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Showing posts sorted by date for query manifold. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April 16

12:15 When i described the latest version of the catch can (there's a new one in my head already), i forgot to say one more time what i said before. The modern cars have the intake manifold under the level of the engine's head and the out ports are above the throttle body. For that reason, it is possible for oil from the PCV to pool in there.

When i got my first Elantra in 2018, a  2013 model which i still like a lot as body stile, much nicer than the 2018 anyway i used a normal vacuum cleaner to which i attached at the end of the hose a thin 5-6 mm piece of PVC flexible tubbing about two ft long (that was not so perfectly attached, allowing air to get in that hose anyways, which helped with functionality).

With the engine off, i was holding with one hand the throttle open, and with the other i was inserting the flexible tubing downwards, making sure it reaches the bottom of the intake. I pulled so much of it, to my engrossment, it coated the whole vacuum hose on the inside.

Must have been ounces of it. But i must confess: i poured earlier a full can of valve cleaner. But it was black which proves the intake was coated on the inside with oil mixed with soot from EGR that was still trickling up the ports getting to the valves after the cleaning.

And because more oil kept getting in there and could not do the stunt too many times, i invented a small vacuum for that purpose only. Again a piece of tubing connected to the other (suction) side of a pneumatic mat pump that works at 12 volts. Of course the air that gets out of it has drops of oil when you hit the puddle inside. I encased the whole pump into a one gallon water bottle.

However after i got tired of periodically vacuuming the intake, i built the first version of the can. Which actually was an inline filter that was clogging fast. Then i found about catch cans on forums.

The 2018 model had the valves cleaner, however is very sensitive to the smallest amount of oil it gets in there. I also did not pull much from the bottom of the intake.

But if your valves look like this, a catch can won't help. I thought it was understood. You need to clean those first. Get a can of Seafoam or whatever, spray it in the intake through the throttle or a vacuum port while someone presses on the gas pedal to keep the engine running.

You will see black smoke coming out of the exhaust until those are clean, and then can vacuum the intake for the remaining cleaner trapped in. Or wait until it trickles up and get burnt in the engine (maybe). And then the catch can will help with the tick.

And of course if you think this method is nuts, there's always R2D2.

Pour... Les... Roumains. Încercați totuși să faceți un efort de imaginație ca să realizați cât de fioroși sunt ăștia și cum încearcă prin subliminale care de data asta sunt foarte subțiri (criza) să distrugă munca oricui deși Dinescu se dă de partea celor cu nădușeala pe piept. Mai înlocuiți mai devreme în poezie cuvântul talanți cu talenți. Telefon cu fise. Bine oricare din ei se dă de partea cuiva, ca să-i ducă mai repede în prăpastie. 

11:04 PM Hai să lămurim o chestie. Din când în când, cam de 2 ori pe an săptămână Fürjes Dinescu se bagă în seamă cu câte o poezie, scrisă cu ceva meșteșug, care le fac atractive.

Fiindcă s-a luat iar de mine și i-am răspuns, s-a stârnit acum în media o frenezie legată de subiectele deschise de meșteșugul dlui. Una din "știri" vorbește iar despre punerea sub acuzare a foștilor lideri revoluționari (un banc răsuflat) iar pe mine mă face iar să mă gândesc cum să demonstrez că zâmbărețul Iliescu, capo di tutti capi rivoluzionari, sărac dar curat, e mort de mult iar ăștia îl țin așa în vila aceea de lux ca să îi încaseze Ionuț Vuliescu, valetul lui se pare, pensia.

Ultima poză a lui György Illés înainte de a muri în 2006 îl arată cam așa.

De când e poza asta? (ultima cunoscută, datată 2022). După calitate, e făcută cu un telefon foarte vechi. Alfred Moses era mai chel (care aici avea un mic moț în chelie) și în 2018. Alfred Moses e născut în 1929, teoretic cu un an mai în vârstă decât Iliescu.

Ar fi multe metodele de a demonstra că el trăiește, cea mai modestă ar fi un scurt video cu el în pat sau poate doar audio vorbind gângurind despre un eveniment curent. Îi știm cu toții vocea. Sau dacă nu poate, măcar să miște un deget, să ne bată cu el în microfon?

12:42 Black holes are hypothetical entities. Of them, the biggest in our galaxy is thought to be at the center and it has several million times the mass of our Sun. However, from time to time, they discover big ones, 32 times the mas of our Sun, and really close, 2000 light years away.

They call them stellar because they think they were initially stars. Not like the one at the center of the galaxy which was formed by dust. How do they know it was not a star covered by dust? Dormant, stopped feeding. Why would a hypothetical dormant black hole stop feeding? Does it have diabetes?

3:12 I came from my walk, wanted to make some corrections in the last posts. 3 supposedly Spanish little girls came and started to hit the cable box. However i think one of them is a 20 years old who poses as a 10, which is not difficult for some Japanese. There was a red Nissan with the LPN PPY parked on the red line next to mailboxes. Pulled the blinds, went to cook and eat. 

4:57 Two hours later, the girls, the papy car are still there.

8:36 Tocmai m-am prins la o chestie. Site-ul wunderground are grafice inclusiv cu presiunea atmosferică pe următoarele zece zile. Portul Constanța este destul de aproape de zona seismică Vrancea ca să fie în aceeași zonă de atracție a lunii și soarelui, iar mareele, deși sunt foarte mici din cauza dimensiunii Mării Negre comparată cu cea a oceanelor și a mareelor terestre simultane sunt o măsură a atracției acestor corpuri cerești.

Atracția nu se exercită la fel în partea apropiată de lună relativă cu partea depărtată, din cauza diferenței de distanță. Forța gravitațională este invers proporțională cu pătratul distanței. Forța de atracție medie dintre masa totală a lunii și a pământului este 10 urmat de 15 zerouri, în tone forță.

Partea mai apropiată e atrasă mai tare iar Pământul se lungește, ca un ou, cu până la câțiva metri (mareele terestre și oceanice), deci se deformează.

Dacă se combină predicția presiunii atmosferice cu cea a mareelor, putem avea șanse de cutremure în zona Vrancea în momentele cu mareele cele mai ridicate și presiunea cea mai scăzută.

Începând cu 23 aprilie, sunt 5 zile cu maree ridicate și două cu maree duble (Soare-Lună). Avem deja presiunea până pe 26, este ridicată, stați liniștiți. Poate doar unul mic pe 24. Dar a plouat mult recent.

9:47 PDT Am început să cred că și precipitațiile pot avea un rol. Dacă de exemplu avem presiune scăzută dar 2 cm de ploaie (20 kg/m²), greutatea apei pe suprafața mare a zonei seismice, (4,863 km² sunt 4,863,000,000 m²) contracarează presiunea atmosferică scăzută și mareea terestră (care este însoțită de cea marină). (Presiune scăzută împreună cu umiditate mare declanșează automat precipitații).

Deci cutremurele se pot produce la presiune atmosferică scăzută combinată cu umiditate scăzută, precipitații recente scăzute (secetă) și maree terestră (atracție soare-lună), deci și marină, înaltă.

11:15 Asta a apărut după ce am scris eu cu bătutul în microfon, chestia de mai sus, nu? 9:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ora pe coasta de vest, este 7:47 AM ora de vară în România) Gropița singură dintre sprâncene, ceva unic ce nu am mai văzut decât la el. De obicei, au două. Da, nu știu, alunițele mai migrează sau se pot acoperi la machiaj. Da, politicienii și actorii (bărbați) se machiază tot timpul. Discret.

12:21 (17).  Not included which means the thing is only the vacuuming part. Wondering if it can be used for vacuuming the intake, after using spray valve cleaner. Yeah i know. Too expensive for the ocasional user. My invention is much cheaper though, @20 bucks.

Monday, July 24, 2023

July 24

7:07 After Angela left for work before 5 i started to have trouble breathing and having palpitations as my heart was trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen as one million times before. It took me an hour to figure what happened. Another mole hole broke under the main door filling the place with a subtle, pungent smell, creating nose congestion and asthma-like symptoms. Next to it a piece of glass from a glass i once threw in the garbage.

Amazing how these things happen in response (reaction) to when i publish things important.

It could be a mechanism through which moles are attacking and trying to kill older and sick animals that sleep in vicinity in order to fertilize the soil for their worm farming.

No it can't get upstairs, not in the same concentration. After two hours since it started still can't catch my breath. Can this be qualified as torture, similar to waterboarding?

7:20 Orban's storm may come from his friend from the east. I bet you can't see this in US news.

Could this be in response to my trip yesterday invading a foreign country? A security guard at Chinook Winds told me that technically being on their reservation which happens to be within Lincoln City limits i'm in a foreign country.

Google and any site i've opened avoid to answer this question but according to treaties that seem to be in force the whole Lincoln City is built on Indian territories. Actually 1/3 of Oregon including Tualatin.

I believe there is something foreign about the Indian casinos. Big money that may come from Japan bribe or coerce the few remaining tribe members and act in their name for purpose of tax evasion but that is the least of it. They create subtle propaganda, letting or inviting people like me (got fliers in the mail all the time, free lodging, food, etc..) so they can create all kinda ambiguous situations on the over 500 cameras in there that are then leaked on the internet.

Half of the employees and casino goers last night were Japanese and the other half Hungarian, all trained actors. There was only one who looked obviously Japanese though. The machines themselves are used in this, not obeying the randomness required by the definition of gambling but creating reactions on my face to match with the improvised live scenes from a continuous show generated by AI.

7:55 Is that synth reminiscent of a didgeridoo

8:23 Last night i forgot to re-plug the microwave meter and it ran out of battery. This morning he upstairs left for about half hour and when he returned i started again to feel pain all over like after the last time at the garden so i just plug the thing but i think it was too late. In the last few days i caught on it here inside bursts i hanven't before but they are not coming from upstairs cause i raised the meter next to ceiling and the signal didn't change. There is also a constant smell of dog poop on top of anything.

Now he dragged a heavy furniture so hard i felt the vibration coming from the couch i sit on.

8:56 Google spune că afișează știrile în ordinea numărului de accesări.

8:43 Heaviest stomps of the day. Usually there is a continuous series of knocks on low intensity that becomes very strong when i post or read something.

2:48 No matter how much i wanted to go take a shower i must write here first a couple of things. One little girl with her gray hair father in the park. Pointing at some area behind me but actually right through me and saying: "I remember, he went that way!". A guy from maintenance entered the apartment upstairs in the same time with and i think it's not the only time since they moved, and that makes this apartment the most pampered one, after a month of fixing before they moved in. One more addition to my theory.

When i finally got into the bathroom i heard the shower upstairs and some tools knocking. Apparently he was fixing it.

Also remembered. There was again this long line of cars parked on the shoulder of Nyberg and i asked a guy in neon vest and he said the park is closed for some event at the camp. Actually the parking lot with the restrooms. The area under the trees beyond restrooms is occupied for the whole summer by Willowbrook camp. To me organizing a camp in a park sounds like raising a tent in the middle of the living room.

10:08 Another one they got wrong and in turn they thought us in schools for so long and made us lose our time and now at 63 i have to untangle them all. Or maybe it was all deliberate. BTW, one world. 70s wide leg pants were inspired by ninja costumes too?

Abia acum înțeleg după 44 de ani de ce în dormitor la TR la Galați au pus la interfon doar două melodii timp de 9 luni zile, de zeci de ori pe zi. Eram atât de obișnuit cu ele încât nici nu le mai băgam în seamă. Una era We Don't Need No Education (Another Brick in the Wall) cu Pink Floyd și alta era Ring My Bell cu Anita Ward. Ok, aia cu Ring My Bell am înțeles-o mai demult, e vorba de manipularea ionosferei.

Dar nu aș fi bănuit niciodată că ăștia (chiar tot ei) ne învață prostii la fizică în facultate, până când am început să văd că totul e minciună, mai ales faza cu asemănările și să mă îndoiesc de orice.

11:40 Sunday i wanted really bad to go to a beach where i can soak at least my feet in the water. Eventually in a bay with no waves, like near the rocks i went to last time but they were stinking with rotting mussels.

So i looked on the map also for a place near the final destination, Lincoln City and i found something. One mile north of the junction 18 with 101 there is a street called 3 Rocks that after a few miles leads to such a place. But after a 2 hours drive i was a bit tired. Could have set the GPS to the exact location but i was too lazy for that so i just relied on my memory after seeing the map on laptop.

Earlier when i left i found the engine's oil cap somehow loose and there was a fine layer of oil with dust on the whole engine cover which could end on the exhaust manifold and create carbon monoxide though i wiped most of it.

Driving 3 miles on the narrow road off 101 got to me. Too many drivers cutting corners and getting into my lane. So i ended up in a parking lot some half mile where i should  have been. Got out of the car, everybody seemed to looking at me aggressively. People were crossing the river in boats figuring ferries. Made a few steps, a whole family was coming towards me like ready to step me over. Inside the car i turned the GPS on but i was somehow tired from the trip and could not find the route to the beach.

Started the car, tried to take it on a gravel road, a SUBARU that was parked there started to move towards me, would not stop and had to back up, got back in the lot and then something really weird happened. A black pickup with a boat attached to it almost run me over, probably the driver in a high position not able to see in front of the car pretending he could not see me. Whatever i don't care what was in his mind.

Good thing i had the engine started, just got out of his way, forward and right. Then Angela wanted to turn back to known places which i did but at the first curve to the right some huge RV came, with his rear wheels in my lane. Again the Japanese driver would not stop and on the right shoulder there was a pedestrian and i just put the shifter in rear, looked in the camera and backed up until the pedestrian moved ahead and his wheels got more into his lane then mine and then he finally stopped.

We ended up close to where it says Logan where we walked from Roads End. Unsupervised kids everywhere that were in the dozens making noise and yelling like they were in the hundreds. Both on Zyrtec, we slept at least one hour on the beach. A blue helicopter passed and looked at what we ate. When i had a drink of brandy a band of kids passed, on purpose.

11:55 The person upstairs woke up, squeaked a bit over my head, awoke Angela and went to the bathroom which is in the opposite direction. I don't believe young people need to go to the bathroom one hour after they went to sleep. I myself last for 6 hours nowadays. Nevermind, Angela said she heard them riding each other earlier.

Now i got palpitations from the guys walking upstairs and the cigarette smoke that came from the parking lot (or from upstairs).

12:12 There must be a much simpler explanation to this. As i said we have lost ourselves in unproven hypothesis and then buried in math. If gravity  is reoriented dipoles for attraction, an added net charge to one of the bodies, and i think for practicality of the experiment, the G force will change. But it's hard to predict exactly how because the extra charge might interfere with the orientation of the tiny dipoles.

12:58 Reaction, faster than a ray of light. The terrorists.

4:24 It looks like the grapefruit juice we bought last time at Fred Meyer (Kroger) tastes bad and lately got worse.

After i watched the movie were i saw a reference to it (they cut the limbs of their enemies after they killed them during sleep and boiled them and used the resulting grease to grease the skin of their children) i was curious and asked google a question.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21

10:00 Sorin

10:19 Wanted to leave. As soon as i stepped out of the door, a siren went off like so many times before. Maybe up to 1/4 of the times i leave. I know the hospital is nearby but how come they only sound when they get close. And only when i close the door to leave. Never hear those while i stay here.

11:45 I came from my walk and open the sliding door and they came.

2:02 For some reason i neglected to restrart the filter after i unplugged, a reason i can't remember. And i had the door opened anyways. A pungent smell resembling smoke, shortness of breath and dizziness made me leave. First thought to take the truck and go to the "garden". Then i realized it's Wedndesday and i won't found a spot, tomorrow is Thursday, a number of spots that say No park on Thursday need to be emptied and there competition on the remaining ones.

So i just started to walk and then i realized how sick i was. But i was walking in Hospital's direction which was a good coincidence. Though i heard stories of people who died in hospital's parking lot because they did not call the emergency number.

However after about 10 minutes i started to feel better and fill my lungs full with oxygen. As i reached ER, i decided to turn around (already done my 3 miles today).

So i came back and was thinking. What could have caused it. Here are the possibilities. New moles activity. The moles, my friends, did not cause many problems later, especially after i poured oven cleaner in the holes near the buildings. However when i left i saw mounds a bit further, in the direction of the wind.

I wrote many times before about kallikreins and how the moles are actually farming the land. Moles' kallikreins have evolved to the point are poisonous to at least worms that wonder in moles' gallery. My theory is that moles do not chase worms, but once they wonder in, a gallery they become lethargic, mindless and crawl by themselves in some pouches in the ground where they wait to be eaten.

In other words, zombification. Lethargic but alive for months, to be eaten when convenient.  Could be at the source of Egyptian mummification tradition and even model for pyramids (or a late misinterpretation). Egyptian bandages are reminding of earthworms' rings. Could be a tool in masons' toolbox.

(2:19 Just saw a scene outside, a woman dressed in a summer dress came with a dog and dragged it as it was peeing or pooing, in which case will release a large amount of anal liquid, because of being stressed)

But if the farming theory is true, it means that kallikreins inside galleries are in aerosol form and if for some reason they get out (like vibration of the air by big unruffled exhausts), they could spread in the air and on a certain area around the holes the air would be poisonous. Maybe where the gassing obsession comes to the today's descendants of ancient Egyptians.

There is a justification, if not a reason for it. If those aerosols would kill an already old and sick small animal after sedating it, it means it would die on site and help fertilize the farm.

As i was coming back from my second, shorter walk, i met with the little Buddha with the white dog. I passed him and went at the stairs and started to search frantically for the keys. Cause i put them again in the outside pocket of my jacket and i was holding the jacket on my shoulder and got scared i lost them again. When i looked back, the man was one meter behind me probably because "the dog dragged him".

10:00 Finished doing a number of things at my car. Little things. First, the nut at the manifold. I put some WD40 on it thinking to take it apart, clean it and torque it. But when i tried, it was hard to loosen. It finally stayed there after i torqued it to specs. Too bad cause i already put WD40. So i took it out, cleaned the hard to reach bolt using many cotton swabs with alcohol. When i got tired of it i took some pictures (i lost my mirror) just to see if there's any residue from the swabs. There was. It took me a couple of hours to do this job i didn't need to since it was holding. Whatever.

Then the transmission cap. There was this video online showing i need to file the cap in order to take it out. But they were comments below the video saying no, it comes at an angle. Then i found another video saying a similar thing.

Today i got ready to go and file a little on the side of the cap as shown in video. However when i tried it just came out. That video was the cause of me postponing changing transmission fluid from 70k to 100. Even bought the fluid and everything. When you look at it you think it won't come out but it did easily. Fixed a few minor things, dusted everywhere i could reach and next time i will change the fluid.

I noticed there's oil on the cap and transmission next to the contact from a spill i've done myself when i chaned oil. I think i should try and clean again those contacts.

When i was emptying the catch can and getting ready to finish there was this guy who came to me threatening in ways similar to last time.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18

12:14 China

12:14 I was feeling guilty for not being able to sleep in Reno and ruin Angela's vacation. Trying to compensate, i searched on the map for casinos closer to home and found a huge one near Seattle. Muckleshoot Casino, "biggest in Northwest" with 3000 machines, at about 169 miles from here. We decided to cut the distance in two and stop at Lucky Eagle.

I tightened the bolt at the manifold and got in the car. But on the freeway. Everybody was taking a pass at me. Literally. Passing on the right at high speed, but especially tailgating. How many times did i have to get out of the way of big SUVs coming from behind (now i'm afraid, after the accident) at speeds faster than speed limit +10. The usual congestion before the bridge. The same trend after i started the blog with similarities in 2018 only more intense every time. Newest, semis speeding and passing cars and other semis.

But once in the State of Washington. While getting closer to exit 88, i started to feel sick. Soon i discovered the source. I've been driving behind a "classic car" for many minutes, that finally exited. Then i discovered other vehicles, like a Chevy truck from 70s, others that i passed one by one. Last one was a Japanese driver. Fighting to stay alert and on the road during the last 20 miles because smoke was getting me dizzy.

Deja vu. Lately it always happens in the State of Washington. Every time i hope it will be the last time, but they never stop. Also tailgating drivers simulate they are just bad drivers, continuing to tailgate at less than half second distance the next driver after me getting out of the way. But they are simply too many for me to believe that, basically one after another. Many are leading a line of several tailgating drivers, pretending are pushed from behind. But lately most of them have tinted windows so i can't see who they are when they pass.

One guy with a silver BMW going only 1 or 2 mph more than the rest was shoving all the cars in his way.
Some five miles to destination me driving in the second lane i saw a State Patrol vehicle (i think, did not see the mark) on the shoulder, flashing red and blue lights behind a stopped one. So i tried to slow down though they were coming like a herd of raging buffaloes from behind. Slowed at 70 (the legal limit) and still breaking, a white vehicle i think a VW almost hit me with its rear left side while trying to get in front of me from the first lane "trying to clear the lane near the shoulder", in the last possible moment or maybe after.

Had to further hit the brakes and let him pass in front of me to avoid collision. I now believe that after they were tailgating all the way they were now trying to demonstrate on a State Patrol vehicle camera it was me i was tailgating. Then after he merged in front of me within a second or two another huge white SUV came from behind real fast as now i was now going under speed limit as per drivers' manual and i had to accelerate real hard to get away. At the wheel a driver which at first seem Latino, but when i looked better i thought he was Japanese as well.

They were few empty spots in the pretty big parking lot at Lucky Eagle. First one i found was near a huge red truck (symbolism, later it moved away and was replaced with a smaller bright red car). Like usually i had a couple of drinks in the car and went in the casino. There i saw this Indian looking guy, with round face and long black almost blue hair, parading.

Then i went back in the car, with the soda paper cup in my hands, poured some more rum in it (i love rum and cola) and suddenly got very sleepy, i think i went back in the casino, could not fight it and went back in the car and slept for two hours. The Zyrtec i said to myself, but i believe the exhaust from the road was a factor, from driving behind smoking vehicles most of the way. When i woke up i saw through the tinted windows him sitting in a car besides me and checking his phone. Later when Angela came, a girl like 14, emerged from the roof top.

Angela came in the car and i started to drive towards Muckleshoot. Same tailgating story, only on the narrower lanes in the (sub)urban maze in south Seattle. I was telling Angela. This looks like San Francisco or LA.

From the distance i saw the fireworks near the casino. After finding a spot, i parked and went inside. First machines at the entrance, the most boring kind. As we advanced, we found the good ones only at the "bottom of it". Too many machines of the same kind packed together and i never seen machines so greedy. In an hour or so Angela lost 200 bucks (i helped with 40) or all her money. The casino at first seemed full of Asians, later some white people showed, while we were in the last room and spent our last money.

The interesting part. There was a live band with i think with Chinese instrument players and an American maybe looking girl at vocals and they were playing a Romanian song. Could have been herself, i don't know, i only looked from a distance and i again had a few drinks in the car. Nevermind, the lead guitarist (bottom right) only looks Chinese.

So we got cleaned and left in a couple hour or so. Direction. Red Winds, some 39 miles away, south from Seattle. Outside the fireworks were still on, more than one hour after we came. At Red Winds, i was so tired i could barely walk and barely speak in any language when Angela won a 1250 jackpot at a "Black Diamonds" game.

Amounts over 1000 have to be taxed and payed by an attendant but it took him more than half hour to come with the money. I started to get worried and tried to start the phone to take a picture and i realized the phone was just starting by itself in my pocket, but the unused phone malfunctioned (could not bring up the camera app). So i went in the car to grab the camera.

Outside i saw two Nisqually Police SUVs (and one car?) parked at the entrance. Got back with the camera, in the meantime Angela got her money (1060 after federal tax) and was fretting thinking she gave him only 20 dollars tip. She told me a woman came and asked her money "because she hit the jackpot" and she gave her 5 dollars. The win cover our losses for the "vacation". (But not the bitter taste).

Heading for the restroom and soda machine. While there with the soda cups in my hands the two cops passed, maybe like trying to warn me. Last time i was there i drank some coffee that tasted weird but now i don't believe anymore it had something in it. Could have been just very diluted coffee made with tap water. Though it's very easy to mess with it since the carafes with coffee which i think are not locked or something.

(The problem is here in the wall above the dryers vents around the corner. Especially when the fridge next to it starts it all start to stink like dog poop and of course the poops left outside, not so many lately). 

So i checked again the nut at the exhaust, very little loose, we left and behind me of course a guy with one single headlight tailgating as i was not able to go past speed limit because of being so tired. At a certain moment i saw a second lane on the right, tried to veer off his way only to see a deer grazing next to it so i just hit the brakes and went back in the lane where i was. He slowed accordingly (good thing he didn't hit me). Since he continued, at the first "roundabout" which nowadays abound in the State of Washington, i went 360 degrees, like in a merry go round and let him pass.

On the freeway. Again when i entered a guy tailgating and one occupying the first lane where i wanted to merge though at 2 AM the highway was deserted. Many people entering exactly when us passing which seems so weird on a empty freeway.

People passing on the right, a long time (minutes), to exit faster (i always set my cruise control on speed limit +9). I told Angela to look for a rest area, we missed the first one. Found one on gps 39 miles away. Too far (my laptop is playing tricks with cursor jumping all over). So i pulled in the first exit with services after about 25 miles on the way and slept one hour in a parking lot next to a Chevron gas station.

Same hell after i re-started driving back home. The mileage was not stellar, around 39, because of tire pressure going from 39 psi at 80 degrees during my trip to Reno to 35 at 50. Voltage at the plug stayed 14.4. Here in Tualatin Angela went to deposit the money at the bank (to pay bills of course) and then we went at McDonalds we knew was open to get some breakfast. At the window a woman who looked again like Frankie Adams. The nut on the exhaust was loose a hair only. Got to finally find the inner strength and tight it to specs.

Slept four hours and wrote this in about 2.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17

2:41 Slept 4 hours. Woke at 2 AM by a strong smell of sulfur (could be dog pooos) and probably some noise  and took another half Zyrtec that usually knocks me down. Not having anything to do at this hour i read the news, then was intrigued by the timing of this event as it was trying to combat my recent theory on Deutsche migration and started to do some simple searches. I had no idea bronze (arrows on the map are misleading, they represent the amber route and red dots represent gold) swords were of such level of sophistication.

4:38 Ciolacu și ciclonul.

8: 36 I like that.

9:38 Cheetos

11:00 Had to go to Fred Meyer (Kroger) on MartiNazi mainly to buy water. I'm used to drinking bottled water, yesterday ran out of it, i'm hesitating to drink tap water and got dehydrated. 100 scenes were unfolding during the 1 mile trip and inside the store but i can describe one (and the fact the store was full of Hungarian but German looking people, strong built, taller than me).

At the self check a Japanese supervisor showed me with a quick rude gesture at which stand should i go. When i pressed the "No bag" button, a screen came up and she had to come to unlock it. But had to call her as she was talking to all the Hungarian actors present there all acting like they know each other from the neighborhood.

They know. When i looked in their faces they were showing guilt. But they have no choice. Since they don't know how to do anything else in their lives except acting, most of them are caught in the network of blackmail laid for them and their families in their own country by Dominicans. Few are are doing it willingly.

11:23 Before i left i went and loosened the nut and poured about one ounce of 90% rubbing alcohol on the alternator connector assembly and then wiped with a few paper towels. When i tightened it it squeaked and the voltage at the plug is now 14.5 steady. But first i took a picture to show. The manifold was cleaned not long before the long trip. There is a cap on the nut cover but is not even tight, not to talk about sealed, there is mm large space all around that little cover. Dust with grease will get on the not and trickle between joining surfaces, sort of like WD40, loosens the nut and contaminate the contact.

Strangely enough, other connectors like for the regulator above are sealed with rubber seals.

1:48 The woman in the security van?

There are a couple of Japanese little girls, sometimes with a smaller boy that roam around the building all the time. Now it's not hot anymore and they don't bathe in the sprinklers in bathing suits, but yesterday when i drove from the liquor store they got in front of the car making calling gestures. Sometimes they yell for hours. They are always there in line of sight when i open the trunk or pull something like strawberries from the fridge.

Earlier when i came out of the bathroom and went to bedroom to get my clothes the window was open (i didn't know) with the blinds a few inches short of closed all the way down and they were advancing hidden by the bushes, i'm sure, on purpose. They could not have seen me as inside is much darker than outside, especially because of the blinds, but it still counted for something.

About 15 minutes later through the same open window came some sort of ninja dust or smoke that sticks on my throat and creates shortness of breath that lasted for at least one hour and is still going on. That is the reason i got mad and searched for "Drew". Also to forget. But it's still on. Angela doesn't seem affected.

When acting in public they will never do anything unprovoked. So the girls run around trying to catch chances. The smallest possible reason for them to act.

But if they are justly accused of something, they will never let it uncovered. So they provided one more episode of me choking, so they cover what i described it happened at Spirit Mountain and in Reno.

I call it instant democracy. The public accept waving or shortcuts any legal process, substitution of authorities by Captain America because they feel it would last too long or justice could be obstructed and afterwards it's them who voted the laws. Like Trump who could have declassified the documents. So they collectively accept in their minds for the laws and processes to be broken so instant justice can be done.

Justice that may come in the form of torture of an innocent person. Torture that would provide enough distraction for him to make more little mistakes, inconsistencies etc. and maybe enough discouragement for him to stop plain sight disclosures.

1:39 As i said, there's trails of fertilizer leading to other vehicles and apartments. But every car that passes including mine grinds them more and get traces on wheels and body.

Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16

3:06 Nighttime paving on Hwy 18 at 99 Jct after McMinville. UFO gay city USA. But let's not forget. I was hesitating to write anything about for several reasons. It will dilute what i wrote recently. I don't know exactly why and what really happened. Spent most day trying to figure who Remy Drabkin really is but i failed. However i figured Drabkin is a Russian name but also reminds of course of Dracula.

5:22 Slept only 4 hours last night. Tried all afternoon to sleep but i can't. I know it usually happens when people throw things on the red mulch. Some kind of invisible pungent mold grows under. I saw last night when i came or yesterday when i left a car's wheel next to the stairs wheel wall. I initially wanted to take it next to the garbage bin but first i tried to look to see if it belongs to any car in the lot. I saw it belonged to the car next to it and when i looked the other side, i saw a spare, now flat and another flat one.

I remember i saw and heard him about 2 weeks ago talking literally over my head with a supposed work colleague  from the other building in the same direction where i was saying "When are we get payed?".

Then i went to take the garbage thinking that could have been the problem however the problem lays in the bin. The bin stinks really badly and there's no wind. Somebody threw some pieces of what it looked like coming from a couch.

However they messed with my car yesterday. I drove for 1200 miles and the voltage did not change at the digital voltmeter from the 12 volts adapter.

Here i have to repeat what i wrote before. Most people including myself until recently think they might have "smart charging systems" on the newer vehicle. Which means if they stick a digital voltmeter in the plug which is connected actually to the wires that lead to the battery or measure the voltage at the battery (on the wires) it should be anywhere between 12.7 "when the alternator is not charging" and 15 volts when it does. Or at least me i get these readings, on both Elantras i owned or own.

But if i go ahead and fiddle with the connectors (clean with alcohol, tight them to the specs) the situation changes. The voltage stays constant or better said it varies only with outside temperature. At 75 degrees outside the voltage is 14.4. At 60 is 14.5. At 50 is 14.6. Above 85 is 14.3. I believe the variations are due to change in temperature but hard to say of which component. Could be battery. Could be alternator or even the cable.

The reason for the alternator (not so smart) intermittent charging process are the badly designed contacts (not enough contact pressure, contaminants). When the voltage difference between the wires and the terminal gets high enough the contact resistance is broken and the battery starts charging, When it's not charging, the pulsating 15 volts from the alternator goes to all the systems in the car and especially the fuel pump is malfunctioning (pulsating pressure i guess) but also the EPS (Electric Power Steering system). When there are good contacts, the pulses get smoothened by the battery that acts as a capacitor.

So i had the above temperature dependent readings for the whole 1200 miles trip. But after i got home, or better said the next day, i started to get anything between 12 and 15. So while driving towards what i thought was going to be the Ocean, i stopped three times. The voltage got back to normal only after i wiped with alcohol wipes all connecting metal surfaces and the plastic parts around the alternator connector. It was like it was contaminated with something invisible that was trickling back from plastic parts to metal joining parts as soon as i was wiping only those.

After first night on the road at Comfort Inn in Yreka, or Tuesday night, i woke early (freeway noise) and went to check the manifold bolt. (I got a bolt on the manifold which sticks outside the heat shield that likes to get loose). So i torqued it by ear with a 6 inch ratchet at about 20. Then i went back in the room. At nine when i left i had a hunch and dried it one more time and it was loose again. One our later we went to check the small casino (i believe Red Rock) and drove a couple of miles there and when we left i tried again and the bolt was loose again but i believe i torqued it less cause i don't know what happened.

We went to another one (yes we tried to tour the casinos along the way), called... Rolling Hills and checked it again and it was a bit loose because i did not tightened it enough at Rain Rock. Then it stayed like that for the rest of the trip. I guess cause i was just following some scratches i done with a file on the nut. However, i realized later the rotation of that scratch was too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Last night in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain i finally took the small torque wrench (got two, one big and one small, it's another story) and torqued the nut at 20+ but less than 25. When i got home last night i finally read in the service manual. The torque there should be between 25 and 30 lbft but i'm afraid to go there with the 8 mm studs, sorry. So i left it just under 25.

Unlike any other time, there was a security van moving around, and i was getting very nervous because they once told me not to work on car in the parking lot, in similar circumstances, that is like tightening a nut or something. Just when i was about done she came and in the dark thought i recognized her from somewhere. Could be the last match. She asked if i needed help.

Soon after that i got what people call an anxiety attack. Since i've been so many times through those (not in recent years) i now have an idea what they really are. It starts with breathing on the nose that is partly congested and in the same time your heart being stimulated, mostly with substances like coffee, alcohol, T gondii, etc. It may take hours to fully develop. You breathe harder through the congested nose without realizing.

Yesterday was topped by driving through fresh asphalt smell, others. Though i used a decongestant in the morning.

There is a partial vacuum in the chest because of obstructed nose and your diaphragm muscle is raised. Retained intestinal gas pushes it upwards from the other side. Heart doesn't have enough room to get filled by the low pressure of venous blood. The lack of oxygen also gives you a high and you don't realize what's happening. It's the perfect storm.

Your heart does not get enough oxygen but works harder because lungs do not get filled enough. In the end it's the lack of enough oxygen in the heart muscle that triggers the sensation. Or the fact the heart does not get filled enough. Nothing related to a mental condition except the highs before that could have been signs and avoided.

Yes it was done on purpose. Because i dared to post this. And this. They might pretend they are magically gassing you but they are not really.

However the result is very similar. After you finally realize what's happening and finally open your mouth, you need to hyperventilate sometimes for hours for your heart to get really oxygenated to the point you are not aware or do not have shortness of breath anymore.  Which is the sensation of not having enough air that may last for hours.

If it's torture. They only provide the extra conditions. Most people would be okay if they get through a cloud of asphalt smell. However if you are in a certain high condition and already breathing harder on your nose, it will push you beyond limit. I think they call it "breaking". However i the end it's not real but simulated (except for my symptoms which are real). The ninja try to simulate what right extremists would do, to entrain more of those.

Rage can create that condition. Your nose mucous gets inflamed and swollen. Breathing harder gets you a high and an unprecedented alertness. Your body goes on adrenaline mode with less oxygen to the muscles which go in anaerobic metabolism for faster response but it should not last long (until your rage passes) and you start breathing normally. It is an emergency physiological mechanism that need to stop in time and should not be abused. If they knew. Yes they did, they created the problems with the car and made me fix it on the side of the road with much traffic and then the unscheduled, unannounced paving.

Black asphalt is another symbolism. I know i wrote about this several times before but it takes me less time to write it again than search, evaluate and link to. I will try to write a named post about buck breaking.

Soon after i got stopped behind other vehicles in a line on top of the fresh asphalt and waiting there not knowing what happened, for half hour. No car was going in neither direction. I remember when we got back i saw a panel saying "paving work". And then a "pilot vehicle" guided the few cars. But not when i went when i saw people turning around and taking voluntary detours. I remember how many times they were detours on 18 always in that area but it was always signaled or announced.

This time i tried to figure using the gps map and got back to McMinville, took a left and another one and driving parallel with 18 where i saw cars were finally moving got back in the street on the point where there was a flagger that stopped us. A Japanese guy trying to look Latino looking at us with disgust.

We waited for 10 minutes for all the cars in the line we've been into and more to pass and then we went after those. I don't know exactly how may miles they paved and when they started. Still trying to figure that out but could not find anything with google.

8:03 The car alternator terminal was contaminated again. At the liquor store one very old man looking terminally ill went in the store and came back and insisted if i wanted some help with the car while i was trying to deal with the connectors. I tightened the alternator connector but it again needs alcohol. But i won't fix until i leave cause until tomorrow it will get loose again. I think i will carry from now on a small bottle with alcohol in the car.

9:06 Lăsați vrăjeala cu chatboții. M-am urcat în mașină și am mers până la liquor store (în statele vecine tăria se vinde la supermarket, asta e numai în Oregon). Când am oprit la semafor la prima intersecție (cu exit-ul de pe I5) a apărut un TIR (semi) cu reclamă la cartofi prăjți (potato chips) văluriți (wavy), culoarea exact ca în link, mare cât toată remorca și mi-a defilat prin față, sub camerele video de pe stâlpi. Asta pentru că am scris despre curentul pulsatoriu nefiltrat care iese din alternator din cauza contactelor slabe de la baterie și afectează pompa de benzină deci consumul.

O problemă cronică chiar și la mașini noi fiindcă acel contact de la alternator se contaminează cu vapori de ulei cu praf foarte fin, invizibil de la mașinile din față.

Budiștii din Japonia și dominicanii (domonkos) din Ungaria (controlați tot de budiști) care s-au unit și vor să încălzească planeta din motive religioase nu au nici un interes în a reduce consumul de carburanți, dimpotrivă. Ei folosesc deci această metodă de combatere prin suprapunerea informațiilor.

Apropo de dominicani, după ce m-am plâns că Reno a fost inundat cu metamfetamină, când m-am dat jos din mașină la liquor store mirosea la fel ca în parcare când am plecat de acasă, adică kk de câine care a stat vreo zi două la soare. Deci toată zona e la fel. Nașpa că mă ține treaz, nu pot dormi, am intrat într-o fază din alea de insomnie care m-au condus în trecut la spitalul de nebuni.

Încă zece sau o sută de faze la fel până la liquor store și înapoi pe care nici nu am timp să le memorez din moment ce totuși trebuie să fiu atent fiindcă eu conduc pe bune în timp ce alte mașini sunt conduse de IA. Culmea, ei pretind invers ca să justifice faptul că nu m avut niciodată accident din vina mea în 28 de ani, în afară de 2 în parcare când am atins stâlpi, unul când am dat înapoi și o tipă care venea cu viteză (și lucra în asigurări) mi-a luat spatele. Cel puțin în Oregon, tot ce mișcă, persoane, mașini sunt coordonate de inteligența artificială, de zeci de ani, dar totul devine din ce în ce mai sofisticat.

Bineînțeles asta înseamnă înlocuirea tuturor locuitorilor cu actorii și figuranții (extra) lor. Sute de mii în total (informație luată de la cineva din România).

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 14

10:44 Last thing first. A lot of cars on the street trying to literally "gas me" with their exhaust all the way to here. I know the reason. 10 miles before Bend i was searching for a restroom and veered off and went to a daily queen and found a restroom outside unlocked which is rare. Angela went first, to women's while i was checking the oil. It was definitely darker after 1000 miles i made in my 3 days of "vacation" of a total of about 1200.

A minivan with two parents and three children came but they all stayed in the van. I was waiting for Angela to come out because i did not want to check the exhaust manifold one more time before i left (more explanations later). So when she came i ran inside but in noticed one of the kid came out of the van, trying to simulate racing me. So i went inside and i only peed. However it took a while, you know, like old men do.

The kid came at the door and tried to open it several times. I thought it was the wind which was blowing pretty strong. Angela told me he came with the father and i'm sure both saw me when i got inside. Then the kid stayed at the door simulating diarrhea symptoms. Angela told him to go to the women if he was in such a hurry (he was about 6 years old) but he didn't.

After that all hell broke loose, with two diesel vehicles in front of me during the peak traffic hour in Bend, at the stop lights bottleneck on the freeway. I drove behind those for almost an hour, more later. I don't know what the kid and father said and to whom but i know i didn't let much smell behind me.

I know why they did this. They are trying to cover what they did at Rolling Hills casino. On a Tuesday morning, the only people in the casino were them. Didn't stay long, just before i left i grabbed some free coffee. Who said there's no such thing as a free lunch. I tasted the coffee and it tasted again like it did at Red Winds the other week and after that i f...d for three days like crazy and the f...s were smelling like an animal f...s maybe dog. So strong i was opening the car's windows and the smell wouldn't go out for one whole minute.

What i believe is they added either dog urine or poo or anal sack oil in the coffee, in both instances. Though this time i took one sip only, i could not spit it on the carpet in the casino, the effects were almost similar with the first time when i took several before i threw it away.

One more thing. When i got in Reno later that day, the whole city was smelling like burning plastic. Angela said she saw smoke coming out of a wooded area outside city but she is not sure if it wasn't fog.

I recognized that smell like from the other apartment in Lake Oswego and always thought it was meth because i read online that it smells like burning plastic.

I know meth makes you very alert no matter how tired you are and won't let you sleep which happened to me when i got in the city though i was dead tired from sleeping 5 hours the night before and driving more than 300 miles.

When i entered the city the gps pulled me on exit 13 not like i was used at the other end of Virginia street (the main street of the "biggest small city in the world") and as a result i paraded through the whole down town and saw groups of young people like partying or celebrating something. But is it possible they would drug a whole town? I think it is because it happened before, can't remember though for sure cause i was too high.

As for why i left precipitously, later, i'm just too tired after driving 550 miles today and having 4 hours of sleep last night. BTW, i tried to fall asleep in a parking lot and was waking every time after a minute or so of nightmares involving accidents while driving. I tried to setup the tablet as a proxy for the laptop and by doing so i exposed myself to microwave radiation big time and got pains on my hands legs and belly (the tablet was on the bed and i was standing). In the end i couldn't because of a setting i didn't know. The reason i did not write anything.

Later i had an idea, could have written everything with at text editor on the laptop while off line, than start the wi-fi for a few seconds and paste it on the blog, would had been much less exposure than trying to setup the tablet for minutes but simply was too tired like now, "too tried to sleep".

Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 30

1:25 They say Sahara was green when they introduced cows in Egypt, about 8000 years before Christ. Looking at the temperature chart predicted by Milankovitch cycles, temperatures measured at 66 N show a peak at about -13000 and another one at about -7000. Other authors say Sahara was green until about -5000 or  3000 BC which corresponds roughly with the time of building of Great Pyramid and the War of Kurukshetra (by some authors).

By the language spoken, traits on numerous statues in Rome, not only on the column, tall stature and rich beards, and their name which means dextrous in Sanskrit (language closest to hypothetical PIE, Proto Indo European), Dacians didn't have anything to do with Ancient Egyptians. Dacians are not only those from today's Romania but they may be related to Germans (Deutsch) and Dutch and most likely early descendants of the original Indo-European people.

2:56 DEX o făcu iar de oaie cu această definiție. Sensul 2 arată un tip de căciulă, etimologia e de la comații daci (commoners). Cel mai probabil comații au preluat pileusul în timpul ocupației romane, când ordinea socială a fost bulversată. Mărturie personală. În Suceava le spuneam comănac numai celor cu moț... Și căciulile de miel depliate mai arată ca un pileus...

Mai este posibil că în Dacia ca și în India, clasa conducătoare (elitele) să fi fost de altă origine etnică și altă culoare a pielii, posibil celtică. Eu rămân la vechea idee că tot ce a fost arhivă despre Dacia, limba dacă în Roma a fost distrus de dominicani. Însă columna, statuile nu le-au putut distruge.

Columna, unul din cele mai importante monumente din Roma și din antichitate, a fost ridicată de Traian pentru a glorifica războaiele cu dacii, al căror aur a adus prosperitate imperiului pentru următoarele două sute de ani dar și decăderea, prin atragerea "barbarilor" (asiaticilor) de la care cumpăraru bunuri de lux, în special mătase, cheltuind astfel tot acel aur, care a fost după calculele mele în jur de 224 de tone pe an, timp de 170 de ani, un echivalent de aproximativ 14 miliarde de euro pe an în banii de azi.

Un aureus de 8 grame era echivalent cu 25 de dinari.

Pentru comparație, rezerva de aur a României în acest moment este puțin peste 100 de tone sau aproximativ 6 miliarde euro.

În România se află unele din cele mai mari rezerve de aur din lume, probabil munții Apuseni și Carpații în general au fost formați în urma căderii unui asteroid din metale, acum aproximativ 70 de milioane de ani care a intrat mai adânc în pământ, munții rezultați sunt formați în principal din materialele existente.

Nu m-aș mira dacă în acest moment aurul ar fi exploatat în secret cu mașini autonome (cârtițe) care sapă pe sub munți.

1:20 I'm doing laundry. He/she/it is doing laundry. Last night i heard again the exhaust leak at the car, especially during the acceleration.

1:47 Found loose and torqued the only accessible (with the right tool) exhaust nut under the heat shield of the manifold (i had to take the shield off, did not have such a tool). Right when i was done, anticipating i had to leave, a small plane making a big noise flew by (to pretend i'm leaving because of them alerting the people). BTW no people were present during the 20 minutes operation except for a big delivery guy next door.

1:52 Asta intră în contradicție cu ce spunea Gerhard Gerhard Karner la București. Dacă ungurii nu permit imigranți, de unde ajung ei în Austria? A, din Croația.

Apropo Austria cere ajutorul Comisiei Europene pentru a-și proteja frontierele. De ce nu o fac singuri ca nemții? Pot face asta în România dar nu la ei acasă?

Saturday, April 15, 2023

April 15

6:20 Can't sleep and some ideas came to me. A mental experiment. Within the Doppler effect with a moving source for an observer it appears the difference of speed between source and destination adds up to the speed of sound in the opposite direction of movement, if we still define speed as distance needed for something (waves) to travel in a certain amount of time, and in the case of Doppler effect time is the same for both front and rear waves, but the distances change.
According to Einstein, the speed of light for any observer does not change regardless of how the destination or source moves. Then how do we explain the Doppler effect on moving galaxies (the so called shifting towards red).

But it could be just my tired brain playing tricks on me.

8:15 Angela is coughing for months. Last time i drove at night i was alone for long distances and started the fan at 1 or 2 and never felt the smell of fresh air. It is the second time i committed to check if there was an exhaust leak like i had in the other Elantra and all my vehicles.

Today i woke up after 3 hours of sleep because of smell of dog poop (wanted to pick them last night but i here a big dog barking and they were a couple of people at the other side of the building). As i said other times, if i breath it all night then my intestinal makeup changes from human to dog. Can't say more here. Ok nevermind, my f...s smell like dog.
So when i saw light outside i went to check and my time was not wasted. After having some trouble removing the heat shield from the manifold (and found my long lost 10 mm 1/4" socket, couldn't have done it without it, got a deep 10 mm 3/8 but i can't maneuver it in the small space), i finally put a deep 12 mm on the nuts of the manifold and i was and was not very surprised in the same time to see the first one or easiest to reach, on the upper left side from mechanic's view, was about 1/8 of a turn loose.

So i put it all back together and checked the battery's  connectors, on top of which i had put some duct tape for keeping contaminants out, i saw on the plus side the tape was very easy to remove and that was also loose.

Then i started the car and felt a vibration and went to check and i found another loose one, on the nr.1 ignition coil which can be accessed without removing the engine's sound shield. I tightened all those about 2 weeks ago.

When i was putting back the last piece of tape that i took from inside and did not completely closed the door, thinking it will be a few seconds, i saw a shadow in my peripheral view and i thought it was Angela coming down the stairs, but Angela was in the shower and instead was this midget, a small person of mature age, that again is a guest star around here, she climbs at nr.3, dressed all in black sports or yoga like suit, passing casually between me and the stairs which is not a walking place (or coming down the stairs, can't tell). She looked slightly taller than the one i saw before acting the same role. Usually as a kid coming from school.

It's a deja vu. Every time i work at the car someone passes at least once through this unbelievably close  space between me and stairs, usually kids.

Thinking of eating but i'm nauseated by the dog poop smell. Waiting for Angela to come out of the bathroom to go and pick and throw those. But it's useless now. Should have done it last night.

8:57 Couldn't find any of those. Instead i found other objects that promote mold smell in the enclosed yard. An used kitchen sponge. Towels, food wrappers. A the no dumping place, a couple of red couches. Could they have been dumped after i wrote the above (shifting to red). They will stay here for days, until they will pick them and put them in the first garage beyond that wall. Eventually after it will rain upon and get wet. Then they hire some scavengers that come once a month and empty that garage full of fun.

Like usually, after i got outside the first time, within 10 minutes air traffic was diverted in this area and plane after plane flew buy with flaps on and engines revved (to create lift at low speed) making a sinister sound.

 9:08 What do i know. There is a building 4. Then there must be a building 5. So there must be an apartment 55. Why some buildings are numbered with letters and some with numbers, i don't know.

Monday, April 25, 2022

April 25

8:00 During my recent attempt to refill the AC system of my car and BTW, the fact they are selling cans with refrigerant and oil and primitive manifold systems does not mean most DIY-ers can do it properly, i discovered there was mold inside the refrigerant circuit. Again, not in the ducts but inside the circuit itself. As all AC systems leak to some degree, that mold may be a continuous contamination source and the mysterious reason many people say they are sickened by ACs.

The only reasonable way to refill your AC (if it hasn't run to low on refrigerant and oil and there is no damage to it) is to connect it to a machine at a dealer, where most oil and refrigerant and some say the moisture from the drier/receiver can be removed under vacuum, and then proper amounts can be added but there remains the question if the machine has been hooked previously to a contaminated system. And/or of course there is the recommendation of replacement of the desiccant bag inside the receiver, but that, depending on the type and model of your car may require lots of labor and expertise. But then again, if your AC works with lower amounts of refrigerant and/or oil as it leaks, and the pressure switch quits turning the compressor at very low refrigerant levels, well beyond optimal, it may not be so critical as how much refrigerant the DIY-er will pour in, as long as the pressure does not increase too much.

BTW what bothers me a lot is the absence of a check engine light when the amount of refrigerant and its pressure in the AC system has become too low for the pressure switch to start the compressor and the fact that oils and/or refrigerants do not have an anti-fungal additive.

There is a lot of trouble with the ACs also because the compressor is installed on the same belt with water pump and alternator and you have to maintain the AC, so it works, otherwise the compressor may get damaged and seize and cause lots of more damage, but most importantly, loss of steering while driving because all late cars have electric power steering.

1:36 I never knew Trump's attorney's name is... Alina... Hubba.

What is the fine art(ila) of clowns. I'm trying to redo the match with Trump but can't find one single decent ID type picture of him. That is, him without putting a face.

2:03 Drove last night the 100 miles from Warm Springs to here, with 10 percent less mpg than last time. That was because it was early and they were lots of cars on the road, many pushing from behind and then slowing after passing and i had to accelerate uphill to pass them again. Never been bothered so much by the incoming lights like last night. Less then half of the cars had lights that did not bother me. Though i had polarized glasses. Many having aftermarket bulbs that were on low beam 5 times stronger than stock on high. Some on one light only though on high. Many simply not turning on low at encounters. Some with aftermarket, after being flashed, turning the real high beam only to completely blind me. But it happened only in the most dangerous curves.

But that don't bother me nearly half of what the guy upstairs does to me these days. Staying in here for days with short exceptions, yelling like crazy from time to time obscenities in Spanish or Portuguese, scarying me and Angela. Squeaking and releasing dust that aggravates my whatever rhinitis, otitis tonsillitis i have. Within minutes after a squeak, i have the chills/hot flashes. Yesterday, Sunday, a guy came across the alley and did a carpet, hammering for hours, shaking dust out of buildings and releasing dirt/dust/mold out of that carpet that flared up my infection that was clearing. Red dust on 26 across Mount Hood. A van with LPN BRG going in front of me and touching the shoulder all the time, releasing extra dust, etc..

Today i picked 8 doggy piles, numerous pieces of garbage and treated a number of mole holes with Borax  which took me about one hour. On my last trip i met with a 14 years old emancipated Hungarian Gypsy girl reminding or Anca Parghel when she was that age who when she passed me she was calling her dog... Come! Come! like women do so oftenly when i pass them in the park etc.. Exactly when i was thinking about posting a video like this the guy upstairs did a prolong series of yells, like the loudest a human can do

3:53 Evan Williams bourbon on sale at the liquor store in Tualatin is different from the one i bought at Walmart and at American Market in Grand Ronde. Probably the reason it's on sale, much smokier, harder to drink, different batch, i figure.

8:27 And we both got slightly sicker by drinking it. Like when going to the beach and walking through smoke. I gave up buying whiskey long time ago, for the same reason. Too much smoke aroma in it. But about a week ago i was at a Walmart in Woodland Washington, and that by mistake, by missing an exit, should have went to Safeway. But there they did not have brandy or rum and since vodka is out of fashion (don't buy it anyways) i just got a bottle of cheap wiskey. To my surprise, it was drinkable. Then i bought another bottle again at the Market in Grande Ronde which was ok, again.

So, very confidently, today i bought the 1.7 liter bottle that was on sale. However, the same thing. Too much smoke. So i went back at the store, got there 5 minutes before 8, closing time. But when i passed over I5 on the Tualatin Sherwood i saw something really weird. A cloud formation in the sunset (is the sunset already at 8, due to hour change) that was reflecting the Sun in such a way it was looking like they were two Suns in the sky. Slightly tired, slightly sick and slightly absent i was too lazy to grab the phone and take the picture while driving, it requires lots of effort, from the only window where it was visible until i took a left on Martinazi. So i lost it for you. But i thought. I wrote about George Lucas yesterday.

Tatooine, the lawless planet with two Suns. Tualatin.

Then i remembered another thing. Years ago, i think i was in Lake Oswego, i went to the refuge (Tualatin River in  Sherwood) with my old Sony DSLR and saw again the weirdest thing in the sunset. A cloud formation that was looking like the roof of an ancient temple, could it had been masonic, with the Sun right at the tip of the angle. It lasted of course no more than a few minutes. But i didn't want to take the picture, because it pissed me off. Don't want to participate in popularizing freaky things. Same with the "wheel in the sky", a cloud formation that was like a perfectly round hole in the clouds around Sun again in Lake Oswego. Or the formation of Christmas trees or masonic signs like ships flying slowly, silently, in the park in September 1995, that i could have followed on the street to get closer for a picture. I was, like today, like paralyzed. But the genie. The genie that showed on my 49th (7x7) birthday in Lake Oswego, that one i still have on flickr. I am writing all these for those affected by drought in California, other states. There are things, levels above us, that may control weather and stuff. Some we may figure, but some, like the masonic temple, or the genie, we may not.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

December 14


11:57 Today it was the peak of traffic incidents ever. An unusual number of people driving erratically in parking lots, backing up unexpectedly in my way, things like that. At home, i had 2 one gallon water bottles containing each ounces of oil and dirt mixed with CRC cleaner that i squeezed twice (with engine running) in a vacuum port and then in the throttle and then vacuumed from the bottom of the intake manifold of my "new" Elantra using a thin rubber hose attached to a pump and those are both gone and none of us remembers throwing them out. Had an appointment, went to DMV, finished the application for titling and registering the car, paid for custom plates because i don't wanna have problems like i had with the "sequence" plates with JKB. Got another temporary number, for 4 months, waiting for plates, but can't tape it on the rear windshield because of the radio antenna/heater printed on glass. Last time i put one of those there, when i peeled it out it came with pieces of the printed antenna. So i will put it as the current one on the left rear side windows, the next place recommended. I also ordered parts for a catch can, to prevent oil vapor from PCV getting in the intake.