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Showing posts sorted by date for query corrugated. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7

1:35 AM I wish i figured this one out by myself, because i made lots of correlations of earthquakes with Moon orbit, distance, whatever.

But i least i can say why is happening. There are a number of factors  that combine and result in highest tides, tide being a measure of total gravitational pull of Sun and Moon combined.


Earth - Moon distance. It varies by about 10% with a period of about 100 days. But i did not realize until today there was such a cyclicity. During the current year, shortest distance is around equinoxes.

Sun Moon alignment. Moon orbit plane is different than ecliptic plane. Sun eclipses cannot occur during certain periods of the year when Moon is not aligned well with the Sun when in conjunction.

So when a Sun Moon alignment will occur around equinoxes with shortest Moon distance you will have the perfect storm.

But of course there have to be conditions for that to happen. Most shallow earthquakes happen because of explosive boiling of pressurized hot thermal water in vast closed underground pockets (may call them lakes if you prefer) triggered by gravity forces so the water has to be at the right pressure and temperature for that to happen.

It is in a way similar to when you heat water in the microwave at boiling point, it stops boiling when you pull it and boils again due to change of pressure when you put the cup on a table which creates a small shockwave in the water and initiates boiling.

The volume of crust above the water pocked is raised by the combined gravity action of Sun and Moon, decreasing the pressure in the pocket.

Fast changing atmospheric pressure. It can contribute to variation of pressure inside the deep pockets in the ground.

However, there could be extra man made factors. Like synchronized heavy machinery that make the ground oscillates at that seismic area resonance (each have a different one). Traffic going at the right speed during rush hour, etc..

According to Stellarium, during the devastating earthquake of March 4 1977 in Romania, Moon was at a distance of 371000 km, three days away from the minimum of 366000 on 7, full, thus aligned with the Sun though on the other side of the Earth, closest such alignment before equinox, pulling the Earth and elongating it from the other direction of the Sun.

At 85 km it was a deep earthquake,  which is usually done by an explosive phase changing with (changing the volume) in a pocket of magma. 

5:18 PM A few days ago i upgraded my catch can with an aluminum tube to prevent spitting oil in the out port and a lid made of inox (for spice containers) with an o ring around it (green, oil resistant), creating a new compartment in it, to catch the oil and keep it from splashing. I drilled 4x2 mm holes in the lid so the emulsion can get in there with car's movement and it cannot get back out, even if you overturn it when the car doesn't move.

Today i added the last thing and i think i'm done with it. An easy empty plug. I think it needs to be emptied every fill-up. I will call it Catch Can V 8.00 and hopefully the last.

This device improves the MPG, power by up to 10%, vibrations, steering. BTW anybody can tell me how many patents i got in here (including corrugated inox condenser done previously). We have a saying in Romania. "Să fie primit!" (May God appreciate it).

And yes, this is where the oil "evaporates" from you engine. Actually it does not. It goes through you PCV in the intake, contaminating the valves, spark plugs, spark plug threads, burning in the combustion chamber, catalytic, etc.. Catch cans can prevent all that.   
Șmecheria cu ghivent.

Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4th

12:05 (Noaptea la mine) Un documentar care mă fascinează. O privire în trecutul nostru foarte îndepărtat, din epoca de piatră sau mai înainte. Australia a fost un continent izolat pentru mai mult de 50000 de ani și populația fiind mult mai mică decât în Eurasia de exemplu, și nivelul de dezvoltare a rămas scăzut, până la venirea unui grup misterios din India sau Nepal, Pama Nyunga. Însă ei nu au stat pe continent, s-au deplasat în Africa și Europa după ce au preluat totuși niște tradiții locale.

Cel mai ușor de recunoscut și faimos loc din Australia este Muntele Attila. Mulți din ungurii de azi au figuri de aborigeni australieni.

Nu am văzut vârfuri la sulițe, nici măcar de piatră. Nu cunoșteau arcul dar puteau să-și construiască bumerange de lemn, cu care vânau păsări. Aveau reacții elementare, de supraviețuire și un limbaj foarte simplu. Deci nu poate fi vorba de fantezii. Pentru fantezii e nevoie de gândire conceptuală, limbaj evoluat, dialog cu sine, noțiunea de spațiu-timp și ceva ce noi numim imaginație.

Credința în vrăjitorie era un lucru foarte concret, foarte tangibil. Trebuia să fi fost ceva real în spatele lui. Și este. Vrăjitoria este mult mai simplă decât ne putem închipui și se bazează pe experimente întâmplătoare care au devenit la ei tradiție. Limba română conține o expresie. "a umbla cu lucruri necurate".

Multă lume ignoră relația biologică pe care oamenii o au cu mediul lor înconjurător. Organismul se adaptează continuu la orice schimbări microbiene de mediu și invers, contribuie la formarea lui. Parte din sistemul nostru imunitar se răspândește în mediu odată cu eliberarea intestinului dar și cu respirația, etc..

La unele specii de pradă, simbionții parazitari devin arme unelte (așa numitul marcaj teritorial cu care ei de fapt își infectează prada, făcându-o docilă). De aceea acești strămoși ai noștri își curățau locul și își îngropau fecalele, pentru că dușmanii lor și probabil unii din ei înșiși știau să folosească orice rămășite biologice și să le manipuleze pentru a-i îmbolnăvi.

Tradiție ce se continuă până în zilele noastre. Reprezentanți ai ordinului dominican vin în fiecare zi cu câinii care-și fac nevoile în jurul clădirii, în locuri alese special, de obicei în direcția vântului, curenților prin ferestruicile de aerisire a subsolului, cu câinii hrăniți special și urmând un anume ritual.

Trag de exemplu câinele de lesă în momentul în care acesta defechează pentru a-l stresa și a elibera uleiurile rău mirositoare din săculeții anali iar apoi pleacă și nu strâng. De asemene aruncă obiecte ce par la întâmplare, de obicei ambalaje cu resturi, care însă privite atent reprezintă dieta noastră din ultimele zile. Este imposibil să dovedești ceva, și apoi, cui.

Uneori, ca în seara asta, trebuie să merg pe afară să strâng tot felul de obiecte, pentru că altfel nu pot să dorm după ce mi-a fost rău toată ziua. De câte ori am ajuns la urgențe sau chiar în spital pentru chestiile astea iar pe atunci nu beam și nu aveam diabet, ceea ce m-a și ruinat financiar și profesional.

9:16 (Dimineața) În film, realizatorul interviului mai spune la un moment dat ceva. A avut impresia că Buckley sau acel Robinson Crusoe de Australia, un evadat care a trăit 32 cu un grup (mob) de localnici, nu îi spunea totul. Motivul. După 32 de ani, Buckely a devenit unul de-al lor.

Relatări moderne și chiar urmașii direcți ai grupului prezentat în documentar vorbesc despre un un câmp comunicațional, care ar fi fost și un sistem filozofic, juridic și religios numit dreaming.

Regăsim această idee în sistemul de arte marțiale ninjutsu din Japonia, unde se vorbește despre Shin Shin Shing Ghan, o formă de telepatie la care se poate ajunge prin antrenament. Ninja au fost mercenari feudali a căror misiune principală a fost de culegere de informații și influențare a dușmanilor celor care-i angajau, iar unii din ei petreceau o parte din viață infiltrați timp de decenii în taberele inamice. Citirea gândurilor subiecților (țintelor) ar fi fost pentru ei un mare avantaj.

Este vorba probabil de un mod de comunicație ancestral între toate ființele vii care a existat înainte de limbaj și orice formă de civilizație, fie ea doar la nivelul prezentat în documentar, ceva ce omul mai evoluat a pierdut prin folosirea limbajului verbal avansat dar la care se poate accede prin antrenament. O ipoteză ar fi comunicația vibrațională prezentă vertebrate.

Dar poate fi și ceva mai mult, o anumită parte a spectrului "electromagnetic" de foarte joasă frecvență.

Indienii americani (Native Americans) despre care eu cred că au venit și din Australia, au un fel de device pe care ei îl numesc "dream catcher" pe care îl pun în jurul copiilor mici când dorm ca să-i ferească de coșmaruri. Device-ul îmi amintește de un dipol circular în scurtcircuit care ar putea într-adevăr să scurtcircuiteze și  deci să diminueze anumite frecvențe de microunde, după diametru de ordinul de la 1 GHz la 5 GHz sau mai mult, mai ales când bețișorul de salcie din care e făcut este încă plin de sevă, deci conducător.

Timpul meu este foarte limitat și nu pot să-i caut pe toți însă sunt sigur că cei de la Metallica ca și toți artiștii de clasă internațională sunt tot unguri (care se poate vedea și după accentul cu care cântă în engleză). Să fie această melodie o exemplificare făcută de ei înșiși, aproape pe față, a ce am spus mai sus? "So close no matter  how far..."

9:55 Înapoi la timpuri moderne. Am re-postat acum câteva zile o asemănare greșită cu Biden. Mi-am dat seama și m-am apucat să caut din nou, ceea ce mi-a luat câteva zile (nu am putut să caut tot timpul). Între timp au venit cu un remediu. Re-acuzarea lui Trump, cu noi crime care s-a făcut exact în aceeași zi când l-am găsit pe scriitorul respectiv, mort din aprilie anul acesta.

Fiindcă au undeva pe un supercomputer un model cu felul în care gândesc, după ce au înregistrat tot ce am făcut spus și scris timp de decenii, unde pot simula și anticipa tot ce fac eu. Astfel, efectul psihologic ne-căutat de mine a fost exact invers, rușii, chinezii, sau cei care mă controlează au publicat asemănarea în ziua în care Trump a fost re-acuzat, ca o răzbunare a republicanilor evrei răi conspiratori vânduți rușilor și chinezilor pe care Trump îi reprezintă.

12:00 Am umblat în primele zile din săptămâna asta la mașina de spălat și printre altele am desfăcut furtunul de evacuare care avea în el o mâzgă lipicioasă (slime) din mizerie cu detergent veche de până la 20 de ani pe care am încercat s-o spăl, cu o perie circulară și detergent, inclusiv cu clor.

Ca rezultat aici miroase acum a vomă, deși am generator de ozon dat la maximum, iar mie mi-au apărut pe ambele mâini niște bubulițe care mă mănâncă fantastic, din care unele chiar peste cicatricea rănii pe care am postat-o acum câteva zile. 

Am dat cu antibiotic de pe vechea rețetă, Mupirocin, și mă aștept să-mi treacă în câteva zile fiindcă nu m-am scărpinat încă să găuresc pielea. Aceste mașini casnice (appliances) prin felul în care sunt gândite, cu aceste furtunuri de evacuare, uneori crețe (corrugated) sunt încă un pericol pentru sănătatea dvs.. Ar putea fi la originea misterioaselor "flesh eating bacteria" (necrotizing fasciitis) sau unor boli ca plantar fasciitis și poate chiar Alzheimer. De notat coincidența cu cuvântul fascism.

Sfatul meu. Nu încercați să le spălați. Schimbați-le cât mai des, dacă puteți și pe cele din interiorul mașinii.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

July 29

11:24 Ezekiel's wheel. Lost in translation.

King Tut's four golden goddesses.

Audumbla and Beatles both crossing. Steigerwald sign.

12:05 Traian Băsescu și romanii. Făpturile vii care ne-au tras pe stânga și pe dreapta. Poli_truci.

Victor Ponta Crin Antonescu Liviu Dragnea Traian Băsescu

1:05 Roxana

2:15 Catch can V7.0. I replaced the copper corrugated line with a stainless steel one because copper was being corroded by some additive in the engine oil, also the blue anodized can with aluminum for better cooling and looks. I apologize if someone inspired from me, copper was a bad idea.
Also a few seconds after i took the picture i saw a woman with a blonde little girl passing. I really don't understand. This whole place must be under constant surveillance on cameras leaked on the internet, but if i take a picture of my own car i start being suspicious, to those who look through those cameras, as well as in casinos?

Sunday, May 7, 2023

May 7

2:08 They did wake me after 4 hours of sleep. Tried to search for something, the person came and started to squeak so severely i gave up and started another project that has been delayed. The catch can for the newer Elantra. All the parts were there waiting and i put it together and installed it on the car. I also tried to vacuum the intake like i did to the other Elantra, some oil came, but i gave up as being too tired. People as usual moving around me like on a chase table, always anticipating my moves and creating visual traps. Kids behind me as i was working on car etc..

Corrugated copper pipe and front installation for condensing the oil. The idea behind it is to catch the oil vapor coming from the valve cover and crankcase through the PCV line that due to poor design (all combustion engines are like this) gets in the intake and on the valve, making them to stick and giving more work to the hydraulic lifters. In a way it is very similar to an appendix on the large intestine.

Besides a small, few percents, direct loss of power due to resistance to turning of the camshaft which matters when cruising at 20 HP output (60 HP thermal) in a car with good aerodynamics which is still 15 times the power of a 3000 watts heater or laundry drier, you do get noise from cam lobes hitting the partially filled lifter, foam in oil from squishing the oil out of lifters due to valve resistance (sticky), unbalanced engine due to some valves being opened only partly and with a delay which translates in poor drivability, again loss of power due to partially burnt fuel in those cylinders that overloads the catalytic converter, loss of comfort due to vibration and a host of other problems like wearing out engine mounts etc. etc..

One of the two most overlooked and poorly understood problems of modern cars including newest. The other one is using insufficiently filtered, pulsating DC from alternator for powering of the electronics and fuel pump because of poor battery connection due to contamination and corrosion of connectors that usually starts after first time changing the battery when you can never achieve the same type of connection like from factory.

Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3rd

4:18 I wrote a while ago about replacing the water heater. I think there is a sewer line under it. 7 years ago i managed to squeeze some Great Stuff foam in there. However it was the cheap open cell foam and in time got saturated with sewer gas, mainly ammonia. When they removed the tank i scrapped  the pan and  the remaining foam was smelling like it. But it thought the line was closed (heard  the sound of the foam escaping in it back then).

After they put the concrete blocks i washed the whole place with some water with detergent until it came clean. I think some water got into the line and possibly in a s or p trap. But now, weeks after, i think it dried from there and sewer gas started to come in. When you do laundry, the lines get somehow washed, but 2 or 3 days after, or this night, you could not breath in here. I mean, i woke up because of the smell, at 1 AM and ever since i'm thinking what to do. I stock my borescope camera and saw the line under one of the blocks and it looks like it's open.

3:07 I never saw the face of the guy who did it because of the mask. Later in the parking lot he briefly pulled the mask and he looked like... I think  the other guy also with mask might have been... 

Today i saw in the parking lot a guy dressed like him, maybe taller, without mask but a bit of goatee, could not have been only 2 or 3 days, it was at least one week old, saw another version 2 or 3 days ago, shaven.

Same thing happened in Lake Oswego, at Apt.9 next to ours first was Lindsay Lohan who acted as a real estate agent, and then Kelly Clarkson, on the same name, car, etc..

When i got in my place a woman or girl, most likely Japanese made lo look latina pulled in the spot next to me, within one minute so and started to stare at me so i just left to Walmart, then she left too. While i was leaving the complex a Penske van popped in front of me. Today hundreds of people were involved in many scenes, including near accident situations at Walmart. Walmart was full of kids, but also at Lowes heard some crying.

My back pain (kidney, pancreas, gut, don't know) started back after i've been around the water heater taking pictures with the borescope. I put something, a piece of corrugated plastic that fits hard in that space on top of that pipe (i pulled after a while and saw a circle imprinted were the pipe was, put it back on), but the pipe is dented and can't seal. Bought something to put on that corrugated plastic, but will be here only tomorrow.

4:32 Last summer i've been complaining about dust on Avery St., on Nyberg. For months they were excavating the terrain in both sites. On Nyberg they build an apartment complex. On Avery, there are a couple of long industrial like buildings (it goes to the right maybe 300 ft or more), with no windows (except the huge lobby) with no signs, no name, just a Scientology cross, just across the street from where Angela works. Her previous job site also belonging to Eaton was on Teton St., a reminder of Thetans. Anybody know what these nuts are doing here?

4:43 Can't remember, it was a total of maybe 4 weeks of 24 hours week long notices of entrance last summer, for replacing the windows, a job that actually lasted several hours. Now, 6 months after, they gave me another one, for one week, for a touch up and painting job that would last probably half hour.

Last summer i thought i saw the guy who was leading the team was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. That and the flare up of the sewage gas last night, following my posts yesterday. Emperor of Japan is a descendant of goddess Amaterasu, and the leader on Earth of divine origin. BTW i think it was her i saw  today in the parking lot. Unrecognizable on both sides without makeup.

12:13 I know i'm into the next day but want to right this one here because of the picture with the water heater pan and concrete blocks. After fasting all evening, and midnight i made myself some noodle soup with added bone broth. So i wanted to check my blood pressure. But my lancet broke. And started to ask myself, could there be a way to do it without? So i kept a needle with two fingers, somehow hidden and i pulled it a bit of a time until i finally hitted it with the prepared finger. Not much worse than the lancet. Then guess what. My BS came 230. With the new stick that show 20 less than the old ones.

Kept asking myself why. Maybe because i killed the sewer leakage (99.9% or it anyways). But my face and eyes hurt because... This morning when i went in to take that picture with my borescope camera i just shot the UV and the little closet with a blanket covering the permeable door had a lot of ozone built in there. In fact it says in the lamp's instruction. You have to air the room after using it.

So i don't know. Is it the ozone that got in my lungs and killed the whatever in there, before it can reach the stomach. Or the lack of stuff in the air. Or the copious amounts of coconut oil i took in the last days. Or the fact that i quit drinking alcohol and coffee. But if finally went down a little. Which contradicts my earlier theory that sugar builds up in your body and can't go down even if you fast.

But confirms the one that says your body pulls all the sugar from your gut (most of it coming from breaking down more complex carbs by pancreatic enzymes and it's not 10 or 20 grams, is in the hundreds of grams a day, and your body sacrifices the normal BS level pulling all sugar from the gut to cut the supply for bad bacteria and mold and why not, protozoa discharging from lungs and fermenting there.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Purge Canister Air Filter Solenoid

It's not your grandpa's car anymore. Since the 70s, they introduced a most puzzling concept followed by a number of devices. PCV. It stands for Positive Crankcase Ventilation.

It does pretty much what it says. Releases pressure from the engine. Engine runs, pistons open easier especially on admission cycle if there is no pressure on the other side of combustion chamber. Here's an illustration showing how this occurs. A small percentage of the energized gas during combustion cycle pass the piston's rings and pressurizes the main engine compartment or the area beyond pistons.
Up until 70s they had this relief opening on top of the engine that was ending with a small pipe under. Blowby gas is a mixture of unburnt fuel, raw exhaust (not passed through catalytic converter), water vapor and oil vapor.  Due to pollution complaints, that was not acceptable anymore and they came with this idea. Returning those gases in the intake manifold, mix them with air and gas and burn them again. It was called PCV system.

It was working and nobody complained about for a long time. However, if uncontrolled through design, it may produce a variety of problems, including corrosion and mainly condensation of oil on the cold intake runners' walls and pouring in the engine, affecting valves, spark plugs and creating carbon deposits on the top of the cylinder, etc..

The biggest problem of course is carbon deposit on valves which start to interfere with their functioning. Valves become "sticky" that is they can't open anymore at certain engine stages (low RPM, cold engine) by they hydraulic lifters wichi are designed to fill with engine oil to eliminate any play. Oil gets squished out of the lifters and starts foaming, which is a bad condition for the bearings that are lubricated with that oil.

At non GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection engines) has injectors spraying fuel in the intake runners, or before the valves. This help with cleaning of the valves. However, there are new generation high efficiency engines that use little gasoline at cruise speeds and that is not enough to clean those.

Many gas sellers advertise their gas as having cleaning features. This is what they're talking about and it's a real problem.

There are ways to minimize this phenomenon however not used by any manufacturer i know about. You can install an empty can on the return PCV line and have the oil condensate and fall in it. However, it may not work if the pipe before the can is close to the engine and gets hot. Blowby will still pass and condensates inside the intake. Last version of the catch can i installed on the Hyundai uses a corrugated copper pipe that is passed through an larger pipe (empty can) that allow air to flow and prevent heat from engine to reach for it and indeed it minimized the sticky valves phenomenon, becoming marginal and intermittent.

However, there is another problem. Fuel pump filter is not or hardly serviceable at this car, being in the tank and in time fuel pressure start do decrease. This is aggravated by a bad battery and connectors at the battery, lowering the voltage for the fuel pump, bad gasoline or gasoline without alcohol which usually cleans and especially dissolves water.

Last time i filled the car with gasoline at Spirit Mountain Shell i noticed the noise condition improved dramatically. For the first gallon of fuel used or that 50 miles trip back home. The next day it came back to "normal". I figured, maybe it has something to do with vacuum being created inside the tank by the purging system. Another newer anti-pollution feature of cars which insure that the fuel tank does not have and/or releases fuel vapors in the air, with a charcoal canister and a system of valves that allow the computer to "purge" or literally scuk back in the again intake the extra vapors. However, if too much vacuum is being applied to the fuel tank, it starts to interfere with the fuel pump and ultimately the fuel pressure at the injectors. (Some of) the injectors start to drip and can't clean the valves anymore. On this car computer has the possibility to allow atmospheric air to go into the tank to release the vacuum however through a, you guessed, title of the post, a small air filter. Which is on the service list of 30k and is located under the car next to the charcoal canister.

So i opened and closed the tank cap every time when i noticed the noise and mostly at the beginning of every trip and voia! Noise was gone last night for most of the 150 mile round trip to the beaches.

The ironic part is, i had the filter since 2 years ago when i almost figured the problem. But finding oil and manually purging it from the intake and fiddling with the catch can made me forget about it. Also three years ago i almost went for an appointment to replace fuel filter, which doesn't make much sense to replace at this car without the fuel pump.

So today i went and jacked the car and removed the small air filter. I was expecting to find it clogged (and or the air pipe) with pine needles that were built in that area up to half inch when i got the car (from the road she was doing daily probably). That was not the case. But what i found was a solenoid next to filter again used by computer, that could have been intermittently stuck. I poured some 91% isopropyl alcohol in it and it came dirty. I tested it with a meter and a battery and it works and on the bench it doesn't get stuck. I put it back together with the new filter.
In the image representing the whole purge system, solenoid is nr.6, filter is 7.

I figured it would have been useless to go to a dealer and have it done at service interval, if they didn't check the solenoid as well.

Too many times i noticed all these optimizing devices interfere with the function of the vehicle, in the end making the pollution worse because the conditions they create are hard to diagnose, unsignaled by "check engine light" and sometimes expensive to fix not because of parts involved but because of high quality labor and time needed for diagnose. Most mechanics ignore them anyways.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Nothing Without Mold

I might have figured another aspect of what happened today upstairs. At the end of last week i caught a cold weather spell and filmed the vapor coming out of the vent for upstairs drier and going into the basement, because of codes being broken when they installed those vents. Thought they could have installed the vents right out the walls, like in other buildings, they passed the pipes trough basement and installed them right on top of basement vents, while the code says should not be installed 3 ft closer then other features of the building. Pipes where broken in the basement anyways, i went one night and fixed them, and right after they came and installed the new covers, that blow the vapors directly into the basement. That was about two years ago. Back then i went and looked. This is the only place in the complex that this is happening.

I think it was Saturday evening when i removed that corrugated plastic which was not helping in case wind was creating pressure blowing against the window, cause a flow was established and moisture still going into the basement around that piece of plastic. Once in the basement, moisture will condensate on the floor making it bulge, helping create mold inside. They were places with up to one inch bulges. Instead i put two small transparent plastic sheets covering the vents.

There was only one load of laundry done Sunday, as opposed to more than five a week ago. No laundry this Thursday morning as well which is a first. However, the shaman came to "fix" the laundry machine upstairs. I did not hear when it started today after that. Because the machine was made much more quiet. However when Angela came i had to go to move the truck back at the street cause it was on our only spot here forgot to find a place for it. But when i got out, i felt the smell of laundry and went to look to see if those plastic sheets are in place. One of them was, but the one right under the vent upstairs blowing downwards. Those once put in are hard to remove (i tried with one).

It seemed they went to great length trying to undo what i done, that is, enforcing the code, because, i once read something about ninjutsu and especially the kuji-in part of it make use of mold, possibly as a medium, similar with black magic. Truth is mold creates among other things, nasal congestion and a high, making you much less sharp and responsive or more docile and suggestible.