Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Schengen Forever

Ok deci am scrântit-o rău cu Schengen-ul. M-am aventurat pe vastele site-uri ale UE, am răsfoit tratate și de fiecare dată când vedeam ceva mi s-a părut că găsesc câte o greșeală enormă în birocrația lor.

Dar nu a fost așa, treburile au fost gândite bine, poate prea bine pentru scopul de a ține afară două țărișoare mai proaspăt aderate adică în 2005, cu aplicare în 2007, Croația semnând tratatul de aderare în 2011 cu aplicare în 2013.

Deși tratatul Schengen care a demarat separat de Uniunea Europeană în 1985 a devenit până la urmă un protocol din Tratatul UE, toată lumea recunoaște că este o parte importantă din UE (în afară de Iohannis al nostru).

De fapt ce înseamnă UE? Libertatea de mișcare a mărfurilor, capitalurilor și a persoanelor. Cu alte cuvinte fără Schengen "doar cu UE" mărfuri și capitaluri pot veni și pleca din România, dar românii să lucreze la negru în UE.

După ce am citit și eu în sfârșit Tratatul de Aderare al României din 2005, am înțeles că principala grijă a fost scoaterea României în afara cadrului legal al Tratatului privind acquis-ul Schengen, ceea ce s-a manifestat chiar în Articolul 4 din Tratat care spune că această dispoziție majoră, anume acquis-ul Schengen, nu se aplică României până la o verificare aprobată unanim de Consiliu (din care România urma să facă parte), (deci urma să-și voteze sie însăși verificarea acestor condiții).

Însă nu mai putem vorbi în termeni ca "aderarea României la Schengen". Aderarea s-a produs la 1 ianuarie 2007 odată cu intrarea în forță a Tratatului de Aderare la UE citat mai sus. Mai trebuia o verificare a condițiilor, făcută în mod ciudat de Consiliu și în unanimitate. Ca și când Consiliul nu a votat odată în unanimitate aderarea României la UE care pe atunci deja cuprindea Schengen.

Și mai jos în Articolul 4 paragraful (2), marea contradicție. "Dispoziţiile acquis-ului Schengen... deşi sunt obligatorii pentru Bulgaria şi România de la data aderării, se aplică pe teritoriul fiecăruia dintre aceste state membre numai în temeiul unei decizii adoptate de Consiliu în acest sens". Obligatorii de la data aderării, dar numai în temeiul unei decizii.

Ce se întâmplă în cazul în care, după 16 ani (2023-2007) Consiliul nu "aprobă verificarea", și nu se întrevede nici o posibilitate reală ca el să o facă într-un timp previzibil?

Câte rezoluții legislative și ne-legislative în cadrul Consiliului JHA (Justice and Home Affairs) JAI (Justiție și Afaceri Interne) în românește au fost votate unanim, deci inclusiv de către România, începând de la 1 ianuarie 2007? Din ce am văzut, JAI se întrunește cel puțin de 2 ori pe an și votează mai multe rezoluții de fiecare dată.

Inclusiv "aprobarea verificării dispozițiilor" Croației de către Consiliu anul trecut.

Dar să nu uităm declarația preliminară a Tratatului de Aderare care spune că Tratatul este în vigoare până la apariția Constituției EU.

Ok deci m-am dus să caut când a fost votată și ratificată de statele membre o Constituție a UE și am aflat că a fost înlocuită de Tratatul de la Lisabona din 2007. Deci nu există o Constituție a UE, ci doar tratate.

Da, m-am mirat foarte mult, pentru că nu era posibil să existe o Constituție care să stipuleze că 3 țări semnatare nu sunt membre al unei părți importante din UE, anume acquis-ul Schengen.

Această clauză exclusivistă (în sensul rău) s-a păstrat deci în Tratatul de la Lisabona din 2007. Dar Băsescu putea să nu semneze Tratatul de la Lisabona iar România, care devenise membru UE la 1 ianuarie 2007, după ratificarea Tratatului de Aderare din 2005 de către toate țările, adică Parlamentul, putea să nu-l ratifice și rămânea pe acel tratat din 2005 în continuare membru UE, al Consiliului, etc.. deci nu avea nimic de pierdut.

Iar Tratatul de la Lisabona pica, fiindcă era nevoie de o unanimitate a ratificărilor, la fel ca și Constituția mai devreme prin votul negativ al Franței și Olandei iar UE nu se dărâma. Pentru că EI vor UE. Pentru controlul deplin și lejer al Europei. Bineînțeles că dacă România avea reprezentanți reali (pe bune) se putea negocia și sunt sigur că ar fi cedat, de dragul Tratatului de la Lisabona.

Cu alte cuvine România și-a aprobat singură ne-aplicarea acquis-ului Schengen prin aprobarea Tratatului de la Lisabona cu păstrarea dreptului de vot în unanimitate al Consiliului în această problemă înscrisă la loc de cinste în tratat. Prima dată de Ministrul de Externe, apoi în Consiliu, semnat apoi de Băsescu și în final ratificat în Parlament.

Ce a adus nou Tratatul de la Lisabona și de ce era nevoie de el. Mai multă putere Parlamentului UE? Parlamentul UE nu are nici o putere, singura putere în UE este Consiliul. Rolul Tratatului a fost să înlocuiască o Constituție.

Dar cine înțelegea pe atunci toate astea, în afară de EI, pe vremea când internetul încă era pe dial-up iar google avea doar câțiva anișori?

Stau și mă întreb dacă România nu poate încă să denunțe adică să renunțe la acel tratat, și să rămână pe cel din 2005 care are aceeași valoare juridică (ratificat de toate țările membre).

November 1st


3:00 WT...

8:30 I went for my walk in the rain after Angela came. I like walking in the rain with an umbrella. I always do the same route, no variations. From around a corner here comes this tall guy with a large hat who could have been Martin... Or an opera singer from Romania... Haven't seen him in a while. At his age people evolve quickly, sometimes from one month to another... And he said, sarcastically, "What a wonderful day for a walk..." and then he walks by and i couldn't help but answer... "Wonderful...".

Everywhere i go people create scenes, more intense than ever, trying to catch me in, to get reactions, etc... I went to WinCo and i saw many people trying to emulate her, and saw someone with a type of makeup i saw before, sort of like monochromatic brown, i think it works best for CGI . She came outside with her cart in the same time with me. She left in a white Mercedes parked next to my car, a minute before me.

Earlier i felt again the gasoline smell, even a few minutes ago, went outside and the smell was only at our door. Could not be from Nr.1 which is empty cause it's raining and rain would have washed the gasoline... Would had? Or someone creates the smell intermittently...

9:10 Earlier i made some fries in a deep fryer on the patio and now it smells outside like everybody on a one mile radius is doing the same...

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October 31

12:54 Ok every time i strain my brain like to remember a detail from a video (like toes moving while reading a book) a squeak and a stomp come from upstairs and the big problem is they are waking Angela in the process... And then i forget my line of thoughts.

13:00 Ok good thing i realized it's the next day so i can turn the page like Bob Seger. Got to take a break until it's quiet upstairs.

2:52 See what i'm talking about? An apartment like this in SF area should cost @3k a month and it has holes and irregularities in the 3/8 drywall "popcorn" ceiling. If you can pass a needle through only one of those it means it can release enough dust from the attic to make you sick in the short and long term. Those holes should be filled ASAP. But there are bigger spaces around the plugs.

BTW my fridge has started (its fan and compressor) and there's dust in the air and i remembered i didn't clean the bottom coil in a long time. It usually involves turning the fridge on a side and that needs a strong person.

I bet the intense indoor pollution with dust and bacteria from these old dwellings is the subconscious drive behind so many people choosing to give it all up and live in the streets in the US and SF.

9:13 The gasoline vapor from the puddles in the parking lot mutated the bacteria and mold in the attic and made me very sick. Yesterday afternoon i drank and ate like a pig and woke up so bloated with gas and diarrhea my diaphragm muscle raised and twisted the heart and i woke up with palpitation, chest discomfort, breathing problems, chest discomfort. Two 1200 mg charcoal caps helped me.

Right now i took a shower and the fan started automatically and pushed air through a leak in the space between ceiling and floor above and now i feel the insulation dust in my throat and nose and the sewage smell coming from the attic. Trying to pump ozone in there right now.

AQI site is getting better, now it shows a smoke situation near Mollala but also here in Tualatin which must be something local.
9:40 Amazing how the perceived smoke is so low when index is so high (Tualatin, 97) confirming my theory smoke was coming from holes in the ground near the building when it was several times more intense than right now.

Humidity will go up, pressure will go down, same old story and we'll have a week of rain. The surface winds going against the high altitude ones.

11:13 So damn beautiful, with an attitude!
2:17 Lunar calendar is based on moon's rotation around Earth and not on Earth's rotation around Sun. It is not aligned with the seasons, because it starts every year in a different day of the solar calendar.

Strangely enough the biggest Shinto festival in Japan, of which the greatest kami is Amaterasu, a Sun goddess, starts, in the 10th day of the 10th month every year of the lunar calendar.

But if the festival was to be dated with the Sun calendar, it would have been October 10 and November would have been Kamiarizuki.

During the festival it is said all the kami in Japan come to Izumo Taisha, leaving the rest of Japan with no kami.

4:00 Tick Talk

5:22 Right. Imagining her dressed in houmongi kimono, doing the quick little steps and kneeling on the tatami, bowing and offering sake.

6:25 I would think one could use a special corset to make her butt look lower but why would she do that?

To make herself unrecognizable especially with no wearing the usual face smoothing makeup and with face partially covered by a hat on streets filled with weird smoke that can make people dizzy.

Monday, October 30, 2023

October 30

12:34 Moved the Winix filter that has 4 activated carbon layers and a VOC sensor next to main door or the other side of the room where it was. Main door is next to parking lot and the Chrysler and my car are closest. VOC sensor shows red which it rarely does. (It has three levels, blue orange and red).

12:44 The man upstairs followed me in the bathroom, flushed the toilet while i was there, now he awoke Angela by squeaking and stomping.

8:00 Still stinking like gasoline at 8 AM on Monday. Much better with the filter next to entrance. I think Angela slept less than 3 hours mostly because of the guys upstairs and works ten hours today. Outside it stopped stinking though the car is still on a jack. Gasoline smell kinda mixed and penetrated carpet and everything and now competing with the old dog poop smell in the apartment.

Just remembered something.

8:57 I decided to dedicate some time to clean and organize. Get rid of old junk, make it more livable. I spent so much time for my blogs lately and neglected everything else.

Made some noodles soup with bone broth added and was about to eat it when a young couple, like they don't have anything else to do with their lives, came like they do every day with two dogs in the yard beyond patio sliding door and the dogs started raising legs and stuff.

10:28 My Elantra has Sirius XM receiver which is a satellite broadcast system and has on the roof a shark fin antenna that can connects to either a satellite, or an LTE tower via the Bluelink and thus probable the most connected car of all brands. It also has a microphone that enable voice commands, phone calls via a bluetooth connected phone etc.. So it is doable for a hacker to make the necessary "adjustments" so everything you talk in the car to be heard or streamed via the internet.

11:34 Solved the mystery where the gas smell was coming from. It was not the Chrysler. They where (i think they still are) a couple of puddles of gasoline at the spot belonging to Apt.1. Though it's odd cause the puddles where pretty far apart.

Took one picture, was thinking to take one more when i come back from my walk. Cut my walk short, came back and saw a cop entering the first entrance in the building C east of the mailboxes.

I had my camera in my hand but i knew a Police car should be nearby so i gave up (don't want to take pictures of those while cops are in mission or in general). However i didn't see any Police vehicle, just a white SUV parked next to the mailboxes but i delayed taking the picture and saw the cop getting into that one. White, unmarked, Interceptor, probably Sheriff. Would have been in the direction where i wanted to take the second one.

1:00 I wasn't only drunk, i was out of my mind. Literally. The smell of gasoline for days, lack of quality sleep, stress, the 2 hour drive in smoke, sometimes weird smoke, a few glasses of wine that i think also had a smoke component from wildfires, hurry to get things done, unidentified unsorted things pressing on my mind.

I think my brain got too old to accommodate all these like a young guy. But i've done things like these since i was a kid. Colossal gaffes usually when the unexpected overwhelms me.

In grade school they used to call me "distracted" but in Romanian it has a slightly different meaning than in English. It means having your mind somewhere else.

I think it is a way to cope with sometimes unbearable stress and trauma. Like when i have to drive 50 miles in smoke and  hostile environment from other drivers though is the boredom that kills me most of the time and then i let my mind fly away which brings me a type of fulfillment (feel good neurotransmitters) that allows me to continue.

I do many other routine things this way. Always thinking of something else because it makes me feel better. But yeah, it can happen this way. You think of something else and that else is right in front of you and you can't recognize it however your subconscious does and carries a bit of a conversation that way, with the weirdest effects.

One of the most traumatic things is having to think hypothetically because it consumes a lot of brain power. Like coming to a different country and not knowing the language and culture and having to take in consideration when talking to somebody every possibility. Internet, learning the many expressions should have made it easier to me but yeah in the end i sort of lost drive, and that is mostly because what i discovered and put in my other blog. Keep asking myself if it's worth it.

But that sort of intellectual effort and hypothetical thinking and constant inquiring could have been the reason i discovered the big switcheroo (in the other blog).

1:13 Yiddish ("jüdisch"), a misterious language that until today i thought it was derived from German. So they did themselves and everybody. But today i don't think so anymore.

If the Indo European theory is true and all European (and Indian) languages derive from a single one which is probably Sanskrit it means all those languages have to have some Sanskrit words in them.

But the weirdest part and due to uniqueness of the situation i can't find another example or model throughout history each derived language has kept a different set of recognizable words from the parent language. Yeah i was talking once on the phone with a linguist and he went a bit sarcastic and told me like yeah, you can't understand this.

Unfortunately i don't know any of the two languages though when i was a kid i heard my grandparents, other people speaking German all the time. Could be this behind the drive for me to learn English which is not so far from German, when i had a chance. Could be neural pathways that were dug in my subconscious at the time. German and Jewish culture still present in Bucovina where i lived until 14.

Here is a sample of an English version of the song next to the Yiddish one and i can see Yiddish is not German.

Ok to make a long story short. I saw one word in the first verse that is Dutch and not German.

10:43 In the meantime, getting busy... Thinking... What is the (big) difference between (being) a p...y and (being) a d...k?

10:55 I was so high i did not realize... BTW are Maroon 5 the embodiment of Jewish losers?

11:30 Is Putin dead? We all know the story of Tamás Bujkó, the Hungarian judo champion 165 cm (5'5") tall who died in London and was stabbed in the face so many times and thrown acid so nobody can recognize him after... Ironically, Bujkó is an Ukrainian name...

12:27 Keep thinking. Why do i get so drunk after drinking only one bottle of wine? Is it i am getting old? But if i drink brandy i don't get so numb. Could it be the sulfites that are used to stabilize wine. Could it had been the gasoline vapor in the last days that BTW stopped. Could it be the sex in the air (shoe dog poops in the night, the real warm colitas in the song) etc.. All of the above. Ok i just did the dishes.

BTW yesterday in that parking lot in Lincoln City, just before i nearly died with apnea... I think they hired a model, one of the very few in existence with perfect a...s presented in spandau pants however a bit too tall to my taste (maybe 6) who was literally twerking at my car's window while pretending loading/unloading arranging stuff in her SUV. No i don't think i would have died happy...

Looking pissed like any model on podium i think they tried to show me how an a...s should look like. However she didn't know how to move it and i didn't even look.

I recently realized none of them do. Then they had left in the WA LPN SUV. Still could not figure out yet. White Shinto or simply Wa Shinto.

October 29

 2:40 Slept 2 + 2 hours and woke at midnight. It smells in here like dog poop but can't find the flashlight. I went outside trying to look for it (there's moonlight and some lamps) but couldn't. Noticed the gasoline smell started yesterday when we left for Spirit Mountain coming from the Chrysler that has flats again and a jack under. Inside (when i came from outside) it smells like smoke. An exhaust purring and more smell came in due to vibration of the door of course.

11:12 I think they brought her at Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City as an employee there and i did not recognize her.

Then while Angela entered the casino (i am banned, remember) i was thinking going for a walk on the beach, however i fell asleep in the parking lot next to Sea Gypsy. Woke up a couple of times with severe apnea, gasping for air, because of the smoke (wind was blowing from inland) and this brings me to a few google questions.

How many people in Oregon heat with wood.

Is prostitution legal in the US?

What is prostitution? "the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment."

In my opinion making and uploading a porn video means sexual activity in exchange for payment.

The big mystery of course is who is paying them for uploading videos on porn sites. Advertisers they will say, like in the case of google, fb, others. I don't believe it for a minute. Nobody buys stuff after seeing it on google, fb, or porn sites but if advertisers indeed pay for the videos, they enter the category of paying for sex period.

11:40 That was no joke. My car like many others has a two way satellite link. I mean all the hardware is in place, all i need is to subscribe. But can it be hacked so people can hear what i'm talking in the car?

Got a 5 dollars flashlight, picked at the check stand at Grocery Outlet, to help me in searching for poops. However it is very strong. It gives on high setting as much light as a 100 watts equivalent bulb or more. I went outside with it trying to troubleshoot the very low mileage (39) during my way back. Immediately a couple of jet planes flew by at low altitude. Then i got distracted and forgot some tools in my pocket.

Went to pick the poops and when i came back i had the tools inside my right back pocket of the jeans when my upstairs neighbor got in my way and stared briefly at me while i was touching the tools in my pocket thinking to put them in the car. Not that i saw him well, it was too dark.

But i think in this case low mpg has a different cause.

The average power used by a car when cruising, depending on drag coefficient, is about 20 hp or 15 KW and probably at my car is lower than that cause it has a good coefficient.

In winter the car's electric radiator fan isn't working and i bet the heat needed to heat up the cabin, and generally all the systems including the engine translates into using more fuel.

However google begs to differ.

BTW it still stinks like gas from the Chrysler here. Last nigh i used a COVID mask to be able to fall asleep and i didn't sleep well.

12:34 Moved the Winix filter that has 4 activated carbon layers and a VOC sensor next to main door or the other side of the room where it was. Main door is next to parking lot and the Chrysler and my car are closest. VOC sensor shows red which it rarely does. (It has three levels, blue orange and red).