Showing posts sorted by relevance for query penguin. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query penguin. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

On the Origin of Huns

Alt History. Altaic shaman drums vs ancient Australian cave paintings. Mongol, Magar, Noongar, ninja is the same root. Corroboree.

Why the didgeridoo?

12:00 Kali (kylie) protruding tongue. Elvis was one of them. Gorbatchev had on his forehead a map of Italy that stopped at Rome.

The reason Attila "spared" Rome was because they knew they were too few. They settled for Pannonia.

But how could so few defeat the mighty Romans?

Unconventional warfare. Psychological, possibly writing or financing the Book of Revelation, which was written in "barbarian style".

Boomerangs can be converted in carrying incapacitating smoke over enemy troops or prey (or maybe that was the original usage). Throwing bodies of people who died of highly contagious diseases in enemy's camp. Lighting fires containing hallucinogenic plants from wind's direction etc..

How come we didn't know any of these? Later after XII century, when the Buddhist Magars of Nepal, of the same origin (nowadays Magyars) have already joined the party, they infiltrated and started to control the Catholic Church and removed any relevant information from the archives, including anything concerning Dacia, etc..

Two pieces of information remained in people's common knowledge. Attila called himself the "The Scourge of God". A man throwing a boomerang may indeed look like he's handling a whip.

The verb inganare in late or vulgar Latin which means deceiving. With the Romanian version which means "mocking by imitating or doubling". Something they do to me on daily basis. Everything i write gets doubled with selected or fake news. The whole war in Ukraine may be an allegory.

But let us not forget that Elvis in a different version of the song clearly points at Orion.

In this early painting Attila is shown with a curved sword, like Kali, that resembles a boomerang and a crown that resembles a...

In this one he has a penguin on his shield. Penguins live only in Southern hemisphere including Australia. The shield is at an angle, the bird stands or walks and its image got corrupted after a few centuries when no Hungarian saw a penguin, when this painting was done.

They know where they come from. The ruling class of Europe used to dress themselves as penguins and with sticks and high hats figuring hairdos like during corroborees.
You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as unum.

Friday, December 2, 2022

December 2nd

2:24 Momenteel is er in deze zaal geen openbare vergadering.

2:47 Repede o față buboasă cu ten veșted de canibal care a mâncat o studentă olandeză.

4:04 Big exhaust noise started at 4 AM. Somebody came and forgot to stop the engine.

4:49 Freezing outside, went and started Angela's car a couple of minutes early, but can't hear it from inside.

5:15 Sampling news in contretemps. Penguin on Attila's shield and the polar dino.

Dinescu nu mai poate scrie decât cuvinte perplexe care sună din coadă, condimentate cu aluzii.

Nici măcar speranța unui zâmbet, ce hohote cum găseam pe vremuri.

9:55 În vara lui 2004 veneam după cum am spus de undeva din Europa și aveam bilet la vagonul de dormit pe tot traseul. În Viena m-am dat jos, am mers la un restaurant sau patiserie de lângă gară, era acolo o echipă de la o televiziune, filmau ceva, am încercat să nu intru în cadru.

M-am urcat în trenul care scria pe bilet, care nu avea vagoane de dormit, nici măcar vagoane din alea cu compartimente de 6 sau 8 locuri ci vagoane comune. A venit un controlor sau vameș îmbrăcat în uniformă și mi-a scos meticulos, cu încetinitorul, fiecare obiect de îmbrăcăminte din valiză (care erau spălate dar cam boțite) și le-a pus lângă și părea că a făcut-o doar ca să mă enerveze, nu părea că se uită după ceva anume. Nici nu știu dacă mi-a cerut pașaportul sau biletul. Faza a durat vreo zece minute după care a plecat. Am încercat să nu spun nici un cuvânt, fiindcă nu aveam chef să mă dea jos din tren și să mai întârzii.

În 93 veneam din Italia, dar viza de Austria îmi era expirată. La graniță a venit controlorul direct și numai la mine, eram singur în compartiment, deci știa de undeva, m-a dat jos din tren și mi-a spus să mă întorc la Trieste și să merg prin Iugoslavia. Norocul meu a fost că mai aveam bani exact pentru bilet din Trieste.

10:11 Eu nu înțeleg ceva la faza asta. Cum poate un om fără pregătire medicală să-și injecteze ceva în venă. Cum găsești vena. Eu nu aș putea. Cei care folosesc de exemplu heroină intravenos probabil învață de la alții. Dar dacă o faci o singură dată, de unde știa? A și o chestie. Putea să-și injecteze de exemplu alcool 95% sau cât se mai vinde in România, spirt medicinal ceva, 20 ml pentru 4 la mie, intra imediat în comă și murea liniștit. Chiar de ce nu folosesc ăștia pentru așa zisa injecție letală în SUA, am auzit că unii s-au chinuit ore în șir cu substanțele folosite acum. Invenția cu benzina, poate o aluzie la consumul de 4.5 la sută pe care l-am înregistrat pe 40 km de șosea acum o săptămână, după ultimele modificări la contactele electrice de la baterie și schimbat uleiul. Și de ce pare uleiul ăsta care l-am pus săptămâna trecută mai subțire decât cel de același tip pe care l-am pus în vară? Mobil 1 advanced synthetic 5W20.

11:02 Ok s-ar părea că toate aceste chestii cu Parlamentul Suediei, cu Parlamentul Olandei care a aprobat, trebuie să aprobe viitorul vot al celor doi miniștri din Consiliul de pe 8 decembrie sunt invenții media, cu participarea politicienilor noștri.

După ce m-am uitat la lista voturilor recente în parlamentul Suediei și și cele programate ale Olandei, am văzut că nu există, nu au existat asemenea voturi, inclusiv votul privind acceptarea României în Schengen. Dacă ar fi, parlamentele țărilor ar trebui să voteze încă o dată toate legile (rezoluții le spun ei) votate de Parlamentul UE.

Bineînțeles că nimic nu-i împiedică pe miniștrii respectivi să ceară aprobarea parlamentară, în chestiuni de interes major dar cum să o facă? Sub formă de proiect de lege? Lege națională peste lege UE? Din ce știu eu, parlamentele asta fac. Votează legi. Hotărârile sunt pe chestiuni organizatorice, etc.. Dar asta pur și simplu nu s-a întâmplat.

Știm însă rezultatul votului din 18 octombrie, unde au votat împotrivă 49 de europarlamentari, cu 547 pentru și 43 de abțineri:

Au votat împotrivă 4 (13,7%) din totalul de 29 europarlamentari din Olanda și 3 (15%) din totalul de 19 europarlamentari din Austria. Aceste numere nu pot reflecta o majoritate în parlamentele iar structura parlamentelor (proporția de parlamentari din fiecare partid) dintr-o țară este similară cu structura grupului fiecărei țări în Parlamentul European. Deci miniștrii din cele două țări nu trebuiau să se îngrijoreze dacă votau pozitiv aderarea României la Schengen și nu aveau nevoie de aprobarea parlamentelor și nici nu au cerut-o vreodată. Totul e în media și deci în mintea dvs..

Erau întrebări în media, că de ce nu s-a știut până acum de aceste opoziții la nivel de miniștri din țările respective, care încă o dată nu reflectă voința și majoritatea parlamentară și motivul este destul de evident, ca să nu aibă românii timp să se lămurească înaintea votului și să accepte încă o dată umilirea.

A și ultima mârlănie a lui "Aurescu" se potrivește bine cu găselnița lui Iohannis de a-și salva poziția. După 8 guverne, nu mai putea, a venit cu chestia asta, guvernarea prin rotație prin care și-a mai tras două guverne, care ne dă stabilitate politică, trebuie doar să așteptăm liniștiți până la termen pentru a veni rândul PSD-ului, chestia ar putea fi folosită pe viitor foarte bine pentru a ne scuti de stresul alegerilor.

11:43 One of the reasons i was keeping the phone next to me all the time is upstairs was stopping when i started recording. It came back today after an absence of a month or so (with the car here) and started doing the same thing as before. I started the phone (though at 2 meters away) and then i was craving a drink and went at Fred Meyer to buy some wine (all liquor stores are closed at this hour). Caught all light stops, when i got there they were 2 guys at the door who told me the store is closing in three minutes. Because when i checked i was the last customer i was in a hurry and could not figure how to enter Angela's phone linked to her savings card and paid almost double for everything, a loss of more than 10 dollars. But most important, i forgot to close the phone when i left and now i got pains in the right side, or where i keep the phone, but not only. Half more hour of exposure, with then times the alarm now set at 4, with peaks of up to 1000.

12:29 Mă gândeam. Au avut dreptate suedezii când au spus că nu suntem gata pentru Schengen (am observat de mult, toți care îmi dau sfaturi pe față sunt justificați).

Nu am știut de afluxul masiv de imigranți în Europa prin Serbia și Ungaria sau am știut vag dar am uitat (sute de mii poate până la un milion pe an, o sută de mii în Austria, 230 în Germania nu mai știu în ce an, 2014 parcă, de care am aflat, câți or mai fi în celelalte țări).

Nu am știut despre cum se votează o lege în Uniunea Europeană și că de fapt se numește rezoluție și că e nevoie de o astfel de lege pentru a primi încă o țară în Schengen, dacă are sau nu nevoie de aprobare (ratificare) în parlamentele țărilor, după. Deci nu înțelegem cu funcționează UE, în care suntem membru din 2007.

Nu înțelegem felul în care proprii noștri politicieni ne duc cu preșul și că de fapt nu sunt ai noștri.

12:47 I love teriyaki. Before last time i went to Ilani (when we had smashed burgers with "truffles"), we had some food coupons on her card and bought some at Chef Jett who seems to be Chinese by name. But his teriyaki is special, cause it has delicious green beans as side. Tonight when i went at Fred Meyer (Kroeger) (yes with my phone on) and i grabbed a broccoli flower and i saw next to it the kind of fresh green beans i eat there so i grabbed as many as i could in a bag. They were a little stained by cold from fridge, but when i cooked  them the stains disappeared.

Cause i could not wait and cooked some, by a recipe i found online. I had most ingredients but i started by steaming the beans like 10 minutes, before throwing them on the sauce in the pan (obviously don't have a wok and even if i did, my stove is electric). Then i cooked them... al dente. They came out better than i ate at Chef Jett, because those were cooked unevenly. Still eating them with some smoked honey ham we bought on a coupon at Thanksgiving that in the meantime had more time to cure and is much better, it was too fresh back then.

1:11 Multiple simbolisme în aceste scrisori, care vin după o asemănare destul de dramatică, în principal faptul că pachetele (din articol nu se înțelege dacă acestea au fost scrisorile, sau poza este o ilustrare, auzeam despre mici cantități de explozibil și metal). Pachețele din poze sunt de mărimea unor telefoane celulare, astăzi am folosit niște bandă adezivă din aia gri ca să postez temporar noul cablu de ethernet care apropo, funcționează și viteza e mai bună decât la wi-fi (în schimb am uitat telefonul pornit când am fost la supermarket l-am pus în buzunar pentru 30 minute și m-am expus la valori mult mai mari decât de la acel PC) ceea ce o simt deja.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

October 19

2:52 Vladimir Solovyov

Ăștia sunt aceiași care au pornit primul și al doilea război mondial, amândouă realizate înnebunind lumea cu pseudo-filosofii și cu ajutorul radio-ului și cinematografului, proaspăt inventate (aduse pe lume din cutia Pandorei pentru acest scop și pentru nimic altceva).

Ei dețin controlul tuturor statelor, vor mai face pandemii și războaie pentru ca lumea să uite cine sunt ei așa cum s-a întâmplat după primul și al doilea dar nu vor renunța niciodată pentru că au de îndeplinit sarcina trasată de Buda, de a da foc planetei iar pentru asta au nevoie de o populație cât mai numeroasă și cât mai ignorantă.

Pe măsură ce lumea își dă seama de ce se întâmplă, ei apasă pedala de accelerație a războiului.

Many have been said about the meaning of La Peste by Albert Camus. I see on the covers penguins and raised hands and goggles and a rat that looks like a kangaroo (and one like a dog, one with a "hand" in the air, ninja, etc..) and i think it tries to message us about the true meaning of past wars and our future.

Oran could stand for Orange but also OTAN (NATO in French) or even Oregon.

Oran is near the desert, with much dust in the air that at times is blown over Europe, creating all kinda respiratory problems.

Again Penguin. Got to re-read the book.

The bottom center image of this collage looks like three dancing penguins made of rats, an intended optical illusion maybe or subliminal. Message in a bottle?

3:02 Ran into something important. If the humidity inside is over 70% then the HEPA filters efficiency increases to 99.99% and there is almost no perceivable smoke inside. Can raise humidity simply by boiling water on the stove, with a humidifier, cooking with a steamer or running the shower with bathroom open door but will need a sensor to verify. A 20 dollars weather station from Amazon would do it.

9:00 Vi se părea Sorescu misogin? Luați una de la Eminescu aici. În mod curios (ironic cum ar zice americanii) poeziile se potrivesc la toată faza asta și altele ca ea din blogul meu de asemănări, partea feminină.

Ce iluzii! Nu-nțelegi tu, din a ei căutătură,
Că deprindere, grimasă este zâmbetul pe gură,
Că întreaga-i frumusețe e în lume de prisos,
Și că sufletul ți-l pierde fără de nici un folos?

(ca și cum ai ți-ai putea pierde cumva sufletul și cu vreun folos, vezi Faust)

9:45 All Portland area, chocking in smoke. Prediction for tomorrow is good though. 40 hours till first rain since June. I think i can already see a storm on IR satelite creeping from the west.

9:55 Sufletul tău merge cu lemne... Au scos o glumă și pe partea de electricitate, nu vreau s-o mai adaug aici.

9:57 Da bine și timpul cât a stat decongelat sau la temperaturi ambientale (mai ales vara). Eu am spus de mult, ambalajele pentru carne ar trebui să aibă niște martori, ceva un punct care își schimbă culoarea când au fost decongelate, ca bateriile de telefoane care au ajuns prin apă. Iar ambalajele pentru mâncare congelată să aibă niște mici fluiere de plastic pe care să le umpli cu apă calculate să fluiere în momentul când mâncarea este gata, independent de puterea cuptorului sau timp. Însă e bine de știut. Carnea  congelată, începe să-și schimbe culoarea, cam la o lună de stat în congelator, din roșie devine maro și prinde gust "de frigider". Chestia e așa. Dacă nu ai încredere în restaurant, patron, autoritățile care verifică, du-te în altă parte.

Poate ar fi timpul ca restaurantele să gătească la vedere, având un culoar unde clienții pot să viziteze bucătăria. Cum era pe vremuri la cantinele studențești sau la Costinești. Nu că le păsa sau ceaiul nu mirosea a mâncare de la aceleași oale uriașe. Când vedeai carcase întregi de oaie cu ceva urme de carne atârnând pe oase plimbându-se pe acolo și întorceai privirea în altă parte LOL. Îmi amintesc faza când noi o gașcă de blatiști de la ultimul etaj din T17 (acolo unde nici vulturul nu cuteza) am furat de la babe care nu vroiau să ne dea mâncare o oală cu vreo 30 kg de fasole, am dus-o la o masă și am mâncat împărătește.

11:05 Apropo de cooli-n'are. (Spanacul are fier, deci previne anemia?). Am citit iar în media românească (nu pot să spun presă, presă vine de la presa de tipărit pe hârtie de pe vremuri) despre cât de rău este să mănânci castraveți cu roșii, un fel atât de iubit de români, știri care apar de obicei în sezon. Alte dăți, să nu mănânci supă fierbinte că îți arde esofagul, iar cât despre pește... (Suspectă suspectă dar nu au nici teste nici antitoxină (au totuși), totul depinde de doctor care nu poate face analize pe loc, dacă se prinde, eu zic post 48 de ore cu ceva hrană intravenoasă, poate oxigen sau intubare). Da, e vorba de aceeași toxină care se injectează pentru a paraliza unii mușchi faciali, pentru o perioadă de câteva luni.

Am verificat deci cu google și se confirmă, castravetele are o enzimă care distruge vitamina C. Dar am avut inspirația zilele trecute să mai dau o căutare, tot pe google, de unde am aflat că și castravetele este... o sursă de vitamina C. 3 grame de proteină?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

On a Planet Long Time Ago

They say indigenous Australian are the oldest population on Earth. It puzzles me a bit as i am a little drunk right now. If they came out of Africa it means they can't be older than Africans, right?

Separated, yes. A separated population that survived a few ice ages on that continent. How many in 70k years? I once stated that ice ages might be alternating north south and right now we're right in the middle of a cycle.

Could, a very special position on Earth's geography allow the passage through ice ages in better conditions than the rest. Allowing preserving the common knowledge known as culture. Giving them a smaller advantage over the others. Could it be the place from where it sprung the very civilization we know of today.

That instrument, can't pronounce its name. Didgeridoo. They say humans became humans the moment they started using tools. There are other species that use tools. Crows use tools and they have a tiny brain. Eucalyptus trees and termites. That's what made the hollow tubes that one of them one day started to blow into and discovered a different type of tool. That can be used to communicate over long distances. That can possibly influence others by the weird means of seismic communication. "There are sacred and even secret versions of the didgeridoo in Aboriginal communities in parts of Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, and the surrounding areas. These sorts of instruments have specific names and functions and some of these are played like typical didgeridoos, whereas others are not. Due to their secluded nature, little is known about them."It is said the name it's not aboriginal. However i found a place, Mornington Island where at least one tribe called it Djibolu. In another place, ebroo.

First thing that came to mind was.
A much more recent migration, back to Africa of a tribe that knew how to sail and a lot more? After eventualy they figured that a big more advanced "didgeridoo" can do more than acoustically communicate at a distance?
Today for the first time i realized the frequency of a leaf blower is  55 Hz. There are 11 million leaf blowers in the US. I was listening today the landscape guys and compared the sound with a tone generator. 54 to 56, precisely. Corresponding to A1 note in music. I always thought they have a throttle somewhere handy in each case the RPM thus the stroke frequency of that motor will vary a lot. But no, it's around 55 Hz.

That of a didgeridoo is 60 on most. AC grid frequency is 60 Hz in US and 50 in Europe.
So apparently in the case of didgeridoo, precise size matters. The only way they could have done it by the time they didn't use any measuring tools was by sound. Tuning. But why that frequency? That remains a mystery to me right now.

The logos of Nike and Amazon, others, seem to contain boomerangs. Nostalgia? Another out of this world tool used by the separated civilization of Australia, possibly brought back in Egypt, other regions.  So far i have seen that traits or elements of a civilization that spread to others places tend to survive mostly in the originating place. To this day these tools are used by the aboriginal population of Australia.
About penguins, Pangu and angels i wrote before. Going on linguistic line of hypothesis, i think it's reasonable to assume that angels, known to humans way before biblical times, where not mythical beings but underwater flying birds from the Southern Hemisphere. The name Pangu of the god of creation in Chinese mythology seem to have several obvious connection to that bird. Up until recently i believed penguins lived both and "North and South Pole". Not true. They only live in the Southern Hemisphere.

The taoist symbol representing whatever, the everything having opposing sides, seem to be inspired from the face of a penguin chick. "Whether it be biological (boy/girl), physical (hot/cold), or moral (good/bad), the universe is full of opposites, opposing sides from one another. Whether it be biological (boy/girl), physical (hot/cold), or moral (good/bad), the universe is full of opposites".
There is a place in the middle of Europe that at least since Roman times to this day is called Pannonia. On today's Hungary Coat of Arms there are present Angels that in some versions seem to resemble penguins.

To be continued...

Monday, April 26, 2021

Corroboree Corroborate This

I've been intrigued by this word the first time i've encountered it search results regarding Australian indigenous people. Especially by a painting that i can't find anymore. Here's another one, equally interesting.I am familiar with the word from my extensive readings (at some time, one book a day) from the "Aventura" collection during the spring of 1980. Used mostly regarding "detective" work (nowadays i believe during communism detectives existed only in these writings) in adventure books for youth which probably imitated similar writings in the west. "this witness' declarations does not corroborate with the other" etc..

Last night i searched a bit on Romanian and French etymologies of the same word and both indicate Latin origin. And in Latin, according again to Google Translate, also with an important online French etymological dictionary, it means support, confirmation, which confirmed my first guess when i read those books and didn't have any dictionaries on hand. ("Empr. au lat. class. corroborare « donner force à, confirmer »").

Google's first quote from a linguistics site gives a very, how should i say, nonconventional? definition for the current word and etymology.

"The Latinate morphology may have had some influence on the English form of this word, but the word corroboree is borrowed (with small phonological changes) from an Aborigine word – a word from a group who lived near Port Jackson, NSW, and whose language does not exist anymore."

Why is this extremely important to me. Because it confirms for the first time the hypothesis of injection of non-European populations early in southern Europe, which could be the seed for this mysterious force, the Romans, who raised out of nothing or out of the well settled Indo European population in that time and place to one of the most aggressive and historically important empires in the history of our civilization. Whose demise in turn might have been brought by a population equally aggressive, from the same origin. The Huns of Attila. Again, another wave meeting the older self? Different "nations" of Australia, from the same genetically isolated population for more than 70 thousand years, one from North and one from South, fighting over the rich resources (gold, land, climate) of Europe?

In Ancient Australia (largely ignored by eurocentric historians) corroborees could have meant among other things, forging alliances.

And then my mind flew all day today towards more possible confirmation of this hypothesis.

One thing i remembered, is the name of emperor Caligula. Could been formed by two roots, one Cali, same as today's Kylie, and Gula, which is a frequent modern Hungarian name for people and places. Which is also the name of a Mesopotamian god, of healing i believe.
Corroborees where also a mean of connecting to the "dreaming", the central concept of the Australian indigenous culture and civilization.

Never mind, i found the original painting i was looking for. Done by a modern painter of Australian origin, it suggests some sort of deeper level of communications between the members of a group, through the dreaming of course.

Very intriguing are also the names of indigenous Australians.
Identifying a migration and other cultural and genetic marks of the Australian indigenous by tracing the skull deformation practice around the world.

Don't know how Google pulled this map out of this article, but i'm glad it did. It shows though carbon dating earliest known human skull deformation occurred in Australia. It also shows a migration may have occurred, at the end of the last Ice Age. It confirms my theory that tries to show that ice age are actually north-south alternating, with a complete cycle every approx. 26000 years. Don't know about the genetically isolated for 72k theory, but what i think it happened is a number of several nations spent last northern ice age in Australia easier then those in the other continents and kept more elements of the previous "flourishing age", an age similar to ours right now. That gave them some advantages over the others when the climate started to heat up in Eurasia.
Just remembered something. A picture i took in a museum in Oregon City. I wish i knew the dating of those artefacts.
Huns who nearly conquered Rome in 451 were known to practice this. However, to this day they are people among Hungarians who have a naturally deformed skull.
Can't finish this until i mention the Pama-Nyungan paradox. Around 5000 years ago, the current family of languages used by Australians, much younger than the population itself, spread across Australia, before its original speaking population disappeared. Where? The last migration out of Australia and into Europe of a group that was originally from Eurasia and spent the last "winter" in there, and then emigrated in waves back in the rest of the world? (Naga Sadhu of India could be just another example).
Talking about orange
Wait a minute. Forgot about Pangu and Pannonia. Presence of god Pan in Pelo_ponnesus, Greece.

Everybody knows. Penguins never lived in northern hemisphere.
And the penguin on Attila's shield

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Whack a Mole

Since there is more and more evidence freemasonry, which modeled our modern world, culture, language in the last few hundred years while we were "sleeping" is a type of animism centered on mole, possibly switched from penguin, or both, and since we know moles are exclusively insectivores, with the ability to stun their pray (worms, other small insects) possibly with aerosols made of their salivary venomous enzymes, and their main slogan being "making good men better", i am currently investigating the obsession with race superiority and presumptive use of gas for mass extermination in WWII being tied to freemasonry, (hallucinogenic) smoke for harassing or stunning victims, etc..

First search, moles zombification of worms

First result, The British Trap

" They have good vision, despite living underground, and they have unbelievably adapted sensory abilities that cause them to be able to detect the smallest vibrations."

I never knew moles had good vision! moles poor vision

As for vibration, i knew of some of the stuff. seismic communication

Same British Trap: "moles are homebodies, and will live in a series of tunnels for generations before moving. They even have kitchens and storerooms for their food, which largely consists of earthworms, which gets kind of weird. They make the earthworms like zombies

by biting their heads off and a special toxin in their saliva keeps them (weirdly enough), alive and immobile and—fresh. As many as 470 worms have been recorded one chamber storeroom!"

I knew that, the interesting part is how they move the earthworms in there. If they were to carry them one by one, it would take lots of trips. I knew from previous searches that moles have to eat their weight in worms in 24 hours. Thinking of maybe that "special toxin in their saliva" which are evolutionary modified digestive enzymes and construction of tunnels to make that automatic for them.

Can't find nothing on a search like "do moles actually trap the worms". Cause there's the confusion with the traps for moles.

It is the first time on an very early Sunday morning with relative silence in here, with a mug with water and backing soda to compensate for stomach acid over production due to uncontrollable indoor pollution, stress and pancreas (common bile blockage) when i realize that. Moles actually could trap the worms and those enzymes actually present in the tunnels gets them zombified and make them crawl in the tunnels that would lead them to the "storeroom" where they go, eat them or bite their head to keep them for later use.

Honestely, i would have never cared for all these things if i didn't know, after spending lots of times inside in this place that "mole smell" has an effect on me.

These (including the one i live in) are very poorly designed buildings. Walls made with a wooden frame with inside and outside panels, filled with insulation, and one more layer of siding on the outside, there is a lot of air circulation between air from outside, inside walls and inside apartment, especially when there is a temperature difference between inside and outside.

When there's no significant wind outside, there is a constant flow of air around the building. Usually the ground around the building, summer or winter, is colder than the walls. In the winter the walls are warm because the inside is being heated. In the summer, they respond to solar heat, while the ground, due to grass and moisture, is kept colder. In both situation, colder air from the surface of the ground is attracted by the vacuum created by warmer air climbing on the surface of the wall. If the siding in not sealed in the lowers part or just above ground, there will be some dynamic pressure created by air that starts to climb exactly in that area that will push some of the air inside wall.

I noticed every time i overslept in the last years, i found in the morning openings in the ground next to door and alongside living room wall. But the smell. It actually do smells like earthworms, a smell i am familiar with since childhood when i used them for bait while fishing, but also like "fresh ground", probably given by mold also coming with that "air from the ground". So i figured, if that smell makes me lethargic, and after all the searches i did on mole kallikreins, it is possible that the air gets sucked from the holes close to walls due to effect predicted by Bernoulli's law, main actually contain some of that enzymes in an aerosolized form (tiny suspended particles in the air).
But it's not only that. Over the years, i noticed that many times there is smoke outside and inside the building that i could not explain. Also there was some evidence (though it's very hard to make an evaluation after you are expose yourself to it) that the smoke is actually having an effect on me. Mainly forgetting about everything, feeling satisfied when you shouldn't. Angela coming from work really mad at me and the whole situation and then within half hour changing completely towards being permissing and accepting everything, all when the smoke was present.

Situation was complicated further by the presence of dog waste around the building. People coming here from other buildings with their pets and leaving their waste real close to our building, in the same flow pattern of the air described above.

On several occasions, when making longer trips, including several trips of thousands of miles in California and other states, when i noticed the smell on our clothes, car, etc. A mixture of mold and animal waste mainly.

There was a link between the holes and the smoke as well. In the beginning i was just going outside and obsessively tried to step on all mounds. Eventually the smoke smell would go away after i stepped on a number of holes. I did that for years, spending up to one half hour at the time and bringing the dirty shoes inside which i had to wash. Lately, i figured  there is only a few of those that i need to seal, right next to the building, to get rid of most of the smoke. More recently, i used Portland cement to mix with the soil (in amounts that won't change color or appearance), which made it harder to moles to open the holes again, until they finally stopped.

But of course smoke cannot possibly come from the moles. The only way this could happen is if someone comes and sticks inside the holes or nearby some self burning material that may contains plants with psychotropic effects, including common drugs or legals substances, like maybe kratom, as i was suggested by some t-shirts in a casino. Again cement in soil made it harder for those and in the last days previous to date of this post the moved further from building, in areas i did not and could not possibly put cement.

More complications from other building materials. One is insulation dust constantly falling from the attic under the effect of vibration, either from the constant rumbling of the freeways nearby of the presence of cars with aftermarket mufflers or simply broken.

There was this particular purple Dodge with broken exhaust that was idling many times a day until i got desperate enough and went to the office after which it stopped. That lasted about a year and a half. Before that, there was this green truck again with a 5 or more liter engine coming out of one of the garages, each morning and idling for 15 minutes (legal limit) or more. Until after again, i talked to the owner and recorded the conversation.

Mineral insulation dust falling from attic is visible on the walls of this building only. Mineral insulation containing silica, other materials, besides being very irritant, especially to your digestive system, has a deodorant and antibacterial effect, making it even harder for me to realize the smells. Also dust falling from asphalt roofs. I noticed when i dusted the building many times of the years that the dust, mainly made of dead bugs, and the materials described above, with a touch of oil from exhaust from all cars, is extremely stinking. (Everything antibacterial creates even weirder strains that are very resistant and persistent with again devastating effect on your health). If i didn't wash my clothes and take a shower right after dusting, the dead bugs smell inside would become unbearable in the next few days.

There was a period of about one year, that included one fall and one spring when they re-roofed the entire complex with hundreds of thousands of nails being inserted with pneumatic tools. It was then when i searched about the number of nails needed in an average size wooden American house.

I could not possible have tolerated all these if it wasn't for what i will call from now on the "mole gas" and the smoke. It made me lethargic and absent from my own life. Years of wasted life.

People smoking around. This complex is advertised as "smoke free, in transition". Which means people are allowed to smoke outside buildings. Even right now as i write, i feel cigarette smoke. It's coming through walls or by doors etc..

Litter dust. Most people living upstairs over the past few year had pets. Small dogs, cats, etc.. I would assume they used what they call litter boxes. Some of the weirdest stuff on Earth that if i had any authority i would ban it in the next second. "Diatomaceous earth". It's quarried fossilized remains from microscopic creatures that were neither plants or animals and lived million years ago. Made of amorphous silica, after being burned in oven at high temperatures to get rid of any organic stuff that may have been in there as a side effect that silica would crystalize, making it very dangerous to breath. Small enough to enter the lungs, it wouldn't be in amounts large enough to cause silicosis (filling of the lungs with silica, like it happened in the past to miners) but most likely contributing to many respiratory illnesses, including asthma and cancer. It has the capacity to absorb water and animal waste many times its weight. There are additives that make the absorbed urine "clump" and possible to be removed for the open tray, but that is after some if not most of it evaporates inside the room of course. But some of the clump will remain in the tray no matter what. Interestingly enough, those tiny silica carcasses have geometric shapes, a long time obsession of freemasons. This stuff is so nasty it is also used as pest control, to kill bugs.
Driers' exhausts under the siding. For some reason, this building has the driers' exhaust, (Tumble drum dryers that use much electricity to heat air to dry clothes, with resulting steam needed to be evacuated) under the level of siding. Which means some of the steam coming from it would penetrate siding and walls. Some of the exhausts, like the one from upstairs also opens near a basement vent, and pushes some of the steam inside the basement (after the exhaust have been modified, about 2 years ago). The result is the steam condensate on the wooden floor, penetrates and making it bulge, bringing moisture and mold smell inside).

But for steam to come out of the drier through the exhaust, an equal amount of air is extracted from that particular room. Air that may come from a window if it's open. But if no window is opened, air will come from under doors and even walls (there is a half inch opening between inner wall panels and floor)

I remember when "the old man" who lived upstairs (a guy which at times resembled actor Rodney Dangerfield (i know he's dead, but his Hungarian correspondent is or was not), other times Dick Cheney, others, who "was smoking" (probably not present there most of the times, with others doing "the job" like in all cases), the steam coming out of that exhaust was smelling more like cigarette smoke than anything.

I'm sorry i got carried away with all this stuff and deviated from the tittle and scope of this post. I also realized i probably could not finish describing all the ordeals i had to go through to figure these simple things.

It was in the day when i realized that mole mounds resemble pyramids when i started to think there might be a link between moles and freemasons, with everything mole being an inspiration for those, probably at the beginning, or in ancient times. After being exasperated with the multitude of mounds i thought i had to step on to make the smoke go away, i did a search and saw for the first time the inner structure of a mound which indeed reminds of a pyramid, including tunnels and chambers, though at a much larger scale. People living long time ago might have also been impressed with the proven architectural skills of the moles, small creatures capable of building a nest out of soil.
More than that, there is a resemblance between the appearance of wrapped mummies and earthworms. The fact that brain of mummies was discarded during the embalming process. Brain was an useless organ for immortality, since earthworms caught in moles' larders were living indefinitely with their head bitten off.

Another argument in trying to prove that life of moles is inspiration for freemasonry is the appearance of moles and some of the signals of freemasons.

One particular species, the "Star nosed mole" has a sensory organ developed around the nose, it uses to actually feel its dark environment.
Could there be here a similarity with the so called "masonic grips" or handshakes.
I even discovered, absolutely by chance, some frames in a video actually showing an imitation of that organ as a response to danger.
Other arguments of course would be also current or modern symbolism. The popular character R2D2 in Star Wars movie, Android logo, could also be inspired by the shape of moles.
Can't help here but ask myself. If the masons are the moles, what are the rest of us, the worms? There are enough signs that this is the case. Liberalisation of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, polluting buildings, transportation, psychiatric drugs, opioids, over medication, zombifying media, fake politicians and politics.

We should not care about pollution. Moles live most of their healthy live underground and never get to breath fresh air. But their galleries are filled with enzymes that break down most of organic polluters.

We are mostly living trapped in a many thousands years old model inspired by mono animism or the admiration of our ancient ancestors for a crafty animal.

Ashmole. I stumbled the other day onto the name of one of the most famous freemasons.

Jacques de Molay. One of the reasons or accomplishments of the French revolution was the avenging of Jacques de Molay. The favorite method? As opposed to burning of the stake as in case of Jacques de Molay, chopping of the head.
Immolation. There are mixed etymologies for this word out there. One of them claims the root mola, which in old English means flour or an improbable Latin imolat which means food sacrifice. I personally believe it's got something to do with skin moles as "witches sign". Anybody who had a mole, that somehow resembled the velvety fur of the animal, hence the name, would be considered suspect of witchcraft.

I really hate to ad a "most likely" to all these theories, but have to state at least my educated belief in the origin of freemasons. Most likely their current European incarnation of the freemasons comes from the Mamluk Kingdom of Egypt, before but mostly after the Ottoman Invasion of Egypt, around 1500 when both the elites - the moles and their Indian brought slaves - the worms, the Gypsies, came over in Europe during the confusion of the dark times @1500, similar to what's happening nowadays.

For some unknown reason, most immigrants in Europe during the last 1500 years, starting with the Huns of Attila, the Magyars, probably some Tatars, Mamluks, others all settled in Pannonia.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

March 22

At about 1:00 AM i felt an irritating smoke. Then Angela woke up coughing. I had to go outside and plug a little "volcano" right under the door. Lost some of the concentration and inspiration.

2:00 A new wave of smoke. Smaller holes under the door.

12:05 If this was real, "Stormy Daniels" should have been charged with blackmail or extortion as well. But i believe statutes of limitation for both alleged crimes have passed. Trump is an idiot or consistently acts like one.

12:28 There are 4 bins around the building and two can be seen from my windows or door. One across the alley (first picture), one across the yard (on top of the gray car), second. There is one more at the other end of the garages in the second picture and one not visible at the same distance with the one in the first. Only one is overflowing (somebody took the bags yesterday from around it, this is one day only) the other two are not full, and there is one more at about the same distance that is also not full. It is my understanding that Republic garbage services didn't empty the bin across but then i don't understand so many garbage bags next to the first bin. But there is also a smell of burnt garbage in the air that makes me sick.
2:50 Here's the picture with the 3rd bin taken from the parking spot outside the apartment. I took it when i left. The same distance as the first one servicing probably more buildings. I cost me a lot. First i had to return to get the memory card for the camera which i forgot in the reader. Then i forgot to check the sign at the door. After that i walked all the way to the street and then i remembered and came back to check the sign. Now i'm looking for new holes in the windows frame or everywhere else. Can't tell if it smells like dust or not because when i came back they were raising dust from the parking lot with the blowers all the way to the sky. Tried to avoid it but got in bigger trouble. From behind, the school bus came. Now i was caught between the schoolbus and the blower. Only one kid so cute fair who couldn't possibly belong to this place, about 5 years old, was walking alone on the alley probably towards "his apartment" etc..
3:00 Dangerous dreaded stairs. Figured the mystery with the street work. They installed a handicapped passage for crossing the street. Though there is not a signalled crosswalk there. Yet. I have big trouble crossing that street at any point cause cars never stop coming.

As soon as i cross i have to climb the dreaded stairs. Cause there is enough if one guy with bad exhaust passes to fill the "canion" of 65 street next to hospital with smoke. Like it happened today in the all white residential area with that guy who was searching an address.

Never realized until today. Those stairs are dangerous because the rungs are smaller than my ft which is about 11 inches. About 25 rungs of pure adrenaline. Should have awakened me but it didn't.
Entering the residential area on Borland. Was too slow to react when the first KGB car passed. It happens always in the same area, near the cell phone tower. Two more will usually follow on the whole street.

Every time when i pass that school there are kids playing outside.

In the park. After that stinky pickup passed i took the alley by the river. Soon after i met with Ozzy and Sharon, wearing  their well known dark round glasses. But it took me seconds after the encounter to realize who they were. He was wearing a large hat pointing at Martin's hat. I wanted to stop to try and tell him something about the hat and Martin but i changed my mind.

One blond woman was sitting on a bench facing the river bending forward and touching her knees with her head (the reverted bow, again, several times today like yesterday). Usually back pain follows.

The Russian guy talking on his phone. From time to time (every two months or so) i see in the park a Russian guy talking aloud in Russian on his speakerphone. Always. Followed by his wife. Rather short, balancing in a peculiar way from one ft to another, like a penguin or a true ninja in disguise, to occupy more space or look scary or simply impressive. This is all i could do today with my sleepy head.
4:54 I was eating with blinds open and was visible from outside and two persons with three dogs came 1 ft away from my patio and threw a poo in there. Then i asked him why and he said "she can do wherever she wants". It was a gray big fat dog reminding of a pig. I told him he could see me eating and he said i never saw you in my f... life. The shape and size of the poo belonged to a dog that had let numerous poohs around here in the last few months. I think i know who they were. 

5:53 I believe it's an old tactic. Covering s... with more s....

6:50 It's been 18 hours since i'm in smoke continuously. Finally found the source. When i did, i found they had the window open around the corner and making noises like sitting and eating. Just threw some potting soil i had in a bag over  the holes. Can't reach with my ft or anything to step on and stop the smoke. I think this time is marijuana.
8:12 As i was expecting, with the smoke and everything the man upstairst started to yell...