Showing posts sorted by date for query tunguska. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query tunguska. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13

11:50 Sistemul politic cu partid unic în România nu este invenția comuniștilor sau măcar a rușilor. A fost o tendință generală în Europa, ca urmare a evenimentul Tunguska.

Fascism în țări ca Germania și Italia, el a ocolit însă Franța și Marea Britanie. Este foarte posibil ca cel puțin în Franța asta să fie legat de existența turnul Eiffel, care a precedat Tunguska.

Strict cronologic sistemul totalitar sub bolșevic le-a precedat însă pe toate. Pentru că evenimentul Tunguska a avut loc în Siberia.

În România, Carol al II-lea a dizolvat Parlamentul în 1937 dar a abdicat forțat de Antonescu în septembrie 1940 după ce el însuși l-a numit Prim Ministru.

Odată cu abolirea sistemului democratic, Carol a persecutat evreii. Probabil pentru că ei erau singurii care au înțeles ce se întâmplă și de ce toată lumea o luase razna. Este ciudat faptul că una din cele mai mari persecuții a fost... scutirea de a merge la război. În 21 spre 22 iunie 1941 Antonescu i-a condus pe români în cel mai mare dezastru militar din istoria lor.

Fără armament, la Stalingrad România a pierdut degeaba 158,854 oameni (morți, răniți și capturați).

12:55 Triumph of the Will.

IMDb, the source of my searching list has changed the database interrogation interface. It was difficult to me to do more inquires, maybe because i was used to the old interface.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

April 11

12:01 AM Da și la Bugetul Ministerului Sănătății care le plătește aceste salarii, cheltuielile cu personalul reprezintă doar 2.4 miliarde din 28 total. Unde se duc restul banilor? (link în dreapta sus, Bugetul).

10:16 În 2016 am scris această postare de blog care conține o teorie originală despre producerea cutremurelor, diferită de cea a plăcilor tectonice.

La ea am atașat o foaie de calcul google cu datele despre cutremurele din România mai mari de 4 grade, pe care am descărcat-o de la USGS (United States Geological Something) folosind pagina lor de căutare.

Imediat mi-a sărit în ochi faptul că și cutremurul din 1977 a fost acolo înregistrat ca 6,4. Parcă îmi amintesc că le-am scris un email să corecteze, dar cred că a fost pe un formular de pagină de site, nu un email adevărat, căci nu îl găsesc. Chestia e că s-a făcut corecția.

Folosind aceeași pagină de căutare, astăzi am descărcat numai din anul respectiv și am găsit un cutremur de 7.5 grade. Tot pe site-ul USGS evenimentul este înregistrat ca 7.2. Pe scară logaritmică, diferența dintre un cutremur de 7,2 și unul de 7,5 este de 3 ori în intensitate. Un cutremur de 7,4 este de zece ori mai intens decât unul de 6,4.

Astăzi îmi pare rău că le-am scris atunci, aveam dovada că poate în 1977 ne-au mințit și cutremurul nu a fost de 7,4 ci mai mic, iar clădirile care au căzut au fost lăsate intenționat într-o stare foarte proastă?

Motivul? Șantaj. Cred că, la fel ca și cel din 1940 sau evenimentul Tunguska, cutremurul a fost anunțat. La zece zile după, România a intrat în Alianță (Axă) iar Carol II a abdicat cu două luni înainte.

1:25 PM M-am plâns de multe ori despre știri false care încearcă mereu să umbrească ce scriu eu (prima însemnare de mai sus), dar în ultimul timp am renunțat din motive de timp dar și din cauza faptului că e cu două tăișuri (dilematic). Dacă răspund, și mai multe persoane vor vedea știrea falsă inițială. Această știre nu poate fi adevărată, dar sunt doar câteva persoane care pot să confirme iar acelea pot fi "convinse".

Îmi pare rău dar trebuie să v-o spun. Trăiți într-o lume semi-reală. Persoane cu identitate falsă ca politicieni, știri și evenimente false.

3:45 Însă pot să pariez că la următoarea apariție publică a lui Nicușor toate privirile vor fi ațintite către... ați ghicit, urechea lui dreaptă, care e reală și chiar unică.

9:25 I think this guy (right) came driving that pickup in the complex today. In the park it was a continuous show. All the guys that usually come one ore two a day where there today, except a few.

4:11 Din când când (aproape zilnic) apar tot felul de știri alarmiste care încearcă pur și simplu să saboteze pe români. Că ciorba fierbinte nu bună, că peștele cutare nu e bun, că ce se întâmplă în corpul tău dacă... Citiți vă rog și titlul și subtitlul acestei "știri". Legumele conțin fibre care din contra, absorb toxine din intestin, mențin nivelul de zahăr și minerale constant etc..

8:28 It's not google. Is the sites he's quoting from.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28

1:40 Everybody is talking and i think they are right, about the devastating health effects of smoking. 4 cigarettes a day are equivalent with heavy smoke from widlfires for the same period. How about 10 or 20?

But i never heard about psychological effects as a result of the effect of nicotine and other substances on the brain. 14 years after i last quit, i still crave subconsiously cigarettes and i tried to replace them with drinks without realizing. You cannot get the same result. A cigarette amplifies several times the high from drinking. I miss them terribly, like Kojak. I am a different person, got a different brain when i am smoking.

Old associations from much happier times are coming back by changing the balance of neurotransmitters affected by tobacco smoke.

9:00 George Simion. Acestea nu sunt excepții, sunt regula. Se pare că toți politicienii, miniștrii, tot ce e stat, media și entertainement în România, Europa și în toate țările e controlat doar de ei.

Mie îmi ia între jumătate de oră și până la o zi să caut și să găsesc pe unul, vizual, băbește ca să zic așa, fără nici un soft și în general i-am găsit pe toți care am încercat să-i caut. Există o bază de date cu toți actorii din lume de unde am extras liste cu nume (link-uri dreapta sus blogul de Asemănări/Similiarities).

Chestia e că am făcut foarte multe greșeli, mai demult când eram complet sub influența lor, mai ales cu fumul la apartament.

Și nu e numai România, tot așa e UE și toate țările din Europa, SUA, Rusia, China, Coreea, etc.

Și ungurii și japonezii au o armată de actori, de mii de oameni fiecare, au avut un program de zeci poate sute de ani pentru a ajunge aici. Ce să înțeleg din toate astea? Uitați-vă cum merg treburile în România și în lume. Războaie fără sens, pandemii, boli incurabile ca diabet, cancer, fumat, acum mai nou celulare, wi-fi, etc..

Cum s-a ajuns aici? Nu știu dar bănuiesc că are legătură cu fenomenul Tunguska. Aceea a fost o demonstrație după care au luat controlul peste tot. Dar am găsit mulți și dinainte.

A fost o cacealma. Ce au făcut ei atunci, atribuit lui Tesla, scurtcircuitarea ionosferei la pământ, practic un mega-trăsnet pe cer senin, nu se poate repeta prea mult fără a produce perturbări ale ionosferei și sau fără să se prindă prea mulți.

Ionosfera nu se poate distruge, ea se creează continuu prin expunerea oxigenului de la altitudini înalte la radiații solare iar câmpul magnetic terestru este format prin rotația tuturor sarcinilor electrice din atmosferă în jurul nucleului de fier din centrul Pământului.

Alianța ungurilor cu japonezii este ilustratată cel mai bine în această melodie, unde ungurul este tipul blond, care pare că s-a cam săturat de toată mascarada iar celălalt (japonezul) încearcă să-l încurajeze (We are the people who rule the world, Shock hit 11, Can't do well when i think you're gonna live me, Can't you be believing now).

1:20 Ghost of the vanghelionis past.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

On the Origin of Basques

Basque Autonomous Region (Țara Bascilor in Romanian) is a relatively isolated region of Spain of which @25% of the population (with minor differences from author to author) speak a Basque language which is different from Spanish (and most likely they speak both). It is unclear to me what autonomous means in this case, except their language.

Spain was under Arab rule for about 700 years. Although they claim pre Roman and pre Indo-European origin, there is at least one Arab author who claims Basque language has Arabic roots, and the second main component is... Why am i not surprised? Finnish.

I am not going to waste my time searching for how the Finnish got there. Finnish and Hungarians are the only people in Europe of non Indo European and Roman descendance, and they are strongly related.

According to their own legends, Hungarian people has two main components. Huns, who came in Europe at the end of the 4th century, plundered throughout the Roman Empire and spared Rome itself in exchange for Pannonia, a Roman province west of today's Romania and then themselves fell under Ostrogoth occupation. (An idea came to me, could it be the name of Austria, Ostereich by their own language, coming from there).

I personally believe Huns came from Australia, mainly because Attila's shield seen on his earliest depictions has a penguin on it (have to imagine the shield in vertical position), the name Attila, which coincides with one of the most known Australian landmarks in native language (Mt.Conner in English) and his facial hair, very different from that of Asians and Europeans. Here are a few images of Hungarian actors looking like Native Australians. There are many more.

Nowadays Hungary is in transition of changing its name to Magyarország after the name of its second ethnogenetic component, the Magyars. Magyarorszag is a very interesting name because its suffix seems to be... Sumerian. Could  that suffix come from a Pannonia population older than the Romans and Huns. Also obviously non Indo European (it seems a tradition of Pannonia).

Magyars arrived in Europe in the 9th century, again plundered Europe and found home in the same Pannonia. My theory is they are the Magars from Nepal who in those times and earlier were known for being mercenaries and most likely they were some of those hired to guard the Silk road caravans which carried silk and other goods to the Roman Empire and gold back to China. Basically, a versions of Mongols turned Buddhists.

Then, when the silk road was cut, they ran out of job.

The name for Buda, today's Hungarian capital to which recently was added the suffix Pest, meaning the area over the Danube from Buda's fortress point of view, seems to come from the name Buddha itself.

About in the same time with Buddhist Magars, in Europe came a population called Szekelys ("also referred to as Szeklers") whom i believe where of the clan Shakya of which Buddha was a prince, from the same Nepal. They settled west of Transylvania, catching the native Romanians in between. Then they brought in German settlers in south to re-enforce the circling. Current Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis is said to be one of them (though he is in reality a Hungarian writer probably of more recent German origin).

From time to time one author or another comes to claim the Huno-Magars came in that area, including Transylvania, before the Romanians. On December 7 an article appeared in the online Cell publication, previously unheard of (to me and many others) because it specializes in biology. The main author seems to be a post doctoral researcher at University of Basque country, lots of the others have Serbian (Slavic) names including Hungarian-Serbians. (Click on Show all authors, can't link to it).

They also claim Slavic origin of Romanians and late arrival in the area, quoting DNA studies done by themselves. DNA studies are rarely quoted when speaking of the origin of people and to me are at least controversial. It is also unclear to me what is the legal basis for obtaining and processing the DNA samples.

Strong linguistic, historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence prove Romanians are the continuators of Dacians, an old Indo-European population, and the Romans occupants, especially in Transylvania. This article seems done on demand to serve political interests. However lately the linked above Wikipedia article was a battlefield with proponents of the other theory pushing their unscientific point of view.

About the DNA evidence, me personally i do not believe in DNA theory at all.

These guys after the initial plundering of Europe, once by each of their ethno component, the Huns in 4th century and the Magars in 9th, did not give up their goal and that is to conquer it.

After the so called Christianization during their first king, Stephen @1000 with the help of the gold from Transylvania which they controlled and being far more advanced used their deceptive and techniques like psychology, unheard of in Europe, dis or miss information, bribes and blackmails, to gradually infiltrate the Catholic Church which culminated width the religious orders of which Dominicans, those behind Inquisition, started to have a mind and organizing of their own inside the Church.

That process continued to this day when they infiltrated all states, which actually are their creation and now are attempting to build this European Union, to finally control everything directly. Slowly, deceptively, first as a custom union, then as an economic one and finally political.

They were unsuccessful attempts in 1906. Since those peaceful attempts did not work out, Tunguska event and devastating wars (WWI and WWII) followed. Austria was and still is a playground of the Huno-Magars.

Back to our days. In 2005 France and the Netherlands turned down a Constitution and the Great Britain quit altogether in 2016. All that remained as base for the Union are individual treaties signed by each country.

Romanians, the archenemies of Hungarians, are kept in limbo. Though according to the treaty signed in 2005 they have full membership, the Huno-Magars don't want, under some bureaucratic pretext raised by their proxy Austrians, to agree on the free movement of persons, a principle of the Union, and a protocol part of the Treaty. This way, the Romanians are forced to work mostly illegally in the EU for lower wages and benefits.

Shiva Lingam symbol sitting on a lotus flower in the middle of Budapest, others. I believe Shiva Linga is the symbol of the primary disturbance that created the big bang as described in Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (core plan). 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

DeCember 12 (12)

2:02 AM "My purpose for the day was to see if it's possible to design a practical device that could do what the warp engines were doing in Star Trek but the day has passed drowned in unnecessary noise a and stomps and s...t."

Let's see if i have anything to say about the link above. I don't believe in negative energy and mass an s...t.

I believe in traveling within a void bubble. What is a void bubble. It is a place... no place at all. It is what this Universe was before big-gang (or first true random void disturbance).

In that no place at all distances do not mater. So if you open one of those and then another one in a different place corner of the Universe whatever was in the first one would migrate in the second when first one fades away. No other opening (of bubbles) can intervene in those moments or loss of material and lives could occur. Or parallel Universes be created whatever.

That's why i was telling, it is a limited resource in this Universe.

This was done on Earth with a pyramid shaped device during Ancient Egypt and then nowadays using tokamaks (in a different purpose then declared). Synchronization is the key for the transfer.

Was thinking of a dynamic process. A traveling device could wrap itself in a bubble while opening a bubble ahead at some distance. While advancing from one bubble to the other, the ship does not exit in the normal space so i don't know if it could open a bubble in a continuous mode but who knows for sure if there is not some trick for it...

Though i'm pretty sure it can be done because we need it and this Universe, or the first disturbance, arose to fulfill any rational need or anything mind can think of.

But will a ship traveling using successive or continuous jumps, obviously slower than bubble to bubble disrupt the busy schedule of site to site traveling?

Only salvation would come with size. If a bubble will resonate only with one of the same size, or only with one created at a certain precise time after the first one, then yes, simultaneous multiple site to site pairs of bubbles could exist, including ships.

2:50 Yeah i know, it sounds a bit like Scientology. But then let us not forget that...

2:52 And now that we have all the philosophical premises in place, let's think of a practical device. However, it may require brainstorming, or who knows, all the thetans have again to agree...

But i think all a ship has to do is to create ahead a tunnel of void long enough for the end of it to be in phase with the beginning... But that would require a lot of energy and probably should think first of how to extract the energy from the void. Or maybe the bubble can travel as a wave or something, conserving the bubble... As a worm maybe?

3:12 Visionary Jules Verne writes in his book about Paris in 1960 (or after 100 years he wrote it), reality that seems to be postponed to our days (his mind was a bit fast), among others, that journalism would not exist anymore, as they were no news and i think he was right about that one too.

Superweapons used in the first decades of twentieth century (Tunguska event) and reactions that followed (WWI, WWII, totalitarism) wiped the need for war thus the one for news. However they keep waging wars as a mean to control population that was getting smarter in the west and writing something that replaces the news, i call it the continuous show, which is a very sophisticated and complex live show, using the addiction for news of the population as a mean to keep them dumb.

1:00 This suggests a couple of large superconductive coils similar to those of tokamaks that could wrap the ship in a void bubble. However, the coils themselves that are attached to the ship are out of that bubble.

3:43 Spin and orbit the nucleus? Ok let' say for the purpose of this discussion they spin in a circle. Thus the magnetic field is nothing but again a reaction of the void, creating again closed loops perpendicular to its motion in a way similar to electron rotates in a closed loop. 

No further reaction to the reaction cause this one is closed and not moving. Since the electron rotates it probably rotates with it and there is a continuous "field" of rotating magnetic lines around the rotation axis.

This type of reaction is again an electric field but since it has no polarity (no beginning or end) as it is closed it does not interact with other electric nearby fields. But if we were to consider the fact the electron is rotating like in a cloud of uncertainty around the nucleus, the multitude of lines of field at some time parallel to the axis of rotation in a plane containing the electron rotation radius is generated by the uncertainty (cloud like) position of the electron around the rotating axis.

So in the end there is only one "force" and that is electric and when dynamic (single, open or moving) it causes two different types of reaction to the void. Light quanta, for single open linear disturbances like in case of an electron falling to a lower orbit which propagates in squares, the so called magnetic field described above, gravity being just an attraction between orienting dipoles from two different objects.

In case of the "magnetic" field above,  things are clear. The reaction to the disturbance created  by the rotation of electron has a direction following the direction of the rotation of the electron and the poles attract each other in order to sum the reaction.

Why is an electron charged and why it repels other electrons. This is not an easy one. Electrons spin and they probably have asymmetric charges made of smaller particles like polar molecules and thus they create a "magnetic" field. But electron is spinning and changing direction of the spin too fast fast to allow its void reaction to close through it, hence the field lines appear open. Uncertainty of the direction of the spin and spin speed of electron create unipolar fields. Probably same with protons.

And from here on i think i got a direction into explaining what particles are. I think they are light quanta with such a high frequency or small wave length or side length of their square they can't move the way light quanta does and small ones combine into large ones to satisfy the weird properties of very small ones. Or they probably move into a different time frame and/or space than light does, whatever you may like. Anyways  they are trapped into combinations within larger "molecular" particles.

Ok i got the whole of it. It's all in my mind. Shall i put it here for free?

Saturday, December 9, 2023

December 9

1:34 Teasing the Void.

2:54 I was curious to see if Morse code was a form of digital communicating and it turned out it was, with variable 4.6 bit rate (bits per character) but guess what. 7 and 8 bit ASCII code, later extended to 16 bit Unicode, was developed from it. Every time i press a key here in this text, a 16 digit binary extension of the Morse code is sent to google servers and back to be displayed on my editing field on my browser.

Titanic ship which sank in 1912 was equipped with a wireless Morse code transmitter. To that is owed the survival of 706 of 2,240 passengers and crew. The transmission alerted and gave coordinates to the nearby ships in the frozen surrounding Atlantic.

First global wireless transmission was done before 1900 by Marconi across Atlantic with a rather small transmitter. Tesla built his experimentations station in Colorado Springs in the years 1899-1900.

Tesla, unlike Edison, who was a trial and error type of engineer, was a calculated one. He must have known long distance wireless power transmission cannot work.

Then why his pyramid shape copper cage on top of his laboratory in Colorado Springs, at 6000 ft altitude, together with the biggest Tesla coil ever built, that could generate voltages above 10 million volts at 150-200 kHz?

Based on those experiments he built in 1901-1902 the Wardenclyffe Tower (1901-1917), a project that preceded the Tunguska event in 1908 and WWI in 1914-1918.

To camouflage the importance of those, both projects were dismantled and sold by piece "to cover debt".

Tesla died a (not so) poor man in a hotel room in 1943. His late face was used as prototype for aliens (grays) in a whole SF culture that followed.

Eiffel Tower which was finished in 1889 and also was supposed to be dismantled after "1889 Paris Exposition Universelle" also has the shape of a pyramid. Etc..

4:26 Hard to tell if it's a device or a symbol or both. Compare to...

5:32 Cracking open the space...

1:58 Into the next day already, however had to mention something here. To everybody's disappointment i mentioned things from SF culture. Subspace. Though everybody loves Star Wars and Star Trek, both original and New Generations.

Do i have to remind everyone books like Paris in Twentieth Century written by visionary Jules Verne?

Written in 1863, was refused by the publishers because it was too... futuristic. First published 30 years later, in 1893, it describes with accuracy how would be society in 1960, though a bit optimistic, internet did not appear until 1990, though in France there was a sort of grandfather of it, called minitel, some ten years before internet and probably the inspiration for it.

Star trek transmitters in original series look a h... of a lot like today's (or yesterday's whatever) flip phones. In New Generations, tablets were widespread.

Though i never thought teleportation was possible until these days. But it's different and much better than in Star Trek. Over there, it was limited to jobs like from orbit to planet. Planetary distances. The one i think about, is used to transfer people and goods to other solar systems or maybe even outside galaxy, like i saw in Stargate which i considered a total utopia.

But given the seriousness of the subject and number of similarities, i think they knew something. Could have been a message in a bottle thing.

In Star Trek is done in a clumsy way, that is through digitalization. One would be downloaded molecule by molecule to a database (or buffer whatever) and re-materialized at a distance which has some inconvenience. Downloaded was done of course physically, with a temporary inexistence.

Then, like any database, copies could have been made. It even happened in a few episodes where people, well, were kinda mixed up. Scotty i  think in an episode "lived" in such a buffer for some 70 years until he met with the guys from the New Generations (and somehow got older too LOL). Too futuristic even for me.

Databases could have been scanned like an email and weapons and viruses could have been filtered out, etc..

But Stargate and especially the original, is closest to reality. Only thing the ring was vertical not horizontal and one could step through it. Would make of course spaceships obsolete, both by distances involved and time. However, a counterpart was needed, like another working stargate at the destinations.

Other than that, you would still need ships and the only way to beat the rigors of the speed of light would be of course by bending space or creating around the ship a bubble with nothing in it (talking about EM quanta), excepting the ship itself, and i think that can be done by a fast rotating expanding electric field.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 19

8:26 Se întâmplă în Ungrovlahia. Ca să se deplaseze navetiștii mai ușor.

10:25 BTW there are a number of Japanese women dressed scantily (it's 71 degrees outside) roaming around the complex usually when i work on car but today she came from the other side of the complex while i was driving in and then around the building not stopping anywhere and going back. I went and picked some poops, she was basically walking "with me", tried to stop and let her pass but she turned around, stared back at me and went the other way.

10:41 The confusion around Einstein's theory of relativity arise from the fact that people don't really know what an electric field is. To be honest, i think i don't know either. It manifests as an attraction or repulsion force between two electrically charged particles or objects. Two electrons will repel each other etc.. Electrons will move in a field from negative to positive side like in a battery (the real, not conventional direction of flow), but only when the outside circuit is closed.

In a vacuum tube the electrons will flow freely from a negative to a positively charged electrode etc..

There are people saying the electric field propagates at the speed of light, arguing it so happens because is a carrier of light. E field is not necessarily carrying light but according to current theories it accompanies light as one of the components of EM field. Photons or particles of light do not interact with EM fields as they don't have a charge.

There are people who say the electric field lines start from a charged object and end at infinity for a positive charge and from infinity to the object for a negative charge. This is a very interesting enunciation.

Let's say we turn a switch on and let a small sphere of metal be charged through a wire from another one already charged negatively and shielded. How long it takes for the field lines arising from infinity to reach the sphere? By the definition, it should be instantaneous. Also by experiments. However we know from other experiments that the speed of light is finite.

But there is another consequence of the fact the electric field extends instantaneously to infinity. It also should extinguish instantaneously if the sphere is connected to the ground and loses charge. Same with magnetic, we cut current through the coil, the magnetic field collapses (after a transient phenomenon called self induction).

Vacuum is not an elastic medium. It is nothing at all. It has been argued for a long time and many including Tesla but not Einstein believed that vacuum is filled with a very fine matter called ether that acts as a medium for propagation of light analogous to sound in an elastic medium (air, water, solids). Within an elastic medium a wave will travel though losing intensity with the square of distance long after the source (disturbance) has ceased.

How come a photon that according to Einstein must travel together with a hypothetical EM field can travel indefinitely (if it doesn't reach an obstacle), long after the event that generated it, the orbital lowering of an electron which happens very fast, ceased and EM fields collapsed?

Another very interesting observation here. Since photons can travel for billions of billions of years, will they.... leave or some already left our Universe which is "only" 26.7 billion years old?

It is said EM field has two transversal, electric and magnetic components, which means the electric field is not parallel to the direction of propagation but perpendicular. I really don't understand how a transversal field can be spherical (or how an electric field that may extend to infinity can be transversal).

Quasi spherical or spherically deformed closed lines alternating lobes (loops) they say, and if they expand with the speed of light, the fields should also loose intensity with the square of distance as the same lobes that "somehow" maintain selves occupy more and more space. Speed of "closing lines" in the same direction with advancement shown in the animation above on top or bottom of some alternating lobes at speeds greater than light, consistent with... The formulas and the other animation here suggest the waves accompanying  a photon do not loose energy while they advance.

(iVan the man was kicking strong way before Vandama. I believe Lady of the Night is Eiffel Tower, and the kicks and punches in the air are earthquakes and ionosphere manipulation (Tunguska). At a certain moment he says radio like in French etc.).

12:00 Being away for three days did me good but also tired. I also became sort of insensitive to sound because i traveled 600 miles in a car that has at least 70 dB of low freq noise level inside. After coming back here i got sick again. Dog dung smell, now some wildfire smoke, and a high pitch sound that followed me throughout the whole entry above. I had other ideas in mind from during my walk but i give up for now.

3:30 Metsubushi. I'm pretty sure the guy who was driving the huge mower today that raised dust to the skies was him. How can one renounce his/her divinity.

3:47 Due to recent problems i went and smelled the exhaust of the car. Very much like the other but less amounts of ammonia detectable by smell in the exhaust.

6:37 Action and Reaction.

6 :48 I was reviewing what i wrote above like i always do after i cool down a little and when i was about to discover i missed the most important argument though i don't know how, i am convinced i put the right link, i heard a squeak above as they came. I also believe they chose the moment they "moved" so they can pretend are somehow behind all these. Similar things happened with the occupant before.

Today i saw in Romanian media a news about how a Romanian guy who discovered first insulin and some Canadian scientist that patented insulin after him took all the credit and i believe it was a reaction to what i posted yesterday. It so happens the man was a virulent right extremist. I believe something similar happened, he was tipped with inside information so he can patent it first to pretend he did it and then he was suppressed which would bring more "proof" for his extremism which was disastrous for Romanians.

Christians can never be extremists. Extremists never discovered anything. They don't even exist, they're just attraction poles created by THEM to divide us.

Insulin in diabetes is palliative anyways. I believe diabetes can be cured or the condition improved dramatically with the help of antibiotics, however administered by IV, intra-muscular or cutaneous (patches), last two being the best options as being time release, in order to avoid liver metabolism in oral administration and treat chronic pancreatitis behind diabetes, in the same time with elimination of indoor pollution sources (sick homes). 

However it takes a while, similar with treatment for TB.

7:47 Metsubushi. Violent, uninterrupted squeaks from above raised dust by means of ultrasound, especially from shoes. Got my nose congested, just threw my shoes outside.

8:23 So weird how the humidity in the air condensates into clouds within low pressure disturbances after hot humid air crosses the mountains and also cools down.

8:44 Mie îmi vine să o iau la fugă numai când văd sigla site-ului.

10:05 Action/Reaction. Complex semantic matches attempting to brainwash. Longview Nippon Dynawave. This was the smoke i was feeling today. And this. Abbandoned?

Monday, July 17, 2023

July 17

10:05 My model of everything relates somehow with the asymmetry of a type of jellyfish or hydroid called Velella Velella which i saw in large numbers once or twice on the Oregon beaches but the quanta of energy also moves or jumps sort of like a butterfly or a chicken's head. That's why tonight i remembered a couple of things.

The only opera performance i went to during High School was Madama Butterfly, with the whole class.

I once, before 2015, chatted on a group chat (gave that up a longtime ago) with a person in Romanian who called him/her self The Quantum Butterfly (fluturele cuantic). He/she said a phrase that at the time seemed intriguing enough for me to involuntarily memorize, at a time when i didn't really know much about Buddha and stuff. "Let's not forget that before being Buddha he was Gautama Siddhartha". Buddha in Sanskrit is a common word meaning among others the enlightened one.

Madama Butterfly premiered in 1900 (New York) and 1904 (In Italy) or one year before Einstein published his theory for the first time. Tunguska Event took place in 1908 etc..

Yesterday before i left and done everything i could to fix the airbag, i think somebody brought in from somewhere a large amount of dog urine and poured it on hot ground or grass, most likely in the space between the buildings across the alley where the wind was blowing.

The aerosolized stuff got into my lungs and slowly released in the esophagus, stomach and intestine including during eating, where it fermented. It started when i had the steering wheel apart, had no choice but stay there in the heat and smell and put it together, which took me one more half hour or more. BTW after being gone for more than 24 hours, in here it stinks like in a stable of dogs.

BTW the warning light went off by itself when Sun wasn't hitting the airbag anymore, i think it's a temperature related thing, the resistance of the resistive element in the airbag increases with temperature and the computer constantly measures it and when temperature raises it goes over a certain limit and puts the light. It could be a design problem of the aging airbag or a modified parameter in the computer which can be done with a special type of scanner (not the one for check engine light) or a more expensive "universal" one.

I don't believe it impairs the functioning of the airbag itself, being marginal like this. And BTW the airbag can be replaced in less than a minute with a pushing tool like a star screwdriver or hex wrench. It then clicks back in its place.

I had to take the steering wheel and steering column plastic cover off to clean all the contacts under.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

July 5

6:20 Cât de mult aș dori să transmit ce urmează la cât mai multe persoane care să o pună în primele rânduri în lista lor de strategii de recunoaștere a realității sociale.

Minciunile au existență limitată în timp, însă ele își îndeplinesc scopul dorit de utilizator dacă rezistă suficient de mult. Chiar dacă ele sunt descoperite și înlăturare, lanțul de evenimente cauzate nu mai poate fi demontat, e deja la timpul trecut, iar scopul lor ultim este de obicei crearea de impresii care conduc la decizii, unele cu efect imediat și ireversibil.

Una din decizii poate fi ștergerea din memorie a unei impresii recente dificile pe un subiect asemănător.

De cele mai multe ori minciuna se poate deduce imediat, prin simpla analiza a faptelor relatate. Însă pentru majoritatea e mai simplu să se lase în voia emoțiilor ca să dea de lucru și emisferei drepte a creierului, cea care ne face să simțim că trăim, decât să trezească cealaltă emisferă care în weekend se odihnește. Fără glumă.

Dacă vă uitați înapoi cu atenție, în SUA de exemplu toate împușcăturile în masă și celelalte evenimente false care cuprind mesaje simbolice ascunse, se desfășoară în weekend când petrecem un timp privat cu familia și suntem cel mai vulnerabili.

Nu am putut reacționa imediat la faza cu căminele de bătrâni, mă gândeam la altceva dar credeți că dacă ei cerșeau goi la poarta căminului de ani de zile chestia ar fi trecut neobservată de media? Sau cei cu afacerea i-ar fi lăsat la poartă să-i vadă lumea? Sau organizațiile caritabile din România nu au observat? Au fost Crăciunuri, Paști, fathers' and mothers' day etc..

Alte fapte relatate în știre sunt însă credibile, ca de exemplu neglijarea, răul tratament, delapidarea etc. și cel mai probabil asta nu se va schimba chiar dacă intervine Corpul de Control al Primului Ministru sau orice altă comiție de-a lor inutil plătită de noi. Însă cea mai mare emoție din știre a fost creată de imaginea imaginară a unor bătrâni goi cerșind la poartă.

Este evident că cei care recurg sistematic de atâția ani la aceste strategii media care prădează mintea noastră nu fac parte din societatea noastră, sunt niște paraziți alieni care trebuie înlăturați. Însă lumea nu-i poate recunoaște, și în general nu își pierde timpul observând că în spatele acestor tulburări de ape în media sunt mereu aceleași nume și fețe umbrite.

Cât despre scopul acestui val de emoție creat deliberat, care deja "și-a făcut efectul", ca un medicament luat forțat, o pilulă amară, puțini ar crede dacă l-aș spune așa că renunț.

7:20 Never realized the name Einstein contains The German word for one, ein, twice. The two languages are pretty close to each other and actually related. However when translated the name means literally One stone which i believe in German as name sounds as weird (Ein Stein) as in English Onestone.

Another interpretation could be eye nein which could tell your subconscious not to look too deep. Another one, ein, ein, or keep counting at one etc.. Ein stays ein. Nine ein ein.

But could also be a coded message for those who under_stood what was all about, that is propagating standing waves of perpendicular alternating electric and magnetic fields.

8:13 After a drier than normal rain season but also a rare summer storm about a week ago, fires erupted in the last weekend in the whole state of Washington. Warning, if you click on the screenshot, this site is very slow.

12:32 Dmitry Medvedev is not heard by the collective west. This news appeared so far in Asia and yahoo news that few read and in neighboring countries like Romania.

In 1945 it was believed Americans had two devices. However, i doubt it, i believe it was all simulated with several hundreds tons maybe thousands of conventional explosives, maybe fertilizer (to hide it from official military) loaded in big wooden planes invisible to radar like the Spruce Goose to simulate the new super weapon. "No other countries was supposed to have them", "there was no fear of retaliation".

Otherwise Japan would have been invaded and their fate would have been different.

It also turned the Japanese into victims though they started the war. It marked the beginning of nuclear peace that lasted to this day. Out of fear people became more obedient to their own governments. There was some compensation. Entertainment. Drugs.

A different situation was in 1908, Tunguska, 3 years after Einstein's first publishing of his theories. That was a much more powerful detonation done by shorting of the ionosphere to the ground, an enormous lightning if you prefer, done remotely with a couple of synced devices or shall i call them antennas, The Eiffel Tower and Wardenclyffe Tower. It cannot be repeated, not right away, without the risk of severely unbalancing the planet's shield to solar and cosmic radiation which is ionosphere. But they didn't know that at first.

After that all hell broke loose in Europe. WWI, Bolshevik revolution, WWII, etc..

Nowadays it is said countries have them in the thousands. People submitted to their governments and accepted secrecy on this subject "so the enemy won't know" however the governments of the world know each other's secrets very well, if not for past mutual verification treaties, is the people who don't know nothing. Unverifiable.

If not for something else, if there is one bit of justice left in this world, Medvedev should be tried for threatening everybody on this planet including Russia, so many times, with oblivion. And that falls in every country's jurisdiction, including Russia, no need for dubious international courts.

1:05 Mulțumesc pentru precizările vage Gheorghe Gheorghiu gay or gay (Cristi). O singură informație utilă în tot interviul?

1:25 Libertatea de a crede orice. Marian Munteanu.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

March 12

5:20 You can't stay in your apartment because of smoke and dust and noise and dog poop. Can't wait to leave for a wonderland like a 1000 or 2000 machines casino where you get lost. Get tired driving, by the exhaust of cars in front driving under speed limit. Do weird things to the car (because they messed with it at Ilany), probably under influence from smoke at home that last hours, after 5 days mostly inside and then getting really upset. Play a little, get more tired in a place with mind and alertness analyzing capabilities.

And then they pop in front of you. With slightly different looks, ages older then you know them from videos, just to prove you don't have any reaction. Zelenskyiv with a mask. Who knows  how many others. At Spirit Mountain, they cut the free internet so "i can get tipped" (I payed for unlimited data about a week ago, but to my surprise, the new plan will start on... 18). It's in their reach. It's what they do, calculate and trick everybody on this planet. I don't think we will ever get rid of them, how could it be possible cause we leave in their simulation. But what is their purpose? Just in case i die in an accident on my way home, to claim they did it, magically? Truth is they have some. Magic. Postures, gestures that just like true yogi, if you look at them could get your intestinal transit blocked. But only if under some influence, like dog poop that already does things to your body. Got palpitations for a week now. If i have a heart attack or stroke they will say they did it.

5:27/3:27 M-am gândit și așteptat aprox 12 ore cum să scriu fraza asta când ajung acasă. România a avut garanții de securitate mult mai serioase decât o discuție în doi. Tratate semnate și evident respectate după, încă înainte ca România să existe ca stat independent. Bine pe atunci statele erau altceva, lumea, diplomații din toate țările erau din elite (nobilime) școlite la Paris, exista noțiunea de onoare și în general toată lumea a fost altceva înainte de 1908 sau când s-a întâmplat fenomenul numit Tunguska, și invenția radio-ului și mult mai târziu, după al doilea război, a televiziunii, creatoarea de gură cască ce suntem. Pe scurt. Fără Rusia creștină și războiul ei cu turcii, România nu exista.

România, un stat încă tânăr, deși provinciile au existat de milenii, românii nu au experiența politică a altora și de asta ei cred în tot ce se spune.

5:51/3:51 Doi pași pe pasarelă (Két lépés a függőhídon) este titlul cărții cu copertă albastră a lui Imre Babics, un scriitor ungur de origine ucraineană (da, cu cercel, într-o ureche). Și astfel se explică felul cum arată domnul președinte. Dacă nu aveți altceva mai bun de făcut, alegeți-l, închinați-vă, credeți-l.

11:10 Maybe because of this?

11:38 Upstairs. Coming back home when i opened the news. Squeaking when i read certain news or when i decide to post something.  Heavily influencing. Yeah, it worked. I forgot what i wanted to write. Truth is, i got really, really sick, a bit more than a week after he came back. He disappeared mysteriously, for more than a month, with car left in the parking lot (he did it several times in the last few months). They even started to pop in front of me on the streets cars with his letters part of his LPN, like wanted to say, i have something to do with his "disappearance". But he came back. Actually i believe he was still around, in a different apartment, using a gray window tinted window Toyota. Electrifying and raising dust with his shoes when he climbs the stairs above my door and then agitating the electrified dust with audible and ultrasonic squeaks, by ancient ninja techniques. It could be him. But if i re-open the news, i will certainly find something to write about. Cause it's all a big mess.

Yeah, another face i saw yesterday at one of the casinos, can't remember in which. It's all like a dream (nightmare) to me (slept 4 hours, me i can't sleep in weekends and Angela only can sleep after going there). Heaven's Gate and Hell's Flames... not sure, was the name of a program at the Beaverton Nazarene Church meant to bring in more members, where pastor Dennis Swift was singer Meat Loaf and where i befriended Shawn Parker (later General Petraeus) and auto mechanic Dave Diggins (Tom Cruise).

My glucometer quit working. Also, wanted (thought of) to get at the car to get the voltmeter to find a couple of batteries for the weather station sensor that quit working, but they promptly brought kids.

12:54 Putain!

1:18 Cooked some food. I just bought a chef's knife on Amazon, i knew the brand cause Angela had an utility knife for years that never needed sharpening. But the thing is so sharp i'm afraid to use it. Went at the car to fix some stupid things i've done myself. When i was under the influence of the smoke. Within 10 minutes all kids and teens passed by. Came back inside to let another group pass. Here he's waiting with squeaks.

3:35 "President Putin claims in the .midst of war, the entire military infrastructure has been destroyed"

Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18

6:26 Angela went to work after four and a half hours of sleep (over the years i wrote about some of the many mishaps that happen on constant basis at her job here). Part of it was because i went to check the car after i remembered she said she heard a noise, one time only, like the radiator's fan was hitting something, and i lost a tube with adhesive and thought it might have entered the fan's housing. It was midnight, i went outside, two of the kids who almost grew up in the last 6 years since we're here were behind the car talking. So i waited for them to leave, went to look in the radiator and they came back and started to talk, one of them near hour door.

There was no adhesive tube in there but a... dead mouse or mole or something, decomposing, which i tried to remove with a wire or something but couldn't. Leaving behind the car a trail of smell of a dead animal.

After she left the place filled with an irritating smell that made me sneeze and i went outside a couple of times and find some minor bulges and/or collapsed areas, it looks like the smell is maybe subsiding.

6:41 I know it sounds absurd, but everything i post seem to have an echo in the large universe. Just posted pictures with areas in between building, with grass missing and they came with this. And the evacuations of civilians? By Ukrainian official census,  there are up 10 million Russians in Ukraine, most of them concentrated in Eastern area. How many can they evacuate with a few or a lot of buses?

7:01 Lately i said a lot about living in a simulated reality, maybe the forgotten projects like Living Earth Simulator that have already started to be implemented. I know it because of things that happen around here, on a "small" scale, like the two kids behind the car at midnight. Everything i do is received with actions of their part creating a whole that if observed from outside looks totally different. All i see around me is actors that are part of a show, while the real people have gone, a long time, maybe all dead in "Asian wars", and today they came with this.

I said a while ago, i have a suspicion that nuclear weapons do not exist, they are one of the biggest hoaxes meant to create an infinite fear from population, which then will obey the Great Hunic conspiracy. Nuclear weapons are said to be small enough to be fitted in a cruise missile or even under the belly of a fighter jet, why would they need "strategic bombers" of this size (yeah i know the symbolism of the guy sitting on the ladder) if not to fill them with "conventional" explosives, fly them remotely in close formation and simulate, if necessary, a few no-clear attacks? Half thickness of lead in the case of high energy radiation is about 5 mm, of steel about 10 mm, how big should be the "shell" of a nuclear weapon to pose no threat for those pilots or electronics of the plane just by flying them?

How long the steel shell or carcass of the bomb will keep its steel microcrystalline structure integrity before it gets damaged from radiation of the "core" highly radioactive materials like plutonium? How about the effects of radiation on the "neighboring atoms" of the core itself?

It it said some of the bombs are made with a plutonium core, which has a half life of about 45 years, making it highly radioactive. Half life means about half of the plutonium turns to americium, a material of different atomic number, thus, density, which means the "core" will not stand in one piece but once enough of the material, let's say 10% turns to americium, will turn (in about 5 years) to a dust while the steel shall most likely become brittle and crack from radiation damage before that.

Bombs of course should have some sort of detonation mechanism made of course of known materials like steel and conventional explosives, how would those keep integrity over a few years while exposed to that amount of radiation?

One of the form of plutonium decay emits electrically charged alpha particles, which is helium, "that cannot penetrate not even a sheet of paper" (than how it can escape the solid core). But will that helium create pressure inside the core of a bomb making it unstable? (if plutonium has a half life of 45 years, with one helium atom released for each plutonium atom decayed, that means that in about 10% of that time or 5 years there will be enough helium inside that core that will create enough pressure to blow it apart, with most of it being trapped between plutonium molecules or crystals or whatever.

It looks like fear stopped us until now from thinking of all these... side phenomena accompanied by even putting together and handling a large enough mass of artificially concentrated radioactive materials which i think it's simply not possible.

While in faculty i had a teacher that was speaking to us of all these things. I once tried to call him, more ten years ago and i was told he disappeared, without a trace, without a body ever being found.

I dismissed immediately all he told me, thinking he was crazy or provoking or something, and it took me some 40 years to came to the same conclusions, so i think, people reading these would probably go through the same mental processes, after we've been told for 80 or 100 years the same lies, over and over.

12:47 As for thermonuclear or H bombs. "Based on tritium, which again has a life time of 12 years and is a form o hydrogen, thousands of times the size of Hiroshima bomb". Those can be simulated with short cutting the ionosphere to the Earth, using gigantic antennas, like that of Tesla or Eiffel Tower etc. (see Tunguska phenomenon, which was a demonstration that started to change the world, followed by WWI and Bolshevik revolution). But again, they can be used only once in a while, because the ionosphere needs weeks or months. I believe one of the functions of the Great Pyramid was just that.

I think Russians really lost their strategic position in the world after the fire at Ostankino tower, 3 months after Putin came to office in the year... 2000.

9:14 (Lincoln City) How did they know?

9:41 Am văzut pe telefon, din mașină, mai multe știri similară cu cea de mai sus care se pare că interferă cu ce am scris. Și pentru că nu am internet pe telefon care să poată fi transmis la laptop (tethering) acum, am intrat în cazino, în zona de fast food și am căutat acele știri. Gălăgia, agitația, m-au făcut să uit multe din acelea, dar am găsit altele. Un exemplu. Am scris mai devreme despre un profesor de facultate care nega existența armelor nucleare și care a dispărut fără urmă, iar ei au venit imediat cu ceva. Mi se pare mie sau tipa care a scris nu stăpânește bine limba română?

10:04 The ninja somehow repeated the performance of spreading this time inside the casino of some sort of smoke (coming from outside when doors were opening) that made me sneeze a lot. Though i have a mask on my face. I remembered another thing i wanted to write down. We stopped at Spirit Mountain to get gas and some hot dogs. That were paid with "rewards". At the gas station, a truck with cisterns was filling the underground tanks with gas. By the brand Carson. It happens a lot when i mention the name Andy Carson.

10:11 700.000 oameni împărțit la 40 pe autobuz înseamnă 17.500 de curse de autobuz. Cred că se poate întâmpla într-o perioadă între 3 (200 de curse pe zi) și 6 luni. Vor pleca doar așa, cu o sacoșă de rafie? Există în întreaga Federație Rusă atâtea locuri la hotel?

11:39 I published my first list with actors probably after this post, in 2013. Most likely on g+ cause i can't find it on fb. I think this movie, Time Goes By triggered this whole process. Crazy with nostalgia, every time i was seeing an episode i was thinking of that Romanian politician. I didn't find him or abandoned searching for him, in favor of much bigger fishes. In the mean time my list grew and grew, i kept rectifying errors from the past, etc., extended searches to other countries, including Russia.

Here is a list since 2016, with not so many errors. I was doing it by ear and didn't have any method.

But now when i saw the synchronization with my post about godhood of George Washington and Putin's last actions of recognizing the two separatist regions and entering in Ukraine i started to get worried and mad. Cause all my effort will be linked to his actions. Cause what i wrote and the matches i posted are so much more important than his actions.

Ukraine separated peacefully from Soviet Union in 1990 and problems with Russians on the east side started in 2014, or after i posted the first lists. 8 more years, a pandemic and now they are linking this with my activity. By synchronization, which is so important.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Și la fălci umflat și buget

După marea bătălie de la Sekigahara, cea mai mare bătălie din istoria Japoniei feudale, armata de mercenari ninja, care i-au dus de nas pe daimyo ca să lupte unii împotriva altuia, practic jumătate din Japonie (est) să lupte împotriva celeilalte (vest), au pus un shogun deghizat de-al lor (unii spun că de-a lungul vieții, Ieyasu Tokugawa a fost "jucat" de 3 ninja diferiți), ninja au format prima poliție secretă din lume, în care au decis totuși că nu vor mai trimite niciodată unii de-ai lor în misiuni în care pot să-și riște viața. A urmat o perioadă de pace de aprox 270 de ani, sub dinastia de shoguni fake Tokugawa. Nu e greu de ghicit cine au fost ceilalți. Împăratul, tot fake, a avut și el un rol decorativ.

De fapt și mult mai înainte sau dintotdeauna, ninja "se laudă" cu non-violența lor. Arma lor principală este iluzia, sanscrit maia, mama lui Buda. Dacă i-au pus, prin metode de influențare, pe alții sau mai bine zis, i-au lăsat și încurajat pe nebuni să-și facă de cap, sau felul, cum se mai zice, vina asta e greu de judecat. Fiindcă nu putem ști dacă nu cumva tot ei i-au înnebunit mai întâi.

Un lucru trebuie să înțelegem din această lecție a istoriei. Totul se petrece în mintea noastră. Noi hotărâm dacă e să intervenim fizic, violent sau pur și simplu abuziv, ca să ne facem "un rost", altfel decât o activitate obișnuită în viața noastră. De fapt, nu cred că mai hotărâm, fiindcă vrând nevrând, după 2 războaie și dictaturi ne-am conformat și noi acestui tip de pacifism, mai ales după cel de-al doilea război mondial, care a urmat exact același curs și a avut același tip de influencers ca și bătălia de la Sekigahara.

După ce însă balanța puterii în lume a fost răsturnată prin demonstrația Tunguska și toți liderii paralizați și înlocuiți de oamenii lor. A fost un plan cu termen foarte lung, timp în care într-o țară din mijlocul Europei au fost crescuți acest tip de surogate, prin import genetic din alte țări ca Germania, România, Cehia, etc..

Acești maeștri ai decepției țepei, alimentați din budism și filosofia indiană a iluziei numită maia, grefată pe animismul primordial chinez, au învățat să rafineze și să aplice mereu, pașnic, ideile generalului Sun Tzu în spațiul nostru mental.

Nu pot să precizez când a început această grefă mentală în România. Mințile (oare și asta este o făcătură, verbul a minți, minte p III singular, care coincide cu substantivele minte, minți la plural) supuse și manipulate după aceste tehnici antice, nemiloase și fără greș. Dar suspectez versul care a dat titlul acestei postări ca făcând parte din aceasta strategie a manipulării simbolurilor. Un cuvânt care nu mai este folosit demult în limba română în acest sens, adică umflat, într-un vers care folosit de marele poet i-a desființat pe jumătate sensul de azi. Cu alte cuvinte, un alt blocaj mental care-i împiedică să vadă că bugetul este într-adevăr umflat, cu o rată de umflare 2.

Oricât de mult am încercat să deschid ochii românilor asupra a ceea ce se petrece cu bugetul, văd, din noile Lor manevre, pe care le știu că urmăresc întotdeauna punctul slab al zilei, că românii sunt sensibili doar la chestii emoționale, chiar când e vorba de soarta lor la nivel de stat.

A venit Iohannis și a dat undă verde la DNA, ca să-l pedepsească pe un fost ministru, de-al lor? Prima chestie, încălcarea separației puterilor în stat. Președintele are alte sarcini decât procurorul. Să-l pedepsească pentru ce pe un fost ministru al mediului? Pe o chestie derizorie (bine nici un furt nu-i derizoriu, deși cu cât e mai mărunt și naiv, cu atât mai pedepsit, nu ați observat și dvs?).

Cu ceva simbolism inclus pe care nu-l pot vedea acum. Tabla. (Poate fi "le tableau noir, ou vert", etc.).

Adevăratul furt din care cauză România a ajuns la statutul de țară subdezvoltată, după ce unii au avut nebunia de a se aventura într-o industrializare și în general dezvoltare deșănțată, fără bază în mentalitatea populației, fără legătură directă cu vestul dezvoltat de unde au fost făcute importurile de tehnologie pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, este furtul masiv de la buget. "Costel Alexe" a furat sau mă rog a luat mită de milioane, pe când de la un singur minister dispar pe tăcute miliarde în fiecare an. Miniștrii, guvernele, clovnii au doar rolul de a face gălăgie pe chestii derizorii și mai ales de a conduce de sus sau a da tonul la marea tentație a corupției, care completează restul imaginii. Mai mult de atât nu știu ce să mai spun. Doar că nu veți citi asta în știrile Lor, niciodată.

Ce vreți să spuneți, ninja la noi?

(Adică dacă americanii au ninja lor, englezii au ninja lor, francezii au ninja lor, de ce să nu-i avem și noi pe ai noștri? în Japoneză, engleză, alte limbi se pronunță "ningea", mulțumim foarte mult Irina Nistor iar cuvintele japoneze nu au plural).

(Revăzând acest video mă șochează iar și iar aceeași fază. Lumea aplaudă neștiind ce. Mai ales ultimele fraze rostite în japoneză. Dorul foamea noastră de entertainment din 91 care nu s-a mai săturat până azi).

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dust Lady of 911

Today i started to feel again the effects of fine redwood dust. It is my belief "they" alternate methods and after a while they bring back the old tricks now forgotten (though i try to write everything, almost everything fades out or is shadowed by newer events and especially the fake events meant to cover on keywords what i write).

(Someone, my roommate back in HS once prophesied for me that i would have a life full of events, and that qualifies for a long life since life is measured in number of events, not necessarily years, would die in a mental hospital and in the end i would be rehabilitated).

So after i talked a lot about litter dust, now comes the redwood dust again. Redwood is toxic and irritating per large amounts of tannins. It is also very tough, mechanically which means tiny chips can be very sharp and penetrates skin. I know because i stuck my hands in the mulch under the deck of main door several times and my hands hurt for hours if not days.

Sometimes in the spring of 2016 they came and spread around the building chipped redwood. I think it was around Cinco de Mayo. By now obvious, they used way too much, intentionally. In some places around the building it was up to 1 ft tall. I threw away dozens and dozens of 13 gallons bags or hundred of pounds in the garbage, at least 10 times several years ago. At some point it became like a mat. There are places where it never rains, like under the stairs. People are walking on it and some turns into the finest dust. I saw the water coming form the AC in the summer was red because of it.

But i don't believe it gets in here by itself. The fact that there is so much around the building allows them to bring it inside without proof, when "needed". There was also wind two days ago and that wind might have blown some inside or on the stairs and deck. When they come with the blowers, on Wednesday, they blow everything from the parking lot onto the buildings, but they also come near the building where the dust is and blow it, i don't know why. A fine, invisible layer settles on the stairs, on the mat in front and gets inside.

Yesterday i wanted to get drunk to celebrate something. But the subtle pain from dust was keeping me irritated and almost sober no matter how much i drank. In the end i looked at the bottle and got scared and stopped drinking. It was too late. I probably drank around 400 ml of brandy, about the same amount of wine. Biggest trouble, i ran out of soluble decaf and i drank some regular. Don't know why, to me it's worse if i drink caffeine then alcohol and terrible if i mix them.

So i stopped, went to bed almost unconscious and woke in a few hours with a reflux episode. That is the content of the stomach goes up on esophagus and enters the airways. If drunk enough, you may choke to death (Jimmy Hendrix's death, they say). Upstairs a dog and a person was running, walking, intermittently starting after 3 AM but in the morning it was like a few steps, out of nowhere, every minute or so. I got so dehydrated, i started having palpitation (in the morning), felt my hands and legs swallowing (heart failure). I drank lots of herbal tee to re-hydrate. I was feeling almost ok and wanted to go back to sleep but just before Angela left i started to have chest pain. Usually to me it solves with a few 100 mg potassium gluconate supplements and a long walk. But i was out of potassium pills. I ate a mixture of potatoes, peas and cabbage, some meat that should have had at least that amount but also the carbs started a movie (Yes, Start Trek Deep Space 9) and went to sleep.

I woke at 2 PM with again chest pain. Ate more vegetables. Made it somehow till Angela came. When she came i went outside and i realized there was some sort of chocking smoke and there was visible smoke at the chimneys at the houses (apartments) visible uphill from here. I knew i had a few potassium pills in the car and after taking those finally went for a walk. I was dizzy at first probably because of heart not working well but i kept telling myself, this is going to work. The alternative was ER which was very unappealing for a number of reasons. I even ran a bit. After two miles i started to feel better and came back home. If i had a clogged coronary artery, it probably unclogged by itself, but i needed a few more hours to complete recovery from fibrillation. When they came back home upstairs. A few more walks with squeaks, breathing through congested nose got me severe palpitations, with heart probably stopping a couple of times (felt a few painful poundings in chest and was back to normal).

I noticed so far. During mild heart attacks some hormones get released in your body. After reaching a peak, with heart pounding like that, it always gets better. Your body might have its own mechanism to recover from those, if the cause (dehydration, de-mineralisation) is removed. Sometimes re-mineralistion may occur by itself if you wait long enough allowing your body to pull those minerals (electrolytes) from your bones.

It was around that time when i realized there was lots of dust inside. I rinsed a rag i used to clean the floor and water came red. As i kept sobering up (high levels of alcohol in my system even after 24 hours) i started to think. I mopped the floor and took a bath. But dust was too much and a lot of it already accumulated on fridge's coil. Every time the fridge starts i feel the pain of the redwood dust all over my body. I feel it on my esophagus as it clears the lungs. I feel it on my lower colon. So in the morning when Angela wakes up i will attempt to was the fridge's' coils and everything under.

I remember an episode, about 7 years ago. I had palpitations for a couple of weeks. I went to an urgent care place and a "doctor" layed me on the table. Then he started to palpate my belly and went to the chest and unexpectedly pressed once so hard for several seconds, i think he literally stopped my heart. Maybe made blood flow backwards in the arteries, to unclog them? Whatever it was, it helped me, though it was really scary. He said something about the "old mechanical defibrillator". LOL.

So sometimes it's redwood, sometimes it's litter dust. I know that by the effects.

Kept thinking. Who in the world are best at manipulating dust?

Ninja had a type of weapon that was literally made of eggs filled with different types of dust like by example very fine ground glass dust. What they did with those, you guessed already. The used them in combat to blind the opponent.

The idea was passed along to their Police forces, probably first in the world. They used those to incapacitate suspects during arrests. They have a name. The are called metsubushi.

And this is where the weird part starts. During Bush the IInd there was a couple of city scale metsubushi who went off in the city of New York. I had no idea of the scale of the dust disaster in that day and following days until i saw a video a couple of years ago. People coming out of the cloud of dust and chocking while the paramedics could not help them. You can't help people who have the lungs full of dust. Video is gone now from youtube.

Tonight i wanted to write a bit of a conclusion of what i was doing lately. That is about the similarities between faces of politicians, public figures and actors, mostly Hungarian and some Japanese. But could not find a place to start. Then i thought i found it. Metsubushi. They've been using this stuff on me for a long time. Non-lethal, it will bring you to your knees and reset you to the point you can't even think for yourself. Shortness of breath for a few hours and you will forget of everything and give up everything and become as docile as a child. If it's litter dust, the next day when you are recuperating, suddenly find yourself in the opposite direction. You feel too good. They did this to me for decades. They are doing it now. So "they" must be. The ones who control everything.

Before i wrote this post i searched for images about the dust that settled those days in New York and found this. And i found Dust Lady. Marcy Borders. They said she died of cancer at 42 om 2015 or 4 years after.

I don't believe it. I don't believe she could have survived that. If tiny amounts of building materials dust like mineral insulation make me so sick, how in the world could someone breath those amounts of concrete, gypsum and other material dust and survive the initial exposure. More than that, she looks like she poses. A tragic pose but still a pose. For reassurance or at least to cast doubt.

This dust she was supposed to be in it's not flour. It's concrete or silica or glass. Who knows how many real others died that day and are not reported anywhere.

As for the similarities blog. It should be obvious by now to anybody that the whole world, all countries, are being controlled by only one power. To me everything leads to an alliance between Hungary and Japan.

After all, they've been allies in WWII. Culturally, Hungarians are more Asians than Europeans.

What is happening. As i've seen so far they let us do whatever we want but they encourage us to do the most stupid things, mainly to do their job. Accelerate the selection. Eliminated the sinners and the stupid. But stupid most times means uniformed. Ignorant. They let us choose but they provide, for free all means for us to choose the wrong direction.

They must have some super-weapons we don't know about. Like the one which caused the Tunguska explosion which brought all nations to their knees at the begging of 20th century. Most likely done by short-cutting the ionosphere to the ground using huge antennas to oscillate the ionosphere of which we might suspect Eiffel Tower, Wardenclyffe (Tesla) Tower (which was demolished next year). They must have assassinated (through undetectable old ninja methods) or have killed in revolutions all the old elite and replaced it with actors.

Tesla have been working in France before coming to the US in 1884, several years before Eiffel Tower construction began. But Tesla was only an actor or a symbol. They were others behind him who ran the whole show.

Very few understand or maybe never occurred to them of what means for some people to have a living god as emperor, and that living god is the Emperor of Japan. But the Emperor might be fake and controlled by the old ninja.

Some of the consequences of the Tunguska phenomenon was Dissolution and Partition of the Ottoman Empire, WWI, Bolshevik Revolution, WWII and basically everything that happened in the tumultuous and bloody 20th century.

It was then when territories like Palestine, Arabia (later Saudi Arabia), Syria, Kuwait, Iraq where taken over from the Ottoman Empire where they have been for centuries by western powers like France and Britain. "Britain gained control of Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, parts of Cameroon and Togoland, and Tanganyika". Once flourishing, Arab civilization was reduced to nothing by the Turks, then western powers and subsequent occult domination.

"In 1916, with the encouragement and support of Britain (which was fighting the Ottomans in World War I), the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali, led a pan-Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire to create a united Arab state."

However, after WWII British Empire collapsed as well and all territories taken from Ottoman Empire became independent or better said taken over by an occult power as well as Great Britain itself, all European countries. By now, i think i know who they are.

Ever since, this occult power is at war with the populations of every state on Earth. Since it cannot reveal itself, it mimics the behavior of those populations, leading by force, influence and finance.

I don't want to go in the vast area of WWII, Korea, Vietnam but i can tell something about Gulf War and subsequent Iraq war and massacres, Afghanistan war, Syria massacres. People from one side of the world are convinced to fight against those from the other side, with one media controlling all the information coming from the conflicts, each seeing something else, for the only purpose of appeasing, oppressing, decimating all populations on all sides with all power in all states controlled by one entity.

United States have been in conflict with other countries around the world most time after WWII and especially after the deep psychosis created by the Orson Welles show. But those conflicts at times have been slowed down or accelerated, depending on how much people started to figure out.

Otherwise, they use other means of controlling them, like most expensive health care and housing on Earth, which is toxic and deplorable, Hollywood which is populated exclusively by fake ID foreigners, liberal amount of drugs, Church of Scientology etc..

In Soviet Union people were controlled by means of forced feed propaganda, daily meetings, liberal amounts of alcohol etc..

Romania has been a center of entertainment for both East and West. A number of artists were transferred from Hollywood and Hungary over there, including both Ceaușescu, but also singers like Jim Croce who became tennis player now billionaire Ion Țiriac, Patsy Cline who became Irina Loghin, Sonny Bono who became Mihai Constantinescu, etc.. Dracula myth, first enacted by Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian, was exploited. Because people do still believe in those sort of things and generally are disgustingly gullible and ignorant and have learnt to trust only their charismatic figures.

Iran had a somehow different path. Not part of the Ottoman Empire, they became Muslims in the 7th century and an independent power in region. However, they were taken over too. After a failed westernization, in 79 they started to become what we know of them today.