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Showing posts sorted by date for query catch can. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29

1:26 AM I don't know if i can continue like this. Is too much. Every time i post something they come with a counter something. Like this news. Look at the first paragraphs and the title. An ocean caught in a type of rock 400 miles beneath Earth's surface that actually is a hydrated mineral. No ocean, no waves, no nothing. The title is just a figure of speech.

It is known for a long time there are vast underground liquid water resources. They are called aquifers. Sometimes they are km deep and closed and can overheat causing earthquakes.

I am one single person against a world conspiracy that started centuries ago and is so well established is invisible. 

Most people are caught in jobs controlled by them and have their money in retirement funds invested in stocks that are over evaluated by hundreds of times (market capital vs real assets), being true Ponzi schemes (Yes the magnificent 7 are most important of those).

The world as we know it has been designed by them to be used by them.

Honestly i myself cannot imagine a world without them being in control. A transition to something else would be too traumatic for everybody.

It is obvious a struggle has already begun and that was marked first by the so called pandemic and now a threatening war in Ukraine.

10:05 Here is the most quick, efficient and cheap way (it cost 0 dollars and needs none of your time) to fix sticky valves to a car.

They do manifest sometimes with ticking noise, sometimes with annoying vibration of the engine at low RPM or both. Loss of power (and efficiency) mostly at low RPM.

Here's the method. When real close to a destination when you can stop the engine within seconds and going coasting downhill.

Most newest automatic transmission with lockup torque converter assist with breaking like if you left your manual transmission in a higher gear and release the gas.

During releasing the gas pedal the transmission will stay shifted in gear still  and the engine will "swallow" air but no gas will come out of the injectors, allowing cooling of the valves.

Then you can do the "spray" maneuver. Hit the gas pedal intermittently real fast to the floor like maybe 3 times a second with no holding, so the car would not have time to accelerate (or maybe just a bit), about 10-20 times, and then stop and shut the engine as quickly as possible. Do not accelerate after the maneuver.

(Do not attempt this if you are not a seasoned driver).

The throttle would open intermittently following the gas pedal, triggering (or better said tricking) the opening of the injectors which would spray liquid gasoline on the cooled valves. Then you should not accelerate but just stop and leave the car alone for a a few hours. Can do it at the end of any trip without interfering with your activities.

The liquid gasoline sprayed on the cooled valves and surrounding areas would penetrate the carbon deposits and soften them and breaking them loose during the next drive.

Side effects. Like any valve cleaning using a solvent, if you do it too much some gasoline would go in the cylinder chamber and wash you cylinder walls possibly contaminating the crankcase (and of course the oil) with gasoline and soot.

The effects would not last long as more oil from PCV and soot from EGR and the mixture on the walls of the intake not touched by the "spray" trickling would build new deposits on the back of the valves soon. You can prevent oil getting in the intake with a catch can.

If you spray valve cleaner in the intake through the throttle and/or vacuum ports, with same side effects, like possibly getting some in the crankcase, and you will vacuum the remaining mixture (cleaner and oil and soot) from the intake, will get longer lasting results.

Otherwise, it will again trickle up and dry out, with similar results as the "spray" maneuver described above.

4:40 Have opened the sliding door just to look upstairs. The blinds are off which means a human is now acting there. Shut the door and one minute later a kid with a backpack "coming from school" passed by, ft away from it. About 14, Latino looking Asian, possibly Philipino. Like the fat woman from upstairs. Possibly at 4.

All they needed was me to make a pizza so they can make another entrance.

They are smart and only make noise when i move around (sprinkling my pizza with dust from the ceiling). However i will upload a sample.

BTW Why this "Catholic Church" from Philippines has the shape of a Shiva temple which in turn..

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April 16

12:15 When i described the latest version of the catch can (there's a new one in my head already), i forgot to say one more time what i said before. The modern cars have the intake manifold under the level of the engine's head and the out ports are above the throttle body. For that reason, it is possible for oil from the PCV to pool in there.

When i got my first Elantra in 2018, a  2013 model which i still like a lot as body stile, much nicer than the 2018 anyway i used a normal vacuum cleaner to which i attached at the end of the hose a thin 5-6 mm piece of PVC flexible tubbing about two ft long (that was not so perfectly attached, allowing air to get in that hose anyways, which helped with functionality).

With the engine off, i was holding with one hand the throttle open, and with the other i was inserting the flexible tubing downwards, making sure it reaches the bottom of the intake. I pulled so much of it, to my engrossment, it coated the whole vacuum hose on the inside.

Must have been ounces of it. But i must confess: i poured earlier a full can of valve cleaner. But it was black which proves the intake was coated on the inside with oil mixed with soot from EGR that was still trickling up the ports getting to the valves after the cleaning.

And because more oil kept getting in there and could not do the stunt too many times, i invented a small vacuum for that purpose only. Again a piece of tubing connected to the other (suction) side of a pneumatic mat pump that works at 12 volts. Of course the air that gets out of it has drops of oil when you hit the puddle inside. I encased the whole pump into a one gallon water bottle.

However after i got tired of periodically vacuuming the intake, i built the first version of the can. Which actually was an inline filter that was clogging fast. Then i found about catch cans on forums.

The 2018 model had the valves cleaner, however is very sensitive to the smallest amount of oil it gets in there. I also did not pull much from the bottom of the intake.

But if your valves look like this, a catch can won't help. I thought it was understood. You need to clean those first. Get a can of Seafoam or whatever, spray it in the intake through the throttle or a vacuum port while someone presses on the gas pedal to keep the engine running.

You will see black smoke coming out of the exhaust until those are clean, and then can vacuum the intake for the remaining cleaner trapped in. Or wait until it trickles up and get burnt in the engine (maybe). And then the catch can will help with the tick.

And of course if you think this method is nuts, there's always R2D2.

Pour... Les... Roumains. Încercați totuși să faceți un efort de imaginație ca să realizați cât de fioroși sunt ăștia și cum încearcă prin subliminale care de data asta sunt foarte subțiri (criza) să distrugă munca oricui deși Dinescu se dă de partea celor cu nădușeala pe piept. Mai înlocuiți mai devreme în poezie cuvântul talanți cu talenți. Telefon cu fise. Bine oricare din ei se dă de partea cuiva, ca să-i ducă mai repede în prăpastie. 

11:04 PM Hai să lămurim o chestie. Din când în când, cam de 2 ori pe an săptămână Fürjes Dinescu se bagă în seamă cu câte o poezie, scrisă cu ceva meșteșug, care le fac atractive.

Fiindcă s-a luat iar de mine și i-am răspuns, s-a stârnit acum în media o frenezie legată de subiectele deschise de meșteșugul dlui. Una din "știri" vorbește iar despre punerea sub acuzare a foștilor lideri revoluționari (un banc răsuflat) iar pe mine mă face iar să mă gândesc cum să demonstrez că zâmbărețul Iliescu, capo di tutti capi rivoluzionari, sărac dar curat, e mort de mult iar ăștia îl țin așa în vila aceea de lux ca să îi încaseze Ionuț Vuliescu, valetul lui se pare, pensia.

Ultima poză a lui György Illés înainte de a muri în 2006 îl arată cam așa.

De când e poza asta? (ultima cunoscută, datată 2022). După calitate, e făcută cu un telefon foarte vechi. Alfred Moses era mai chel (care aici avea un mic moț în chelie) și în 2018. Alfred Moses e născut în 1929, teoretic cu un an mai în vârstă decât Iliescu.

Ar fi multe metodele de a demonstra că el trăiește, cea mai modestă ar fi un scurt video cu el în pat sau poate doar audio vorbind gângurind despre un eveniment curent. Îi știm cu toții vocea. Sau dacă nu poate, măcar să miște un deget, să ne bată cu el în microfon?

12:42 Black holes are hypothetical entities. Of them, the biggest in our galaxy is thought to be at the center and it has several million times the mass of our Sun. However, from time to time, they discover big ones, 32 times the mas of our Sun, and really close, 2000 light years away.

They call them stellar because they think they were initially stars. Not like the one at the center of the galaxy which was formed by dust. How do they know it was not a star covered by dust? Dormant, stopped feeding. Why would a hypothetical dormant black hole stop feeding? Does it have diabetes?

3:12 I came from my walk, wanted to make some corrections in the last posts. 3 supposedly Spanish little girls came and started to hit the cable box. However i think one of them is a 20 years old who poses as a 10, which is not difficult for some Japanese. There was a red Nissan with the LPN PPY parked on the red line next to mailboxes. Pulled the blinds, went to cook and eat. 

4:57 Two hours later, the girls, the papy car are still there.

8:36 Tocmai m-am prins la o chestie. Site-ul wunderground are grafice inclusiv cu presiunea atmosferică pe următoarele zece zile. Portul Constanța este destul de aproape de zona seismică Vrancea ca să fie în aceeași zonă de atracție a lunii și soarelui, iar mareele, deși sunt foarte mici din cauza dimensiunii Mării Negre comparată cu cea a oceanelor și a mareelor terestre simultane sunt o măsură a atracției acestor corpuri cerești.

Atracția nu se exercită la fel în partea apropiată de lună relativă cu partea depărtată, din cauza diferenței de distanță. Forța gravitațională este invers proporțională cu pătratul distanței. Forța de atracție medie dintre masa totală a lunii și a pământului este 10 urmat de 15 zerouri, în tone forță.

Partea mai apropiată e atrasă mai tare iar Pământul se lungește, ca un ou, cu până la câțiva metri (mareele terestre și oceanice), deci se deformează.

Dacă se combină predicția presiunii atmosferice cu cea a mareelor, putem avea șanse de cutremure în zona Vrancea în momentele cu mareele cele mai ridicate și presiunea cea mai scăzută.

Începând cu 23 aprilie, sunt 5 zile cu maree ridicate și două cu maree duble (Soare-Lună). Avem deja presiunea până pe 26, este ridicată, stați liniștiți. Poate doar unul mic pe 24. Dar a plouat mult recent.

9:47 PDT Am început să cred că și precipitațiile pot avea un rol. Dacă de exemplu avem presiune scăzută dar 2 cm de ploaie (20 kg/m²), greutatea apei pe suprafața mare a zonei seismice, (4,863 km² sunt 4,863,000,000 m²) contracarează presiunea atmosferică scăzută și mareea terestră (care este însoțită de cea marină). (Presiune scăzută împreună cu umiditate mare declanșează automat precipitații).

Deci cutremurele se pot produce la presiune atmosferică scăzută combinată cu umiditate scăzută, precipitații recente scăzute (secetă) și maree terestră (atracție soare-lună), deci și marină, înaltă.

11:15 Asta a apărut după ce am scris eu cu bătutul în microfon, chestia de mai sus, nu? 9:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ora pe coasta de vest, este 7:47 AM ora de vară în România) Gropița singură dintre sprâncene, ceva unic ce nu am mai văzut decât la el. De obicei, au două. Da, nu știu, alunițele mai migrează sau se pot acoperi la machiaj. Da, politicienii și actorii (bărbați) se machiază tot timpul. Discret.

12:21 (17).  Not included which means the thing is only the vacuuming part. Wondering if it can be used for vacuuming the intake, after using spray valve cleaner. Yeah i know. Too expensive for the ocasional user. My invention is much cheaper though, @20 bucks.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7

1:35 AM I wish i figured this one out by myself, because i made lots of correlations of earthquakes with Moon orbit, distance, whatever.

But i least i can say why is happening. There are a number of factors  that combine and result in highest tides, tide being a measure of total gravitational pull of Sun and Moon combined.


Earth - Moon distance. It varies by about 10% with a period of about 100 days. But i did not realize until today there was such a cyclicity. During the current year, shortest distance is around equinoxes.

Sun Moon alignment. Moon orbit plane is different than ecliptic plane. Sun eclipses cannot occur during certain periods of the year when Moon is not aligned well with the Sun when in conjunction.

So when a Sun Moon alignment will occur around equinoxes with shortest Moon distance you will have the perfect storm.

But of course there have to be conditions for that to happen. Most shallow earthquakes happen because of explosive boiling of pressurized hot thermal water in vast closed underground pockets (may call them lakes if you prefer) triggered by gravity forces so the water has to be at the right pressure and temperature for that to happen.

It is in a way similar to when you heat water in the microwave at boiling point, it stops boiling when you pull it and boils again due to change of pressure when you put the cup on a table which creates a small shockwave in the water and initiates boiling.

The volume of crust above the water pocked is raised by the combined gravity action of Sun and Moon, decreasing the pressure in the pocket.

Fast changing atmospheric pressure. It can contribute to variation of pressure inside the deep pockets in the ground.

However, there could be extra man made factors. Like synchronized heavy machinery that make the ground oscillates at that seismic area resonance (each have a different one). Traffic going at the right speed during rush hour, etc..

According to Stellarium, during the devastating earthquake of March 4 1977 in Romania, Moon was at a distance of 371000 km, three days away from the minimum of 366000 on 7, full, thus aligned with the Sun though on the other side of the Earth, closest such alignment before equinox, pulling the Earth and elongating it from the other direction of the Sun.

At 85 km it was a deep earthquake,  which is usually done by an explosive phase changing with (changing the volume) in a pocket of magma. 

5:18 PM A few days ago i upgraded my catch can with an aluminum tube to prevent spitting oil in the out port and a lid made of inox (for spice containers) with an o ring around it (green, oil resistant), creating a new compartment in it, to catch the oil and keep it from splashing. I drilled 4x2 mm holes in the lid so the emulsion can get in there with car's movement and it cannot get back out, even if you overturn it when the car doesn't move.

Today i added the last thing and i think i'm done with it. An easy empty plug. I think it needs to be emptied every fill-up. I will call it Catch Can V 8.00 and hopefully the last.

This device improves the MPG, power by up to 10%, vibrations, steering. BTW anybody can tell me how many patents i got in here (including corrugated inox condenser done previously). We have a saying in Romania. "Să fie primit!" (May God appreciate it).

And yes, this is where the oil "evaporates" from you engine. Actually it does not. It goes through you PCV in the intake, contaminating the valves, spark plugs, spark plug threads, burning in the combustion chamber, catalytic, etc.. Catch cans can prevent all that.   
Șmecheria cu ghivent.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

February 22

12:40 Capitalism 102.

NVidia stock grew today 16%, after it announced last quarter revenue went up 22%, believe it or not. As a result its capitalization rose today some 277 billion to almost 2 trillion and together with AMD it dragged the whole market up 2%, in a high flat type rally, continuing the spiraling inflation that started last November.

However, this does not reflect in dividends and it breaks the laws of the Universe. You cannot have 22% increase in revenue without that reflecting in profit and/or dividends which are kept symbolic (4 cents for an 800 dollars share). Yeah it is obvious they don't pay dividends, profit from price raising is much greater than that. Reinvesting? That should reflect in the assets

As for how they pick the time for announcing quarterly revenue, that is an entirely different story. Or maybe the same.

I wouldn't have written this at this hour if i was not awakened @noon and kept awake after 3 hours of sleep (was up all night) by the people upstairs. One person, much lighter than those who generated the stumps left again on an electric bike, in the opposite direction as for the shorter distance to complex entrance, possibly through the park. It had his/her face covered with something black, like in a pretty obvious black face role playing.

3:30 PM. No i did not buy AMD stock last night. I bought a mini PC which was on sale to replace the old Lenovo AIO 300 Celeron i'm struggling with because of low speed.

5:40 As i said in past, i once took 2000 dollars of a credit card and opened an Ameritrade account and after a few days of doing transactions "on paper" that is imaginary, to see how skilled i am, i started buying and selling literally. I believe anybody can open an account with no or little money and do just that. It is exciting to say the least.

According to what i did on paper, i should have made 50-100 dollars a day. The are no fees per transaction, but there is a limit of 3 day trades (buying and selling the same stock within five days for accounts under 10000 dollars). If you had more than that you could do unlimited day trading.

How it works. You sit there, pick a stock and watch the price. When you think it is good for you, you click. You have of course to calculate the number of shares you buy cause they are not shown in dollars, however the software won't let you go over your capital LOL.

Or you can post an offer and the system will buy the stock for you at that price if it ever goes there. Of course you can only buy in the limit of the number of shares offered by a seller. The other way around. You could ask for a price and will be notified when your stock was sold. It is very very simple actually (there are more complicated types of transactions like short selling, etc.).

But of course it did not work out. I was usually picking stocks of dying pharma startups (a patent and a a few studies usually with up to 10 people) which are so many, with 100-200 millions capital which prices were fluctuating a lot, sometimes predictable by using the provided algorithms (free thinkorswim software provided by Ameritrade).

However. My feel was some entities with a bit more money than mine, or simply malevolent were starting to manipulate the price as soon as i got in.

How is that possible. You could open two Ameritrade accounts, make an offer on one and buy it with the other. After you raise the price enough, you reverse the operation. Is that simple. If you own a lot of that stock, the price will go higher and you can sell it all in the end. But that is just an example.

I believe Ameritrade will see what you did and shut your accounts. But you could do it with a friend or a few friends and they will not catch you.

But the big money don't use Ameritrade, they go and buy and sell on the floor or simply with supercomputers hooked on market's computers that use automated algorithms that can do thousands of transaction a second and those obviously are not limited in number of day trades LOL

There is an easy way to detect stock manipulation if you look at the volume of transactions. If the volume is low and the price goes up and down significantly that means there is a possibility of such manipulations.

I was looking today at the volume of trades of NVidia (sells with red, buys with green bars at the bottom of the graph). In the millions of shares, x800, that is a few billion dollars each time, especially at the beginning of the day. Today NVidia went up 277 billions in capital. More than that. Most of the price hike happened overnight during the so called after hours trading (or pre-market, after 4 PM Eastern time), when usually there is a very low trading volume. Capisci?

But does that capital exist or is available for NVidia to buy anything like supply or pay dividends or do anything with it? The only time when they could do this is when they first went public and sold that stock. After that, it caught a life of its own. There is absolutely no link between the corporation and its activity and that market capital, which became a Ponzi scheme. Pretty much like and stock on the stock market.

There is absolutely no link between economic activities of corporations that do not pay dividends and their stock traded at the stock exchanges. For that reason it is wrong to talk about how well the economy is doing based on market indices.

7:55 And yes, you could call your congressman and tell them to make high frequency computer algorithm AI trading illegal, after hours trading illegal, circular ownership illegal, buy back illegal. Bring back the traders on the floor. What it was made for. Make America Great Again.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

January 2nd

3:40 Why manipulators cannot easily be recognized or accused of any sin including manipulating dharma. By only choosing the moment they "normally" manifest in this reality (bullying) they may induce false perception and/or chain of events that is not traceable back to them by dharma law.

Random manifestation is an attribute only of God.

False perception and especially swiftly and strongly acting on decisions made following false perceptions are sins of a receiver that cannot differentiate between random and non random manifestations.

If conscience is a closed time loop, then can someone (the bully) catch your conscience in their own closed loop, yourself becoming unconditionally subordinate. They can if their bullying becomes so annoying (or attractive) you give into it.

9:15 PM I can't believe that after about 100 years since these were known we still have to struggle with all these things. Something went terribly wrong, like a huge coverup. In the meantime we almost trashed our planet.

I think we are looking in the face of half aliens and never recognize them.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

December 7

2:15 I was thinking earlier today. If those never produced any results, or the promised results are decades away, they could be used for something else. Like the centrifugal force that act on the rotating plasma could again crack open the space to re-create the original void (before the big bang) inside  the middle tower...

This commentator does not agree with the fact plasma is rotating inside a tokamak. However, in plasma state of matter, electrons and nucleons separate in a magnetic field and i think we have two currents rotating in two different directions and the heavy nucleons will rotate on the outer diameter, driven by the centrifugal force.

BTW i don't agree with the fact that plasma can be "contained" with the help of a magnetic field at those temperatures. Though the gas like matter could be, the enormous temperature will radiate towards the materials of the toroidal chamber and melt it in no time.

2:43 I think here that shape is used to extract energy from Earth's potential gradient and as an antenna to catch clouds in the middle of Reno to slash the energy bill for AC in hotels and casinos and of course electricity transport networks.

Wondering if the pyramid in Vegas is of any use.


2:34 Asian Japanese.

6:11 Fusion reactors. A mirage or a pretext?

It is generally agreed there is no immediate future for those. They say decades away from having free and clean energy from fusion.

Fusion is when you put together two simple atoms, like deuterium, and tritium, two forms of hydrogen, and create helium.

Though at the end of reaction we have the same number of protons and neutrons, there is a mass difference between the sum of masses of particles entering the reaction and of the resulting ones and that difference is turned into energy by the famous formula. E = mc2. C square being of course speed of light to the power of two which number is enormous, something with 16 o 17 zeroes. It is called mass deffect.

It is said mass itself contains a huge amount of energy which is true.

This so call mass defect is very hard to explain even with relativistic terms. I will leave it out of this discussion for now.

This is what happens deep inside our Sun and keeps it hot for billion of years (until all or enough hydrogen have been turn to helium etc.). No it does not explode, some say because of the enormous pressure due to gravity, some say there is not enough pressure to do just that.

Unlike fission reactors which split atoms, again aiming to turn the mass difference (defect) into energy, producing a myriad of daughters from fissionable material (fuel), extremely polluting and hard to get rid of, fusion do not produce any pollutants and deuterium is found naturally in water.

For a number of hydrogen oxygen molecules there will be one of deuterium oxygen molecule, which can be separated mechanically. Unlimited almost free clean energy. However.

And one more catch. You need a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius to start and maintain the reaction. Deuterium and tritium atoms have to move fast enough to bump and stick together to create helium. Temperature is the measure of how fast molecules move or vibrate within a material, gas or liquid or solid.

Like anybody else. Too drown in daily mishaps to pay attention to those. Let the scientists do their job while i try to enjoy mine. Squeeze the old lemon as much as you can.

But for some reason my subconscious never, ever gave a green light to a hope in those.

However subconscious seldom gives any explanation. Possibly at some level deep buried inside our brain there is the algorithm and the myriad of information are gathered constantly and casually in a lifetime and put aside and processed to take that decision. Possibly the pessimistic and overused terms we hear about in articles.

Still they are building those in various sizes and shapes all around the world.

But time has come now to look a bit deeper, a bit beyond what surfaced in media. Cause the motivation has become obvious. There are reasonable suspicions now they are something else. In my mind suspicion arose first when looking at the temperatures. Hundreds of millions degrees.

7-10 times more than in the middle of the Sun (depending on sources). But between the core of the Sun where the reactions take place and its surface of 6000 degrees C whatever there is a 400.000 miles insulating layer of hydrogen.

Let's say you "confine" plasma with a well directed magnetic field in such ways it does not touch the walls of the structure. However, radiation from that plasma would suffice to melt those in a fraction of a second. I know, it is heat, not temperature that melts something but if there's more than an ounce of plasma in there at over 100 million degrees...

And BTW why do they need so much plasma, judging by the size of those i've seen in pictures, when they could use way less amounts at least until they're done with experimental stage?

One more thing. I know ways to produce energy for free that are already used on Earth. They are called heat pumps, which produce several times more energy than drawn from grid.

They are mainly with some rather subtle variations surprisingly simple empty toroidal volumes (empty donuts if you want) shielded with metal and/or ceramic and surrounded by a number of conductors sunk into liquid helium. The reason for that is because at ambiental pressure helium boils at only 4 degrees above zero absolute (-273.15 degrees on the Celsius scale, and -459.67 on the Fahrenheit scale).

And we all know, if something boils, like water, it will stay at boiling temperature no matter what. At ambiental pressure a liquid cannot exceed a temperature higher than its boiling point. All we need is enough helium to maintain the level (of course through boiling helium turns into gas and escapes, that is the price we pay for) to keep the conductor sank and become superconductor.

(Some would say with better results than filling balloons or inhaling to change your voice into a "heilish" one).

The conductors immersed in boiling helium loose any resistance to flow of electrons among their frozen atoms hence we can pass through enormous currents, to create enormous magnetic fields bla bla.

Something we all have seen or felt when we have done an MRI and had all protons flipped over. Think of a tokamak like an MRI on steroids.

So here we are, building the tokamak. Looking today into them, the construction seem, as i said, surprisingly simple. A toroidal coil and a couple more i forgot what for. Through in some metal to make for the immersion pool, ceramic for heat shielding, etc..

Fill it with a bunch of plasma made of deuterium and tritium, which is basically superheated gas, to the point electrons and nuclei separate and move freely. And due to their electric charge they of course... what? What happens to an electric charge within a magnetic field?

Next question. Getting more and more confused. Is plasma moving inside a tokamak?

What i'm searching for. If there is a current of plasma looping in the tokamak. There should be at least two. One on the outside of the plasma torus, consisting of charged nuclei (just protons and neutrons, missing electrons) and one on the inside, in the opposite direction, consisting of electrons.

If you want a net current, you can get easily rid of electrons by purging or catching them somehow, maybe just at the beginning when they are not fast enough but just separated. Ground them. Pretty much like you would in magnetohydrodynamic generator.

Then you can have positively charged rotating plasma of which you can increase rotation by adding more magnetic field and make the donut of plasma stretch though centripetal force, again similarly with stretching the electric quanta moving down in squares on the gold pyramidion in the ancient devices in Giza. More elegant devices for a more civilized age.

And now we can guess what happens when you stretch a closed loop of electric current. At the level of currents and magnetic fields inside the tokamak, you can probably again crack open space itself.

12:43 Here is one in building stage. There is only one fraction or section (like an orange slice) is ready. You can realize the size of it. For what, if it will not work for decades?

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

November 7th

7:00 I woke up about one hour ago with big pains in the areas close to where i kept the laptop last night. That is because there is no smoke in the air like in any other day. I have this digital microwave meter that i think they figured a way to beat it.

Because the digital meter works probably with samples taken at time intervals, they probably figured a way to put out microwaves from laptop's wi-fi in the intervals between sampling.

And this W11 computer has so much lag while typing it drives me nuts. And it's got wi-fi too like any device nowadays though it works on ethernet right now like the laptop but at least it is some one meter away. [fixed by deleting the google account in chrome and then re-adding it and syncing]

8:34 "Candidatura la spațiul Schengen", "aderarea României la Schengen" au devenit termeni incorecți cel puțin după 1 ianuarie 2007. Nu poți să aderi la un tratat care nu mai există separat din 1999 când Tratatul Schengen a fost inclus în Tratatul de Aderare la UE din care România face parte de la 1 ianuarie 2007.

În Tratatul de Aderare la UE din 2005, așa cum a fost semnat de negociatorii români este scris că România (și Bulgaria) intră imediat în Schengen, adică dispozițiile acquis-ului (deschiderea frontierelor) sunt obligatorii dar se aplică doar după aprobarea verificării de către Consiliu. Consiliul face verificarea și tot el o aprobă.

În SUA se spune că există o limbă (jargon) al avocaților și juriștilor pe care o înțeleg numai ei, numită legaleză. Însă un tratat care a fost supus referendumurilor în toate țările UE trebuia să respecte o logică pe înțelesul tuturor.

"Dispoziţiile acquis-ului Schengen care au fost integrate în cadrul Uniunii Europene şi actele care se întemeiază pe acestea sau care sunt conexe acestuia şi care nu sunt prevăzute la alineatul (1), deşi sunt obligatorii pentru Bulgaria şi România de la data aderării, se aplică pe teritoriul fiecăruia dintre aceste state membre numai în temeiul unei decizii adoptate de Consiliu în acest sens, după verificarea...".

Cred că această frază va rămâne în istoria tratatelor ca cea mai ciudată și contradictorie de sine.

Au fost obligatorii timp de 16 ani și Consiliul a a votat prima dată pe această problemă în decembrie trecut, luând o decizie negativă și ne-legislativă.

Acel articol 4 din Tratatul de Aderare a fost re-înnoit la Lisabona, la mai puțin de un an de la aderare, care tratat nu a adus multe noutăți în legislatura UE. România prin veto-ul său putea să blocheze acel tratat și să negocieze în intervalul dintre 1 ianuarie 2007 când a intrat în forță tratatul de aderare din 2005 și decembrie 2007 când a fost semnat Tratatul de la Lisabona sau chiar până când a fost ratificat de Parlamentul României.

Consiliul Uniunii Europene are mai multe configurații din care cel mai important e Consiliul plin sau al șefilor de state care poate hotărî în orice domeniu, și apoi cele ale miniștrilor, pe specialități.

Din acestea, două sunt mai importante. JHA (Justice and Home Affaris), JAI (Justiție și Afaceri Interne) pe românește, al miniștrilor de interne și GAC (General Affairs), al miniștrilor europeni din fiecare țară.

Este însă Coreper II (the Committee of Permanent Representatives) cel care pregătește agenda întâlnirilor JHA (JAI) adică ordinea de zi, iar la rândul lui acesta este influențat de alte instituții ca Antici. Iar agenda nu se cunoaște mai devreme de o săptămână înainte de întâlnire.

Este greșit a spune că țara care deține președinția simbolică prin rotație adică Spania are ceva de a face cu agenda (ordinea de zi) a întâlnirilor JAI.

România a avut și ea 6 luni președenția UE pe vrema premierului Dăncilă, remember, și nu a putut făcut nimic pe tema asta.

Reprezentanții permamenți ai României. Coreper II, Iulia Matei. Antici (și acceptați), Florina Sava. Ați auzit de ele?

10:15 May the space opera continue...

3:00 Do i have to explain this one too? About a week ago i went with Angela at WinCo and bought a bunch of stuff and in the end when we were about to live i saw the key machine and made an extra key and ended making two by mistake.

The reason is i waste too much time, sometimes up to 10 minutes or more to find my keys and one day i actually went for my walk without locking the door (now i cleaned a bit the place). I had an extra Elantra key since i lost it last time and they made two keys at the key shop, had another for the truck and now i have two and a half sets.

Socializing. GRIMMY, SAVORY (cultural) where two special LPN i saw today besides the two with different LPN types with KEY. Everybody in the cars on Borland St. gave me sad looks and some actually turned their  head away from me...

Does that mean... Yes she last posted yesterday a weird Barista Babe video but now that post is gone and last one is since 3 days ago. And a weird entry on X since yesterday that is still there.

3:33 The weird optical phenomenon i was talking about the other day. Something i haven't seen before. In fact i haven't seen before lots of things. Light coming at a certain angle from sky or reflecting from windows on the asphalt appear white from one angle and purple from another one. I know it has to do with polarized light but never knew the human eye or camera can catch that.

4:30 Dilemmas. I know i am not supposed to eat with blinds open. Nobody came but in the end after i ate the cheesecake and came at the laptop i saw the thin guy or girl with a big black curly dog and a small one and that was enough to make me sick. I saw him picking but now where the smell comes from? Maybe he didn't pick it all, maybe from somewhere else.

7:52 Nevermind. She was busy getting busy on manyvids.

11:23 The young one, is she cute Lady Gaga Germanotta?

11:40 Hamass. O cascadă mortală. Right or wrong, they have to keep up with my keywords.

11:53 Now she eyes me... BTW i made delicious brisket...

Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 28

1:05 Smoke in here is beyond any limit, almost unbearable inside, and i've done everything i could as far as plugging holes. The whole space between buildings is filled with it and it got inside due to vibrations from a distant train. As long as they were noises upstairs it was better but i think they left and the smoke level rose. And i lost my flashlight and can't go outside to see more holes.

8:57 Dacă tu instanță îți declini competența într-o cauză nu mai poți să admiți sau să nu admiți o cerere. Nu mai poți să faci nimic în cauza respectivă. Întrebați orice jurist.

După cum am spus de atâtea ori. Începând din 1999 Tratatul Schengen nu mai există ca tratat separat ci a devenit un protocol, parte integrantă din Tratatul de Aderare al României (împreună cu alte 10 țări) aprobat de Consiliu în unanimitate în 2002 și ratificat de toate țările UE până la 1 ianuarie 2007. Cu alte cuvinte, România a devenit membru Schengen din 2007, cu necesitatea îndeplinirii unor condiții care trebuiau constatate de Comisie, care este partea legislativă.

De aceea așa zis-ul vot al Consiliului pentru aderarea Croației nu a fost un vot legislativ și nu are nici o valoare juridică. Dacă vă uitați în agenda cu votul respectiv veți vedea că a fost programat în secțiunea ne-legislativă a întâlnirii. Nu a modificat cu nimic tratatul de aderare și apartența Croației la Schengen, ci și-a abrogat rolul executiv al Comisiei, constatând îndeplinirea condițiilor care în cazul României erau îndeplinite din 2011.

Nu va mai exista niciodată un vot legislativ în Consilu pentru aderarea României fiindcă acest vot a fost exercitat înainte de semnarea Tratatului în 2003.

Tomac nu trebuia să dea în judecată Consiliul pentru acesta și-a făcut treaba. Trebuia să dea în judecată Comisia pentru ne-aplicarea Protocolului Schengen din Tratatul de Aderare ceea ce înseamnă ne-aplicarea aquisului.

În Noiembrie 2022, după 11 ani de ne-aplicare, Comisia și-a declinat compentența aplicării aquis-ului.

Conform acestui șirag de argumente dintr-o pagină a enormului site sau mai bine zis grupul de site-uri ale UE, tratatul din 2003 care a intrat în forță în 2007 după un lung proces de aprobări și ratificări nu putea fi semnat fără votul unanim al Consiliului care trebuia să fi avut loc cândva înainte de semnare în 2003.

Pe atunci agendele Consiliului arătau altfel, nu aveau o secțiune legislativă și ne-legislativă, care pare o invenție recentă menită să ascundă faptul că nu mai era nevoie de un vot în Consiliu în cazul celor 3 țări restante. În general voturile ne-legislative sunt treaba Comisiei și nu a Consiliului.

Nu găsesc, oricât aș încerca, agenda votului Consiliului care trebuia să fi avut loc înainte de semnare în 2003 însă a avut loc căci semnarea Tatatului nu se putea face fără acesta.

12:36 You the book nerd, can you please buy and read this book. I need to buy it too cause i exhausted all attempts to download it for free, like Bansenshukai, though in paper format you cannot do (fast) searches. Maybe i could buy it and downloaded as ebook, should try this first.

The idea (hypothesis) is there are channels that can be opened between people (such as lovers), maybe one to many, maybe one way only (do not look in the eyes) and i think those channels once open like by seeing a video early in the morning, can be hijacked by a third party.

4:00 I could say more on the subject but don't want to get weirder than this for now and i'd like to share with you something i just found out.

Much of the stuff that's happening to us and may throw our lives out of normal is the bacteria and mold that's living inside the empty spaces in the interior walls and between upstairs floor and your ceiling and that can be relatively easily cured with an ozone generator. Need to find a closet or space where there are cracks or openings that are communicating with that space that is usually all linked together because of pipes passages. One good place to look is the space around pipes under the sink and install it there.

But usually there is some space between the fan box in the bathroom and the ceiling and the fanbox itself may leak when the fan works into the space between ceiling and upstairs floor or attic feeding the space with nutrients like your own dead skin flakes present in house dust. Install the ozone generator in the bathroom and close the door. It would be a bit uncomfortable to go in there i know. Leave it on as much as you can.

Careful cause the ozone even in low concentrations is harmful to eyes and lungs but you usually can feel it after a day or so and adjust time and settings. Ozone is very reactive (oxidizing) and combines with everything, killing mold and bacteria, and neutralizes sulfur dioxide that emanates from drywall panels, etc..

Another way is to use the ozone generator on high settings when you leave the house but will need a timer so it would stop at least one hour before you get back home. Usually in all american homes there is space between floor and the wall where you can stick a finger, around plugs etc.. and the ozone will get inside the walls through that space.

Got this one that also has a negative ion generator and let it run for half day in the bathroom, every few days on ozone mode and continuously rest of the time in the living on ion generator mode.

The negative ion generator puts in the air obviously negative ions LOL that are attracted by the dust that is usually positively charged, making dust particles heavier and fall to the ground where they attach to carpet and stuff and never raise back up except when vacuum cleaning. It is so much better to breath cleaner air and have the dust on the carpet. I think it works better than any filter i tried over the years.

However mine doesn't have a timer for ozone like this one and cannot be shipped to California, i think none of them can because of the... ozone LOL.

Will see first results in about a week. Lower bacterial load especially in your guts will give a break to your still young immune system and brain and your mind will be clearer. But when you get older the stuff will start to permanently infect your organs giving you what doctors call arthritis.

But if you see big spaces around pipes under the sink or around plugs on big appliances or between floor and walls, you should know you are in danger because of insulation dust that may come especially from exterior walls that are filled with mineral insulation (rock wool). Try and stick everything you can like rags in those spaces. Insulation dust is irritant and painful and has weird psychological effects, especially when combined with bacteria and other stuff.

Most of the dust is released upon vibrations from big speakers or modified exhausts outside but also steps upstairs.

One good indication you are dealing with environmental issues like these is stomach pain. Dust is being continuously eliminated from your lungs into your stomach and guts.

Many antidepressants work as pain killers, allergy relief etc. and that could be their only benefit (by dealing with the effects of that dust). That's why you become extremely sleepy and lethargic when you start those or when you get out of that environment like going into a much better built hospital. But that could be your normal that is not exciting anymore.

6:22 It's what o clock in the evening on the west coast and finally figured her face since this morning. It was all youtube suggestions and stuff, nothing intended, sorry if you had a good fun out of it. As i said, ima never gonna fit, even introduced to. Not the sharpest tool talking real time.

Soul love. It crossed my mind earlier before i saw her last post. Actually the real(Alexacrush) translation of the title of the movie from Italian Prendimi l'anima is Catch my Soul. "Schtejt a Bocher"...

12:44 The man upstairs followed me in the bathroom, flushed the toilet while i was there, now he awoke Angela by squeaking and stomping.

8:00 Still stinking like gasoline at 8 AM on Monday. Much better with the filter next to entrance. I think Angela slept less than 3 hours mostly because of the guys upstairs and works ten hours today. Outside it stopped stinking though the car is still on a jack. Gasoline smell kinda mixed and penetrated carpet and everything and now competing with the old dog poop smell in the apartment.

Just remembered something.

8:57 I decided to dedicate some time to clean and organize. Get rid of old junk, make it more livable. I spent so much time for my blogs lately and neglected everything else.

Made some noodle soup with bone broth added and was about to eat it when a young couple, like they don't have anything else to do with their lives, came like they do every day with two dogs in the yard beyond patio sliding door and the dogs started raising legs and stuff.

10:28 My Elantra has Sirius XM receiver which is a satellite broadcast system and has on the roof a shark fin antenna that can connects to either a satellite, or an LTE tower via the Bluelink and thus probable the most connected car of all brands. It also has a microphone that enable voice commands, phone calls via a bluetooth connected phone etc.. So it is doable for a hacker to make the necessary "adjustments" so everything you talk in the car to be heard or streamed via the internet.

11:34 Solved the mystery where the gas smell was coming from. It was not the Chrysler. They where (i think they still are) a couple of puddles of gasoline at the spot belonging to Apt.1. Though it's odd cause the puddles where pretty far apart.

Took one picture, was thinking to take one more when i come back from my walk. Cut my walk short, came back and saw a cop entering the first entrance in the building C east of the mailboxes.

I had my camera in my hand but i knew a Police car should be nearby so i gave up (don't want to take pictures of those while cops are in mission or in general). However i didn't see any Police vehicle, just a white SUV parked next to the mailboxes but i delayed taking the picture and saw the cop getting into that one. White, unmarked, Interceptor, probably Sheriff. Would have been in the direction where i wanted to take the second one.

1:00 I wasn't only drunk, i was out of my mind. Literally. The smell of gasoline for days, lack of quality sleep, stress, the 2 hour drive in smoke, sometimes weird smoke, a few glasses of wine that i think also had a smoke component from wildfires, hurry to get things done, too many unsorted things pressing on my mind.

I think my brain got too old to accommodate all these, like a young guy. But i've done things like these since i was a kid. Colossal gaffes usually when the unexpected overwhelms me.
In grade school they used to call me "distracted" but in Romanian it has a slightly different meaning than in English. It means having your mind somewhere else.

I think it is a way to cope with sometimes unbearable stress and trauma. Like when i have to drive 80 miles in smoke and  hostile environment from other drivers though is the boredom that kills me most of the time and then i let my mind fly away which brings me a type of fulfillment (feel good neurotransmitters) that allow me to continue.

I do many other routine things this way. Always thinking of something else because it makes me feel better. But yeah, it can happen this way. You think of something else and that pops right in front of you and you can't recognize it however your subconscious does and carries a bit of a conversation that way, with the weirdest effects.

One of the most traumatic things is having to think hypothetically because it consumes a lot of brain power. Like coming to a different country and not knowing the language and culture and having to take in consideration when talking to somebody every possibility. Internet, learning the many expressions should have made it easier to me but in the end i sort of lost drive, and that is mostly because what i discovered and put in my other blog. Keep asking myself if it's worth it. And then the prize unexpected refreshment.

But that sort of intellectual effort and hypothetical thinking and constant inquiring could have been the reason i discovered the big switcheroo (see the other blog).

1:13 Yiddish ("jüdisch"), a misterious language that until today i thought it was derived from German. So they did themselves and everybody. But today i don't think so anymore.

If the Indo European theory is true and all European (and Indian) languages derive from a single one which is probably Sanskrit it means all those languages have to have some Sanskrit words in them.

But the weirdest part and due to uniqueness of the situation i can't find another example or model throughout history, each derived language kept a different set of recognizable words from it. Yeah i was talking once on the phone with a linguist and he went a bit sarcastic and told me like yeah, you can't understand this.

So here is a major difference between German and Yiddish. Right in the first verse of the folk song.

Unfortunately i don't know any of the two languages though when i was a kid i heard my grandparents, other people speaking German all the time. Could be this behind the drive for me to learn English which is not so far from German, when i had a chance. Could be neural pathways that were dug in my subconscious at the time that helped me with learning it. German and Jewish culture still present in Bucovina where i lived until 14.

However i can recognize some words and phrases, and from a few searches i realized Yiddish is not a very  "cared for" languages, with several types of Latin transliteration. But here is a sample of an English version of the song next to the Yiddish one and i can see Yiddish is not German.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

October 24

4:02 I wrote something on Bob is The Oil Guy forum. That starts with the words "they can prevent a sticky valve situation with oil squishing out of the lifter". Talking about catch cans. Then some guy on the forum comes and trolls me saying words like "conspiracy theories" and "fruitless imagination".

Then i called upon a moderator and after a couple of days one comes and trolls me more saying "There is not one technically accurate thing in your entire first post" and then closes the thread before i can answer calling me "hopelessly ignorant". You don't call hopeless ignorant someone who posts a couple of question, no matter how ignorant that person may be. Except of courser if he/she bothers the whole auto industry establishment.

Truth is the issue is at least controversial and many people indeed use too much imagination and non technical terms when describing the issue. The reason i can't find an exact description no matter how much i search.

But them are being simply abusive by closing the thread like this. Because they can and because i adventured on their forum seeking people with more technical knowledge and hoping for answers and in the end founding some with more rhetoric. It is known people with mechanical inclination have a "tough guys" reputation.

It is also very possible they retaliated for what i write on blog or payed for by the industry to hush things out. It looks like it is not the moment to contact anybody with any kinda a question because the answer might include more than expected.

Valves stick only because of oil deposits combined with soot from EGR system and dust that passes the filter and there is only one place oil is coming in the intake and that is badly designed PCV system that hasn't changed since the 40s allowing oil from blow by gas to enter in the intake and get burned in the cylinder to get rid of it and that is the only reason for installing a catch can.

The same goes for battery connector, a design that hasn't change much since Ford Model T, except for marine type batteries.

Situation is much worse with diesel or GDI engines because the fuel is not sprayed on the valves which help clean them but "directly" inside the cylinder.

When a valve sticks it causes the lifter to be partly collapsed and not make continuous contact with the lobe of the camshaft and when it does, due to the valve being stuck and moving harder, oil pressure inside lifter may briefly exceed the oil pressure coming from the pump, with back flow and/or leak under valve cover, in the same way as if the lifter was badly worn out, keeping the lifter collapsed or with little oil in it and foaming of the oil while making the universally annoying ticking sound.

If the valve gets too stuck the lifter may not be able to close it and then at first would make another noise when pushed closed by the compression cycle, than the combustion mixture will back flow in the intake and in the end which rarely happens if ever with newer engines, burning gases inside the cylinder will burn the open valve out.

But in most cases, and that happens a lot, a stuck valve means a "missfire" which means that cylinder is not operating at full capacity, creating a dynamic imbalance of the engine, with loss of efficiency, vibration and driveability problems at high speed due to sub harmonics of that vibration, a condition that may start early in the car's life and last to the end making it unsafe to drive on the freeways.

You basically got two system that return something in the intake, PCV for blowby and EGR, one is for emissions and the other for cooling, the equivalent of enhancing fuel octane grade, protecting the engine that in the end compromise the efficiency of the engine and smoothness of ride and drive.

5:15 Been up all night, got so mad after what they did to me on that forum, had to explain. Slept about 5 hours but only after i used some decongestant, the amounts of insulation dust in here were over any limit, woke up at noon, tried to make a match, a welcome gift for the new speaker, then i was so tired i barely completed my walk. Then a new hole popped in front of the patio, the place got filled with mold and maybe smoke, the reason i could not get more sleep which i'm trying right now.

11:24 Crazy like Rambow.

Ok i slept most of the evening, found a bit of grain alcohol from the liquor store on the bottom of a half gallon bottle, mixed with water to 35%, had a drink, was doing the dishes and eating pretzels when a couple of crazy Asians came with a car and played the base for about 45 minutes, from 10:30 to 11:45 some 300 ft away from here, south of the complex or north of Stoneridge City park (yes where Latinos meet on Saturdays and Sundays).

It was so loud was annoying me while doing the dishes, grabbed an umbrella and went outside to see where exactly and what car and i saw some agitated people next to a car parked on 68. My ears kinda hurt. How many normal people in the area should have been bothered, at half to midnight, no one called the cops like they never do. I think it's a conspiracy of neighbors to annoy me.

I was telling Angela i should to call the cops but i gave up because of possible complications (i had a drink).

Then when they were done the guy upstairs awoke and started to stump and squeak. Short bursts of a few seconds coming from faucets, rare toilet flushings (once every few days).

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October 17

9:09 For a moment that actually lasted all morning i thought, after the Alexa episode ended, they are going to leave me alone. However that is simply not the case. Like a long time coincidence, all the time i was in the kitchen and out of direct sight through the big windows, the market went up. Though i have the microwave meter next to me when i use the laptop today i woke up again with pains in the same area where i kept it last night.

I am trying to use the PC but the lag is so great as i type it is almost inoperable. Windows. I plan to buy a cheap PC with no wi-fi and chrome on it but they are more expensive than Windows. And upstairs i hear noises like during a sumo wrestling match.

Reading the all fake news. People are living in a deep psychosis for such a long time and i am terrified cause i don't know who or what is going to drag them up of this. They believe in news and the world leaders are real.

9:32 Next to impossible, even the cheapest have built in wi-fi. Wondering if Amazon have some sort of customer service were you can ask them question like this.
Artificial intelligence? Neither Google or Amazon can answer a simple question like were can i buy a mini PC under 150 with no wi-fi on it. Wi-fi is now ubiquitous, we are trapped.

3:46 On August 31 i posted some pictures with sewer work. They started to replace the big line behind the complex starting with between these two buildings, across the alley, all the way to the street. It never crossed my mind as why.
In reality the line passes behind those buildings next to the wetland, google maps will only show the aproximate distance.
Yesterday there was some kinda mini flash flooding and there was a small river of water flowing through the alley. I filmed it but still didn't figure it out. I didn't catch it when it was the biggest, i misplaced my camera somewhere in the room, but it was twice as big. In the end, the water turned into mud and you can see the residue left for today in the next picture. But earlier before the flood i heard the city's cistern seweres working in the alley

What happens is all the sewer lines around the complex were clogged. Every year or several times a year they came with the cisterns and pumped the sewage from across the complex like they did yesterday. The river, the picture above show that some are still clogged. Could be the reason for my belly pains over the years, my constant nausea, the infection at my hand etc..

4:57 On October 5th i wrote. The day after tomorrow is 19 and Angela doesn't have insurance.

What happens is State Farm attract you with a low premium for a quote made online. Then the next day the agent contacts you with an email saying you have to review the quote. But when i tried at the main State Farm site the site said the quote is locked and i needed to call my local agent and then i got an email from him.

In my case it was Cedric Berry and he gave me a number and an email address. However when i called that number a woman answered and her name was Rachel Foster ( who is another agent. She even had Romanian as language of choice. However we spoke English and she said the quote was locked.

Then she said she needed 2 more minutes of my life in which i gave her the information she asked, she made a new quote with a slightly higher price and sent me the policies and the card without Angela on it.

Yesterday i sent them an email ( asking him to add Angela on the card and there was no reply. Again, today.

Then i called the same number i spoke with Rachel at. A woman who was not Rachel (forgot her name, i'm too mad) answered and started to ask about Angela's licence number and everything like she wanted to build a new policy. In the end i asked her if she does so that and she said she was going to send Angela's card right now and the new policy tomorrow and then i said something about this blog entry and she never sent me the card.

To this day i can see on MyAccount i made the payment but there are no "products" that is policies for me to see or modify.
5:36 Last insurance i had was with Progressive where i made the quote online and payed and din't have to interact with any agent. However they raised the premium from 600 to 900. I also made a quote with Geiko in the same time i made with SF and an agent emailed me.

6:45 Within the last hour or so a person came upstairs and makes heavy noises like dragging furniture across the room. This morning i opened the doors to air "intensively" and saw a guy with mainly the same look but thinner than the muscular one i saw the first time.

7:41 Done a number of quotes online until i got tired of it including one with Progressive. Best offer was 138 with collision and comprehensive for Hyundai, 96 without, Progressive which i had until now refused to give me a quote saying the theft rate for Hyundai got so high they can't insure them anymore.

Lately i was filling the holes next to building with soil from other mounds, the soil kept disappearing and ran out of mounds and i had this sack with Quikrete from a past attempt and used that one instead and plugged all holes with it and guess what. Today there is no smoke however we are both depressed and i actually started to think of my financial situation like i haven't done in years.

8:21 Nevermind smoke is back. Though in smaller amounts. Just enough. Harajuku

The kind i like to meet...

8:42 Naturally giddy...

10:15 (Won't u) Tell me if i'm coming on too strong...