Showing posts sorted by relevance for query veteran. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query veteran. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 12

1:43 Pe vremea lui Antonescu, am mers la Stalingrad fără armament corespunzător. Pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, ne-am tras industrie grea, dar nu prea aveam comenzi și mâncare, Dacie din Franța, Mig-uri să ne jucăm cu ele de la sovietici, avion fără motor, tanc fără tun iar acum cumpărăm avioane de la fier vechi. Nu vi se pare prea mult, nu vi se pare că cineva ne sabotează iar acel cineva este chiar statul român care este, întotdeauna a fost, de la primar în sus, controlat de alții și am spus de atâtea ori cine sunt încât m-am plictisit să mai repet.

8:40 Replicile au venit imediat. Turnători și securiști, adevărata cauză a nefuncționalității și autosabotării statului român.

8:41 A 10 billion dollar telescope with artifacts ("star like" patterns in images).

8:51 Poate ne dau o listă cu numele lor? Acesta ar fi într-adevăr un motiv pentru care parchetul militar ar trebui să se sesizeze, fiindcă ei riscă să tragă România (și NATO) în război.

9:10 Ambasadoarea SUA la NATO. Nu-i găsesc vârsta. Căutând, am găsit în schimb alte chestii interesante. Shadow Governement.

Ok am găsit. 53.

5:55 Jill BidenBilly the Kid and Pat GarrettBilly Steele. Terrie Davie. Kate Brown.

This morning when i went for my walk a Sheriff's SUV was parked on the other side of the alley, engine started and someone inside doing some paperwork? When i came back they tried again the trick at Nyberg and 65, with a red car coming from again north and a sexy woman dressed as medical assistant. She was like 30 seconds ahead of me, crossed (right crosswalk in the image, north to south), should have run a bit behind her to catch green, but i didn't feel comfortable when i saw a red car coming from behind me that was stopped, turning left, crossing on red (there were 6 more seconds after, i ran and i passed in time) after she passed exactly where i should have been if i followed her. Similar situations in the last few days and weeks.

Earlier i felt insulation smell and went to re-patch the hole in the wall on the other side of the building (someone did tear the tape i put, SAGE construction came to inspect about 10 days ago but never started to fix it) but didn't finish because some kids were approaching. A few minutes ago felt again dust and went to check on the AC, added more joint compound in the gaps.

I thought i fixed it earlier when i put a piece of foam under, like in the last years, to align it better and realized it wasn't transmitting vibration to the concrete floor so much, so it wasn't raising so much dust.

I came inside to grab more duct tape for the hole but when i opened the door, and that was predictable, right in front of me there she was, as tall as me, dressed in some sort of long night gown, the veteran's daughter, passing with her dog in the 100 degree heat. So i just closed the door, never made one step outside, but while i was sitting here at the computer i thought i heard him cursing and yelling outside. She did that several times in the last week, that is appearing when i opened the door. She used to look different, but after i identified her, i think she is someone else now, taller. The veteran who used to be a shaven headed opera singer, these days looks like the singer known as Pitbull, they switched from peeing in front of my door to simply threatening using the young woman as a bait and is way more aggressive.

Though temperature outside is 96 degrees (on my sensor), there is again, like in the last few days, a party of teens at the end of the lawn, within line of sight.

10:32 Ok. Cred că toată lumea își dă seama că tipul ăsta bate câmpii. Pentru că am pomenit iar de găuri în pereți zilele astea. Temutul general însă știe, că dacă vor face asta, vor atrage probabil represalii în zone în care nu au mai fost.

Tot căutam un prilej să repet ceva ce probabil nu s-a înțeles de toată lumea. Armatele rusă și ucraineană dau cu bombardeaua (de obicei pe lângă) în zonele unde există un amestec de populație pentru a clarifica lucrurile (operațiunea militară specială). Unii se vor refugia în Ucraina, alții în Rusia iar la sfârșit vor exista zone cu numai ruși și numai ucraineni, după care Ucraina (ce va rămâne din ea) va fi primită în Uniunea Europeană, dar fără prea mulți ruși în teritoriu. Rușii vor rămâne ruși și bau-bau-ul Europei și omenirii în continuare pentru că numai astfel șerpii vor stăpâni în continuare lumea, prin diviziune. Mai e posibilă o variantă. Rușii vor pierde războiul și vor rămâne în teritoriu numai ucraineni.

Și am mai scris despre perpetuarea prostiei. Aceste practici înșelătoare, preluate din stratagemele generalului mitic Sun Tzu, care speculează de obicei ignoranța, atât de practicate la noi, prin simularea prostiei (ei fac pe proștii) în timp conduc nu la scăderea acesteia ci din contră la creșterea ei. Cu exemplele care le știu, România post decembristă, dar și Japonia, unde a fost suficient un "asasinat" pentru ca balanța alegerilor să încline în favoarea partidului mortului. Ei nu numai arată ca niște copii dar și gândesc astfel, după 400 de ani sau câți sunt de stăpânire ninja.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 9

3:05 I guess they call it Grand Ole Opry for a reason. Olé!

3:33 Tomorrow's homework. Supermodel she is, but not from Slovenia.

4:07 Angela needed some groceries i forgot to grab yesterday at WinCo. When she came about 15 minutes ago she called me to come with a bag to pick them from the trunk. They were also two one gallon water bottles and was too lazy to raise them to close the trunk. But when i went to close the trunk, from around the stair's wall and the bush came a girl with an appearance of a 12 years old, who looked like her and started to stare at me, looking surprised and somehow offended.

"Veteran's daughter", a woman in her 30 with the appearance of a kid did this for years. Last time she crossed my way coming after me at the mail. The "veteran" possibly the rapper Pitbull was at the end of the alley and started yelling at me "quit following my daughter". A woman whom i thought was Tom Cruise disguised with a wig was coming again with his hands hidden behind the cars when i went inside again without trying to confront them.

Around the same position i saw in the last couple of days a guy strong build with goatee smoking or checking his phone. Could he be the father of the "new kid in the complex"?

There's a 10 minute walk from the bus station to the "cul de sac" here and "confident" kids in this "otherwise safe Latino complex" walk alone, with rarely an adult accompanying them.

5:15 dr.Oz

6:30 Came about an hour ago, squeaking senseless back and forth on top of my head ever since.

7:20 After a 50 minutes break he's back at the job.

10:46 I slept a little, woke up, went to take the garbage and realize outside there's a thick coal like smoke. Plugged as many holes as i could but there's just too many. The whole yard is nothing like mole tunnels that collapse if you step upon and the're full of smoke.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 18

12:58 Oregon tribal and commercial casinos.

1:00 Are there non-tribal casinos in Washington State?

1:17 Pyramids on Indian territory? They recently cut the trees so the can be seen better. Together with the solar symbols. There is a panel in the parking lot of the museum. Was too tired to enter, sorry. In the panel they were some Indian faces, since 100 years ago. To my opinion, they were all Japanese.

Same thing at Chinook Winds. To those who don't know, Billy Chinook was a famous chief. I doubt he would be very happy if he found out his named was used like this, and in a totally different tribe.

I realy doubt the casinos are operated indeed by the tribes. I only saw once an Indian walking at Ilani and he probably did it for me to see how one looks like. So much for the jobs created by the casinos within the communities. Not even at Thunder Valley, the biggest one, in California. As for the profits that go to individual tribe members, go and see the shopping center called American Market near Spirit Mountain. Who doesn't have pyramids outside but on the logo.

I was at Blue Lake casino in California when a drunk Mexican threatened to kill me. I was with the Police on the phone while he stood behind my car, with one hand not visible. And they didn't hurry to come.

He tried a couple of more times, last time here in the parking lot, dressed like a woman, acting like the wife of "the veteran".

"The veteran" was actually several people. Enough to shave their head and show in the parking lot from the first entrance of building D, on the left across the valley. Far enough for me not to realize who they were, especially after i was treated with smokes. I have identified the first, a Hungarian opera singer,  then the singer known as Pitbull, the wife of one of them, and the last one, Sunday, was channel 12 traffic reporter Tony Martinez.

BTW yesterday Angela had a free room at Chinook Winds hotel. The first time there the room wasn't stinking, only us. From the same source, the contaminated pan of the water heater, that seem to smell worse after pouring in it two cans of oven cleaner. Among others, inside i saw the singer Szia. And a baby in a baby basket on the floor next to the door guarded by two security guards. Many guys in red shirt guarding everyone as i was passing by. Why i keep going in there? I could breathe for 24 hours stink free. In here, tonight, several heavy vehicles with modified exhaust shook the apartment for hours, made the smell come out of that closet with the water heater. After i poured almost one liter of vinegar in it.

2:00 Hit and run. On August 20 2021 i was hit from behind by a truck with metal bars on front (no damage to the truck, after taking those out) while my car was totaled. The policeman who came at the scene started to ask questions like suspecting me i was faking in it and never started a hit and run investigation. It was on I5 at a few miles from the interstate bridge and they were cameras on poles.

But of all unaccounted crimes committed against us there is a prevalent one. Stalking. It happens on the streets or all the places we go. License plate numbers, celebrities present in most unlikely places and times. It looks to me like they feel entitled to. First you cannot be entitled to commit a crime. If it happens hundreds of times a day, they how many have happened in a year or ten?

Endangering. One example. Every time i pass a narrow bridge at night or a curve to the left, scores of cars with modified headlights come and blind me. To me it became a rule and i know what to wait for. At least one hundred times at one trip only.

1:22 Pyramid in Vegas.

1:40 Ron Rychlak, the casino lawyer who officially co-wrote the second book with Pacepa, who nobody ever seen after his defection and that is before 89.

1:41 It's been 5 years since i go to the casinos. Let me tell you one thing. There's nothing about gambling. The machines are connected in network and there is a control room. If it was real gambling would have been way too boring and uncontrollable. There is at least one camera per machine and they are not about security. In casinos with 2500 machines and 1000 cameras there should be maybe 100 people or ten per camera or something to supervise those. They have some software that does it.

But what else the software does. It analyzes gestures and emotions and gives a feedback to the machine. Even on my 90 dollars Kodak camera there is a smile detector software.

One thing they do is they show you big hands scrolling in front of your eyes when you are bored and tired and can't react creating the need to play more until you see again one of those and eventually stop the reels but the reels can't be stopped in real time, like when you see a big hand. When you decide you should move to a different machine and start looking around, they give you a big hand (no it won't work if you do it again, on purpose, that's why they call it AI). There are numerous other strategies to increase irrational player's desire to continue play and lose money. They have settings and hours when many machines suddenly become loose.

Again all these do not fit the definition of gambling. But how do you prove the slots are not random. How do you define random.

I remember when i first wrote about this. At Chinook, a security guard once came to me and gave me a ticket they said i dropped on the floor and i asked him how they did it and they said they saw me on one of those cameras. I guess it was for convincing me and others who read what i wrote that the cameras are for that purpose. But nobody saw what happened with my ticket last week at Indian Head, even after i asked them.

And then of course remains the question of how did i drop it at such an opportune moment. I can't answer to that but i believe is some sort of mind training or programming, with gestures of other people.

In the early days at Chinook i found money in a machine as someone forgot to pull the ticket but i realized that after a few hands and i thought i won but didn't realize (wasn't sure). However they came within minutes and almost charged me with theft.

There are tests for randomness but again, they might have a setting "back to random" so the test should be done without letting them know. And how do you do that if you suspect a general conspiracy?

People don't seem to understand. Their symbols are all around to choke us. From tiny insignificant things to big ones. That we don't pay attention with our conscious minds. They've been at work for hundreds of years and this is the result of their work. Symbols and allegories. They program our minds and our future.

7:00 It is said that mass defect is due to energy released both during fission and fusion reactions, according to the famous E equals m c square formula. However there should be also differences in mass due to movement of electrons at different relativist speeds before and after reaction.

11:18 Ce multe geci la fel, ca a mea cea nouă, bine are aproape o lună acum.

Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25

We went to Spirit Mountain casino, got drunk in the car which was parked next to hotel and walked to the convenience store to buy some Munchies. When i got there i realized i forgot a credit card in the car. Then i drank some more and fell asleep in the car, with engine started (it was cold). I woke up around midnight when we left. Unlike last time, all cars coming from opposite direction used high beams.

2:38 I slept all day yesterday and then about 3 hours in the parking lot and i'm not sleepy. I just posted images with Dresden, bombed to ruins. Could this had been the cause?

11:45 Last night we came home around 1. Angela was hoping of 3-4 hours of sleep but by 3 was obvious we could not sleep. I went outside, found 2 fresh dog droppings, one near the door, there was heavy smoke inside and outside the building. Angela finally agreed to move a filter to bedroom which cleared the air in about an hour. She went in and out of sleep dozens of times, sometimes for seconds only.

I was thinking. Was it better if we stayed home in smoke?  

At a couple of times somebody made a big noise letting water to flow in the bathtub. As i tried to record, the noise stopped just before i could press the record button. Also they guy upstairs awakened us at least a couple of times. As i was much more rested (slept all day yesterday, in smoke) did stay awake till the clock alarm went off at 5 AM. (slept all day yesterday). Then i slept till 10 no problems. She did not want to call in sick because her yearly review is close. This has happened one million times in 27 years since we leave here. Teams of coordinated people were always around us and tortured us and that is the reason we could not buy a house. They have a much tighter grip on us in an apartment building especially the way that are built in the US. Also people come and go at the other apartments and stories can be imagined.

Just went and picked another pair of dog poops, in a different place, but again from wind's direction. Three pairs in the last 24 hours, always in the most favorable position, that is from where the wind blows. Usually when i go and pick those, there's nobody around. Maybe because they evacuate the building(s) when they do smoke, dog poop, etc.. A year and half ago i had a confrontation with the "veteran"  that is the Hungarian actor who poses as a veteran around here (haven't seen him in a year or so). With a wife (could be Rosie O'Donnell) and daughter, the teenager who never ages (actually a woman in her 30s with a child's body). Together ("father and daughter" in this video. He said they come here near our door (by that time, they got real close) because it's the choosing of their dogs. "The dogs want to come here". It's a nice area with sprinklers where grass grows year around. I saw the sprinklers on two or three days ago, with temperatures near freezing. And when there's grass, there's worms who picked the dead grass leaves. And where there's worms, there's moles.

And today i started to suspect it's true. The dogs sense us as enemy here and they pick the best most favorable place to drop their weapons or hunting tools. It must be they pick the attitude of their owners when they pass by. If figured this because today and yesterday 6 different dogs chose the same place, three times. Could this be the reason their owners believe their dogs are magic.

8:19 Finally figured my car had an AGM (absorbed glass mat) type battery. But after i installed the Exide battery i bought at Home Depot for 119 that is not AGM. How did i find out? After i read on a forum and saw on the older OEM battery it is written the word AGM. Also figured fabrication year. 2017.

For AGM, fiber glass sheets between the electrodes of each cell "wicks" the electrolyte around the plates "as needed". The electrolyte is not flowing around the battery but is being kept in those sheets. Advantages: it works in a "deep charge" mode, which means it supplies power all the way down to 20% charging capacity (like cell phones go to near 0%) instead of 50%, like the classical batteries. Sustain more charging cycles, up to 1300 as opposed to 500 the classical. Charge up to 5 times faster which also mean they draw more current from alternator during that time. Needed especially if your car has a start-stop mode, which means engine stops when car stops to a standstill and you still have the foot on the brake.

I was wondering, why the batteries i found on Amazon for my car were twice the price. However, they say that Exide Sprinter batteries (their "basic batteries") (one of the first brands in the world, that started as Tudor, more than 100 years ago) feature another new technology, LifeGrid (electrodes made of Calcium-Lead alloy), which also mean they are sealed (maintenance free) and last longer then classic flooded batteries.

And of course spent the rest of the time to figure if the battery i just put on is compatible since OEM is AGM. I found out that some cars can even have the computer reprogrammed if you do so. Not sure about Hyundai though. Mine is not start-stop, does not have extra electronics around. It will take longer for the battery to charge but the current will be smaller. I think i'll go with it.

I also figured that indeed newer vehicles do have a smart charging system. It has three stages. The lowest voltage you may see on your digital lighter plug in voltmeter should be 13 volts though (float stage), and not 12.5 as i was seeing at times with the old battery (though AGM, acid started to flow through the damaged by me terminal though they say AGM shouldn't leak if punctured or something and corroding the connector after only one trip). Battery was also 5 years old.

However, i still see a problem with the smart charging systems. When the alternator is not charging, or it's in the "float" phase, when battery fully charged, voltage at the fuel pump is the same as at the battery, or down to 13 volts, which is 10% lower than 14.5. So i now think it's better with non AGM batteries, if the battery charges slower, the voltage stay longer at 14.5 and the fuel pump sprays better for longer periods of times. Also sparks at spark plugs. There is only one single fix for this (for as long as we will still used these combustion engine dinosaurs). Voltage regulator at the fuel pump. And that is not easy to be done, for reasons of reliability ans safety of course. But i think you could design a safe fail one (it fails, a relay reroutes directly to alternator).

I would have never ever figured all these things if i didn't buy a cigarette lighter plug in phone charger with a digital voltmeter on it. Reason i bought it? I had to too many jump starts while in parking lots listening to radio in the car and wanted to see the voltage at the battery. The one i got was advertised as having an audible alarm at 12 volts but it didn't. So i did get more jump starts and then i bought a jump starter. And then i finally wised up and bought a new battery. Then i started to realize the car was running better when the voltage was 14.5 for longer periods of time. In the old car i also installed the same type of battery i bought at Home Depot, and after that, the voltage was staying 14.5 most of times but then i didn't know why (until today). Just before the accident of course. Could had have something to do with it? Me running the car better on a non AGM battery, exposing an ignored problem that just got worse by introducing those?

Friday, November 4, 2022

November 4

12:15 Dracu(la) a avut cel mai mult de câștigat.

12:20 Murătura se menține limpede prin etanșare (capac, folie de plastic), astfel încât să nu poată pătrunde sporii de mucegai acolo, mai ales în beciuri.

1:02 Ce se mai sub-înțelege din toată nebunia asta. Că Iohannis ar fi neamț ceea ce nu e cazul. El are doar nume și figură de neamț, nu și stil sau comportament. (Totuși, un amănunt. Interior de moss?)

1:09 Mosk awe.

7:49 Disciplină. Titlul nu reflectă conținutul articolului. Pentru a pune o aură proaspătă pe capul lui Iohannis, chiar și pentru câteva secunde până citești conținutul.

8:12 Eram sigur că am inclus documentul acesta în postarea mea cu noua teorie a cutremurelor. Teoria plăcilor tectonice nu a dat până acum nici un mecanism de prezicere a cutremurelor.

Documentul conține toate datele existente în baza de date USGS referitoare la cutremurele din România mai mari de 4. Se pot vedea printre altele că și cutremurele se împuținează mereu, de asemenea și corelațiile cu distanța la lună, faza (poziția față de pământ) a lunii, etc..

Ce spune teoria mea pe scurt. Partea solidă de la suprafața pământului, sau scoarța terestră care plutește pe magma lichidă nu este suficient de solidă pentru a forma plăci rigide, ci e doar o aglomerare de roci cu o grosime de câteva sute km care sunt împinse în diferite direcții de curenții de convecție din interiorul pământului care are o rază de 6000 km, cu viteze de câțiva cm/an. Acolo unde un curent care se ridică la suprafață se separă în două direcții apar așa numitele falii tectonice iar acolo unde doi curenți se întâlnesc și coboară împreună, munții.

Vulcanii nu comunică direct cu partea lichidă, ci sunt doar bule de lavă topită (cu dimensiuni de ordinul km) care se ridică la suprafață. Odată cu trecerea timpului și învechirea unei planete, partea solidă se îngroașă tot mai mult iar aceste bule se solidifică înainte de a ajunge la suprafață.

Cutremurele de adâncime sunt cauzate de schimbări de fază, înghețare-dezghețare (solidificare desolidificare) a lavei (love, sciento tresare aici) sau trecerea dintr-o formă de cristalizare în alta, cu schimbare de volum care se propagă exploziv în interiorul unei bule similar cu înghețul în permafrost dar la o scară mult mai mare.

Cutremurele de suprafață sunt cauzate de fierberea instant a apei supraîncălzite într-un mod similar cu fierberea apei cauzată de o șocul așezării recipientului pe masă după scoaterea din cuptorul cu microunde. Aceste schimbări de fază de obicei sunt declanșate de schimbări de presiune datorate fie schimbărilor de presiune atmosferice la suprafață, fie schimbării configurației (poziției față de pământ) a corpurilor cerești importante cauzatoare de maree oceanică sau terestră.

Singurul factor impredictibil pe termen lung din model este presiunea atmosferică.

Este necesară descărcarea datelor înregistrate despre presiunea atmosferică la nivel de fiecare oră în jurul unei zone seismice pentru a se definitiva corelația și a se construi un algoritm de prezicere, ceea ce necesită resurse materiale care ar putea fi acordate printr-un grant. În jurul datei postării, am aplicat pentru un grant la USGS dar ei au schimbat regulile din mers și mi-au spus că nu am aplecat cum trebuie. Aplicația conținea însă unele greșeli. Însă m-am enervat și am publicat totul într-o postare, când am descoperit și greșelile (de redactare). Adică în SUA s-au dat granturi pentru toate tâmpeniile, dar când e vorba de ceva care schimbă din temelii teoriile oficiale, prea mulți s-ar clătina în scaune, implicațiile ar fi prea vaste.

10:14 Aici m-am jucat puțin și am aplicat teoria mea la niște cutremure din Los Angeles, pentru că acolo am găsit ușor datele despre maree (ca măsură a atracției combinate vectorial Soare-Lună) și presiune atmosferică. Albastru, mareele, roșu, presiunea atmosferică, galben cutremurele. Cred că e vorba de aceeași bulă de lavă care și-a schimbat faza după care a revenit la faza inițială.

10:23 I wrote several times about veteran's wife and daughter, the veteran himself, an opera singer who was replaced by PitBull, wife resembling Rose O'Donnel and last daughter i've seen was Tom Cruise himself disguised as a (young) woman again with something in his hand behind a car. So i was very nervous when i saw her yesterday with the cell phone in her hand outside next to that bin. For some reason they moved the glass recycle bin next to that apartment (or added another one, used to be 5 minutes walk from here). So i went to throw the bottles and didn't even look at her, and after i threw them in the bin i looked and saw a blue paper clip i use in the kitchen to seal the pouches with broth. Not thinking because being nervous, i bent over to pick the clip. Today i realized it could have been interpreted as i picked something from the bin. Something else, like a memory stick.

Then i remembered the patio door yesterday morning was unlocked and said to myself. These were ninja. They use most insignificant things in order to accomplish great ones. It wasn't even theft, they would say, because they put it in a place where i could find it. Just a little detour in my reality.

11:06 What i was trying to think 10 years ago when i didn't know shift...

12:40 Da și  Rafie să ne dea pastile cu iod.

12:48 Punctul de rouă (dew point) este temperatura când 3 parametri (umiditate, presiune, temperatură) se întâlnesc în atmosferă la o anume altitudine astfel încât umiditatea din aer începe să se precipite formând norii, care sunt suspendați la înălțimea lor de naștere în câmpul electric al pământului.

Dacă avioane care suflă în urmă jeturi de CO2 cu umiditate 100% trec printr-o zonă apropiată de dew point, umiditatea din jet mai mare decât cea atmosferică întâlnește condiții de condensare, formând dâre de norișori sau așa numitele jet trail persistente. O persoană cu suficientă educație pentru a ajunge deputat ar trebui să știe asta.

Chimicale? Posibil, din impuritățile din kerosen.

Metale? Posibil, de la uzura motoarelor și șlefuirea paletelor turbinelor care se rotesc cu de mai multe ori viteza sunetului și vopselei fuselajului (titan, bioxid de titan, aluminiu etc.) cu praf de Sahara din aer.

Metale mai grele însă găsiți dvs. în cenușa vegetală (scrumul) din țigări din care o mică parte la fiecare țigară ajunge în corpul dvs..

Ceea ce ar mai trebui să vă îngrijoreze se află în curtea dvs.. Și să întrebați pe mai marii de ce în România în mod constant există un index al calității aerului de 80 când ar trebui să fie 20 (scara e inversă, dreapta sus blog). Iar acum în unele localități este 180, ceea ce e irespirabil (după mine peste 50 este irespirabil). 180 este ca și cum ai fuma jumătate de pachet de țigări, fără să fumezi însă. 

9:19 Metalele grele și tutunul vă vor menține mereu tineri.

10:16 Covfefe

11:37 I saw this before. Index is 1 or smallest possible. It really did rain maybe more than 1 inch in the last 24 hours in all Oregon and wind blew from the Ocean. Don't really know if the fires have been all extinguished, but after i went and plugged holes all day long finally there is no smoke outside, it actually smells like negative ions after rain. So i opened the sliding door to the patio and went in the bedroom to open the window and what do i see. A woman who in the past i thought looked like Romanian tennis player Jaqueline Cristian but with a few more pounds on her dressed in a green neon west came around the bush with a giant dog and went straight to my open door and stopped for a few seconds then left.

1145 Nu știu nu am urmărit audio-ul atașat acestui titlu, dar citind în Wikipedia nu am găsit nimic să confirme, ci exact opusul.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

July 2

3:04 Câmpulung, Copou, Coposu. A song to cope with anything. Cage, son of Coppola. Etc.

2:08 When i got the car from the auction and paint shop i found. One bent drive axle (right). The other was severely rusted with a play. Two cracked struts. I replaced them all but  never touched the big ball joint nut.

I instead removed the three smaller ones at the control arm. Cause i knew the ball joint conic bolt maybe stuck in the steering knuckle. However somehow they got loose on both sides. Kept tightening them. Before i figured i needed single use nuts i bought a whole assembly (ball joint, cheap, OEM, 30 bucks) on ebay on February 17 which i tried to unnecessarily replace (being constantly under influence from smoke from mole holes which has ceased after i finally plugged all holes with added borax). I put some WD40, untigthened the nut to bolt level and hammered them together but not a lot since i had no room to do it. Tightened the nut back by hand and with a new wrench i bought especially for this. I did not strip the nut, no way. I think that 12 mm bolt can take safely up to 100 pounds. Then i bought a tool on Amazon which didn't work. When i went to Reno i stopped once on the freeway and tried to tighten the nut again but was turning continuously and i figured maybe the conic joint got loose because of the WD40 i put in. Today i went in to see what's happening and found the nut and bolt are stripped period. 

While i was weighing my options in disbelief and was ready to put it together (got the parts, but can't remove the old joint) the read head woman, the mother of veteran's daughter passed by and never came back. I figured she went to the office like she threatened once, because i was working on the car. But at the garages there's a guy who also works on a vehicle and he does it everyday like a business. Closest.

What i don't understand is why yesterday or any time before i retigthened the nut it was making a noise at the bumps and had problems steering at high speed which means the conic bolt is loose but every time i tried to remove it it was stuck. Right now since it's stuck i think i can drive it safely even without a nut on it. The nut is stripped but is very hard to remove and i don't think the bolt would pop up so i may just drive it like this for a few more days (Angela's got Monday off).

3:38 A drive to Les Schwab turned into a whole new adventure. I stopped at Jiffy Lube where they replaced my filter last time. They said they can't do it without an alignement. There is nothing to align at this car except for toe but that one wouldn't change with ball joint replacement. Nothing will change. Anyways, i know when a car is out of alignment. He gave me the "if  you want to argue, i do this for..." (he's like 30).

At Les Schwab. Blake Shelton as customer, a kid that seemed familiar came when i was leaving, but i passed.

Some other mechanic told me what to do. A wedge, but that will destroy the old part in the process. Not so absolutely sure i got the right part on ebay. Though mine is stripped, it still works and if i do this i have to be ready to give up the car for a few days in case it goes wrong.

Now that is stuck (as for today) i don't hear any noises at the bumps.

Risking children's lives. When i came back, a grey silver Audi was coming real close, threatening to hit me from behind. I was braking slowly watching him in the mirror and pulled real fast in the alley, stopped and honked, without realizing there was a car trying to leave the alley with a kid in the back sit staring at me.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ochi păuneşti

Simbolismul deșănțat pare că ne împresoară din toate părţile. Caractonimia ne împinge raţiunea dincolo de orice limite.

Nu vreau să fac lista caractonimelor curente, începând de la politică, misteriosul şi încărcatul de sensuri Băsescu şi copiloiul său stângaci până la toate starurile româneşti închiriate de alţii dintre românce şi pentru românii de azi în contul propriului viitor care-şi acordă sentimentele în funcţie de consonanţa vreunui nume.

La puţină vreme după ce m-am născut în 1960, prin 1965 cred, m-a intrigat, în sufletul meu de copil, blândeţea care urma perioadei de iad din timpul războiului şi de după război care se citea pe chipul bunicului meu veteran şi a altora.

Din experienţa de acum şi citind istoria care fierbe în paginile internetului, am înţeles că politrucii din toate timpurile nu se lasă şi nu se vor lăsa niciodată în goana lor după zeama câştigată uşor.

Metodele propagandistice de odinioară a la Göring nu au dispărut pentru că ar fi trecut toţi marii, la umbra liniştii îngenuncherii popoarelor, la căutarea Nirvanei şi a înţelepciunii fără sfârşit spre slava partidului.

În mersul nestingherit înainte al istoriei prin sufletele noastre mute s-a trecut la alte metode, din care site-urile de teoria conspiraţiei mai vechi încă îndrăzneau să scrie. ELF prin reţeaua electrică e doar una din ele. Substanţe chimice în apă, aer, materiale de construcţie au ajutat. Propaganda în forme subtile, soft din care o metodă a fost caractonimia, adică numele personajelor publice. Tot ce s-a putut clădi pe drumul deschis de dadaişti. Şi multe altele.

Gândindu-mă şi la certificatul de naştere al curentului conducător, pe care probabil îl cheamă oricum numai Băsescu nu, (al meu mi-a dispărut după ce am "câştigat" loteria americană împreună cu livretul militar şi a trebuit să-mi fac duplicate. Dacă le aveam pe cele originale, ar fi fost greu de explicat de exemplu de ce am numele Ion, pe care tatăl meu l-a primit ca dar de nuntă de la primăria de atunci din Fălticeni, el cu 2 săptămâni înainte de a se căsători având alt nume, ca o condiție să se poate căsători) nu-mi iese din cap mai vechile afaceri culturale româneşti, începând cu întoarcerea a doi olteni din Basarabia.

De-a lungul evoluţiei sau în momentul divin al creaţiei unele animale au primit caracteristici ciudate pentru a le ajuta să supravieţuiască.

La fel cum desenul în zig-zag al şerpilor veninoşi declanşează un reflex codificat probabil în ADN (e posibil ca ADN-ul "junk" căruia ştiinţa pictată în presa de propaganda încă nu i-a găsit vreun rol, să conţină astfel de instrucţiuni) şi face ca piciorul să ţi se oprească la câţiva cm înainte de a-l călca chiar fără să-l vezi aşa cum mi s-a întâmplat mie de 3 ori în ultimii ani (nu nu prea sunt şerpi veninoşi în Oregon, dar mie mi s-a întâmplat, poate au fost de import), aşa şi multitudinea de ochi pe fond verde de pe coada păunului are probabil un efect de sperietoare asupra vreunui mamifer mai evoluat în căutarea unui prânz.

Deci conform legendei, doi olteni pelerini prin Basarabia în 1943, la Copăceni i-au dat naştere pruncului salvator al românilor de Ceauşeşti.


Scriam acum câteva zile pe undeva că "Păunescu" a fost peste măsură de prolific. Asta se vede din câteva simple calcule aritmetice. La 50 volume publicate, din care, să zicem, multe antologii, eu am gândit poate vreo 30 volume originale. Dacă zicem 300 poezii geniale pe volum, ne iese 9000 poezii. Nu ştiu, cineva are cifrele exacte, să le spună.

Chiar jumate din acest număr ridică întrebări serioase.

Cu toţii ştim căci tot românul s-a născut poet. De aceea nu trebuie să explic aici. Nu poţi să scrii o poezie fără s-o trăieşti. Ca să ai o trăire din asta trebuie zic eu câteva zile.
Această intensă activitate scriitoare combinată cu cele "1.615 manifestări de muzică, poezie și dialog", alte activităţi, probabil conducerea Mercedes-ului său prin România (eu l-am văzut, când eram în liceu la Sadova, lângă Câmpulung, la 500 km de Bucureşti, bine putea să fi venit cu avionul şi i-a adus altcineva maşina, dar oricum), ceea ce presupunea nişte ore de condus, ştiu eu, repetiții, whatever ce mai făcea el duce la debalansarea oricărei ecuaţii a timpului terestru al geniului.

Cum ne-a salvat "Păunescu" de Ceauşescu, simplu. Printr-un debit verbal care l-a depăşit pe cel al dictatorului. Prin laude deşănţate, fără limite, care acopereau (flooding-ul probabil nu s-a născut pe vremea internetului şi numai în legătură cu serverele ci a fost o mai veche metodă contra-propagandistică care presupune baterea apei în piuă pe acelaşi subiect cu al adversarului până ce lumea îl uită).

Bine Ceauşescu mai avea şi el alte treburi în afara cuvântărilor. Printre altele, prins în capcanele viitorului imediat, să conducă o ţară, aşa cum a spus Zoia într-un video. Pentru că el s-a băgat în tot ce era posibil să se bage în timpul între două cuvântări, legând de el orice groapă astupată sau muşuroi nivelat din România.

Amândoiescu luptând, uniţi într-un fel de proto-coabitare, aproape copleşiţi de bunul simţ milenar al românilor combinat cu progresul câştigat în perioada antebelică, de la fraţii lor binevoitori europeni.

Împreună au învins România, dar nu total, căci în agonia lor românii încă se mai zbat în plasa istoriei, întinsă de puterile lumii care în lupta lor obscenă clatină lumea mutând-o din loc.

Amândoieşti vor bântui conştiinţa românilor mult timp de-acum înainte, prin bătăturile şi încreţiturile speciale săpate în creiere, ei încă visându-le fantomele, care iată, s-au apucat să scrie, captivi de imagine, ajutaţi de întregi echipe de psihologi care stau la monitoare 7/24, de după câte un pseudonim lângă o poză cu ochi sperioşi, din locurile înverzite ale planetei.

În timp ce românii din Bucureşti nu ştiu cum să încheie coabitarea cu maidanezii.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 13

2:45 Could this guy be the handywoman?

2:49 Got all dressed and ready to leave for a walk. Opened the living blinds only to see coming from around the corner with her dog "the veteran's daughter".  A woman close to 30s who looks like a child. Her mother looks like Rosie O'Donnell and her father like a Hungarian opera singer, forgot his name.

2:53 Shut the computer (my mistake), getting ready to leave. An engine rumbling in the distance raised some dust and made me sneeze. I remembered, earlier when i went in the kitchen to eat, some very loud hissing from the pipes in the wall (nobody's home upstairs, must be the next apartment) raised dust from corners. No matter how clean a place is, there will always be some dust to be raised by very high or very low frequencies. Got sick of course after eating. I remember now, every time i eat if the guy upstairs not home, there will be hissing in the wall. No other time during day, only then.

Opened the door, only to see four kids "waiting for me" in the alley.  Closed the door, came here, it took 2 minutes to reboot the computer, 2 more minutes to write it all down.

4:21 Handywoman seem taller than me. So far i could not figure the height of the guy. A few things though. Major in English at one of the best Hungarian Universities. Though very few works published (including Sylvia's Virginity, Sex in the Living Room, Budapest Psycho), from 2000 to 2004 he was vice-president of Hungarian Writer's Union, which is no little thing in Hungary. He "commited suicide" in 2012, about the time when that janitor woman appeared at Eagle Crest in Lake Oswego. There she would show rarely (a handful of times in several years), randomly sweep places moving lasciviously, power wash curbs a week before they were power washed again by the guys who re-did the pavement, etc..

Just measured. My standing height is 1.3333 of my kneeling height but that varies from person to person. The guy is as tall as the two guys at his right or a bit shorter and one head shorter that the one on his left.

It looks like he's between 5'10" and 6' and to be taller than be he's got to have some modified shoes, but not a lot.

This weird picture, one of his 10 i found on the web seem prepared for a situation like this, just to create confusion. Consistent with what people like Hungarians live by. Suggestion, enticing, confusion and deception on continuous basis. Just pranking the whole world,  no harm done intended.

8:30/6:30 Azi în sfârșit m-am hotărât să pozez furgoneta aia pe care o văd de săptămâni, care parcă cerșește pozată din parcarea de la spital (eu (simt că) abuzez această parcare goală pentru plimbările mele zilnice). Ca să ajung acolo trebuie să ocolesc centrul de dializă da Vita, să trec de azilul de bătrâni cu steagul american și cel canadian și dacă nu mă calcă nici o mașină, ajung în zona zimbolică unde într-o parcare goală (goală de când au pus-o, adică zeci de ani de când o știu eu, spitalul are parcare supradimensionată) apar tot felul de zimbolisme, inclusiv avioane private care sboară foarte foarte jos și fluieră (chiar v-ați așteptat fraților la toate aceste complicații infinite când ați intrat în NATO? Democrația nu se vinde cu manual de utilizare, și meseria se fură, nu se învață iar Marcel Proust e mort demult).
Sunt acestea rațe plutitoare (găurite) sau Boboc(i) sburători? (Da sunt beat).

"Priviți aceste rațe Deși sunt moarte, zboară Căci ce le ține-n aer E dragostea de țara. Trăiască vânătorul Ce Întregul stol doboară Că rața comunistă Deși e moartă, sboară"
10:38 Earlier. I still feel the effect of being exposed to mold yesterday when i cleaned all the windows a wet rag soaked in chlorine and blinds in the bathtub and gathered a large amount of black mold in the bathroom sink (the chlorinated water in the sink i was rinsing my rag into turned dark and then turned light after an hour or so). Lower temperatures in the last few weeks made lots of condensation on the idiotically criminally designed aluminum frame windows which have so many intricacies (corners) that are almost impossible to clean. Because of that today among other symptoms i had all day an irritated esophagus (mold eliminating from lungs into esophagus) and when i ate some dry overcooked fish (my fault), probably combined with a large generous exhaust noise, had another dysphagia episode. Was so mad about the manipulations i detect in every bit of media i look at, went for a walk. A stinking exhaust passed me on the empty street, and then next to the tennis club, some guy was using a power tool with many dB (at 10 PM), a noisy low flying plane (just figured, the synth in the song may indeed suggest a didgeridoo like in oh so many other songs since they invented synths) passed and an out of place guy, making weird gestures, i got my nasal mucous membrane irritated, vacuum in my lungs when breathing in through an congested nose, which was sucking my heart up until i got some palpitations, dizziness, tried to call Angela, but she didn't have signal (low cost version of T-mobile) and then remembered and started to breath on my mouth. Something that happened tonight, the 1000th times since i am in the US. Usually both events makes you forget everything else for the rest of the day and week (yes you guessed not quite anymore to me).

11:35 Călugării budiști, niște oameni care trăiesc în afara timpului, o iluzie. Apropo, Arya Avalokitesvara nu este un nume de arian (lordul Avalokitesvara) ci se traduce "în aer, sunet dintr-un loc îndepărtat", poate chiar un didgeridoo (la care telefonul a făcut un "ding" ca un clopot, deci acum știm cine "dublează").
11:52 Apropo mi-am amintit de o chestie. M-am gândit toată ziua. Cred că numele Șoșoaca (care se mai poate scrie Țâțoaca) vine de la Șoaca Șoaca adică ȘȘ (care se traduce Sucker Sucker adică stereo sucker flying Saucer). Mă duc să văd al 3-lea episod sezonul II din Pandora. Ceau, escu.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 30

12:30 Yesterday morning around 11:15 before they came to finish the sliding door i noticed the motorcycle was moved again, with the cover removed, and i remembered he came home late last night and also saw for the first time what appeared to be a puddle of gasoline that has dissolved some of the asphalt and then dried, showing a different color on the pavement. I was intrigued and took a picture of it but never had time to follow up or write about.

Last night after i slept (passed out) i woke and was ready to go for a walk and was fiddling with the phones trying to make a working connection (they have compatibility issues, as i said, don't always work or ring) before i left when someone knocked at my door around 8:30. I looked through the window and i saw it was the man upstairs and was thinking maybe i forgot something outside whatever but he first started to ask me questions as why the motorcycle was moved, why the construction guys made a mess in his balcony and didn't installed back the AC after they replaced  the sliding door. (Didn't know he had an AC could be a new type, i don't know). I told him the motorcycle was moved several times by the construction guys during last week when he was missing, and they shouldn't have done it without permission.

He then asked me if i knew anything about the puddle of oil in the parking lot and i told him, if that was oil it wouldn't have dried. He told me that the oil cap was ok and i told him i don't know if that motorcycle has an oil pan (with a cap). I asked him how much gas is in the tank and he shook the motorcycle and he said there was none and he also told me he had also worked recently at the fuel line.

Hours later i realized he possibly being new to motorcycles could not know that some motorcycles need a little oil added in the gasoline, as that is the only lubrication provided to the engine. If you fail to do so, the engine may seize and that oil might have accounted for the color of the puddle). So i just went and put a sticky note on his car. I hope i can contact him tomorrow before he goes to fill that tank as i really don't want to knock on his door at this  hour. I would assume he would try to check the fuel line first, and i would see him doing that and talk to him.

I didn't follow on this or other things as all morning and well into the evening, when he came, i was groggy, exactly when they came to work inside the first time. In both cases i fell asleep with all the noise just before they came. In both cases there was something outside putting out fumes, like a diesel generator in the first case and potentially an unused compressor with a tank sitting there all day in second (next to the hydrant in the picture). Wondering how much gas was in that tank and how those vapors influenced me as well earlier. When he came inside again like last time i felt like sleeping while standing and watching him.

8:32 One second he was upstairs, when i looked both car and motorcycle were gone. Then i heard a door and when i looked the car was here, and he was walking away very fast. I went and grabbed the truck and caught with him at the end of the alley, leaving on his bike. Apparently he didn't take my advice to put oil in gas. I told him not to drive like that cause the engine may seize. He asked me how much should he add and what type, like maybe 10W30? and i told him again to google. Then i drove back towards the apartment but remembered i had to buy something and left and saw him taking a turn at the gas station, maybe to buy oil. I went to buy my stuff and when i came back finally had a chance and motivation to google everything.

Oil is added only in 2 stroke engines, which went of the market around 2008 and now are coming back. Oil to be added in gas in a proportion of 50:1 is a special type of oil. Apparently by the shape of the engine of his bike he's got a 4 stroke engine which does not require oil in gas. What happens if you don't add oil in gas in a 2 stroke and if you add in a 4 stroke. So not knowing, risk of something happening is higher if you don't add oil in a 2 stroke.

But there weird parts in this whole story.  First of all, the gas leak which is now covered by his car. He usually went to work on car not on bike. He not knowing if he needs oil in gas. The lyrics of a song i complained about with porn going mainstream. Here's the copy of the note i wrote and attached to the window of his car last night and he confirmed he found it.

O poză din Gardianul îl înfățișează însă mai mult ca... Țepeș.

6:41 I looked at the kitchen window and all the flashing they put moved because of too much tension, leaving big cracks and that explains the "feel" of the day. Even after i did 2 more burgers on the elctric pan, i was still feeling stingy dust so i went and added some clear silicon (that's all i got) so the cracks are still visible. While working at the window, i saw the guy from upstairs coming.

I went and spoke with the guy upstairs. Motorcycle is definitely a four stroke. I think the guys with the van stole his gasoline through the line (he's got a locked cap) and emptied the tank when his bike was in a different position in the parking lot. When he came and moved it, kinda with the front wheel on a higher position than rear, the remaining gas ran on the pavement. In the meantime, the tank was putting out fumes through the open lines, possibly for days. I think they are stealing my gas too but in my case is most for decreasing my mileage performance, even after i put a locked cap on. While i was talking with him, the veteran (a different actor now) and his wife (a writer) came with the dog and were listening.

10:21 When i saw Gorbachev the first time i knew there was hope. He was  the first communist leader i saw smiling, ever. What did i know.

Monday, July 18, 2022

July 18

8:14 Eu de multe ori m-am gândit. Mașinile electrice puteau exista de cel puțin 50 de ani. Camioneta mea din 98 avea o versiune electrică cu baterii cu plumb. Chiar dacă nu aveau autonomia celor pe benzină te puteai descurca cu ea prin oraș, mai ales dacă puteai s-o încarci la job. Mașinile pe ardere internă au o eficiență în jur de 30%. Asta înseamnă că 70% din energia chimică înmagazinată în combustibil este transformată în căldură. Însă oricine a învățat fizica la școală știe. Și restul de 30% din energia necesară deplasării mașinii până la urmă se transformă tot în căldură.

Creșterea populației, chimizarea agriculturii, zootehnia dementă și folosirea intensivă a energiei a fost o caracteristică a secolului 20. Poate părea ciudat, dar cele 2 războaie mondiale au dus la o mare deversare de energie în mediu, prin exploziile respective.

Concentrarea puterii politice prin înlocuirea tuturor politicienilor din lume cu actori dintr-o singură țară, care are legături mai ascunse sau mai directe cu budismul, care a infiltrat Biserica Catolică acum 800 de ani prin ordinele religioase, ca de exemplu Templieri și Dominicani (care au dat lumii inchizița de exemplu, care pedepsea păcătoșii prin... ardere pe rug).

Este binecunoscută legenda Sfântului Dominic, parțial ras în cap, a cărui mamă a visat că va naște un câine care va da foc planetei. 

Cine a citit ce am mai scris, știe. Este posibil ca Ungaria, care acum se numește Magyarorszag, a cărei capitală s-a numit Buda pentru 600 de ani, înainte de a deveni Budapesta, să aibă la conducere în mod secret o misiune budistă în Europa, care a venit în jur de anul 900.

Toate acestea pot avea un motiv iar acel motiv poate fi religios. Grăbirea raiului, care conform acestei predici a lui Buda, nu s-ar putea întâmpla decât peste sute de mii sau milioane de ani. Cel mai probabil Buda a fost un vizionar și a prevăzut ce s-ar putea întâmpla cu Pământul în viitorul foarte îndepărtat, dar el a mai spus că după, va veni raiul, iar unii mai deștepți din audiență s-au apucat de treabă.

Puritatea etnică ar putea fi una din iluziile prin care ei conving majoritatea să facă toate aceste tâmpenii pe care le vedem mereu în jurul nostru.

10:53 It is by far cheaper than any place around. However it is a one spot apartment. That is, you only have one designated parking spot. There are enough visitor spots to accommodate all the cars except for about 10 (there are about 20 visitor spots in total and about 300 apartments in the complex) that park at Meridian next to the street. But i never knew until today that i cannot legally park in a visitor spot for more than 24 hours. I got once a ticket on the door window for parking more than 2 weeks in a visitor spot (and found a radio ID tag in the truck's bed) and once my vehicle was towed by 21 Century Towing and the driver was criminal William Shatner who tried to run me over while i was taking the garbage out with the towing truck while towing my truck. He refused to accept a card payment or go to an ATM and had to pay 300 dollars and bring my truck from their site off Columbia Blvd.

On the first ticket it was written "stationary vehicle" that is would not mention the rule in the lease contract so i won't search and write about.

"Tenant may not park in... visitor spots" "Guests may park in spaces designated for visitors or in any unnumbered space that is not assigned to another apartment. It is the Tenant's responsibility to let his/her guest(s) know where they may park. Visitor parking spaces have a 24-hour limit. Vehicles parked in a visitor spot for more than 24-hours risk being towed at the owner's expense."

So i lived here for 7 years and never knew i'm not allowed to park on visitor spots. But know that i covered the last holes in the walls and there's nothing much they can do to me, they started to enforce that rule.Ok so this morning i was going to Walmart to buy vacuum bags to vacuum the litter dust that has been pumped extensively in the last week (much more than usual) from upstairs through cracks in joint between walls and ceiling. So much, it now smells here like litter deodorant. I found the orange ticket, saw the Hungarian male writer disguised in the handy-woman floating on a cart, got mad, pulled the truck out of the spot and proceeded at very low speed (i once got ticketed in here for going more than 5 mph by the maintenance guy with the cart who was is now gone and was doing always more than 20).

Somewhere in a spot in the office area i noticed a white car with a small water bottle taped to the trunk. Suddenly it started to move backwards when i was close so i hit the brakes but that car also stopped WITHOUT THE DRIVER HAVING A CHANCE TO SEE ME.

When i got at Walmart everybody was getting in my way. Lots of women dressed in tight pants with big butts and unusual long legs were flashing their beauties in front of me. While i was staring at one of those, i almost slipped on some wet soil in front of the store (after i wrote on Dominican's dream). One woman kept pulling the cell phone from her baby who wanted it (teasing the baby) and the baby was crying to be heard in the whole store and it started right after i passed her.
Fiddled with the phone a lot before i left and that could have been the cause i forgot my wallet at home (i always grab them together when i leave). T-mobile, Motorola e7. After every time i go to a casino, the phone stops working until i restart it, but sometimes it takes days until i can make it work. I tried to free and trial antivirus apps last night and did not find anything. It helped after i wiped cash and storage data, but now i can't here ringing when i make a call. So i just left my stuff there (one onion, two avocados and a vacuum bag pack of three).

12:27 I tried bagless vacuums years ago. They are stupid. Though they catch nicely the big parts like shoes and caps and socks, the final filters that count for the important part of the job are tiny and slow dramatically the flow of the air, when compared to bags that some (the best) are made of the same materials the filters are made, but much bigger. Friday i walked one mile to Fred Meyer to buy some but they only sell bagless vacuums thus do not sell bags anymore. I walked because i did not want to move the truck Friday so i won't loose the visitor spot for weekend. If i did so i had to go and park at Meridian.

Within the last year, in there they stole from my truck one good wheel with new tire and one bad catalytic, though the truck passed DEQ and i had stickers for more than one more year.

When i got back at Walmart, they kept the bag with my stuff, but the masked woman who gave it to me big one, looked like the Japanese female sumo wrestler known in the US as Lizzo.

I figure, the enforcement of the rule with visitors spots could have something to do with me complaining about the van with flammable liquid barrels (that BTW is still in the same spot, that i think is a designated spot, though i saw traces of a ticket on the window) or the floating van where people sleep in, that doesn't have anything on the window. There are numerous cars that seem abandoned or sitting in visitors spots for more than a week, but i believe "some playful kids" stole the tickets. BTW there is a big mess in front of the one floor building and in front of the balcony next to mine.

12:43 Did i just complained about my truck being towed by Shatner? The Thermal Apocalypse? When i came from Walmart and entered the freeway on the unusually short ramp at 72, A Saia train passed me and should i had not known they usually have 2 trailers in tow, could have merged, cause my ramp was ending. Deja vu, not  the first time when i meet with semi with trailers in that difficult point. Imagine what they have to do achieve such a magic degree of synchronization, just to match the theme of the day. Say, say say, they produced that in front of me many times when i said something important. Curious thing, can't remember right now of other lines towing two trailers. Do they have a special rule just for SAIA? Does it matter, in the US anything that technologically can be done, was or will be done, what are lobbyists for. I looked at the driver and  he was 100% Japanese with the mustache of a Mexican, who looked back at me, intrigued. What did i wanted? (like the woman who last night was driving with her safe van at 10 ft behind any car) was saying his mute face. Just measured the ramp on google maps, the "mergeable length" is about 600 ft (don't know exactly but i think most are longer), which passes in about 6.6 seconds at 60 mph (you have to merge with the speed of the traffic and worry later about speed limit) and a triple trailer like this one is about 100 ft (33 meters) long.

1:07 I will not play the game called "now move your truck every day, big mouth". Just parked on a "No parking on Thursday" spot. That one from what i know has not a 24 hours limit, the only restriction is i have to take it early Thursday, before the (21st Century) towing truck passes, Angela leaves usually just before 5 AM, move it here on our designated spot and put it back after the garbage truck has gone and there i can keep it no problems one more week (if i don't need it).

One more thing. I complained about SAGE removing a good part of siding on top of my living sliding door and putting back a bad one which i just taped. Today i saw SAGE started to work on siding by removing siding under windows, at the other side of the complex, but i believe it was scheduled (saw a SAGE guy inspecting  the building about 2 weeks ago).

2:06 Rolled the small red carpet and wanted to take it outside to keep it a couple of hours in the sun, in the same moment i opened the door the veteran's daughter opened her door and came outside, walking every step with much affection like she meant it.

10:07 Numai ce am vorbit despre schimbarea climatică datorită arderii hidrocarburilor și Virgil Popescu se află în treabă. Două reactoare mici, a căror aprobare a fost împinsă în SUA din 2021 în 2025, datorită nerezolvării rezistenței la cutremure a noului design, și două mari, ca să înțeleagă lumea mai bine. Ar fi 6 cu totul, cu unul mai puțin decât sorii din predica lui Buda. Mai pune la bătaie și 9 milioane, sumă care probabil costă doar deplasarea acolo. Dar cine sunt investitorii? Coreenii și japonezii, că americanii nu mai au bani decât pentru... Eu zic așa. Să le experimenteze în Coreea și Japonia că și ei au nevoie de energie verde și să vină apoi să le fakă în România.

11:24 More thermal apocalipse right now.

11:52 Da bine dar la Dinescu... (Lacrimi și sfinți sau de ce nu mai râde nimeni când deschide Cațavencii). (În SUA un combo la McDonalds costă tot cam atât).

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Jiffy Lube in Lake Oswego

At Sussex, the first manager, Cindy Dunster, Christine, Carol King, wouldn't let me change the oil in the parking lot. Back then you had to do it the old fashion way, that is remove the plug, drain the oil, etc.. Over the years it's always been a terror to me to go to change oil. Every time something happened, if not only the show.

When i was in there last time in November i thought i saw in there Mnuchin. Last time, last Friday i thought i saw in there Prince and Gerald Butler.

I told them wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to them to put 5W20 oil (as required) an OEM filter, .3 quarts less (that car has a tendency to "spit" oil through PCV valve), other indications.

In the same day i noticed the oil was above the upper limit on the dipstick. On the paper they said they put 4.2 quarts. I went to O'Reillys and bought a transfer pump and removed through dipstick hole unexpectedly easely almost one quart of oil. When i saw how easy it was i planned to change next time oil myself. (have to apologize for coffee stains on the invoice).
Anyways. I was in a hurry (in the manual oil change interval is 7000 miles, i was at more than 8, i went in there and during the weekend i noticed a decrease in performance, like 2-3% mpg drop, a drop in power. Then i looked and i saw they put an aftermarket filter. With a dried oil stain on it. Could it be they put an used one? In the end they charged me 47 bucks, most ever. The guy who printed the invoice pulled the mask and let me see him, and he looked like Prince.

So i decided to change the oil one more time myself, just for piece of mind. I went and ordered online the filter (9 bucks cause i was in a hurry), a tool (10 bucks) together with oil, 15 bucks, Quaker State, Hyundai's prefered brand.

I went to the Amazon locker to pick the items, when i left there was smoke in the parking lot, had to cover a (man made) hole (moles don't come near the building anymore since i put the buzzers), there was a group of Australian looking people from Hungary, with several women and a man and the man released two kids with pink pants who ran in the light of the car, giggling. On the street more than half of the drivers were blinding me with high beam.

However when i went outside to check, i saw the filter they put in is smaller, probably with a different material in it which may explain the flow resistance, decreasing performance and possibly damaging the engine. So the tool i bought doesn't fit.
While i was outside, there was smoke all the time, that change into cat litter smell. Got nauseated right away, now my stomach hurts. The curly kid from the picture with Tualatin Police, also looking Australian passed twice, throwing arrogant glances at me.

Now i got to go somewhere, get a star shaped tool, remove that filter or go back to Jiffy Lube. In a different place. But where? If they won't screw something, there will be a show, like anywhere i ever been too.

Last time when i was in  Tigard on Hwy 99 i saw in there several guys from the Hungarian extremist party Jobbik.

But over the years, they never did what they did this time in Lake Oswego, only from what i figured out.

I said i'm going outside, they had like a 1 minute notice, they organized another show. This time i looked for thickness and i don't think oil is 5W20 which will explain also the drop in mileage.

Follow up 4/23

I asked Angela to get a tool at NAPA, based on what i measured last night (it's on her way from work. However that didn't work i think because of different flute numbers).

Went at NAPA myself but i could not find a tool to remove the no-brand filter they installed at Jiffy Lube. After many trials, i came with this idea and taped the tool that i bought with Gorilla tape to the filter and cracked it open.

With this i think you can open any filter that has a reasonable close diameter.

In that moment i thought i heard some people (kids) cheering on the alley (do i have fans).

I was right. Filter is smaller, has no anti-drain valve as  the OEM has and probably a different flow rate.
I haven't change oil by myself in a long time. So after i cracked the filter open, i tried to unscrew it and oil started to flow. Good think i had a pan under. For some reason i thought it was above the oil pan level. Or it was and there was some residual oil on the lines on top of the engine. Anyways i gave up and came with the pump. Pulling the oil was harder then expected. Pump did not work as easy as the first time. Next time i will use some PVC tubing which is larger than the thin rubber intake line i used (not the one shown in picture). That one is very thin and it takes a lot to pull the oil with it.

At this point i was explaining (yelling) to Angela who was watching TV and could not hear me, the door was one inch open and i heard outside the "veteran" yelling in the alley. "Should call the Inspection! He's working on car!" So i went near the door without opening and he said: "Yeah! To you i'm talking! Come outside!", while his "wife" was pulling him aside. He was obviously drunk. Haven't seen him in one year or so. Since there is a woman dressed in black who smokes at that entrance outside, i figured he passed away.

People in here work on cars all the time, there is a guy with a garage that works inside and outside the garage, i myself hate to change oil but this time i had no choice because of what Jiffy Lube has done.

Had no problems installing  the new filter, tightened it by hand, tomorrow i'm going to torque it (spec is 10). Finally went to pour in the oil. 5W20 Quaker State synthetic. On the previous invoice Jiffy Lube said they put in 3.7 quarts (i asked them .3 less). On the last one, 4.2 and was overfilled. So i first poured 3.5 quarts and was under the low sign. I put one more quart and after i started the engine to fill the filter it went down in the middle of the signs. Another surprise here.

Then i decided to take out half of the paper towels i used at one bin and half at the other. They predicted this move too. I passed by the truck and found a towing notice. Due today (Friday) at 1 PM. Reason: Stationed vehicle.

Since they cut my catalytic earlier this year, i tried to avoid using the truck. I go in (near) the park on foot. I keep it in one spot only. I saw many people doing that. I think i last moved about a week ago.

However truck was still there. I went to move it at the street. Brakes work worse than last time (had to purge the front circuit, purging screws are damaged), braking mostly on rears. i was squeezed between and SUV and a Nissan Z on a non-standard 8 ft spot. Steering wheel was moved to the right and i was about to hit the Nissan but i figured on time. In the back, the same sliver Tacoma that makes the biggest sound around here. I had to go back and forth about 4 times, it was almost impossible to get the truck out of there. Then when i finally did, to the left there was the bearded Hungarian painter who lives in a one level building, carefelly watching me, etc..

From this morning to this point there was smoke in here and outside big time. My brain is on slow motion.


I went to NAPA and O'Reilly's to buy a 3 inch 3/8 extension to attach it to the oil filter cap wrench i bought online. The 10 inch was the smallest i had and could not squeeze it together with the cheap dial torque wrench i got. with the 3 inch one i got to see the dial and everything. The guy at O'Reilly's thought i was joking. "Torque the filter? I do it by hand ". And i told him, "I don't want the filter to get unscrewed and loose all oil" and he said, "Yeah, it happened to me a couple of times".

On the filter it says 10 (actually around ten, it's in meters, have to convert) or 4/5 of turns until you meet resistance (after you oiled the rubber ring).

It was under ten when i put the torque wrench on it, i was again a bit surprised. After about half turn it went to 15 when i stopped. I must have done at least one quarter turn by hand, so i think i'm a bit over, but i think it's ok.

BTW, i know remember, i only had to turn it less than one quart of a turn when i took off the old one (with the Gorilla tape cap). It was way loose, probably dripping small amounts of oil on the exhaust.

I remember when i first looked at it i saw the logo of the "no brand" Champ or something in a different position then when i took the pictures. Could it be it was slowly unscrewing by itself?