Saturday, April 8, 2023

April 7

9:45 Let's give them something to talk about... Love... Trump... Egypt... Ostra-Broșteni...

10:30 În Monitorul de Suceava scrie vițel, în media centrală, taur. Nimeni nu sacrifică tauri acasă. Un taur poate ajunge la aproape 1000 kg. Viței, da. Se întâmplă frecvent în Bucovina. Carnea de vițel e mai fragedă decât cea de taur normal.

Un vițel însă nu e așa de înalt și când tragi asupra lui tragi în jos. O metodă foarte ciudată de a omorâ un vițel, chiar și în Bucovina. Cusută cu ață albă fiindcă Broșteni este la câțiva km de Ostra și Tarnița despre care am scris ieri. Aceeași veche metodă. Știri emoționale, probabil inventate, pentru a acoperi informațiile reale legitime.

Chiar vroiam să mai scriu despre. Când aveam 3-4 ani m-a luat mama în autobuzul de navetiști care ajungea la Ostra. E prima dată când am văzut culoarea ciudat violetă a unui răsărit, fiindcă am pornit noaptea.

Acolo îmi amintesc niște benzi rulante într-o sală mare cu un bazin cred pe care circulau pietricele de 3-5 cm bucata de minereu în care luceau bucățele de pirită, ude, deci nu era problemă de praf însă miroseau mult a sulf. Chiar aveam și acasă din alea. Nu știu exact cât a lucrat ea acolo.

În Câmpulung chiar era o expresie, "te ia manțul" (care vine probabil de la Manz deși nu am știut până recent) care substituia local expresia "te ia d...l" ce provenea cred de la ideea populară că cei care se băgau în pământ și scormoneau erau draci...

Însă mai târziu, după liceu cred, un fost coleg care lucra la mină (nu-mi amintesc exact care mină) spunea că se extrăgea și aur, câteva grame dintr-o tonă de steril, prin metodele cunoscute nouă de la Roșia Montana. Nu știu exact care e partea de mizerie creată de austrieci sau de comuniști, dar dezastrul ecologic din zonă e un subiect ignorat de publicul din România.

Când eram student prin 84-85 am lucrat odată într-o vară două săptămâni pe dealul Mănăila unde făceam un fel de analiză a subsolului prin metode electrice. Cred că am slăbit vreo 10 kg alergând pe dealul ăla (inginerul m-a lăsat șef peste puștanii ăia și a plecat și s-a întors în ultima zi) deși când am urcat am găsit la un magazin sătesc cașcaval afumat și cârnăciori ca de Sibiu...

Am avut noroc însă că am găsit niște săteni (vorba vine sat, casele erau la un km una de alta) care ne-au lăsat să dormim în podul cu fân, în loc de cort. Noaptea se mai auzeau împușcături, încercau să vâneze un urs pe undeva care se dedase la oi și vite. Acolo am băut cel mai bun lapte din viața mea, de la vaci de pe vârful muntelui...

Niște generatoare mari instalate undeva departe injectau curent continuu în pământ, curent care-și schimba polaritatea odată la două secunde. Mergeam pe deal urmărind o rețea imaginară și din loc (un număr de pași) puneam pe pământ (după ce smulgeam iarba) niște electrozi din ceramică poroasă care aveau înăuntru o soluție de sulfat de cupru și măsurăm și notam cifrele... Chiar și acum mă gândesc cât de valide erau acele măsurători. Erau variații mari, solul uneori era uscat, alteori ud... Copiii ăia (elevi de liceu) uneori nu mai puneau soluție în oalele alea de ceramică...

Când ne-am întors am mers mai mult pe jos și inginerul mi-a arătat undeva o movilă de pietre și mi-a spus "uite pe aici a fost austriacul..." (probabil un geolog austriac care a studiat terenul...)

Cred că în Bucovina sunt mult mai multe rezerve decât știm (sau mai bine zis ignorăm) noi. Cariera Pojorâta rămasă tot de pe timpul lui Manz, este la câțiva km de locul unde m-am născut și am trăit până la 14 ani. Nu departe de carieră era un loc cu apă adâncă în Moldova unde mergeam vara la baie...


6:55 Time travel with google maps. Due to some error, one image of the Furniture Factory in Câmpulung is from 2012 and the next is from 2021. It breaks my heart to see it gone with the click of a mouse. I remember it was raised in 1968 i guess with a year of noise and cranes and stuff. I worked in there many vaccations with my family.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 6

12:30 They continue the line with cell phone usage and i asked google a question. Early phones had at least an external antenna that was going a bit above your head, some with coaxial protection (on the right), current ones have the antenna inside. So they can fit better in your pocket, to be closer to you.

12:50 Choosing my confession... Today i called a called customer service (using google voice on the laptop that is connected by ethernet) and got to talk first with a woman from Guatemala that seemed to have just been awakened by my call, and the second time with a man with Asian accent though speaking very good English which is rare.

12:55 Somebody is smoking again too close to the building and throws the filters on the ground, that is just to cover what i wrote about smoke last night. That was not cigarette smoke for sure.

4:15 Mi-am amintit o fază.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ancient Egypt is Alive

In Japan.

First, the name argument. Jap - Gyp

Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid.

Known in Europe by his Greek name, Keops, his native name sounds Asian. He does look Asian as well.


The Emperor

The Emperor of Japan is regarded as god, in a way similar to Pharaohs or some Roman emperors. One of his appearances reminds of the human/bird character guarding the eye of Horus on the the representation of Wadjet. Wa in Japanese means harmony or sum or Japanese. A solar disk that seems to be the inspiration for the Japanese flag also appears on the head of many Egyptian deities. Athena.

Facial hair.

Climatic argument.

Cows were introduced to Egypt 8000 years ago when Sahara was green but could have been earlier in other parts of the world. We know that cows put up methane in the atmosphere, a powerful greenhouse gas. Could this have tipped the balance of the climate, breaking the Milankovitch cycles? Then the mighty builders of the pyramids, after deforestation and grazing of Sahara had to move further up north. However in Japan they kept building with paper, an Egyptian invention. Hence the fear of a Sun god.

In Northern Europe there is a similar ancient myth involving a hero suckling a celestial cow.

Also most intriguing, we have (wooden) statues of caucasian, blue eyed Egyptians. We cannot know if only upper class were; lower did not have statues. But my guess is they were employed by the alien rulers that made them with blue eyes so they can be easily distinguished from workers.

Ankh is an important clue to where they came from initially (at least some of them) but we can also find a version of it way up North, in a statue of (real) Thor (Horus?)

Writing system.

Some say the Chinese characters also used in Japan derive from hieroglyphs. But even Latin alphabet derived from a form of Egyptian writings, called hieratic.

Scarab. A very important figure in Ancient Egyptian pantheon (literally meaning all gods). Of many colors, they reflect nicely the Sun light. They push their ball of dung guided at night by the stars of the sky, two of the reasons they made it to the pantheon. Ball of dung representing the Sun. They are the cleaners of the Earth. I read somewhere that without them we will be soon covered in dung.

Possible source of inspiration for Scientology Thetan, they are present in the writings of Poe but also in the works of Freud's younger friend Jung.

To us most known from the Beetles cover where both Poe and Jung are present but the list of claimed up beat personalities is very long... Another, more famous cover of Beatles depicts Audumbla's (Very White) milk spilled on a little nice unsuspecting London street.
Freemasons. Openly claiming their inheritance from Ancient Egypt. Recently i discovered that their main symbol may derive from the shape of the Great Pyramid and its shafts, which may be among others, a tool of interstellar communications...

...There will be most likey additions to this post in the next few days...

April 5th

2:05 Just been outside to plug more holes. Can't sleep since half past midnight because of smoke and/or dog poop smell. It's useless to go, pick and throw those out. They will come right away at any hour day or night to bring some more. Smell is accompanied by aerosolized bacteria and possibly protozoa that i breathe. That changes the makeup of my microbial gut from human to dog.

Not having anything better to do i read the news. The tangled web of lies that create a sort of outside reality for most of us. That is when we have time to read/watch those, usually in a hurry. A glimpse on TV while changing entertainment channels. Maybe opening sites like me. And they design the lies accordingly. Many of those are impossible to verify but many won't stand any kind of analysis, even for a few seconds.

One thing they all have in common. The secondary messages, hidden behind the primary, usually emotionally charged. The so called subliminals or under the level of conscious perception.

Just read in disbelief about cell phones used by world leaders, starting with Putin who doesn't use a phone. The secondary message here is implied. The world leaders use cell phones which means they are not dangerous (unhealthy) to use. With added security bla bla. Only mean criminals don't.

Let me tell you why they can't. No matter how much encryption you add to a device, it will never be 100% safe. Cell phones are small and they can't possibly fit a supercomputer, the kind they use to break encryption codes. Then why take chances? World leaders (in our common perception) know things others shouldn't. Even if they don't talk about those on the phone, one could analyze let's say by example their state of mind after an important discussion and figure what decisions have been made.

But the main reason they shouldn't is of course, with a commonly sold cell phone comes logically the need of a provider. Which has a network, that eventually interconnects to another network of a different provider. So their voice, digitized, encrypted by the phone bla bla will travel to a tower, through fiber optics, eventually cross to other provider, other towers etc. passing through countless devices. At least 2 towers (but they sometimes get switched during a call) and 2 cell phones involved. Towers and phones can be intercepted by satellites, no doubt about. Then the caller's location can be easily tracked. Given enough time supercomputers then can break any encryption code.

Much safer and cheaper would be dedicated military style communication lines providing them means to talk to families etc.. But even wired landlines can be intercepted by satellites etc..

And the same question that comes to mind again and again. Why they call them cell phones? With enough radiating power to reach a tower miles away, they really talk to every cell in our bodies.

3:19 Milky way (holy cow!). Is this another example of secondary message?
3:30 Another wave of smoke, no obvious holes next to building, but some further away. One thing i noticed and remembered i did so in the past. The smoke always comes after a noise. Tonight it was the train at least a couple of times (that i can remember). A slow moving diesel locomotive, pretty loud in the silence of the night. During the day time it is usually preceded by a loud exhaust. Which means they have to cover some other noise that is related to the smoke. Maybe something moving in the ground or somebody walking etc..


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 4th

10:00 There is a saying in Romanian. The healthy don't believe the sick, the rich don't believe the poor. That's why i'm hesitating to write about my small mishaps but i still will because i believe what they're doing to me they did to others, over millennia. Unconventional procedures that can be applied individually that can make people sick, go mad or even die if they're in poor shape. It is not only visual cause they employ bio and chemical means. Technics that came of course from Australia where isolated people developed a separate "culture" for tens of millenia.

At 2:30 I woke up with shortness of breath. It took me about half hour to boot up a minimalist (safe) version of my conscience and realize what was happening. There was a big bulge in the soil right under my door and a pungent smell inside. After i flattened that out, it took me 3 hours to fall back asleep, around 5. Slept 4 and a half hours more, i woke up and found another one. If only for aerosols coming from those, but there is the smell of worms gathered together i3n the larder, the smell of whatever mole feces (they got to poop to cause the're eating their weight i worms every day), aerosolized kallikrein maybe that makes me lethargic.

As i was sitting on the couch and staring at the yard, an incredible view. A tall well built young hung Arian woman with gray pants and a jacket came, let the small dog poop and bent to pick it, facing the other way, showing a copious butt from under the jacket that slept away. After that, walked towards me, did a maneuver with the tog, got entangled, to justify a 360 turn and then leaving, again, in slow motion. 5 minutes later another one came, with black pants and red jacket and passed ft away from the building. Over the years i learned to realize those dressed in vampire clothes are supposed to be friendlier.

It smells like fresh dog annal sac oil and mole tunnel exhaust but if i want to go for a walk i have to eat first, otherwise i will crash after 10 minutes of effort or so. Thinking of a title i just on a site... For diversion of course.

10:15 I think i will make a google sheet list of songs that promote m...n. Right now i listen to "i'm coming up! I'm coming!". Still remembering the verses of Rihanna's song heard recently in a store. "Come into me!". But the list will be very long. Earlier i heard again in disbelief Ragdoll by Aerosmith, etc.. It will be at least one hundred titles, as on the the radio maybe one out of every three songs. Number One with Blondie. Number one in my mind that is of course. But i don't know what people would say about it cause most don't recognize what theses songs are about. Cause if they did, they would react.

No i can't shot down the radio cause i'm feeling so lonely... Not talking to people other than Angela for an entire week... Still learning English from music sang by non native or barely speaking English people who learned enough just to sing their ten hits they are playing to us for decades...

The real (subliminal) reason for Bruce Willis mysterious illness that left him speechless. (After i posted about this of course).

1:08 Absolutely by chance today i ran into something important. Where the brand name Audi and the four rings symbol comes from.

5:35 No i'm not doing it on purpose. Searched for something, found something else.

7:05 Descending from north or a mutation due to inbreeding?