1:20 Who knows, maybe the title Sun-Emperor really means Emperor of the whole Solar System. I know the guy is an actor but the function may be real. Maybe they are so technologically advanced they are like gods to us. Time travel to mention just one thing. Another guess would be conscience merging with the Universe (so called Nirvana in Buddhism). Instant sharing of thoughts and collective decisions.
2:15 Wedjat (Wadjet), Wa. Lotus.
Have been two ships, one is lost? Lotuses are floating on water. Jupiter mother ship is floating on liquid hydrogen, causing turbulence in the atmosphere above, visible from space (and Earth).
1:00 PM Toată lumea vorbește despre PNRR (Punere) și nimic despre búget, de unde dispar sume mult mai mari, de zeci sau poate sute de miliarde anual (dreapta, permanent links).
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
October 15
Saturday, October 12, 2024
October 12
8:20 AM Asta a apărut după ce am scris ieri. Apropo. El nu a folosit niciodată numele Columbus.
10:22 Marian Vanghelie.
Today i was staring at a persistent picture in the news. The storm in Jupiter's "atmosphere", and for the first time it occurred to me the storm actually looks like an eye. So i did a search and what did i find...
Some say it could be the inspiration for the Eye of Horus... and i did one more search and i found that Egyptians considered Jupiter as the birthplace of ...Earth.
I was praying today i could find a solution to all my problems cause these guys are getting me sicker by the day... I went earlier outside to check the bins and there was a weird smoke, above 100 on the AQI scale, and was too lazy to put up a mask and i cough ever since. No i haven't been smoking in 3 days. My legs started to hurt more (they tingle every time i smoke but this was way stronger than cigarette smoke)...
Then it occurred to me... I also saw in the news recently that Europa has water (My bet is on Io)... And started to think to myself... What if... Egyptians did not originate on Earth but on Io or other moon with water next to Jupiter?
Until now we've been all thinking, aliens this, aliens that but never heard one single person saying that aliens could have come on Earth from a different planet on our solar system. Got to follow up on this idea, cause over the years i came to believe more and more there are some weird things about Egyptians, and the strange connection with Japan, and that is not only the pyramids.
Wa means among other things Japan in Japanese. Wadjet is...
8:51 Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and the density at the liquid surface is a a bit more than the density of water (and is solid at the core due to enormous pressure). A hollow object could float at or under the surface creating turbulence
When i look into this picture, i see turbulence in the clouds formed of ammonia crystals, probably due to maybe a solid object in the middle that is somehow stationary or moving slower than the "winds". A mothership feeding on hydrogen isotopes?
9:40 Adela Popescu
11:40 Right on time... I was waiting to see the reaction... This one is the first.
!1:41 Climbed a mountain and turned around.
12:15 AM 13 Eye in the sky. New order of the ages could mean time travel. It could also be a play word, szeklers meaning Shakya, Buddha's clan.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
September 29
10:40 One of the most overlooked health issues. When in conjunction with the existence of sharp, micronic and submicronic particles found in attics and walls (and other types of persistent dust like redwood) in your homes from breaking of the "fibers" o mineral insulation.
When you step, those types of dust get embedded in the skin of you soles, creating inflammation and a gateway
Inflammation and pain reduces blood circulation, cooling the body, creating more conditions for chronic infections that set deep in all tissues.
By simply applying some of this (a different product) i immediately - in a few days - reversed at least one major problem, constant pain and other major problems in reproductive area.
I am not saying this is a long term solution. The thin coat only seals for a few days the compromised skin from microbes in the environment. The sharp dust in your skin is not eliminated and will probably stay there forever. The only real solution is eliminating the source.
Who knows if this is also the major cause for loss of collagen at older age?
The idea of using volcanic lava processed into fibers and brought into the walls of our houses was one of the worst ever and that type of insulation is still marketed and used.
More than that, i think the conspiracy (the Sol emperor) knew about this from the beginning. They like to be sarcastic about their victims, it's the compensation for the secrecy they still have to live in.
12:00 It may not be a new idea. It may have all been inspired from an ancient device used in medieval Japan to deter criminals.
12:05 I am not advertising the company with the concrete printer at the top of this page. I just realized that leaving the walls unfinished can again be a source of fine silica dust but it can be easily fixed with some paint.
Lava based mineral insulation, concrete and glass have at the base the most common material on the surface of Earth. SiO2. Silica. It was brough at the surface by its lower density since the time the planet was hot and liquid after a long and violent process accretion of space rocks with heavier elements settling at the core.
Silica can take many forms. It is the main component in clay as well but those particles have been rounded during eons of formation and yes in its purest form is at the basis of microchips industry.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
September 25
9:00 Al nostru, dintre noi, pentru noi. Sunt proprietar, deci exist. Băsescu a fost căpitan, deci a existat (însă poza pare făcută la mișto). Nu are nici o pensie după ce a jăcmănit și distrus, dar mai ales, a dat tonul la confuzie, scandaluri și corupție (a avut două referendumuri de demitere, care au rezultat în legea cea mai aiurea dată nouă vreodată de vreun Parlament, 341/2013).
10:05 Efortul național este bugetul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pe care cu onor îl conduce. 1,2 miliarde lei din care jumătate sunt salariile (cheltuieli de personal). 550 milioane împărțit la 12 (Numărul de luni din an) și la salariul mediu (8532) ne dă aproximativ numărul de angajați. Poliție, Jandarmi, mai știu eu ce. Par puțini, însă dacă ne gândim că nu fac nimic...
Da, pare mic, în comparație cu Ministerul Dezvoltării, care iar face chiar nimic, sau Transporturilor, care face foarte puțin. Pentru ce avem un Minister al Dezvoltării, fiindcă sună bine? Dar unde se duc banii alocați?
10:52 Nici măcar nu se mai obosește să păstreze aparențele. Primul Ministru nu numește (pe) Președintele Camerei Deputaților. El este votat în plen. Sau doar o altă încercare de a "localiza" toate aceste aparențe.
"Dăncilă" a fost Prim Ministru în perioada când România a avut (prin rotație) timp de 6 luni Președenția Consiliului European (ăla mic, de prim miniștri, a nu se confunda cu Consiliul UE, ăla mare, de președinți, care contra-votează legislația UE, da știu e ca la nebuni), un rol simbolic, perioadă în care însă nu am auzit să facă vreun efort pentru România ca de exemplu clarificarea apartenenței la Schengen unde România este membru din 2007 (dreapta sus, link-uri).
3:08 Just finished binge watching Obliterated (2003). Man what a fat s...t movie. A special team getting high after missing their objective, finishing their mission against all odds and all Russians in Vegas.
Besides the plain old anti-Russian propaganda whith a long tradition starting with James Bond and the psychosis with the bomb (nothing new, except for cursing all the time and almost advertising the use of drugs), there are a very few things i'd like to ad.
The Gremlin who haunts the Chinese guy. It is part of the list of keywords embedded in the brains of English speaking people around the world. It stands for Kremlin and is at the very basis of subconsciously antagonizing the Russians against all (English speaking) world and the other way around.
It looks, my friends like your brains have been programmed.
Moss_cow. Rush_ya. Bella_Russia. Si bear_ya. War_saw. Prague. Book, arrest, Loon_done, Pare_is.
Gore_bashev. Krush_chev. GRUss.
Ukraine (UK reign). Key_ev. , etc..
The Cyrillic alphabet.
Why antagonize the Russians in this centuries old world wide conspiracy? DIVIDE ET IMPERA. They needed an antagonist, like the clown for Batman, Lex Luther (law looter) for Superman, the liquid terminator for the mechanical one etc.. Otherwise it will be all boring and people will forget about and go about their business.
5:00 BTW do i detect a threat in this Hungarian
9:09 PM Everybody who took college level physics knows about relativistic mass. According to Einstein, mass of a particle changes with its speed and changes dramatically when the speed goes "relativistic", which means is comparable to the speed of light. So we assume here Einstein was right.
At the speed of light the mass of any particle except for the photon which may not be a particle after all becomes infinite. You can see the formula in this article.
We all know electrons usually revolve around an atom. However, when there are more than one electron, their trajectories and speeds become so complicated, due to interactions and collisions between them it is impossible to describe them in mathematical terms. The so called n-body situation.
At this point it is easier to describe their behavior in terms like clouds, where we can no longer know the speed or position of a certain electron.
Some of the electrons around an atom move at relativistic speeds. We know that is happening for gold, probably other heavy elements.
Electrons do have (resting) mass and when they move at relativistic speeds they will add their relativistic mass to the mass of atom.
Nobody has yet measured the number of neutrons in an atom. It is said, for heavier particles, the number of neutrons is higher than that of protons, needed to counteract the electrostatic repulsion with the strong force and that explains the difference in mass/proton (atomic number) ratio. We call isotopes the atoms with same number of protons and different number of neutrons.
So what will happen with the relativistic electrons when one atom decays into two others, assuming the atoms do not loose them (or capture others right away from the "environment"), when the temperature stabilizes? Will the sum of their relativistic mass be the same as of the initial atom?
I think not. Electric charges that mainly hold the electrons in orbit will be the same, but the orbitals will be lower.
So here could be the true cause of the so call mass defect, the basis for the (in)famous formula E=mc2.
There is no equivalence between energy and matter (whatever that is).
I believe it is from here we should start looking for the nature of mass. Unfortunately i cannot make the calculations to prove the mass defect is the difference between relativistic mass of all electrons before and after because of my very limited mathematical knowledge at this time. And it could be impossible because of how complicated would be the trajectories.
After gross estimates, this theory does not stand if the electrons of the 6 orbital (in gold) do not exceed 58% of the speed of light. But if that percentage comes from an average speed, and some could have 70% of the speed of light or more, due to collisions and accelerations in their complicated trajectory, even for limited amounts of times, things could change.
12:15 Yeah but... The electrons, especially for heavier elements do not move around the atom in a circular orbit, or at a constant speed or even radius like in Bohr' model, they are like zig-zagging in a mess mainly due to electrostatic repulsion forces and yes collisions (like in no one's model)... Here is an idea how it would look with 5 electrons but try to imagine 79 like in gold.
Saturday, June 8, 2024
June 8
What is going to be attracted more by the Moon and Sun?
I start to believe that oceans tides are not given by the direct pull of the Moon on water but by raising of the ocean floor with rotation of Earth in Moon and Sun's gravity field due to the pull of the two celestial bodies, and unevenly on the core. Tides are more like tsunamis though calm and predictable. The Earth is acutally pulsating, like a cosmic heart. Or lung.
The variable force excreted by tides on shores could actually be the reason of "faults" in the case of Pacific Ring of Fire. The energy of the tides lead to a constant move up and down of the "plates" against each other and friction that creates extra heat that in turn melt the mantle that is already hot and create the magma chambers and not convection. Convection currents within the liquid core are chaotic because of greater pull on the core and its constant motion under the gravity of Sun and Moon.
In the case of Atlantic, due to size and shape, the water is actually oscillating left-right, and tides are amplified by the oscillation and the "fault" is in the middle.
So how can we trust each other when we live in these cosmic lies?
Two days ago i saw an article that said the Geological Survey of the State of Oklahoma has published charts with the raising of the Earth (ground tides) that can go up to 30 cm (one foot). However when i contacted the Survey they told me they can't find those (but didn't say if they did that or not).
There are forces in this world that want to keep us in the dark because predicting earthquake has such a strategical value to them. So they prefer to lie to 7 billion people or how many we are right now.
And use AI, garbage and thousands of extras to constantly frame, sabotage and torture me who i am just a messenger. Do we have time for this?
1:12 Freed hostages is just a meme?
1:26 Last night before McMinville at 3:30 AM i heard this song on the radio. Then after, i was racing with a Milky Way train of cisterns and when i was left to pass it, in a narrowing (right lane ending) area, and with a car blocking my way to finish the pass, i almost got squeezed out of the road by it.
I do believe more than ever that this song is about death by gas chamber, him (megalomaniac half skinhead in
2:20 We don't need no education...
3:24 B...c i'm Madonna... And she didn't get arrested?
Rock and Roll Fantasy. In February 1996, after not sleeping for a week, part of it being again the neighbors upstairs, i got arrested, in Vancouver, WA, by a couple of Police women and i now suspect they were actually Joan Jett and Lita Ford, my HS class mates. More than that, i was kept in jail after signing a document for being released on bail. False arrest and imprisonment are not subject to statutes of limitations. But how the two got to be cops in Vancouver? Who was Janet Anderson?
And the judge. Spent that night in jail, unlwafully, again not sleeping, with my face and eyes burning from the pepper spray for which i was not treated, in the morning i got interviews by a funny bald man, then i was finally brough to court, in a jail suit that had a cut in the genital area, with no underwear. I was falling asleep and then the judge gave me to read a paper printed with capitals that started with "I APOLOGIZE TO ALL NATIONS..." just to see if i can read.
But who was the judge? By the name Stocker, 83 back then, i think he was no other than...
Then they took me to the Washington Memorial whatever, the local psychiatric hospital. No fluids nothing after a week of not sleeping, eating or drinking. Dan Costan bought me something to eat, with nothing to drink.
In the hospital they gave me a pill and i slept 12 hours. When i woke up, dr.Proano was ready with the diagnosis. Schizophrenia.
I struggled with dehydration for the next 3 weeks i was in the hospital. Now i now what they wanted. A stroke.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
June 6
2:14 It looks like we got a max of 2014 in LA around 9 AM.
During this season, there was one on June 2nd 9:56 (16:56 UTC) in Pasadena.
Just looked one more time to make sure time was local and saw the prediction has changed already. Ok maybe this is the reason they don't want to bring eqs predictions to the public.
8:45 Băsescu apare... Luna că răsare... "For 10 years have i trained Jedai"...
9:06 Ok an idea just came to me. Anybody knows what a strain gauge is? It is a piece of thin wire on a piece of thin paper that can be glued to anything to measure deformation. I believe the electronic bathroom scales have some inside. By measuring the deformation of some metal piece, you can know the weight.
Was thinking. What if you put some on a pole. Will it sense the deformation due to gravity pull of Sun and Moon and most importantly, direction?
12:42 Nevermind that. I just saw on this map 2 eqs =4 that occurred at 2500 km of each other within half hour. I saw that on other. It seams there are global time frames. So i figured this can only occur if there is some sort of wave inside the Earth. And that can only be from center to surface so it reaches different points on Earth in the same time.
Thing is Earth has a solid core which is denser surrounded by a liquid core made of lighter elements. The higher we go from center the lower the density. So the solid core will be attracted more by the Sun and Moon, creating a tidal pressure wave in the liquid strata above, that propagates all the way to the magma chambers at the surface. It is like a metal ball inside an aerosol spray paint can that moves around when agitated.
Whoops... Inertia of the crust and oceans and even pressure of the atmosphere opposes that pressure wave together squeezing the magma chambers. (Yeah i know the diagram is confusing, those interrupted lines emerging from inner core and not seismic waves). NASA.
(And forget about that explanation "The churning metal of the outer core creates and sustains Earth’s magnetic field" on the origin of magnetic field of Earth. Earth's magnetic field is created by the rotation of electrically charged atmosphere, ionosphere and electrojets together with Earth surface around the mostly solid iron-nickel inner core. 500k Coulombs? They must be kidding...
In fact, i propose an experiment. Try and rotate a statically charged sphere and see if it produces a magnetic field... Slowly so it won't loose all the electrons at the surface...
No one is going to tell me those at the base of clouds are charged differently (+/-) from those on top, hence lightning.
They all get charged with the same type of charge but at different potentials because they are born and live defying gravity in the electric field gradient of Earth created by the ionosphere that is about 500k V across the atmosphere, by some (i believe it is much more), at heights according to their charge.
8:53 Was wondering if detonating one or a sequence of several charges at one side of the Earth could trigger an earthquake in a seismic area in another, when conditions are ready. The so called underground tests that have been banned in 1992.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
May 23
10:16 Prescrierea în SUA funcționează astfel. Pentru viol, este în general 7 ani de la comiterea faptei, timp în care se poate face plângerea. După care procurorii au un timp limitat pentru anchetă totuși. În România, s-ar părea că singurul rol al prescrierii e să poată întrerupe o anchetă începută.
11:20 Just crossed my mind (the issues will stay a few days in my brain before they evaporate). If eqs (i hate the long word i typed so many times in the last few days) were caused by continent size tectonic plates bumping into each other, plates that are rigid and made each of one piece, the earthquake would propagate all along the plate, to the other end of the plate that sometimes is continent wide, with echoes back!
However because the crust is made of semi-loos materials, the s and p waves are dampened.
Everybody had assumed geologists (and all the scientists) are telling the truth (if they knew it).
But out of all mechanical engineers in this world how come nobody questioned this so far?
Moon has formed after a blob spit by Earth after a planetary merge (the last stage of Earth and Moon formation, should have seen that) entered a stable orbit, so they both had the same temperature at that time. However Moon being much smaller (surface to volume ratio much higher) it lost much more heat and became partly if not all solid. And the mantle, if Moon had one, now solidified, it is indeed made of one single piece. Ok with cracks maybe, because of the tension after solidifying. Or maybe not, the tension dissipated in time with solid plastic flow.
Now you're probably curious as how the two merging planets formed and why they were liquid. They formed by gathering of numerous asteroids caught in a solar orbit after a stellar explosion nearby. Star that turned into many solid objects made of different materials. The bigger the planets grew, the bigger the gravity and speed of merging asteroids. Their energy impact put together melted the forming planets.
These days i tried to use Edge since my Chrome on this computer has a bug that doubles links and i have to delete them manually after and did not have time to take care. However i was surprised cause at the end of search result there was an invitation to use their AI "copilot". Ask me anything! He said, very friendly.
Since i don't know yet how to share a copilot answer, here is the screenshot. However now that i think it sounds more like a ball.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
May 14
What happens is when a "plate" enters under another (subduction), there is lots of friction within the already hot, near melting, ductile (plastic) asthenosphere. And one more point against the rigid plates theory. If the plates were rigid, they would not bend like that. They would possibly break (fracture) but at the surface and producing much bigger earthquakes, something that would not allow human civilization on planet Earth.
10:10 Here are the tide charts for the 5 latest earthuakes >4 around Santa Monica plus the 7.1 earthquake in July 2019 in eastern California suggesting earthquakes occur at highest or lowest tides (possibly of the year) suggesting earthquakes may occur in both direction of the phase diagram of magma, both at highest and lowest possible pressure influence from above ground.
This is confirmed by the charts with Romania's earthquakes >2.5 since 1940 which usually come in pairs at few km and a few months or years distance.
Există un singur răspuns. Trădătorii cococsați în fruntea României vor să ne sperie bine sau să ne bage cât mai repede și fără rost (toate războaiele sunt fără rost) într-un război proxy, la fel ca cel din Ucraina, cum au fost atâtea în istoria dinainte și după al doilea război mondial care de multe ori au rezultat în desfacerea țărilor în două și/sau eradicarea oricăror urme de independență de ambele părți.
Există ceva pozitiv în toată tărășenia. Nu ne-au cerut să mutăm scutul de la Deveselu.
Un lucru ar trebuie să înțeleagă fiecare. Aceste sisteme nu au fost donate de Statele Unite României, ci au fost plătite cu 4 miliarde de dolari. Da virgulă acum înțeleg de ce România a cumpărat F16 de la portughezi și norvegieni. Sau de ce Ceaușescu a forțat România să plătească toate datoriile externe.
11:30 Hm. I didn't know US fought alongside Soviet Union during Tibetan uprising.
11:40 This list is very interesting. Have to study it more when i have time. Apparently, at times US was in the same time allied an enemy of the Soviets.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
May 9
1:30 AM
I hate to refer to an image that i know is not correct, but look for yourself and see the multitude of theories as what a magma plume is. But i do not have any drawing or illustrations making capability right now so i have to recycle whatever i can find and then refer to it as nearest...According to the charts i plotted using raw, real data, a seismic magma plume is dendritic, or has branches, like those represented under volcanos (lower image) but short of being volcanos. Temperature inside the branches varies from hot near the plume to colder near the end, and phase from liquid to solid. There is always some point on the branch that is at equilibrium on the phase diagram.
All that a branch needs is a trigger that can be a change of pressure that may be orders of magnitude smaller then the pressure inside that branch, but enough to trigger a wave of either crystallization or melting which happens with changes in volumes, in a very short time, generating the shockwaves we know as earthquakes.
But it can happen both ways, it can turn from liquid to solid like when Earth is squeezed around a diameter perpendicular to the direction of the Moon (compression), and when pressure decreases on the lobe, this can revert (decompression) creating replicas.
There should be of course a hysteresis which keeps the branch stable for a while, but also accumulates energy.
The differences in pressure in the high/low daily cycle that are accompanied by ocean tides are greatest with Moon at perigee (closest) and smallest with Moon at apogee.
11:15 Putin's next aim, Transnistria. But unlike Eastern Ukraine, the Russian minority there is only 29%. And unlike Eastern Ukraine, Transnistria has no border with Russia. Transnistria is internationally recognized as being Moldovan, however they have declared themselves independent.
Moldova has a 82% Romanian population. Historically, at times Moldova was part of Romania. Note that at the last census, only 7% of the people there declared themselves Romanian.
Actually Romania was created in 1859 by unification of Moldova and Valahia, and by that time part of Moldova was under Russian Empire.
There is absolutely no doubt Moldovan language is Romanian. I have been there shortly after 1990. Despite an accent, Romanians and Moldovans can talk to each other with no effort. All vocabulary and grammar are identical.
Problem is many were still speaking Russian, the language of the colonists during Russian Empire and Soviet Union and many were still shy to speak Romanian. The situation and my presence there was visibly awkward to the Russian speaking people.
Back then Russia was still seen by many Moldovan as the metropolis.
Before the fall of Soviet Empire many Romanians had antennas so they could watch Moldovan TV mostly because our TV program was only 2 hours a day, showing mostly Ceaușescu, without any other forms of entertainement (Russian and Moldovan TV was much more "liberal", compared to Romanian) and besides an accent, at the Moldovan TV they were speaking Romanian.
Putin, Zakharova is playing on Russian people's feelings who are considering Moldova, Transnistria part of Russia and gets on everybody's nerves.
But i suspect this prompt intervention has something to do with what i posted above, they (who control all countries, including Russia) want to get out of people's mind the images of dendritic ramification of magma under seismic areas by bringing the image of Transnistria into focus.
2:06 Could it be the loss of vitamin C synthesis played a key role in conscience development in humans, as closed loops in neural pathways, with increased stress as a main factor?
4:03 I've been searching ever since, though google sheets is impressive, it won't allow customization of tooltips, so one can see the date and magnitude while hovering mouse on each blue dot. Right now it only shows the two axes of the chart. Found some workarounds, working on.
Found something here but do not understand how it works. I am too immersed into earthquakes subject, Moon is still turning in my head, vitamin C is also on my mind, got to switch to IT mode. I'm taking a break.
4:55 Also can't flip the Y axis so i can put the plume in a more "natural" position.
Was it before the "pandemics"? Before the war in Ukraine? The President of Romania was Tuesday in Washington while i was working on it. Today Maria Zakharova threatened again neighboring Moldova, which is actually made of 82% Romanians.
Thinking of all the torture i've been enduring all these years which intensified starting last July. We all know who was involved. Hungary and Japan. Me being gassed in early 1996, turned into a vegetable. No more jobs after year 2000. One botched oral surgery in 2006. Angela taking all the heat all these years.
3 botched surgeries (forgotten wires), mutilation. Being smoked in Lake Oswego for 5 years. Radiation from the hacked laptop, phones. All the attempts to get us in an accident on freeways, several per each trip. The 2021 accident.
I had all these in my mind though i didn't know. I now remember each instance when they embedded the messages in my life before i came here. I was Dacians' messenger to the gods.
10:53 One clear example of a string of earthquakes begins with the yellow dot right under the 100 km line. 2005, 2006, 2007. It looks like at first the branch was filled with molten lava, which would go upwards (the chart is upside down), and then it started to freeze backwards. There are many like these in the whole chart. QED.
Monday, April 29, 2024
April 29
1:26 AM I don't know if i can continue like this. Is too much. Every time i post something they come with a counter something. Like this news. Look at the first paragraphs and the title. An ocean caught in a type of rock 400 miles beneath Earth's surface that actually is a hydrated mineral. No ocean, no waves, no nothing. The title is just a figure of speech.
It is known for a long time there are vast underground liquid water resources. They are called aquifers. Sometimes they are km deep and closed and can overheat causing earthquakes.
I am one single person against a world conspiracy that started centuries ago and is so well established is invisible.
Most people are caught in jobs controlled by them and have their money in retirement funds invested in stocks that are over evaluated by hundreds of times (market capital vs real assets), being true Ponzi schemes (Yes the magnificent 7 are most important of those).
The world as we know it has been designed by them to be used by them.
Honestly i myself cannot imagine a world without them being in control. A transition to something else would be too traumatic for everybody.
It is obvious a struggle has already begun and that was marked first by the so called pandemic and now a threatening war in Ukraine.
10:05 Here is the most quick, efficient and cheap way (it cost 0 dollars and needs none of your time) to fix sticky valves to a car.
They do manifest sometimes with ticking noise, sometimes with annoying vibration of the engine at low RPM or both. Loss of power (and efficiency) mostly at low RPM.
Here's the method. When real close to a destination when you can stop the engine within seconds and going coasting downhill.
Most newest automatic transmission with lockup torque converter assist with breaking like if you left your manual transmission in a higher gear and release the gas.
During releasing the gas pedal the transmission will stay shifted in gear still and the engine will "swallow" air but no gas will come out of the injectors, allowing cooling of the valves.
Then you can do the "spray" maneuver. Hit the gas pedal intermittently real fast to the floor like maybe 3 times a second with no holding, so the car would not have time to accelerate (or maybe just a bit), about 10-20 times, and then stop and shut the engine as quickly as possible. Do not accelerate after the maneuver.
(Do not attempt this if you are not a seasoned driver).
The throttle would open intermittently following the gas pedal, triggering (or better said tricking) the opening of the injectors which would spray liquid gasoline on the cooled valves. Then you should not accelerate but just stop and leave the car alone for a a few hours. Can do it at the end of any trip without interfering with your activities.
The liquid gasoline sprayed on the cooled valves and surrounding areas would penetrate the carbon deposits and soften them and breaking them loose during the next drive.
Side effects. Like any valve cleaning using a solvent, if you do it too much some gasoline would go in the cylinder chamber and wash you cylinder walls possibly contaminating the crankcase (and of course the oil) with gasoline and soot.
The effects would not last long as more oil from PCV and soot from EGR and the mixture on the walls of the intake not touched by the "spray" trickling would build new deposits on the back of the valves soon. You can prevent oil getting in the intake with a catch can.
If you spray valve cleaner in the intake through the throttle and/or vacuum ports, with same side effects, like possibly getting some in the crankcase, and you will vacuum the remaining mixture (cleaner and oil and soot) from the intake, will get longer lasting results.
Otherwise, it will again trickle up and dry out, with similar results as the "spray" maneuver described above.
All they needed was me to make a pizza so they can make another entrance.
They are smart and only make noise when i move around (sprinkling my pizza with dust from the ceiling). However i will upload a sample.
BTW Why this "Catholic Church" from Philippines has the shape of a Shiva temple which in turn..