Friday, May 12, 2023

May 12

12:05 I was bad i thought i was going to go to ER (not out of the woods yet, i'll see tomorrow morning after i sleep).

12:06 Autogol. Cred că au vrut să spună că Iohannis primește un premiu pentru promovarea sau lupta pentru drepturile omului, dar și-au dat seama că sună nașpa și au scris direct pentru drepturile omului fiindcă ele există independent de voința dlui.

7:18 Four. Jack and Joe and Jay.

7:23 Do not hurt the oil.

7:25 Laserul lui Ceaușescu. Au_astralia. Era nevoie de o explicație la de ce sovieticii au ocolit România în contextul "independenței lui Ceaușescu" și au adăugat povestea la scenariu. În realitate omenirea trăiește într-un vis, de la introducerea radio-ului cu ce a mai urmat. Televiziune, internet.

7:30 Non bis in idem.

8:40 A intrat pe orbita pământului... Este aceasta o formă de analfabetism funcțional promovată de înșiși profesioniștii media, "poate" cu intenție? Sau poate ei nu chiar stăpânesc limba română, provenind din altă țară (știm noi de unde).

1:25 Singura chestie e că nu e tehnologie americană. Firma își are sediul social nu departe de unde locuiesc eu, într-un birou închiriat într-o clădire lângă cel mai aproape magazin de bricolaj unde am mers de atâtea ori dar acționarii sunt suedezi, coreeni japonezi și fonduri multinaționale americane. Nu ar fi numai primul din Europa, ar fi și primul (de exploatare) din lume. Un reactor minimalist fără o cupolă de containment care nu e de loc sigur, după mintea mea.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

May 11

1:24 It had to be glam rock and precursor of punk. A type of minimalist rock with a lot of authenticity, featuring short "dazzling" rhythm guitar chords and very short solos, violins, mellow vocals and sometimes unexpected extraordinary compositions that created one if not the best song ever. And yes it clashes with all religions as we know them.

9:41 Last night or better said this morning, just after i posted this video at 1:34 i heard a very faint noise at the door like a professional inserted a key in the door and tried to open it a couple of times but could not. The backyard (balcony) door is again unlocked like yesterday though i have been careful about locking it last night. Woke up again with bandage off. My heart problem caused by doxycycline is slowly reversing.

My hand is healing, slowly. While the wound is now closed and have no more chills, there are blisters on top of the new tissue, the areas around it are sore, deep into the muscles (or bones), especially after i took more Amoxicilline. The fingers are sore and stiff at both hands when i close a fist.

Soreness or heat again due to antibiotic are present in the bulged areas next to my ears where the hair is missing due to overuse of cell phones in the last ten years and many areas of the body including palms of my hands with cellular damage that are prone to and infected because they were close to wi-fi and phone.

I once wrote a blog post titled "Method of Diagnosing Infections Using Antibiotics" but can't find it anymore even in my blogger dashboard. The idea is very simple. If you suspect having a chronic infection in some area of the body or your white cell count is in the upper range of "normal" (which depends on the lab), take an antibiotic (best as patch).

If you feel within half hour soreness or heat in an area of the body, it means you have one.

The soreness comes from inflammation caused by dead bacteria in the infected tissue, as effect of the antibiotic. Continue with the antibiotic until the soreness stops and/or white cell count gets back to normal normal.

But if you had cellular damage by various reasons to the point the tissue can't regenerate or is very slow to regenerate your infection will eventually come back, maintaining the cellular damage.

Antibiotics patches are not yet widely available but you can improvise one using capsules. Spread a bit of vaseline (pure white petrolatum) on a square inch on your arm. Sprinkle half capsule (every three hours). Cover with sterile patches and wrap with bandage (i use pieces of women stoking which i wash regularly). Do not use tape on your skin next to antibiotic cause it may cause rashes.

10:02 Landscape day was yesterday, today is garbage day. While the garbage truck makes its thunderous sound, a landscape guy went around and sprinkled the mulch areas next the buildings with something and got at my balcony exactly when i was writing the word door above, staring at me.

11:40 Friar Tucker?

12:52 Antibiotics red tape in the US.

Besides "unofficial" use of Amoxicillin i also use prescribed Mupirocin, for the wound only. I had it prescribed Tuesday two weeks ago, refilled on 4, requested on 2nd  ran out of it, used Neosporin to which i'm allergic, got the rash again, reset to day 0. Though the doctor said Tuesday at the appointment i need to continue with it, he wrote it on the instruction and in myChart, he didn't give me a refill, it's a small tube, 44 mg, i used it all in 7 days and now i'm having trouble again in refilling the prescription.

BTW the doctor told me Tuesday i did a great job in healing the wound. Then i told him about the sprinkling of Cephalexin leftovers which finally closed the wound in about 2 days (had three capsules, ran out of it, continued with Amoxicillin). But there was left a small dot on the wound that now moves around.

Asked for it on myChart yesterday, no response, trouble identifying self at the dermatology in Bridgeport, as everywhere lately, the receptionist told me it may be too soon for a refill (after 7 days), i insisted, she said she will send the request to the doctor.

12:50 Antibiotics resistance is a myth and a form of controlling of people by bureaucrat doctors. Lobbyists paid by medical associations enact laws for prohibiting people buying those without prescription. Thus, people have to pay for appointments times more than the price of medicine instead of trying as a first cheap form of treatment.

There cannot be antibiotics resistance, judging by the mechanism of which antibiotics work. The bacteria cannot change or adapt to antibiotics because they go after vital processes of bacteria. Bacteria are very simple organisms. Because of that they cannot evolve or change Their evolution process have stopped billions of years ago.

I don't believe they can sacrifice any of their minimalist structure to change function in producing enzymes that break down antibiotics by example. And if they did, they would develop other vulnerabilities that would not make them viable. Otherwise we would all have all been eaten by the mutants after discovering of antibiotics, a long time ago.

1:24 Balcony door last night was locked. I was (miss)judging only by the position of the handle i was used to. However somebody changed the position of the strike plate in the frame and now it locks at a different, more "permissive" or more "opened" position of the handle giving me the illusion it was not locked, for a couple of days now.  Which makes me think. Was it possible to open when locked before that?

Judging by the trace left in the paint by the screw, there are at least 4 different possible positions in which the strike plate was moved since installation but in reality there is a two dimension continuous range (wave function). Nothing at the other screw however which is not tightened all the way. The strike plate moves up and down when upper screw is loose.

Yes there was a missing screw at the latch at the kitchen window, for which again the emperor himself went after. The doubling. When they came to fix what they screwed last summer.

2:00 I do appreciate the coming of flash cards but the micro SD card, due to its size and difficulty in handling is the most stupid invention ever.

First time i tried to leave was before last entries. 12:52 i guess. Then, as right now, they produced an ambulance with a siren. Try to feel what i'm feeling . About to leave, an ambulance whining. If not, a low flying plane, an air horn or whatever. Geese at night. Something, after hours of silence. Every time.

Nevermind, i'll try to look in the news for something to write about.

2:10 There is no accounting backed evidence for reaching of the "debt ceiling". They never produce an end of the fiscal year accounting balance or sheet. Correction. What do you know. They do produce that. Good luck with reading and understanding it.

One or two cars have arrived, or about to leave, i heard at least 10 very loud extremely loud doors slammed within 30 seconds.

2:37 First i heard some crystalline voices. It was too late when i went to close that door (it's a nice day). Three unsupervised small children (under 5) just passed by when the door was opened. Yesterday during my walk i also saw a number of them on bikes on the street.

So you think i'm crazy but in the meantime i made friends with the monsters under my bed. Then how about this, from the first visit at dermato, next to the only convenient parking spot available in the lot?

5:20 Just put the screwdriver on both screws of the strike plate of that door. Both screws were loose to the point the plate could have been moved up and down from outside with a tool like a slim jim or with other trick.

5:32 My last job. 76 gas station at Cedar Hills and Walker in Beaverton. On July 28 2006 i had scheduled an oral surgery with dr.Boyd. He did everything wrong and left me with the bone of my mandibula exposed on a surface of about half square inch, right under the front lower teeth. I kept taking antibiotics (back then the doctors were still giving me prescriptions, washing my mouth with body temperature salt water every time i was eating (with a straw) and after about two months the wound finally closed. Could have ended like him. But back then i did not have diabetes.

Back then it was the other president, Băsescu who made a visit the day before to the US so he can later claim my head. And yes, about a month before i started a blog which then i abbondonned in terror.

Today after Angela came, out of her mind, after another bullying session with Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company), her de facto supervisor, he usually does it before weekends, so we both feel alright, today he was early, this week she wasn't working in SMT, due to missing parts so she was more exposed to his "supervision".

I had to clean and cook. It was pretty hot inside, have used no jacket, my hand was exposed to cold water and bacteria from doing dishes and now i feel some sort of pain deep inside to the bone and chills all over.

11:00 Does it make any difference if i mention these? Tucker. Tucker. GGG

BTW Eastern European countries are complaining about cheap food from UKraine, why the UK is not buying from her?

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 10

1:15 Interesantă faza că Modern Talking și Sandra au lansat principalele albume în 1985. Amândouă formații prezintă stilul Synth pop, o muzică adictivă, antrenantă, un sub gen al "dancing 80s" characteristic Germaniei anilor 80 și nu numai. A fost însă abuzul acestor noi instrumente folosite intensiv și de Michael CrețuEnigma, atât de evident în ultima parte a video-ul Sandrei Maria Magdalena, care a dus la marginalizarea stilului. Ceva foarte similar cu ce se întâmplă acum cu abuzul de IA la realizarea majorității hit-urilor.

1:30 La polul opus avem muzicieni virtuoși ca Joe Bonamassa, care se bazează exclusiv pe instrumente clasice ale genului, cum ar fi chitara electrică, care încearcă și reușește să revitalizeze vechiul blues (cui îi place). Dar cel puțin, puteți fi siguri că e real, versurile în general sunt generice și nu conțin prea multe mesaje ascunse.

Din păcate la radio-urile din România domină stilul Eurodance, cu repetiții ale unor acorduri dulcege în general pe sintetizatoare și versuri stupide care nu înseamnă mai nimic.

1:22 Four.

7:06 Internal business. This morning i found the balcony door unlocked. The bandage fell from my almost healed wound which got re-infected. I had this weird dream about kissing an old woman.

It cost me about 35 dollars to replace the keys. At WinCo this old woman in her 70s looking like an ex model, "not my type", parked her white Tesla behind us. Waited at the entrance to see her better, she never got out of her car. Instead a different woman with a mask came from that direction.

Inside WinCo. I went mostly to make the last key at the automated machine, right behind me at two check stands they were two families with about 10 children. Inside WinCo everybody was getting in our way, going straight to where we wanted. What a frenzy, on a day like this! A tiny Asian woman half my height with pink t-shirt looking like a kid was packing very fast, ft. behind me.

When i drove back i got behind this Cadillac with OR whale license plate like mine, saying MOMELF. In Romanian "momele" means bait(s). On the alley only kids and teenagers, all the way to our apartment. In front of the dumpster there was standing this tall strong latina with a baby at her chest, looking very sad and worried like she was about to give up her baby. I let both door (main and balcony) opened to air (the air here is pretty "closed", a Romanian expression, mainly because of all kinda smokes including cigarette coming from outside). Right away a tall teen guy passed under the door (not a walking space).

7:47 They probably have all my life, everything i ever said and done, and lately thought, in a database. So they know for sure if i know or don't know this or that person by name. So they bring them in public places were i go to prove something (not exactly sure what).

BTW years ago, i think i was still in Lake Oswego, i thought i saw this guy working at WinCo. Today they brought him there again.

Seeing this man in the store, always smiling, detached, brought in my mind a subject rather difficult but not impossible to write about (could never start though).

Scientology uses as main tool this psychoanalysis like paid sessions (they call auditing) where the subject holds two electrodes in their hands and a meter measures the electric resistance of the body. In reality the electrical resistance of the body never changes, it is the subject that squeezes the electrodes in their palms, more or less, changing the contact resistance, pretty much the same, though less spectacular, for the purpose.

One of the material contributions (duty) of the members to the church is to perform audit on their peers, after some training. Audit is done mainly by questioning of subjects of their daily life. If the person shows an emotion on a certain subject (like the needle of the meter moving), the auditor, following the instructions of his training, starts to go deeper with questions in that direction, until the subjects show no more emotions (or has been "cleared").

Nothing new about this of which i wrote several times before. The new idea is the connection with the old Hindu principle of aparigraha or renouncing emotional attachment to material objects, ideas or events.

I don't think it's a good idea, to clear someone of his emotional memories. Though sometimes painful, they can serve as lessons (for persons who don't have family members or friends to teach them things) and later possible motivations in solving of not well understood past events, so many in my case.

8:56 Shin shin shin gan.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 9

12:50 Adela Popescu.

1:00 Maria Magdalena. A typical example of dancing 80s. What a fast drummer...

Între 1979 și 1982 am avut o colegă de an Camelia Chelman din Bacău care după ce a picat examenul de mecanică teoretică cu Irimiciuc a doua sau a treia oară s-a aruncat din tren chiar înainte de a ajunge acasă în Bacău (mie pe atunci nici prin cap nu-mi trecea că voi primi peste câțiva ani repartiție în Bacău). Vorbeau colegii că cei din următoarea grupă care au dat examenul cu el au trecut toți.

M-am plimbat odată cu ea când ne-am întâlnit la un examen în toamnă pe care îl trecusem amândoi la sfârșitul anului I. Am luat Iașiul dintr-un capăt în altul și înapoi, o după amiază întreagă până seara așa că ne-a văzut toți care vroiau să ne vadă după care am mers fiecare în direcția lui. Da era foarte frumoasă dar avea o arsură mare pe gât adăugată la cabina de machiaj cred acum care o făcea destul de respingătoare în același timp. Fragilă și sperioasă ca o mimoză.

Era în an și Michael Crețu, ca Florea (am uitat dacă e numele mic sau de familie). Mulți alții inclusiv John Lennon. Patrick de la AVX?

3:36 Today i went to the dermatologist. The doctor first told me something. Then the assistant with a trainee came in the room and the doctor changed his mind. The trainee though with a mask looked like the person upstairs as a woman.

Later when i got back home and trying to change my bandages the person came in the yard as a white woman with a dog (labrador).

5:06 Double or nothing. UK trying to regain status of world great power while US had a series of inept presidents.

7:24 The person upstairs is up and squeaking. Kids are yelling in the yard. I went for a walk and lost my keys, probably when i pulled the camera to do these pictures.

I went back to search for the keys but forgot the places where i pulled the camera. First picture is with the ending sidewalk with no crosswalk. Second with the very tall useless fences on top of concrete reinforcements. I didn't search in the first area. In the second there was this woman in shorts stopped on the sidewalk exactly where i was looking. So i went further and around to look. Got to go one more time.
During my walk i was thinking. They don't need to hack your phone to turn the phone's emitting power to max (range is 0.3 to 3 Watts). I was with Boost Mobile and paying 35 dollars a month and had all bars here at the apartment. But when i switched to Hello Mobile, the cheap version of T-Mobile, at first i had all bars but then they switched us to "less busy more distant towers" for sub_urbs with 5 dollars a month plans and i only had 1 bar. At times wasn't working at all. The low signal in turn forces the phone to use max power.

11:24 Four.

11:27 La ăștia se duce Taxa pe Valoare Adăugată de pe orice bon fiscal. Partea și mai proastă e cultura căpătuielii. La români nu e chiar rușine dacă ai o rudă care să te tragă în sus. Partea cea mai proastă e că ei nu fac nimic. Stau. La stat.

Chiar dacă în mod accidental vreunul din ei s-ar apuca de te miri ce treabă, ar sări ceilalți, că le strică tradiția și trendul, (adică ar apărea ei nașpa). (Acolo în tenebrele ministerelor nu e loc de fraieri).

Monday, May 8, 2023

May 8

4:45 Nu sunt sigur, mai caut.

2:38 Metodă de combatere a analfabetismului funcțional. Luată dintr-o sală de clasă primară (1-4) de acum 50+ ani. A funcționat atunci (deși nu prea erau anafabeți atunci, scopul a fost puțin diferit, dar a contribuit la îmbunătățirea capacității de a citi și înțelege), va funcționa și acum.

Se abonează fiecare elev la o publicație săptămânală atractivă de preferat de orientare tehnico științifică (am înțeles că Știință și Tehnică a supraviețuit) sau umoristică care încă există în format tipărit pe hârtie prin insistența profesorilor sau cu o contribuție binevenită a ministerului.

Se rezervă o oră pe săptămână (de preferat ultima oră din săptămână) pentru cititul presei.

Fiecare elev citește din publicația la care s-a abonat pentru jumătate de oră. Se fac schimburi, se schimbă opinii (în liniște).

A și o oră de audiții muzicale unde elevii pot să asculte marile capodopere clasice (Beethoven, Vivaldi, Mozart, Bach etc..).

Îmi amintesc și alte activități de la școală. Dansuri populare, cu repetiții săptămânale și serbare la sfârșitului anului. Piese de teatru. Lecții de gătit pentru fete, meserii pentru băieți. Drumeții, multe drumeții.

Poate consilierii domnului ministru au idei mai profesioniste.

11:29 Nu i-au refuzat Nobelul, au refuzat recomandarea din partea statului (se spune în articol) dar nu știu dacă avea nevoie. În fiecare an sunt zeci sau sute de propuneri, există un triaj, e greu ca cineva să primească Nobelul pentru scrieri într-o limbă care nu este de circulație, iar traducerile de poezii sunt foarte greu de făcut. Blaga nu a fost interzis, cel puțin când eram eu în liceu, în anii 70 poezia Eu nu strivesc... era în manual, ca și acum.

"Între noi fie vorba", poezia promovează o... închidere (closing) a minții.

E o chestie să primești Nobelul, vine cu un milion de dolari pe când Pulitzer de exemplu doar zece mii, dacă nu s-au indexat cumva cu inflația. Însă nu vă faceți griji. Primesc numai oamenii din sistem. Eu am văzut un articol scris în Oregonian (nu mai găsesc link-ul) premiat cu Pulitzer unde era și o greșeală de redactare.

11:52 I didn't know! I had cold hands in the mornings while i was taking it.

12:00 Four.