Showing posts sorted by relevance for query gaga. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query gaga. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

10:28 Just got home and had to move the truck because Saturday i found another warning ticket saying that it will be towed Tuesday.

In this complex we only have one designated parking spot. There are a number of visitors spots, about 15% of the total that people are competing over, to park their second car. However from time to time, if the car is parked for too long on a visitor spot, they will put a warning sticker on your car. My truck was on the same visitor spot since last Thursday, when i last used it, or for two days, however it was in that spot before Thursday as i could not find. Some people don't move their vehicles from visitors spots for weeks. Some just exchange spots with others also on visitor spots.

I write this because tonight the spot next to ours, belonging upstairs was empty (it was used by other people in the last few days) because nobody lives upstairs nowadays and i parked my truck there, for a few hours, or until 4:30 Tuesday morning. I used that spot in the past when that apartment upstairs was vacated and once i was told not to use it anymore.

The alternative is to move it at the Meridian parking lot at the street until morning when i can park it here after Angela leaves, but there i had a number of problems, including a stolen wheel and catalytic. So i have no emotions free alternative tonight.

Earlier. Yesterday and today i avoided a number of ready made accidents (highest on a 24 hours period so far). They all would have been my fault of course. But maybe the most interesting was in Florence Oregon. I came out of a street onto a boulevard. There was this gray older van possibly a VW but second generation (bigger, more solid, square at corners, maybe 80s) coming from the left, at least 300 ft away.

Until i accelerated to speed limit +10 it caught up with me, must have been speeding big time, as i saw it on the mirror only ft away, though the mirror was on night mode since earlier (a long story, somebody with an RV was annoying me when in a parking lot and turned not to see him anymore). In that moment i accelerated more and narrowly escaped. Would have been my fault (going too slow, getting in front of her).

At the intersection i was waiting for green (didn't make a right turn on red or couldn't because of traffic) and it caught up with me on the other lane and looked and guess who it was. It was the artist known as Lady Gaga though i didn't recognized her at first and gave her the finger in frustration and she tried to keep her cool and smile large at me as only she could, making a gesture with her hands claiming ignorance. "What?". I was telling Angela. No cop in his right mind would arrest Lady Gaga for trying to create an accident.

The combined crimes that describe what she did including conspiracy with others to commit those would total probably life in prison. However there is a possibility she was behind the wheel of a retrofitted self driving vehicle (the gesture with her hands above the wheel).

I now remember that yesterday when i left i got behind an SUV with a vine Oregon LP saying GAGAS.Also the car was messed with since i last drove it. All electrical connections to battery and alternator were weakened and contaminated. Had to tighten the battery connectors one by one, and stopped several times, and also cleaned the alternator connector with alcohol (did it only this morning) to make it work back at 44 mpg on a highway (without having to stop, a stop and/or idling would affect that).

Two weeks ago i took a picture of the left front brakes, and though i had at least two more mm or 20k miles to go until that angled part ends but today the plates look much more thinner, like i have to replace them right away. Amazing how far the original ceramic plate went (102kmiles). However last 30k were done by me mostly on highways (outside city) when brakes are not used as much per mile. No sound from the indicator. I'll see tomorrow.

Also, for months now, any vehicle that gets behind me comes too close. When i try to stop and let them pass and restart (that cost me on mpg), others come right away and do the same as they were organized (criminals).

We made a reservation a while ago at a hotel for the week June 11-27, Angela made a vacation request at the same time, however no response yet.

This morning Angela started the phone in the bathroom at the hotel in the same that i was with the meter in my hand next to the door trying to keep away from the oven while heating water for tea and noodles (that was much more leaky than others before). But i noticed the meter was not beeping or showing anything during startup of her phone, or one meter away.

I attributed that to the fact the tower was less than a quarter of mile away and phone was on lowest emitting setting.

I decided to use it myself (her phone not mine) to modify something on the blog on the post with... cell phones radiation (remembered about the polar lipid bylayer i once wrote in a post about). However when i started it (Angela stopped it as per our new rules) the beeper went crazy (never saw readings so high from a phone before, even from 3-4 meters away), probably got connected to another more distant tower and i had to refuge in the other corner of the room still getting high readings until startup and initial protocol with tower ended and then when i tried to approach it the emission power was still too high and i just shut it down.

The hotel room was reasonably clean except for the windows. There was a thick layer of pickled smoke algae on the outside. I think it happens only in building D. I tried to clean it but could only picked some of it. There was smoke coming from fires on the beach. A number of people on the beach but only in front of our room, and they all seemed Japanese. After eating and having a few drinks i fell asleep and woke up in an hour or so very sick, probably because of nose congestion. I almost could not walk to the casino to find Angela.

Gradually got better inside the casino where there was no smoke and after breathing on my mouth for an hour or so. Went to sleep at 2:30. In the morning the exaggerated, unexplained, most likely intentional noises from 5 surrounding rooms woke me a number of times. Could not sleep between 5:30 and 7:30 because my right eye was itching badly from cleaning the windows and because i was thinking of the polar lipid bylayer of my poor cells that have been exposed for so long. Slept maybe 6 hours in about 10 fragments. After that i drove for about 220 miles.

Won a little, for the first time maybe since Easter which confirms my theory. They set the machines loose on holidays.

12:25 Gaga, Giga (Hertz). It totally makes sense.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

November 7th

7:00 I woke up about one hour ago with big pains in the areas close to where i kept the laptop last night. That is because there is no smoke in the air like in any other day. I have this digital microwave meter that i think they figured a way to beat it.

Because the digital meter works probably with samples taken at time intervals, they probably figured a way to put out microwaves from laptop's wi-fi in the intervals between sampling.

And this W11 computer has so much lag while typing it drives me nuts. And it's got wi-fi too like any device nowadays though it works on ethernet right now like the laptop but at least it is some one meter away. [fixed by deleting the google account in chrome and then re-adding it and syncing]

8:34 "Candidatura la spațiul Schengen", "aderarea României la Schengen" au devenit termeni incorecți cel puțin după 1 ianuarie 2007. Nu poți să aderi la un tratat care nu mai există separat din 1999 când Tratatul Schengen a fost inclus în Tratatul de Aderare la UE din care România face parte de la 1 ianuarie 2007.

În Tratatul de Aderare la UE din 2005, așa cum a fost semnat de negociatorii români este scris că România (și Bulgaria) intră imediat în Schengen, adică dispozițiile acquis-ului (deschiderea frontierelor) sunt obligatorii dar se aplică doar după aprobarea verificării de către Consiliu. Consiliul face verificarea și tot el o aprobă.

În SUA se spune că există o limbă (jargon) al avocaților și juriștilor pe care o înțeleg numai ei, numită legaleză. Însă un tratat care a fost supus referendumurilor în toate țările UE trebuia să respecte o logică pe înțelesul tuturor.

"Dispoziţiile acquis-ului Schengen care au fost integrate în cadrul Uniunii Europene şi actele care se întemeiază pe acestea sau care sunt conexe acestuia şi care nu sunt prevăzute la alineatul (1), deşi sunt obligatorii pentru Bulgaria şi România de la data aderării, se aplică pe teritoriul fiecăruia dintre aceste state membre numai în temeiul unei decizii adoptate de Consiliu în acest sens, după verificarea...".

Cred că această frază va rămâne în istoria tratatelor ca cea mai ciudată și contradictorie de sine.

Au fost obligatorii timp de 16 ani și Consiliul a a votat prima dată pe această problemă în decembrie trecut, luând o decizie negativă și ne-legislativă.

Acel articol 4 din Tratatul de Aderare a fost re-înnoit la Lisabona, la mai puțin de un an de la aderare, care tratat nu a adus multe noutăți în legislatura UE. România prin veto-ul său putea să blocheze acel tratat și să negocieze în intervalul dintre 1 ianuarie 2007 când a intrat în forță tratatul de aderare din 2005 și decembrie 2007 când a fost semnat Tratatul de la Lisabona sau chiar până când a fost ratificat de Parlamentul României.

Consiliul Uniunii Europene are mai multe configurații din care cel mai important e Consiliul plin sau al șefilor de state care poate hotărî în orice domeniu, și apoi cele ale miniștrilor, pe specialități.

Din acestea, două sunt mai importante. JHA (Justice and Home Affaris), JAI (Justiție și Afaceri Interne) pe românește, al miniștrilor de interne și GAC (General Affairs), al miniștrilor europeni din fiecare țară.

Este însă Coreper II (the Committee of Permanent Representatives) cel care pregătește agenda întâlnirilor JHA (JAI) adică ordinea de zi, iar la rândul lui acesta este influențat de alte instituții ca Antici. Iar agenda nu se cunoaște mai devreme de o săptămână înainte de întâlnire.

Este greșit a spune că țara care deține președinția simbolică prin rotație adică Spania are ceva de a face cu agenda (ordinea de zi) a întâlnirilor JAI.

România a avut și ea 6 luni președenția UE pe vrema premierului Dăncilă, remember, și nu a putut făcut nimic pe tema asta.

Reprezentanții permamenți ai României. Coreper II, Iulia Matei. Antici (și acceptați), Florina Sava. Ați auzit de ele?

10:15 May the space opera continue...

3:00 Do i have to explain this one too? About a week ago i went with Angela at WinCo and bought a bunch of stuff and in the end when we were about to live i saw the key machine and made an extra key and ended making two by mistake.

The reason is i waste too much time, sometimes up to 10 minutes or more to find my keys and one day i actually went for my walk without locking the door (now i cleaned a bit the place). I had an extra Elantra key since i lost it last time and they made two keys at the key shop, had another for the truck and now i have two and a half sets.

Socializing. GRIMMY, SAVORY (cultural) where two special LPN i saw today besides the two with different LPN types with KEY. Everybody in the cars on Borland St. gave me sad looks and some actually turned their  head away from me...

Does that mean... Yes she last posted yesterday a weird Barista Babe video but now that post is gone and last one is since 3 days ago. And a weird entry on X since yesterday that is still there.

3:33 The weird optical phenomenon i was talking about the other day. Something i haven't seen before. In fact i haven't seen before lots of things. Light coming at a certain angle from sky or reflecting from windows on the asphalt appear white from one angle and purple from another one. I know it has to do with polarized light but never knew the human eye or camera can catch that.

4:30 Dilemmas. I know i am not supposed to eat with blinds open. Nobody came but in the end after i ate the cheesecake and came at the laptop i saw the thin guy or girl with a big black curly dog and a small one and that was enough to make me sick. I saw him picking but now where the smell comes from? Maybe he didn't pick it all, maybe from somewhere else.

7:52 Nevermind. She was busy getting busy on manyvids.

11:23 The young one, is she cute Lady Gaga Germanotta?

11:40 Hamass. O cascadă mortală. Right or wrong, they have to keep up with my keywords.

11:53 Now she eyes me... BTW i made delicious brisket...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Adding Images to Getty ... Has Been Disabled"

There are years since i was trying the first time to sell images to Getty, Fotolia, Shuterstock, etc. Now i realize why dr.Negru and others on flickr told me years ago i should try and sell my pictures there. (So i signed up with them so they can send me emails.) For most of them the sign-up process and the account is the same for buying or selling. So they can say i'm buying my pictures from them. Cause they never bought any pictures from me. (There are a couple of reasons: I don't need them and i don't have money).

Today i finally got an email from Getty after years since i've signed up with flickr asking me to complete a survey to tell them about the types of cameras i use.

It's none of your business Mr.Getty or Klein or whoever how i use my cameras and how i do get this type of quality i haven't seen yet in any of the pictures watermarked Getty in the news media. And it wouldn't be for a long time. It took me some 20 years (since i got my first SLR) to figure it out. It's gone be a while until the camera manufacturers themselves will understand these things and then be taught in photography schools. (or maybe they know and apply them only to high end models).

And if i had a more expensive camera than the one i use i would do even better.

However i respect this camera. It's got a large CCD sensor, larger than any in its class. Stability control on sensor. It is heavy. All of the moving parts are controlled mechanically and probably counter-ballanced. It has a mirror and a second sensor. The lens although cheap, designed by Minolta, favor colors. High precision, though cheap, cast lens.

It is true most of the times when i take pictures there are many photographers on the site.

But i will not complete the survey as a photographer's exam.

The game your are playing is a media one. It involves convincing a majority i am posing as a photographer. So was Lady Gaga and so many others. Real photographers know but they also can be bought.

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From: via <>
Date: Wed, May 8, 2013 at 2:21 PM
Subject: Getty Images Contributors Camera Survey


As we mentioned in our Contributor Community Headlines newsletter last week, we have a surprising number of clients who ask us what camera brand a photo was taken with, or to do searches for them based on the brand, because they are doing an ad or other project for a particular manufacturer.

To help facilitate those searches and hopefully generate more sales for you, we’re asking you to take a short survey about the camera(s) you use when creating images you send to us. We’ll use the results internally for reference, and may also occasionally share them with a client who is doing their own searching.

Of course this survey is entirely voluntary.  Please note that we will be asking for your name and photo credit so we can use the results to help find your images when they fit the client’s needs, giving you a better shot at possible additional sales. Thanks for your help!

Getty Images Contributor Relations

Here is a link to the survey:

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Thanks for your participation!

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Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 24

3:03 It is 89 degrees when i finished my walk. Never ending stories. The first thing i noticed when i opened the door where the traces left on the still uncured seal coating. Somebody with a big off road tires 4x4 came sometimes last night and did this.

Could have been the guy with the off road white Toyota with snorkel with LPN unreadable under the windshield that just left when i came. I think they were figuring two infinity signs.

3:07 My truck has smooth tires and is 2x4. It did not leave any traces where i parked this morning when i had to move it from the area they sealed today. The spot is trapezoidal, that is the reason it appears unaligned.

I came the other way as shown the 4x4 came in the picture above and never reached my spot, somebody miraculously moved and made a free spot before i got here. The spot on the right with the traces left intentionally visible (in a "spot crisis" when half of the complex is being sealed) i new in that moment it was a trick, like anything else.

There is painting flaking from my truck from a paint job done at Modern Auto more than 15 years ago. I hit a pole in hospital parking lot with the right rear fender when i drove there, sick. Hood was bent from pushing on it so many times. Left door from stealing my stereo. They knew they were going to let me park there and left some white paint on the new coating.

3:14 They did something similar when the painted the doors and the siding a few years ago. They intentionally left brown spots on the door, as they were working with trainees.

3:22 I got so mad i took the other way, or through the freshly sealed area. Most of it was dry but i ran into a wet area, and because of being so distracted i just thought it was wet with water or something on. Slipped but did not fall.

3:23 During my walk i was thinking. You cannot identifiy a body that is otherwise unrecognizable by a missing finger

I would say the whole story, with the fall of the plane, Putin's reaction, was invented to cover my post, but people would say again i'm on drugs. I was wrong again, don't see the reason for the cover. Unless that person is also involved in the same type of activity on tiktok or other sites, like many others. Even in Romania ex athletes became involved with porn and prostitution.

On the other hand, i would say the level of stress and distraction i'm under is equivalent to being on drugs, but i have my moments of lucidity, especially when i take pictures and write while everybody don't know what to believe (please pardon the Japanese accent).

Easiest explanation. "He's high on drugs" and rest are coincidences or ChatGPT which is a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence to explain to the naive what i'm writing.

Wagner of course stands for all the music videos i post. I know many people post online recipes and stuff, i fell into this fashion and posted some, but not all are in the situation i'm in and i only posted realistic recipes for people who don't now how to cook and that is the majority.

They started the never ending unprecedented Trump scandal (to cover Truman Show).

3:38 It's not only the temperature, it's the circulation of air. Temperature was 76 degrees and i was perspiring from head to toes. So i started the AC that circulates air like a fan.

More Kafka. Got Medicare and everybody knows, the only state insurance in the US, payed by payroll deductions comes without covering dental and prescriptions and others. There are other plans known Medicare Advantage that probably suck the money that otherwise would suffice for drugs and prescription from Medicare, and give those, for free.

Trick is you have to know and to enroll. If you don't enroll soon enough, you will have to pay later a lifetime monthly penalty to Medicare for... not having prescriptions covered.

So i got into one of those called Humana Plus Gold Diabetes bla bla hoping to get some insulin and they assigned me a doctor named... Nicholas Sweet. However he is not a doctor but a physician assistant and he says he did not a contract with Humana in more than a year. All doctors avoid Medicare and Medicare based plans because they slash bills to maybe a third or a quarter.

Trouble is i have to find an "in network" doctor to prove i got diabetes first (GNU). I used to go a  lot to doctors when i had insurance through Angela's work but stopped doing so when i ran into Lady Gaga and her stethoscope in 2011. And of course when i went to the ER with flesh eating bacteria that was never diagnosed right.

Got an appointment tomorrow with the only doctor i could find available in the area after many calls, his name is Michael Jaczko (Billy Jean) also ko or co suffix indicates Ukrainian origin like escu Romanian, ski Polish, etc..

The clinic is under a cell phone tower with (at times) high levels of radiation. Last and only time when i went for the paperwork i forgot to take my meter and got a dose that caused me 48 hours of pains.

3:56 It is incredible how few videos and other credible news come to us from Ukraine. Some would say is for protection of troupes and/or population. Being in Crimea, they put the video. But every time when i was complaining of lack of credible news from the war they started to shell cities at the border with Romania. And then they told us not to post videos or pictures of those for safety of Ukrainians.

7:30 9.3 Indian Ocean Earthquake Or Indonesia Earthquake of 2004 generated waves up to 51 meters high while 9.1 Japan Earthquake of 2011 only 40 meters. However that not explain how the tsunami generated by Indonesian Earthquake reached Somalia across the ocean at heights of 9.4 meters and the tsunami generated by the Japanese earthquake didn't.

7:50 That is also very interesting.

8:00 Was nauseated all day long. Went and picked and threw in the garbage a couple of dog piles from the other end of the building. Just by smelling those from close, an hour later i got belly pains.

8:55 Media Recycling Center.

9:20 Never knew!

Ok so furniture came on July 22, this was recorded on 28 (warning, some offending language) but i'm sure there are other versions recorded in the past. It was a few days after they started to walk and stump. If this is addressed to me, it breaks several local laws. Also, everybody knows, Pikachu and al Pokemons were characters invented in Japan.

Designed in Japan, for American use (like cars) cause Pikachu in English means pick at you, wich means a character based on a kami that may be malevolent depending. Shinto religion does not have a clearly defined concept of good or bad.

11:30 It rains! (Very rare in Oregon in August). Very local, just a cell above I5. Don't know if it's bad or good for the asphalt seal coat or will delay curing. Hope it's going to help with the asphalt smell. Curiously enough, the rain is following the (low pressure) on top of freways. Just another example on how human activity may influence weather. Could THEY have done this to "cancel" the animations above?
No cause i saw the storm coming on satellite animation (got it on my start pages of my browser) before i posted those.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Providence Scholls

On December 29 2011 i spoke on the phone with Julian Mart, in Seattle. At the time, i thought he fixed his immigration status, but recently i found out he is on a Pulitzer type of visa.

That day i was feeling ill, some trouble breathing, some anxiety attack. He mentioned on the phone he is on another line with "the doctor" and put a heavy accent on that word. I attributed that to his foster care business at his home where he takes care of elderly people.

Later in the evening the symptoms got worse and i decided to go to Providence Scholls. I went and checked in and went to buy some potassium gluconate supplements at the nearby Walgreen's. I think i had in and out atrial fibrillation due to lack of potassium. I noticed there was a black limo in the parking lot and a guy in the waiting room dressed in some sort of unusual, shining leather jacket that seemed young, restless and full of life and not the sick type you usually find in those places throwing at me some sort of arrogant looks and smiles.

When i opened the bottle with the potassium gluconate i just bought, a woman came and called me. She took me to an area where an assistant took my vitals signs. I noticed she was not looking at me while talking, just at the blood pressure and oxygen level monitors, and she asked me again if i really wanted to check in. In a way she seemed familiar to me. Very young, darker skin with some sort of heavy make-up. Later i thought she was looking a lot like Niki Minaj.

So i went in, undressed, put on a gown and the doctor showed up. She introduced herself as dr.Bertani, Emilly. She seemed very young, maybe too young to be a doctor, like in her late 20s. She was kinda hardly trying not to laugh, smiling all the time. She went straight to the computer, asked the usual questions and put the data in. I asked her if she knew dr.Weeks, the doctor i last saw in that clinic, a year before. She said she was there for a very short time, she doesn't know all the doctors. (Please click again on the Providence Scholls link above. You will see the doctors that are working right now in that clinic. Do you think if she was a new doctor in there she wouldn't know them all?).

Among other things that happened in there, one thing caught my attention, although i was feeling really sick and distracted by my symptoms. When she used her stethoscope, she was barely touching me with it, not talking about holding it and listening to anything. My wife is a medical assistant, we have several stethoscopes at home and i learned to used them, including manually checking blood pressure and listening and comparing heart's sounds with those found on several sites on internet. In fact, i remember i told her that i have stethoscopes at home but i don't like to listen to my own heart because i freak out or something like that and she laughed nervously.

Then in the end i used the word breath referring to me breathing hardly and hyperventilating and i think she intentionally mistook the word for breasts and took a sort of embarrassed pose. However, in the end she told me compassionately that i should take care of what she refereed to as "chronic problems". Probably with references to my alleged psychiatric problems in the past.

I went home. About an hour later, i realized she might not have a doctor after all. In fact, she looked a lot like the celebrity known as Lady Gaga.

When i realized that, i decided to go to the ER at Providence St.Vincent hospital. I didn't know at the time what was happening to me and i though maybe it was better so. But driving i thought i was getting better and i was undecided. When at the last stop sign before the hospital, still undecided, some guy driving behind me flashed me with his high beam and i don't know why, that was the final push towards the decision not to go. So i turned back home.

For the last few days i head an ongoing conversation with the Oregon Board of Medicine Licensing. I am intrigued by the fact that they do not have doctors' photographs on their Verification of Licensure page. In Oregon, there have been at least one notorious case of a doctor working without license, dr.Patil. As a coincidence, my wife's ex-oncologist name is Patil.

A few days after i went to Providence Scholls and took a picture at the board at the entrance with the list of doctors. No dr. Bertani in there. I think there was no dr.Bertani working for Providence Scholls, ever.

Friday, October 4, 2024

October 4th

1:06 AM I did not know Sputnik means spouse or fellow traveler in Russian but i bet is not used in every day Russian in this way. It is most likely an artificial linguistic construction that nowadays is synonym with satellite. I did not know it had as root the word put which in Russian means path. Sanskrit pathika पथिक, the millennia old Indo-European connection.

With all these said i have to add it is almost an anagram of Putin. And nowadays it is used to name one of their main mews agencies and radio station.

On the other hand, in English we have the very common word spite, which means... The other word that sounds similarly in English is spit, with past tense spat.

I doubt those who choose it did not know the meaning in English. But not the regular Russians who never knew this until now... A very unhappy choice at least which means subconsciously antagonizing the Russians again and again and again... One more reason for the decades long cold war.

Another unhappy linguistic construction that i come across every day (through the license plates i see) is KGB, which in English pronounces cage be. GRU - gross, FSB - frostbite, etc..

1:50 Talking about linguistics. The origin of name Gaga. One of the reasons i don't go to see doctors anymore. And who is behind her.

2:30 More semantics? Iron dome or Iran doom?

8:18 Seen on MSN (Microsoft Network) as a paid ad. I saw many ads in my life but nothing like this. Who's paying for this? What's next? Alien sex?

10:10 Are those lotus motifs? Is that a swastika?

Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24

5:40 Woke up after about 5 hours of sleep with pain in my abdominal area. Angela says it's because Cephalixin. I remember i felt the most intense heat in that area after the nurse flushed the catheter. Upper abdominal, stomach, duodenum, intestine, peritoneum. I've been suffering for stomach pain a large part of my life, between 35 and 45, but this pain is nothing like that. Not as intensity but if felt "evil". Infection like.

I took half Amoxi and again started to feel the heat in arms, face, under arms and that area. I put a whole Amoxi capsule on my hand and some tape on top, improvising a patch. I know it works, i've done it in the past, it was the trick i was keeping as last resort. It actually works better then ingested, cause it bypasses the liver.

6:06 i remember that cloud was first showing in west direction when i left Indian Head and was in the shape of an Opel logo though with much longer arms, covering the sky. One of the most common patterns for committing seppuku.

6:40 Also feel like choking. Went outside and found this under the deck. Light is very low, picture is a bit moved. Hard to concentrate to take a better picture and now i stepped upon it.

6:58 The nightmare goes on. Why she looks so much like the Empress? Though there are differences, mainly at the chin. Why today.

10:51 Found by chance a better match for yesterday's nurse.

2:50 And Saturday they used the 3 inches round speaker in the COVID plastic shield at reception and a couple of pieces of tape as a T under to figure an Ankh. Which reminded me.

8:48 Never knew Providence has changed their logo from Catholic Cross to Nazi until i saw my discharge papers.

I knew "Portland flag" which is based on Nordic flags has a swastika in the middle.

No i'm not searching for these. They stuck em in my face.

8:52 BTW. I was hesitant to say it but here's the facts. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is an "ethnic German" from a tiny German minority that has been isolated from mainland in Romania for at least 600 years. I'm pretty sure he synchronized his visit to South America, mainly Brazil, with my crisis so he can take the credit if anything happens to me. It happened many times with others in the past, it looks like even trying "to fix the problem" it was beneficial for their image.

Last piece of the show is i called today as instructed in ER dermatology and there could be surprises in there, like my white blood cell count going up, after the IV injection the nurse gave me at the ER. I was mostly interested in the Cephalo thing that seems to work for my skin infection. Right now i got my hands very cold which means heart is not very happy. How could not be, there has been mold and smoke coming out those holes that i keep pressing all day.

I could finally enter the myChart page at Providence and found all the notes and literature derived from my visit. Though i was admitted with high blood pressure (when i showed them my hand after 4 hours of waiting and they thought i was about to leave), there was no EKG or even listening to the heart. At the urgent care in Sherwood a nurse mimicked listening to my heart by briefly touching my chest with the stethoscope a couple of times, like Lady Gaga once playing doctor with me in Schools Ferry. I know it takes at least one minute to listen to someone's heart. That episode cured me from going to the doctors anymore. Except in 2015 when i realized i might have diabetes.

I didn't say anything because i was too worried about my skin problem.

Though the doctor in ER told me a couple of times this is most likely from a brown recluse spider, there is nothing in the papirus work about it.

10:45 Did i say the Cephalopods smelled bad? There is a poop outside right now, was all day, that smells worse even from inside, giving me nausea. Went and try to find it but they released a large amount of laundry perfume from wind's direction so i can't find it by smell.

I went the second time and someone brought a car's tire by the brand Well. Wishing well wheel i guess.

11:41 No it was from the old water heater pan, that is still contaminated after treating it with oven cleaner. I poured some vinegar in it a while ago but it dried out and when i dried laundry and the whole closet heated up.