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Showing posts sorted by date for query spruce. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

July 5

6:20 Cât de mult aș dori să transmit ce urmează la cât mai multe persoane care să o pună în primele rânduri în lista lor de strategii de recunoaștere a realității sociale.

Minciunile au existență limitată în timp, însă ele își îndeplinesc scopul dorit de utilizator dacă rezistă suficient de mult. Chiar dacă ele sunt descoperite și înlăturare, lanțul de evenimente cauzate nu mai poate fi demontat, e deja la timpul trecut, iar scopul lor ultim este de obicei crearea de impresii care conduc la decizii, unele cu efect imediat și ireversibil.

Una din decizii poate fi ștergerea din memorie a unei impresii recente dificile pe un subiect asemănător.

De cele mai multe ori minciuna se poate deduce imediat, prin simpla analiza a faptelor relatate. Însă pentru majoritatea e mai simplu să se lase în voia emoțiilor ca să dea de lucru și emisferei drepte a creierului, cea care ne face să simțim că trăim, decât să trezească cealaltă emisferă care în weekend se odihnește. Fără glumă.

Dacă vă uitați înapoi cu atenție, în SUA de exemplu toate împușcăturile în masă și celelalte evenimente false care cuprind mesaje simbolice ascunse, se desfășoară în weekend când petrecem un timp privat cu familia și suntem cel mai vulnerabili.

Nu am putut reacționa imediat la faza cu căminele de bătrâni, mă gândeam la altceva dar credeți că dacă ei cerșeau goi la poarta căminului de ani de zile chestia ar fi trecut neobservată de media? Sau cei cu afacerea i-ar fi lăsat la poartă să-i vadă lumea? Sau organizațiile caritabile din România nu au observat? Au fost Crăciunuri, Paști, fathers' and mothers' day etc..

Alte fapte relatate în știre sunt însă credibile, ca de exemplu neglijarea, răul tratament, delapidarea etc. și cel mai probabil asta nu se va schimba chiar dacă intervine Corpul de Control al Primului Ministru sau orice altă comiție de-a lor inutil plătită de noi. Însă cea mai mare emoție din știre a fost creată de imaginea imaginară a unor bătrâni goi cerșind la poartă.

Este evident că cei care recurg sistematic de atâția ani la aceste strategii media care prădează mintea noastră nu fac parte din societatea noastră, sunt niște paraziți alieni care trebuie înlăturați. Însă lumea nu-i poate recunoaște, și în general nu își pierde timpul observând că în spatele acestor tulburări de ape în media sunt mereu aceleași nume și fețe umbrite.

Cât despre scopul acestui val de emoție creat deliberat, care deja "și-a făcut efectul", ca un medicament luat forțat, o pilulă amară, puțini ar crede dacă l-aș spune așa că renunț.

7:20 Never realized the name Einstein contains The German word for one, ein, twice. The two languages are pretty close to each other and actually related. However when translated the name means literally One stone which i believe in German as name sounds as weird (Ein Stein) as in English Onestone.

Another interpretation could be eye nein which could tell your subconscious not to look too deep. Another one, ein, ein, or keep counting at one etc.. Ein stays ein. Nine ein ein.

But could also be a coded message for those who under_stood what was all about, that is propagating standing waves of perpendicular alternating electric and magnetic fields.

8:13 After a drier than normal rain season but also a rare summer storm about a week ago, fires erupted in the last weekend in the whole state of Washington. Warning, if you click on the screenshot, this site is very slow.

12:32 Dmitry Medvedev is not heard by the collective west. This news appeared so far in Asia and yahoo news that few read and in neighboring countries like Romania.

In 1945 it was believed Americans had two devices. However, i doubt it, i believe it was all simulated with several hundreds tons maybe thousands of conventional explosives, maybe fertilizer (to hide it from official military) loaded in big wooden planes invisible to radar like the Spruce Goose to simulate the new super weapon. "No other countries was supposed to have them", "there was no fear of retaliation".

Otherwise Japan would have been invaded and their fate would have been different.

It also turned the Japanese into victims though they started the war. It marked the beginning of nuclear peace that lasted to this day. Out of fear people became more obedient to their own governments. There was some compensation. Entertainment. Drugs.

A different situation was in 1908, Tunguska, 3 years after Einstein's first publishing of his theories. That was a much more powerful detonation done by shorting of the ionosphere to the ground, an enormous lightning if you prefer, done remotely with a couple of synced devices or shall i call them antennas, The Eiffel Tower and Wardenclyffe Tower. It cannot be repeated, not right away, without the risk of severely unbalancing the planet's shield to solar and cosmic radiation which is ionosphere. But they didn't know that at first.

After that all hell broke loose in Europe. WWI, Bolshevik revolution, WWII, etc..

Nowadays it is said countries have them in the thousands. People submitted to their governments and accepted secrecy on this subject "so the enemy won't know" however the governments of the world know each other's secrets very well, if not for past mutual verification treaties, is the people who don't know nothing. Unverifiable.

If not for something else, if there is one bit of justice left in this world, Medvedev should be tried for threatening everybody on this planet including Russia, so many times, with oblivion. And that falls in every country's jurisdiction, including Russia, no need for dubious international courts.

1:05 Mulțumesc pentru precizările vage Gheorghe Gheorghiu gay or gay (Cristi). O singură informație utilă în tot interviul?

1:25 Libertatea de a crede orice. Marian Munteanu.

Friday, June 2, 2023

June 2nd

7:34 Elvis Presley


12:10 Bow Down Mister... Abia acum m-am prins de ce au scos-o la scenă pe dooamna... Sper că voi reuși cândva să înțeleg pe deplină această tehnică de confuzare a publicului prin maimuțăreli.

12:11 I secretly wish this friendship would bring us some help in the struggle with Austro (Hungary). Unless... Unless he's coming just to get the Russians mad with Romania...

Me personally i don't believe nuclear weapons, the kind they say they put on rockets do exist. Like in the case of conventional bombs, they need a shell to create pressure. Without a big steel shell all you will get from a "nuke" would be a fizz or a meltdown.

They could have some, encased, that need to be really big, in different locations in different countries and detonate those, and they claim they were sent by rockets. They could have giant planes loaded with shaped charged conventional explosives to simulate a small nuke.

Hiroshima etc. was a hoax enacted by the ninja using the Spruce Goose plane to give leverage to the world governments controlled by them for the next 100 years or so or until people will figure it out.


Deja vu

5:48 The sprinklers started. They came.

Monday, March 6, 2023

March 6

12:48 I think it's a subliminal semantic campain against Trump and Fox and everything but in the end it's against republicans. It's use of profoundly unfair media techniques that bypass normal perception of reality and that is the reason i made the effort. Also take a good look at all the guys and gals behind him in that courthouse and be afraid. It's all actors.

1:52 Din-escu

8:26 Low explosives like gunpowder need a shell to create pressure for explosion (deflagration). High explosives were burning occur at several times the speed of sound (detonation), like TNT, do not. I was wondering in a barely over critical device where critical density is achieved through implosion by conventional charges all around it, increasing the density (are solids compressible?), what speed of reaction will you have and will detonation occur or will you have a fizz (like a meltdown) or need a shell of a size according to the yield to allow more time for the reaction to occur.

Maybe Spruce Goose was not useless after all.

10:15 Inside the Sun hydrogen at a certain pressure due to mass (gravity) starts to spontaneously fuse into helium. There is no extra pressure caused by energy of fusion because pressure is maintained only by gravity. There is no chain reaction in fusion.

I'm wondering how they do it in 3 stage Tsar type devices. How they create such a pressure around the heavy water or liquid deuterium tank at the core, as the necessary pressure would be much higher than at the core of the Sun or like inside a supernova ... and needs to stay at that value long enough for all the material to explode. Nevermind, in their design the core is 3/4 open (no, the flimsy outer case does not count as a shell for conventional not even talking about the fission or fusion "stages").

Wouldn't the deuterium "core" blow before exploding when the conventional shape charges around the fission stage core explode? In a supernova the pressure is created by inertia of the enormous mass (10 times the mass of the sun) of the material of the outer shell when the core collapses or explodes in a fusion reaction) and gravity. That happens only in the lower areas of the outer core, near the inner core. Not all hydrogen turns into helium, only about 25% near the inner core. Rest is blown away.

I apologize for editing live this entry for so many times but as i was searching i kept discovering new amazing things as my head was filled with BS (both from college and media). Much of it is a surprise to me though i had my doubts it's all fake, because i already saw how they fake everything.

10:47 After the smoke at the casino Saturday night, i found a bunch of cigarette filters at the door, so it smells like cigarette smoke inside, wondering what type of coincidence is that. Picked those, went for a walk, perceived smoke index in park was 70 so i turned around. Smoke index at the nearest station is 0 right now. In the parking lot there was a single car, a Subaru, next to the place i usually park. Neighborhood is full of banners that are a smaller version of this.

4:10 After i wrote the above i fell asleep and slept 4 more hours, mainly due to presence of open mole holes in the yard that made me lethargic. It smells like smoke but not the one coming from the ground. It's cigarette filters. There is a team of yelling kids outside and they are yelling so i can't concentrate while i'm still editing the above.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

11 August

11:41 Jon Anderson is God.

12:00 Forget about ABC, Do Re Me, Alpha and Omega or even XYZ. Capisci?

2:05 Zaporozhye. Am încercat să arăt (sper că nu degeaba) în această postare că centrala a fost lovită cu ceva, poate o rachetă de croazieră. Se pare că acest eveniment care a avut loc în 1986 a declanșat începutul dezintegrării Uniunii Sovietice și toate "revoluțiile" din est, din care ultima a avut loc în România în decembrie 1989. Nici rușii nici ucrainenii nu ar avea de câștigat dacă centrala Zaporozhye ar fi lovită acum.

Sovieticii pe vremea aceea nu aveau rachete de croazieră de precizie moderne de tip Tomahawk (a cărui formă amintește de un boomerang nr.7) cum au rușii acum Kalibr, pe motive de microprocesoare (da, microcipuri) și softuri care să controleze traiectoria, deci nu au putut să riposteze deci au fost surclasați și s-au predat. Iar așa zisele arme nucleare se pare că sunt un mit. Pentru că dacă le aveau, le foloseau.

Eu personal nu cred că există, nu în forma în care se pot instala pe rachete de orice tip sau avioane de vânătoare sau bombardiere convenționale, poate doar pe avioane gigantice, de sute de tone, sau staționare, la sol, în zonele controlate.

Fără o carcasă masivă de oțel care să conțină reacția inițială pot avea o putere destul de mică, comparabilă cu arme convenționale (temperatura reacției nucleare în lanț dispersează materialul fisionabil înainte ca cea mai mare parte a lui să fie consumat și deasemenea temperatura încetinește deplasarea neutronilor).

Ele pot fi simulate însă cu un număr de avioane de lemn, deci invizibile radar, de sute de tone fiecare încărcate cu explozibil convențional care zboară aproape unul de altul, controlate de la distanță și detonate simultan.

E timpul ca și această farsă "nucleară" care a durat 75 de ani să înceteze.

4:16 BTW (Late) morning today they finally took the garbage with the dead squirel.

5:28 Bang bang Maxwell's Silver Hammer

6:14 Soon after i went to pick the mail last night some sort of smoke that could have been from burning garbage surrounded the building. It was ok inside but in the morning i started to feel sick and left early for the walk hoping they were also going to pick the garbage. After a mile or so got again in digestive troubles and saw a portable restroom next to Tualatin community center and when i was about to enter, a guy in a bulldozer came to knock down the fence next to it to enter there with some materials. So i walked one more half mile to the parks's parking lot. Right now i'm seriously concerned about getting diverticulitis (have some colon pains) from refraining while walking like that maybe for about half an hour or more than a mile. I'm sure it's got something to do withe that smoke last night.  And/or eating not fully cooked green beans the day before.

6:30 Yesterday i went to buy gas for the truck at the 76 gas station next to here. I thought i forgot the wallet so i came back home but i found it in my pocket next to a bag. Then i went back and bought 30 dollars worth of it. But the guy left the card in the machine for a couple of minutes before starting pumping and went to finish another car and then he came back and started pouring in my truck. Interestingly they were a lot of attendants (3 or 4) at the station at the time.

8:27 One idea came to me while walking (saw a couple of Mercedeses with big signs that could signify implosions) and also Audis that could signify an open chain reaction.

Anybody who ever saw a pinch of (slow) burning black powder knows what i'm talking about. Without being in the cartridge and in the barrel of the gun, it would create nothing but a ball of fire.

Ok so you could shape charge a wooden Spruce Goose to produce in the middle enough pressure for enough time to boost (hold) a nuclear charge to a certain value (not talking here about achieving critical density, that being a separate issue to deal with, or maybe in the same time). Maybe Hiroshima size (that could also have been up-played by the media) but no more than that and the dome is still there to prove it. But it would be slow and clumsy and detectable with today's means (infrared). You could also use a ship that could contain a big sphere of steel or lead on the sea and sneak it into a port but that could take weeks or months to reach target, provided they don't figure it by the time you get there.

Friday, March 18, 2022

March 18

1:52 Am spus recent că armele nucleare poate nu există în sensul în care au fost promovate atâția ani. Trebuie să existe o carcasă foarte grea de oțel care să mențină în interior o reacție în lanț suficient timp pentru a se ajunge la explozie importantă, care deși va fi mult mai puternică decât un explozibil convențional de aceeași greutate, nu poate fi mai puternică decât presiunea pe care o poate menține în interior acea carcasă până la ruperea ei explozivă. Fără o carcasă masivă, reacția în lanț la o densitate puțin deasupra celei criticile va fi încetinită de temperatură și oprită de expansiune (o explozie de nivel scăzut) înainte de utilizarea majorității materialului fisionabil sau ar fi doar un meltdown, așa cum s-a întâmplat la accidentele știute din centrale. De aceea este nevoie de avioane foarte mari pentru a livra o astfel de armă. Spruce Goose a fost un proiect de avion din lemn, (care are o semnătură radar scăzută) cu o încărcătura posibilă de peste 200 de tone, Antonov de peste  600 de tone, etc..

Astfel ele ar fi greu de livrat într-un război real, cu radarele și apărarea anti-aeriană de azi, deși pot fi instalate pe teren în zone ocupate și evacuate, pentru demonstrații. Probabil se pot aranja și altfel de demonstrații care să bage groaza în toată lumea, pentru încă 70 de ani sau până altcineva începe să arate cu degetul substituțiile de identitate (dacă se va mai întâmpla, tehnologia începe să înregistreze și să controleze orice mișcare), abuzurile legislative și financiare din toată lumea, terorismul statelor către populație, tragerea statelor în războaie de câțiva, ocupația ascunsă a unei specii rapace care controlează lumea de mult timp, iar de 77 de ani și prin teroarea nucleară.

3:00/1:00 Am spus că tot ce apare în media e fake, au venit ei cu un fake și mai mare, video-ul cu capitularea lui Zelenski, etc.. Dublarea, vechea lor tactică infailibilă.

12:31 Papagalul zilei. Numai în titlu temele conțin aproape tot ce am spus ieri. În afară bineînțeles de relația papei cu dominicanii, de inchiziție, auto sabotarea bisericii lor de către preoți care au abuzat copii etc..

În media, totul e condimentat cu puțin sex. Sincer, m-am uitat la picioarele "Simonei" încercând să-mi imaginez ce e sub fustă mai multe secunde decât la celelalte poze. Așa zisul tenis (cu p) feminin, cu toate meciurile aranjate și un veșnic prilej de deturnare a atenției. Un fel de orbire.10:08 Debilitating belly pain today prompted me to check for reasons. Mole smell actually acts as a pain killer and sleeping aid. Slept all day but then woke up with severe colon pain. Part of it sciatica, sitting to much, part of it is mineral sharp dust, part of it is the sourest wine i ever had (Franzia, Made in Australia) part of it is magic. Chakra or sphincter blockage. Used my world famous air quality monitor and indeed when the fridge started, the 2.5 and 10 micron particle count went up several times. So i looked behind the fridge and found another pen size a hole with a lid on that was not tight. Two others prompted me to run to Home Depot to buy some joint compound. Those are the most dangerous in the whole place because the fridge's fan blows the dust that's coming off the wall everywhere. Fought with holes in the walls years ago, but i thought i got them all.

Found some in half pint and one gallon, difference in price was from 6 to 7 dollars. I had no idea it was already mixed with water, i had no idea how to remove the lid. No instructions. There is no way to remove the lid and put it back, found after i partially destroyed it. Now i have to use it before it dries but have no use for it. First time buyer rip off i guess.

When i got back on Nyberg a black Volvo Station Wagon with no readable LNP tried to switch to my lane "without seeing me" and then i had to move out if its way.

When i got back home, guess it, more smoke, more mole mounds, and the guys in the next apartment are... painting? it smelled like paint or solvent when i went not far from that window.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Debunking Terror

This could be one reason Americans should not be afraid of "nuclear explosions". It is said temperature inside a nuclear explosion is higher than inside the Sun, or around 100 million Celsius. It is said temperature at the surface right under the explosion in Hiroshima (explosion occurred at 1800 ft above) was about 7700 K or 7500 C or around 16000 F or hotter than Sun's surface. Steel melts at around 1400-1500 C (depending of type) and vaporizes at 2800 C.

In this diagram it can be seen that temperature at Hiroshima at the so called Atomic Dome which was right under explosion (ground zero) was much above iron melting point for several seconds. But it could have been higher because heat could not evacuate like in areas further from ground zero.

I know it is not temperature but heat that melts metal, which means a heat transfer need to occur from environment to metal and that needs time. However, at 7500 Celsius, or 5 times iron melting point or three times iron vaporizing temperature, much higher pressure and hot fluid surrounding metal structure moving at high speed, like in a blow torch but much faster, heat transfer may occur much faster than near melting in a stationary pool. It also depends how big the piece of iron is. It is true that the roof which might have been ceramic could have shielded that temperature, but blast waves near epicenter traveling much faster than speed of sound would have blown the roof almost instantly. Also blast shock-wave traveling at several times the speed of sound should have blown the metal structure probably before having time to melt.

Here is the image with the dome. One can see there is no signs of melting the iron works on top or signs of melting (vitrifying) of concrete and/or bricks like some say found on the ground after explosion. Event smaller (thinner) pieces survived.

Could had been hundreds or thousands of tones of conventional explosives brought in in a number of wooden Spruce Goose type of planes in close formation and detonated simultaneously producing a much lower temperature and smaller shock wave. 
Critical mass (in nuclear physics) is when there is enough mass or density of naturally radioactive materials caused by the natural constant spontaneous random neutron emissions by random atom split (radioactive decay) while each neutron emitted hits and splits another atom, emitting more neutrons, to exceed a certain number of emissions (or atom splits) and initiate a cascade known as chain reaction. Each atom split releases energy. If not controlled, like by cooling down inside a reactor, chain reaction may lead to an explosion. In some uranium devices critical mass or higher is achieved "simply" by putting together two smaller pieces. Hiroshima bomb had 3.5 critical masses.

HEU or Highly Enriched Uranium, or weapon grade uranium contains typically 80% uranium 235, or fissile (fissionable) isotope of uranium (I remember the address in Cumpulung, were i lived after birth, was Nr.235 on 7 November or 25 October old style, St, and now that address changed to 235 Transylvania St.) but there are some reactors that use up to 90%.

Amounts smaller than critical mass can be encountered in small reactors, like those used to power Voyager space probe.

We now see that it takes some time since chain reaction is initiated until it goes out of control, since in reactors temperature inside rods is hotter than the coolant, and there is a temperature gradient inside rods.

Increased thermal agitation should also oppose to an accelerated chain reaction because it may stop neutrons from spreading fast inside the material, pretty much like the case of moving electrons. When temperature increases, electric resistance of most material increases because of thermal agitation (or agitation of atoms). Faster moving atoms could be more difficult targets for neutrons (i assume a neutron has to hit a fissile atom at a certain angle and speed and/or atom also has to be quite stationary to take the hit and get split).

The devices may heat up the material to the point it boils and vaporizes before chain reaction can consume most of the fuel and heat up to 100 million degrees. Or it can only melt and gather as a pool (of many critical masses) at the bottom of a reactor, phenomena known to us as a meltdown.

Pretty much like an ordinary explosive which will not do much damage if not encased in a suited shell, having time to build pressure you will have to encase the material in a steel shell in order to reach more efficiency and for such big yields that could be so heavy it would be hard to transport and use as weapon.

The thicker the shell, the bigger the pressure and temperature that can be achieved. Without it, there will be no explosion but a meltdown. Because being so heavy they should be using giant planes, like Spruce Goose, An 224, etc. and mos likely destroy the plane too in the process. Because of this and radiation, the planes should be controlled remotely.

But they could also secretly install it and detonate a device in an already controlled and evacuated area, to scare everybody else on planet into thinking they have delivery capabilities of such devastating weapons.

Maybe this is what they've been doing for decades, with thousands of tests and supercomputer simulations, trying to invent conventional spatial charges or smaller devices that could maintain pressure long enough around the big one in the middle, without a heavy encasing.

Also, another inconvenience, it think nuclear devices do not last long enough to be stored, because of decay of materials, heating up, loosing structural integrity, etc.. At barely sub critical mass or density or even critical mass (3.5 critical masses were kept apart but in same enclosure like in case of Hiroshima) due to continuous decay, a device would lower its fissionable mass and/or density changing continuously the ratio enriched of isotopes inside; material it may also heat up, like the reactors on Voyager. The whole steel structure will get damaged soon because of neutron emissions.

This image show not all rods in a reactor are at the same temperature. Thinking how hot is actually inside the rods themselves and for how long those rods keep their structural integrity while transferring those tremendous amounts of energy, due to density changes through atom splitting (changing from uranium to thorium), radiation and thermal stress. If rods are made mostly of uranium 235 dioxide (like in naval reactors), will that turn into thorium dioxide after split? If one neutron is splitting an uranium atom, what happens to the oxygen atoms in the molecule?

Ok let's say that due to ratio of atom number of uranium, that is of course 235 to 16 for oxygen, you could have close to 90 percent ratio by using oxide. But what will hold the rod together especially at that temperature after let's say 10% of the uranium turned to thorium, of course, breaking the chemical bond with oxygen in the process, by reason that the uranium does not exist anymore?

Conclusion. I think, like in the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII when they only had two devices which could have been of a much bigger size and weight than shown because of heavy cases, or smaller in effective magnitude than told ever since, they might have some, just a few, not the numbers and readiness and deliverability they claim, by at least two orders of magnitude. Enough to keep the whole planet in check though, while they do their job (depopulation, dumbification, zombification) with their actors in all important positions in all countries, which must have a purpose, which could be sending the gold through a line of accelerated particles in Orion constellation. Trying to cover through specially fabricated or adjusted events, like now Musk's satellite train.

I also believe that if the temperature in the center of explosion at Hiroshima, at 1800 ft or 600 meters above ground was 100 million degrees, or ten times hotter than inside the Sun as claimed with a total energy release of 50 TJ, or maybe and average 10 TW per second (1J = 1W/S) for 5 seconds and temperature at the surface was 7700 Kelvin, again hotter than 5500 at the surface of the Sun, even for only a few seconds with air turned to plasma blowing at speeds much greater than speed of sound, causing tremendous heat exchange, that dome in the first picture and generally surface of the ground would have looked like flat a glazed ceramic crater.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pearl Harbor, Fake News?

Last night i was thinking. My theory with tunnels under Pacific is not credible. There is Pearl Harbor, Internment Camps and 4 Asian wars where countless Americans have died, fighting what they thought was the Soviets. But at least i can try to debunk some of those.

Internment camp are easy to dismiss because there was no proof, either way. A few pictures in media.

Pearl Harbor. It would have been much easier to fake something like this back then because source of news was scarce, few communications with a remote island in the middle of Pacific.

They were caught by surprise. They had a radar that caught the Japanese incoming fleet of several hundred planes but they did not believe it. Not enough to raise planes to rendezvous with it. Not enough to watch the horizon with a scope or at least with binoculars, seeing those at 50 or 100 miles would have given them some time to raise planes.

The (few) pictures available widely on the net deserve a bit of emotionless analysis. Look at this one. There was a huge explosion at about 1000 ft from where that guy stands and watches. Shrapnel would have flown around, however the man is contemplating like watching a sunset on the beach, showing at least total lack of training. Other people seem to walk undisturbed. (Are those soldiers?). The pictures seem to be composed, with subjects far and near, rule of thirds being applied, photographer seemed to be ready for the explosion.
Another one with rule of thirds, soldiers seem to watch the explosions like a movie.
These guy and gals look like actors to me. Tall one with no face could be white. Rest, Asians. They look relaxed, almost smiling.

Why would have done this? Reverse psychology. Why the Japanese would be interned in camps if they controlled the country? Why would the Japanese attack if they controlled the country?

Then, based on it, they started a war that decimated Americans in Pacific, that ended abruptly when about to invade Japan with a demonstration as credible as the rest of it.

You can do this with a 250 ton concrete bomb carried by the Spruce Goose, biggest wooden plane "that never flew" and still in the Museum in McMinnville, OR, where UFOs once flew though.
Reason? Rally the Japanese people to take revenge of such barbaric act, while keeping them in check, for the next hundred years.

Questions. Is this wooden plane and the concrete shell invisible or has low radar signature? Why build a museum around it and keep it there 20 out of a total of 70 years, to this day, next to an airport? Just in case they need another demonstration? From what i know wood in time changes shape could it be it's not the prototype anymore? 
Yeap. The museum looks more like a hangar. It wouldn't take long to take those windows out or maybe they can act like doors, i think the whole building would still stand if they removed the first row of two pillars that seem to block the wings. I can't believe in 26 years i didn't go to see the thing, especially that in the last 5 years i passed by dozens of times. I guess i wouldn't have known what to look for.
By looking at this image especially at the roof it seems to me the whole front of the building may be detachable, within hours. Yeah i know it doesn't have a landing gear. How it got there in the first place?
McMinnville Municipal across the street from museum has a one mile long runway. Could easily take off if empty, leave the detachable landing gear, then "land" and load it somewhere else, at sea (40 miles away), or close to a demo target. 

I was staring at the picture of the empty behemoth thinking how the huge load could be rolled out through that narrow hole in the floor. It doesn't need to roll out the load. It doesn't need to come back. Pilots can jump 10  minutes before the target. Don't have to manually load it also. You can get close to a ship and simply fill it with bulk granules, then pour some diesel fuel in it, like Timothy McVeigh did. But he only used two tons to blow that building.

Within about a month when museum is closed for reparations, another one will be assembled.

You probably wouldn't need much imagination to figure they can fly several of these in close formation.

However, the Spruce Goose was in McMinnville only stlarting with 1990. Before that, it was in a different place.