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Showing posts sorted by date for query parade. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2022

December 16

12:42 Spanac, spagă, Austr(al)ia.

1:02 Pope Malone. He's good. What would you expect from a theological seminary graduate where they teach serious vocals, the guys have to sing all alone in a church, and that reflects in his style though somehow upside down, turned opera singer after probably more training, like maybe ten years in total?

As from where he's getting his inspiration. From the eyes of his lover an obscure very popular in the 90s in Romania (definitely not a stoic) now expired singer who in turn is probably another opera singer, but believe me, i had enough of those matches. Feels like a ran a marathon on the endless web every day, for years now. I apologize for the language, this is him, he has to curse at almost every other word, won't hear it if you stop the video before the song ends, had to put the live version because the movie like video is too distracting. 

1:34 Decembrie vine iar cu o sută de lei în plus de la Nicolae Ciucă. Vrea să spună... cardurile sărăciei? Ca să te umilească o lume întreagă mai întâi trebuie să te umilească proprii guvernanți. Din ce a avut la dispoziție? Vaste sume din bugetul de stat și celelalte bugete, de ordinul a zeci de miliarde de euro în fiecare an dispar pur și simplu. Ați auzit vreodată de la un prim ministru o dare de seamă pe buget la sfârșit de an?

2:40 About one hour after i posted the two videos with circles.

Earlier today. At a certain point my monitor displayed a number of vertical bars similar to prison bars. Had to reset the laptop and then it worked fine. After that i saw the kid running around the bushes.

For the last hour or so all i can think of is what i've done today. Just before Angela came the man upstairs started a load of laundry, but he never put it in the drier (though later as i was working at the car two of the neighbors, nr.2 and 4 did it, engulfing me in bad, perfumed smells.

I was under the influence of some sort of smoke or mold coming from outside. About two weeks ago i discovered mold on one of the newly installed window frame in the kitchen area. This could only happen if there's a leak of cold air from outside into the wall, cools the frame which in turn gets condensation. Then i remembered how they did it last summer, with gaps in the flashing and gaps between the plank in scale like configuration. I had a tube of silicone barely used and went outside and filled those gaps.

Clear silicone, done professionally, you wouldn't see it unless from close and that only for a few days before it looses its initial shine. After that, is invisible. But they are painting all the buildings they worked on last summer and they're gonna paint over it anyway. More than that, is removable.

Now i'm worried about the kid running in circles around the bushes could have been a subconscious enticement to do something i usually don't. In the past i only done those when there is no maintenance people here. But in December at 5 is dark and should have used a flash light which would have drawn more attention. Or do it in the dark and make a mess. Also under the pressure he is going to start do dry laundry. But i believe the smoke was more than the kid but who knows how the subconscious works. Maybe the shinobi. Anyways.

15 minutes later when i had  three or four more planks to go, i heard a maintenance cart hitting the bumps. I was doing the last planks close to ground level so he could not have seen me from behind the parked cars and when he stopped, facing the other way i was standing and i left. He went into the building across the alley and 5 minutes later he left and i went to finish all the planks to the ground.

Here's a picture i took last summer because of the dust left on building for more than a month (which i later removed with a brush, the whole building). The yellow horizontal planks under my kitchen window (at lower level, on the right, not in this picture) have gaps between which i filled with clear invisible silicon. In this image you can see the gaps are filled with white caulking on the sides only but not in between. Obviously rain can't get between those but cold air can. Also smoke, laundry vapor, etc..
Then when i was done i heard another maintenance cart hitting the bumps but this time it was the handywoman (a tall, manlike person) herself. She had two toolboxes and entered in one of the apartments 1 to 4. She was here for about half hour then she left and i went to remove the old battery and because of the adhesive i poured on top of nuts and bolts and again being under the influence of smoke it took me a lot of time. I was done with replacing the battery around 10 PM but after i also resoldered a bolt and learned lots of stuff in the process.

Now that i'm done i really believe the gaps in the planks where the route not only for cold air but smoke from outside. It is warmer here then yesterday at similar outside temperatures and no smoke. I also never stopped believing the team of fake Mexicans working last summer here were lead by a guy who looked like the Emperor of Japan himself who in turn is an actor. They made my life almost impossible for several months with the noise and dust at this building and the others around. They also left a few "improvements" like the gaps.

‘be careful of gaps in your defence and of the shinobi’ Quote from Bansenshukai, the Book of Ninja.

6:07 Ce am găsit în Tratatul UE actualizat, în legătură cu admisia de noi membri în UE și Schengen. Atenție la articolul 1 și 2.

Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. PROTOCOL (No 19) ON THE SCHENGEN ACQUIS INTEGRATED INTO THE FRAMEWORK OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. 

12:52 Au găsit ei ceva ca să introducă termenul de protocol într-un context super-negativ. Multe alte știri pe invers semantic (aluzii contra, washups, covers, etc.). Prietenii lui Nicușor Da. Câte și mai câte (o expresie bucovineană).

Cât despre execuții greșite eu cred că sunt o metodă de intimidare. În fiecare zi în SUA se execută mii de proceduri chirurgicale sub anestezie generală și nu am auzit până acum de vreun pacient care să se trezească în timp ce-i tăia sternul în două pe lungime cu un fierăstrău pentru a-i deschide pieptul (metoda cea mai puțin invazivă pentru alte țesuturi) pentru operațiile pe inimă.

12:43 It's not that i have anything with the stocks. But i realized years ago the movements are synchronized somehow with what i do. Usually if i go to WinCo or in the kitchen area to cook somehting stocks go up. Every time the market is down, the guy upstairs stays home. Today he took a shower in the same time with me while the market climbed etc. etc..

2:24 Went for a walk. Smoke index shown was 20 when i left, 24 when i came in, perceived was above 50 which forced me to open my mouth for the whole 3 miles walk. Felt stiff and had a bit of chills from staying  yesterday for hours outside in the cold.

Pictures. First, a KJV van in the always empty lot. At the parade on Borland where every person driving were looking at me including some that were clearly not driving, but just looking at me (self driving retrofitted cars, some probably bought during Obama's cash for clunkers program).

Some were mad, some were sad and some seemed to approve what i'm doing.

Symbolism packed in legitimate actions, like drilling the ground, orange fiber optics figuring the orange glowing stove coils where i heated my bolts to solder, oxigen or other gas bottles figuring rocket launchers, Integrity Infrastructure.

They came out of nowhere when i tried to take a picture of the "device" that was sitting in this unnatural position, pushing forward a thick black cable into the ground and completely blocked the road, making me nervous and missing the most suggestive front part. But you can see the driver of the truck looking Japanese trying to figure Latino.

When i got at the kindergarten a tall Arian blond with professional muscles on his legs was running on that side of the road kinda like protecting it and making loud sounds with his shoes like soldiers marching would. Shortly after that, from the construction site a trailer came carrying some construction vehicle by the brand PAPE (păpa în Romanian means eat for children) that clearly reminded me of the hipo in the news with folded supporting legs figuring giant teeth. (Not very clear, picture taken against the low December Sun).

Altogether they got me so mad.

BTW i'm returning the camera, it has no optical zoom and the pictures are less sharp than my now parked cell phone camera.

See what i'm talking about?

8:55 Am scris (nu direct) că România dacă ar vrea să intre în rândul țărilor civilizate ar trebui să renunțe la tradiția șpăgii la vamă (și fiindcă ar fi ușor, vameșii sunt angajați ai Ministerului de Interne, nu? sau poate și-au crescut un cap și o voință a lor proprie) și dacă ar renunța România, normal ar renunța și Ungaria fiindcă ar fi prea de tot, a doua zi însă a apărut știrea asta. Oare când vor renunța șerpii la tradiția distrugerii informației prin dublare (îngânare)?

9:22 De ce nu se mai termină ziua asta, vreau să încep alta fiindcă asta a fost nașpa.

11:00 Consiliul (configurațiile, nu Consiliul mare la care participă Iohannis care nu face nimic) este singurul legislator din UE, iar din configurații, JAI (fosta JHA, Justice and  Home affairs) unde participă miniștrii de interne este de departe cea mai importantă. Ăia trebuie căutați de bani. Restul sunt baliverne stilate, PE nu poate face nimic fără JAI, toată lumea spune, este doar un organ consultativ, partea inutilă dar decorativă pentru aparența de democrație din UE.

11:47 Pe faza cu autocarele din vamă.

12:10 Pope Malone, tatuaje.

12:14 "Realitatea TV" are o "știre" uitată pe site de vreo lună-două.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

July 13

9:21 Ghespre cum lucră ei cu simbolismul în mintea dvs.. O biată știre dezolantă care arată un schimb de replici de actori scrise de scriitori, despre starea aproape zero în care se află acest proiect. Multă lume citește fiindcă toți speră. Dar în această știre există deasemenea capcane pentru subconștientul dvs..

Nord-sud. Așa veneau mașinile care urmau să mă calce la Naiba cu 65, așa mergeam și eu. Bacău, zece km de plimbare cu o domnișoară blondă care s-a întâmplat în anul criminal 95. Domnule Ghrindeanu, nu mai mințiți! Coloana vertebrală e un simbol masonic, fiindcă are 32 de vertebre.

Too many messes.

Din aceeași categorie fac parte relevantele știri despre Emilia Șercan, fiindcă numele ei conține rădăcina șer, de la șerpi.

9:45 Bogdan Aurescu.

9:55 Aș fi dorit să fi avut mai mult timp să descos acest articol. Cu un titlu care îmi place, ceea ce îl face rar și prețios, o dă în bară în primul paragraf sau subtitlu, "simțea că poate", ca motivație, ea nu simțea nimic, totul era o alegorie, iar ea o actriță din specia șerpi australieni, după cum o arată și locul ei de naștere, o alegorie menită să întrâte ireconcilialitea claselor statului francez ultracentralizat și stratificat). Este, dacă vreți, mitul Cenușăresei, întors pe dos.

Adevărul că e foarte greu ca cei săraci să-i înțeleagă pe cei bogați și invers. Astăzi, elitele reale, adică cei cu facultăți în România, încearcă într-adevăr (să ia) ce e mai bun din cele două lumi, o tradiție moștenită din vremea comunistă când majoritatea lor erau fii de țărani sau muncitori. Celelalte elite nu există, fiindcă așa cum îi vedem (se arată, cu acte), nu sunt decât niște parveniți de la marginea categoriei de mai sus, ajunși în funcții, montecriști ce încă se răzbună pe soartă, ca Țiriac și Covaci, miliardari misterioși de carton cu origini obscure, în realiate ei sunt actori impostori veniți din altă lume și vorbesc pe scripte de scriitori măiestru ciniști, ideologii șerpilor. M-am oprit puțin mai jos unde nu am (mai) înțeles ce vrea să spună. Cât despre cum sunt americanii, mulți și-au bătut capul să înțeleagă, însă eu cred că fiecare este diferit în funcție de experiențele personale prin care a trecut, într-o țară cu vaste posibilități dar cu vieți (de succes) atât de stereotipice, cu un singur numitor comun. Pragmatismul, până în punctul când e orbit de diversele ideologii.

Într-un fel, ca atâtea alte capcane pseudo elitiste, articolul îmi amintește de spațiul cu n dimensiuni din matematică. Însă la fiecare paragraf din construcția din spațiul superfluu creat introduce o nouă și neașteptată dimensiune, bulindu-mă și în final forțându-mă să renunț.

Prince or vagabond. (Ce piane lungi are Elton John, o figură de șarpe împietrit).

10:29 Like during the other days, a number of people started to parade in front of my large windows under the pretext of walking their dogs, stopping, doing pirouettes and a variety of gestures, intruding.

11:08 Went and finished covering that hole but that is not the biggest problem. The ninja living appearing some times at Nr.3 for the first time installed an AC in his window. These buildings are not meant to install ACs on windows. I put mine on the concrete floor but his is on the feeble wall that vibrates and probably next to a crack by the window and pulls dust from the wall and blows it in the air on the outer or hot air circuit, taking advantage of wind's direction, the same way as it happened in the other years from the other building. BTW his van full of barrels with flammable liquid is still there, has not been moved in a week or since i took that picture.

12:46 July 13. 13 segmente ale autostrăzii imaginare a Moldovei. 13 secunde când treci pe roșu. Azi s-a repetat faza, cu un camion uriaș condus de un moș bătrân. I-am arătat semaforul dar el s-a uitat cu dispreț la mine. Atunci m-am dus să mă uit mai bine la semafor dar nu am înțeles pe moment. Am trecut înapoi strada, am apăsat pentru verde și am așteptat momentul când se schimbă. Verdele (e alb la pietoni) ține vreo 5 secunde (timp în care nu ai cum să treci) după care se transformă în numărătoare inversă, începând cu 13, moment în care se face verde pentru mașinile care o iau la stânga. Deci practic numărătoarea acea inversă e un fel de roșu? Mă duc înapoi să filmez video ca să arăt câte secunde ține verdele pentru pietoni, înainte de a începe numărătoare inversă.

2:17 Should have done it when i had a chance. Walked there, but the intersection was partially blocked by a guy who was doing... some measurments. Could not see his utility vehicle he came with. The only thing i could do was counting seconds for green. I was right, 5 seconds even.

3:30 Went back again. 5 seconds. The reason why they blocked the intersection, for the Sun to go down and make it hard to see but it's turning green on right when the croswalk light is turning red count down. I'm gonna have to do it tomorrow morning or later this evening again.

4:15 Sunt curios ce vor face când nemții, francezii, polonezii, sârbii, ucrainenii, rușii, italieniiromânii vor înțelege că ei sunt adevăratul dușman al tututor. Sper să prind ziua aceea. Voi merge să le privesc defilarea în cuști, pe Champs-Élysées.

8:42 There was a crack by the door were i installed the AC that i covered years ago, that is before SAGE came to fix the siding and that was in 2019. Can't remember how it was last year but the crack was open when i checked today. Could had been that my AC was spreading dust in the first place. They were other places where i put silicon back then and they painted over but i think they replaced the gray flashing around the door. But it will take at least one day until i figur that one out. Was thinking about going and hosing everything down when a group of kids came to play in the backyard. When i passed in the intersection above, the stop lights where off, they were flaggers and they started to dig a hole in the street (Nyberg).

10:00 Here are a couple of pictures taken from fb. First shows damage done by SAGE on top of the door, they fixed it with an iregular piece of siding, second, my attempts to fix it with tape. Second shows the hole in the siding next the door i just fixed with silicon. There are complaints of dust even back then, but don't remember to have been that bad. But then there was lots of smoke coming from outside (ash-mole holes i think)
Just went and checked. The tape is missing, probably i took it out when i took the plastic foil canopy in January 2021 that was full of magots, that lived on birdseeds from the feeder of the ladies of December that used to live there, but now i remember, i din't put silicon on it because siding is soft on the whole surface. They put a piece of rotten siding instead of the good one that used to be there and painted over. There are holes in it.
11:10 I remember how i got meingitis back in the summer of 73. Viral, they said. Got to sit two hours on my belly after they took a sample of spinal fluid. But the hell was yet to come. Alone in a room which is unusual in Romania. The only medicine they gave me was Polidin. 3 times a day. Besides the terrible headache that was more intense in the back of the head, got photophobia. At night could not stand the light from the pole close to window. Don't know why the wouldn't cover it. The window. Got better after a week or so.

From going at the river. Bathing all day and breaking rocks. I remember the smell of those black homogenous rounded most likely volcanic, basaltic lava. Smelled like sulfur. There was anohter kid i was playing with who got it exaclty like me. The same smell that sometimes comes from the walls. The plastic foil i covered the opened door with now smell like it. I put some towels above the filter to catch it. They were days where it was much worse, but it combined with something else.

Got wet from hosing the area, then i stood very close to the working AC. This morning after i done the same yesterday woke up with a pretty bad headake but went away with some campfor based balm and i forgot. Tonight it came back. I put on the Xenu jacket. Kidding. Brand is Zero Exposure. It is so warm i perspire right away. Together with the hoodie that came with it. Writing and perspiring. Took a multivitamin, a vitamin D. Ready with some antibiotics. Preventive or zero day treatement, i call it. But i'm actually in day one. I stopped many infections like this. Right at the beggining. Cause i don't believe in viruses. But i been breathing rocks all day, i feel it in my throat. I've been rocked, i reconn.

BTW am găsit cred etimologia unui cuvânt ciudat din niște versuri de Phoenix. Să mă uit totuși mai întâi în DEX să văd dacă nu-i acolo. Hm. Cred că a mea e mai bună, în contextul dat. Dar par convergente! Într-un fel are sens pentru că... Cât despre hărți de răspândire... Apropo, e un sfert de oră după miezul nopții (știu, trebuia să încep postarea de 14, dar mi-era lene și nu știu dacă mai scriu) m-am agitat puțin în sinea mea pentru așa descoperire, iar tipul de sus care era liniștit de ore în a simțit (shin shin shin gan) și s-a trezit și a început să scârțâie. Și întrebarea pentru google. Cât despre versuri, întrebați-l pe "Baniciu" și textierul (am uitat cum își spune, eu îi știam după alte nume) pentru cine au făcut melodia asta și ce îi rodea (așa de mult).

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 23

10:22 I knew it was going to be bad luck when Angela won 1000 dollars last night. After she just pulled 90 dollars from a card, she played by mistake one hand at 25 dollars and that hand brought her the whole amount. That made it for the last 2 or 3 times, not last 20-30, cause we didn't leave with a positive balance in long time. Also because i took the money in my pocket, leaving her with 100 bucks which she lost. Me too i won 50 bucks catching 4 deuces at poker which didn't happened in years where i lost continuously (except for Indian Head where i was holding even). However, Angela lost last week at the 401k because of market crash more than she lost in a whole year at casinos. The number of guys and girls who bend backwards right when i was looking. The never seen at this level nervous frenzy with many people rubbing with us, trying to create scenes, making me look like the super bad guy. Here, so obvious intentionally "casually" blocking the main alley at Spirit Mt, forcing me to go between machines (and behind a number of people) while they were raising drinks, to make me salivate in my subconscious. I wouldn't dare but since i had the courage and this is the type of scene it repeats so oftenly, here it goes. Here's a link for full quality of this video. Have to use a different player than the one on google drive though.

The woman vacuuming next to my table at the food court were i went to eat some fries i was craving, with me and the two cops from Tribal Police in line, at Spiritus Mountus "Food court". I remembered when i choked (dysphagia) that year after i saw "chew back ah" at the UFO festival, when a guy, again was sweeping there as i ate rice and teriyaki dried all day in those hot trays and i drove like that all the way home (with a break at the hospital parking in McMinnville), where it took some baking soda and  then vomited.

The guy and gal from the truck next to me at Chinook Winds. While Angela was playing, i went back in the car for another drink. I ate all the remaining potato salad not caring about the diabetes. And there they came. First simulating hitting me when arriving, than veering off and parking rear first. After 15 minutes of idling with their modified exhaust diesel, i was drunk enough to go and confront them.
Inside, a little boy with a little girl who came onto me, aggressive. I told them about the law (i read somewhere) that says in Oregon you can't idle for more than 15 minutes at a time in a parking lot on upper level (regardless of how big or small the sound is). He said it was only 12 minutes and they were from Utah. Then when i called security they finally stopped and went inside, wished me a good night while i gave them the finger. From enough distance, she was looking like 2 points on a scale from one to ten better than she should. Super model quality with here extra long legs in leather pants. Then, scared by my own courage of what i've done, i went to move the car, and while driving in the other parking lot the car in front of casino started beeping at me, because i went over 10 mph without seatbelt. I was curious to see what happens if i slow under 10, if it stop, so i hit the brakes, kinda hard, engine was cold, lots of vacuum, car almost stopped only to see an Asian guy jumping in front of my car from between two parked cars, whom i probably would have taken on my hood if i didn't brake, absolutely by chance.

Wondering all night if it was just some AI predicting my behaviour as it happens more and more (obvious to me only) as i believe they keep updating their hardwares and softwares and getting better by the day (probably simulating my whole thinking process). Just others to say. "It was the will of God himself!" (For me not to be arrested and "continue to do what i'm doing", that is deepeng in a bottomless pit of sin). Just a few examples out of many. In fact, it's continuous, from one scene blending into another. All professional actors moving around me.

Smoke at home. As soon we made it home, i guess around 5 AM, a sulfur smell, similar to the smell of landfill area we pass through on Hwy 18 close to McMinnville. (Why they had to make it so close to the town and 18, for anybody who go to Lincoln city to pass right through it?).

BTW, yesterday the gas needle went down unexpectedly 1/8 of the dial indicator and had to go to McMinnville, didn't have google maps setup for a gas station, i got to parade on the same street where the yearly UFO parade takes place (last time was there in 2018, link above), with a city looking so old, like antique, like from the old west and a girl with a bad exhaust smell of a red classic car behind me.

Finally made it to a 76 station, gas was 3.95, i took 10 dollars only, rest at Spirit Mt, when there was 20 cents cheaper, and a double cistern in the gas station, apparently doing nothing. A total of 12 gallons, which was a lot, even for that position of the needle. Half hour lost, we almost missed the sunset. We went at Grocery Outlet at Lincoln city to buy the now traditional Reser's potato salad and hard salami and some wine.

At Road's End in Lincoln City, a whole parade, like usually. Just more lively, more people, more determined in their ballet or pantomima. People with their dogs in front of us while we were trying to eat. But most interesting, a Japanese guy with a professional camera who climbed on the table's seat in front of us, trying to capture... the nothing, cause it was just a red sky and a blue sea, no clouds, no birds, nothing to take pictures of, doing energetically all kinda contortions and reverted bows until i almost choked with food.

On my way back i was very thirsty, drank lots of cold water from casino and the car, further irritating my stomach (the dust earlier at home and on the road on my way there). The cop on the street on the last miles of the street, staying there in the fog on an alley, real close to the left lane of the two way street. I was looking in the mirror for a mile of so to see if he doesn't take off (i was 10 miles under limit because of fog, and obviously not in the best of my shapes). It was then when i started to nervously breath with nose congested, not realizing. By the time i got home where the smell of sulfur was waiting, i was already breathing hard. It usually goes away when i go to sleep (or after to be more precise) but i abused myself beyond any limit after i realized who that girl might have been (saw her in a wrong picture on a side in the news, also in a video earlier yesterday). So i had to search for her, at the end of which i found myself with a heart rate of 100 which would not go down no matter what. I started pacing in the room, until i tried to do what i've done before. Forcibly empty my bowels so i let the gas escape. Take some baking soda to calm my irritating stomach. And then i remembered. I had too much coffee (one teaspoon worth of regular soluble, plus the soda in the casino). I remembered the conversation with a relative who said her mother had a heart attack last week and recovered. And my advice for them not to drink real caffeinated coffee. I finally laid down counting my heart beats watching the clock on the wall (oximeter doesn't work right, it shows about 10 bpm more beside being saturated at 99 (hyperventilating). At 72 i tried to relax and fell asleep.

Got awakened after about 4 hours. Was feeling ok, but i vaguely remembered a dream when someone was yelling. I went outside, again, sulfur smell, they gu on the upstairs balcony next to our apartment having a yelling party in Spanish with someone else while smoking. Got mad again, was sleepy, didn't realize i wasn't breathing right, it started again, but this time it was difficult to breath only, heart did not get involved. Not out of the woods after finishing here. No it's not "COVID". This repeated to me 1000 times during the last 26 years which in the past lead me to the ER maybe up to 100 times (don't go anymore, got used to they symptoms, they always go away (until now) and it's too expensive).

One thing. When we left Lincoln City last night, there was a road block next to the gas station at the intersection at Otis, just before 11. No other warnings or detour signs. They were two vehicles in front of me, they veered left and let the three feet wide white and red horizontal stripes barrier exposed in front of me that was not that visible. Almost hit it, then i followed those two guys, one of them took a right, and i followed, not knowing exactly knowing where i was going. Luckily there was signal and Angela pulled google maps and we found our way back to 18. Found something on a site, second result here, but the site does not open.

I remembered i had to cross a railroad just before i got back on 18 when somthing really strange happened, maybe i will tell it someday.

4:40 Every time when i get sick i find one of these, other items, on the red carpet put in a such way so it may leak or drip. A water bottle with some concoction that seem to contain tomato juice. Most times the bottle is half full, today it was less. For who can analyze it.
Or maybe hot sauce? I tried years ago with hot sauce in the mole holes. Didn't work very long. Got it. It must by hot sauce. It leaks, dries out and flies in the air, making the air hard to breath. But i think somebody got tires of dog poo as i did. However, the aerosolized hot sauce makes its way here too.

9:09 Tow days ago i ordered on Amazon next day delivery a kit with screws for LPN because i didn't have any. Though it was more expensive (7 bucks) but i hated to go at Homo Depot, loose one or two hours and try to figure what size and everything to get them for 4. Thinking of all the home boys coming next to me and doing all kinda clown performances around me while i was looking in those drawers.

They came, 4 in the front and 4 in rear.  Today i looked around. Nobody uses 4 screws through licence plate has 4 holes. No problem with using only 2 of them, especially in the rear. But in front at the previous car, because the plastic supporting plate on the bumper was standing out, the thin plates were bending during a car wash. So i was thinking about putting all four screws. Thing is, it's not possible.

Because the lower holes in the LPN are just at the edge of the plate behind (pictures tomorrow). In other words, licence plate is half inch bigger than the supporting plate behind. Then i was thinking. Oregon licence plate letters are bigger than California or Washington or any others. Also because there's only six characters, because of fewer cars. But they stand out. Easier to see from a distance and from a camera.

Thinking of my old car with JKB plate. Thinking of all similar plates i see when i look around. KGA and the sort. Angela just saw one with 666 at WinCo. Just saw on my new one that personalized or vanity or custom plates are not 3D, or stamped. How come they are around so many stamped or "sequence" numbers (basically all that i see everywhere i go) that seem chosen or personalized. Could it all have been deliberate? Oregon also having plates and letters bigger than any state? The Twin Peaks state, with the two volcanoes on background? Part of an ongoing propaganda of an unseen entity, meant to mentally enslave everybody?

Went outside and measured, plate is 1/4 or 1/8 of an inch bigger that 6 inches as it says on sites and/or what it seems standard in US. (I will come back with pictures, tomorrow). However, the letters are biggest of all states. Here are some examples of licence plates per state or the sequence ones, every state has up to maybe ten different background themes, second from left third from bottom.
10:37 Finally stopped hyperventilating, after almost 24 hours, most likely because i picked that bottle and other sugary food wrappers from the red carpet. Nobody wants to know how this was. Because of it, made numerous mistakes in what i wrote above, had to make corrections for an hour or so.

10:44 Sorry but...

11:32 My new phone camera at work (with the open camera app though).
11:36/9:36 Nu-mi iese din cap greva de la București. Sunt mai multe posibilități. 1.Toți angajații întrun sector pe care până mai ieri nu dădea nimeni doi bani și care acum se dovedește atât de strategic (took for granted) sunt de-ai lor. 2. Toți șoferii sunt supuși unor presiuni enorme (șantajați) sau/și manipulați psihologic, la greu.

Monday, January 17, 2022

January 17

11:27 Last couple of days. Finger size micro holes right under siding, coresponding to larger holes, deeper under. Woke up feeling paralyzed and some difficutly breathing. Just went outside and plugged a couple of those.

2:05 Holiday enough for the stock market (a public entity) and all federal agencies including postal service and many private companies to be closed, but not enough for corporations like Eaton, where Angela works.

I left for a walk about an hour ago. I was so sick from the smoke or mold coming from the holes around the building i didn't know if i could make it. It felt like i had no weight. I picked some garbage from around building though. But part of the walk was through hospital's parking lot, i figured if i faint and fall somebody will take me to ER, my only goal is to get out of here and breath some air. Then on Borland, a bunch of Teslas, 4 or 5, or one out of 20 cars. I don't believe  5% of all cars on streets are Tesla now. I remembered it when i got back home and saw that battery operated car toy for kids "parked" and abandoned in a visible place on the alley. There was also this guy @20 with brown skin and mask, parading, moving his hands with blue nitrile gloves on like at a military parade. Next to main area of the park, near the pond, garbage smoke or maybe smoke containing dug dung or fur.

4:28 First pictures done with my new moto E7i. Can't control metering area, exposure compensation shifted seriously towards low, last 2 pictures still overexposed. So far it looks the camera app is worse then at the e7 2020.

8:13/6:13/5:13 Switching Twin Towers fron one cross point to the other in the grid of rule of thirds And since i'm drunk already and heaven is still locked (since Adam and Even had to leave, remember) Nobel prize winner (of all he probably knows),
10:25 I ate a lot of pizza, wanted to go for a walk to lower blood sugar. This whole complex is occupied by ninja, they played at least 10 different tricks to me on my way to the street and back. Most important, at the locker. There was one open door. I closed it using my phone (physically), then i put in my code. The door opened for me just on top of control panel, so i didn't have to move to pick it.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Uku Lelea și semaforul.

Ok m-am hotărât să nu mai scriu ce mi s-a întâmplat în parc înainte și după, devine plictisitor și pentru mine și pentru cei care citesc dar am venit acasă și am pus iar un video și m-a lovit iar nevoia de a scrie.

Deci. M-am dus să-mi iau frumusețea de camionetă din 98 din parcarea de lângă stradă, la 5-10 minute de mers de aici. Resetasem ieri computerul (poți să-l resetezi prin deconectarea bateriei, ștergerea codurilor de eroare cu ajutorul unui conector blue tooth de vreo 3 dolari și o aplicație gratuită, Torque Lite (pe care am plătit-o odată, dar am resetat tableta și nu mai merge), cu care poți citi și senzorii, etc.). Am vrut să-l resetez azi din nou dar am uitat și l-am pornit.

Ce se întâmplă. De câte ori resetezi computerul la mașinile mai noi de 96, motorul iese din funcționarea pe buclă închisă (closed loop, optimizat) și intră într-un mod generic (open loop) și începe să facă niște teste de senzori perioadă în care nu scoate coduri de eroare. Dacă trec toate testele, intră pe closed loop și începe învățarea stilului de conducere pentru a optimiza consumul și emisiile.

Rezistența de încălzire de la al doilea senzor de oxigen (ăla de după catalizator, cu 5 fire). Se rezolvă cu o pornire la rece (temperatura lichidului de răcire să fie cam aceeași cu cea a aerului și mai mare de 4 grade Celsius, deci după o noapte, dar se prea poate iarna. Adică se poate dacă prinzi o dimineață peste 4 grade sau 40 Farenheit). Al meu l-am schimbat aiurea acum doi ani fiindcă nu știam chestia. Dacă trece, face și testul senzorului însuși în vreo câteva minute de mers sub 40 la oră combinat cu ralanti. Apoi supapa de recirculare eșapament EGR (pentru răcirea amestecului, se recirculeaza o mică parte din gaze de eșapament în galeria de emisie, care micșorează temperatura și practic crește cifra octanică printr-o supapă comandată de computer, a nu se confunda cu supapa de recirculare pentru aerisire, PCV). Și aceea era schimbată, dar a fost într-adevăr defectă. Pentru aia trebuie să mergi vreo 5 minute peste 90 la oră cu viteză constantă. Deci trecusem toate testele și m-am dus la stația de testare care era închisă. Luni, uitasem.

Am emoții fiindcă dacă nu trece, trebuie să schimb iar catalizatorul pe care l-am schimbat deja de 3 ori, fiindcă tot așa nu am știut chestia și am pus catalizatoare ieftine, care nu au cantitatea de ceramică necesară și se duc după vreun an (un catalizator bun nu are cum să fie sub vreo 500 de dolari și de obicei trebuie să iei unul original). Dar cum s-a stricat și ăla. Într-un an pe 3 iulie (2010) am mers undeva și când am venit acasă pe drum mașina a început să facă un zgomot foarte nașpa, ca de pietre care se rostogolesc, de fapt se spărsese blocul de ceramică din catalizator, care e o chestie rară. Chevrolet S10 este un tip de Chevrolet făcut de GM în colaborare cu Isuzu care au și ei unul identic care se numește Isuzu Hombre.

M-am întors și am intrat puțin în parc. Adică pe strada de pe lângă, cum merg eu mai recent, din cauza prafului de piatră de pe alei unde au turnat pietriș care se macină și se face praf foarte nașpa. Am mers eu vreo 10 minute și am dat de un nor de fum. Foarte subtil, fin, cum zice Angela. Cel mai probabil cocaină, care seamănă mult cu fumul de vegetație. De fapt, e tot o plantă și aia. Mă gândeam iar, cum m-am mai gândit, dacă nu cumva Gingis Han nu a folosit asta ca pe o tactică de luptă. Adică iei niște provizii de ceva plante de care lumea în Europa nu a auzit și niște meseriași care știu cum bate vântul, trimiți doi din ăia care fac unul două focuri din direcția vântului lângă tabăra sau satul pe care vrei să-l iei. Oamenii din tabără sau sat simt puțin miros de fum, dar nu știu ce e și într-o oră două devin happy, încep să facă tot felul de chestii, după care vii și-i iei cu pierderi minime. Astfel a luat el Asia și o parte din Europă, pe care însă nu a putut s-o țină, fiindcă habar nu avea de cultura și mai ales religia locală.

Nu mult fum, dar m-am întors. Eram puțin happy dar nu prea. La ieșirea din parcare prima fază. Se bagă o tipă în față (aici sunt foarte puțin pietoni) să treacă pe trecere.

Dar în intersecția următoare și singura până acasă, la 7-11. Se face verde, pornesc încet și semnalizez stânga, vine un tip din parcarea din față de la 7-11 spre mine, îl las să treacă înaintea lui pe lângă mine (aveam semn să cedez dacă fac la stânga), mai iese unul și face la dreapta, îl las să treacă și pe acela, fac stânga și în ultimele secunde de verde apare și un pieton întârziat care trece strada de la stânga, pe care nu-l văzusem din cauza celorlalte două faze, la care frânez. Un tip roșcat cu barbă destul de lungă. Vin acasă, încerc să mă relaxez, pun un video, îl văd pe tip, singura diferență e că avea barba mai lungă decât în video. Și apropo e prima dată când mi-am dat seama că tipul are barbă roșie fază la care îmi vin în minte versurile "woke up to a red parade and refused to make amends".

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ruby Wednesday

They simply know how to pick their timing. Last Sunday i started to fill out (on line, it is possible now) a small claim in the Washington County Court regarding the real reason for failure and recalls of the Hyundai. My car did not fall under recall of course because for some reason they didn't have engine seizures for this type. That third party web site where i was filing, right after i was done that is describing the issues, they asked me to electronically sign and testify under penalty of perjury that did my best efforts to recover my loss (from the plaintiff). So i sent without much hope an email to Hyundai Motor America with a copy of that description and they of course asked me first to talk on the phone, they picked a moment when i was driving, got the message when i got home and also an email basically saying the vehicle is out of warranty which is obvious.

Ever since i started the claim, they scheduled (AI, endless parade) Kia Souls to drive in front of me besides SUBARUs of which i complained about the name. Sub are you, that is subhuman. And the logo. One big star at the NW (New White Shinto) and 5 little ones scattered in the rest of it.

BTW today i was passing under the light signals on Marti-nazzi St in Tualatin and all of a sudden i had a revelation. (The shape of the poles and horizontal bars with the signs intrigued me from the beggining where i came to US cause though very efficient they require much engineering to stay in place over the years, being a very "unnatural" type of design). But to me the shape with the name Martinazzi on it now figures both a half gate and also a hanging pole.
So i got home and instead writing this blog post which (will, when i'm done) contain very important informations abut my activities and others' regarding my last matches.

So i took an advice today and tried to go to Tryon instead of Refuge. I recon the hills provide more opportunities for exercising, i already had some sun to grow a bit levels of Vitamin D for this summer (your body accumulate that and stores it for months to come). However, got into trouble right after i arrived and Boones Ferry entrance. Forgot to say, when i left, i went in the back, took the picture with the sign, i knew i had my truck in the back, no reason to turn at the door and then i remembered i didn't look for new canine gifts around door, turned around only to see the woman with the red hair, of the same height and physical constitution with the Latina from F3 with the chair yesterday getting in her car to leave. Another avatar of Szabolcs i said to myself and went back to get my truck and go to the park. Forgot many details like LPNs and logos on the freeway, i forgot to take Boones Ferry, that would have given me some delay since all that area in Lake Oswego is under construction (lots of areas under construction around here lately). At the entrance in the refuge i pulled the bottle of water i  had with me, wasn't fitting in any pocket and i just drank some and put the rest back in the car. That delay was enough for the guy with curly red hair and bear and a dog (a gray terrier i think) to come by on foot up the street. He looked at me, sort of embarrassed like, a couple of times, while i was plainly staring at him. Cause he was again Szabolcs. He passed my car and stopped at the entrance of the trail showing his back and had a chance to take a good look at his constitution. That is thinking what chances i had if i gotten into a fight with him. Though athletic, back and hands were more like women's with strong torso and legs. And when i looked at the legs, i saw under shorts hairs that were grayish but not red. I thought to myself, if he can fight then his strength must be in his kicks and some unknown ninja tricks. I was thinking later. The man allowed his body to grow like this over the years for the sole purpose of looking like a woman, for easier disguise, his specialty. Cause here in the complex he's already got at least 4 women's avatars. (S..., they came with the blowers and i forgot to water the dust around building).

Ok so i just got back at the wheel, turned around, and drove to where he came from only to see a road closure and a detour sign. I looked at the bridge they were re-building and said to myself. Can't be more than half mile detour (BTW why don't they write how many miles the detour is, it would be very easy to calculate now with google maps and everything). So i followed the signs, drove about 3 miles and got at the intersection of Terwilliger and Boones, coming from west this time of course.

Should have been distracted by something and instead of following Terwilliger where i was driving on i took a right again on Boones and went down the road until i met of course with the other road block. Then i wanted to take a picture of the road block, pulled my phone, took a picture through the dirty windshield (BTW got to wash t his truck sometime) and when i wanted to open the window to take a clearer picture i realized there was this brick red SUV behind me. I thought he was waiting for me to make an U-turn so he can do his, gave up on taking that picture and started to turn only to see him in my peripheral vision that he started to make a left turn on the street perpendicular to Boones and was on collision course. He didn't make more than 3 ft when i saw him and of course i stopped and he stopped in that very instant and we were kinda face to face through windows and window was down like mine and had a change to take a good look at him and i'm 90% sure it was our Joe Biden. Red tanned, looking better than in the pictures (like i heard about Obama) he never lost his nerve, he said hi and smiled, but next to him i saw an old lady that went so frustrated by the fact it didn't work and she looked exactly like Barbra Bush. But couldn't have been cause she's dead, right? How about the actress who did her?

Of course my phone was on the seat next to me, these cameras work quite good in good light when you want to take a picture like for your memories, but are slow to start in situations like these, it didn't even cross my mind in that second. All i got is time and location from the picture with the road block.

So he was just staying there when i turned around and turned right on Terwilliger. I went at the Terwilliger entrance of the park, but most except a few spots next to curb were taken. I saw at least 4-5 cars with many kids getting out, all kinda slow motion with adults giving me strange looks. So i just left and drove back on Terwilliger. On the overpass waiting at the light signal for Barbour (99). I was maybe the 7th car in the row, the guys coming from opposite direction where giving me all kinda theatrical looks, like scared, worried, it turned green but first guy wouldn't move until somebody from behind me honked. It finally did but i'm pretty sure the guy in front of me and i passed on red. But the guy in front of me was again a brick red SUV and slowed unexpectedly while i was staring at the red light but stopped in time not to hit him.

Other that that. Got to pass again through 2 red/speed camera intersections on 99, i was careful to memorize how i did it and got at the refuge.

As i was parking a guy in a black t-shirt and his wife, both looking angry came and got in the SUV in front of me and left. As he climbed at the wheel i had a chance to see the back of this black T-shirt that was covered on his length by a thin white rectangle with something written in the middle, a bible quote starting with God is my Lord, whith huge letters. It reminded me of the bible studies in Ron Boger's house back in 97, of Ron Boger his wife Mary and i started to get mad and... i forgot my phone on the seat of the truck.

Entered the refuge and i saw the bush with blue flowers had the flowers more open then ever ans sun was behind a cloud and bush was bright and everything and wanted to take a picture but realized my phone is in the truck, and went back and picked it (3 minutes walk).

Then on the trail i met with a woman that first i though was Meryl Streep but when she said an aggressive hi and smiled at me i realized she was younger.

I continued walking and after a mile or so i heard a military jet. Haven't heard one of those since i posted a match with a colonel here at the base. Then i've been thinking. They could have messed with my phone while i walked 3 minutes on the trail without it etc..

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Abracadabra, 7 Noiembrie 235

I've been looking for days now for video or pictures of tanks at the parade and all i could find was this low def picture. There are more pictures with the two armored vehicles, but no tanks. There are some scratches at the tank covered skillfully by the photographer with some wires of a fence, the right track of the tank (above this soldier's head) seem to be indeed rusted when compared to the right one, etc..
What could this mean. I don't know.


  • George Ion There's a big difference between a tank and an armored vehicle. An Abrams tank weighs around 60 tons and the engine has 1500 HP and has a much bigger gun and a different shape.

    Ok that's why.
    Why No One Wants to Fight U.S. Abrams Tanks?
    Why No One Wants to Fight U.S. Abrams Tanks?
    Why No One Wants to Fight U.S. Abrams Tanks?

  • George Ion "On 6 May 2014, the US Army announced that it awarded a US$12 million-contract to defense contractor General Dynamics for the demilitarization and disposal of 78,000 aging depleted uranium (DU) tank rounds as newer rounds are added to the U.S. war reserves. The contract includes M829A1 and M829A2 rounds".
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia

  • George Ion "three-year contract on 11 July 2011"
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia

  • George Ion Let's see if i get this straight. In January 1996 i got sick after i worked with at a firm Vancouver, Washington, north of Portland, through a temp agency. There i was working at making parts for B2 bombers. Soon after i got sick and became a vegetable for the next 10 years or so but some of the effects continue to this day.

    Soon after i was arrested and beaten by two female Police Officers of Vancouver Police who seem to have been members of a rock band associated with Joan Jett.
  • George Ion «Natural uranium contains about 0.72% U-235, while the DU used by the U.S. Department of Defense contains 0.30% U-235 or less»

    «The actual level of acute and chronic toxicity of DU is also controversial. Several studies using cultured cells and labora
    tory rodents suggest the possibility of leukemogenic, genetic, reproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure.[7] A 2005 epidemiology review concluded: "In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU."»
    Depleted uranium - Wikipedia
    Depleted uranium - Wikipedia
    Depleted uranium - Wikipedia

  • Pentagon Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA
    Pentagon Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA
    Pentagon Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA

  • George Ion Children are yelling under our windows. Other noises. AI at work.
  • George Ion "The W54 had an explosive yield of 0.01 kilotonnes, according to most sources, although some state that the operator could select a yield of between 0.01 and 0.25 kilotonnes. Either way, the short range of the weapon meant that those firing it would have also received a substantial radiation dose."

    "As such, approximately 29,318 M101 rounds are not accounted for, and are likely to have been fired in the bases where the Davey Crockett was based. Aside from the sites listed above, upon production the M101 was also shipped to the following locations: Frankfurt , Germany; Inchon, South Korea; Pirmasens, Germany; Ryukus Island, Okinawa, Japan. It is not known whether these locations were the final destinations of the rounds, or whether they were then moved elsewhere."
    M101 20mm Davy Crockett Spotting Round
    M101 20mm Davy Crockett Spotting Round
    M101 20mm Davy Crockett Spotting Round

  • George Ion I think main difference between AI and human intelligence, besides being much faster and accurate, AI cannot be self conscious thus cannot have self preserving instinct.
  • George Ion It all comes down to this guy Sean Robert Parker whom i met at the Beaverton Nazerene Church, across the street from Sussex Village Apts in Beaverton if he is general Petraues or not.

    Petraeus or not, he said he worked for 4 years in Hawaii at a "cent
    er for controlling the missile" as i remember he told me. He also said he was a car dealer and somebody at the church also suggested he was a drug dealer.

    He showed up the day after i went for the first time at the church, that was weeks after i got out of Pacific Gateway, a hospital for treating dual patients or those with mental and drug problems while i was on Prozac or something and slow to react ant think, and that was after a 4 month job at Epson. He showed with a 70s pickup white-green Ford truck and a boat and three black little girls he said they were his (smallest first name was Trinity, the others' can't remember) and took us for a ride on Willamette. After that we met many times and went with him and the girls one more time on Willamette.
    Image may contain: 1 person, standing, ocean, sky, outdoor and water
  • George Ion When the scandal with Petraues and his confidant started?
    Shawn Robert Parker
    Shawn Robert Parker
    Shawn Robert Parker

  • George Ion Two days before i posted this. But i probably worked for days at gathering info and talking with Anglea before i posted it.

    But most likely. I've been talking about for weeks when both events happen. First, the accident, then the resignation. Then i realized it must be real so i posted it.
    Petraeus Resigns From CIA After Feds Uncover 'Extramarital Affair'
    Petraeus Resigns From CIA After Feds Uncover 'Extramarital Affair'
    Petraeus Resigns From CIA After Feds Uncover 'Extramarital Affair'

  • Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department
    Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department
    Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department

  • George Ion Another thing with AI is it can be run from a level above the level the operators think it's run. How they know the're really in control.
  • George Ion Princess Diana's death. That day i was with Sean. Very limited income those days (like always), Angela was working for a couple in Vancouver. Him, he looked much like

    So in the evening we went me and Shawn in my 89 Escort GT to pic
    k Angela and came back and went first to drop Shawn at his mobile home he was sharing with an alcoholic car dealer, Scott, who owned the boat and a beautiful huge Buick Electra. Denney and 217 not far from Sussex Village. When he got down he was joking inviting us in the front of car, saying, George, you shouldn't be driving, you're not the driver, you're the king and Angela is the queen. Next day i saw in the news about Diana's death.,-122.../data=!3m1!1e3
    peter imre philip morris romania - Google Search
    peter imre philip morris romania - Google Search
    peter imre philip morris romania - Google Search

  • George Ion I did some laundry, opened kitchen window, the place was flooded with garbage like smoke. Went to start the AC (pass the cable), they had a couple of scenes with kids read for me.
  • George Ion The place were i grew up in Câmpulung. House has been renovated since i saw it last time, a big truck covers the side view, the space on the right was fenced to 1 meter of the house, belonged to neighbors, a tiny car on the street trying to make it look bigger, can't see the big wodden sign with "Calea Transilvaniei", prior to 90 name of the street was 7 Noiembrie, but the number. The number was 235.
    Google Maps
    Google Maps
    Google Maps

  • George Ion In that maybe 700 sqft house at a certain moment they were living 9 people. My grandmother with her husband in the two rooms at the left. Mother father an sister at the right.

    Also her mother and aunt. My grandmother was kinda dark complex, almost gypsy. So was her
     mother. But her aunt, i think she had blue eyes, like my mother. She died in here late 70s when i was about 10 (1970). Amputee of one leg from the hip, probably diabetes, (by the smell), and cirrhosis (i saw at least one time a nurse performing a draining of her ascites) she moved in there from the other side of Câmpulung, "Capul Satului", where she lived alone in a cottage, after her husband died) so my grandmother can take care of her. Immobilized in bed or a chair outside, always wearing traditional shirts, wasn't talking much but she was always intrigued about me. I had this transistor radio my father born before 68, i remember i was In Suceava during the Prague spring, and was playing with some variable coils in it trying to make it sound better.

    One sad summer day (days where always said during my childhood), under the big walnut tree next to the gate (not in the picture anymore) she asked me if that radio had "a connection with the air" and i already knew about antennas and i remember i told her "it's inside". She taught me how to read the word Philosophy (from a manual of the first year in High School my mother attended before she dropped - because of headaches, my grandmother said) when i was about 5 maybe.

    I associate her look with that of late Queen Mary of Romania.

    I remember i once had a conversation with my neighbors on the right and she asked me, don't you think you have too many grandmothers, and i said yes, in all honesty, because the place was really crowded, soon after both "sisters" died.

    I also associate the face of my grandfather, who married my grandmother years after my mother was born, or after he came from war, with that of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Captain of the Legion (right extreme involved with leadership of Romania before war).
    Another Trip to Mary Hill
    Another Trip to Mary Hill
    Another Trip to Mary Hill

  • queen marie of romania indians - Google Search
    queen marie of romania indians - Google Search
    queen marie of romania indians - Google Search