l arunci în spațiu.

Varianta electronică.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

December 17

1:20 AM În Iași era o ierarhie de facultăți în cele două campusuri. În Copou erau facultățile mai intelectuale. Științe economice (ISE), Fizică, Matematică, Geografie Filologie, Electronică, Automatizări și Calculatoare. Mai încolo spre nord-est cred era Agronomia. Medicină era pe undeva prin centru.

Eu am stat în Tudor. Ca și în Copou, era o ierarhie. La TCM intrau cei mai buni. Urmau Mașini Unelte, Utilaje Tehnologice, Mașini Termice și Mașini Agricole. Apoi Construcții, Hidrotehnică, Chimie, Textile.

Dar în Copou? Cine voia să facă Matematică și Fizică, unde șansele cele mai multe era să ajungi profesor la țară?

Poate de aceea nu trebuie să ne mirăm când deschidem pagina de Wikipedia la Efectul Fotoelectric și citim definiția veche de 100 de ani.

Chestia nașpa era că la Politehnică, ce însuma Electronica și Automatizările din Copou cu celelalte din Iași se studia în anul I și II o grămadă de matematică, ce putea fi comparată cu materia de la facultățile de Fizică și Matematică. De fapt era grosul materiei în anii I și II. O grămadă de materie foarte grea.

Și nimeni nu se aștepta la asta. Cei care mergeau la Fizică sau Matematică aveau cât de cât o înclinație pentru asta. Dar eu care am studiat în liceu fizica cu William Shatner și filosofia cu Adrian Pintea și actoria cu toți ceilalți? Cu alte cuvinte, la sfârșitul liceului eram la un minim.

M-am uitat recent. În SUA viitorii inginerii nu studiază fizică cuantică și probabil nici matematici speciale.

Niciodată nu am înțeles pentru ce erau toate astea necesare în România. Realizările au fost minime deși fabricile și uzinele erau pline de ingineri. La IMU erau 600 de ingineri și subingineri numai la proiectare. Care nu mai încăpeau unii de alții, cu birourile unul lângă altul și abia aveai pe unde să te miști. Odată ajuns acolo uitai și materiile de specialitate, darămite fizica și matematica din anii I și II.

Materia nu emite nici un electron. Nici fotonii. În cadrul efectului fotoelectric care experimental este electrizarea unei foițe de metal expusă la lumină sau raze X un electron din orbită care primește energia unui foton este scos de pe suprafața metalului care apoi rămâne electrizat pozitiv. Dar electronul era acolo, nu a fost emis de materie. A fost scos "din materie". Deși e și el materie (adică nu e undă sau ceva).

Mă rog. Cui îi pasă. Astea sunt chestii cu care un student la Fizică sau poate încă la Politehnică se întâlnește odată în viață. Ca o tipă pe care o întâlnești odată după o discotecă care apoi fuge când te vede ziua cum ești îmbrăcat.

Cu asemenea definiții însă nu poți să-i face unui student cu ochiul sau chiar să-l ții 2 ani într-un an sperând să înțeleagă ce e greșit începând chiar de la bază și ajungând cândva în America va descoperi adevărata natură a luminii sau materiei.

(Totul a fost o acțiune (misiune pentru mileniul III) menită să-i satisfacă pe naționaliștii atrași de Ceaușescu care știau toate astea de la Coandă, care era prieten cu Tesla (la fel cum sunt și acum atrași de unii sau alții sau ceilalți), dar totul a fost făcut la mișto ca în final să poată da vina pe mine, fiindcă am fost prea prost pentru misiune. Nu cred că trebuia să mă prind vreodată).

Efectul fotoelectric stă la baza întregii mecanici cuantice. Din teoria mecanicii cuantice s-a inspirat japonezul care a inventat memoria flash din card-urile SD care își păstrează stările în lipsa unei surse de curent.

Care este o capcană de electroni care rămân acolo și după încetarea alimentării (cu curent) și care odată introdusă într-un device poate fi accesată ca o memorie RAM și care înlocuiește memoriile ROM, PROM dar mai ales vechile discuri hard ale PC-urilor.

Da știu este total descurajant pentru oricine, chiar un fost student la Electronică sau Automatizări să citească toate astea. Sunt sigur că și ei gândesc, la fel ca și mine, cândva. Suntem prea în urmă, ei sunt prea avansați ca să mai aibă rost.

Efectul invers celui fotoelectric este emiterea unui foton la căderea unui electron pe un nivel de energie inferior. (Apăsați săgeata de lângă slider ca să vedeți cum funcționează).

2:12 Când încep să scriu nici eu nu știu unde voi ajunge. Am scris fraza cu Shatner mai sus în urmă cu mai puțin de o oră înainte de a citi știrile (după nu știu, jumătate de zi). Ăștia au domle ceva de time travel, ceva ce folosesc destul de rar, doar în ultim resort. Am bănuit asta de mult și m-a inspirat în căutările mele despre piramide, lumină, etc.. Adică ei pot cel puțin afla informații din viitor.

În orice caz, devine din ce în ce mai frustrant când deschid știrile și văd că orice e strâns legat de ce postez.

9:25 There is an inconsistency between my 3D dynamic representation of the photon with desmos and the enunciation. I stated there that when the first virtual particle starts being the initiating falling electrons starts slowing down because of ceding of energy and so forth.

So i tried to adjust the representation but i ran into another problem. The whole cycle ends within half period or Pi or 180 degrees. Until i deal with the new problem, here it is.

I have the other blog for making complaints however the noises i hear are so linked to what i'm doing and i think i got a better explanation for that one right now (had it for some time in my mind).

They are doing something like let themselves guided by the Universe and all they are doing are reactions to what i'm doing. Very similar with how the photon propagates. In fact, i read somewhere that the ninja let themselves guided by the Sun.

Or it could be something like maybe all of our consciences are guided by the entangled photons that come from the Sun or maybe that is actually conscience. All our minds linked by those photons, of lower frequencies than light itself so they can bee handled by specialized circuits in our brains. So any effort of doing something new triggers reactions in others.

The so called ShinShin Shingan that could be the same thing as the third eye or the eye of consciousness of Buddha and Hindu.

And they of course don't like what i'm doing cause they think Sun is the biggest kami there is and we should not oppose it or even try to free from the entanglement.

9:45 Now that i got that of my chest i think i could fix that problem by simply dividing the ticker or the motor of the animation by two. (And who says it should be governed by a sine function since those trajectories are not straight line anyways, it is all for an intuitive representation only).

BTW desmos though is such a good an needed tool (for any student) has an unfamiliar way of saving projects and dealing with versions, believe me, i've been working with many environments in my life and i know what i'm talking about and because of that i lost versions and wasted time.

11:00 Lăsați vrăjeala cu tiktok. El nu poate fi legat de acela, au avut grijă. Și în fond nu e decât propagandă, la fel ca a altora pe site-urile oficiale sau la televiziuni.

Dar Georgescu s-a făcut deja penal prin gura lui, amenințând CCR, indiferent dacă ăia au greșit.

Au greșit nu prin decizie, ce au decis e absolut treaba lor,  pentru asta sunt plătiți, să mai și greșească, în mod legal și constituțional (ERARE HUMANUM EST), pentru asta există apeluri.

Prin faptul că au dat a doua decizie pe același subiect de judecată (NON BIS IN IDEM), la vreo 10 zile după ce inițial au validat alegerile imediat după.

Însă Iohannis îl va lăsa, îl cunoaștem, se vor lua de nimicuri, de tiktokuri și nu de chestiile esențiale deja șubrede pentru Georgescu, să ne dea o lecție. Adică dacă nu ne place de el și de ai lui pro "europeni".

Știam eu că noi nu avem niciodată noroc. După ce tocmai s-a rezolvat cu Schengen-ul, acum iată, poate ne dau ĂȘTIA iar de partea cealaltă a liniei roșii, în grija Rusiei adică. Iar Rusia are prima dată grijă de ea, după cum am mai văzut. Pentru că știm părerea lui Georgescu despre Schengen.

Apropo, și rușii și ucrainenii sunt spălați pe creier. Dacă te uiți de aproape la ei vezi că și ei sunt într-un fel de transă, fiindcă li se prezintă numai o anumită parte a realității cu repetarea la nesfârșit a aceleiași mantre adresate zeiței Kali.

1:20 PM Nu se știe dacă era ales în turul 2 cu Lasconi.

8:17 I believe this one is closer to reality. If i'm not mistaken the sign. Can't just think too deep, i am numb in my body and brain since the last run upstairs this morning.

I have chosen the first reaction's direction as similar to that of a magnetic field created by the real, not conventional flow of the current on z axis (in this case, one electron only).

Also the disturbances are more symmetric to the propagation axis and perpendicular to one another "in the middle". I added some "curvature" and axial advance, since the first virtual particle is being expelled by the positive net charge of the last level after the fall of an electron.

Vectors might not be the best way to describe a curved trajectory. I should look to see if desmos allow 3D curves and move everything in that direction.

By the end of last week i could not even hope i will do so far. But now i'm not in a hurry anymore, i'll take my time.

Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24

7:50 AM I have a hunch this sculpture represents the electron in its excited state in the middle as a cylindrical whirl and the hourglass shaped chairs around are photons. The world for table in Romanian is masa, which is also used in physics for mass (like in French mass or English mass).

I am considering the hypothesis that inside the vortex an electron is made of there is a quantum singularity or void (no AEther) where AEther can fall into and the main energy of the whirl is not created but only its spin is oriented by a Coriolis force. The energy of the whirl is created by AEther falling into that void which means the Universe is trying to heal itself from that careless disturbance.

However the whirl can be shook by thermal agitation or knocked by other particles around and thus emits photons which are smaller whirls. So yeah, i believe the photon emission can be used as a source of energy.

The analogous whirls in superfluids can't create a singularity because they're moving to slow for that.

Theoretically an isolated electron cannot emit photons. Do we see here photons emitted by electrons in motion inside the tube or by electrons hitting the glass? What do you think? Which reminds me. Could the four discs represent the KLMN shells, the djed (pillar, base) a whirl, the ank a lobe and the serpent, a photon? 

Which photon is presented as a snake, suggesting a wave. Probably where all physicist took from at the beginning of past century. 

5:25 So far o have identified the magnetic field as a stream of AEther, coming out of whirls in similar way air is coming out of cyclones, possible residual from Aether entering a singularity in the middle of a particle (whirl) moving at relatively slow speeds.

If one photon is made of two whirls in the shape of an hourglass, one negative and one positive, possibly oscillating between the two (too small to have a singularity), when entering a stream of AEther, the two will separate and start circling in that stream of AEther following mechanic fluid laws like in pair production.

Because of air and alcohol particles in cloud chamber, the two will start loosing energy and their trajectory will turn into a spiral.

What i do not understand in classical pair production is how come the positron does not disappear when in contact with the cloud components. Could it be because it's too small and too fast rotating?

Friday, October 2, 2020

Fire and Rain

This is the fire situation in western states as of today (post time). You can see fires grew back since after last rain that i managed to catch in a different blog post. (That post is done through a different method, screenshots in a slideshow, that is very time consuming. Much easier with gifs, but there is no easy way to pause them when playing in html).

Since, the jet stream moved way up north leaving an area of high pressure, high temperature, low winds and especially no rain. Time shown on the map is PDT+7.

The reason i came up with this again is frustration with the smoke. But when i looked today again on the visible and infrared satellite images i saw the situation is much worse in central California. And it looks like it's going to stay that way unless it doesn't rain. Maybe for months. And  then my frustration grew bigger. And i remember something i wrote several times in different posts and wanted to put them together once and for all.

Here is a very comprehensive explanation of what jet stream are. Rivers of high speed air way above surface winds, flowing always west to east (except for meandering).
They are mainly caused by the difference in speed of surface of Earth between equator and pole. They are important because in temperate regions they are determining the weather. Above or at higher latitudes is cold, below is hot and right under is where the precipitations generally occur (except for cyclones but those are also formed within the meanders of the jet stream).

Here is by example the current jet stream situation over Europe

And the powerful cyclone it formed.

However, i think there is a possibility to alter the direction of jet stream. Imagine you have a huge microwave antenna (similar to radar but much more powerful) pointed to the sky that can punctually heat up the ionosphere. If you heat it up let's say, left of the jet stream, it's gonna steer left, etc.. Now you also have some supercomputers with real time global weather models that can calculate where exactly you should hit it to get most of the effects all the way to thousands of miles downstream.

This of course can not be done with huge electrostatic high voltage DC fans like the Pacific Intertie. You will need something else, which needs to be located also at the most western point or entry area for jet stream in the US. Alaska.

This is the current situation of jet stream over northern US. After staying for about a week, beginning two weeks ago, on top of Oregon and California, last week it moved the way it is right now and it looks it's going to stay like this for a while which is kinda unusual because it should change direction more often. This configuration promotes unchanged weather and winds over Oregon and California at least until the end of next week when there's 50% chance of rain in forecast in northern Oregon. Unlike normal atmosphere, ionosphere is conductive. And you know what happens if you put by mistake a piece of aluminum foil in the MW. It heats up and melts.

"The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was initiated as an ionospheric research program"

"This is a high-power, high-frequency phased array radio transmitter with a set of 180 antennas, disposed in an array of 12x15 units that occupy a rectangle of about 30–40 acres [12-16 ha]."

How much power and what frequency? It can peak in GW and MHz range.

Many people don't understand what a phased array antenna is. They are used mostly for modern radars and have no moving parts.
Instead, the beam is steered electronically, by shifting phase at each element (in this 2D theoretical desmos example you can simulate shifting phase and steering the beam by moving the second slider and front propagation by moving the first). For a radar it means you can steer the beam hundreds of times a second to cover a wide cone (smaller than 180 degrees) in front of the antenna, like the electron ray in an old CRT TV. For HAARP antenna it means the beam can be steered in almost all directions above horizon, covering a radius of hundreds of miles at the ionosphere level. So you can heat precisely one point of the ionosphere in the area where jet-stream enters most of the times the American continent.
"HAARP is a target of conspiracy theorists, who claim that it is capable of "weaponizing" weather. Commentators and scientists say that advocates of this theory are uninformed, as claims made fall well outside the abilities of the facility, if not the scope of natural science."

If you think in terms of heating the air, of course, it is outside its abilities and scope. However, you don't need to heat the air to change the weather, you only need to steer the jet stream by punctually heating the ionosphere which falls well within those two categories.

"In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently shut down later in the year. After discussions between the parties, ownership of the facility and its equipment was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in August 2015."

I first wrote about the possibility of weather manipulation by steering the jet stream in November 2012.

I think besides these two described above (HAARP, Pacific Intertie) there are other ways in which you can mess with the weather, like using huge antennas (Eiffel tower, other unusually high towers with multiple purposes) to electrostatically raise or lower the ionosphere, influencing the pressure in the atmosphere and ultimately the jet stream, or my favorite, simple and elegant catching clouds antennas in areas with low and slow clouds like the one in front of GSR resort in Reno.

Here is this image you can see the "legs" of Eiffel tower sit on a foundation made of limestone.

"This cement was used for the base of the foundation piers. After, large limestone blocks were placed on top of the cement and covered by layers of cut stone."

Saturday, May 6, 2023

May 6

11:45 Want to get rid of nastiest itching skin infection with brown and red discoloration of the skin including an open wound with missing derma in a couple of days? (instead of 6 weeks in my case).

Gently wash with mild rose soap bar (Dove) to relieve the itching. Dry with a new untouched paper towel. Spread a very thin layer of vaseline over the whole red itching area and wound (sterile, 100% white petrolatum, unscented etc. coming from a tube, in jars it can become contaminated).

Cut open an Amoxicilin or Cephalexin capsule. Spread less than one half of it on the vaseline and gently rub until the white dust gets embeded in vaseline. Put a sterile pad on top and wrap in bandage like with any wound. I put on top a piece of women stockings to gently hold it together (no pressure added). Repeat two times a day or every time it's itching. Keep warm (do not expose to cold).

But it's best if you just let the skin wet after washing and sprinkle the antibiotic and rub a little to get wet and turn into a paste without vaseline though some will fall on the floor whatever.

Take some vitamins including vitamin D. Eat a bone broth soup (for collagen). Probiotics whatever.

Don't do as i did, use Neosporin. Two of the three antibiotics in Neosporin are the most comon cause of allergies that in my case were the only reason of spreading the infection from one point to ten centimeters diameter in a few days and inside the skin and arm that in the end led to me paniking and going to the ER.

Warning. The antibiotic you use will go through your skin and build in your system as administering orally though about twice as efficient because of bypassing the liver, should not exceed maximum daily dosage (could be an alternative method of administering on a healthy piece of skin similarly with patches in case of severe stomach problems).

2:41 The dreaded oil change. To most people it's just one hour wasted time at dealer or Jiffy Lube. To me is 10 or 100 times more complicated than to normal people. Like everything else.

Two days ago i bought oil from Walmart (Mobile 1, synthetic, 20000 miles guaranteed, 27 bucks). I had a filter i bought earlier on Amazon. I also went under car and checked the filter to see if it's not over tightened (i got in trouble once, had to put the oil with the old filter and had to go to Jiffy Lube to remove the filter with a special tool, i could not with the same tool i put it on. But this time it was loose. Like coming from Jiffy Lube and dripping loose. Yesterday when i checked oil level i saw there was some missing but it's hard to say cause the place is not level.

Why i don't go to Jiffy Lube anymore. They always mess it up. From cheap oil to not tightening the filter and leaving oil everywhere and of course the big show, with special guest stars as other customers and employees, though believe me i would because of what i'm experiencing here in the parking lot. Again with the money i pay for a 3000 miles conventional oil i can buy the 20000 miles synthetic with lesser need to change it soon.

Easiest job for a mechanic, especially when removing the oil with a pump through the gauge hole. A small electric pump hooked to the battery will remove the oil in about 15 minutes if everything goes well without the mess (oil goes directly in a bottle) and the need of removing the oil pan plug that needs new washer and torquing.

But i need Angela to be here to watch around cause i'm getting too nervous about people parading or almost walking over my tools. So when she came i wanted to go change oil but i realized i didn't eat anything all day (as i can remember) and was getting dizzy and i started to eat. As for Angela, never seen a more tired human being. She could barely speak, not capable of any attention or judgement (after a week of forced useless overtime (she says they do the same in ten hours was they would in 8) and Saturday starting at 4 AM, 58 hours in total).

So i grabbed something while she was getting more and more tired and sleepy. But when i opened the door i saw "the veteran" and his wife (a red headed writer from Hungary) walking to the mailboxes. Many times in the past she acted like she was scared of me and need her husband to escort her. In the past, i had an episode when he yelled at me "quit following my daughter" which again was passing dressed in night clothes (gown, pajamas) to the mail boxes. I believe they were on a justifying schedule and could not wait any more and had to come out. If i didn't eat, "they would have caught me again" in the act.

Every time i change oil he comes out looking for trouble. Passing by, yelling, etc.. Thing is. It's not the same person. Her she is. But the guy were three or four different short bald guys until now.

But then i realized the oil might have cooled (it's hard to remove when cold with the thin hose) and drove around the block one time to get it back to temperature and saw they were in a van at the end of the alley, like waiting for me to start changing oil? Then i saw they turned the van 180, and Angela wanted to get over it (keep nagging her for about a month about needing to change oil) and i started to change it. Other things happened, the pump makes a bit of noise that is audible in the alley but not inside an apartment other than mine. It was half hour of pure terror. Because i was so nervous, i made some little mistakes that delayed me.

Needless to say. I poured in almost one quart of oil more than i took out. I would assume the missing oil was dripping from the loose filter and spraying on the exhaust, explaining why so many people driving in front of me with stinking cars in the last months, waiting at intersections or seeking to pass and smoke me.

As Angela fell asleep, 4 (four) kids came in the yard and started to play and yell.

One more thing. The new Mobile 1 20000 miles looks already colored, like the used one after a couple of thousand miles.

Will i ever have the chance to buy an electric car and not having to change oil?

3:56 COVID (Corona Virus Disease, remember) is over. Long live the King!

It was called corona because of its round shape with spikes. To me it will always be a mystery how you can cut a 100 nanometer "virus" in two so you can see the cross section at the electron microscope. How about four of them.