Monday, January 17, 2022

January 17

11:27 Last couple of days. Finger size micro holes right under siding, coresponding to larger holes, deeper under. Woke up feeling paralyzed and some difficutly breathing. Just went outside and plugged a couple of those.

2:05 Holiday enough for the stock market (a public entity) and all federal agencies including postal service and many private companies to be closed, but not enough for corporations like Eaton, where Angela works.

I left for a walk about an hour ago. I was so sick from the smoke or mold coming from the holes around the building i didn't know if i could make it. It felt like i had no weight. I picked some garbage from around building though. But part of the walk was through hospital's parking lot, i figured if i faint and fall somebody will take me to ER, my only goal is to get out of here and breath some air. Then on Borland, a bunch of Teslas, 4 or 5, or one out of 20 cars. I don't believe  5% of all cars on streets are Tesla now. I remembered it when i got back home and saw that battery operated car toy for kids "parked" and abandoned in a visible place on the alley. There was also this guy @20 with brown skin and mask, parading, moving his hands with blue nitrile gloves on like at a military parade. Next to main area of the park, near the pond, garbage smoke or maybe smoke containing dug dung or fur.

4:28 First pictures done with my new moto E7i. Can't control metering area, exposure compensation shifted seriously towards low, last 2 pictures still overexposed. So far it looks the camera app is worse then at the e7 2020.

8:13/6:13/5:13 Switching Twin Towers fron one cross point to the other in the grid of rule of thirds And since i'm drunk already and heaven is still locked (since Adam and Even had to leave, remember) Nobel prize winner (of all he probably knows),
10:25 I ate a lot of pizza, wanted to go for a walk to lower blood sugar. This whole complex is occupied by ninja, they played at least 10 different tricks to me on my way to the street and back. Most important, at the locker. There was one open door. I closed it using my phone (physically), then i put in my code. The door opened for me just on top of control panel, so i didn't have to move to pick it.

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