"Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg were both prominent physicists who significantly contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, with Schrödinger known for his "wave equation" and Heisenberg for his "uncertainty principle" which describes the limitations in knowing both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously."
"The "Heisenberg cloud model" refers to the concept of an "electron cloud" within an atom, which is directly tied to Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, suggesting that the exact position of an electron cannot be known with certainty, only the probability of finding it in a given region around the nucleus, creating a "cloud-like" appearance; this model is often associated with Erwin Schrödinger's wave function calculations that describe the electron's behavior as a wave rather than a particle."
I explained before what quantum is. Everything that is molecules and smaller. What does that mean. Molecules and everything smaller are made of combinations of particles that are always of the same size and have the same properties.
Because at the base all particles are made of strings, that are stationary waves made of oscillating virtual particles created initially as a reaction of the void to abrupt motion of charged particles like electrons and are always the same because the electric charge of virtual particles is always the same. Quantum stands for same quantity.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle solved one problem, or better said, one worry about why we can't know how the electrons move in a cloud by simply stating we can not know, and sealing that statement with an equation.
It is true for the most part. We can't know where they are except they do reside in clouds or shells and those clouds exist at quantified energy level or heights and speeds. Because electrons are quantum particles and they rotate around other quantum particles all with quantum masses and electric charges there are only a few orbits they can occupy and that is according to Newtonian laws.
However this model has some serious inconveniences. One of them is we cannot figure by it the true nature of spontaneous emissions of photons.
The other is purely psychological. Students who later become scientists are baffled by the... uncertainty.
However in that cloud the electrons are not vaporized of merged or anything as the model suggests.
Electrons are still there and moving and most importantly, from time to time, colliding with each other. It is not a magical or fuzzy "quantum cloud", but their trajectories are so complicated we do not have the capabilities of writing down equations to describe them though lately we could model their motion on supercomputers.
Thus the speed of electrons on a level is not constant but constantly modified by all the above described forces and events and inevitably sometimes colliding with each other.
Indeed, the equations describing the motions of electrons are so complicated we may be tempted to call for an uncertainty umbrella equation.
However with the advent of supercomputers, i think they can be modeled, starting with assemblies with few particles at the center and in orbits.
From time to time two electrons on the same level can collide near frontally so violently one of them can be knocked out of orbit and move to a higher quantum level, or outside the whole assembly if it happens on the last level (like in photelectric effect), creating a vacancy in the level where it started. This may create an imbalance in the whole assembly, with more electric charges near periphery or less.
Almost immediately a slow moving electron from the higher level that could be the same one that just jumped will fall back in the vacant space though with a much lower speed.
We are familiar with this phenomenon we called in the past electromagnetism though with more than one particle involved (an whole current of electrons) thus the created magnetic field will appear to have closed lines.
Instead of magnetic lines we will have a point that moves on a trajectory perpendicular on the trajectory of the generating electron, we can call a virtual particle creating a spiral magnetic line, with the same charge as that of the electron though positive, which virtual particle is created by the void following the action-reaction universal law however massless and with no energy transfer from the creating photon since there is no reaction of the void to a non relativistic mass.
In other words, the whole up and down movement of an electron is creating an electric oscillation in the assembly similar to an electric current though made by only one electron that will create an (incomplete) spiral shaped magnetic field line in the surrounding void. If the speed of the electron is relativistic, a virtual particle with the opposite charge and negative relativistic mass of that electron will be created.
When an electron withing a shell or cloud or level is accelerated by a collision to relativistic speed, the virtual particle generated by it will also have a a relativistic mass however negative that is the difference between the the resting mass of that electron and its relativistic mass and the relativistic part of the energy of that electron will be transferred to the virtual particle until the electron is slowed down back to non-relativistic.
A photon's first virtual particle is a virtual particle with negative relativistic mass created by an electron that is accelerated to a relativistic speed and then decelerated to non-relativistic the relativistic part of its energy to the virtual particle mirroring self in that time frame of its relativistic speed with only difference it has no resting mass, its relativistic mass is negative moving perpendicular on electron's instant trajectory, with same relativistic instant speed and acceleration, at 1/4 distance of the photon's wavelength, with a time delay of 1/4 of its period.
The newly created virtual particle, having all the properties of the creating electron except for resting mass (which does not create a reaction of the void), and moving at relativistic speeds during all of its existence will do the same as the electron, mirroring self on a perpendicular direction, at a distance and with a time delay. By the time the creating virtual particle ceases to exist, the new one just appears because of that time delay. The only difference would be its relativistic mass will be positive.
This process may continue indefinitely creating a cross like pattern.
I believe this is how measurable time and space is being created.
If a photon hits the outer shell of the assembly it depends on the moment that photon transfers its energy to an electron or by the direction of the last virtual particle vs the movement of the electron in the moment of transfer of energy.
Jumping to a higher level of energy after an electron gets directly hit by a photon or what they call excitement happens rarely. Most likely, the virtual particle will interact with several electrons at a time meaning its energy will be transmitted to the whole shell and then one electron will be knocked out of orbit by a collision.